Teaching Math in the Intermediate Grades Course description As preparation for teaching mathematics in the intermediate grades, this course emphasizes the integration of technological pedagogical content knowledge that includes topics on rational numbers, measurement, geometric figures, pre – algebra concepts, application of simple probability and data analysis. This course is capped with microteaching that utilizes appropriate teaching strategies for the development of critical and problem solving skills, reasoning, communicating, making connections, representations, and decisions in real life situations. Course Schedule and Assessment Rubrics Time Frame Topic Resources Assessment Rubrics Theme: Championing the Dignity of the Human Person and Valuing Human Life Weeks 1-2 1. Algebraic Thinking: Generalizations, Patterns and Functions 1.1 Algebraic Thinking 1.2 Generalization from Arithmetic and from Patterns 1.3 Meaningful use of Symbols 1.4 Making Structure in the Number System Explicit 1.5 Study of Patterns and Functions Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally (2010) by John Van De Walle, Karen Karp and Jennifer BayWilliams Teaching Elementary Mathematics: A Resource for Field Experiences 3rd Edition (2007) by Nancy Smith, Diana Lambdin, Mary Lindquist and Robert Reyes Rubric for grading Round Robin Charts Round Robin Charts Quiz https://mason.gmu.edu/~jsuh 4/impact/PFAEntire.pdf https://slideplayer.com/slide/9 114945/#.XWPR8Ykil10.emai l Weeks 3–4 2 Developing Strategies for Fraction Computation Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally 3-2-1 countdown This study source was downloaded by 100000803897781 from CourseHero.com on 12-27-2021 08:09:37 GMT -06:00 https://www.coursehero.com/file/56462675/Teaching-Math-in-the-Intermediate-Grades-Syllabusdocx/ Rubric for grading responses to the 2.1 Number Sense and Fraction Algorithms 2.2 Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division of Fractions 3 Weeks 5–6 Weeks 7–8 Proportional Reasoning 3.1 Types of Ratios 3.2 Proportional Reasoning 3.3 Comparing and Scaling 3.4 Proportional Reasoning Across the Curriculum 4. Developing Measurement Concepts 1.1 The Meaning and Process of Measuring 1.2 Length and Area 1.3 Investigations in Number, Data and Space (Volume and Capacity; Weight and Mass;Time; Money; Angles) 1.4 Introducing Standard Units 1.5 Estimating measures 1.6 Developing Formulas for Area and Volume M I D T E (2010) by John Van De Walle, Karen Karp and Jennifer BayWilliams 3-2-1 countdown https://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/D ocs/PracticeGuide/fractions_p g_093010.pdf A Comparative Analysis of the Addition and Subtraction of Fractions in Textbooks (2010) by Charalambos Y. Charalambous, Seán Delaney, Hui-Yu Hsu & Vilma Mesa Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally (2010) by John Van De Walle, Karen Karp and Jennifer BayWilliams One-minute Papers Rubric for Grading One-Minute papers Critical Explanation Rubric for grading critical explanation Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics Grades 3 – 5 Volume Two (2006) by John Van de Walle and LouAnn Lovin http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng /teachers/studentsuccess/pro portionreason.pdf Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally (2010) by John Van De Walle, Karen Karp and Jennifer BayWilliams Teaching Elementary Mathematics: A Resource for Field Experiences 3rd Edition (2007) by Nancy Smith, Diana Lambdin, Mary Lindquist and Robert Reyes http://eworkshop.on.ca/edu/re sources/guides/Guide_Measu rement_456.pdf R M E X A M I N A T Theme: Advancing the Quality of Life of People This study source was downloaded by 100000803897781 from CourseHero.com on 12-27-2021 08:09:37 GMT -06:00 https://www.coursehero.com/file/56462675/Teaching-Math-in-the-Intermediate-Grades-Syllabusdocx/ I O N S Weeks 10 - 12 Weeks 13 – 15 Week 16 - 17 2. Geometric Thinking and Geometric Concepts 2.1 Geometry Goals for Students 2.2 The Development of Geometric Thinking 2.3 Learning About Shapes and Properties 2.4 Learning About Transformation 2.5 Learning About Location 2.6 Learning About Visualization 3. Developing Concepts of Data Analysis 3.1 What does it mean to do Statistics? 3.2 Formulating Questions 3.3 Data Collection 3.4 Data Analysis: Classification, Graphical Representations Measures of Center 6.5 Interpreting Results 4. Exploring Concepts of Probability 4.1 Introducing Probability 4.2 Theoretical Probability and Experiments 4.3 Sample Spaces and Probability of Two Events F I Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally (2010) by John Van De Walle, Karen Karp and Jennifer BayWilliams Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics Grades 3 – 5 Volume Two (2006) by John Van de Walle and LouAnn Lovin https://www.learner.org/cours es/learningmath/geometry/pdf s/session9/vand.pdf Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally (2010) by John Van De Walle, Karen Karp and Jennifer BayWilliams Case-Based Scenario Concept plan of an instructional material that would engage the students in learning geometric concepts Interactive Report Critique Paper Rubric for grading Case-Based Scenario and Concept Plan Rubric for checking critique paper and evaluating interactive report Teaching Mathematics to ALL Children: Designing and Adapting Instruction to Meet the Needs of Diverse Learners 2nd Edition (2006) Benny Tucker, Ann Singleton and Terry Weaver https://www.nctm.org/Standar ds-and-Positions/Principlesand-Standards/DataAnalysis-and-Probability/ Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally (2010) by John Van De Walle, Karen Karp and Jennifer BayWilliams Rubric for evaluating caricature analysis Caricature Analysis https://study.com/academy/le sson/probability-lesson-forkids-examples-definition.html N A L E X A M I N A T I This study source was downloaded by 100000803897781 from CourseHero.com on 12-27-2021 08:09:37 GMT -06:00 https://www.coursehero.com/file/56462675/Teaching-Math-in-the-Intermediate-Grades-Syllabusdocx/ O N Course Materials Required Textbook Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally (2010) by John Van De Walle, Karen Karp and Jennifer Bay-Williams Online Resources https://www.ijee.ie/articles/Vol22-4/03_ijee18 04.pdf https://www.researchgate.net/publication/234679062_Teaching_Math_in_the_Primary_Grades_T he_Learning_Trajectories_Approach https://www.nap.edu/read/10126/chapter/7#258 https://ac.els-cdn.com/S1877042814009033/1-s2.0-S1877042814009033-main.pdf? _tid=2ad878d9-e6a5-4830-93ea23fb33879038&acdnat=1532140334_e7a3ff4360cdbfbfe087890e7888a91a Journal Readings (Social Awareness / Social Innovation) Figure 2f from: Irimia R, Gottschling M (2016) Taxonomic revision of Rochefortia Sw. (Ehretiaceae, Boraginales). Biodiversity Data Journal 4: E7720. https://doi.org/10.3897/BDJ.4.e7720. (n.d.). doi:10.3897/bdj.4.e7720.figure2f Burch, P., & Spillane, J. P. (2003). Elementary School Leadership Strategies and Subject Matter: Reforming Mathematics and Literacy Instruction. The Elementary School Journal, 103(5), 519535. doi:10.1086/499738 Open.edu.(2018). http://www.open.edu/openlearncreate/pluginfile.php/134935/mod_resource/content/3/EM05_AIE_ Final.pdf [Accessed 20 Jul. 2018]. Charalambos Y. Charalambous, Seán Delaney, Hui-Yu Hsu & Vilma Mesa (2010) A Comparative Analysis of the Addition and Subtraction of Fractions in Textbooks Journals.sagepub.com. (2018). A Life Skills Approach to Mathematics Instruction: Preparing Students with Learning Disabilities for the Real-Life Math Demands of Adulthood - James R. Patton, Mary E. Cronin, Diane S. Bassett, Annie E. Koppel, 1997. [online] Available at http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/002221949703000205 [Accessed 20 Jul. 2011 This study source was downloaded by 100000803897781 from CourseHero.com on 12-27-2021 08:09:37 GMT -06:00 https://www.coursehero.com/file/56462675/Teaching-Math-in-the-Intermediate-Grades-Syllabusdocx/ Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)