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Magnetic Fields Quiz SPH4U: Electromagnetic Fields Test

Magnetic Fields
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QUIZ # 03 (Electromagnetic Fields)
Q1. Multiple Choices
For the following questions choose the best answer
i). A charged particle is placed into a uniform magnetic field with an initial velocity of zero. If
no electric or gravitational forces act on the particle, then it
a. accelerates straight forward
b. does not move
c. moves in a circle
d. moves at constant speed
e. none of these
ii). If particles with the same initial velocity and charge pass into and perpendicular to a uniform
magnetic field, then
a. the radius of curvature is the same for each particle
b. the radius of curvature is greater for the more massive particles
c. the radius of curvature is greater for the less massive particles
d. all the particles spiral with decreasing radius under all circumstances
e. none of the these
iii).If two wires, with currents as in Figure 1, cross each other at right angles, one slightly above
the other, forming four regions, which region has the strongest magnetic field pointing out of
the page?
Figure 1
a. I
b. II
c. III
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d. IV
e. The fields are the same in each region.
iv). Particles A, B, C, and D with the same charge and speed are placed into a uniform magnetic
field (Figure 2). Which one experiences the smallest force?
Figure 2
They all experience the same force.
v). Four particles with the same charge and speed are placed into a uniform magnetic field
(Figure 2). Which particle experiences a force directed into the page?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
e. They all experience a force out of the page.
Q2. True/False
Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.
i). A charge moving in a direction perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field experiences a
force, but its velocity does not change.
ii). When a charged particle is fired into and perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field, it moves
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along a circular path until it escapes the field.
iii).The force on a conductor in a uniform magnetic field is perpendicular to both the current in
the conductor and the magnetic field.
iv).Reversing the direction of the current in a conductor in a uniform magnetic field reverses the
direction of the force on the conductor.
v). The magnetic field on the outside of a coaxial cable is proportional to the current in the
Q3. Completion
For the following question(s), fill in the blank with the most appropriate term from the chapter, unit, or
i). A(n) _______ exists in a region of space when an appropriate object experiences a force in
that region.
ii). If a charged particle passes into a(n) _______ field perpendicular to the field lines, the speed
does not change.
iii).A(n) _______ cable is shielded from both electric and magnetic fields.
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