Student ID:___________________ Family Name:_________________ Other Name:__________________ Desk:________________________ Date:________________________ Exam Mark:___________________ Examination for the Bachelor of Engineering (Civil, Environmental & Mining Engineering) Semester 2 , 2010 Course ID: Mine Ventilation 3068 (Undergraduate) C&ENVENG Official Reading Time: Writing Time: Total Duration: 10 mins 120 mins 130 mins Parts A B Questions Answer all questions Answer one questions Time 90 mins (Recommended) 30 mins (Recommended) Marks 30 marks 10 marks 40 Total Instructions for Candidates This is a closed-book examination. The examination has 2 sections: Candidates must answer ALL three ( 3) questions from Part A . Candidates must answer ONLY ONE (1) question from Part B . All questions are of equal value. Examination materials must not be removed from the examination room. Show all calculations and assumptions. If you believe that a parameter or an important piece of information has been inadvertently omitted by the examiner, assume a suitable value, clearly stating it, and continue with the solution. Permitted Materials The use of calculators is permitted, this equipment to be supplied by the candidate. No pre-recorded material nor calculator instruction book is permitted, and calculators with remote communication links will be barred from the examination room. Graph paper will be provided. Books and notes MAY NOT be used. DO NOT COMMENCE WRITING UNTIL INSTRUCTED TO DO SO SECTION A ANSWER ALL THREE (3) QUESTIONS FROM THIS SECTION Question 1 Total 10 Marks A three heading maingate circuit in a coal mine has the layout depicted in the diagram below. The drawing is not to scale. The longwall blocks (i.e. E to F) are 3km long, and the longwall face (i.e. F to H) is 400m across. Cut throughs, spaced every 100m between mains, and stoppings are not shown. Goaf 20 m3/s 55 m3/s (To bleeder fan) Tailgates 25 m3/s To upcast shaft 718 Pa 100 m3/s A survey of the mine gives resistance values as follows: Travel roads, main return, and tailgate: Belt road: Longwall Face: R100 = 0.005Ns2/m8 (per 100 m) k = 0.019Ns2/m4 R100 = 0.020Ns2/m8 (per 100 m) The pressure drop across the maingate overcasts (i.e. E to G) is 718Pa Page 2 of 14 Required ventilation flow rates are given on the diagram above: Maingate roads beyond face (into Goaf and then leaking to bleeder fan): Longwall Face: Maingate conveyor belt: 20m3/s 55m3/s 25m3/s For the calculations below, ignore the length of goaf already mined. Ignore any leakage between inlet and outlet airways. Assume a density of 1.2 kg/m3. It may help you to sketch a resolved network showing the inlet and outlet airways. a) Calculate the resistance of a single 3000m travel road [1 mark] b) Calculate the resistance of the 3000m conveyor belt road; the road has a 5m x 3 m high profile. [1 mark] c) Calculate the resistance of the combined fresh air inlets E to F. [1 mark] d) Calculate the combined resistance of the longwall & return airways (F-H-I) [1 mark] e) Calculate the frictional pressure drop across the regulator, R. [1 mark] f) Calculate the pressure drops throughout the circuit, and fill them in on the table below. Ignore any flow through the overcasts [2 marks] Airway Flow Rate (m3/s) E–F 100 F – H (longwall) 55 Pressure drop (Pa) H – I (tailgates) E – G (overcasts) F–G ignore ignore 25 Regulator in F - G G–I g) Briefly explain any three (3) of the following coal mining items and give their purpose. Use labeled sketches where helpful. i. ii. iii. iv. [3 marks] Brattice Overcasts Coffin Seal Limiting intake velocitie Page 3 of 14 Question 2 Total 10 Marks The temperatures of air at the beginning of a horizontal tunnel are 15C/20C. The AB section of the tunnel is 500m with a cross section of 5m 3m and k=0.012Ns2/m4. The BC section of the tunnel is 250m with a cross section of 4.5m 3.5m and k=0.015Ns2/m4. The total heat added to the air in the AB section is 506kW. Assume 50m3/s air enters the tunnel at point A and the pressure remains constant throughout the tunnel (P=100kPa). You can use the attached Psychrometric chart for your entire analysis. QA=50 m3/s A Heat=506 kW B WB=15C DB=20C a) Determine the wet bulb temperature at point B? C [1 mark] b) How much is the dry bulb temperature at point B if the moisture exchange throughout the process from A to B is 63.3ml/s? [1 mark] c) Calculate the volumetric flow rate of humid air at point B? [1 mark] d) If a 320kW (rated power) loader enters section BC of the tunnel, determine the wet bulb temperature at point C. Assume 33% diesel efficiency and continuous operation at 38.18% load. [1 mark] e) Calculate the moisture exchange throughout the process from B to C if the dry bulb temperature does not change from B to C (ie. DBC=DBB) [1 mark] f) Calculate the volumetric flow rate of humid air at point C? [1 mark] g) How much diesel fuel would the loader consume at this work rate over an 8 hour shift? [1 mark] Calorific value of diesel fuel is 45.6MJ/kg Density of diesel fuel = 845 kg/m3 h) Using the approximation that 50kW of heat raises the temperature of 10m 3/s of air by 1C WB, what would the return side wet bulb temperature be if a second loader was to work in the same section (ie. BC) with the same work rate, air quantity and intake temperatures? [1 mark] i) Is it acceptable for a second loader to operate in this area using normal standards for m3/s per kW (rated power) and resultant air temperatures, explain your answer? [1 mark] Page 4 of 14 j) Provide values for the following; [1 mark] Wet bulb temperature below which heat stress effects are negligible. Wet bulb temperature above which work should not be undertaken. Question 3 Total 10 Marks A mine is using two fans in parallel to exhaust 429 m3/s at 2650 Pa from an upcast shaft. The Natural Ventilation Pressure in the mine is 100 Pa. The combined characteristic curve (plotted on the graph) for these two fans in parallel and at a speed of 700 rpm is as follows: Quantity (m3/s) 275 380 475 600 Pressure (Pa) 3215 2880 2100 0 a) Calculate the mine resistance (Ns2/m8) from the observed operating point? [1 mark] b) Plot the mine resistance curve on the attached curve and identify the operating point. [1 mark] c) If the fan efficiency is 80% and the cost of power is $0.15 per kwh, what is the annual cost of power for this operating duty. [1 mark] During maintenance one of the fans is turned off and the other one’s speed is increased to 900rpm. d) Calculate the characteristic curve for a single fan at 700rpm and plot on the graph? [3 marks] e) Calculate the characteristic curve for a single fan at 900rpm and plot on the graph? [3 marks] f) Identify the operating point (m3/s and Pa) when the single unit is operating at 900rpm assuming the mine resistance remains the same. [1 mark] Page 5 of 14 Page 6 of 14 SECTION B ANSWER ONLY ONE (1) QUESTION FROM THIS SECTION Question 4 Total 10 Marks a) 70 m3/s of air containing 15ppm CO and 0.75% CH4 mixes with 40m3/s of air containing 10ppm CO and 1.1% CH4. Find the concentration of CO and CH4 in the mixture [1 mark] At what rate is CH4 leaving the mixing point in l/s? [1 mark] b) A section of a mine makes methane gas at a rate of 900l/s and is ventilated by a total of 75m 3/s intake air containing 0.2% of the gas by volume. What is the concentration of the gas leaving the section? [2 marks] Is this an acceptable level in a coal mine in NSW? Give reason. [1 mark] c) The density of a gas mixture found in an underground mine is 1.153kg/m3, the pressure is 90kPa (abs) and the temperature 20°C. 2m3/s of the gas mixture is reticulated through underground pipes and reaches the surface pump inlet at 60kPa (abs) and 26°C. Using gas laws determine the volumetric flow rate in the pipe at surface. [1 mark] Find the density at surface. [1 mark] d) Identify five (5) fire ignition sources in underground mines. Identify five (5) potential sources of fuel for mine fires. [1 mark] [1 mark] List the five (5) different categories of fire. Question 5 [1 mark] Total 10 Marks a) Define any four (4) properties used to describe or characterise dust. [2 marks] b) Describe any two (2) Heat Stress Indices commonly used in underground mines. [4 marks] c) Name any four (4) properties of coal affecting the propensity for spontaneous combustion. [2 marks] d) Describe four (4) important aspects/contents of a mine’s heat stress management plan required to protect the workforce from adverse effects of hot working conditions? [2 marks] Page 7 of 14 Exam Data Pf = R .Q2 Square law. Q= air quantity, m3/s Pf = frictional pressure, Pa R = resistance, Ns2/m8 Atkinson’s equation. R=K.C.L. A3 1.2 = density, kg/m3 C = circumference, m K = Atkinson’s friction factor,Ns2/m8 A = cross sectional area, m2 Shock Losses. Ps = X. 0.5. .V2 L = length, m OR Ps = X. 0.5. .Q2 A2 Ps = shock loss, Pa V = velocity, m/s Series Airways. Rtot = R1 + R2 +….Rn Parallel Airways. 1 = 1 + 1 + ….. 1 . Rtot R1 R2 Rn Resistance for n identical airways Rtot = R/n X = shock loss factor Qtot RnQn 2 To calculate quantity in each path, pressure common to all airways. Qn = Rtot.Q2tot Rn Pressure Relationships Ptotal = Pstatic + Pvelocity P1 + V12 + gh1 + Pfan = P2 + V22 + g h2 + Pfric 2 2 OR P2 = P1 + (V12 – V22) + g (h1 – h2) - Pfric + Pfan Page 8 of 14 Exam Data Pf RQ2 Square law. Q= air quantity, m3/s Pf = frictional pressure, Pa R = resistance, Ns2/m8 R Atkinson’s equation. = density, kg/m3 C = circumference, m k.C.L A 3 1.2 K = Atkinson’s friction factor,Ns2/m4 A = cross sectional area, m2 L = length, m Ps 0.5XV 2 Shock Losses. OR Q2 Ps 0.5X 2 A Ps = shock loss, Pa Series Airways. V = velocity, m/s X = shock loss factor Rtot R1 R2 .....Rn Qtot 1 1 1 1 .... Rtot R1 R2 Rn Parallel Airways. RnQn Resistance for n identical airways Rtot R n2 To calculate quantity in each path, pressure common to all airways. Qn Rtot .Qtot 2 Rn Page 9 of 14 Pressure Relationships: Ptotal Pstatic Pvelocity V12 V22 P1 gh1 Pfan P2 gh2 Pfric 2 2 P2 P1 (V12 V22 ) g(h1 h2 ) Pfan Pfric 2 End Pstatic = Start Pstatic plus change Pvelocity plus Phead - Pfric + Pfan P gh Column Pressure h = height of column, m g = gravity, m/s2 Approximate equation for Regulator Areas A2 1.2Q P Friction Factor Values for Mining Applications Lim it of square law Friction Factor K Ns2/m4 0.016 0.014 Mining applications Turbulent 0.012 0.010 e/D 0.05 Transitional 0.008 0.025 0.006 0.01 0.004 0.001 0.0001 0.004 0.002 Lam inar 0.000 1.0E+03 Smooth 1.0E+04 1.0E+05 1.0E+06 1.0E+07 Reynolds Number Fan laws Page 10 of 14 Speed change Q1 S1 Q2 S2 Air quantity directly proportional. 2 P1 S1 P2 S2 Pressure proportional to square of speed. 3 kW1 S1 kW2 S2 Density change Power proportional to cube of speed. P1 1 P2 2 Q1 Q2 Pressure proportional to density. Note Fan Total pressure = Fan static pressure + Velocity pressure at discharge area. Fan Efficiency = Air Power PQ 100% Absorbed Power 1000.E Q = quantity, m3/s P = pressure Pa E E = electrical power, kW 3V .I.cos kw AC 1000 Gases And Gas Laws E av E V .I kw DC 1000 C1t1 C2 t 2 ...... Cn t n T Eav = Average Exposure Ci = Concentration for period i ti = Duration of exposure period, hours T = Total exposure time, hours E eq E av . Eeq = Equivalent exposure T 8 Approximate Net Gas Make: Page 11 of 14 G Q (Cout Cin ) 0.01 m3/s G Q (Cout Cin ) 10 l/s G = Gas flow rate, m3/s or l/s quantity, m3/s C = Concentration, % Q = Total Heat Relationships m Mass flow rate of air Q ASV m = mass flow, kg/s Q = quantity, m3/s ASV = apparent specific volume, m3/kg Heat Exchange q m(S2 S1)kW Moisture Exchange R m(r1 r2 )g/s q = heat, kW S = sigma heat, kJ/kg r = moisture content (apparent specific humidity) g/kg Approximately 50 kW heat raises the temperature of 10 m3/s by 1.0˚C wet bulb in warm conditions. WB Increase per 1000 m 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Surface Wet Bulb C Work against gravity Page 12 of 14 (Z 2 Z1 ) 1000 qgrav = diesel heat load, kWm = mass, kg/s or l/s for water g = gravity (9.8 m/s2) Z2, Z1 = start and end elevation, m qgrav mg Work to raise a mass Diesel Unit Heat Average heat from diesel units qdiesel RP .Pt av .Pt ut qdiesel = diesel heat load, kW Ptzv = percent time available, % RP = rated power of unit, kW Ptu = percent utilization, % Average heat from fuel consumed qdiesel η = diesel efficiency Q f .D f .C f t op qdiesel = diesel heat load, kW Cf = calorific value of diesel fuel, (typical = 45.6 x 103 kJ/kg) Qf = quantity of fuel used, litres top = total operating time during which fuel is consumed, s Df = fuel density, typical 845 kg/m3 (use 0.845 kg/l) Psychrometric Equations 287.045 (tdb 273.15) 3 m /kg air (P e) 287.045 (t db 273.15) 3 m /kg v air True specific volume: TSV (P 0.378e) 1 kg/m 3 vair True density: true TSV 1 ASH (1 + ) kg/m 3 vair True density:true ASV 1000 Apparent specific volume: ASV where, P = Barometric Pressure e = Actual vapour pressure tdb = Dry bulb temperature Page 13 of 14 Periodic Table of elements