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Crater Formation Lab: Earth Science Activity

Earth 2.2 Minilab Craters
Period _______ Date _________
1. Place flour – the amount given by Mrs. Dennis – in your dish and carefully even it out.
2. Shake cocoa in a thin layer over the flour either by sprinkling with a spoon or using a sieve.
3. Carefully carry the dish outside as directed. Place the dish on the ground or sidewalk where it is level.
4. Take one rock or piece of gravel. Holding it knee-high over the dish, simply drop it into the dish. On the back
of this paper, RECORD your observations, including a sketch (or send a picture) of the crater and its rays.
5. Carefully remove the rock. Holding it knee-high, toss it into the dish at an angle, trying to hit a different spot
than the first crater. On the back of this paper, RECORD your observations, including a sketch (or send a
picture) of the crater and its rays.
6. Dump your used flour & cocoa into the garbage bag before returning the dish and rock. Wait for Mrs. Dennis’
instructions to go back to the classroom.
1. List at least 2 differences between the 2 craters.
2. Which drop or throw do you think is more realistic of how craters on the moon were formed? Why?
Earth 2.2 Minilab Craters
Period _______ Date _________
1. Place flour – the amount given by Mrs. Dennis – in your dish and carefully even it out.
2. Shake cocoa in a thin layer over the flour either by sprinkling with a spoon or using a sieve.
3. Carefully carry the dish outside as directed. Place the dish on the ground or sidewalk where it is level.
4. Take one rock or piece of gravel. Holding it knee-high over the dish, simply drop it into the dish. On the back
of this paper, RECORD your observations, including a sketch (or send a picture) of the crater and its rays.
5. Carefully remove the rock. Holding it knee-high, toss it into the dish at an angle, trying to hit a different spot
than the first crater. On the back of this paper, RECORD your observations, including a sketch (or send a
picture) of the crater and its rays.
6. Dump your used flour & cocoa into the garbage bag before returning the dish and rock. Wait for Mrs. Dennis’
instructions to go back to the classroom.
1. List at least 2 differences between the 2 craters.
2. Which drop or throw do you think is more realistic of how craters on the moon were formed? Why?
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