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Biology Activity: Physical Development & Ethnic Stereotypes

Name: Charlene T. Marcial
Section: BS Bio 1B
Chapter 1 Activity
1. PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT: How did you “evolve”?
Instructions: Make an e-scrapbook on what you used to look like when you were still a baby, pre-teen,
teenager, and yourself now. Identify your physical changes and tell us the physical similarities you have
inherited from your parents/grandparents. (50 Points)
2. ETHNIC LABELLING: Identifying stereotypes.
Instructions: Given the different ethnic groups below, indicate the stereotypes you have heard from other
people about them. On the other column, tell us then how your interactions with them: does it match the
stereotype? Or did it tell otherwise? (50 Points)
Ethnic Group
1. Tagalogs
2. Muslims
3. Aetas
4. Ilonggos/Ilonggas
5. Bisaya/Cebuanos
Real-life Interaction
Tagalogs are “conyo.”
I have a lot of friends who are
Tagalog and majority of them
are not “conyo,” hence my
friends and I talk normally.
All muslims are terrorists.
I had a classmate who was
Muslim. She was really kind and
helped me with activities and is
very approachable.
Aetas are uncivilized.
Although I have never met an
Aeta personally, I have seen a
few videos of them and I think
they are not uncivilized like
what non-Aetas think.
Ilonggos/Ilonggas are sweet and I met an Ilonggo from a game
cheerful people.
called “League of Legends.” He
is a sweet amd nice person and
we became friends after a few
games. We also exchanged
socials and until now we still
talk and ask each other how we
are doing.
loud As a Bisaya myself, I am a very
silent person. In public places, I
do not hear any clamor from the
crowd, thus I believe this
stereotype is not true.
Based on my experiences with people who belong to an ethnic group, the way society sees them is
sometimes different from who they really are. Stereotypes can either give ineffable expectations or
greatly ruin their image. People then tend to be devalued simply because they belong in a certain group,
not realizing that they are humans too and everyone is different. What we are as people does not depend
on the ethnic group we belong to, hence attitudes and presonality traits should not be generalized.