Name: ___________________________________ Reviewed by: _____________________________ Peer Critique Feedback Rubric: STEM Fair Procedures Variables: Look at the worksheet for the variables Experimental Design Order of Procedures 3 All variables are clearly described with all relevant details. The independent, dependent and control variables have been correctly identified with no errors. Experimental design is a well-constructed test of the stated hypothesis. Procedures are listed in clear steps. The steps follow a logical order. Control Variables There is an explanation for how All control variables are addressed. Details Procedures outline detailed steps for carrying out the investigation. Procedures appear to be replicable. Steps are outlined sequentially and are thoroughly detailed. Replicable 2 Most variables are clearly described with most relevant details. The independent, dependent and control variables have not been correctly identified. 1 Variables are not described OR the majority lack sufficient detail. Experimental design is relevant to the hypothesis, but is not a complete test. Procedures are listed but are not in a logical order or are difficult to follow. All control variables are not addressed. There is an explanation for how most control variables are addressed. Procedures outline detailed steps for carrying out most of the investigation. All steps are outlined, but there is not enough detail to replicate procedures. Experimental design is not relevant to the hypothesis. Procedures do not accurately list the steps of the experiment. There is no explanation for how control variables are addressed. Procedures do not outline detailed steps for carrying the investigation. Several steps are not outlined AND there is not enough detail to replicate procedures. Peer Feedback/Comments (Please write 3 – 5 sentences on how the procedures can be improved)