1. Accepts an item name, quantity of an item, unit price and discount. Compute for the subtotal, discounted price and total price of the item. Start Subtotal = 0 = 12*3 = 26 DiscountedPrice = 0 = 26 * (20*1/100) = 5.2 Total = 0 = 26 – 5.2 = 20.8 Subtotal = 0, DiscountedPrice = 0 Total = 0 ItemName = Coffee Quantity = 3 Price = 12 Discount% = 20 Accept ItemName, Quantity, Price, Discount% Coffee 3 Subtotal = Price * Quantity DiscountedPrice = Subtotal * (Discount% * 1/100) Total = Subtotal – DiscountedPrice 12 20 26 20.8 Print ItemName, Quantity, Price, Discount%, Subtotal, Total End 2. Reads a value for length, width, radius, and compute for the area of a circle and rectangle. Display length, width, area of rectangle, radius and area of circle. Start AreaOfRectangle = 0 = 4 * 6 = 24 AreaOfCircle = 0 = Pi * 5 * 5 = 25Pi Length = 4 Width = 6 Radius = 5 AreaOfRectangle = 0 AreaOfCircle = 0 Read Length, Width, Radius 4 6 24 AreaOfRectangle = Length * Width AreaOfCircle = Pi * r * r Print Length, Width, AreaOfRectangle, Radius, AreaOfCircle End 5 25Pi