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Power Electronics for Electric Hybrid Vehicles Final Exam

Power electronics for electric hybrid vehicles final
Professor: Akherraz
Prepared by:
1. Hybrid electric vehicle : A vehicle that combines an internal combustion engine and
electric motors and they are known to be more eco-friendly .it adopts gasoline as
primary source of energy and batteries as auxiliary source of energy.
2. PE converters process and control the flow of electric energy by supplying the
optimal voltages and currents for the user loads.
3. There are four operation modes of parallel hybrid configuration:
• Electric only: the electric motor works only using the power from batteries
at speeds below 40km/h
• ICE/ Electric : the electric motor starts working only when
needed.(acceleration or high speed)
• ICE battery charging : Energy excess is used to charge batteries , it runs at
higher efficiency.
• Regenerative braking: Electric motor works as generator using kinetic
energy when braking or decelerating.
4. For the time being we think that HEVs are better than EVs , because we can still use
combustion fuels for a few years to come , they also keep us from switching
technologies radically , you still get the benefits from the ICE and depending on the
type of hybrid you get the benefits of electricity as well . their prices are also
reasonable and most new coming cars are hybrids.
5. Hybrid electric vehicles are considered to be the future of the industry , they less
polluting compared to ICE and give smoother drives you also get instant torque and
power , but on the other hand battery charging is a big issue , charging time is high
and not many recharging stations .
ICE vehicles are cheaper and more common , the have long range and petrol stations
are around every corner , but these cars pollute so much and the maintenance is
6. A diode acts as a short-circuit in forward direction and acts as an open-circuit in
reverse direction. A transistor is used in circuits to either amplify or switch electrical
signals or power, allowing it to be used in a wide array of electronic devices. For the
SCR or thyristor, its gate controls the flow of current between the anode and
cathode. The primary function of a thyristor is to control electric power and current
by acting as a switch.
7. Rectifier: allows current to flow in one single direction (converts AC to DC)
inverters: convert DC to AC.
8. Full wave rectifier uses the full cycle for its operation and is more efficient to the half
wave rectifier that does not.
10. AC: Stands for alternating current and it periodically changes direction and
magnitude continuously with time .
DC: direct current , uni-directional.
E1 , E2 and E3 )
We have
Frequency = 50Hz
Simulation of output voltage and current
Calculation results
R=15 Ohm
Knowing that U=R*I
At t=0
Where Vs(0)=170*sin(0)=0
Same results at PSIM
At t=0.01
Vs(0 ,01)=170*sin(314*0.01) = 0.2707 V
Then using ohm’s Law
I(0.01)= 0.0180
Same results as PSIM
At t=0.02
Vs(0.02)= )=170*sin(314*0.02) = - 0.5415
Using Ohm’s law
I(0 ,02)=-0.036A (approx 0)
Same result as PSIM
R=15Ohm L=10mH Vs=100v Frequency =400H
Simulation of output voltage and current
Calculation results
At t=0 Vs =100v R=15Ohm
Ohm’s law gives U=R*I
I=100/15=6.66 A
AT t=0,02
I= -100/15=-6 .66A
Same results as PSIM
For Alpha = 30°
Simulation of output voltage and current
Calculation results
Same results as PSIM