CLJ6 - CRIMINAL PROCEDURE WEEK 1 ASSIGNMENT GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. In your PCCR Google drive, create a folder for CLJ6. All of your assignments under this subject will be saved in this folder. 2. Change the share settings of this CLJ6 folder to “Philippine College of Criminology”. You do this by right-clicking on the folder, click the “SHARE” option. Then, at the bottom portion of the pop-up window, change “RESTRICTED” to “Philippine College of Criminology”. 3. Be mindful that your teacher will need to have access to this CLJ6 folder. The consequence of your teacher not having access to this folder is that the assignment is deemed not submitted, so it is as if you did not submit anything. 4. All of your assignments should be typed in the Google Docs app using your PCCR Gmail account. Save this file in the CLJ6 folder you just created in your PCCR Google drive. The file name of your assignment should follow this format: WEEK 1 ASSIGNMENT; WEEK 2 ASSIGNMENT, etc. 5. If the student prefers to have this assignment handwritten, the student must take a clear photograph of each page and save it using the guideline above. The file name format for each page should be (example): Week 1 Assignment_page1; Week 1 Assignment_page2; etc. 6. Be mindful of the deadline for each assignment. No extensions will be granted, except on meritorious reasons. No consideration will be given if the student fails to provide any proof of such meritorious reason. a. Example: if the student claims that his/her parent was rushed to the hospital and was required to be confined there for a few days, submit the Medical Certificate, plus a notarized Affidavit of the fact that you, the student, was required to stay with your parent in the hospital. b. If you claim power outage, show a copy of the notification from the electricity provider giving such announcement of power outage, plus a notarized affidavit of a family member in the household attesting under oath to such fact. The notarized Affidavits are required to be attached. This is the only way to ensure that you are telling the truth and not only finding reasons to escape from submitting on time your requirements. Remember: Affidavits are subscribed and sworn to before solemnizing officers like notaries public. Failure to state the truth in your Affidavits will subject you to criminal liability under Article 183 of the Revised Penal Code. SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS: The topics on general principles of criminal procedure and jurisdiction have just been concluded. In line with these topics, answer the following: 1. In the case of Valdepenas vs. People, G.R. No. L-20687, April 30, 1966, the Supreme Court discussed two kinds of jurisdiction relevant to criminal procedure. In this case, the Supreme Court ruled that the court acquired jurisdiction over the person of the accused and that it has jurisdiction over the subject matter of the case. In your own words, why did the Supreme Court rule like this? 100 points