Course Orientation 3Q2122 Date: _02/23/2022 I, _Angela Cheryl E. Grande , with student number _2020111425 , (program/year) ____CHE/2____, do hereby certify that I was provided the course syllabus and course orientation material for (course/section) ___CH050P/A31_______ which bears information on the vision and mission of the University, Program Educational Objectives (PEO’s), student outcomes (SO’s), course outcomes (CO’s), module system (if applicable), course coverage, grading schema, and course schedule, among others. I also certify that I have gone through the materials and I understand the stipulations therein. I am aware of the additional policy on the grade of 5.00, the revised grading schema resulting from it, and the departmental schedule of module examinations and I will abide by them because I choose to continue my enrollment into the course identified above this third term of school year 2021-2022. I further certify that I am also enjoined to raise clarifications on the syllabus content, if I have any. __ANGELA CHERYL E. GRANDE (2/23/22)__ Student Signature over Printed Name (date)