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TADP 641 Presentation 1.0

TADP 641
Juan Manuel Gers, PhD
Course objectives
Review concepts and provide foundations for the students to understand
Power Systems and how they are analyzed. Some emphasis is given to
Distribution System Analysis.
After this course students will handle properly:
Components of an electric power system and how they are
Power system modeling in order to carry out the different type of
studies like load flow, short circuit, harmonics and other relevant
Use of software program to analyze load flow scenarios and find out
measures to improve the operation condition of power systems by
means of voltage regulation and VAR compensation.
Basic overview of system protection. Revision of criteria and
calculations to achieve proper relay coordination.
Basic understanding of harmonics and considerations to take into
account when reconfiguration takes place in distribution systems.
This course is the equivalent level of 1st year graduate course
– Either relatively new graduates in electrical engineering
– Or, mature engineers with practical experience, though not
necessarily in electrical engineering
Additional “basics” material is available for those not familiar
with electrical engineering
Methodology For The Course
Use of PowerPoint slides
Discussion Boards
Web articles
Weekly exercises
One to Three discussion questions/week
One assignment/week
One student project/examination
Software Resources
The course will be illustrated with several examples which will be
solved using software programs for Power System Analysis.
Therefore, it is essential that every student has access to any of the
many packages available in the market.
In general any package is suitable for the course. However, the
instructor will be using NEPLAN which is a package developed by
BCP in Switzerland who authorized the use of the DEMO Version for
the course. The executable file will be posted in the Web for students
to download it if required.
Any packages existing at the working place of the student is accepted
provided that the corresponding authorization is granted for its use in
the course.
Discussion Boards
• Discussion boards for on-line sessions serve the same purpose
as open discussions in a traditional classroom setting.
• So, it is important that each student participate as often as
possible to get the most out of the class.
• Each student at a minimum is required to post their response to
each discussion board topic no later than Wednesday evening of
each week (unless directed otherwise) and respond to two other
postings by Friday evening of the same week.
• Quality of your responses and responses to more than two
postings with continued discussion beyond Friday helps to
solidify the understanding of the material.
Discussion Boards (cont.)
• Responses to other postings must offer insight into your
understanding of the material. A response such as, “I agree” or “you
are totally whacked out” are not acceptable responses.
• The professor may or may not participate in the discussions but will
monitor to ensure proper on-line etiquette is followed.
• Responses by the professor should be considered the same as
those of the students unless the response is specifically to clarify a
question or bring the discussion back on track.
• It is important to realize that students taking this class bring a
significant amount of experience to the class so the discussion
boards are intended to get each student to share their experience
so we all can benefit.
About the Instructor
Juan Gers did his undergraduate studies in Colombia and
postgraduate studies in England & Scotland
He is resident in Miami area, FL, USA
Juan has over 40 years of experience in utility work,
consulting, education and research activities.
During his professional life, Juan has been involved mainly in
Power System Analysis, setting of protection relays and
implementation of Distributed Automation schemes.
• Week 1: Power system general review and current situation of
the US Power Industry
• Week 2: Power System modeling
• Week 3: Fault types and short circuit calculations
• Week 4: Load flow concepts
• Week 5: Voltage regulation and VAR control
• Week 6: Electrical relays and protection coordination
• Week 7: Harmonic analysis and considerations
reconfiguration of distribution feeders
References Books
ALSTOM. ‘Network Protection & Automation’, Cayfosa, Barcelona, Spain, May
BERGEN, A.R., VITTAL, V., Power System Analysis, Prentice Hall, 2nd Edition,
USA, 2000.
BLACKBURN, J. I., Protective Relaying Principles and Applications, Marcel
Dekker, Inc., copyright 1987
BROWN, R.E., Electric Power Distribution Reliability, Marcel Dekker, Inc, 2002
CATHEY J.J., NASAR S.A., Basic Electrical Engineering, Schaum’s Outline
Series, McGraw-Hill, 2nd Edition, 1997.
EL-HAWARY, M.E., Electrical Power Systems, Design and Analysis, IEEE
Press. Power System Engineering Series, USA, 1995.
FITZGERALD, A.E., KINGSLEY Jr., C., UMANS, S.D., Electric Machinery,
McGraw-Hill, 6th. Edition, USA, 2003.
GERS J.M., Distribution System Analysis and Automation, IEE, 1st Edition,
GERS J.M., HOLMES E.J., Protection of Electricity Distribution Networks, IEE,
3rd Edition, 2011.
GLOVER, J.D., SARMA, M.S., Power System Analysis and Design,
Brooks/Cole, 6th Edition, USA, 2016.
References Books
GONEN, T., Electric Power Distribution System Engineering 3rd Edition, CRC
Press, New York, 2014.
GRAINGER, J.J., STEVENSON Jr., W.D., CHAN, G., Power System Analysis,
McGraw-Hill, USA, 2016.
GROSS, C.A., Power System Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, 2nd Edition, USA,
GUSSOW M., Basic Electricity, Schaum’s Outline Series, McGraw-Hill, 2nd
Edition, 2007.
IEEE Std 399-1997, IEEE Recommended Practice for Industrial and
Commercial Power Systems Analysis.
KOTHARI, D.P., NAGRATH, I.J., Modern Power System Analysis, McGrawHill, 3rd Edition, USA, 2003.
LAKERVI, E., HOLMES, E.J., Electricity Distribution Network Design, Peter
Peregrinus Ltd., 1st Edition, London, 1989
NAHVI M., EDMINISTER J., Electric Circuits, Schaum’s Outline Series,
McGraw-Hill, 4th Edition, 2003.
PARKER, S., Electricity, Dorling Kindersley, USA, 2000.
PRESS, W.H., et al, Numerical Recipes in FORTRAN, Cambridge University
Press, 2nd Edition, USA, 1992.
SHORT, T.A., Electric Power Distribution Handbook, CRS Press, 2014.