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Business Automation in Project Management: Research Paper

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Word Count: 3062
Executive Summary
Business automation plays a crucial part in maintaining the overall project management
infrastructure along with the operational areas. In this manner, it is important to conduct proper
technologies and software in order to increase the efficiency, the level of innovation and the
productivity for the workplace. However, it can be stated that the business automation is
beneficial for monitoring, planning and executing the projects with a credible manner. Therefore,
completing the project before the estimated time frame along with maintaining the project
quality and innovation level, conduction of business automation systems places a positive
influence in the area. In this study the impact of business automation in managing complex
projects will be discussed along with recognizing the positive implication of AI technologies in
the area of need for getting better results and performance.
Table of Contents
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Aim ................................................................................................................................................. 4
Research question ........................................................................................................................... 4
Review of literature......................................................................................................................... 4
Impact of data driven culture to manage the complex project .................................................... 4
Implementation of SPM for betterment of project execution ..................................................... 5
Methodology ................................................................................................................................... 9
Research philosophy ................................................................................................................... 9
Research design ......................................................................................................................... 10
Research approach..................................................................................................................... 10
Data collection method and data analysis ................................................................................. 11
Validity and reliability .............................................................................................................. 12
Limitation .................................................................................................................................. 12
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 13
Reference List ............................................................................................................................... 14
The modern trend of technology is spreading across different layers of the business marketing
area at both national and international level, implementation of proper and suitable technologies
and automated systems can help in managerial and operational areas. In this manner, it can be
stated that the conduction of strategies related to automation places a massive and positive effect
in the area of developing the structure of project management. However, increasing the level of
innovation and productivity can be possible due to the implementation of automated system
planning. In this study, the critical evaluation of impact of business automation in project
management will be discussed in a significant and efficient manner.
Aim of the research is mentioned below●
To evaluating the role of business automation in running a successful project in an
Research question
How data driven culture will help manage complex projects?
Review of literature
Impact of data driven culture to manage the complex project
Environment of data driven culture motivates an organization to create decisions utilizing
reliable data. Interpreting data along with that deep thinking are equally useful for any kind of
business as it supports in enhancing business decisions depending upon its analytics including
insights. Organizations with powerful data-driven cultures intend to have best managers, are
setting an exception that several decisions need to be anchored in respect of managing data and it
is normal not that exceptional (Kamble et al. 2020). The most compelling advantage of being a
data-driven culture is mainly the capability to enhance agility along with making quick decisions
depending upon meticulous data insights. The organization should transfer fastly to capitalize
upon several opportunities in current’s digital customer landscape.
In any case, if an
organization has an effective data driven culture, then employees in that organization generally
enhances their coordination as a result of that they gain strength to handle complex projects
easily because of coordination. Data -driven culture helps in tracking progress and it supports in
making effective organizational decisions (Hosny et al. 2018). A data driven culture motivates
an organization to make easy decisions therefore, due to this advantage that organization
facilitates the whole process of managing complex project management works.
Conduction of the SEM (Software Engineering Management) processes
SEM can be considered as the application regarding activities of management, it comprises
planning, measuring, controlling, coordinating, monitoring along with reporting. It is ensuring
that the maintenance including development of software that is disciplines, systematic and
quantified. As per views of Liang et al. (2018), several benefits of this SEM procedure are there
and this software helps in mitigating risks, managing budgets, enhanced planning along with
scheduling, and effective collaboration. This project management software supports keeping
several things centralized along with that it also supports keeping track regarding the project
collaboration including that it promotes the real time tracking. In this manner, conduction of
proper software’s according to the project criteria is beneficial as this can improve the overall
quality of work along with strengthening the infrastructure of the project. However, conduction
of SEM can improve the entire process of project conduction that includes recognizing the risk
factors, keeping the updates of different stages of the project, sorting the prioritized activities,
implementing major changes in the area of need.
Figure 1: Business automation for project management
(Source: Liang et al. 2018)
Implementation of SPM for betterment of project execution
SPM or the software project management place a positive and massive effect in the area of
controlling the success rate of the project execution along with maintaining the quality of work
and completing the task before the allocated deadline. In addition to this, SPM can be beneficial
in terms of improving the project planning and scheduling for the construction of the entire
project in a credible manner (Hannila et al. 2020). A wide range of beneficial factors can be
obtained due to the implementation of the SPM (Software Project Management) that are
mentioned below
● Project planning
The planning and scheduling of projects are essential to successful project management,
regardless of the methodology used. Accessing the project history of relevant team members is
easy with this project management solution. Project managers can also determine which tasks are
most important and build a consistent management plan accordingly. With project management
software, resource scheduling, identifying dependencies, setting deadlines, and creating
deliverables are easy. An effective project management tool should have features that can
streamline the planning and scheduling of the project, since a good start lays the foundation for
success. On the other hand, conduction of SPM can be advantageous in terms of constructing the
project planning, resource allocation and estimated timeframe for the entire project at the initial
level of the project (Himanen et al. 2019). SPM can improve the planning structure of the project
as this is helpful for getting better results that are related to the project.
Figure 2: Project management circle
(Source: Himanen et al. 2019)
● Enhancing collaboration
It is not unusual for different departments to be represented on a project team. In addition to
managing their daily responsibilities, they are expected to attend meetings and stay updated,
which makes it difficult for other stakeholders to regularly attend meetings. The result of this
communication gap could be a prolonged delay of projects as well as problems that end up
wasting a lot of valuable time and resources. The ease of collaboration with a project team is one
of the most important advantages of a project management system. Communication can be
handled in a single location. Easily access insights like project timelines and status updates, and
have notifications sent to the appropriate parties automatically (Al-Mamun et al. 2018).
Therefore, it can be mentioned that the collaboration level and the interconnection among the
employees or the participants of the project in a n effective manner as this is beneficial for
improving the project productivity.
● Project execution
In order to gain a better understanding about the entire project phenomena, SPM plays an
important role in the area. SPM enables a way for the project managers in terms of getting
authentic and accurate infrastructure and the situation of the project (Amisha et al. 2019).
Therefore, SPM can improve the entire process of project execution with a positive and credible
● Project monitoring
Project monitoring can be possible throughout the implementation of the SPM or the suitable
software and the technologies. Adoption of the SPM technologies can play an essential role in
supervising the overall project workflow and the performance level and the work efficiency of
the employees involved with the project (Shamim et al. 2019). However, SPM can help the
project managers to recognize the error factors and the challenges from the different layers of the
project as this enables a way for the developers to implement major strategies in the area of need
for enhancing the project infrastructure in an effective way.
Impact of AI technologies in enhancing user experience
AI or the artificial intelligence technologies can improve the user experience and create a broad
way for both users and project managers as the AI technologies offer more detailed and
explained elaboration against the enquiries (Johnson et al. 2018). On the other hand, AI based
technologies can place credible influence along with the user’s experience through offering
details and explanations about the entire project. In an addition to this, the AI technologies can
offer a wide range of benefits that are mentioned as follows● Increased efficiency
AI technology can improve the overall quality of the project along with increasing the level of
innovation. On this note, enhancing the efficiency through saving time and cost, AI technologies
has taken a place in the area of enhancing the quality of life and workplace environment (Draxl
and Scheffler, 2018). Enhancing efficiency can improve the quality of work and maintain a
sustainable workflow as this is beneficial for managing the complex projects with more
credibility and efficiency.
● Improvement of workflow
AI technology can help in reducing the error factors and the challenges along with recording the
time flow and the performance level along with storing the essential updates or information.
Therefore, it can be stated that the AI technologies are advantageous in terms of saving cost and
time both at the same time as this enables a way for maintaining the work efficiency and the
workflow (Wright and Schultz, 2018.). In addition to this, AI technologies place a positive
influence in terms of enhancing the quality of work along with the workplace productivity level.
● Reducing the human error rates
Conduction of the AI technologies can be beneficial in order to reduce the rate of human errors
and the critical challenges that can be explored among different organizational segments and
different layers of project execution (Haenlein and Kaplan, 2019). However, AI is helpful for
resolving human errors as this can improve the quality of work and the innovation level in an
effective manner.
● Enable broad way for data analysis
AI technologies can be utilized in order to explore different layers of analyzing the data that has
been obtained from different resources and are related to the project (Anagnoste, 2018). AI
technologies enable a way for the researcher to gain a critical outline through a descriptive and
detailed manner as this enhances the quality of work and the further process of the project in an
efficient manner.
● Helped in decision making
In the area of decision making under different critical circumstances, AI technology plays a
crucial role as these leads towards the stage of conclusion along with extracting a suitable and
appropriate finding about the research that is related to the project study (Vaishya et al. 2020).
Impact of automation in enhancing the workflow and productivity
Automating processes is already revolutionizing business and customer service. In addition to
training robots to do repetitive tasks that humans avoid, machine learning also involves
developing software robots. Simple data entry and processing can also be performed by robots
more efficiently than by humans (Vishnoi et al.2020). Automation increases productivity and
boosts confidence in employees, when a firm incorporates automation into their workflow. An
automated function can learn as it performs these features if a firm uses machine learning.
Robots learn the steps and adjustments they need to make after completing a task, so they are
more efficient the next time they are used. Furthermore, the computer can identify problematic
orders or interactions, alert an operator, and then offer a solution, like quarantining the order or
data until an operator can intervene, though in a more sophisticated manner.
The advent of automation will change the daily working habits and may eliminate some jobs and
even entire fields in the coming years. Automation will affect some industries more than others,
but it will reduce the need for people to handle rote tasks - and increase the need for individuals
who can think critically and creatively (Gunning and Aha, 2019). Automating repetitive and
boring tasks is a good choice for human workers. Humans may take a day to read through a ream
of data, but automated robots don't get bored while they process multiple pages of data. Having a
workflow process that begins with customer and client information might delay the start of
projects if too much information needs to be entered. Input and processing are being handled by
a human operator, which takes a lot longer than the automated process. Automation of these
tasks will enable the organization to increase the efficiency of its workflow, allowing the team to
take on more projects per year.
Research philosophy
A research philosophy can be considered as a belief regarding the path in that data regarding a
phenomenon need to be collected, utilized and analyzed. Philosophical viewpoints are necessary
because, when created explicitly, they express the assumptions that several researchers are
creating about their process of research. Research philosophy comprises four major varieties of
research and these four types of research philosophy are Positivism, Pragmatism, Interpretivism
along with Realism. Particularly, for this study Positivism research philosophy will be utilized
as this philosophy is a vigorous procedure if setting hypotheses. This philosophy supports deep
analysis in order to measure the outcomes. Realism philosophy would not be suitable for this
study because realism research ignores the necessity of imagination and emotions. In addition,
this research philosophy also ignores the final reality regarding the spiritual world in terms of its
zeal for instant reality of the material world. Moreover, it can be mentioned that conduction of
Positivism research philosophy has placed a massive influence to gain a critical understanding
about the impact of automation systems in running the business success and managing complex
Research design
Research design refers to the framework regarding the methods of market research along with
techniques that have been selected by a researcher. Research design also comprises the
components regarding data collection, including measurement related to data with the necessary
tools along with data analysis. Two types of research design are Explanatory and Exploratory
research design. In this research work Explanatory research design will be used in order to
conduct this whole research procedure. Through utilizing this research design a researcher will
be able to gain more flexibility and the researcher would also be able to adapt to several changes
as the whole research comes to its progress. This research design supports in laying the main
foundation of this research, this might lead to next research. Exploratory research design would
not be suitable for this research work (Bonell et al. 2018). The main disadvantage of this
research design is that it gives qualitative data and this research design includes a miniature
sample, therefore, the outcomes might not be exactly interpreted for a population that is
generalized. Moreover, utilization of Explanatory research design would be beneficial for
conducting this research study as this research design would support in getting understanding
regarding the procedure of managing project management.
Research approach
The research approach can be referred to planning along with a procedure that comprises several
steps regarding vast assumptions to deeply explained outline methods regarding data collection,
interpretation (Alharahsheh and Pius, 2020). It is, hence, dependent upon the nature regarding
the research issue being addressed. Two types of research approach are Deductive and inductive
research approach.
Figure 3: Elements of research approach
(Source: Alharahsheh and Pius, 2020)
In order to conduct this research, work Inductive research approach will be utilized and
qualitative data needs an inductive approach in order to analyze the whole procedure. Inductive
research approach provides more flexibility in doing analysis and it attends more closely to the
context and helps the generation regarding latest theory (Park et al. 2020). The initial strength of
an inductive research approach is its utilization in predicting what can occur in the next
generation or else building the chances regarding encountering something. For this study, a
deductive research approach will not be effective as it might lead to false conclusions of research
work and it does not provide exact and organized data effectively and this research study is also
time taking. Therefore, it can be stated that application of an inductive research approach has
played a significant role in gaining critical understanding regarding business automation and
managing projects.
Data collection method and data analysis
Data collection methods can be considered as the crucial section during a project conduction, as
this stage includes the overall process of collecting data and information about the research study
(Ryan, 2018). There are mainly two types of data collection methods that can be explored in the
area that are Primary data collection method and Secondary data collection method.
Figure 4: Data collection method
(Source:Ryan, 2018 )
Primary data collection method is based on collecting data from the first-hand resources such as
interview, surveys while the secondary data collection method is based on retaining data from
the second-hand resources such as journals, articles, newspapers and theories by other experts.
For this study, the secondary data collection method has been utilized in order to gain descriptive
data and information about the impact of business automation in managing complex projects. In
terms of analyzing the data for reaching the conclusive stage with suitable findings that are
related to the study, the secondary quantitative data analysis method has been utilized in the area.
As the secondary qualitative data analysis involves both thematic and systematic data analysis
method, this can offer descriptive and quality findings about the research with a credible and
effective manner, therefore it can be mentioned that secondary thematic analysis has placed a
massive and positive influence in the area of extracting proper and reliable findings regards the
research topic.
Validity and reliability
The data that has been collected for the study only authentic second-hand resources has been
selected for getting a critical outline about the impact of business automation in controlling the
success rate of the project management. For this study, only the published journals after 2017
have been collected in order to retain current information about the study. Only the journals
written in English have been selected for the proceeding with the study.
Lack of budget and insufficient time has created a major hindrance in order to complete the
project before the allocated deadline and maintain the quality of the project. On the other hand,
lack of availability of the libraries due to the pandemic situation has created a wide range of
major interruption in the area of data collection as this has affected the project infrastructure.
End-to-end project management software, Project Business Automation (PBA) integrates all
business processes into one system, allowing for a fully automated project management process.
Through recognizing project-based analytics. PBA involves managing the financial aspects of
projects and project portfolios. In addition to cost breakdown structures, budget management,
estimates at completion, project costing, and cost-to-completion, budgets at completion can be
managed by the business automation. On this note, it includes cash flow management, monthend reporting, and revenue recognition and revenue projections as this is beneficial for managing
a complex project. However, it excludes estimates at completion, budgets at completion, and
cost-to-completion. This is typically handled by ERP and accounting software, as well as
spreadsheet programs. Project business analysts are responsible for the operational side of
projects. On the other hand, business automation can be beneficial in recognizing and resolving
the risks, enhancing the quality, innovation, productivity and project control in an efficient and
significant manner.
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