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Henderson mih.psat@gmail.com 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA www.ieee.org/magazines Melvin I. Olken, Editor-in Chief Emeritus Carl L. Sulzberger, Associate Editor Emeritus, History Geraldine Krolin-Taylor, Senior Managing Editor Janet Dudar, Senior Art Director Gail A. Schnitzer and Mark Morrissey, Associate Art Directors Theresa L. Smith, Production Coordinator Peter M. Tuohy, Production Director Felicia Spagnoli, Advertising Production Manager Dawn Melley, Editorial Director Fran Zappulla, Staff Director, IEEE Publishing Operations Editorial Board J. Feltes, L. Goel, N. Hatziargyriou, Tao Hong, B. Johnson, Ben Kroposki, P. Kundur, N. Lu, A.P.S. Meliopoulos, M. Miller, M. O’Malley, N. Ochoa, C.E. Root, H. Rudnick, M. Shahidehpour, G.B. Sheblé. C. Smith, M. Thomas, E. Uzunovic, S.S. Venkata, J. Wang S. Widergren Advertising Erik Henson Naylor Association Solutions +1 352 333 3443, fax: +1 352 331 3525 ehenson@naylor.com IEEE prohibits discrimination, harassment, and bullying. For more information, visit http://www.ieee.org/web/aboutus/whatis/policies/p9-26.html. Promoting Sustainable Forestry SFI-01681 IEEE Power & Energy Magazine IEEE Power & Energy Magazine (ISSN 1540-7977) (IPEMCF) is published bimonthly by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Headquarters: 3 Park Avenue, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10016-5997 USA. Responsibility for the contents rests upon the authors and not upon the IEEE, the Society, or its members. IEEE Operations Center (for orders, subscriptions, address changes): 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA. Telephone: +1 732 981 0060, +1 800 678 4333. Individual copies: IEEE members US$20.00 (first copy only), nonmembers US$82.00 per copy. Subscription Rates: Society members included with membership dues. Subscription rates available upon request. Copyright and reprint permissions: Abstracting is permitted with credit to the source. Libraries are permitted to photocopy beyond the limits of U.S. Copyright law for the private use of patrons 1) those post-1977 articles that carry a code at the bottom of the first page, provided the per-copy fee indicated in the code is paid through the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 USA; 2) pre-1978 articles without fee. For other copying, reprint, or republication permission, write Copyrights and Permissions Department, IEEE Operations Center, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA. Copyright © 2017 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. All rights reserved. Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY, and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to IEEE Power & Energy Magazine, IEEE Operations Center, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA. Canadian GST #125634188 IEEE POWER & ENERGY SOCIETY (PES) Printed in U.S.A. The IEEE Power & Energy Society is an organization of IEEE members whose principal interest is the advancement of the science and practice of electric power generation, transmission, distribution, and utilization. All members of the IEEE are eligible for membership in the Society. Mission Statement: To be the leading provider of scientific and engineering information on electric power and energy for the betterment of society, and the preferred professional development source for our members. Officers D. Novosel, President S. Rahman, President-Elect F. Lambert, Vice President, Chapters M.P. Sanders, Vice President, Technical Activities E. Uzunovic, Vice President, Education M. Crow, Vice President, Publications T. Mayne, Vice President, Meetings J.C. Montero Q, Vice President, Membership & Image S. Bahramirad, Vice President, New Initiatives/ Outreach C. Root, Treasurer J. Bian, Secretary M.M. Begovic, Past-President IEEE Division VII Director A. Rotz IEEE Division VII Director-Elect B. Meyer Region Representatives D. Diaz, B. Gwyn, R. Krepps, N. Logic, P. Pabst, C. Wong, United States M. Armstrong, Canada J. Milanovic, Europe, Middle East, & Africa N. Segoshi, Latin America D. Sharafi, Asia & Pacific Standing Committee Chairs H. Louie, Constitution & Bylaws C. Root, Finance & Audit M. Begovic, Nominations & Appointments S. Brahma, Power & Energy Education W.K. Reder & P. Sauer, Scholarship Plus Chapter Representatives F. Al Dhaheri, W. Almuhtadi, Z. Bo, R. Cespedes, S. Cundeva, C. Diamond, G. Gonzalez, J. Khan, R. Nagaraja, N. Nair, M. Papic, I. Petruzela, T. Salihy, G.N. Taranto, D. van Hertem, M.C. Wong, Z. Zakaria Chapter Committee Chairs C. Diamond, Electronic Communications E. Carlsen, Awards & Resources Y. Chen, Distinguished Lecturer Program C. Diamond, Chapters Web site Membership & Image Committee Chairs Governing Board Members-at-Large V. Madani, Awards & Recognition J. Hofman, Young Professionals Open, Ambassadors I. Riaño S., Social Media J.C. Montero, Web Site Development S. Ninalowo, Women in Power W. Bishop, Marketing J.C. Montero, Membership Development C.Y. Chung, B. Enayati, H. Koch, L. Ochoa Technical Council PES Executive Director Patrick Ryan, +1 732 465 6618, fax +1 732 562 3881, p.ryan@ieee.org M.P. Sanders, Chair F. Rahmatian, Vice Chair V. Vittal, Secretary J.H. Nelson, Past-Chair D. Toland, Web Master Technical Committee Chairs A. Schneider, Analytical Methods for Power Systems K. Haran, Electric Machinery W.T. Jewell, Energy Development & Power Generation C. Searles, Energy Storage & Stationary Battery F. Frentzas, Insulated Conductors T. Koshy, Nuclear Power Engineering M. Dood, Power System Communications & Cybersecurity C. Canizares, Power System Dynamic Performance J. McBride, Power System Instrumentation & Measurements H. Chen, Power System Operation Planning & Economics M. Pratap, Power System Relaying & Control S. Chandler, Smart Building, Load & Customer Systems D. Watkins, Substations R. Hotchkiss, Surge Protective Devices P. Sullivan, Switchgear S. Antosz, Transformers D. Sabin, Transmission & Distribution Technical Council Coordinating Committees D. Houseman, Intelligent Grid & Emerging Technology D. Alexander, Marine Systems D. Lew, Wind & Solar Power Technical Council Standing Committees J.H. Nelson, Awards F. Rahmatian, Technical Sessions V. Vittal, Organization & Procedures T. Burse, Standards Coordination Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2016.2620760 2 IEEE power & energy magazine january/february 2017 DIgSILENT announces PowerFactory 2017 DIgSILENT has set standards and trends in power system modelling, analysis and simulation for more than 25 years. In the PowerFactory 2017 release a range of improvements have been made to the handling and data management with a series of additional convenience functions. The new version also comes with a series of enhancements to the network diagrams and graphic representation tools. A special focus in development has been on the various analysis function capabilities of PowerFactory. This includes a number of new power equipment models and extensions to existing ones. Most notably, further modelling flexibility has been provided with the inclusion of user-defined models for load flow and quasi-dynamic simulation. Key Features Enhanced Diagram Layout Tool for auto-drawing of feeders and branches, protection device layout, as well as auto-layout of site and substation diagrams Output window redesigned to be interactive, with flexible filter functionality Add-on Modules: new framework for user-extendable function scope including fully integrated result representation New Project Combination and Connection Assistant New and enhanced Power Equipment Models: harmonic filters, busbar trunking systems, voltage regulator, 4-w transformer, power freq. control using merit order New QDSL modelling language: User-definable load flow and quasi-dynamic simulation models IEC60909 Update - 2016 edition New Protection Audit validation tool for protection settings and configurations Connection Request Assessment: BDEW 2008 and VDE AR-N-4105 guidelines New optimisation methods for Tie Open Point and Phase Balance Optimisation: genetic algorithms and simulated annealing Extended failure models and power restoration strategies for Reliability Analysis New Outage Planning module Extension of simulation scan by Fault Ride Through verification IEC 61400-2-27 interface for external dynamic models CGMES interface: functional extensions and performance improvements New Integral export function For more Information about DIgSILENT PowerFactory visit www.digsilent.com. from the editor Michael Henderson energy system flexibility the importance of being nimble O OUR ENERGY SYSTEM FLEXIBILity issue discusses creative ways that the power system can reliably accommodate the large-scale development of variable resources and load that fluctuates considerably with weather, price, and behindthe-meter generation. This issue’s guest editors, Mark O’Malley and Benjamin Kroposki, collected six articles that discuss the importance of flexibility and how it can be achieved in ways not always considered by electric power engineers. The “Guest Editorial” summarizes the flexibility theme and introduces articles that feature the following topics: ✔ the role of the consumer in energy systems ✔ the place of natural gas-fired generation and its fuel supply ✔ the interaction between water operations and electric power sectors ✔ the integration and opt i m i zat ion of multienergy system controls ✔ heating and cooling technologies that provide storage ✔ policies and markets that promote flexible electric system responses. It is my hope you find these articles interesting and informative. Reactors for the Roxy At 6,000 seats, the Roxy Thea t r e i n New York City was widely known. The technology of stage lighting, howDigital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2016.2627098 Date of publication: 2 February 2017 4 IEEE power & energy magazine IMAGE LICENSED BY INGRAM PUBLISHING ever, remained unknown to the general public and most electrical engineers until an article in this issue’s “History” column on this topic. The use of reactance-type dimmers utilizing imaginary power in the imaginary world of the stage is truly captivating. A special thanks to Tom Blalock, one of our most prolific history “History” authors, who presents the evolution of stage lighting to us. The article is the last of Carl Sulzberger’s remarkable contributions to IEEE Power & Energy Magazine as the associate editor for History. Special Thanks IEEE Power & Energy Magazine saw 84 issues with Mel Olken as editor-in-chief and Carl Sulzberger as associate editor for the “History” column. Their extraordinary service to this magazine and to IEEE is truly remarkable. Heartfelt thanks to both of you on behalf of the IEEE Power & Energy Society, its officers, and IEEE staff. On a more personal note, I am deeply indebted to you for your guidance and tutelage. And a special thanks in advance for the continued support of Mel Olken, who always professionally and patiently answers my questions and provides true leadership as editor-inchief emeritus. The technology of stage lighting remained unknown to the general public and most electrical engineers until an article in this issue’s “History” column. Changing of the Editorial Guard This issue represents a changing of the guard for the magazine’s january/february 2017 Order now your NEPLAN 360 Cloud-Engineering Package with one simple click. Visit www.neplan.ch/shop Do you want to explore the future of cloud computing? Now we give you the opportunity to work with the first fully browser-based power system analysis tool! We give you the chance to experience our powerful software with the easy-start NEPLAN 360 Cloud-Engineering Packages, specially designed for engineers and engineering companies with focus on high cost efficiency and flexibility. When it has to be fast, reliable and simple. Visit NEPLAN360 NEPLAN AG Power Systems Engineering Oberwachtstrasse 2 CH 8700 Küsnacht Zurich Phone +41 44 914 36 66 Fax +41 44 991 19 71 www.neplan.ch info@neplan.ch frick-partner.ch Your NEPLAN experience is just one click away Editorial Board. A sincere thank you for all the hard work by our outgoing board members: ✔ Massoud Amin ✔ Andrew Hanson ✔ Stan Horowitz ✔ Ralph Masiello ✔ Keene Matsuda ✔ Arun Phadke ✔ Dick Piwko ✔ Pete Sauer ✔ Ben Shperling. My appreciation for continued service on the Editorial Board by ✔ Lalit Goel ✔ Nickos Hatziargyriou ✔ Prabbha Kundar ✔ Sakis Meliopoulos ✔ Mark O’Malley ✔ Chris Root ✔ Hugh Rudnick 6 IEEE power & energy magazine ✔ Mohammad Shahidehpour ✔ Gerry Sheble ✔ Mani Venkata. And welcome to our new Editorial Board members: ✔ Jim Feltes ✔ Tao Hong ✔ Brian Johnson ✔ Ben Kroposki ✔ Ning Lu ✔ Mackay Miller ✔ Nando Ochoa ✔ Charlie Smith ✔ Mini Thomas ✔ Edvina Uzunovic ✔ Jianhui Wang ✔ Steve Widergren. Enrique Tejera will serve as our liaison with the newly formed Spanish version of IEEE Power & Energy Magazine. p&e january/february 2017 leader’s corner Jessica Bain more power to the future Internships and more T TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS AGO, I joined the IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) as a student member. When I attended my very first PES General Meeting, I met famous professors who I admired. Many of these professors wrote the textbooks that I had used since my junior year in college. I often asked, “I’m a big fan of yours and I’m curious: Who do you learn from?” I wanted to know who inspires them, which books they read, and who their mentors were. People who are the best at what they do—masters of their craft—know that they wouldn’t have achieved the success they have if it weren’t for their mentors along the way. Throughout my 27 years with PES, from connecting with professors, publishing my papers in IEEE publications, and searching for internships, to growing in my career and profession, I have not only used what PES offered every step of the way but also became a mentor and lifelong friend of many PES colleagues. In 2016, I started serving as the PES secretary. I’ve taken some time to reflect on the many interactions I’ve had with members around the world. Every member has different needs. The questions I received the most, particularly from student members, are “Could you be my mentor?” and “How can I find Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2016.2620619 Date of publication: 2 February 2017 8 IEEE power & energy magazine an internship position?” My answer to the first question is absolutely yes. My answer to the second question is “Get involved with your local PES Chapters and Student Branch Chapters when you first enroll in college.” Students n o t o n ly f i n d m o r e mentors but also have the opportunity to contribute and network in person with PES professionals. As the PES secretary, I want to build a stronger support network for student members. No one can say they did it on their own. We’ve done so much because someone gave us strength and helped us along the way. PES Chapters and Student Branch Chapters are local volunteer organizations that meet regularly, often once a month. As of December 2015, PES had 235 Chapters and 175 Student Branch Chapters worldwide and is still growing. This support network is the PES identity! Student members can learn more about PES Chapters in their local areas by going to www.ieee-pes.org/chapters. Chapter meetings provide an excellent way to meet other power and energy professionals in local companies where there may be internship openings. Many PES Chapters are involved in outreach activities and have programs for students to grease the pipeline for future power engineers. In addition to socializing and networking, Chapter meetings can include technology demonstrations, invited lectures, plant trips, and tutorials. Websites and e-newsletters keep Chapter members up to date with local happenings related to power and energy. Awards and recognitions are available for Chapters based on activities or students/engineers within it. As I met so many of you in 2016, we talked about the problems and challenges that the PES faces. I have been reminded that there is a great power in this community, the power that we can use to solve problems and meet the future challenges. My job is to be your stepping stones, helping every member succeed. We may play different instruments, but we are in the same orchestra. My PES mentor and lifelong friend, Don Ramey, filled me with dreams to predict thunder and lightning 27 years ago. My brilliant friend and supporter has made me a better student, a better engineer, and a better secretary. As the PES secretary, I want to build a stronger support network for student members. p&e january/february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ႇOLQHHQYLURQPHQWV ,PSURYLQJWKHWUDQVPLVVLRQJULGUHOLDELOLW\WRIDFLOLWDWHLQWHJUDWLRQRI WKHUHQHZDEOHHQHUJ\ ([HFXWLRQWLPHIRUDEXVFDVH 320 230 $&VROXWLRQIRURQHFRQWLQJHQF\VHF $OOHYLDWHVWKHUPDOYROWDJHDQGYROWDJHVWDELOLW\ YLRODWLRQVLQVHFIRURQHFRQWLQJHQF\ 32076 $RQHVHFRQGWLPHGRPDLQVLPXODWLRQLVVHF IRUG\QDPLFPRGHOV $XWRPDWHVVWXGLHVWRFRPSO\ZLWKWKH1(5&5HOLDELOLW\ 6WDQGDUG73/ $XWRPDWLFDOO\DVVHVVHV3ODQQLQJ(YHQWV PDVVLYH111$&FRQWLQJHQF\DQDO\VLVDQG YLVXDOL]DWLRQ $XWRPDWLFDOO\DVVHVVHV([WUHPH(YHQWV SUHGLFWLQJFDVFDGLQJRXWDJHVDQGYLVXDOL]DWLRQ 7UDQVLHQWVWDELOLW\EDVHGFDVFDGLQJDQDO\VLVZLWK SURWHFWLRQV\VWHPPRGHOLQJ 2ႇHUVIDVWDQGHDV\WRXVHWUDQVLHQWVWDELOLW\DQDO\VLV 3HUIRUPVIDVWIDXOWVFUHHQLQJWRGHWHUPLQHDQGUDQNPRVW VHYHUHWKUHHSKDVHDQGXQEDODQFHGIDXOWV 2ႇHUVDERXQGDU\EDVHGVROXWLRQIDVWDQGDFFXUDWH DVVHVVPHQWRIRSHUDWLQJOLPLWV 'HWHUPLQHVUHPHGLDODFWLRQVWRVWD\ZLWKLQV\VWHP RSHUDWLQJFULWHULDDQGLQFUHDVHVYROWDJHVWDELOLW\PDUJLQV $XWRPDWLFDOO\FRPSXWHVFULWLFDOFOHDULQJWLPH 'HWHUPLQHVDQGYLVXDOL]HVWKHG\QDPLFVHFXULW\UHJLRQ 3HUIRUPVFRQYHQWLRQDOK\EULGDQGOLQHDUVWDWHHVWLPDWLRQ :HRႇHU6SHFLDOL]HG&RQVXOWLQJ6HUYLFHVDQG 3RZHU6\VWHP6WXGLHVEDVHGRQWKHVWDWHRIWKHDUW VXLWHRISRZHUV\VWHPWRROV LQIR#YUHQHUJ\FRP ZZZYUHQHUJ\FRP guest editorial Mark O’Malley and Benjamin Kroposki unlocking flexibility energy systems integration E ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS around the world are experiencing great changes, including the retirement of coal and nuclear plants along with a rapid increase in the use of natural gas turbines and variable renewable technologies such as wind and solar. There is also much more use of information and communications technologies to enhance the visibility and controllability of the grid. Flexibility of operation, the ability of a power system to respond to change in demand and supply, is critical to enable higher levels of variable generation. One way to unlock this potential flexibility is to tap into other energy domains. This concept of interconnecting energy domains is called energy systems integration (ESI). ESI is the process of coordinating the operation and planning of energy systems across multiple pathways and/ or geographical scales to deliver reliable, cost-effective energy services with minimal impact on the environment. Integrating energy domains adds flexibility to the electrical power system. ESI includes interactions among energy vectors (e.g., electricity, thermal, and fuels) and with other large-scale infrastructures including water, transport, and data and communications networks, which are an enabling technology for ESI. The value of ESI is in coordinating how energy systems produce and deliver energy in all forms to reach reliable, economic, and/or environmental goals at apDigital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2016.2629703 Date of publication: 2 February 2017 10 IEEE power & energy magazine propriate scales. The analysis of integrated energy systems can inform policy makers and industry on the best strategies to accomplish these goals. The benefits of ESI include the integration of higher levels of variable renewables, an increased reliability and improved efficiency in power systems, as well as significant savings in, e.g., water, heating/cooling, and gas system operations that can be achieved by using the flexibility that emerges from an integrated operation of multiple energy systems at multiple spatiotemporal scales. ESI, a multidisciplinary area ranging from science, engineering, and technology to policy, economics, regulation, and human behavior, is most valuable at the physical, institutional, and spatial interfaces, where there are new challenges and opportunities for research, demonstration, and deployment to reap its commercial and societal benefits. The simultaneous focus on multiple disciplines and stakeholders makes ESI a challenging and exciting area. This issue of IEEE Power & Energy Magazine contains six articles that examine the topic of flexibility in energy systems. The articles reach outside the normal domain of electricity and continue to explore the concept of how ESI can provide flexibility in future power systems by tapping into the potential to shift supply and demand across energy vectors and networks. The first article, “Unleashing the Flexibility of Gas” by Heinen et al., discusses how the natural gas and electrical infrastructures have continued to become more tightly coupled than ever before and addresses the capability of the gas system to meet electricity system flexibility requirements. Flexibility of the system is analyzed in three parts: from gas-powered generation, from gas supply, and through multi-input, multioutput plants and appliances. Gas-powered generation plants are typically more flexible than many other forms of generation, capable of starting quickly and with significant ramping capability. They are often an ideal complement to variable renewable energy, although increasing levels of variable renewable energy penetration may reduce the running hours of these gas generators. The natural gas supply system also has a large amount of inherent energy storage in underground storage caverns and the pipeline system. This flexibility could be better exploited through the use of excess wind or solar energy that would otherwise be curtailed to run an electrolyzer and produce hydrogen that could be put directly into the gas system or converted to synthetic methane. Other opportunities include multifuel plants such as hybrid heaters that have the ability to switch from gas to electricity for generating heat at times of excess renewable electricity on the power grid, and, vice versa, at times of peak electricity demand, they have the ability to switch from electricity to gas. The second article, “Harnessing Flexibility from Hot and Cold” by Kiviluoma et al., covers a variety of ways that thermal heating and cooling can provide added flexibility to the electrical grid. Moving thermal loads from electricity january/february 2017 PSCAD POWER SYSTEM SIMULATION The Industry Standard for Electromagnetic Transient Simulations PSCAD™ / EMTDC™ has earned the trust of power system leaders around the world for over 40 years. Our software provides unparalleled reliability, speed, and accuracy for a range of applications, including: 4 Insulation Coordination: Lightning and Switching 4 Harmonics, Ferroresonance and Power Quality 4 HVDC and FACTS 4 Wind, Solar and Distributed Generation 4 Protection and Relays 4 Equipment Failure Analysis Start your simulations today, our technical support team is ready to help. E: info@pscad.com W: www.pscad.com january/february 2017 IEEE power & energy magazine 11 net-load peaks to net valleys can smooth variations in load profiles. When the heating devices have suitable controllability, they can also be valuable sources of reserves that mitigate forecast errors and faults. The article examines the pros and cons of thermal-electricity integration and lays out generic principles and characteristics related to thermal sector flexibility as well as demonstrates its possibilities with specific examples. A major potential for flexibility in the heat sector is created by the low cost of storing heat, which provides an opportunity to shift electricity demand. Another option is to utilize hybrid systems where either electricity or fuel can be used to produce heat depending on the price variations of either option. This category includes many different options, starting from dual heaters in buildings all the way to large district heating systems with CHP plants, fuel boilers, and electric heaters. In addition, the article examines flexibility created by thermal loads in several countries around the world. In “The Triple Bottom Line for Efficiency,” authors Casey et al., examine the energy-water nexus and address efficiency financial, environmental, and social impacts. The article looks at examples that demonstrate the emerging integration of the water network and energy grids, particularly where water is used in the power production, wastewater treatment, and the end-use part of the electric grid. Water presents a variety of challenges for the electric sector including the reduction of water use in power plants, and using efficient electric technologies for water treatment, transport, desalination, industrial processes, and end uses can conserve electricity, hence reducing water use in power plants. Water and wastewater treatment facilities are good candidates for demand response because they are energy intensive and have significant flexibility through variable speed pumps and inher- ent storage in water tanks. This operational flexibility can make these facilities ideal partners for electric utilities seeking to manage electric load through demandresponse programs. “Unlocking Flexibility” by Dall’Anese et al., examines integrated operational solutions that strike a balance among cost, reliability, and environment while accounting for the affordability of energy, sustainability, and social acceptability. This article gives an overview of possible joint control and optimization approaches for multienergy systems. It also discusses the core challenges related to the development of distributed control and optimization algorithms that allow different parties to retain controllability of their own energy assets while maintaining their individual performance and reliability objectives. The physical couplings among systems is represented in mathematical terms through the so-called energy hub approach that offers the flexibility to tŽƌůĚ>ĞĂĚĞƌŝŶĞǀĞůŽƉŝŶŐ ŝŐǁŽŽĚ ^LJƐƚĞŵƐ͕/ŶĐ͘ ĨŽƌWŽǁĞƌ'ƌŝĚKŶͲůŝŶĞƐƐĞƐƐŵĞŶƚ͕ ŶŚĂŶĐĞŵĞŶƚ͕ĂŶĚKƉƟŵŝnjĂƟŽŶ ǁǁǁ͘ďŝŐǁŽŽĚͲƐLJƐƚĞŵƐ͘ĐŽŵ ƚ͗нϭ͘ϲϬϳ͘Ϯϱϳ͘Ϭϵϭϱ Ĩ͗нϭ͘ϲϬϳ͘Ϯϱϳ͘ϬϮϯϳ ,QQRYDWLRQSUHYDLOV ^/ŚĂƐŝŶǀĞŶƚĞĚĂŶĚŚŽůĚƐƚŚĞƌŝŐŚƚƐ ƚŽϭϴƉĂƚĞŶƚƐŝŶƚŚŝƐĂƌĞĂŽĨĞdžƉĞƌƟƐĞ͘ KŶͲůŝŶĞ^ŽůƵƟŽŶƐĨŽƌŶĞƌŐLJŽŶƚƌŽůĞŶƚĞƌƐ 2QOLQH 6\VWHP2SHUDWLQJ /LPLW 62/ (QJLQH &$,62 /RRN$KHDGDQG 2QOLQH9ROW9$5 &RQWURO 8.31 ³%LJZRRG6\VWHPV¶2QOLQH9ROWDJH6WD ELOLW\SURGXFWLVVLPSO\WKHEHVWLQWKH ILHOG´ &$,623URMHFW/HDGHU ³%6,2QOLQH7UDQVLHQW6WDELOLW\$VVHVV PHQWLVDVXSHUESURGXFW´ 7(3&20DQDJHU ³%6,9$50DQDJHPHQW6\VWHPVLVD EHVWSUDFWLFHWRROIRUDOOXWLOLWLHV´ 6(5&$XGLW6WDII 12 IEEE power & energy magazine 2QOLQH9ROWDJH 7UDQVLHQW6WDELOLW\ 3-07(3&2 1H[W*HQHUDWLRQ 6WDWH (VWLPDWLRQIRU 7 ' 2QOLQH5HDFWLYH5H VHUYH 9$5 0DUJLQ 0RQLWRULQJ6\VWHP 79$ ƐĂůĞƐΛďŝŐǁŽŽĚͲ ƐLJƐƚĞŵƐ͘ĐŽŵ 6XSHUDQG*OREDO 2SWLPDO3RZHU)ORZ XSWRFRQ WUROYDULDEOHV ([WHQVLYHVRIWZDUHSRUWIROLRIRUERWKWUDQVPLVVLRQDQGGLVWULEXWLRQV\VWHPV3OHDVH YLVLWRXUZHEVLWHWROHDUQPRUHDERXWVXFFHVVIXOVWRULHVSURGXFWVDQGXWLOLW\FRQVXOWLQJ ZZZELJZRRGV\VWHPVFRP ƵƐƚŽŵĞƌƐ^/ŚĂƐƉƌŽǀŝĚĞĚƐŽůƵƟŽŶƐĂŶĚƐĞƌǀŝĐĞƐƚŽŽǀĞƌϯϱĞůĞĐƚƌŝĐĂůƵƟůŝƟĞƐǁŽƌůĚͲ ǁŝĚĞ͕ŝŶĐůƵĚŝŶŐůŽŶŐƐƚĂŶĚŝŶŐĐƵƐƚŽŵĞƌƐ͕ĂůŝĨŽƌŶŝĂ/^K͕W:D/ŶƚĞƌĐŽŶŶĞĐƟŽŶ;>ĂƌŐĞƐƚ ƐLJƐƚĞŵŽƉĞƌĂƚŽƌŝŶƚŚĞǁŽƌůĚͿ͕dŽŬLJŽůĞĐƚƌŝĐWŽǁĞƌŽŵƉĂŶLJ;dWKͿ͕dĞŶŶĞƐƐĞĞsĂůͲ ůĞLJƵƚŚŽƌŝƚLJ͕hŶŝƚĞĚ<ŝŶŐĚŽŵWŽǁĞƌEĞƚǁŽƌŬƐ;ŶŐůĂŶĚͿ͕ĂŶĚEĞǁzŽƌŬ/^K͕ĂŵŽŶŐ ŽƚŚĞƌƐ͘^/͛ƐĂĚǀĂŶĐĞĚƚĞĐŚŶŽůŽŐLJ͕ŝŶŶŽǀĂƟŽŶ͕ĂŶĚƐĂƟƐĮĞĚĐƵƐƚŽŵĞƌƐĂƌĞŬĞLJĚŝīĞƌĞŶƟͲ ĂƚŽƌƐ͘ january/february 2017 capture energy-conversion factors at various spatial scales. The resultant energy hub model involves an input–output matrix formulates the solution to multisystem level optimization problems. From an operational perspective, the coordinated control of various energy infrastructures represents a significant change that favors a local view and makes city quarters, residential neighborhoods, and industrial areas the fundamental building blocks of the integrated energy system. The fifth article, “The Consumer’s Role in Flexible Energy Systems” by Schuitema et al., examines the important role that consumers play on different levels in achieving flexibility in energy systems. They can help make energy systems more flexible by changing their energy-consumption patterns, resulting in load shifting and reduction in energy demand. To do this, customers must accept smart technologies and energy-efficiency measures. This is something that electrical power system operators don’t necessarily control or un- derstand. The area of consumer acceptance and energy use is a multifactor challenge that typically needs the disciplines of social sciences, economics, and humanities to understand. There are also factors such as policy interventions and market design. The article notes that a more integrated approach is needed within social sciences and humanities as well as with energy researchers in other disciplines, such as engineering, environmental science, and computer science, to design the best energy system of the future. The final article, “Flexibility Challenges for Energy Markets” by D’haeseleer et al., discusses the influence of policy and regulation on the efficient behavior of energy markets and warns of inadequate performance of the overall energy system if the wrong policy choices and their practical implementation are made. The article gives several examples of how the speed of investments in certain areas and ignoring system interactions can lead to targets that may even be opposed to each other, thereby compromising the strategic objectives. The authors give some possible alternative routes for increasing system flexibility and promotes better energy systems integration. The issue concludes with the “In My View” column, in which Mattias Anderson makes the case for the need of an interdisciplinary approach to achieve appropriate levels of flexibility in our energy system. He points out the interdisciplinary opportunities within the developing area of ESI. Anderson’s background in intellectual history and political science and his many years of working with research engineers gives him some interesting perspectives, in particular, on the transition toward a renewable-based energy system with its large share of intermittent energy sources such as wind and solar. We hope you enjoy this selection of articles that examine the concept of ESI and how it can be used to unlock flexibility in the electric power system. p&e T THE ENERGY SYSTEM IS A COMPLEX NETWORK of physical infrastructure and markets interacting closely with one another. Within this network, the gas and electricity systems have become the backbone of modern energy production. Both systems are closely interconnected due to the vast deployment of efficient combined-cycle gas turbines (CCGTs) over the first decade of the 2000s, mainly in Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries. This increased interdependence and rapid penetration of variable renewable energy sources (varRE) make the gas–electricity nexus a primary concern and opportunity for energy system flexibility. The significant discrepancies in gas prices across the world (Figure 1) bear witness to the fact that gas markets remain largely regional. The role of gas in electricity systems and the interaction between gas and electricity differ, however, across the globe. ✔ In the United States, natural gas has become a major energy source (primarily at the expense of coal investment), due to the shale gas revolution and to natural gas’s potential in implementing the CO2 reduction policies introduced by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Consequently, the gas network has been stressed during times when demand from both the electricity system and direct gas consumers is high. To ensure reliable operation, several coordinating initiatives between the gas and electricity sectors have emerged across the country (for example, in California, Texas, New England, and the Midwest). ©ISTOCKPHOTO.COM/DIMA_ORIS Unleashing the Flexibility of Gas By Steve Heinen, Christian Hewicker, Nick Jenkins, James McCalley, Mark O’Malley, Sauro Pasini, and Simone Simoncini Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2016.2621838 Date of publication: 2 February 2017 16 IEEE power & energy magazine 1540-7977/17©2017IEEE january/february 2017 ✔ Latin America is one of the world’s most hydro-energy dependent regions. However, recent prolonged droughts have sparked numerous operational and system planning issues, thus renewing interest in conventional thermal investments for dispatchable generation, with demand for both fossil fuel and electric power increasing rapidly across the region. The gas market continues to grow, owing in part to ample new investment in liquefied natural gas (LNG) infrastructure planned by Chile, Colombia, and Uruguay. ✔ In Eastern Asia, natural gas tends to be a scarce resource and today is mainly imported through LNG terminals. Gas-fuelled electricity generation is used, at best, for mid-load generation— except in Japan, where, after the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster, CCGT plants have operated as base-load plants. Although coal remains king, the role of gas could expand, given local concerns about air pollution and the increasing availability of pipeline gas from Russia and central Asia. Technically, China has the world’s largest recoverable shale gas resources; however, this potential is constrained by geological complexity, shortages of water, and land access difficulties, as well as by limited industrial experience—all of which led the country to lower its production targets. China’s gas consumption has been increasing faster than its production over the past five years. This trend is likely to continue because the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016–2020) stipulates that coal in nonpower sectors be replaced with either natural gas or electricity. ✔ In Europe, gas power is considered an important technical resource for renewables integration, but it is currently struggling to be economically competitive: several gas power stations have been mothballed, and utilities are calling for payment mechanisms to keep plants online. The situation has been aggravated by flat or, in some countries, declining electricity demand, low coal prices, and weak carbon markets. In parallel, efforts to decarbonize the gas network and reduce import dependence are increasing: biogas production is growing, although from a small base, and several power-to-gas demonstration projects have been commissioned. In all these regions, the inevitable penetration of variable generation and electrification of heat and transport will lead to increasingly variable operation of thermal dispatchable generators (this is already being observed in Europe). The growing net-load variability affects not only power stations but also networks and gas supply systems (e.g., gas storage and LNG tanks). In this article, we discuss the gas system’s ability to meet the electricity system’s flexibility requirements and also explore some of the technical, economic, and policy measures required if gas is to become a flexibility resource. We analyze flexibility in three parts of the system: ✔ from gas power generation—technology and electricity market design ✔ in gas supply—gas storage and gas/electricity market coordination ✔ through multiple-input, multiple-output plants and appliances. Innovating Gas Systems to Meet the Electricity System’s Flexibility Requirements Flexibility from Gas Power Generation: Technology and Electricity Markets Impacts of Flexible Operation and Technology Development From a technical perspective, gas turbine-based plants are typically more flexible than many other forms of generation, able to start quickly and having significant ramping capability (Figure 2). In many cases they are an ideal complement to variable renewable energy. For example, Ireland has, simultaneously, a very large penetration of wind and gas-fired electricity generation. Modern gas turbine plants excel, with startup times of lower than 1 h and ramp rates above 50 MW/min. Older coal plants, heavy oil, and nuclear plants often require four to eight hours for start up and have lower ramp rates (few MW/min). january/february 2017 IEEE power & energy magazine 17 18 IEEE power & energy magazine 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 USD/MBtu Gas turbine research and development (R&D) focuses on improving the technical flexibility as well as economic profitability in electricity markets by minimizing startup times, enhancing ramping capabilities, and reducing gas power stations’ minimum stable output. The R&D priorities for gas power plants are as follows. ✔ Using advanced materials to minimize cycling impact and cost. For CCGTs in particular, this involves improving the balance of plant (or “BOP”) and the heat-recovery steam generator (HRSG), which often Japan LNG Europe (NBP) limits startup times because the material and equipUnited States (Henry Hub) ment cannot sustain higher temperature gradients. Improved maintenance procedures in combination figure 1. Gas pricing at different global trading hubs, with new control instruments (potentially in real time) 2003–2016. The United Kingdom is representative of can also optimize the startup procedure and reduce European gas prices. NBP: national balancing point. startup times. (Source: International Energy Agency, Tracking Clean ✔ Increasing the use of monitoring and automation for Energy Progress 2016, Paris: OECD/IEA, 2016.) reliable startup sequencing. For CCGTs, additional monitoring systems help identify stress and residual life on steam turbines and HRSGs. Open-cycle gas turbines (OCGTs) and aeroderivative gas turbines (ADGTs) were always designed to provide flexibil✔ Maximizing load gradients during load changes. This can be accomplished by using advanced materials and ity, but CCGT power plants were initially designed to operate real-time monitoring systems to minimize wear and mid-load to base load. Over the last decade, European CCGTs have already evolved to a point where it is common that they tear of the material. have a more flexible operating schedule. Since the mid-2000s, ✔ Improving combustion stability in gas turbines during CCGT dispatch in some European regions has moved from load change. base load to mid-load to several startup/down cycles per day ✔ Reducing turn-down ratio and maximizing part-load (Figure 3). Consequently, operating times decreased to as low efficiency, especially of the gas turbine. This can be as 1,300 h per year, while startup rates have increased from achieved by improving the combustion process and 25 starts per terawatt-hour (TWh) to more than 80 starts per burner materials. TWh produced (Figure 4). The increased cyclic operation Turbine-based plants today completely dominate the gas exposes gas plants to more wear and tear and, consequently, power sector, but in some cases they could potentially face increases cycling costs. competition from reciprocating engines. In the past, reciprocating engines have mainly been used only for small, decentralized applications because turbine efMinimum Turndown Hot Startup Ramping ficiencies are considerably lower OCGT for these applications (<10 MW) CCGT and reciprocating engines can burn ICE a broader range of fuel composiICE CC tions (pipeline quality gas and, Hard Coal e.g., synthetic natural gas, landfill Lignite gas, and biogas). However, recip0 4 6 0 10 20 30 20 40 60 0 2 rocating engines are now availFL/min (%) FL (%) Hours able in sizes of up to 20 MW and can be organized as banks of enfigure 2. The flexibility characteristics of thermal electricity generation plants. gines to form a large power plant Typical plant size (MW) is as follows: OCGT: 50–200; CCGT: 300–500; internal (>200 MW). Today, in fact, many combustion engine (ICE)/reciprocating engine: 20–200; ICE combined cycle (CC): gas turbine manufacturers also 250–450; black (hard) coal: 500–1,000; lignite: 500–1,000. Note that nuclear plants own reciprocating engine compaare excluded because they perform worse. FL: full load. (Sources: International nies (Table 1). These plants proEnergy Agency, Energy Technology Perspectives 2014, Paris: OECD/IEA, 2014; vide cost-effective N-1 reliability German Institute for Economic Research, Current and Prospective Costs of Electricity for islanded power systems due Generation, Berlin, 2013; Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik, to the scalability of the cascadErneuerbare Energie braucht flexible Kraftwerke—Szenarien 2020, Frankfurt am ing plants, which require only one Main, 2012.) 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 january/february 2017 400 300 (MW) additional reciprocating engine to meet the reliability standard. With regard to flexibility characteristics, reciprocating engines could provide ✔ higher efficiency than OCGT and ADGT (up to 48%) ✔ higher part-load plant efficiency and very low minimum output, given that the plant (20–200 MW) is based on small units (<20 MW) ✔ very quick startup time (a few minutes) and good ramping. 200 100 0 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 2005 2012 Electricity Market Design to Reward Flexibility From an economic perspective, increasing levels of variable renewable energy penetration may reduce the running hours for these gas generators. Modeling based on the United Kingdom’s system indicates that the capacity factor of CCGTs could drop from around 45% today to as low as 10% in 2050. Additionally, the more frequent startups and higher ramps result in higher cycling costs, which potentially raises economic concerns for such gas plants as the result will be a reduction in revenue and an increase in cycling costs. This challenge has contributed to an extensive global debate about designing electricity markets that reward flexibility and maintain adequacy. For example, in Europe many state-of-the-art gas plants have been mothballed as they are no longer in the merit order (a problem caused not only by increased variable renewable generation but also by the relative market prices for coal and gas), and many others are struggling to continue to operate. This has led to the development of capacity mechanisms and other market measures for some of these gas plants. In Ireland, new ancillary service products are being defined to reward flexibility, and gas plants are potentially providers of figure 3. A comparison of the operating schedule of the same Italian CCGT owned by Enel in 2005 and 2012. (Source: Enel.) these services. New market products are also being developed in some parts of the United States, notably in California and by the MISO system. Determining the best type of gas plant to have in scenarios with a high penetration of varRE depends largely on local circumstances. OCGTs are more flexible than CCGTs but less efficient; therefore, there is a market tradeoff between energy and flexibility. Other designs, such as ADGTs and reciprocating engines, combine flexibility and efficiency, but they do so at the expense of additional capital expenditure. Economic profitability, based mainly on market revenues and technology cost, will also define how gas power plants perform against other flexibility sources in the electricity system (e.g., interconnection, demand-side control, consumer interaction) and in the wider energy system (heat, water). The most economic form of flexibility will be system specific. However, 6,000 90 78 80 5,100 Full Load Hours (h) 4,000 4,000 2,800 4,000 2,000 2,000 2,200 Startup Rates (Starts per TWh) 5,000 71 70 60 55 50 37 40 30 28 20 1,000 10 0 2007 2011 2012 (a) 2013 2014 0 2007 2011 2012 2013 2014 (b) figure 4. (a) The equivalent operating hours and (b) startup rates (starts per TWh) for an Italian CCGT plant owned by Enel. (Source: Enel.) january/february 2017 IEEE power & energy magazine 19 table 1. Gas turbine manufacturers and their related reciprocating engine companies. Gas Turbine ICEs GE turbines Jenbacher, Waukesha, Dresser Rolls Royce Bergen Solar turbines CAT Power MAN Turbo MAN Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Mitsubishi Heavy Industries when combined with capacity requirements, gas plants would be particularly suitable. Market design and rewards for flexibility will be essential to encouraging investment in flexibility and ensure reliability. Flexibility in Gas Supply: Gas Storage and Gas/Electricity Market Coordination Gas Storage In the past, gas network flexibility appeared abundant compared to electricity systems and was largely ignored in electricity reliability assessments. The variability of varRE in the electricity system will lead to the more flexible operation of gas power stations, ultimately translating to diurnal variability in gas supply, and may require that gas be stored in preparation for a ramping event in the electricity system. Compared to electricity systems, gas systems typically offer significant flexibility due to different storage options: line pack, underground storage, and LNG tanks. Line pack is the volume of gas stored in pipelines and can be used to meet abrupt diurnal changes in gas demand. It is proportional to average system pressure. During a period of low renewable energy output (for example, wind), gas generators may be called upon, which would lead to a large and rapid decrease of the gas line pack. If this happens when 30 6h 338 Low Wind Case: 2020 336 334 332 High Wind: 2020 330 Low Wind: 2020 25 Power (GW) Base Case: 2009 10 mcm Line Pack (mcm) 340 peak gas and electricity demand coincide, the resulting pressure drop in the gas network could limit its ability to meet rapid changes in gas demand (including gas for power generation) and cause interruption of gas supplies to CCGTs. Other flexibility sources (e.g., electricity imports through interconnectors or demand-side response) would be required to ensure reliable system operation. To mitigate such linepack shortages, coordination between gas network and electricity system operators will be increasingly important. Modeling results for the United Kingdom’s 2020 system suggest the increasing need for coordination between gas and electricity system operation. In a low wind scenario, the line pack decreases strongly at times when high demand coincides and limits the gas supply to CCGTs. As a result, the power output from CCGTs during peak hours may drop by almost 3 GW (Figure 5). This reduction in CCGT power output was compensated for by the import of more expensive electricity through the U.K./France interconnector. Underground gas storage facilities include depleted gas/oil fields, aquifers, and salt caverns. Depleted fields and aquifers are typically used as seasonal storage facilities. Natural gas is injected into storage during the summer (low-demand season) and withdrawn during the winter (high-demand season). The withdrawal rate and capacity are often very large, but the cycling capability is limited. Salt caverns are commonly used as fast-cycle storage due to their ability to support several cycles of gas injection into and gas withdrawal from storage within a year. This type of storage is better suited to providing gas supply flexibility to electricity systems with high penetrations of varRE. Despite the receding demand for gas in Europe, the number of European storage facilities is increasing due to growing flexibility requirements as well as concerns over the security of supply. The completion of currently planned projects, mostly salt cavern facilities, will increase storage capacity by 20% in 2020 compared to current levels. LNG storage tanks and gasification stations are used as peak shaving facilities that can respond rapidly to sudden 20 15 10 5 Base Case: 2009 High Wind Case: 2020 0 328 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 Time (h) (a) 3.1 GW 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 Time (h) (b) figure 5. (a) The aggregate gas network line pack and (b) power generation by CCGT. (Source Qadrdan et al., 2010.) 20 IEEE power & energy magazine january/february 2017 The inevitable penetration of variable generation and electrification of heat and transport will lead to increasingly variable operation of thermal dispatchable generators. gas demand changes. Therefore, they not only contribute to energy security by diversifying supply but also provide operational flexibility. Gas/Electricity Market Coordination Gas and electricity markets interact via gas power plant operators buying fuel on gas markets to generate power, which is sold to the electricity market. Plant operators may do this by trading in a variety of markets, i.e., from longterm contracts and forward markets until shortly before real time. While longer-term transactions are mainly important with a view to the need for sufficient gas network capacity, flexibility needs are primarily driven by trading in the dayahead and intraday/within-day markets as well as the need to provide ancillary services and balance energy to power system operators in real time. Electricity and gas markets are often operated in isolation on different time frames throughout the day and have often failed to create a homogenous structure. Among others, some of the key challenges include the following: ✔ different time scales, such as the difference between the “gas market day” (6 a.m.–6 a.m.) and the calendar day or the use of subhourly settlement intervals in electricity systems ✔ a system of fixed “gates” (day-ahead and/or during the day) at which electric power and/or network capacity is traded in the electricity markets, as opposed to continuous trading in the gas market ✔ different product definitions and mechanisms for allocation of network capacities ✔ widespread use of interruptible network capacities in the gas market. As a result, gas plant operators may be required to commit to a certain gas volume before knowing if their electricity market bids have been accepted, or vice versa. As gas plant operators need to account for such risks in their bidding behavior, this may result in a suboptimal market outcome and increased costs to consumers. Similarly, gas network operators are often unable to predict the variability in gas off-take induced by the electricity market, making it difficult to manage diurnal flexibility (such as line pack) in an optimal way. As the deployment of varRE progresses, limited market coordination may lead to serious risks for flexibility, such as the need for quickly ramping up generation by gasfired power plants. In recent years, the lack of coordination between gas and electricity has already threatened reliability. For instance, insufficient stocks of natural gas in local january/february 2017 storage contributed to the need for rolling blackouts in Texas in February 2011. Similarly, in February 2012, parts of the power system in southern Germany were close to breakdown because the interdependence of the gas/electricity system had not been considered. A cold spell drove electricity demand to record highs, while direct gas demand for heating was also high. As only interruptible gas pipeline capacity had been contracted for, some gas power plants could not be dispatched as required, and a rolling blackout could only be avoided by actively reducing demand. In response to these concerns, regulators and governments are increasingly encouraging coordination between both markets. In the United States, gas and electricity coordination activities and interdependence assessment are ongoing in various regions, including California, Texas, New England, and the Midwest. Likewise, this topic has been picked up both at national and continent-wide levels in Europe. Besides improved coordination and information exchange between system and network operators for gas and electricity, some of these initiatives have also suggested changes of market design and network access arrangements. For instance, in France, the gas transmission system operator introduced a set of specific operating restrictions for a growing fleet of gas-fired plants but in combination with a new commercial product that allows such plants to purchase additional diurnal flexibility on a daily basis. To a certain extent, the coordination challenges are linked to different time constants in electricity and gas balancing (see Table 2). While an efficient integration of varRE requires shorter gate-closure times and settlement intervals, physical gas pipeline flows can be changed only with a significant delay. This creates a dilemma for gas/electricity market coordination as well as natural barriers for aligning market opening/closing times. Regulators and system operators thus have to make a choice between either 1) exposing gas power plant operators to the risk of diurnal restrictions and different time scales for the gas and electricity market or 2) allocating the risk of variations in the final two or three hours to gas network operators. Flexibility Through Hybrid Energy Conservation Systems Integrated energy conversion systems can provide high levels of flexibility when they are able to switch between input (energy resources) and output (production service) as well as to store the input resource and/or some intermediate or final form of the converted resource. Such a system is commonly IEEE power & energy magazine 21 table 2. Different time constants in electricity and gas balancing. Issue Electricity System Gas System Balancing requirement Need to maintain system frequency within strict limits in real time Maintenance of operating pressures within a certain range due to line-pack capability Balancing process Close to real time (<1 s) power balance Cumulative energy deviation over balancing time frame or day Balancing time frame Focus on immediate action in the last minutes/hour before real time Focus on delayed actions (ex-post), typically ≥2 h Adapted from DNV GL. referred to as a multiple-input poly-generation conversion system; a multiple-input,multiple-output conversion system; energy hubs; or a hybrid energy-conversion system (HES). The flexibility can be utilized for the electricity system, the natural gas system, or both. Two kinds of flexibility can be distinguished for HESs. ✔ Operational flexibility enables meeting highly variable net loads or maximizing operation at steady state of certain HES appliances to minimize wear and tear. ✔ Economic flexibility enables arbitrage between input resources and output services, i.e., utilizing least-price input resources while providing highest-price output services, subject to contractual and physical constraints. A traditional single-input, single-output power plant may provide significant operational flexibility, but it would not have economic flexibility. HES. However, a large variety of alternative HES designs are conceivable through the combining of different inputs (electricity, heat, fuels, and/or biomass) and outputs (electricity, heating and cooling services, water, hydrogen, transportation fuels, and/or commodity chemicals). The flexibility benefits of HES deployment are exemplified here based on three different HES designs: 1) an advanced HES based on anaerobic digestion (AD), 2) hybrid residential heaters, and 3) windelectrolyzer systems. An advanced HES can be conceived around AD. As illustrated in Figure 6, such an HES has three energy inputs (natural gas, biomass, and electricity), three energy output services (biomethane, electricity, and cooling/heating), and three storage devices (biomass, heat, and biogas). Additionally, it contains two heat sources: the combined heat and power (CHP) unit and the low-temperature geothermal system with heat pump. The CHP and heat pump serve both the anaerobic digester and the district energy system. AD utilizes low-grade heat to support the digesExamples of Advanced tion of organic materials (e.g., wasted food, plant clippings, HES Designs A combined heat-and-power, or cogeneration, plant fueled by animal manure, sewage) to produce biogas. The biogas can be natural gas and biogas is a familiar design that exemplifies an used directly to fuel the CHP, it can be stored, or it can be cleaned and upgraded before its injection into a natural gas pipeline system. The district energy system distributes heat obtained Biomethane Cleaning/ Biogas from the CHP and heat pump Injected Upgrading Storage into Pipeline systems to the demand; it could also provide cooling, if an abNatural Gas Combined sorption chiller is included. Biogas Heat and Electricity Biomass The heat storage (or accumuAnaerobic Power Mixing Digester lator) facility and the heat pump provide that the HES meets heatHeat ing and cooling demand while the Heat Heat Heat CHP meets the flexibility requireStorage Heat Biomass ments from the electricity system; Storage Cooling Low-Temp alternatively (or additionally), the District Energy Services Geothermal w/ heating demand may be controlled, System Electricity Heating Heat Pump reducing the need for the heat pump Services or the heat storage. The integration of AD into this figure 6. An advanced HES design based on an anaerobic digester (three inputs and HES is motivated in four ways. three outputs). 22 IEEE power & energy magazine january/february 2017 january/february 2017 the gas grid, or used as fuel or feedstock. Excess wind energy that would otherwise be curtailed can be used to run an electrolyzer and produce hydrogen. The resulting hydrogen can be used as transportation fuel or industry feedstock. Alternatively, the hydrogen can be fed directly into the gas system or processed to synthetic natural gas. The admissible hydrogen concentration for direct injection into the gas grid is limited mainly by gas combustion equipment because the different combustion properties of hydrogen lead to flame speeds and reactivity, while hydrogen embrittles the pipeline. This HES enables storage of excess renewable electricity in a gaseous fuel, thus providing access to the vast storage capabilities of the gas infrastructure. The gas network offers storage capabilities over all time frames, from daily cycling as line pack to interseasonal storage underground, and is thus much more flexible than other storage technologies. Therefore, this HES provides considerable operational flexibility, but its economic potential depends largely on the price spread between wind energy and hydrogen, as well as between hydrogen and natural gas. Also, the electrolyzer’s cost itself makes deployment today prohibitive. A few pilot plants have been built in Germany since 2013 with support from both industry and government. The Danish system operator expects to rely on electrolyzer systems by 2030 to provide flexibility. Benefits of Wide-Scale HES Deployment Conventional: Single-Input, Single-Output Energy Converters Output Side Input Side The economic flexibility resulting from wide-scale HES deployment is manifest by an increase in resilience. An indication of resilience of a certain system is typically the total price increase of electric and natural gas services nation- or continent-wide after a disturbance or disruption. A lower price increase indicates a higher level of resilience. As shown in Figure 7, HES deployment increases the link density of the overall networked system, better delivering Output Side low grade, ranging from 30 to 38 °C, and can be extracted from a wide range of processes including heat pumps and CHPs. This sets AD apart compared to processing biomass via gasification or pyrolysis because these latter two methods require high-quality heat. ✔ Second, many attractive regions for wind-energy development (for example, in the United States, the Midwestern north–south “belt” from about Wyoming on the western side to Illinois on the eastern side) are also highly agricultural with a diversity of biomass feedstock including animal waste, grass and maize silage, and grains (e.g., wheat and triticale). Thus, as wind and solar penetrations grow, so will these regions’ need for flexibility, a need that could be met by HESs through a biomass resource indigenous to the region. Although there are over 11,000 AD facilities in Europe and 2,100 in the United States, the potential for agricultural biomass digestion remains underutilized. Most U.S. facilities (about 1,880) are associated with wastewater treatment plants or landfill gas projects; only 247 are on farms and thus make use of agricultural biomass. ✔ Third, if the input feedstock decomposed naturally, undergoing the same biological process as in AD, then it would emit methane directly into the atmosphere. Considering that the global warming potential of methane is at least 21 times higher than the CO2 released if AD is used, then AD operation can represent a significant reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. ✔ Finally, investment in AD provides an effective hedge against long-term natural gas price volatility, a manifestation of the economic flexibility of the HES. Another example of an HES is a hybrid of heat pumps/gas boilers that uses both gas and electricity to supply residential heat. The smart integration of such heaters enables shifts in real time between the different fuels to respond to system conditions. For example, the hybrid heaters can switch from gas to electricity for generating heat during times of excess renewable electricity on the power grid; conversely, at times of peak electricity demand, they can switch from electricity to gas. Wide-scale deployment minimizes electricity capacity expansion compared to single-fuel heat pump deployment and reduces up-front costs for consumers because the expensive heat pump can be downscaled. Such deployment also supports decarbonization and reduces natural gas dependency compared to single-fuel gas boilers. Technical flexibility is limited by consumer comfort, which depends on personal preferences as well as on building properties. An investment study of this technology for Ireland indicates that its deployment is costeffective and enables system-wide cost reductions compared to boiler- or heat pump-only deployment. A third HES example is based on electrolyzers, which are fueled by electricity and produce synthetic natural gas and hydrogen. These outputs can be stored locally, fed into Input Side ✔ First, although AD requires heat, the necessary heat is HES: Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output Energy Converters figure 7. The impact of HESs on network link density. IEEE power & energy magazine 23 energy from raw resources to service demands relative to single-input, single-output power plant designs. HES provides increased path redundancy between energy resources and energy services, offering alternative means to satisfy energy service demands. After the 2005 hurricanes Katrina and Rita in the Gulf of Mexico, a large percentage of U.S. natural gas supply was shut down for many weeks. Although electric and natural gas demand was interrupted for only a short time in a localized region, electric and natural gas prices rose steeply throughout the nation, and they did not return to their prehurricane levels for months. An increased link density due to HES deployment would have enabled shifting between supplies and products after the disaster occurred, thus minimizing the price spike. HES plants are scalable from conventional utility-sized generation to distributed resources (DRs) to meet flexibility needs at different scales. DRs are connected at the electric distribution level (consistent with IEEE standard 1547), which means that for some small-scale applications, the capacity is constrained by distribution circuits. Distributed HES plants with capacities of 10–100 MW, however, could be connected directly to the distribution substation rather than the distribution circuit, which means that their DR potential is less limited. Distribution-substation connections of resources at this capacity maintain the partial benefit of proximity to loads while still retaining the ability to utilize the transmission system without reversing flows on distribution circuits. Therefore, wide deployment throughout a region of many HESs of this scale would satisfy the operational flexibility necessary for high wind and solar penetration, enable economic flexibility, and balance the benefits of load proximity with transmission accessibility. HES deployment can potentially provide both operational and economic flexibility by combining different energy resources (inputs) and energy services (outputs). However, the industry is often disaggregated, and many plant users are only active in one specific market. Therefore, plant owners and companies may not see opportunity arising from a by-product, lack the skills to expand to new markets, or shy away from the risk of expanding into unknown markets. Collaboration and research are essential to develop skills and confidence. Conclusions Today, gas turbines are the main flexibility source (next to interconnectors) for balancing demand and variable supply and achieving stable grid operation. Gas-fueled power plants typically start up quickly and provide excellent ramping capabilities that cannot be understated. The profitability of gas power plants is decreasing, however, because operational hours are dropping and material wear and tear is increasing. Gas turbine R&D efforts are focused on reducing cycling costs and maximizing flexibility capabilities, but market design that adequately rewards flexibility is essential to ensure system reliability. The cyclical operation of gas power plants increases gas supply variability and requires the increased use of short-term storage and intraday market trading. Increased 24 IEEE power & energy magazine coordination between gas and electricity infrastructure is critical due to the different time constants for real-time operation of gas and electricity networks. Further integrating the energy resources and energy services through HESs can increase both the operational and economic flexibility of an energy system. Various HES designs are possible that enable the use of existing infrastructures and meeting local demands. Additionally, the deployment of HES plants improves system reliability and resilience by increasing link density and enabling the switch between different supply sources and products. However, collaboration among sectors and industries is essential to realize this potential. The gas infrastructure is a major flexibility resource for the electricity system. A holistic perspective including both systems captures couplings and interactions, and, if those are significant, then it reveals integration challenges and opportunities to further increase the flexibility options Acknowledgment Steve Heinen is supported by the Fonds National de la Recherche, Luxembourg (project reference 6018454), and the CITIES project, Denmark (project reference 1305-00027B/DSF). For Further Reading COWI and DNV KEMA, “Study on synergies between electricity and gas balancing markets (EGEBS),” European Commission for Energy, Brussels, Belgium, Rep. TRENTALOT3-015, Oct. 2012. “Report on outages and curtailments during the Southwest cold weather event of February 1–5, 2011—Causes and recommendations,” Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and North American Electric Reliability Corp., Aug. 2011. “Accommodating an increased dependence on natural gas for electric power,” NERC, Atlanta, GA, 2013. P. Ostergaard, “Comparing electricity, heat and biogas storages’ impacts on renewable energy integration,” Energy, vol. 37, pp. 255–262, 2012. M. Qadrdan, M. Chaudry, J. Wu, N. Jenkins, and J. B. Ekanayake, “Impact of a large penetration of wind generation on the GB gas network,” Energy Policy, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 5684–5695, Jan. 2010. N. Szarka, F. Scholwin, M. Trommler, H. Jacobi, M. Eichhorn, A. Ortwein, and D. Thran, “A novel role for bioenergy: A flexible, demand-oriented power supply,” Energy, vol. 61, no. 10, pp. 18–26, Oct. 2013. Biographies Steve Heinen is with University College Dublin, Ireland. Christian Hewicker is with DNV Energy, Germany. Nick Jenkins is with Cardiff University, United Kingdom. James McCalley is with Iowa State University, United States. Mark O’Malley is with University College Dublin, Ireland. Sauro Pasini is with Enel Thermal Generation, Italy. Simone Simoncini is with Enel Thermal Generation, Italy. p&e january/february 2017 Harnessing Flexibility from Hot and Cold A AS HAS BEEN OFTEN REPORTED, ELECTRICITY SYSTEMS with high levels of variable wind and solar power generation would benefit from demand flexibility. What is not as often mentioned is that electrification of the transport and heat sectors could exacerbate the need for flexibility, if they are implemented as inflexible loads. This demand could also be made more flexible, but it comes with a cost. The main issue is to identify the cases in which the benefits will outweigh those costs, a matter that will naturally depend on the evolution of specific energy systems. In this article, we lay out some generic principles and characteristics related to heatsector flexibility and demonstrate its possibilities using specific examples. While we generally use the word heat here, most of the discussions also apply to cool, which, after all, is just another form of temperature difference. A major potential for flexibility in the heat sector results from the low cost of storing heat, which allows opportunities to shift electricity demand. Another possibility is to utilize hybrid systems in which either electricity or fuel can be used to produce heat depending on price variations between the two options. By Juha Kiviluoma, Steve Heinen, Hassan Qazi, Henrik Madsen, Goran Strbac, Chongqing Kang, Ning Zhang, Dieter Patteeuw, and Tobias Naegler ©ISTOCKPHOTO.COM/MIMACZ, ROPE—IMAGE LICENSED BY INGRAM PUBLISHING Heat Storage and Hybrid Systems Can Play a Major Role Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2016.2626618 Date of publication: 2 February 2017 january/february 2017 1540-7977/17©2017IEEE IEEE power & energy magazine 25 Hybrid systems may take many different forms, from dual heaters in buildings all the way to large district heating systems with combined heat-and-power (CHP) plants, fuel boilers, and electric heaters. The Flexibility Potential of Heating and Cooling Together, heating and cooling represent a huge part of energy consumption. However, the heat system is often not considered as a single system, but rather—due to the historic emphasis on energy supply—as subsystems of different supply sources (e.g., gas, coal, and electricity). Therefore, size and flexibility potential are often overlooked. According to 2014 Eurostat figures, in the European Union (EU) around Primary Energy Use Final Energy Use 22% 30% 40% 45% 33% 29% Heat Transport Electricity 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Residential Local Heating and Cooling In du st r Tr an y sp or S t Ag erv i ce ro Sp /For s e ac st e ry W Hea at er ting H ea tin El ec g tri Co ok c Ap in g pl ia nc e Li gh s tn in g Energy Use (Mtoe) figure 1. The primary and final energy use in the EU for 2014 (based on Eurostat figures) divided into three main categories of energy end use. Wood Heat Gas Coal Oil Electricity figure 2. The final EU-28 energy use for 2014 (based on Eurostat figures). The residential sector is split into components using 2008 data (ODYSSEE). Losses in transformation and transfer are not included. “Heat” as energy use refers to the heat being a conversion by-product from, e.g., a CHP plant or an industrial process. 26 30% of primary energy is used to produce heat, 30% is used in the transport sector, and 40% is used for electricity, including electricity to heat (see Figure 1). The share of electricity in primary energy consumption is higher than in final energy consumption because a large proportion of energy is wasted in electricity generation processes using the Carnot cycle (Figure 1). The opposite is true for heat, because nearly 100% of the energy in fuel is converted to useful heat. The large share of heat in the final energy use translates to a large potential for power system flexibility. For example, the value of surplus wind or solar power is zero, but if that electricity can be used to replace heating fuels, the value rises to the price of the fuel. The value is affected by the conversion efficiency—the value gets higher if heat pumps are used instead of less-efficient direct-resistance heaters. However, there are investment costs that need to be factored in as well. Heat is consumed in most end-use sectors, except transport, but its use is very diverse. In residential and commercial buildings, heat is used for space and water heating. In the industrial sector, heat additionally provides process heat. In terms of flexibility, some demands are more amenable to being controlled than others. Figure 2 divides final energy use (heat, in particular) among the EU’s 28 member states (EU-28) into several categories. Most heat in the EU is generated from natural gas, while coal, oil and biomass make up much of the rest. In Europe, cooling demand is considerably lower than heating demand. However, it is growing quickly with increasing space-cooling requirements and also due to the heavy urban development in warmer climates and new uses needed in emerging services and industries, such as cooling large data centers. The heating/cooling usage types and demand profiles will largely impact the flexibility potential, We use the following categories to describe the major parts of the heat/ cooling system: ✔ local heating and cooling of buildings ✔ district heating and cooling ✔ heat for industry. IEEE power & energy magazine Final energy use in residential buildings is dominated by space and water heating demand—roughly 80% in Europe and 60% in the United States. Worldwide, most residential homes and commercial establishments produce heat locally within the building using a variety of different heating/cooling technologies and are not connected to district heating networks. Heating technologies can be mainly differentiated by their fuel (wood, natural gas, biogas, and electricity) and conversion process (combustion in a boiler or burner, liquid evaporation for heat pumps, and Joule’s law in resistance heaters). Cooling is generally based on electricity. The heating/cooling appliance couples the building to the energy supply system. Because solid and gaseous fuels can be stored easily over weeks, if not seasons, these supply january/february 2017 Electric storage heaters make use of the solid materials around the resistance heater as a heat store and may utilize a fan to release the heat in a more controlled manner. systems inherently have considerable flexibility, and planning boils down to managing supply and storage infrastructure, as with most commodities. On the other hand, electricity-fueled heaters/coolers require the power system to balance supply and demand instantaneously, changing the dispatch in the short run and impacting the generation portfolio in the long run. Electric heating, if deployed in an uncoordinated manner, requires additional power-system flexibility to meet daily, seasonal, and annual variations. For example, in France most residential heating is based on electric heating and causes considerable temperature sensitivity in the power demand (2,300 MW/°C); this represents a major driver for extreme peak loads and security of supply. However, a controllable electric heating/cooling can draw on the potential flexibility of heating (thermal inertia) to facilitate renewables integration and manage peak loads. For example, some demand-side management programs are being carried out in France as ad hoc measures to improve flexibility. In another example from Germany, it was realized that electric overnight storage heaters can be a valuable source of flexibility, so an earlier decision to remove them was reversed in 2013. The use of information and communications technologies in electric heaters could, therefore, provide the option to shift demand loads according to power system conditions, while also meeting the building occupants’ comfort requirements. These examples illustrate the strong interaction between residential electric heating and the power sector, but they also raise the question on how such integration of electric heating should be managed to provide flexibility in the most cost-effective and nonintrusive manner. Electric heating systems are mostly based on resistance heaters (including electric storage heaters) and on the more efficient heat pumps. Heat pumps make use of the natural temperature difference between the outdoors and indoors during a condensation/evaporation cycle. The heat cycle only requires electricity to run the compressor and other auxiliary equipment, thereby producing two to four units of heat for each unit of electricity consumed in air-source heat pumps (although the gain tapers off in colder temperatures). The efficiency can be even higher for ground-source heat pumps, reaching performance coefficients of four to five. This minimizes generation requirements and peak load but will not allow as much flexibility to utilize excess renewable electricity. Local cooling is usually provided by heat pumps (either with air conditioning systems that only cool or by reversible january/february 2017 heat pumps that can also heat). When the heat pump is used in cooling mode, it is called a chiller. The energy efficiency ratio is typically lower, ranging 1.5–2.5 units of cooling for one unit of electricity. In regions with high cooling loads, the coordinated cooling of buildings results in the dominant peak electricity demand. In many cases where a heat pump is installed, it is complemented by use of an electrical resistance heater or a gas boiler. The combination with a gas boiler (the socalled “hybrid” heat pump) shows vast flexibility potential. Its smart integration into the electric system could enable the power system to access the flexibility of the gas system by switching from the heat pump to the gas boiler whenever the electricity system is under stress (this could represent an extended period of several days). Hybrid fuel boiler/resistance heater systems could provide the option of using excess renewables by switching from fuels (often gas) to electricity. Thermal storage in buildings can enable the optimization of electricity consumption and charging based on electricity market prices while still providing thermal comfort to the user. If the resistance heater is integrated with high-thermalcapacity materials, then the heaters are referred to as storage heaters. Electric storage heaters make use of the solid materials around the resistance heater as a heat store and may utilize a fan to release the heat in a more controlled manner. Using resistance coils or hydronic systems in underfloor heating enables some energy to be stored in the thermal capacity of the floor as well. Other technologies for thermal storage include water storage tanks and solid materials. In particular, in hydronic systems, a water tank can be added relatively easily, although there is a cost related to the space use in addition to the cost of the storage device. Energy can also be stored with a cold storage. Temperature differences are smaller than in heating though; consequently, cold storages would need more volume for the same energy content. However, it is possible to take advantage of the latent heat of freezing/melting, which corresponds to approximately 80 °C of the temperature difference in water. Available commercial chillers use ice storage; these can achieve more operating hours, and, consequently, the chiller can be downsized while also decreasing electricity use during daily peaks compared to traditional air conditioning. Conceivably, these chillers could also offer flexibility for higher shares of wind and solar power, although there would probably be a different optimum in the sizing of the components. IEEE power & energy magazine 27 14% 34% 12% 21% 20% Space Heating and Hot Water <100 °C Process Heat <100 °C Process Heat 100–500 °C Process Heat 500–1,000 °C Process Heat >1,000 °C figure 3. The use of different grades of heat in EU-28 industries (based on Naegler et al., 2015). District Heating and Cooling District heating pipes carry hot water from centralized heat plants to buildings with heat exchangers. After heat has been transferred to the building’s heating system, cooled water flows back to the plants through an adjacent pipe. District heating is mainly used in more densely populated areas in northern latitudes (although it is not widespread in North America). In addition to economizing with large fuel boilers, district heating offers the possibility to use CHP plants. In some countries (e.g., Germany and Denmark), even small district heating systems often have CHP units, while in others (e.g., Russia and Finland) CHP units are found mainly in bigger systems that can accommodate larger, more economic plants. When used alongside CHP plants, fuel boilers cover heating peaks and back up the CHP units. Combining CHP plants and fuel boilers enables sensitivity to power prices. Some CHP units can also change the ratio between heat and electricity production, which increases their flexibility. The flexibility of a district heating system can be further increased with heat storages (accumulators) that offer a very low-cost form of energy storage at district heating scale (thousands of cubic meters in insulated steel tanks or caverns). When power prices are sporadically very low [e.g., high levels of wind or solar photovoltaic (PV)] and there are no regulatory hurdles, it can become feasible to install heat pumps and electric resistance heaters in district heating systems. Electric heaters offer a low-cost solution to utilize cheap power, while heat pumps give considerably more heat per unit of electricity for a higher investment cost. It is costly and inconvenient to install district heating pipelines into existing cities. However, new neighborhoods are a potential target for small-scale networks. In comparison to building-level heating, they decrease the relative cost of heat generation units with a limited investment in heat pipelines. But, more importantly, from a flexibility viewpoint, they offer considerable economies of scale for heat storage, the specific cost of which decreases nearly logarithmically with increasing size. District cooling is much less common than district heating. The challenge has been that economies of scale are more 28 IEEE power & energy magazine difficult to achieve in cooling units than in heating units. However, because most people live in climates where cooling is an aspiration, district cooling may have a more important role in the future. District cooling can provide better access to more efficient ambient heat sinks (e.g., sea water) than heat pumps located in buildings. This would also help to keep the cities themselves cooler because waste heat is transferred away from the city. Cooled fluid, typically water, could also be stored in accumulators to gain more flexibility toward the power system. Heat Use in Industries Figure 3 shows six grades of industrial heat use, dominated by process heat, which makes up roughly 85% of the total energy demand for industrial heat in Europe. The remaining 15% is due to space heating. Heat pumps can serve lowtemperature loads, while CHP units can serve somewhat higher-temperature levels and still be able to produce electricity. A large fraction of industrial heat loads, currently dominated by natural gas burners, requires higher temperatures. However, electric heating technologies such as resistance heating, electric arc heating, induction heating, and dielectric (radio-frequency) heating can provide temperature levels above 500 °C and so can replace, e.g., natural gas burners. These alternatives can achieve a high range of temperatures and offer accurate temperature control. They could provide system flexibility if combined with a heat storage or used in a hybrid configuration with fuel burners. The costs of energy, equipment, and grid connection have so far limited the use of electric heating as compared to combustion. Also, the type of electric heating capable of replacing or supplementing an industrial gas burner strongly depends on the process. Quite a few industrial processes also use the fuel as a raw material. For example, steel production in blast furnaces requires coke not only as an energy carrier but also as a reducing agent that takes part in the chemical reaction in the blast furnace. Thus, the electrification potential of industrial process heat has to be analyzed carefully for each type of process and will strongly differ across countries. Characteristics of Heat Demands and Thermal Storages Heat Consumption Profiles Heat demand profiles are determined by the weather, building characteristics related to thermal losses, occupant behavior, and occupant expectations about indoor temperature. Consequently, typical daily demand profiles can be quite diverse across countries (Figure 4). In Finland, buildings are typically well insulated, and thermal losses are relatively small even though outside temperatures can get very cold. In district heating systems, heat is stored in the pipelines and also in the building envelopes, resulting in a daily profile with little variation—mainly january/february 2017 Time Constants and Thermal Storages It is technically possible to store heat from one season to another, but this has proved economically challenging. Storing heat becomes more viable when considering time spans of several days (or shorter). The storage time constants depend on the storage size or on end-user comfort or needs, which might be affected by the operation of the heating device. Here is an approximate list of time constants for different heat uses: ✔ domestic refrigerator/freezer: 15 min–1 hour ✔ supermarket refrigeration systems: 15 min–3 hours ✔ thermal mass of buildings: 2–12 hours ✔ buildings with local hot water storage: 2–24 hours ✔ district heating pipelines: 1–5 hours ✔ district heating storages: hours to several days. For economic reasons, water is commonly used as a medium, even though other viable heat storage materials exist. A cubic meter of water changing 55–95 °C offers january/february 2017 22:00 20:00 18:00 16:00 14:00 12:00 8:00 10:00 6:00 4:00 2:00 0:00 Demand of Yearly Demand (%) 0.045 0.040 0.035 0.030 0.025 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.000 Large District Heating System in Finland Domestic Gas Demand in Belgium Large District Heating System in China Electric Space Heating in Ireland figure 4. Hourly heat profiles from a winter weekday. 1.00 Demand of Yearly Demand (%) driven by longer-term ambient temperature variations. Inside temperatures are kept nearly constant, even when occupants are not present. By contrast, houses in Ireland leak more, and the small share of buildings that rely on electric radiators use them mainly when occupants need the extra heat— for example, in the morning and evening during weekdays. When occupants are not present or they are sleeping, inside temperatures are often allowed to drop. Despite the weather being more moderate in Ireland than in Finland, the average Irish living room is probably colder than its Finish counterpart due to different occupant expectations. Annual profiles can also be quite different, although they follow more closely the inverse of the ambient temperature. Figure 5 shows that systems where the heat source also provides hot domestic water have some load during the summer. In China, district heating systems can be shut down outside the heating period. While not shown in Figure 5, cooling could complement the annual space heating profiles. In some climates where heating and cooling needs are comparable, similar flexibility from cooling could complement flexibility from heating. Wherever there are interconnected power grids spanning across warm and cold climate zones, part of the variations, depending on the relative strength of the interconnections, can be smoothed at this continental scale. In either case, heating and cooling could provide a rather stable source of potential flexibility for the power sector. Furthermore, in hot and sunny countries, cooling loads and PV generation may complement one another well. Industrial heat demand at the country level does not exhibit strong seasonality and could, therefore, provide year-round flexibility (e.g., the industrial heat demand from Finland shown in Figure 5). Also, daily profiles, especially in heavy industries, are typically relatively flat. In individual industrial sites, the profiles can have more variation—for example, lower demand for products can cut work shifts. 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 1 51 101 151 201 251 301 351 Large District Heating System in Finland Large District Heating System in China Domestic Gas Demand in Belgium Electric Space Heating Demand in Ireland Industrial Heat Demand in Finland Heat Demand in the United Kingdom figure 5. The average daily heat demands over a year. about 58 kWh of thermal energy storage. In a not-so-well insulated house on a cold day, this would last about half a day. It can become quite impractical to install much larger hot-water tanks inside residential buildings because they require considerable space and would likely not fit through door frames. Most existing water tanks are much smaller. Consequently, for the most part, hot-water tanks offer flexibility constrained by a limited time constant—although the flexibility can still be valuable for the power system when aggregated over millions of houses. IEEE power & energy magazine 29 The cost of storing thermal energy in water tanks decreases rapidly with larger tank size (Figure 6). Longer time constants and, consequently, more flexibility could be achieved if the hot-water tank were oversized. Sharing the tank between several buildings would, in turn, decrease the US$/kWh (Δ 50 K) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 5 10 m3 (a) 15 20 US$/kWh (Δ 50 K) 10 8 Forecasting 6 4 2 0 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 m3 (b) figure 6. The cost of hot water tanks per unit of storable heat in relation to the storage tank size. (Small tank sizes are based on market data; large tank sizes are from the European Commission Joint Research Centre’s 2012 report.) Normalized Load (–) 16 January 2015 08:00 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0 24 48 72 96 Horizon (Hours) figure 7. The quality of heat forecasts 0–96 hours ahead for the Sønderborg district heating system in Denmark (the blue line). The 5% and 95% percentiles are shown in red, and the actual load as it was observed later is shown in black. The plot is generated using the adaptive heat-load forecasting system PRESS (www.enfor.dk/products/press.aspx). 30 specific costs. District heating systems already often utilize large tanks to make their operation more flexible. Thermal electricity end uses such as water heating, space heating/cooling, and refrigerator/freezers are a suitable source for flexibility due to their discretionary nature, inherent thermal inertia, and large volumes. Large thermal inertia means that these loads can be switched off for a while without affecting consumer comfort. Furthermore, because the flexible loads consist of a number of appliances dispersed across the system, reliability can be statistically greater compared to an individual conventional power plant. The building envelope itself also provides thermal inertia depending on the insulation level and thermal mass of the building. In a well-insulated house, electric load can be shifted (2–12 hours depending on building), while consumer comfort is still met. Preheating or precooling increases flexibility but typically also increases energy usage (depending on the insulation level). Thermal storage and building preheating enable considerable demand-shifting potential at a comparably low cost. IEEE power & energy magazine Thermal-load forecasting is often used in district heating systems and for estimating electric heating loads. The uncertainty of heat-load forecasts is important when trying to optimize heating or cooling. Forecasting failures can lead to unwarranted costs or uncomfortable inside temperatures. For example, when a heat-load forecast error persists in one direction for muliple hours, heat storage may become emptied or filled, after which it is not useful any more. When uncertainty is not considered, optimizing the use of heat storage is too easy, and model results or control strategies are too optimistic. Figure 7 demonstrates the quality of heat forecasts 0–96 hours ahead for the Sønderborg district heating system in Denmark. If heating and cooling loads are to be controlled in a manner that provides flexibility to the power system, accurate forecasts will be important. Good forecasts will need to include climatic variables, building characteristics, and often predictions about user behavior. Building characteristics can be considered either through direct modeling or past behavior. Occupancy behavior varies from family to family: some families have a very systematic and easily predicted load pattern, whereas others seem to have a very random and less predictive load profile. Similar to electric loads, it has been shown that the aggregation of individual loads can decrease relative forecast errors and smooth out rapid variations. However, when heating/cooling takes place in individual buildings, the control algorithm cannot aggregate. On the other hand, when several buildings are connected to a district heating system, the forecasts for control can be aggregated and relative forecast errors decrease. This is different from just forecasting loads without control, where aggregation can take place in all cases. january/february 2017 In district heating systems, heat is stored in the pipelines and also in the building envelopes, resulting in a daily profile with little variation—mainly driven by ambient temperature variations. Flexibility from heating and cooling can be used in several ways in a power system. Moving loads from electricity net load peaks to net valleys can smooth variations. When the heating devices have suitable controllability, they can also be valuable sources of reserves that mitigate forecast errors and faults. Because heat is such a diverse and heterogeneous load, a selection of system studies and applications is presented in the following to highlight how heat flexibility can potentially be harnessed. Integrated Energy System Studies Electricity System Benefits of Heat-Pump Deployment in Belgium Belgium is a densely populated country with significant plans for variable-power generation. Cost-effective integration will be a challenge; consequently, there is strong interest in finding workable sources of flexibility. In one study, the deployment of 1-GW electricity from flexible heat pumps managed to reduce curtailment of variable generation and avoided 100 GWh of gas-fired generation. However, it was identified that performing demand response with the heat pumps increased the building’s heat demand by 1–10%. This increase in electricity use poses a challenge in terms of compensating consumers for participating in demand response, especially since residential consumers are typically exposed to prices higher than wholesale market prices. Another case study shows that the contribution to the peak demand in winter due to electrical space heating can be significantly reduced, by 2 GW on a total of 16.5 GW. Integration of Heat and Electricity Sectors in the United Kingdom In the United Kingdom, over 80% of households use natural gas for space and water heating, and this consumes more than 1.5 times more energy than U.K. electricity consumption. Peak heating requirements in winter are more than five to six times higher than electricity peaks. While the electrification of heat could, in principle, provide flexibility to the power sector, the danger is that if electric heating is uncontrollable, it will magnify power system variability and peak demand. Additionally, the parallel deployment of wind and solar power, in combination with relatively inflexible nuclear generation, could exacerbate flexibility demand. Studies suggest that, in an inflexible U.K. electricity system having 30 GW of variable renewjanuary/february 2017 ables in combination with inflexible nuclear generation, more than 25% of wind energy may need to be curtailed if no additional measures are taken. In this context, a well-designed integration of heat and electricity systems can lead to a more cost-effective transition toward a low-carbon energy system (see Figure 8). When heat is supplied by heat pumps via district heating systems or through a controllable electric heating device at customer premises, analysis demonstrates significant benefits accrued from three sources: 1) There will be less need for heat production capacity when heat storages that use electricity cut peaks. 2) Curtailment of renewable generation is reduced when heat storages can utilize excess generation. 3) With reduced curtailments, less renewable generation capacity is needed to meet emission reduction targets. Heat Versus Other Flexibility Sources in the North European Context The value of flexibility from the heat sector is influenced by the cost-effectiveness and availability of flexibility from other sources. In a Northern European study, a combined generation-planning/operational model was used to evaluate the benefits of adding heat pumps, electric heat boilers, and heat storages to a district heating system in a future where there would be much greater variable generation in the system. The results demonstrated that, while new transmission lines probably have the best cost-benefit ratio, heat-sector flexibility comes as a close second, far ahead of electricity 14 Saving in RES Integration Cost (£/MWh) Harnessing Heat Flexibility 12 10 Backup Balancing (OPEX) Balancing (CAPEX) 8 6 4 2 0 2030 2050 figure 8. The reduction in integration costs of renewable generation (electricity sector only) enabled by the integrated operation of heat and electricity sectors. IEEE power & energy magazine 31 The parallel deployment of wind and solar power, in combination with relatively inflexible nuclear generation, could exacerbate flexibility demand. storages or peak shaving-demand response. Buildings with local heating and the transport sector were not included in the study. Heat Loads in Primary-Frequency Reserves When a power system is running mainly with nonsynchronous generation, one option in providing upward primaryfrequency reserve is to curtail wind or solar power plants to get the necessary headroom for reserve operation. However, flexible heating and cooling loads can also provide a fast response, typically in the order of 100–400 ms, when using local frequency detection. Consequently, some generation curtailments could be avoided, and system-wide fuel use could be decreased. In one case study, system-wide operating cost savings ranged €8.5–500 per heating appliance, depending on various factors (fuel costs, wind penetration, etc.), for Great Britain’s power system. The cost savings from the activation of flexible heating loads improve with increasing shares of wind power and with increases in reserve requirements. In addition to direct economic benefits, using flexible loads in primary reserve reduces the number of conventional plant startups, enables higher levels of wind penetration, and improves frequency stability. When implementing heating- or cooling-based reserves, one needs to consider the load pickup that takes place after the load has been curtailed for reserve provision. The magnitude of the pickup varies with the thermal inertia characteristics of the heating/cooling load, the duration of the response, and the control mechanism. For example, activation of 60 MW of primary reserve from a domestic cold load (refrigerator/ freezer) for 90 s (5-min recovery duration) requires the addition of 20 MW (35% of activated flexible load) to subsequent reserve categories to allow for the load pickup. Residential Heat–Electricity Integration Using Hybrid Heaters in Ireland Hybrid heating systems, such as a combination of a heat pump and a gas boiler, enable shifting between the two different sources of heat. If equipped with smart controls, it is possible to shift in real time, depending on electricity market conditions. An investment study of the Irish 2030 system, with 40% electricity from wind power, found that the large-scale deployment of such systems can provide electricity system benefits. An optimization model was used to find the leastcost heater capacities and operation schedule. If a gas boiler is combined with a resistance heater, those hybrids will 32 IEEE power & energy magazine operate primarily on gas but will shift to electricity whenever low-price electricity is available. When compared to a gas boiler alone, the results showed annual system-wide savings of €18–65 per household, depending on the gas price. If a gas boiler is combined with a heat pump, they will operate mainly on electricity and shift to gas during periods of low wind-power supply or high demand. Then, the annual savings were €46–159 per household. The flexibility from hybrid heaters enabled the lowest-cost energy system. Benefits of Electric Boilers in Reducing Wind-Power Curtailment in Northern China In the northern provinces of China, 20~40% of wind energy was curtailed in 2015 due to inflexible operation of coal-fired CHP plants. In winter, these plants must operate at nearly full capacity to meet the demand for building heat (delivered as hot water through district heating systems) and must produce electricity at the same time. Combined with a high output from wind power plants, this often causes an oversupply of electricity, and wind power plants need to be curtailed. A series of numerical studies tested the use of thermal storage and/or heat pumps to increase the flexibility of the system. The results demonstrated a significant reduction in wind-power curtailments. On the other hand, air-source heat pumps suffer from low efficiency in the cold winter conditions of Northern China and may not be an economic choice. Some Real-World Experience and Applications Denmark is one of the leading countries in the integration of large amounts of wind power. In 2015, 42% of its electricity was generated by wind turbines. Apart from its large interconnectors to neighboring countries, the integration of wind power was enabled by its district heating networks. These networks can store excess wind power generation through a combination of electric heaters and heat storages. Meanwhile CHP plants can be operated when there is not enough low-price electricity available. In residential buildings, smart thermostats can give functionality beyond temperature and time-of-use control. Communication with the Internet or an aggregator enables the utilization of power prices and weather forecasts. Meanwhile, occupantmodeling intelligence can consider the actual needs of the occupants in the control scheme. For example, the model predictive control (MPC) algorithm can make use of the additional information to better utilize lower power prices and improve energy efficiency. From a power system perspective, this appears as january/february 2017 versity acknowledges support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51620105007). S. Heinen acknowledges support from the Fonds National de la Recherche, Luxembourg (project reference 6018454) and CITIES (DSF 1305-00027B/ DSF). J. Kiviluoma acknowledges support from the FLEX-e program funded by TEKES. 06:30 p.m. 06:00 p.m. 05:30 p.m. 05:00 p.m. 04:30 p.m. Energy Rush Hour 04:00 p.m. 03:30 p.m. 03:00 p.m. 02:30 p.m. 02:00 p.m. 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 01:30 p.m. Fraction of Total Load Precooling Time Actual ac Use Projected ac Use Without Rush-Hour Rewards figure 9. Employing heat flexibility in residential buildings to avoid electricity demand when the electricity grid faces high loads. (Source: nest.com.) increased flexibility. MPC is applied by companies such as BuildingIQ or QCoefficient when they exploit chiller efficiency variations due to ambient temperature to achieve energy savings without overly affecting occupant comfort. An example of smart-thermostat-based control is shown in Figure 9, where the smart thermostat Nest performed large-scale peak shaving by precooling American residential buildings. In 2011, China initiated a series of pilot projects that substitute electric boilers to for coal-fuelled CHP boilers in the Jilin province. The electric boilers often use surplus wind generation as their energy source. From 2015, the project has expanded to all the northern provinces such as Hebei, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, and Xinjiang. The electric boilers are equipped with water tanks capable of providing 10~15 hours of storage. For Further Reading D. Patteeuw, K. Bruninx, A. Arteconi, E. Delarue, W. D’haeseleer, and L Helsen, “Integrated modeling of active demand response with electric heating systems coupled to thermal energy storage systems,” Appl. Energy, vol. 151, pp. 306–319, Aug. 2015. S. Heinen, D. Burke, and M. O’Malley, “Electricity, gas, heat integration via residential hybrid heating technologies: An investment model assessment,” Energy, vol. 109, pp. 906–919, Aug. 2016. K. MacLean R. Sansom, T. Watson, and R. Gross, “Comparing the impacts and costs of transitions in heat infrastructure,” Centre for Energy Policy and Technology, Imperial College, London, U.K., Apr. 2016. J. Kiviluoma, “Managing wind power variability and uncertainty through increased power system flexibility,” Ph.D. dissertation, Aalto Univ., Dept. Applied Physics, VTT Sci 35, Espoo, Finland, 2013, p. 77. T. Naegler, S. Simon, M. Klein, and H. C. Gils, “Quantification of the European industrial heat demand by branch and temperature level,” Int. J. Energy Res., vol. 39, pp. 2019–2030, Oct. 2015. N. Zhang, X. Lu, C. P. Nielsen, M. B. McElroy, X. Chen, Y. Deng, and C. Kang. “Reducing curtailment of wind electricity in China by employing electric boilers for heat and pumped hydro for energy storage,” Appl. Energy, vol. 184, pp. 987–994, Dec. 2016. P. Bacher, H. Madsen, H. A. Nielsen, and B. Perers, “Shortterm heat load forecasting for single family houses,” Energy Buildings, vol. 65, pp. 101–112, Oct. 2013. Conclusions Heating and cooling offer considerable flexibility potential for power systems. Much of this could become cost-effective as the share of variable and uncertain generation increases. Simultaneously, electrification of heating offers a possibility for heat sector decarbonization. However, the picture is not entirely rosy. Seasonality in space-heating needs makes it a less attractive source of flexibility. On the other hand, flexibility from heating could be partially complemented by flexibility from cooling or from more stable loads in the industrial sector. At the same time, the industrial sector is very diverse and will require elaborate research to understand the true flexibility potential in heat-consuming industrial processes. Acknowledgments H. Madsen acknowledges support by CITIES (Center for ITIntelligent Energy Systems, DSF 1305-00027B). G. Strbac acknowledges support from the U.K. Research Council-funded project “Energy Storage for Low-Carbon Grids.” Tsinghua Unijanuary/february 2017 Biographies Juha Kiviluoma is with the VTT Technical Research Centre, Espoo, Finland. Steve Heinen is with University College Dublin, United Kingdom. Hassan Qazi is with University College Dublin, United Kingdom. Henrik Madsen is with the Danish Technical University, Lyngby, Denmark. Goran Strbac is with Imperial College London, United Kingdom. Chongqing Kang is with Tsinghua University, China. Ning Zhang is with Tsinghua University, China. Dieter Patteeuw is with Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. Tobias Naegler is with the German Aerospace Center, Stuttgart. p&e IEEE power & energy magazine 33 By Eoin Casey, Sara Beaini, Sudeshna Pabi, Kent Zammit, and Ammi Amarnath E Benefits of System Integration: A Triple Bottom Line Addressing the energy–water nexus invites a systemintegration approach (Figure 1). Today’s electric grid has become the integrated energy network, which requires versatility across power paths and adapting to the new ©ISTOCKPHOTO.COM/TCMAKE_PHOTO ENERGY AND WATER HAVE BEEN INTEGRATED throughout most of modern history, and that linkage will continue into the future, not only in the physical infrastructure but also through digital infrastructure (e.g., the Internet of Things). The term energy–water nexus is quickly expanding to refer to more than simply water used for energy production and energy used for water treatment and transport. Just as the energy grid is changing—becoming more flexible and resilient and providing energy-efficiency gains—the water network is also changing. The integration of these two systems can provide optimization and opportunities that would not otherwise be possible. This integration of “electrons and molecules” is being enabled by advances in Internet connectivity and wireless communications, so that energy in all its forms can be employed most effectively by end users to optimize efficiency, reliability, security, economics, and environmental performance. The Triple Bottom Line for Efficiency Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2016.2629741 Date of publication: 2 February 2017 34 IEEE power & energy magazine 1540-7977/17©2017IEEE january/february 2017 Integrating Systems Within Water and Energy Networks commercial buildings, with benefits for both customers and energy suppliers ✔ carbon reductions achieved through the electrification of water systems, replacing fossil fuel point sources and increasing efficiency for the pumping, heating, treatment, and transport of water and wastewater ✔ off-peak water treatment, water heating, and water pumping to reduce both energy costs and generating-unit downturn ✔ distributed water treatment/WWT and local reuse, providing greater system security and resiliency ✔ expanded availability of Energy Star and WaterSense appliances for water and energy savings, enabling easy ways to achieve customer savings and satisfaction as well as to implement energy and water conservation methods. In particular, water presents strategic challenges and opportunities for the electric sector. ✔ Using less water for power production conserves a scarce resource for other necessary uses. ✔ Minimizing the environmental impacts of water use for power production preserves environmental resources and protects human health. ✔ Using efficient electric technologies for water treatment, transport, desalination, industrial processes, and other end uses can conserve electricity, thereby reducing any imbedded water demand. energy end user, called a prosumer, who may also produce energy. Similarly, the water network has taken on an increasingly dynamic role as more decentralized, small-scale systems are implemented. Think of the interaction between the water network and the smart electric grid as the integrated energy network (or “integrated network of resources”), where further efficiencies may be gained through this integration of systems. With this integration, we drive resource use toward a more sustainable and efficient utilization and management of resources (Figure 2) Many potential benefits can be realized by integrating the electricity and water sectors. Some examples include ✔ load leveling, e.g., pricing signals used to control demand for systems such as water pumping to head tanks, desalination, wastewater treatment (WWT), irrigation pumps, and water heaters in residential and january/february 2017 figure 1. The energy–water nexus. Integrating the energy grid and water network to create an integrated energy network can drive more sustainable and efficient resource utilization. IEEE power & energy magazine 35 Today’s electric grid has become the integrated energy network, which requires versatility across power paths and adapting to the new energy end user, called a prosumer. Smart grids are characterized by connectivity, flexibility, and resiliency, all of which effectively optimize their efficiency, reliability, security, economics, and environmental performance. Numerous system integration technologies are emerging today that promote these smart features. Energy systems integration (ESI)—a multidisciplinary area ranging from science, engineering, and technology to policy-making, economics, regulation, and human behavior—is coming to the fore in the planning, design, and operation of the global energy system. ESI seeks to optimize the energy system and other large-scale infrastructures—in particular, water—by leveraging synergies across all scales and pathways. Evaluating an integrated energy network allows us to address efficiency with a triple bottom line: financial, environmental, and social impacts. In other words, the system’s optimization will be driven by a primary target with consideration given to secondary impacts. The primary or secondary targets might include greenhouse gas emissions, Ecosystem Demand Electric Power Agricultural Industrial Municipal figure 2. Resource management has become more intricately integrated, specifically for water and energy resources. Although not as obvious as energy consumption, water usage covers a variety of applications, from power generation and industrial and agricultural applications to municipal needs with water treatment/WWT, and also includes the goal of sustaining of natural ecosystems. (Image courtesy of the Electric Power Research Institute.) 36 IEEE power & energy magazine power-load profiles, water conservation metrics, and the population density served, among others. Deciding which are the primary or secondary targets depends on the driving or pressing factors. Utilities, municipalities, and building and facility operators may reap the benefits of the integration of water and energy networks with the triple bottom line. The examples that follow here demonstrate the emerging integration of the water network and energy grids, particularly in the WWT part of the water sector and the end-use part of the electric grid. Specifically, for both the water and energy sectors, these examples highlight demand response (DR) opportunities, energy-efficient technologies, and the important role that reconceptualizing WWT plants can play as part of future energy systems in terms of virtual storage and as resource factories. Demand Response DR, as defined by the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, refers to changes in electric usage by end-use customers “from their normal consumption patterns in response to changes in the price of electricity over time, or to incentive payments designed to induce lower electricity use at times of high wholesale market prices or when system reliability is jeopardized.” This implies the shedding of some loads when the electric system reaches critical peaks and loads cannot be served by existing generation plants (Figure 3). Because water treatment and conveyance require large amounts of energy, the potential exists for large DR capabilities in these sectors. Examples of DR implementation include ✔ agricultural irrigation DR signaling so that pumps operate when electricity demand and associated rates are low ✔ pumping to head tanks at off-peak hours ✔ off-peak water treatment ✔ flexible load management and energy storage in water heaters. Water treatment and WWT facilities are good candidates for DR because they are energy intensive. In some cases, a water storage capability could offer some flexibility in the operation of certain processes, including pumps and centrifuges. This operational flexibility, in turn, can be leveraged for DR if properly coordinated, making these facilities ideal partners for electric utilities seeking to manage electric load through DR programs. Furthermore, water storage can be used in conjunction with on-site power generation to provide greater demand reduction. For example, water storage can be used to shave power requirements at high electricity load january/february 2017 Evaluating an integrated energy network allows us to address efficiency with a triple bottom line: financial, environmental, and social impacts. points so that on-site generation can be sold into the grid at the higher rates. The stored water can then be treated later, with power purchased at lower rates. Water distribution systems contain potentially large amounts of storage, which provide system pressure and backup. When properly managed, water utilities can reduce distribution system pumping and allow the water supply system to “coast” during peak electrical periods. Wastewater systems, on the other hand, may divert a portion of the incoming sewage into holding cells or reduce aeration during peak electrical periods (Figure 4). Under the right circumstances, DR from water and wastewater facilities can be significant, benefiting both electric utilities (by reducing the need for peak generation) and water treatment/WWT facilities (through DR incentives; see Figures 5 and 6). For example, a third-party DR aggregator has enrolled in excess of 100 MW of curtailable loads and on-site generator capacity at about 700 U.S. water treatment and WWT facilities. WWT systems struggle with significant flow changes, particularly during rainfall events. Infiltration into the collection system represents a challenging problem for many systems, so many plants have storage available at the front of the treatment plant to capture excess flow for treatment at a later period. Basin management decisions are usually based on keeping storage available for the next storm event, but, depending on the plant, this storage could be used to manage peak electric demand by diverting wastewater to these basins during peak electric periods. Fortunately, peak electric Dams Produce Electricity Energy Is Used for Pumping Water Power Plant Cooling Uses Water Water Used for Mining Fuels Water Supply Uses Energy Energy Uses in Water/Wastewater Treatment Water Flows Energy Flows Water and Energy Use in the Home Are Related figure 3. Water system quality can be maintained while pumps, heaters, and other equipment can provide DR, which shifts electrical load away from peak periods to off-peak periods. (Image courtesy of the U.S. National Renewable Laboratory.) january/february 2017 IEEE power & energy magazine 37 Mid-Atlantic WWTP1, Processes 681,390 m3/day 1) Screens 2) Primary Clarifier 3) Activated Sludge Reactors 4) Secondary Clarifier Sand Filter Chlorination Discharge Mid-Atlantic WWTP2, Processes 7,570 m3/day 1) Screens 2) Primary Clarifier 3) Primary Aeration Tank Secondary Aeration Tank Secondary Clarifier 4) Multimedia Filter Chlorination Discharge Midwest WWTP1, Processes 1,363 m3/day 1) 2) 3) Activated Sludge Lagoons Screens Clarifiers 4) Seasonal Chlorinationa Discharge Midwest WWTP2, Processes 1,439 m3/day 1) 2) Screens Sequencing Batch Reactor Lagoon Cell A 3) Lagoon Cell B Lagoon Cell C Lagoon Cell D Lagoon Cell E Discharge figure 4. WWT plants provide opportunities for electric system flexibility. demand periods often coincide with hot and dry weather, giving plant managers some flexibility in keeping storage available while reducing electrical demand. WWT plants comprise a number of unit processes that typically operate in continuous mode. Energy demand is closely correlated with liquid flow rates into the plant. Because flow rates are variable (diurnal cycles) or weatherrelated (rainfall), energy demand is not constant. Wastewater utilities typically pay for their electricity according to a fixed rate, although dynamic pricing structures do exist. When the electricity grid experiences peak demand, the opportunity exists for a plant to voluntarily curtail its electricity usage by turning down or shutting off equipment in return for rebates from the electrical utility. Load shifting strategies in WWT facilities include pre-aeration, 38 IEEE power & energy magazine utilization of storage capacity, and the scheduling of some operations (e.g., dewatering and filter back-washing) during off-peak periods. However, without proper design, the duration of this curtailment has potential implications for WWT operations in terms of water quality. There are some documented examples of turning off aeration blowers for several hours as a DR measure. However, this can have a negative impact on the water quality (for example, turbidity) in the treated wastewater. Another interesting approach is the concept of overoxygenating of wastewater by over-aerating wastewater prior to a DR event. This load-shifting strategy shows promise for significant DR reductions. Other constraints include meeting discharge consents, dealing with major fluctuation in storm water flows, and public health risks. january/february 2017 With proper management, water utilities can reduce distribution system pumping and allow the water supply system to coast during peak electrical periods. An integrated energy system approach allows opportunity for decision support on process operation strategies that increase/decrease loading to follow electricity tariffs and/or short-term loading response to provide power system flexibility. Thus, there is a need for real-time data analysis and forecasting systems that will inform process-control strategies. The benefits of such an approach include cost savings, improved control and decision-support systems for planning plant upgrades as part of long-term wastewater throughput, and tightening of nutrient discharge limits. Water storage tanks in municipal water treatment facilities and water heaters in residential and commercial buildings represent an energy storage opportunity for the electricity grid. For example, there are roughly 53 million homes in the United States with electric water heaters; a direct load-control program could result in an estimated 0.40 kW in savings per home, thereby providing peak demand reduction of 5,300 MW, assuming a 25% participation rate. To realize this water–energy load management and storage potential, there is a need to develop standardized communication protocols and ubiquitous communication networks for the secure messaging of energy price and event information related to distributed energy resources, such as storage tanks and water heaters. In addition to these enabling standards and communication technologies, more research is needed to determine how best to integrate and aggregate large numbers of small resources, such as electric water heaters, into the overall energy management system. Efficiency Approaches The sourcing, treatment, and distribution of water require significant energy. Approximately 3% of the electricity in the United States is used to move and treat water and wastewater. There are opportunities to optimize energy and water consumption in the water sector by deploying technologies such as advanced supervisory-control and data-acquisition Irrigation 2010 Washin g ton rnia Arizona New Mexico igan Lake ch Mi Alaska a rid Flo Hawaii Massachusetts Mississippi Colorado Califo on Utah Lake Ontario New York rie n Rhode Island iga e E Connecticut k a Pennsylvania L New Jersey Nebraska District of Columbia Ohio Delaware Illinois Indiana West Maryland Virginia Kansas Virginia Missouri Kentucky North Carolina Tennessee Explanation Oklahoma Arkansas South Water Withdrawals, Carolina in Million Gallons Georgia Per Day Alabama Texas 0–200 201–1,000 Louisiana 1,001–5,000 5,001–15,000 West-East 15,001–23,100 Puerto U.S. Virgin Division for Rico Islands This Report Iowa Nevada ur Wyoming Wisconsin H South Dakota e pshir Ham t ine n o Ma Verm ke Idaho La North Dakota Minnesota Oregon Mich Montana New Lake Superior figure 5. The operation of irrigation systems can provide DR services to the electrical system, especially in the western United States. (Source: U.S. Geological Survey.) january/february 2017 IEEE power & energy magazine 39 Methane Generation Potential from Wastewater Treatment Tonnes/Year >5,000 2,500–5,000 1,000–2,500 500–1,000 <500 This analysis estimates the methane generation potential of wastewater treatment plants using methodology from the EPA’s inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990–2011 and data from the EPA Clean Watersheds Needs Survey (2008). The results were further aggregated to country level. figure 6. Wastewater plants provide opportunities for electric power generation fueled by biomass. EPA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (Image courtesy of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.) (SCADA) systems, forward osmosis, bubbleless aeration, membrane distillation, capacitive de-ionization, and emerging biological treatment processes. Deploying these energy-efficient technologies will require a comprehensive assessment, from lab-scale to field demonstration, to characterize their performance in real-world applications. In addition, the adoption of end-use energy and water conservation methods by the business and residential sectors would reduce the imbedded energy and water required to meet those needs. Current research into new technologies to conserve water and energy at end use will have ripple effects on water and energy conservation upstream. In addition to the potential for energy- and/or water-use savings, these technologies could also provide opportunities to more effectively treat water in municipal and industrial applications that currently use chemical treatment. End-use conservation would directly reduce water and energy demand. Some examples of efficiency opportunities in water treatment/WWT are discussed in the following. 40 IEEE power & energy magazine Efficiency via Data Monitoring and Process Control As with any complex industrial process, the potential for efficiency gains via computer-based monitoring and control in water and wastewater systems is significant. Monitoring and control technologies vary from simple devices to advanced SCADA systems. SCADA systems are used for precise control of key equipment and processes, including raw-water wells, water treatment, and distribution pumping. Typically, these SCADA systems pull data from field devices, such as programmable logic controllers, remote terminal units, and electric meters, and analyze/format the data to be viewed by operations staff or used for process control. SCADA systems are being implemented in the water and wastewater industries, but traditionally there has been a greater focus on improving process quality and reliability than on controlling systems to optimize energy efficiency. january/february 2017 The adoption of end-use energy and water conservation methods by the business and residential sectors would reduce imbedded energy and water requirements. It has been estimated that an electric energy savings potential of 5–10% across the U.S. public water supply can be achieved with advances in pumping and water treatment process control. Assuming the public water supply currently uses about 39 billion kWh per year, the potential electric energy savings associated with advanced SCADA systems ranges from 2.0 to 3.9 TWh per year. This translates into electricity savings ranging 5.4–10.9 million kWh per day across the United States. One such energy-saving technique is to use a SCADA system for automatically selecting the best pump combination, reducing system pressure when possible, checking the system efficiency in real time, and then notifying the operator when changes are required. The most sophisticated control systems “learn” the characteristics of the distribution system, relying on predictive modules to assist in scheduling pumping. This option is extremely valuable in systems where the pump station takes advantage of time-of-day electric rate schedules. Efficiency via Water Conservation Water conservation is an overlooked challenge as an energyefficiency measure in both water treatment and WWT. Lowering water demand reduces the volume of water drawn from public water supplies; this, in turn, reduces the energy required to pump and treat the water supplied to end users. A lower demand for fresh water also translates directly into a reduced demand for wastewater transport and treatment and a corresponding reduction in energy used. There are two main challenges for water conservation in water supply and wastewater disposal. On the water supply side, the opportunity lies in detecting and eliminating leaks in the supply system. On the wastewater side, inflow and infiltration lead to significant increases in flow to the treatment facility, particularly during rain events. The additional volume of inflow water combines with wastewater effluent and increases the amount of wastewater that must be pumped and treated. Reducing Demand for Water in End Uses Considerable opportunities exist for reducing fresh water demand for landscape irrigation. Based on U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation data, the potential savings from advanced irrigation controls in residential and commercial applications is estimated to be 1.5–3% of total electricity use in the public water supply. At a current electricity use rate of 39,000 million kWh per year, this equates to potential savings of 0.5–1.2 TWh january/february 2017 per year in the public water supply. While this is not a small number, the nature of the savings through numerous, small actions makes the impact of this measure extremely challenging to measure. Providing timely information on usage patterns has proven to be an effective way to increase awareness and transform consumer behavior in both the energy and water industries. There is a substantial opportunity to modify consumer behavior and detect leaks by providing a greater degree of visibility into use patterns. An example is energy savings due to reducing hot-water demands with low-flow devices. Energy Recovery and Generation A new and growing trend in the water and wastewater industry is the emphasis on recovering energy whenever possible. In water treatment, the focus is on recovering some of the pumping energy through the use of energy-recovery devices in the distribution system. In WWT, the emphasis is on biological treatments combined with opportunities in capturing energy in the wastewater itself. These include cogeneration using digester biogas and the recovery of excess line pressure to produce electricity (microhydro). Advanced Technologies in Water Treatment for Energy Efficiency There are significant growth opportunities in advanced technologies in water treatment and WWT spurred mainly by drivers associated with water scarcity and the need to meet stricter discharge limits. However, many of these processes—including, for example, reverse osmosis for desalination, advanced ionization for micro-pollutant removal, and membrane bioreactors—are expected to continue to be highly energy intensive. Some emerging developments to address this problem include forward osmosis or membrane distillation using low-grade waste heat. Another significant opportunity is to couple desalination with renewable-energy systems. Energy efficiency can also be improved through the integration of space-conditioning and water-heating systems. For residential and commercial building applications, newer systems are under development that use waste heat from outdoor air-conditioning compressor units to heat water. Research is underway to determine the overall efficiency of such systems. This technology is fairly mature in the industrial sector, where heat pumps are used recover heat from industrial processes to heat-process water. IEEE power & energy magazine 41 In WWT processes, energy-efficiency measures include retrofitting plants with high-efficiency pumps, variablespeed drives, and advanced monitoring and process control for the biological reactor. Traditionally, WWT plants are fitted with oversized pumps to cope with hydraulic load fluctuations; as such, these pumps are inherently inefficient. Thus, there is a need for real-time data analysis and forecasting systems that will inform process-control strategies. The benefits of such approaches include cost savings, flexibility, and improved control and decision support for planning plant upgrades. Reconceptualizing the WWT Plant as an Energy- and Resource-Generation Facility Future WWT plants will no longer be just pure waste management facilities but rather recovery systems for clean water, energy, and minerals. The chemical energy in wastewater is in the form of biodegradable and inert chemical oxygen demand and reduced nitrogen (NH4+ or organic N). Large-scale WWT plants recover 5–15% of this energy through anaerobic digestion. However, because other important parts of the treatment plants are energy-intensive (aerobic biological oxidation requires 0.40–0.65 kWh/m3), it follows that most treatment plants are net users of energy. With the advent of new and improved treatment technologies, a net-energy-positive WWT plant is now considered achievable. Emerging process technologies, including anammox, bubbleless aeration, and aerobic granular sludge, can deliver significant savings in energy demand. Biogas is central to energy neutrality in WWT. Biogas can be produced continuously, and there are several possible uses: on-site electricity generation, combustion for thermal processes (e.g., Cambi), or direct injection into the gas grid; however, there are upsides and downsides with each (for example, for injection into the grid, the biogas needs to be pretreated). Currently, large-scale WWT plants typically recover only 5–20% of the chemical energy through anaerobic digestion (the production of biogas and cogeneration). Codigestion of excess sludge with external solid/liquid organics is a potential approach toward carbon neutrality. Additionally, the transformation of WWT plants can be seen with the emergence of decentralized, small-scale setups. By reducing the scale of and decentralizing some water and wastewater operations, it is possible to lower costs and improve efficiency. ✔ Decentralized WWT lowers the cost for pumping wastewater to central stations for treatment, then back to communities for reuse. ✔ Not all water uses require potable water quality: residential wastewater can be treated to use for local irrigation, flushing toilets, etc. ✔ Decentralization can also have benefits in minimizing the need to increase infrastructure for high-density infill projects. Building codes could minimize runoff; storm water reuse reduces drain flows. 42 IEEE power & energy magazine ✔ Forward osmosis and other emerging low-energy technologies are proving beneficial as ways to treat water for potable use locally. Conclusions Transitioning toward an integrated energy network requires many drivers. Important players for implementing and accelerating this change in resource management include new regulations from resources agencies, economic incentives for end users, and commercialization of new technologies with improved performance and lower costs. When rallying the diverse stakeholders toward the triple bottom line of efficiency, the dialog will revolve around the advantages of the system integration approach for the energy– water nexus. The emerging system-integration case studies presented here in terms of DR, efficiency approaches, and reconceptualizing the WWT plant as an energy- and resource-generation facility all work to enable the goals of efficiency, reliability, security, flexibility, collaborative excellence, and technology leadership for both the smart energy grid and the water network. Acknowledgment This publication has emanated from research conducted with the financial support of the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) under the SFI Strategic Partnership Programme Grant Number SFI/15/SPP/E3125. For Further Reading R. Hamilton, B. Braun, R. Dare, B. Koopman, and S. A. Svoronos, “Control issues and challenges in wastewater treatment plants,” IEEE Control Syst. Mag., vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 63–69, 2006. B. Sparn and R. Hunsberger, “Opportunities and challenges for water and wastewater industries to provide exchangeable services,” National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-5500-63931, 2015. S. Pabi, L. Reekie, A. Amarnath, and R. Goldstein. “Electricity use and management in the municipal water supply and wastewater industries,” Electric Power Research Institute. Palo Alto, CA, EPRI Rep. 3002001433, 2013. Biographies Eoin Casey is with University College Dublin, Ireland. Sara Beaini is with the Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California. Sudeshna Pabi is with the Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California. Kent Zammit is with the Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California. Ammi Amarnath is with the Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California. p&e january/february 2017 By Emiliano Dall’Anese, Pierluigi Mancarella, and Antonello Monti Unlocking Flexibility ©ISTOCKPHOTO.COM/LEOWOLFERT Integrated Optimization and Control of Multienergy Systems E ELECTRICITY, NATURAL GAS, WATER, AND DISTRICT HEATING/ cooling systems are predominantly planned and operated independently. However, it is increasingly recognized that integrated optimization and control of such systems at multiple spatiotemporal scales can bring significant socioeconomic, operational efficiency, and environmental benefits. Accordingly, the concept of the multi-energy system is gaining considerable attention, with the overarching objectives of 1) uncovering fundamental gains (and potential drawbacks) that emerge from the integrated operation of multiple systems and 2) developing holistic yet computationally affordable optimization and control methods that maximize operational benefits, while 3) acknowledging intrinsic interdependencies and quality-of-service requirements for each provider. On a much broader scale, the main drivers for the integrated operation of multiple infrastructures include the impetus toward a decarbonization of various energy and transportation sectors and the potential for resolving the so-called “energy quadrilemma” by putting forward integrated operational Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2016.2625218 Date of publication: 2 February 2017 january/february 2017 1540-7977/17©2017IEEE IEEE power & energy magazine 43 solutions that strike a balance among cost, reliability, and the environment, while accounting for energy affordability, overall stainability (which pertains not only to carbon emissions but also involves the use of natural resources such as water), and social acceptability. The latter includes visual impacts, safety and privacy concerns, and thermal (dis)comfort, to name just a few. Shifting Supply and Demand Across Spatiotemporal Scales From an operational perspective, the coordinated and seamless control of various energy infrastructures represents a significant change, which favors a local view that renders city quarters, residential neighborhoods, and industrial areas the fundamental building blocks of the integrated energy system. Along with the growing role of distributed energy resources (DERs), the envisioned control architectures is based on a multi-area view, whereby the local neighborhoods and districts are driving factors in a bottom-up approach. Benefits such as the integration of higher levels of renewable energy resources, increased reliability and improved efficiency in power systems, and significant savings in, e.g., water, heating/cooling, and gas system operations can be achieved by uncovering (and capitalizing on) the intrinsic flexibility that emerges from an integrated operation of multiple energy systems at multiple spatiotemporal scales. Flexibility can generally be seen as a system’s ability to provide secure and economical supply-demand balance across spatial and temporal scales by leveraging and seamlessly coordinating various controllable assets. In the context of future low-carbon power systems, major flexibility challenges are associated with ✔ the integration of variable and uncertain renewable energy sources ✔ low-inertia operational settings, with the consequent impacts on the frequency-response task ✔ the high cost of utility-level and community-level en- ergy storage systems. In this respect, multi-energy systems could represent a key option to provide flexibility in future power systems owing to their untapped potential to shift supply and demand across energy vectors and networks—and, in doing so, across spatiotemporal scales—by exploiting energy storage in the form of energy, heat, or gas storage. For example, coupling combined heat-and-power (CHP) plants with electric heat pumps (EHPs) can introduce opportunities for an energy-shifting arbitrage between gas and electricity to supply electricity, heat, and cooling to end users, something that is particularly useful in the presence of variable renewable energy. The presence of thermal energy storage (TES)—which may come at a much lower cost than electricity energy storage but can provide similar services in the context of multi-energy systems (a process that overall might be considered a form of “virtual” storage)—could provide further possibilities for energy-shifting flexibility. Similarly, considering the natural interaction between gas and electricity networks, there are major flexibility opportunities that can be exploited via coordinated control, as explained later in the article. The Concept of Energy Hubs Figure 1 exemplifies a complex system of interconnected infrastructures providing basic electricity, heat, gas, and water services to end customers. The physical couplings among systems could, for instance, be represented in mathematical terms through the so-called “energy hub” formalism—a geAdjacent ner ic, sca lable, a nd modula r Systems Solar modeling approach that offers the Industrial Area flexibility to capture energy-conversion factors at various spatial Residential H1 H2 scales. In particular, the mathArea ematical model associated with Pumped Hydro the energy hub shown in Figure 2 (Storage) could offer representations of the interdependencies among energy carriers at the household, commercial, and energy-district levels and facilitate the formulation H3 H4 Commercial Wind of (and solutions for) control/opArea timization schemes to control Water Heating Natural Gas Electricity co-generation and tri-generation plants in distribution settings, as well as gas-to-power and powerfigure 1. A complex system of systems providing basic electricity, heat/cooling, gas, to-gas and hydro facilities at the and water services to end customers. Dark areas designated Hi (energy hubs) represent transmission level. locations and facilities where the various infrastructures are coupled. 44 IEEE power & energy magazine january/february 2017 The generic schematics provided in Figure 2 include a number of input energy vectors (electricity, water, natural gas, hydrogen, and district heating); typical conversion elements (such as CHP units, electric and absorption chillers, and water pumps); and relevant outputs representing local generation and/ or electricity, heat and cooling, gas, and water demands. The energy hub depicted in Figure 2 also contains a heat exchanger for district-heating-network connection, energy-storage systems, and TES in the form of, e.g., hot water storage and icethermal storage. Additional elements not explicitly represented in Figure 2 could include reversible EHPs, absorption chillers, power-electronics-interfaced renewable energy resources, electrolyzers (with a hydrogen output), and different types of engines or turbines. The conversion stages can be captured through coupling factors and/or conversion efficiencies; this black-box approach reduces the level of complexity and the number of parameters necessary to describe the energy hub’s operation and, hence, facilitates the development of computationally affordable control/optimization schemes, while maintaining adequate accuracy in the representation of the underlying system physics. A generic energy hub model of Figure 2 can be tailored to specific configurations (e.g., the unit, facility, plant, or geographical area to be modeled) by retaining relevant components and conversion stages and incorporating different levels of simplifications/reductions. Overall, the resulting model involves an input–output efficiency matrix that can serve as a building block for the formulation (and solution) of multisystem-level optimization problems. Relevant optimization problems can be used to compute the optimal energy mix for the hub to minimize operational costs or to optimize the operation of an interconnected system of energy hubs. This article provides an overview of possible joint control and optimization approaches for multi-energy systems; it also elaborates on core challenges related to the development of distributed control and optimization algorithms that allow different parties to retain the ability to control their own energy assets and pursue their individual performance and reliability objectives, while acknowledging interdependencies among energy subsystems. Example of Transmission-Level Modeling and Applications Recent efforts have looked at the transmission-level infrastructure from a multi-energy system viewpoint, with the objective of assessing the potentials for flexible and reliable operation and developing innovative control approaches that tap into the identified opportunities for flexibility. This refers primarily to interaction between electricity and gas networks, as well as their interaction with other energy sectors and vectors, such as heating and potentially hydrogen. Conceivably, the gas network could represent a very large storage facility that can assist in managing any excess renewable-based power generation. Using renewable electricity to produce hydrogen (via electrolizers, through the january/february 2017 so-called “power-to-gas” process) that could be blended with natural gas or processed into methane, this otherwise curtailed clean energy could then be transported and stored in the gas network for successive use (even across seasons). This process could also contribute to the decarbonization of the hard-to-decarbonize gas sector. A multi-energy setting could also highlight hidden operational cross-system flexibility constraints that may arise due to, for example, limits in the local amount of gas that can be provided to gas turbines to follow the net load, e.g., due to a sudden, unexpected decrease in wind power. In fact, recent events in various countries have pointed out the importance of considering limitations of the gas infrastructure for simultaneous energy supply to the electricity and heating sectors, especially under very cold conditions. From the standpoint of future low-carbon settings, with more and more variable renewable energy sources as well as greater options for delivery of heat (e.g., through EHPs and/or CHP), the evolving electricity and heat sectors could bring about further new flexibility requirements in the gas network. For instance, it might happen that there is not enough flexibility in the gas infrastructure (in the form of line pack, i.e., gas stored in the pipelines, especially in the presence of local bottlenecks) to deliver fuel to gas-fired power plants to provide balancing and reserve power in the case of uncertain and fast-changing renewable production. In cases like this, there may be a need to constrain gas plants’ ability to follow variations in the net electrical load they see and, instead, provide reserves by introducing intertemporal (across time scales that consider the line-pack storage and its limitations) and intersector (across gas and electricity) ramp-like constraints in the (electrical) optimal-power-flow problem. Delivery of heat can exacerbate this issue, because a more or less electrified heating sector may change the magnitude of the ramps in covering the net load variations and the volume of gas (and, thus, the line pack) in the gas network. A challenge in this direction pertains to how to capture this feature in mathematical terms and accommodate it into +/– Electricity Water Electricity Water Natural Gas Cooling Hydrogen Heating Distributed Heat figure 2. A generic energy hub model capturing a variety of inputs/outputs and conversion stages, along with storage of different energy types. IEEE power & energy magazine 45 Relevant optimization problems can be used to compute the optimal energy mix for the hub to minimize operational costs or to optimize the operation of an interconnected system of energy hubs. underlying optimization and control problems. Hence, the introduction of joint optimization and integrated control for electricity and gas networks could bring substantial benefits by preventing the rise of such situations (see Figure 3). On the other hand, joint optimization of electricity and gas, also through the coordination of market activities, could improve overall system efficiency and the utilization of resources; this is particularly relevant in terms of the scheduling of reserves by gas-fired generating units and access to all the substantial flexibility available in the gas network. In addition, there are new forms of multi-energy flexibility that the gas network can enable through emerging technologies, including the power-to-gas processes, that could be accounted for in the development of integrated optimization and control strategies considering not only potential flexibility benefits but also relevant flexibility constraints. These constraints may relate, in particular, to regulatory limits imposed on the volume of hydrogen that can be blended in natural gas (with an upper physical bound on the order of 20% in volume to prevent leakages, malfunctioning of devices, etc.) and to the fact that more hydrogen in the network can reduce the flow capacity and lead to greater line-pack swing. Flexibility in distribution systems is related to three main factors (all of which affect the development of distributed optimization and control strategies at various time scales): ✔ the availability of energy storage, more typically in forms of energy other than electricity (e.g., TES and thermal inertia) ✔ a significant difference in the value of time constants between electricity and other processes such as heating or cooling ✔ effective user flexibility in the net consumption/generation profile. While the domestic and industrial sectors contribute equally to the first two factors, the last option is more pronounced in the industrial setting, where, for example, production processes can be rearranged to achieve a given demand curve. In contrast, providing such flexibility at the residential level without impacting customer comfort may be more challenging, and only a few and limited options have been proposed, e.g., scheduling of appliances or heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems. The following sections explain some example applications of multi-energy models to suggest opportunities for increasing flexibility at the district, neighborhood, and residential levels. Examples of Distribution-Level Modeling and Applications Flexibility from Distributed Multigeneration Departing from conventional operational settings, the main goal at the distribution level is to leverage the fastacting capabilities of power-electronics-interfaced DERs, as well as the flexibility offered by a variety of other controllable assets, to enable sustainable capacity expansion, respond to service requests precipitated by distribution and transmission-systems operators, and achieve networklevel coordination—and so ensure reliable operation of the whole distribution infrastructure. Forward-looking control strategies for renewable-based DERs are complemented by load-side optimization mechanisms, with the intention of providing the necessary flexibility to cope with the volatility of renewable generation and provide services at the bulk level. Additionally, (micro) CHP units as well as TES can provide flexibility at the generation side. A coordinated operation of various controllable energy assets can locally supply electricity and heat (as well as cooling, if required), while substantially reducing operational costs and environmental impacts. And such coordination can offer increased flexibility in providing electricity grid services in the form of demand response in real or close-to-real time. 46 IEEE power & energy magazine Focusing on multi-energy districts (e.g., downtowns, industrial areas, and neighborhoods), recent studies have demonstrated that distributed multigeneration (DMG) plants can offer key advantages by integrating complementary technologies such as CHP units, EHPs, and TES. In fact, they can locally supply electricity and heat (as well as cooling, if required), while substantially reducing operational costs, thus offering enhanced flexibility in provisioning the electricity grid. An example of a general electricity-and-heat DMG structure is illustrated in Figure 4, where seven operational configurations are possible: 1) auxiliary boiler (AB), which serves as a reference case 2) EHP 3) EHP + TES 4) CHP 5) CHP + TES 6) CHP + EHP 7) CHP + EHP + TES. Numerical tests performed with this DMG setting indicate that the operational cost is expected to significantly decrease when TES is added to both CHP-only and EHP-only settings, as well as by operating CHP and EHP synergistically. Case 7) dramatically january/february 2017 Boiler haux Eimp Haux chp TES Hs EDS αEchp EEHP H EHP EHP HD H Eexp EHP ED HEHP EDS ED May Aug. Nov. Feb. Wind Generation Capability Solar Generation Capability Integrated ElectricityHeat OPF Electrical Network Model Date Renewable and Conventional Generation Model 0 20 40 0 5 10 15 TES HO Hs EEHP 1800 2400 1200 Time Regional Electricity and Heat Demand Model + Eimp Heating Technology Scenario 0600 Industrial Heat Demand Domestic Hot Water Consumers HD,ED 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Use Clean Gas for Heating or Electrical Generation Gas Network Model Hydrogen and Synthetic Natural Gas from Excess Renewable Electricity (Power to Gas) Integrated Electricity-H2-Gas Model 08 Mar. 15 Mar. 22 Mar. 29 Mar. Renewables Curtailment Actual Wind Output Curtailed Wind Generation Wind Generation Capacity Use Gas Network as a Means to Store and Transport H2-Gas Blend Wind Generation (GW) figure 3. An illustration of the methodology for assessing integrated electricity-heat-gas-hydrogen multi-energy systems, with specific application to Great Britain’s electricity-gas transmission networks. HD: heat demand; ED: electric demand; EDS: electric distribution system. Faux CHP h e, h t (1-α)Echp 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Fchp System Heat Demand (GW) Domestic Heat Demand Commercial Heat Demand Generation Capability (GW) january/february 2017 Consumers HD,ED IEEE power & energy magazine 47 with the respect to the amount of flexibility provided (indicated in the figure as reduced electricity input from the grid). It can be seen that a nonprofitable region exists, where demand– response incentives are not sufficient to make up for the extra costs in moving from optimal set points to provide flexibility. Thermal Demand Heat Energy Gas Flow Electricity Electricity Market Electricity (Net) Demand EHP ∑ Flexibility from Residential Neighborhoods and Commercial Buildings TES ∑ CHP AB ∑ figure 4. An example of a general electricity-and-heat DMG structure in an integrated electricity-heat-gas market setup. decreases the operational costs when the DMG responds to time-varying market prices and/or regulating signals. Further, when grid services are requested, the DMG unit in Figure 4 can adjust the power provided to or withdrawn from the grid around determined set points, e.g., during the hour- or day-ahead planning phase, by ramping down/switching off the EHP and/or ramping up/switching on the CHP plant, among other possibilities. Of course, different DMG components can be controlled in real time, based on the underlying time scales of the regulating commands. The so-called profitability map provides a way to assess the tradeoff between the operational loss incurred by deviating the operating points from the optimal ones and the economic benefits achieved by providing services to the grid. A qualitative example is provided in Figure 5. The cost to provide flexibility to the grid generally increases monotonically Buildings and homes are basic, spatially defined examples of multi-energy hubs, given the heterogeneous setting that supplies essential electricity, thermal, and manufacturing needs. At the commercial level, HVAC units are prospective candidates for providing services to the power grid at various time scales, especially because of the favorable flexibility offered by thermal inertia in buildings. In particular, control strategies for fans in air-handing units of commercial buildings can be designed to provide fast time-scale regulation services to the distribution grid, while simultaneously minimizing the thermal discomfort of building occupants. At a slower time scale, and taking advantage of the buildings’ thermal inertia, optimization strategies for retail offices can, for instance, precool during low-power-demand periods to contribute to power peak-shaving efforts in the summer. Load-control mechanisms in residential neighborhoods can enable end users to provide services to the power grid by offering more favorable tariffs as well as economic incentives to respond to system-driven signals. As previously mentioned, load-control mechanisms can be integrated with distributed and decentralized control strategies for renewable sources of energy so that the aggregate net power consumption of a number of end customers can follow regulating commands dispatched by electrical distribution systems operators. Costs and Benefits (μ ) 8 Energy Cost Variation Demand Response (DR) Benefits 7 6 Electricity Shifting Potential 0.14 0.12 5 0.10 4 0.08 3 0.06 0.04 2 Non-Profitable Region 1 0 0 0.02 DR Incentive (μ /kWhel) Flexibility from Data Centers 10 50 20 30 40 Reduced Electricity Input from Grid (kWhel) figure 5. An example of profitability map (in monetary units μ) of the flexibility provided by a DMG plant. The thick piecewise linear curve represents the energy cost increase when moving away from the optimal set points for a given load at a given time to provide flexibility to the grid; the dashed lines represents the potential benefits, parameterized with respect to different demand–response incentives. 48 IEEE power & energy magazine A compelling example of flexible multi-energy systems in a smart city context is suggested by the growing presence of differently sized data centers. Data centers can be described as energy hubs that are characterized by ✔ local generation (more and more data centers are equipped with their own local generation unit) ✔ electrical energy storage for reliability purposes, which can also offer flexibility products ✔ thermal cooling processes ✔ a flexible load, provided by the possibility of scheduling computational power. For this reason, recent research has been moving toward the creation of efficient but also flexible data centers that will play a critical role in providing energy services in a general smart multi-energy system context. Flexibility from Joint Water-Power Optimization and Control Operators of municipal water systems (MWSs) and wastewater systems (WWSs) have the core objective of providing clean water and treated wastewater, according to well-defined january/february 2017 water-quality requirements. MWSs and WWSs are operated in a pricetaking setting, with tasks such as pump scheduling aimed at minimizMin g (Power) Min h (Gas) ing operation costs based on the price Min f (Water) s.t Power s.t Gas s.t Water of electricity. On the other hand, the Constraints Constraints Constraints power consumption of MWSs and WWSs is used as an input to the optimal power-flow problems utilized by Adjacent power-systems operators. Systems Solar Industrial However, it is increasingly recArea ognized that a synergistic control of power and water systems may Residential H1 H2 bring significant benefits from Area operational, reliability, and societal Pumped Hydro (Storage) standpoints. In particular, controllable assets in MWSs and WWSs can provide valuable services to the power grid at multiple spatial scales to enhance reliability and efficiency, Commercial H3 H4 Wind as well as to cope with the volatility Area of distributed renewable-based genHeating Natural Gas Electricity Water eration; services include frequency regulation, regulating reserves, or even contingency reserves. figure 6. Traditional operations, where optimization and control tasks are typically On the other hand, the incen- used to operate power, natural gas, water, and district heating systems in an tives for provisioning grid services independent and decoupled way. One system’s demand is used as a fixed input for to electric utilities could be used by relevant optimization and control problems of the other systems. s.t: subject to. water-system operators for capital improvements and capacity expansion, while operational savings emerging from joint optimiza- power networks to compute the optimal steady-state set tion and control would lower costs for water-utility customers points of (renewable) generation units, controllable loads, and while meeting stringent water-quality standards. Pumping in an storage devices; optimal pump-scheduling and water-flow MWS accounts for the majority of the power consumption; a problems; and gas load-flow problems. joint water-pump scheduling and power-flow task could, thereHowever, these optimization and control strategies fore, be used to provide optimal regulating and contingency are typically used to operate power, natural gas, water, and reserves to the power grid while maximizing the economic district heating systems in an independent and decoupled benefits to MWS operators. way (see Figure 6). Grounded on the understanding that joint Overall, the envisioned control architecture would enable optimization and control of multi-energy systems enables siga seamless system-level coordination of controllable assets at nificant benefits from socioeconomic, flexibility, operational multiple temporal scales to enable flexible and efficient oper- efficiency, and environmental perspectives (see the examples ation of the multi-energy infrastructure, while systematically given earlier), the objective of recent research is to formulate addressing customer needs and well-defined performance (and solve) global optimization problems where a variety of objectives as set forth by system operators. Core challenges performance objectives and (economic) indicators that pertain in this direction are outlined in the following section. to single-energy and multi-energy providers as well as end customers are optimized, while intrinsic interdependencies among systems and operational constraints are acknowledged Technical Challenges in the (see Figure 7). Optimization and Control Inheriting the characteristics of, e.g., ac optimal power of Integrated Multi-Energy Systems Core optimization tasks in the domains of power, water, ther- flow, water flow, and gas load-flow settings, the resulting mal, and gas system operations and control enable operators multi-energy optimization problems are, unfortunately, hard to compute the set points of controllable assets that are “op- to solve for global or local optimization in a computationtimal” in a well-defined sense, while concurrently satisfy- ally efficient manner. Problem complexity is primarily due ing operational, quality-of-service, and security constraints. to the nonlinear equations that govern the underlying physExamples include optimal power flow-type problems for ics of power, water, heat, and gas networks and the curse of january/february 2017 IEEE power & energy magazine 49 dimensionality associated with joint decision-making across different systems at multiple spatiotemporal scales. Nonlinearity leads to nonconvex problems (i.e., with multiple locally optimal solutions and a globally optimal solution difficult to find and assess simultaneously) and, oftentimes, nondeterministic polynomial-time-hard (NP-hard) programs that may be computationally prohibitive to solve even for local optimization. Nonconvexity stems from the underlying physics governing water, power, and gas flows as well as heat-transfer models describing the systems’ couplings and energy conversion stages. Further nonconvexities may arise from the optimization approach or structure, such as in the original energy-hub formulation that, by aggregating elements that contain decision variables in a synthetic inputoutput representation, generates a nonlinear optimization problem structure, where decision variables may serve to multiply one another. along the pipes, as well as the hydraulic characteristics of variable-speed pumps. Computationally intensive problems in gas (transmission) networks pertain to finding solutions for highly nonlinear gas-flow equations in both steady-state and transient (where intertemporal couplings add to the nonlinearity complexity) forms. Nonconvexity from Flow Physics Nonconvexity Due to Coupling Factors The power-balance constraints in power systems are nonconvex due to nonlinear ac power-flow equations; additional sources of nonconvexity include constraints on the minimum voltage service levels and on branch thermal limits applied to power flows. In pump-scheduling problems and water-flow problems, nonconvex constraints naturally emerge from the relevant flow mathematical models to capture the head losses or pressure losses due to friction For modeling simplicity, the coupling factors among energy carriers are often assumed to be constant. This is the case for the fuel-to-power and fuel-to-heat conversion efficiencies of CHP units, for example. However, a number of coupling factors are, in fact, nonlinear; examples include the efficiency and power consumed by a variable-speed water pump, which are nonlinear functions of the pump’s frequency. Further, the operational region of some types of co-generation units or absorption and compression chillers may be nonconvex. Discrete Control Decisions The binary and discrete decision variables required to consider on/off decisions and discrete power consumption levels (relevant to appliances, HVAC units, water heaters, EHPs, and water pumps, to mention just a few) exacerbate the problem complexity. The dimension of the search space increases exponentially with the number of binary variables (especially if binary decisions are required over a prolonged optimization horizon), thus rendering solutions for the underlying optimization problems computationally prohibitive. Min f (Water) + g (Power) + h (Gas) s.t Water Constraints Power Constraints Gas Constraints + Coupling Constraints Tradeoff Between Complexity and Flexibility Setpoints Adjacent Systems Industrial Area Solar H1 Residential Area H2 Pumped Hydro (Storage) Commercial Area Electricity H3 Heating H4 Natural Gas Wind Water figure 7. A global control problem optimizes a variety of performance objectives and economic indicators, while acknowledging intrinsic interdependencies among systems and operational constraints. Flexibility is naturally enabled by such a problem formulation, since the coupling constraints capture shifts in supply and demand across energy vectors and networks. 50 IEEE power & energy magazine Energy hubs and multigeneration models based on so-called dispatch factors, which are used to specify how energy is split among conversion units and outputs, may introduce other sources of nonconvexity via bilinear or trilinear terms appearing in equality constraints. Nonlinearity could be, in this case, bypassed either by introducing auxiliary variables or by simplify the hub model. It is, thus, apparent that tradeoffs between the complexity of any modeling approach to the optimization problems and achievable flexibility must be taken into account in the system’s design and operational processes. Opportunities Off-the-shelf solvers for mixedinteger nonlinear programs could, in principle, be used to find solutions january/february 2017 for optimization problems where the operation of power, to problem formulations where multi-energy systems are jointly water, thermal, and gas systems is jointly optimized. Given optimized is largely unexplored. Ample research opportunities exthe underlying nonconvexity and NP-hardness, suboptimal ist for how to leverage advances in convex relaxation and approxisolutions are largely accepted (e.g., multistart techniques can be mation to develop computationally efficient solution methods for used to possibly improve the quality of the solution and estimate multi-energy system optimization problems. Key research issues involve the development of mechaits attraction basin). It is, however, worth pointing out that the computational complexity becomes rapidly prohibitive with nisms that guarantee that the relaxed or approximated convex increasing of the system size and the optimization horizon, problem yield feasible operational set points and the derivaespecially in the presence of various forms of energy storage; tions of conditions under which the solution of the convex consequently, underlying optimization tasks for integrated multi- surrogate retains locally or globally optimized properties. energy systems may not offer decision-making capabilities at Successfully proven convex relaxation and approximation appropriate time scales and may not be adequate for operational techniques for nonlinear models can then be leveraged to landscapes where the rate of set-point updates has to match fast derive mixed-integer convex surrogates for challenging nondynamics of system and ambient conditions. In the context of convex mixed-integer nonlinear programs. future deregulated multi-energy markets, nonconvexity inherently challenges the development of provably convergent dis- Distributed Control tributed solvers utilized to strategically decompose the decision- Different energy actors may own and operate different making process across energy providers, users, and devices. energy assets. In lieu of centralized problem formulations Accordingly, recent research has focused on developing that require one single authority to supervise and control the computationally affordable solution methods by leverag- overall multi-energy infrastructure, powerful decomposition ing advances in convex relaxations and approximation methodologies can be leveraged to strategically decouple of nonlinear (nonconvex) flow constraints. In the power- the solution of multi-energy system optimization problems systems context, convex relaxation techniques enable a solu- across actors. Distributed strategies allow different parties tion of the ac optimal power-flow task with reduced computational Communication Links burden at both transmission and distribution scales, while possibly identifying globally optimal power-flow solutions. Sufficient condiMin f (water) Min g (Power) Min h (gas) tions for tightness of semidefinite s.t Water Constraints s.t Power Constraints s.t Gas Constraints + Consensus + Consensus + Consensus programming and second-order Constraints Constraints Constraints code programming relaxations are available for some classes of system topologies and problem Adjacent setups, while the efficacy of these Systems Solar Industrial methods for general topologies Area can be demonstrated by numerical evidence. Further, powerful linear Residential H1 H2 Area approximation methods enable one to develop linear and quadratPumped Hydro ic programming surrogates of the (Storage) ac optimal power-low problem, the computational complexity of which scales more favorably with system size. Considering other sectors, relaxations have, for instance, H3 H4 Commercial Wind been recently proposed for waterArea flow problems based on, e.g., a Electricity Heating Natural Gas Water second-order cone relaxation of the relevant flow equations. figure 8. Distributed optimization and control methods are leveraged to strategiAlthough the virtues of convex cally decompose the solution of the global optimization problem across energy hubs optimization tools have been dem- (H ), networks, and operators. Each energy operator retains the ability to control i onstrated for specific problems its system, while global coordination is achieved to increase operational flexibility. within the power-, water-, and gas-en- Online optimization tools can also be leveraged to offer decision-making capabilities gineering domains, their application at appropriate time scales. january/february 2017 IEEE power & energy magazine 51 to retain the ability to control their own energy assets and pursue their business, performance, and reliability objectives, while acknowledging interdependencies among energy subsystems. Although decomposition methods can conceivably be applied to nonconvex programs, convex surrogates of the power-water-thermal-gas flow equations and convex relaxations of binary constraints typically facilitate the development of distributed schemes with improved convergence properties. Identifying constraints that couple energy assets and subnetworks managed by different entities is key to achieving these goals. For example, water-power coupling constraints pertain to the power/speed of pumps; coupling among energy hubs may be via power lines, district heating/cooling pipes, and gas pipes connecting the hubs. After formulating partial Lagrangian functions based on the coupling constraints, a variety of techniques (including primal-dual-gradient-type methods and the alternating direction method of multipliers) can be leveraged to derive a relevant distributed optimization procedure. In particular, these methods allow one to develop algorithms for cases where a) different systems are managed by different operators, as illustrated in Figure 8; b) energy hubs are owned and controlled by different multi-energy actors; c) commercial and residential customers retain control of their own assets and participate in the provision of different power system services (optimization task); and d) a combination of a)–c). In all these configurations, the entities partaking of the relevant optimization task retain control of their assets and pursue their specific operational objectives. However, by exchanging relevant optimization variables, they will achieve the solution of the global optimization problem illustrated in Figure 7, which naturally encapsulates multiflexibility options. It is worth pointing out that distributed solutions involve iterative schemes where the set points of the energy assets are dispatched by each energy actor only upon convergence of the algorithms. For fast time-varying operational landscapes, it is more desirable to resort to online optimization schemes, where the set points of the devices are dispatched as and when available, without necessarily waiting for the distributed algorithm to converge. A challenge in this direction is to ensure that the set points produced by the online algorithm do not induce violations of operational and security limits. A cross-fertilization of control and online optimization tools is, therefore, the key to enable the synthesis of distributed feedback control schemes that ensure satisfaction of physical and security limits while tracking solutions of underlying multi-energy optimization problems. Conclusions Coordinated control of multi-energy systems at multiple spatiotemporal scales promises significant benefits from socioeconomic, operational efficiency, and environmental perspectives by leveraging the flexibility of various controllable 52 IEEE power & energy magazine assets to ensure a secure and economical supply–demand balance and provide reserve services. To enable such a level of coordination at appropriate time scales, one possible approach consists in formulating global optimization problems where various performance objectives and (economic) indicators that pertain to single-energy and multi-energy providers as well as end customers are maximized and, subsequently, in leveraging relevant optimization and control tools to develop computationally affordable distributed (and online) algorithms. At a slower time scale, distributed algorithms enable energy hubs, network operators, and (possibly) customers to coordinate to achieve solutions of system-level dispatch problems; at a faster time scale, control algorithms strategically decompose the decision-making process across actors, while offering fast time-scale flexibility options and steering the operating points of multi-energy systems toward the solution of global optimization problems. To this end, it is critical to represent multi-energy system and network models as relevant optimization and control tasks and uncover intrinsic convexity structures that lead to computationally efficient distributed solutions. For Further Reading P. Mancarella, G. Andersson, J. A. Peças-Lopes, and K. R. W. Bell, “Modeling of integrated multi-energy systems: Drivers, requirements, and opportunities,” in Proc. 19th Power Systems Computation Conf., Genova, Italy, 2016, pp. 1–22. M. Geidl, G. Koeppel, P. Favre-Perrod, B. Klockl, G. Andersson, and K. Frohlich, “Energy hubs for the future,” IEEE Power Energy Mag., vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 24–30, Jan./Feb. 2007. S. Clegg and P. Mancarella, “Integrated electrical and gas network flexibility assessment in low-carbon multi-energy systems,” IEEE Trans. Sustain. Energy, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 718–731, Apr. 2016. P. Mancarella and G. Chicco, “Real-time demand response from energy shifting in distributed multi-generation,” IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 1928–1938, Dec. 2013. D. Müller, A. Monti, S. Stinner, T. Schlösser, T. Schütz, P. Matthes, H. Wolisz, C. Molitor, H. Harb, and R. Streblow, “Demand side management for city districts,” Build. Environ., vol. 91, pp. 283–293, Sept. 2015. E. Dall’Anese and A. Simonetto, “Optimal power flow pursuit,” IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, May 2016. Biographies Emiliano Dall’Anese is with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado, United States. Pierluigi Mancarella is with the University of Melbourne, Australia, and the University of Manchester, United Kingdom. Antonello Monti is with RWTH Aachen University, Germany. p&e january/february 2017 The Consumer’s Role in Flexible Energy Systems An Interdisciplinary Approach to Changing Consumers’ Behavior By Geertje Schuitema, Lisa Ryan, and Claudia Aravena A A TRANSITION TO FOSSIL-FREE ENERGY systems is necessary to secure a safe, reliable, and sustainable future. This implies increasing shares of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, and introduces new challenges in terms of flexibility, storage, and energy transmission. Consumers play a crucial role in achieving this energy transition, as consumer flexibility is required to accommodate variable generation and peak loads. This implies that consumers become more flexible in their energy use and adopt technologies that facilitate greater reliance on renewable energy sources. Increasing consumers’ flexibility is complex, and the solution lies in a combination of many disciplines, such as psychology, marketing, economics, anthropology, computer science, and engineering. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2016.2620658 Date of publication: 2 February 2017 ©ISTOCKPHOTO.COM/MACROVECTOR january/february 2017 1540-7977/17©2017IEEE IEEE power & energy magazine 53 Despite the importance of consumers in a more flexible energy system, only a small part of current energy research has so far focused on this issue; moreover, most of this research is conducted in monodisciplinary settings. Yet consumers’ flexibility involves many different elements that are best represented and investigated using an interdisciplinary approach. This article focuses on the role of consumers in a flexible energy system from an interdisciplinary point of view. ✔ What is the consumer’s role in a flexible energy system? ✔ How can consumers’ behavior be changed? ✔ What barriers are there for change? ✔ What influences consumers’ investment in flexibilityenhancing technologies? ✔ How can policies and market design be used to stimulate flexible behavior? In addition, we briefly discuss the public acceptance of energy infrastructure, an important precondition for any flexible energy system. We conclude with some remarks on how research on consumer behavior could be better integrated into energy research more generally. The Consumer’s Role in a Flexible Energy System An increase in variable renewables (e.g., wind and solar photovoltaic) in the energy system means that energy supply fluctuates more; without flexible demand, supply will most likely require additional storage and capacity in the system. However, consumers can improve the flexibility of the energy system by playing a more active role in both the demand for and supply of energy. When talking about consumers’ energy-using behavior, researchers distinguish between curtailment behavior and efficiency behavior; both facilitate the flexibility of the energy system. Curtailment behavior refers to energy-using activities that typically occur on a frequent basis—such as showering, changing thermostat settings, and switching on/off lights or appliances—and is therefore much more linked to habitual and occupancy behaviors. To enhance the flexibility of the energy system, changing consumers’ curtailment behavior is mainly linked to load shifting and energy-demand reduction. Efficiency behavior refers to investment in energy-efficient solutions, such as insulation, heat pumps, and electric vehicles, and it includes the adoption of technologies that facilitate curtailment behavior change, such as smart meters and smart appliances. Efficiency behavior involves the adoption of new technologies and investments leading to energy-efficient actions and measures that will have a longer-lasting impact. Consumers also increasingly play a role in improving the flexibility of the energy supply. This is why they are sometimes referred to as prosumers, which means that they are both “consumers” and “producers,” or active agents on the supply side. This new role involves new types of relevant consumer behaviors: generation of one’s own energy, for example. Prosumers can provide flexibility to centralized energy generation through their decisions on whether to sell their energy back to 54 IEEE power & energy magazine the grid, store it, or consume it themselves (self-consumption). Flexibility is also provided when consumers allow automated control over their appliances, implying that third parties align their energy use with the supply and demand on the grid. The increasing share of variable renewables, such as solar and wind energy, associated with the requirement for flexibility also introduces new challenges in terms of major infrastructure changes such as the building of wind farms, pylons, and transmission lines. A major factor, and often a barrier, in these transitions is public acceptance. Hence, a discussion of the contribution of consumers to flexibility would not be complete without reference to the issue of public acceptance, so this topic is included here as well. Changing Consumers’ Energy Behavior: Load Shift and Demand Reduction Demand Response Consumer flexibility is needed in terms of both shifting energy demand to times of the day when (renewable) energy is available and also reducing energy demand when the supply of energy is limited. Demand-side management (DSM) is the term used to describe a range of measures for improving the efficiency and flexibility of energy demand from the consumer side. Demand-response (DR) measures are a part of DSM programs; they are designed to encourage consumers to change their energy consumption. Some of these DR programs rely on changes in curtailment behavior—that is, consumers need to change their behavior based on alerts or real-time information. This is problematic because it requires considerable effort on the part of consumers: they need to pay attention to the information, decide on appropriate actions, and ultimately undertake those actions. A basic assumption here is that consumers have the knowledge to take appropriate actions, which often may not be the case. In fact, there have been reports of tension in households as a result of members having different views about how best to change their energy consumption. As a result, the effects of DR programs on consumers’ load shifting and energy consumption fluctuate and may be fairly limited. To overcome these problems, future DR programs are likely to be designed to include a significant share of direct load control (DLC) by energy providers. DLC allows appliances whose time of use is not critical within reasonably narrow time periods (such as refrigerators, air conditioners, water heaters, and pumps) to be switched off or have their energy reduced remotely by suppliers at times of peak demand. Although DLC is likely to increase load shifting and reduce energy demand, consumers are often reluctant to accept automated control over their energy use. Surveys show that fewer than a third of consumers use time-of-use (ToU) controlling functions or are willing to accept contractual arrangements that allow utilities to directly control appliances to deliver load shedding. This reluctance is very much based on the fear of losing control over one’s own energy consumption, use of appliances, and january/february 2017 basic comfort. Figure 1 shows how consumers’ acceptance of remote control of their appliances’ energy use increases if they have the ability to override this outside control and thus feel personal control over the decision making. Overall, consumers perceive the risks related to new technologies and DLC to be much higher than any benefits they may provide. And, while a positive experience with one smart technology may increase a consumer’s acceptance levels of smart technologies generally, this is unlikely to occur if the consumer’s experience is frustrating due to unrealistic expectations or a lack of policy and market support. The characteristics of energy use partly depend on household structures and socio-demographics. For example, energy consumption increases with the number of inhabitants in the house, the age of the head of the household, and the number of unemployed household members. In addition, homeowners usually have higher energy consumption as compared to renters. The extent to which interventions are effective to change consumers’ behavior depends, to some extent, on such household characteristics. Your Electricity Provider Can Remotely Limit the Use of Certain Major Home Appliances and You Cannot Choose to Reverse This Course of Action 29% .m . m. 2a 1 a. 14 Day Ce Ra nt te /kW h a. 3 . 8 p. .m m. Peak Rate* 20 Cent/kWh . m . te Ra h ht W Nig ent/k C 24 . p. m m. 11 p. p.m 9 Midnight figure 1. The influence of consumers’ sense of personal control on their likelihood of accepting programs allowing utilities to control their appliances’ energy use. (Data derived from Accenture, Understanding Consumer Preferences in Energy Efficiency, 2010.) 10 4a 7 p.m m. 5 a. . 6 p.m. 6 a.m. . 5 p.m 7 a. m. 8a m. . .m . . m . . 1 p.m 2p .m a. a.m 11 a.m. . p. m 9 10 3 . 4p Noon january/february 2017 19% % of Savings in Energy Bill Time-of-Use Tariffs ToU tariffs are price instruments that support consumer flexibility by realigning price signals in favor of more flexible energy use. ToU tariffs are aimed at encouraging energy use during off-peak hours (when energy supply is high and demand is low) by setting lower energy prices compared to highpeak hours. The overall objective is to shift energy demand from highto low-peak hours, rather than to reduce overall energy use. ToU tariffs are designed to better reflect the “true” energy generation costs at a certain time of the day. However, this also implies that energy prices will vary more, which may cause uncertainty among consumers about how much energy will cost. Generally, consumers prefer certain outcomes over uncertain outcomes; hence, they may initially object to ToU tariffs. However, in the longer term, if average energy costs go down, resistance may decrease. ToU tariffs have already beenput in place in various countries, such as France, Italy and Sweden. Figure 2 represents an example of ToU tariffs designs for a smart meter trial in Ireland. Studies 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 % of Sign Up (Certainty + Probably) Your Electricity Provider Can Remotely Limit the Use of Certain Major Home Appliances and You Cannot Choose to Reverse This Course of Action Day 14 C Rate ent/ kWh * Peak Rates Applied Moday to Friday Only, Excluding Public Holidays figure 2. An example of ToU tariffs designs for a smart meter trial in Ireland that ran 1 January–31 December 2010. Note that all prices excluded VAT. (Data derived from: CER, Electricity Smart Metering Customer Behaviour Trials (CBT) Findings Report. Dublin: Commission for Energy Regulation, 2011.) IEEE power & energy magazine 55 displays (IHDs) but also more static measures such as labels relating to the energy performance of buildings and a host of energy-using appliances. With or without IHDs, smart meters facilitate large-scale flexibility by allowing control of electricity use remotely. Smart meters provide consumers with real-time information on their energy consumption via IHDs, websites, or mobile apps. This is an advantage over traditional communication methods, where more generic information was provided via billing or other (paper-based) information. With Information and Feedback Another category of instruments or interventions relates smart meters, utilities can tailor the information provided to to the provision of feedback and information. This can a particular costumer in real time, which is considered a great have several objectives. First, information policies may be advantage for both the consumer and the utility. This inforrequired to increase knowledge and raise awareness among mation could be related to individual energy consumption, consumers as to the importance of their energy decisions. prices, forecasts of future energy use, generation sources, Many governments have introduced mandates to provide and payments. Targeted information to the individual user information to consumers on their energy use. This includes has been shown to be more effective in changing behavior feedback technologies such as smart meters with in-house than generic information. Providing tailored information in real-time is important to avoid overload or redundancy, which would be counterproductive in increasing consumers’ knowledge and awareness of What Organizations Do You Trust to Inform You About Actions You Can Take to Optimize Your Electricity Consumption? their energy consumption. Although the provision of inforDo Not Trust Neither Trust Nor Distrust Trust mation can be effective in making 13 13 20 consumers’ energy behavior more 28 29 flexible, the effects are fairly small 49 51 53 (in the range of 5–15%) and tend to be short term. It has been suggested 59 60 48 that to create a long-term learning 46 66 effect, consumers need help in inter43 36 preting their energy consumption 42 and frequent reminders, which can 28 27 26 25 be accomplished by adding infor14 11 8 7 mation on the consequences of their consumption (e.g., financial consequences or carbon footprint). Also, combining energy consumption with feedback about one’s own historical energy use, others’ energy use (e.g., neighbors or “similar” consumers) can be effective. The electric utility OPOWER in the United States, for example, has had success using this technique with their consumers. An important note: it is crucial that consumers trust both the information and the provider of it if this *e.g., Google, Microsoft technique is to have any effect. Fig**e.g., Cable Television Providers, Telecommunication Providers, Home ure 3 shows that the same informaSecurity Companies tion may be trusted when it comes from one source but not when it comes from another. That is, inforfigure 3. Consumers’ level of trust in sources that provide information on actions mation on how to optimize one’s they can take to optimize their electricity consumption. (Data derived from Accenture, Understanding Consumer Preferences in Energy Efficiency, 2010.) electricity consumption is deemed 56 IEEE power & energy magazine Environmental Associations Academics/Schools/Scientific Associations Consumer Associations Utilities/ Electricity Provides Government/Governmental Organizations Online Service Providers** Retainers/Equipment Manufactures Home Service Provides** showed that the introduction of ToU tariffs could shift the energy consumption at peak times to off-peak hours by 8%. However, average consumption was found to reduce little or remain the same. If energy efficiency is also a goal, ToU tariffs should be combined with the provision of information on energy consumption and costs (e.g., feedback information through paper bills and technology displays or smart meters). january/february 2017 Other Drivers of Behavioral Change Economists see economic and information policy instruments as means to overcome market failures such as the presence of externalities, split incentives, and transaction costs associated with investment in and use of smart appliances. However, from a psychological point of view, some barriers to flexibility arise because consumers do not always behave rationally; therefore, additional measures may be required. For example, DR and DLC may lead to lower energy bills for consumers, which is a rational reason for them to change their behavior. However, consumers may feel that they need to invest considerable effort and give up control for this flexibility, and, as a result, financial compensation may simply not be sufficient to motivate this behavioral change. Stronger price signals may overcome this reluctance to some extent but not fully, as consumers tend to feel uncertain about whether they will benefit and for how long. Consumers respond not only to economic benefits; there are also other motivations underlying their behavior. For example, in addition to their own benefits, consumers may also consider the collective consequences, such as the importance of having a secure, sustainable, and affordable energy system for all. If consumers understand how their behavior can contribute to this, they are more likely to engage, despite little financial gain, because they want to contribute to society. Also, it is important not to overestimate consumers’ interest level in the topic of “energy.” For most, the services provided by energy including watching television, doing laundry, or being warm are more important than “energy” and “energy demand” in themselves. Nudging is another strategy to change consumers’ behavior toward becoming more flexible. This strategy relies on using consumers’ automatic gut feeling, rather than on their consciously considered behavior. Nudging is based on the idea that the context is changed so that, when people follow their gut feeling, they automatically choose (and thus are nudged toward) the desired option. This january/february 2017 % People Saying “yes” to Smart Meter with Automated Control more trustworthy when it comes from sources that are seen as objective in the protection of consumers’ interests (e.g., environmental organizations, scientists, or consumer organizations) than when it comes from sources that are not typically seen to have consumers’ interest as a main priority (e.g., industry or government). It is well known that, when the provision of information enhances transparency on energy use and utility billing, consumers are more likely to trust the information and act upon it. However, consumers’ trust is not guaranteed just because information is provided, and good intentions may backfire. Fear of infringement on their freedom or privacy can lead to strong objections by consumers to engaging in any activity that may lead to a more flexible energy system. It is important to acknowledge and address such responses, as they can seriously undermine the effect of any program aimed at changing consumers’ energy behavior toward enhancing a more flexible energy system. 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Opt-In Denmark Opt-Out Norway Switzerland Note: In the original study, a third group was included. See Broman-Toft et al. for more information. figure 4. The effect of different default options on consumers’ adoption of smart meters with remote control. (Source: M. Broman Toft, G. Schuitema, and J.Thøgersen, “The importance of framing for consumer acceptance of the Smart Grid: A comparative study of Denmark, Norway, and Switzerland,” Energy Research & Social Science, no. 3, 2014, pp. 113–123.) has been accomplished, for example, by suggesting a different default option to consumers when choosing between gray and green energy or about whether or not to have a smart meter with automated control (Figure 4). In the second example, after receiving general information about the smart meter, one group (opt-in) of participants could check a box indicating “Yes, I would like to have a smart meter with remote control installed in my house”; it was made clear that if they did not check the box, they would automatically not get the smart meter. The other group (opt-out) could only check a box “No, I would not like to have a smart meter with remote control installed in my house,” and it was implied that if they did not check the box, they would get the smart meter. This study was carried out in three different European countries, and the results show a similar pattern: in all cases, consumers in the opt-out group were more likely to accept smart meters with automated control compared to those presented with the opt-in conditions. Such studies show that people tend to go along with the choice that is presented as the default option. This implies that when the “desired” option is presented as the standard choice (e.g., green energy, smart meters with automated control), consumer uptake often increases. Technology Adoption and Investment Behavior Consumers can facilitate a flexible energy system by adopting new technologies and investing in them. Such investments are usually fairly large, which is one of the barriers to consumer investment. A range of economic instruments exists that can support consumer investment in smart and efficient technology that supports flexibility. IEEE power & energy magazine 57 when hardly anybody else has; they are usually called innovators or early Deployment of Smart Electricity Meters in EU Members States by 2020 adopters and are characterized by a strong sense of innovation. For other Yes laggards, a large number of others Yes, Official Decision Pending need to have adopted a technolNo Based On Country’s Assessment ogy before they will consider doNo Decision Yet ing so too. Selective FI That social influence is imporSE tant for the uptake of new technologies is observed, for example, in the EE installation of solar photovoltaic LV DK panels. Solar contagion is a term IE LT that is used for the phenomenon UK that, in neighborhoods where soNL PL DE BE lar panels are visible, more solar LU CZ panels appear. This is probably SK FR because the visibility of solar panAT HU els triggers others to adopt them, SI RO HR which is likely to be connected to PT the symbolic functions of technolES IT BG ogy and the desire to express one’s identity, for example as an innoGR CY vator or a green consumer. In the deployment of new techMT nologies, grants and subsidies are often proposed as a way to encourage or kick start the market by figure 5. The EU smart meter rollout in 2020. (Source: Briefing European Parliament, spreading the adoption of technoloSmart Electricity Grids and Meters in the EU Member States, Brussels: European Parliagies through social networks. Once ment, Sept. 2015; image reproduced with permission from the European Parliament.) there is more uptake in the market, familiarity with the technologies, One possibility is to increase energy prices overall. If and product visibility, these subsidies should be slowly phased energy use becomes more expensive in general, it will be out. Split incentives can be addressed by ensuring that there more attractive for consumers to invest in energy-efficient are benefits to the agent investing in energy efficiency or that technologies due to a higher rate of return or shorter pay- the investment costs can be passed on to the tenant or benefiback time. There may be distribution issues, however, where ciary of the reduced energy bills. Another way to kick start the market is to encourage low-income groups are the most adversely affected. As an alternative to increasing energy prices, incentives or subsi- grass-roots innovations and community initiatives to advance dies can be provided to encourage investment in technolo- adoption of technologies collectively. Such a bottom-up approach is more likely to engage and involve consumers, gies that enhance the flexibility of energy systems. There are also other barriers to investment in technolo- because the initiative is their own rather than imposed on gies. For example, the perceived effort to install and use new them via top-down procedures. Moreover, a sense of ownertechnologies influences consumers’ investment behavior as ship and contribution is likely to keep consumers interested well. In addition, consumers tend to be uncertain whether and committed to the project. Finally, the benefits of community projects may be their investments will pay off and whether the adoption of flexibility-enhancing technologies (such as smart meters) larger because, in contrast to individual consumers, the total energy demand of communities is larger, which makes it will really reduce their energy bills. The theory of the diffusion of innovations suggests that more likely that they can negotiate a contract for DR and social influence is important for the adoption of technol- ToU. This may increase the benefits for the community in ogies: the more people who have adopted a certain technol- general, as well as for each individual member. Although ogy, the more likely it is that others will do so as well due to a bottom-up approaches are promising, a well-documented neighboring effect. The threshold for how large the number of challenge is their upscaling. As in most organizations, they others must be depends on an individual’s personal char- will be more efficient and powerful if they grow. However, acteristics. Some consumers will adopt new technologies community-based and grass-roots initiatives are always 58 IEEE power & energy magazine january/february 2017 small scale and deal with local community issues. Upscaling very often leads to problems in terms of the management and generalizability of the project. Policies to Enhance Flexibility Government or regulatory intervention has a role to play in supporting consumer flexibility. The elements necessary to achieve more flexible energy demand from consumers, such as installing smart appliances and smart meters and negotiating contracts that include provisions for automated DR, are likely to require policy support to facilitate their introduction. Many governments have introduced mandates to ensure that steps are being taken to stimulate flexibility behavior. These can involve mandating the rollout of a technology that facilitates consumer flexibility such as smart appliances or smart meters (see Figure 5) or providing subsidies on investments in solar panels or heat pumps. The 2009 Electricity Directive recommended the rollout of smart meters among European Union (EU) member states but left deployment decisions up to the individual states. When individual member states positively assessed the cost–benefit analysis of the rollout of smart meters, at least 80% of consumers were expected to be equipped with smart meters by 2020. However, the progress on the rollout of smart meters across the EU shows a mixed picture: Finland, Italy, and Sweden are advanced in their rollouts (installing 45 million meters), and another 13 states declared their intention to proceed with rollouts, although they are in different stages. In seven member states (Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, and Slovakia) the cost–benefit analysis was negative or inconclusive, implying that the rollout will be delayed or not started. Four states (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Hungary, and Slovenia) have not conducted a cost–benefit analysis or instituted any rollout plans as yet. Alternatively, command-and-control policies may be used to ban or discourage the use of less flexible technologies (for example, the interdiction of natural gas boilers in buildings in Denmark since 2013 or the prohibition of incandescent light bulbs in the EU since 2009), which may indirectly encourage the introduction of more flexible technologies such as heat pumps (in the former case) and lightemitting diodes (in the latter case). Finally, some mandates have been introduced to provide information to consumers on their energy use and bills (e.g., via smart meters with IHDs). But more static measures have also been taken, such as the introduction of energy labels relating to the performance of buildings and a host of energy-using appliances. DSM programs have been introduced in many countries to facilitate more flexible consumer energy-using behavior. While the majority of existing DSM programs are utility-driven, policy interventions are required as well to 1) encourage utilities to offer such programs and 2) facilitate the appropriate price signals and information that make it january/february 2017 worthwhile for a large percentage of consumers to sign up for them, especially in jurisdictions where energy prices are regulated. Ultimately, the measures described here should be integrated, as far as possible, in the design of energy markets to enhance consumers’ flexibility. In other words, if consumer flexibility is valued and incentivized in the market, it will be more likely to occur—for example, through utility DR and DSM programs or other intermediaries such as aggregators. There is also increasing recognition that DR involving customers changing their operating patterns can assist in balancing electricity systems and gives transmission system operators more flexible options. Consumers’ Acceptance of Renewables and Energy Infrastructure A topic that is often not considered when discussing the consumers’ role in flexible energy systems is the public acceptance of renewables and energy infrastructure. However, we believe this to be an important topic in this context. Major infrastructure projects are often hindered or stopped by public resistance and lack of consumer acceptance. Consequently, understanding consumer acceptance of renewable energy sources and energy infrastructure is an important precondition for the realization of a flexible energy system. It is often assumed that lack of support for energy infrastructure is the result of a general resistance to change or “not-in-my-back-yard” reaction. However, this view has been criticized as simplistic and erroneous and is often used as an excuse to ignore valid public objections. Instead, it is argued that people do not resist change per se, but they resist change for various, often valid, reasons such as increased costs and exposure to risks and seeing limited or reduced benefits. The (perceived) costs, risks, and benefits are steered by underlying psychological factors such as values and lifestyles as well as attachment to place, personal identities, symbolic meanings, and emotions. In addition, the communication process between consumers and the involved authorities and industries is very important for encouraging consumer acceptance. If consumers trust the involved parties, they are much more likely to accept the proposed infrastructure changes, especially when they know little about them. Moreover, fair and transparent procedures have been shown to increase acceptance levels, thereby reducing the likelihood that lack of consumer acceptance will hinder the building of infrastructure needed for a flexible energy system. Compensation schemes may be used to strengthen public acceptance of energy infrastructure—for example, by providing individual tax benefits or providing benefits for the community that reduce local energy bills or create or expand community facilities. Such communication and compensations schemes can be effective for increasing the acceptability of policies and energy infrastructure. However, there may be some negative side effects if unintended messages IEEE power & energy magazine 59 Not only must customers become much more flexible in their energy use, they must also be persuaded to adopt technologies that facilitate greater reliance on renewable energy sources. are signaled. For example, if compensating individuals or communities financially is seen as a “bribe” or if an attempt to engage the public is seen as insincere, people may not feel that they are taken seriously. Final Remarks Consumers play an important role on different levels in achieving flexibility in energy systems. In the first instance, they can help make energy systems more flexible by changing their energy consumption patterns, resulting in load shifting and reduction in energy demand. To do this, the acceptance and use of smart technologies and energy efficient measures by consumers are needed. Also, more widely, consumers’ acceptance of energy infrastructure is necessary to facilitate a higher share of renewable energy sources and transmission to ensure a more flexible energy system. The flexibility of the energy system (as well as other energy research) is a complex problem that touches on many different disciplines. There is an increasing amount of research carried out in the disciplines of social science, economics, and humanities on the factors that underlie consumers’ energy behavior and acceptance and how these may be changed via policy interventions and market design. Hence, a more integrated approach is needed within the social sciences and humanities, as well as with energy researchers in other disciplines, such as engineering, environmental science, and computer science. Future integrated energy research should focus on understanding why consumers behave the way they do and how policy instruments and market designs can help to change consumers’ behavior to enhance flexibly. This is needed to better understand issues such as the interaction of policy instruments, the effect of transaction costs, and the assumptions of technology adoption found in the engineering literature. Currently, policies and markets strongly favor the perspective of “rational consumers.” However, there is a vast amount of research on “irrational” consumer behavior that can and should be better used to inform policy making and market design to alter consumer behavior more effectively. Ultimately, consumers need to become more flexible because that will give future generations a better chance to have a sustainable, reliable, and affordable energy system. Energy systems should be designed based on the needs and 60 IEEE power & energy magazine desires of current and future society and energy consumers. To realize this, designers of the energy system (e.g., engineers, environmental scientists, and computer scientists) should be better informed by the work of the social sciences, economics, and humanities. In this way, a shift from a technology-centered energy system toward a user-centered energy system can be achieved. Acknowledgment This publication has emanated from research supported in part by a research grant from the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) under the SFI Strategic Partnership Programme, grant number SFI/15/SPP/E3125. For Further Reading H. Allcott and T. Rogers, “The short-run and long-run effects of behavioral interventions: Experimental evidence from energy conservation.,” Am. Econ. Rev., vol. 104, no. 10, pp. 3003–3037, 2014. H. T. Haider, O. H. See, and W. Elmenreich, “A review of residential demand response of smart grid,” Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., vol. 59, pp. 166–178, June 2016. M. A. R. Lopes, A. C. Henggeler, K. B. Janda, P. Peixoto, and N. Martins, “The potential of energy behaviors in a smart(er) grid: Policy implications from a Portuguese exploratory study,” Energy Pol., vol. 60, pp. 233–245, Mar. 2015. N. Sintov and P. W. Schultz, “Unlocking the potential of smart grid technologies with behavioral science,” Front. Psychol., vol. 6, pp. 1–8, 2015. B. K. Sovacool, “What are we doing here? Analyzing fifteen years of energy scholarship and proposing a social science research agenda,” Energy Res. Social Sci., vol. 1, no. 0, pp. 1–29, 2014. L. Steg, G. Perlaviciute, and E. van der Werff, “Understanding the human dimensions of a sustainable energy transition,” Front. Psychol., vol. 6, pp. 1–7, 2015. Biographies Geertje Schuitema is with University College Dublin, Ireland. Lisa Ryan is with University College Dublin, Ireland. Claudia Aravena is with Heriot Watt University, United Kingdom. p&e january/february 2017 ©ISTOCKPHOTO.COM/AAGGRAPHICS Fragmented Policies and Regulations Lead to Significant Concerns Flexibility Challenges for Energy Markets By William D’haeseleer, Laurens de Vries, Chongqing Kang, and Erik Delarue F FOLLOWING THE FORMULATION OF CERTAIN strategic policy goals, such as reducing greenhouse gases (GHGs) and including more renewable sources (RES) as part of the energy mix in several parts of the world, the practical translation and actual implementation of these goals have led to the introduction of substantial volumes of intermittent renewable electric sources. Because affordable bulk storage for electricity is still lacking, demand and supply need to be (instantaneously) balanced. The resulting challenge that Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2016.2629742 Date of publication: 2 February 2017 january/february 2017 intermittent renewable power sources pose to the controllability of the electric power system requires greater flexibility from other parts of the system, as well as flexibility through interaction with other energy sectors such as the heating sector, the natural gas sector, and the transportation sector. As a consequence, the overall energy system becomes increasingly coupled, which requires appropriate communication within and among sectors and flexible adjustment and collaboration capabilities, while certain technical, economic, and consumer comfort constraints are still satisfied. Because this coupling, which has a multitude of feedback options, makes the system less predictable (due to unexpected choices 1540-7977/17©2017IEEE IEEE power & energy magazine 61 and decisions by market participants but also due to intrinsic nonlinear behavior), flexibility will undoubtably be key. In this article, we address the influence of policy and regulation on the efficient behavior of energy markets and illustrate the extent to which implementation of some well-intended, but possibly conflicting, policy choices may result in inadequate or unexpected performance within the overall energy system. We further highlight the importance of flexibility and stress that more flexibility will be required in nonideal markets to avoid unanticipated side effects. It is not our goal here to comment on or evaluate the legitimacy of certain strategic policy objectives in themselves; we accept these as the prerogative of policy makers. Rather, we focus on how these strategic objectives are translated into concrete implementation targets. The strong push for investments in certain intermittent renewables impacts the performance of other instruments (e.g., those aimed at CO2 emission reduction) or electricity wholesale markets. By moving too rapidly (and, in so doing, ignoring system interactions), a variety of simple, well-intended (local) targets may counteract or even oppose each other with the result that, while some individual targets may be reached, the larger strategic objective will be compromised (or even missed) or only reached at an unnecessarily high cost. We illustrate these issues using some typical examples drawn mainly from Europe, although interesting system interaction scenarios in the United States and China are also mentioned. We next identify several possible attractive avenues for fostering flexibility through robust policies and markets with the goal of mitigating the current situation and allowing for—and even promoting—better system integration in the future. Finally, we suggest some challenges, open questions, and research issues for policy and regulation. The State of Play: The Need for Flexibility and Analysis European Policy Measures and Their Consequences An example of European energy policies with substantial side effects are the so-called 20-20-20 targets. The European Energy and Climate Change Package of 2008 was based on three main pillars, or targets, to be reached by 2020: ✔ 20% of overall consumed end energy to be from RES, with a subtarget for the transportation sector of 10%, mainly from biofuels ✔ 20% reduction of GHGs compared to 1990 ✔ 20% more efficient energy consumption compared to a (then undefined) benchmark evolution. Of these targets, the first two are mandatory; the last was implemented through a variety of individual binding “directives,” including, among others, one for combined heat and power (CHP) and one for energy use in dwellings; but the overall target for the European Union (EU) was not compul62 IEEE power & energy magazine sory. Before addressing the interaction effects among them, some comments on each of these targets are in order. Renewable Energy Policy The 20% RES requirement for the overall EU is distributed across member states (or, more simply, “countries”). After much effort on the part of the EU’s administration services to devise a partitioning based on the “potential” to “produce” energy from RES, it turned out to be impossible to reach a consensus; thus, a purely administrative partitioning was determined, not at all related to “potential.” Starting from the existing volume of RES in 2005 and taking into account a slight “bonus” for early starters, the overall gap of 11 percentage points for the entire EU was filled by allocating half of that to each member state (i.e., each country had to increase its RES contribution by 5.5% of its end energy). The second 5.5 percentage points were redistributed across countries based on gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, so that the richer countries carried the heaviest burden. As a result, some countries with substantial potential have a relatively small target, while (relatively rich) countries with almost no potential face a very challenging target. Note that the EU Commission documents refer to a “fair” and “effective” distribution; that it be “efficient” is not mentioned. The three EU decision-making bodies (the Commission, the Council, and the Parliament) could reach no agreement on a mandatory European-wide renewables certificate trading system, by which green certificates would be exchangeable per country. Instead, every country was allowed to set up its own individual support scheme, resulting in local certificate systems in some countries (or even in parts of countries), feed-in tariffs, investment support, and tax breaks. A number of cooperation mechanisms (statistical transfers, joint projects, and joint support schemes) made it possible to both offer flexibility and meet part of a member state’s target through the deployment of renewables in another member state. However, all countries opted for their own targets. Statistical transfers may be used to “balance the books” at the end in 2020, such that a country not meeting its target by domestic production can buy a transfer from another country with a surplus. However, in the absence of a real market at the moment and uncertainty as to whether countries will meet their own targets, the use of these transfers is not actually stimulated and, therefore, remains uncertain. The overall renewables target refers to a fractional requirement of 20% of overall end-energy consumption; the subtarget within the transportation sector is a minimum of 10%. Given the limited options for deploying renewables in the heating and cooling and transportation sectors, the electricity sector will need to compensate and so faces a much higher target. Moreover, low-carbon options often involve electrification, e.g., in the cases of electric vehicles and heat pumps. Together, the policy targets as laid out in the National Renewables Energy Actions Plans lead to an overall requirement for the electricity system of 33–34%, or about january/february 2017 CO2 Policy The 20% GHG reduction target with respect to 1990 is recalibrated as a 14% reduction compared to 2005 (because of more complete and reliable numbers) and is then subdivided in two distinct categories (see Figure 2). The primary CO2 policy instrument is the EU emission trading scheme (ETS), which represents roughly half of CO2 emissions. It affects energy-intensive industries and the electric power and heat sector with an emissions cap that decreases by 1.74 percentjanuary/february 2017 12,000 10,000 Net Demand (MW) one-third of total European generation (in terms of electric end energy) by 2020. The implications will be different for different countries, depending on their individual required targets and actual potential. But a simple calculation for “average” countries in Europe for the period 2008–2020 leads to the following orders of magnitude observations, which may seem obvious but do not appear to be fully recognized by many policy makers. ✔ With respect to hydro power (except, perhaps, for some Eastern European countries), only small increases are possible, largely due to environmental constraints. ✔ As to biomass, the potential is difficult to predict because it competes with other types of land use and there are competing applications for biomass, such as transportation. In addition, its very environmental sustainability is questioned. Consequently, there is considerable resistance to its use for electricity generation. ✔ Wind, both onshore and offshore, is characterized by an “average” effective number of operating hours (ENOH) of about 2,200 h/a and about 4,000 h/a, respectively. ✔ Solar photovoltaics (PVs) has an “average” ENOH of about 1,200 h/a. ✔ All this leads to capacity factors (CFs) for intermittent sources (wind plus PVs) as follows: ronshore and offshore wind/CFs: ~ 25–45% rsolar PVs/CFs: ~ 13–14%. ✔ To produce, say, 20 percentage points of the 34% electric end energy with technologies that operate only 13–14% and/or 25–40% of the time requires a large volume of installed power-generation capacity. ✔ If a good deal of wind and sun is available and demand is low (e.g., during weekends), situations in which too much electricity is produced will start to arise. ✔ However, sometimes (as in the case of a cold spell, such as the European winter of February 2012) with temperature inversion, little wind, and dark skies (hence, no PVs), at 17:00–18:00 h when peak demand arises in northwestern Europe, very little RES electricity will be produced, requiring classic thermal backup (as long as electric storage is not available in bulk quantities at affordable cost). An example of what a residual load profile could look like for different levels of wind and solar PVs is presented in Figure 1. 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Time (h) 0% Wind + Solar PV 10% Wind + Solar PV 20% Wind + Solar PV 40% Wind + Solar PV figure 1. Net electrical power load during one week for various fractions of annual renewable electrical energy generation. [Figure based on extrapolated data from Belgian Transmission System Operator Elia (2016), http://www.elia.be/.] age points annually up to 2020. The remaining non-ETS sectors (amounting to the other 50% of CO2 emissions) mainly comprise transportation, the residential and service sector, small-and-medium-size industries, and agriculture. They work under a country allocation scheme that should lead to a 10% reduction compared to 2005. As for renewable energy, the European target for the non-ETS sectors has been split into individual member state targets (ranging from +20% to −20%), largely based on GDP per capita. It is important to understand that both reduction categories are independent of each other: for ETS, there is a cap-and-trade scheme among companies in the designated sectors (a market-based mechanism), while for the so-called “reduction sharing effort” in the non-ETS sectors, the countries are responsible (in the sectors mentioned). Target: –20% Compared to 1990 –14% Compared to 2005 EU ETS –21% Compared to 2005 Non-ETS Sectors –10% Compared to 2005 27 Member State Targets, Stretching from –20% to +20% figure 2. EU GHG reduction targets following two separate philosophies, via companies (ETS) and by countries (nonETS). (Source: Memo/08/34, “Questions and answers on the Commission’s proposal for effort sharing,” Brussels 2008.) IEEE power & energy magazine 63 Energy Conservation Although for almost half a century there has been much talk about energy conservation, energy savings, and energy efficiency, these appear to be among the most difficult targets to achieve. After an evaluation in 2014, the policy was adjusted, but it remains questionable whether the target will be reached. It is also not entirely clear what the reference baseline will be. In the future, it will become more important to clarify what is meant by the “consumption” of “prosumers” who avail of storage (which may have significant efficiency losses of up to 20–30%). Will only demand from the grid be taken into account? Furthermore, many support schemes are not cost reflective, such as net metering and feed-in tariffs. The ensuing zero-marginal-cost electricity production by households may stimulate frivolous electricity consumption. As a consequence, the entire concept of “energy efficiency” may lose its meaning. In the end, a more generalized concept of “resource efficiency” (including investment cost, manufacturing and installation labor, fuel usage, if applicable, and so forth) and flexibility in consumption may be called for. This actually comes very close to the idea of economic efficiency, which may be the only meaningful concept in this context. Interactions Among EU Energy Policies The philosophy behind the cap-and-trade EU ETS system for GHG reduction is to achieve the GHG reduction target in the most economically efficient way by reducing first where it is cheapest. (Technically, this means that reductions take place first where the marginal abatement costs are the lowest.) The significant deployment of renewables (especially wind and PV solar, but also biomass) with substantial public support has not actually impacted Europe’s CO2 emissions, as they are capped under the EU ETS. They may have helped limit emissions to the cap, but at a cost higher than what could have been optimally the case. These RES will have reduced the CO2 emissions in particular countries, but not in Europe as a whole. In other words, the avoided CO2 emissions by these subsidized renewables will be replaced by other CO2-emitting electricity-generating or heating sources in industry that also belong to the EU ETS. To put it bluntly, the subsidies for renewable energy have de facto made it easier for burning more fossil fuels in industry and coal for electricity generation. A few comments are in order. ✔ The same reasoning would apply to new nuclear plants or to the enforced (premature) closure of coalfired plants with regard to the local versus overall European CO2 emissions. ✔ If the ETS had not existed, then the only alternative might be a combination of measures such as RES support and energy savings policies. Or, viewed positively, the contributions to reductions in CO2 emissions due to RES may allow for a faster reduction of the CO2 cap in the ETS. 64 IEEE power & energy magazine ✔ At present, the CO2 cap in the EU ETS is hardly reached, and a massive surplus of allowances exists, so that it may seem that the previous reasoning is incorrect. However, if there were fewer emissions than emission allowances in the market, then the price of these allowances should be zero. The nonzero price means some actors withhold allowances from the market so that the cap of actually “available” allowances in the market is, indeed, be reached. ✔ A few exceptions exist concerning the statement made previously about CO2 price reduction. For example, if locally produced PVs were to be dedicated to feed heat pumps that effectively replace (smallscale) CO2-emitting boilers, then overall CO2 emissions would be reduced, not because of the PVs as such—because that is still part of the electricity sector and thus the ETS—but because of the avoided CO2 emissions for small-scale boilers, which belong to the non-ETS sector, as shown on the right-hand side of Figure 2. This last argument does not apply to industrial heat pumps replacing large industrial boilers because they are part of the capped ETS. Another unintended policy effect is caused by the promotion of CHP, as the deployment of small-scale CHP units creates a shift of emissions from the ETS to the effort-sharing (non-ETS) sectors. While a small-scale CHP usually saves primary energy and replaces the emissions of a local boiler, the total amount of CO2 emitted by the CHP is larger than the boiler only (due to the additional electric power that is generated). Because these local emissions are now part of the residential sector (the right-hand side of Figure 2), which is not under the CO2 ETS cap, emissions have increased and are acting against reaching the country-specific target. The fact that emissions under the ETS have declined is not rewarded; it simply allows other facilities under the ETS to emit more. For large-scale CHP, the same reasoning as for the RES deployment discussed earlier applies because the electricity sector and the heating sector for large industries are all part of the EU ETS (meaning that promoting large-scale CHP does not reduce GHGs in Europe because of the cap). Indeed, there are fewer emission certificates needed than would have been the case for separate generation. To summarize, it is almost certain that the promotion of CHP in both cases will turn out to have a higher CO2 abatement cost than if only one GHG reduction target had existed; these cross-policy effects discourage an efficient route toward satisfying CO2 targets. The price evolution of EU allowances (EUA)— the price of CO2 for the power sector and large industrial facilities— is depicted in Figure 3. As can be observed, the CO2 price has fluctuated considerably over the past years and is quite low at the time of writing, around €5/ton CO2 in the fall of 2016. The behavior we see in Figure 3—even with the sudden jumps and prices going to zero—is perfectly explainable january/february 2017 january/february 2017 15 /2 0 14 29 /0 4 /2 0 13 29 /0 4 /2 0 12 29 /0 4 /2 0 11 29 /0 4 /2 0 10 29 /0 4 /2 0 09 29 /0 4 /2 0 08 29 /0 4 /2 0 07 29 /0 4 /2 0 06 /0 4 /2 0 29 /0 4 29 Ap 9 r. 10 O ct .1 Ap 0 r. 11 O ct .1 Ap 1 r. 12 O ct .1 Ap 2 r. 13 O ct .1 Ap 3 r. 14 O ct .1 Ap 4 r. 15 O ct .1 Ap 5 r. 16 .0 ct O Ap r. 0 9 US$/MBtu 29 /0 4 /2 0 05 Carbon Price/Metric Ton by the modalities and rules of the € 35 setup of the EU ETS. This demonstrates that the short-term behav€ 30 Carbon Price €/Mt € ior of the trading scheme is as it € 25 should be. As an example, the € 20 zero price at the end of 2007 is € 15 due to the fact that the allowances € 10 were not “bankable” and became €5 worthless as of 1 January 2008. €0 For later periods of the EU ETS, the allowances were/are “bankable,” avoiding “natural” zero prices but leading to a surplus of allowances after 2012 (the formal figure 3. The price of EU ETS allowances between 2006 and 2015. (Graphic based Kyoto period) as a consequence on data from Bloomberg and Sandbag, 2015.) of the economic crisis, with much lower CO2 emissions than originally anticipated and thus foreseen 25 by the cap. 20 The current low CO2 prices result from many factors, some 15 of them straightforward consequences of the design of a cap10 and-trade scheme, such as the 5 lasting economic crisis (characterized by fewer emissions) 0 that started in 2008, the inflow of international credits, and the bankability of allowances that Henry Hub NBP Japan LNG Contract makes the surplus persistent over Brent Asian LNG Spot time. However, in addition (and Note: NBP = National Balancing Point (United Kingdom). this is very important from a systems perspective) an unforeseen factor is that the EUA prices have figure 4. The development of gas prices 2009–2016 in several parts of the world. been pushed further downward Henry Hub represents U.S. prices, while NBP represents European prices. A comby the substantial injection of parison with Brent oil prices is given because many gas contracts in Europe are still carbon-free renewables in the linked to the price of oil. Since April 2016, prices have increased in the United States electric power sector. Indeed, the and worldwide. LNG: liquiefied natural gas. (Source: International Energy Agency, introduction of CO2-free electric- “Gas Medium-Term Market Report 2016,” Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, 2016.) ity has reduced the demand for allowances, leading to even lower prices (from which the other industries under the ETS had (and is still having) consequences on the merit order for umbrella and, e.g., coal-fired units have been able to take electricity generation in the United States, where cheap gas advantage). To put it in plain language, the high subsidies for has pushed coal-fired units out of the merit order, leading to electricity-generating renewables have not only not impacted surplus coal on the world market and resulting, in turn, in CO2 emissions on an EU level (because of the cap); they depressed world coal prices. A further system effect in Europe, then, is that marginal have affected the CO2 prices, making it cheaper for CO2polluting units to generate electricity, while still meeting cost pricing in EU electricity markets is pushing efficient combined-cycle gas-fired units out of the merit order as a the cap. To further understand the effects in the European energy consequence of low world-market coal prices (due, as menmarkets, it is necessary to look as well at an important global tioned earlier, to the effects in the U.S. electricity market interaction effect that, from an overall systems perspective, because of shale gas), the absence of a significant CO2 price is of interest in its own right. The shale gas revolution in the signal, and the injection of zero-marginal-cost renewable United States—with gas prices that have been, and still are, generation (see Figure 5). The green parties in the European much lower than in other parts of the world (see Figure 4)—has Parliament wanted to see coal-fired units pushed off the IEEE power & energy magazine 65 wedge, which would have been the case if there had been no shale gas effect on coal prices and if there had been a high CO2 price in the EU ETS. From March 2007 until the summer of 2008, the wholesale forward electricity prices in the Central West European (CWE) region increased from about €50–55/MWh to €90–100/MWh, after which they gradually declined, with a small upsurge in the spring of 2011 (because of the Fukushima accident and related decisions in the German market) to levels of about €25–30/MWh in the late summer of 2016. The history from 2011 to 2016 is shown in Figure 6 for the CWE countries France, Germany, and the Benelux. This downward trend on wholesale prices makes it hard for gas-fired units to make a profit. Many European CCGTs are idle and being mothballed or kept as capacity reserve through a capacity remuneration mechanism. Discussions as to an appropriate market design (“energy only” versus “capacity remuneration schemes”) are currently ongoing. As previously mentioned, zero-marginal-cost renewables (with substantial installed capacity in many European countries) contribute to the downward drive of the wholesale electricity price when they are producing. In the absence of subsidies, this would lower their own return on investment, so they would effectively cannibalize themselves. Notwith- standing the decreasing wholesale prices, ordinary customers see increasing retail prices, mainly as a consequence of markups to recover the costs of the renewables’ support schemes. This is illustrated in Figure 7 by the price evolution in Belgium for a typical end customer with annual consumption of 3,500 kWh. Similar retail price increases have occurred in Germany, with a steady increase from about €140/MWh in 2000 to a maximum of €291/MWh in 2014, after which there was a slight decline in 2015 and 2016 to about €287/MWh. A final unintended effect of the rapid growth of renewables in the European system is that the convergence of cross-border electricity prices, which was a major goal of the common electricity market, has suffered from massive renewables penetration. The reason is that the crossborder high-voltage grid is currently not strong enough to ensure price convergence (i.e., by being congested) given the large differences in the generation portfolio among countries. This is illustrated by the decoupling indicated by the blue arrow in Figure 6 in the CWE market. The cross-border market coupling is very weak in situations of high wind and PV solar power production in this region. A further issue facing the European market is the so-called “loop flows” (or “unidentified flows”) in certain regions such as CWE; these are also due to the lack of sufficient internal and cross-border transmission capacity. The EU ETS Refurbished Win d PV Coal GT CC Low nd ma De ETS ETS ETS figure 5. The limited load factors of combined-cycle gas turbines (CCGTs) in Europe. Zero-marginal-cost renewables, together with low demand, push thermal generation units out of the merit order (or off the ice wedge). With current European gas and coal prices, and a very low CO2 price penalty (via the ETS) represented by the baby seals, CCGT plants risk being the first victims. For higher CO2 penalties, adult ETS sea lions would do the job of pulling coal-fired plants off the wedge first. For the relative coal-to-gas prices in the U.S., CCGTs are currently more economic regardless of a CO2 penalty, and coal generation is the prey. In China, the demand is still sufficiently large so that coal and gas plants are called upon. (Image courtesy of D. Patteeuw, KU Leuven, used with permission; adapted image inspired by http:// economicsforenergy.blogspot.be/2013/02/los-mecanismos-de-retribucion-de-la.html.) 66 IEEE power & energy magazine Faced with low EUA prices in the ETS market, with the awareness that many market participants do not foresee a long-term CO2 price and hesitate to make long-term investments, European policy makers have decided to “reform” the current EU ETS. Via market interventions (referred to as “backloading” and a “market-stability reserve”), a volume of allowances is being taken out of the market with the possibility of reintroducing them later. Whether these measures will alleviate the side effects of the EU energy and climate policies remains to be seen. The volume of the backloading seemed not to be large enough to have a significant impact. Whether the market-stability reserve will alleviate the side effects of the EU energy and climate policies remains to be seen; moreover, the final volume of allowances has not, in principle, been altered. january/february 2017 january/february 2017 6 01 /2 01 5 01 /2 01 4 01 01 /2 01 /2 01 01 /2 01 3 NL FR 2 €/MWh 1 BE DE 01 figure 6. The decreasing tendency of forward electricity wholesale prices in the CWE market (France, Germany, and Benelux). [Source: Commission de Régulation de l’Électricité et du Gaz (CREG), Belgium, Sept. 2016. The arrows have been added by the authors.] 250 200 150 100 6 20 1 5 01 / 01 / 20 1 4 20 1 3 01 / 20 1 2 01 / 01 / 20 1 1 20 1 0 20 1 01 / 9 01 / 20 0 8 01 / 20 0 7 50 01 / In New England, the past few winters have seen some interesting issues concerning the interaction between gas and electricity markets, whereby a stretched natural gas grid has translated into very high gas and electricity prices. Gas delivery occurs via pipelines from the south and the north (Canada), including liquefied natural gas (LNG). Average gas capacity suffices during the winter, but the system becomes stretched on particular peak-demand days. Because of market dynamics, which are a consequence of cheap shale gas in the United States since 2010 and thus gas price differentials with other world markets, LNG imports into New England have seen a reduction; therefore, the winter supply of LNG from Massachusetts’s Everett and Canada’s Canaport has declined, leading to winter spike prices. In addition, because of the low average U.S. shale gas prices and the environmental drive to reduce CO2 emissions through the cap-and-trade system of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), over the last few years natural-gas-fired electricity generation in New England has increased, along with the retirement of other plants (using nuclear, coal, and oil). This increase in gas-fired electricity generation has, indeed, led to lower average wholesale electricity prices, but it transfers the physical stress in the gas network to fuel adequacy/reliability concerns in electricity generation, giving rise to sometimes very high electricity peak prices. The situation requires the full attention of system operators, who need to take both long-term and short-term actions, such as increasing gas-transmission capacity (although this is hampered by insufficient interest among capital investors desiring to see long-term commitments from shippers but /2 Energy-System-Integration Challenges in U.S. Markets 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 01 To illustrate that energy-system integration challenges are global and require careful consideration internationally, we include here a few examples from the United States and China. Due to lack of space, some elements/cases are only cited without a full discussion. €/MWh Energy-System-Integration Observations on Flexibility Challenges in the United States and China hesitating to accept the financial liability, as well as by lack of public acceptance and complicated permitting), increased flexibility on the electricity-generation side by means of multifuel units (gas and oil), and demand–response programs, among others. On the other side of the United States, major energy-system integration problems arose in 2000–2001 in California (later referred to as the “California electricity crisis”). As the first state to fully introduce liberalized markets (often inappropriately called “deregulation”), California experienced a combination of events and circumstances that led to the world’s richest country’s richest state having to “turn off the lights” (actually, cut all power—called rolling blackouts) to keep the system from collapsing. There are many reasons for this then unprecedented failure, but it was clearly a mix of many interacting factors, conditions, and regulations. We mention, among others, a regulated 20 0 In the meantime (and as part of European promises for the Paris COP21 Agreement), the EU has “sharpened” its commitments toward 2030—albeit in a different way, not unimportant for system interaction. The firmest commitment is the 40% reduction of GHGs with respect to 1990, again split between an ETS part with an annual reduction of 2.2 percentage points of the cap toward a 43% reduction with respect to 2005 and an EU-wide non-ETS part of 30% compared to 2005. For renewables, a 27% end-energy goal by 2030 has been set, as well as an efficiency-improvement goal of 30% compared to a baseline. For both the renewables and efficiency goals, there are no binding national targets but only an overall EU-wide objective. 01 / European Targets Toward 2030 figure 7. Typical retail electricity prices in Belgium for average customers with annual consumption of 3,500 kWh/a. The different curves are for the same supplier (Electrabel) but different distribution-grid regions. The dip from April 2014 through September 2015 is somewhat artificial; it is due to a temporary reduction of the VAT from 21% to 6% and back (by different governments). (Source: CREG, 2016.) IEEE power & energy magazine 67 challenges and bottlenecks emerging from several types of interactions; such studies would likely have shown where greater regulatory flexibility could have alleviated, if not entirely avoided, the dire consequences. Fast-forward 15 years, and California is preparing for another such energy-system challenge, with scientific–technical discussions of system integration currently ongoing to ensure that the necessary actions, preparations, and precautions are taken on the technological side; the economic, financial, and market environment; and an appropriate regulatory framework. With the rapid growth of PV solar capacity and given no corrective flexibility measures, it can be expected that, around 2020, stiff ramping rates by the non-PV remainder of the generation system—of the order of 13 GW in 3 h—will have to be coped with. This is illustrated by the so-called Net Load–31 March 28,000 “duck curve” published by the Cali26,000 fornia independent system operator CAISO, as shown in Figure 8. 24,000 In reaction to this duck curve, 22,000 studies have been initiated to 20,000 2012 (Actual) demonstrate that appropriate flex2013 (Actual) 18,000 ibility measures, dealing with Increased 2014 Potential 16,000 both the total demand and the net 2015 Ramp Overgeneration 2016 or residual demand, can “teach 14,000 2017 2018 the duck to fly”—basically show2019 12,000 2020 ing that stiff ramping rates can be 10,000 avoided (see Figure 9). Whether the measures currently suggested 0 will actually work remains to be 12 a.m. 3 a.m. 6 a.m. 9 a.m. 12 p.m. 3 p.m. 6 p.m. 9 p.m. Hour seen, but the fact that the discussion has started is encouraging; by the time needed, appropriate soft figure 8. The duck curve illustrating the “net” or “residual” load to be covered by the non-PVs remainder of the electricity system in California. After the sun has solutions may be implemented. Megawatts cap on the retail price of electricity, while gas prices—and, thus, wholesale electricity prices—began to rise; increasing electricity demand; reduced imports of electricity from other states; a slowdown in the pace of granting permits to build new electric power plants, as a result of environmental regulations; and market-power problems, including market manipulation and even fraud. This crisis cost the California economy (consumers, shareholders, taxpayers, and laid-off employees, among others) several tens of billions of dollars and led to the drastic scaling back the energy-market liberalization philosophy in the state. Policy and regulation were major factors in the development of this crisis. In this case, system studies would certainly have pointed to the set in the early evening, electricity demand increases for air-conditioning, lighting, and cooking needs, leading to big ramping rates to meet electricity demand. (Source: CAISO.) Duck Curve with All Ten Strategies Compared to Original Load 4,000 3,500 3,000 MW 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 Post Strategies Total Load Post Strategies Net Load Original Net Load 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24 Hours figure 9. Avoiding stiff ramping rates shown in Figure 8 (dotted curve) can be accomplished by well-chosen strategies to level off the net load (green curve). (Source: J. Lazar, Teaching the “Duck” to Fly, RAP, 2016.) 68 IEEE power & energy magazine Energy-System-Integration Challenges in China China also faces considerable challenges in terms of energysystem inflexibility, especially for the integration of renewable energy. Renewable energy is growing in a nonmarket environment, where wind and solar generation is at the top of the merit order. However, large amounts of renewable energy are still being curtailed or dumped, despite the fact that it is scheduled with first priority. This is because it is obligatory for conventional generating units to offer flexibility (by reducing their output) but without any financial compensation. Because the flexibility is not january/february 2017 priced in China, these conventional units do not have any incentive to improve their ability to provide grid flexibility. However, China has instituted many ongoing attempts over recent years to meet the challenge of inflexibility. The government has been making great efforts on pilot projects and corresponding policies called the “Energy Internet,” which consists of four major parts: 1) integrating multiple energy system (e.g., electricity, heat, and gas) 2) establishing a cyber-physical system and making use of big data toward a smarter energy system 3) deregulating the energy market 4) interconnecting power grids in multiple areas. One of the most effective policies is the “deregulation” of the electricity market. Take the ancillary market for peak shaving in northeast China as an example. Conventional units, which offer flexibility for wind power, are now paid for by wind farms and other inflexible units. This policy has achieved great success as more than 77% of conventional units now offer a lower minimum output level than before the policy was established. In addition, China is trying to solve electric power system flexibility issues by coordinating multiple kinds of energy. A typical example is the inflexibility caused by the linked electricity and heat production from coal-fired CHP plants. Due to the inflexible operation of the CHP units when forced to generate large amounts of heat, they also produce electricity so that the room left for wind generation is small, leading to wind curtailment. This also gives rise to the problem of severe air pollution, as coal-fired CHPs are notorious for large emissions of NOx, SO2, and other pollutants. To avoid so much wind curtailment, as well as pollution, the government initiated a program called “heating by wind” to coordinate the electric power and heating systems. This program makes use of clean wind energy to serve heating demand, thus leaving more room for wind integration. However, it should be noted that “heating by wind” still needs special price policies in a nonmarket environment because the current central heating price from conventional CHP is only one-half to one-third the cost of the electricity heating. The wind farms that participate in the heating need to sacrifice some of their profit to make “heating by wind” economically acceptable to heat consumers. Many policy-related efforts are still expected to make wind power a cheap source for heating. Regulatory Encouragement for Flexibility Flexibility Options: The Possibilities In this context of a fragmented and imperfectly aligned set of policy instruments, policy makers now face the challenge of encouraging flexibility options to improve overall energysystem integration and mitigate side effects. Flexibility means exist within energy sectors (in particular, the electric power sector), but it is also important to encourage interactions among different energy-carrier sectors (such as electricity, gas, liquid january/february 2017 fuels, heat, and cooling) and end-energy sectors (such as industry, residential and service sectors, and transportation). We mention here the known flexibility possibilities (mainly originating in the electric power sector because of the absence of massive cheap electricity storage). The most straightforward flexibility options are ✔ utilizing backup reserves from flexible dispatchable thermal plants (upward and downward) ✔ providing electric storage (short-term storage via multiple battery units; intermediate storage via pumphydro storage; and long-term, large-scale storage via, perhaps, power to gas) ✔ expanding transmission grids ✔ encouraging active demand response or participation by customers (industrial, commercial and service sectors, and residential retail customers) ✔ encouraging interaction with other carriers/sectors (heating, transportation, etc.) ✔ curtailing superfluous RES production (because high “power” injection peaks can be avoided at the relatively minor cost of a bit of curtailed “energy”), which means that priority access for renewables should be reviewed and become part of a system-wide perspective. A major question still to be addressed is how market designs, policies, and regulation affect these flexibility options. Enabling Flexibility Options: Challenges for Policy and Regulation As has been illustrated previously, policy and regulation often have unexpected—and, possibly. counterproductive— effects on overall system performance. It should, therefore, be a part of good policy making to first study the overall system by modeling its different parts, with much emphasis on the interactions among the different subparts as well as among different policies. As the behavior of the system— including the not-always-predictable behavior of customers and other market actors—will be strongly nonlinear, careful analysis is called for, well beyond the standard isolated “impact assessments.” First and foremost, policy makers should encourage correct system cost evaluation and, consequently, appropriate pricing to guide consumers. As a general rule, market requirements should provide sufficient freedom for market participants to play their roles while eliminating any loopholes overly creative individuals or organizations can abuse; this means that carefully considered boundary conditions and/or justified constraints must apply. Also as a rule, varying prices can influence customer behavior, and real-time pricing can steer markets in a desired direction. All customers connected to the electric grid need to contribute to its costs. Following the principle of cost-reflectiveness, a gridconnection tariff should be based (at least partly) on the connection capacity or maximum annual capacity used (in kW) rather than on energy consumption (in kWh). This applies, in particular, to customers with much self-generation. IEEE power & energy magazine 69 An example of European energy policies with substantial side effects are the so-called 20-20-20 targets. A proper price signal is key for good, active customerdemand participation; however, practical participation will likely require the help of aggregators, who will need to be allowed the freedom to act in the market and whose role should be facilitated by distribution-grid companies (which constitute a natural monopoly). Particular attention should be paid to the challenging circumstances of a multitude of prosumers with rooftop PVs (possibly) assisted by local battery storage. What will be the appropriate pricing scheme for feeding back to the grid? Guaranteed feed-in tariffs and net metering do not appear sustainable in the long run. Also in this case, the intervention of aggregators, perhaps also employing local storage for grid ancillary services, may be called for. In this regard, specifications on products for ancillary services should be made as independent as possible of technologies, allowing for an open competition among providers of such services (coming from supply, demand, and/or storage). One of the cheapest means to integrate intermittent renewables over large geographical areas is by allowing new high-voltage lines to be constructed (be it in open air or as cables, as ac lines, or as high-voltage dc). The crucial stumbling block of delayed or denied permits must be overcome. This is a typical case in which the collective benefit may supersede individual or personal desires (whereby the enforcing authorities must appropriately compensate the disadvantaged). The same applies to natural gas transmission grids. If there is insufficient grid capacity, there may not be enough transport of gas during heavy winter conditions (as in New England in the United States in 2014– 2015) or because of geopolitically-inspired cuts (as on New Year’s Day of 2006 and 2009 in Europe), with serious consequences for electricity generation and heating. Gascompressor stations should operate bidirectionally where doing so can improve security of supply; in addition, also for gas-infrastructure projects, permits should be granted in a timely fashion. Policy makers should anticipate (or avoid) conflicting or self-neutralizing targets, as we demonstrated in our discussion of the 20-20-20 case in Europe. One should identify the main problem (e.g., climate change and CO2 emissions) and then impose one clear target. Because CO2 emissions lead to external costs, these costs should be internalized, meaning that some sort of CO2-related penalty on all CO2-emitting sources may have to be considered (either by a simple CO2 tax or via a single cap-and-trade system, with perhaps a CO2 budget for all emitting entities, even up to the level of 70 IEEE power & energy magazine households). Renewables and CHP should take advantage of that simple CO2-reduction scheme in a natural way, without extra (likely distorting) support mechanisms. Through the interaction of the electric power sector with the thermal sector, ample attention is currently devoted to thermal grids (of the third and fourth generation). But a careful regulatory framework will be needed to guarantee a return on investment for the thermal grid and for customer satisfaction, especially in areas where natural gas distribution networks are also available. Who will own the thermal grid? Will it be a natural monopoly, with distribution/independent system operator characteristics? Will customers be forced to connect to thermal grids (and mothball efficient gas-fired condensation boilers)? Will there still be the freedom to install heat pumps and/or CHPs? Transportation will likely see changes over the coming years. Whether very efficient combustion engines will survive or will be replaced by hybrid or battery electric vehicles or by hydrogen-fed-fuel-cell vehicles—and over what period—remains to be seen. It must be noted that in many countries, car engines already pay a stiff (CO2) penalty because of high excise taxes (especially in Europe), meaning that cheaper options are available elsewhere in the energy economy. Also, current, seemingly cheap electric charging may change in many countries when authorities start levying excise taxes on electric charging (to compensate for missed revenues due to fewer fuel-consuming vehicles). Will such excise taxes be charged for self-generated electricity by prosumers? In the end, the revenue books of governments must balance the budget; it is important that energy-related taxes be imposed wisely without creating or aggravating side effects. Long-term storage of electrical energy still needs to be resolved. A possible attractive candidate might be the socalled power-to-gas route, whereby “superfluous” renewable electricity is converted to hydrogen (via electrolysis) and then made to react with CO2 (which, in turn, is captured somewhere) to produce “renewable methane.” It is technically possible, but the overall cost picture in a market environment (and when all investment costs are appropriately accounted for) is not yet fully clear. In any case, “renewable methane” will have to compete in the common natural gas market. As alluded to with regard to Figure 5, appropriate market designs will have to be developed, opting for capacity-remuneration mechanisms or energy-only markets for dispatchable units or other means of flexibility to provide the required balancing. If no satisfactory solution is found, there will be january/february 2017 no firm means available. Conversely, remuneration for these balancing means must be fair and not over-reward them. Finally, careful thought will be necessary for proper price-setting schemes in a (possibly) future all zero-marginal-cost generation environment, complemented by storage with finite losses. Appropriate market rules should allow prices to be based on the opportunity cost as seen by the market. Artificial pricing schemes will likely lead to economic inefficiencies. Conclusions The current set of energy policy instruments is characterized by varying degrees of effectiveness, and policies sometimes counteract one another. The full system costs of the resulting tangle of incentives often are not fully accounted for, and they are not well balanced and nontransparent, challenging system efficiency. Indeed, because of interacting policy choices and regulations, many energy markets are distorted by considerable hidden system costs, eventually to be paid by consumers, taxpayers, or shareholders (which often include pension funds). Because of a lack of economic bulk electricity storage, interactions within the electricity system and with other sectors, such as natural gas and heating, require increased flexibility for smooth operation and cost-effective performance. A well thought-through and consistent policy framework is called for, ideally with some stability in the regulatory framework (and certainly without retroactive measures). Key will be clear, transparent, but comprehensive regulation, whereby market players (such as aggregators and energyservice companies) have the freedom to provide the services requested by customers. Furthermore, targets and specifications should be set to be as independent as possible from specific technologies, so markets can decide how to reach a certain target or meet a certain specification (whereby both supply- and demand-side actions, combined with storage, can truly compete across system levels and borders). In any case, because of the complexities we have described, quick-and-dirty regulation will likely backfire, and even simple, positive-seeming measures may lead to unforeseen side effects because of negative feedback and system interactions. Policy makers are, therefore, advised to perform careful system-wide studies to simulate and understand the system’s behavior and adjust draft legislation and/or regulation before any rules are implemented. For Further Reading J. Delbeke and P. Vis, Eds. (2016). EU Climate Policy Explained. Brussels: European Union [Online]. Available: http://ec.europa.eu/clima/publications/docs/eu_climate_ policy_explained_en.pdf D. Helm, The Carbon Crunch; How We’re Getting Climate Change Wrong: and How to Fix It. New Haven, CT: Yale Univ. Press, 2012. january/february 2017 M. O. Bettzüge, D. Helm, and F. Roques. (2014). The crisis of the European electricity system: Diagnosis and possible ways forward. Commissariat general à la stratégie et à la prospective, Paris [Online]. Available: http://www.strategie .gouv.fr/sites/strategie.gouv.fr/files/archives/CGSP_Report_ European_Electricity_System_030220141.pdf International Energy Agency. (2016). Re-powering markets: Msarket design and regulation during the transition to lowcarbon power systems. IEA/OECD, Paris [Online]. Available: http://www.iea.org/publications/freepublications/publication/ re-powering-markets-market-design-and-regulation-duringthe-transition-to-low-carbon-power-systems.html Energy Information Agency. (Feb. 7, 2014). High prices how stresses in New England natural gas delivery system [Online]. Available: https://www.eia.gov/naturalgas/review/ deliverysystem/2013/pdf/newengland_natgas.pdf J. L. Sweeney, The California Electricity Crisis. Stanford, CA: Hoover, 2002. P. L. Joskow. (2001). California’s electricity crisis. Oxford Rev. Econ. Policy [Online]. vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 365–388. Available: http://economics.mit.edu/files/1149 California ISO. What the duck curve tells us about managing a green grid, Fast Facts, version CommPR/ 2016. Available: https://www.caiso.com /Documents/ FlexibleResourcesHelpRenewables_FastFacts.pdf J. Lazar. (Feb., 2016). Teaching the “Duck” to Fly (2nd ed.). RAP. [Online]. Available: http://www.raponline.org/ wp-content/uploads/2016/05/rap-lazar-teachingtheduck22016-feb-2.pdf P. Denholm, M. O’Connell, G. Brinkman, and J. Jorgenson. (2015). Overgeneration from Solar Energy in California: A Field Guide to the Duck Chart, NREL, Golden, CO, Tech. Rep. NREL/TP-6A20-65023 [Online]. Available: http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy16osti/65023.pdf C. Kang, X. Chen, Q. Xu, D. Ren, Y. Huang, Q. Xia, W. Wang, C. Jiang, J. Liang, J. Xin, X. Chen, B. Peng, K. Men, Z. Chen, X. Jin, H. Li, and J. Huang, “Balance of power: Toward a more environmentally friendly, efficient, and effective integration of energy systems in China,” IEEE Power Energy Mag., vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 56–64, Sept./ Oct. 2013. Biographies William D’haeseleer is with the University of Leuven (KU Leuven), Belgium. Laurens de Vries is with the Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. Chongqing Kang is with Tsinghua University, Beijing China. Erik Delarue is with the University of Leuven (KU Leuven), Belgium. p&e IEEE power & energy magazine 71 history Thomas J. Blalock reactors for the Roxy evolution of ac stage lighting T THE INTRODUCTION OF AC SERvices to the “theater districts” of large cities during the early 20th century allowed for the adoption of reactancetype dimmers to control incandescent stage lighting, in place of the hopelessly inefficient resistance dimmers (rheostats) that previously had to be used with dc services. Then, in a relatively short time, reactance dimmers were combined with vacuum tubes to create the first truly electronic type of lamp dimmer, which allowed for a much greater flexibility of control that was not improved upon until the introduction of computer-type stage lighting consoles during the latter part of the century. The Roxy Theatre The grandiose Roxy Theatre was located at 7th Avenue and 50th Street in Manhattan, New York. It opened in March 1927 and was the inspiration of theatrical impresario, Samuel L. (“Roxy”) Rothafel. The building was constructed by developer Irwin Chanin, who had built six other Broadway theaters as well as the Chanin Building, which is still standing at Lexington Avenue and 42nd Street. The fantastic Roxy Theatre was demolished in 1960. The stage lighting reactance-type dimmer board for the Roxy was constructed by the former Hub Electric Company of Chicago, and it probably was the largest such board ever built. It was Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2016.2620659 Date of publication: 2 February 2017 72 IEEE power & energy magazine Since the launch of IEEE Power & Energy Magazine in January 2003, Thomas J. Blalock has authored 20 articles for the “History” column. His articles have covered a wide variety of interesting topics on the history of electric power engineering. This article, his 20th, deals with ac theatrical stage lighting, an avocation in which Tom has enjoyed a special interest and has achieved much. He first became interested in stage lighting and rigging while working backstage during his high school years in Easton, Pennsylvania. He had little time to pursue his interest while in college and during his early years at work for General Electric (GE) in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. In the 1970s, Tom joined a local amateur theater group and spent much time doing stage lighting and other backstage work. The theater group enjoyed the use of a new facility with a large, fully equipped stage at the local community college. Following the closure of the GE plant in 1987, Tom ran that theater until 1999. During that time, his interest in stage lighting was rekindled with particular emphasis on the history of theatrical lighting during the 20th century. As to Tom’s educational and career background, he earned a B.S.E.E. degree from Lafayette College and an M.E.E.E. degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. His duties as a development engineer at the former GE High-Voltage Engineering Laboratory and later as a test engineer in the Transformer Test Department, both in Pittsfield, included a broad range of activities, including lightning protection and high-voltage switching surge studies. Since retiring from GE, Tom has actively pursued his hobby of “industrial archaeology,” with particular emphasis on the exploration, preservation, and careful documentation of historically important and interesting electric power projects and equipment. We are honored to welcome Tom back as our guest history author for this issue of IEEE Power & Energy Magazine. —Carl Sulzberger Associate Editor, History 22 ft (6.7 m) in length and contained hundreds of individual control levers. It was installed in a separate room off stage that was open ended so that the operators (it took more than one 1540-7977/17©2017IEEE to run it) had a view of the stage itself (see Figure 1). A very early attempt to use simple series-connected reactors as theatrical dimmers was a failure. This occurred january/february 2017 in Daly’s Theatre (demolished in 1920), which was located at 29th Street and Broadway in Manhattan in 1888. AC power was being supplied to that a rea by the United Electr ic Light a nd Power Compa ny ( U EL&P) in competition with the dc power being supplied by the Edison Company. UEL&P attempted to install reactors with movable iron cores, to vary the reactance, as stage lighting dimmers. However, the design of these devices left a lot to be desired, and it was found that, in operation, they “hummed like a hive of angry bees.” That, of course, was completely unacceptable for theatrical use, and Daly told the UEL&P wiring men to just “throw the whole thing out into the street.” So ended that experiment. The lamp-dimming reactors used by Hub Electric for the Roxy Theatre board were series connected as well, but they were not just simple reactance coils. These devices were known as figure 1. The Hub Electric Company stage lighting dimmer board being delivered to the Roxy theater. (Photo courtesy of the Theatre Historical Society of America.) saturable core reactors, and they included a second control winding through which dc was circulated. The dc served to saturate the magnetic core of the reactor to reduce its reactance, in contrast to the earlier attempt to reduce reactance by means of a movable core. These reactors had been supplied to Hub Electric by the Ward Leonard Electric Company. The magnitude of the dc in the control winding was, in turn, controlled by means of a relatively small resistance dimmer operated by a lever on the board. Of course, this rheostat did introduce some energy loss but far less than would be the case if resistance dimmers were used to control the lamps directly. Visit us at DistribuTECH, Booth #1024 These levers, by the way, were capable of being interconnected mechanically to provide a crude form of mastering. However, the interconnection of a large number of levers introduced a fair amount of mechanical friction to be overcome. It was not possible to provide a long enough master lever to give an “It Fits” FULLY IEEE 1656 COMPLIANT NO GAPS NO ZAPS www.greenjacketinc.com 74 When a single contact can bring down your substation, installing precise fit cover-up is the best choice for mitigating your risk. It’s a proven fact that cover-up works. Our precise fit covers are made to order based on the exacting dimensions of the underlying equipment – it is the best product for eliminating gaps. And, Greenjacket is fully compliant with the IEEE 1656 Guide test parameters. Selecting Greenjacket ensures you have the only precise fit and most effective protection available. When outage risks can have significant consequential damages for any utility or end use customer, having the best protection is your best choice. 1.866.464.7996 IEEE power & energy magazine operator sufficient mechanical advantage to accomplish this. Therefore, a large wheel (seen at the center of the board in Figure 1) was provided for this purpose. The wheel was geared to the shafts inside the board that moved the levers, so it provided the necessary mechanical advantage. The operation of this wheel did not allow for extremely rapid cues. The fastest cue possible was about 15 s, which corresponded to about 30 revolutions of the wheel. Extremely rapid cues (for dramatic effect) had to be made by using the control switches associated with each dimmer. These, in turn, switched the main lamp circuits by means of remote contactors, and the switches themselves could be connected to each other electrically to provide a mastering function. The wheel, however, was very useful for extremely slow cues, such as sunrises or sunsets, taking place over many minutes. Thus, it was called the slow-motion wheel. The Roxy Theatre was huge, with nearly 6,000 seats, so its stage was correspondingly large and required a lot of lighting to cover it. The total electrical load planned for the entire building was 2,500 kW, with 780 kW allocated for stage lighting via the Hub board. A total of 23 watthour meters were required for the various areas of the building because different rates were applied to various uses (such as motors and lights). However, another reason for such a large number of meters was that it was extremely difficult to calibrate watthour meters designed for currents in excess of 800 A (the total current corresponding to the anticipated load would have been about 20,000 A at 120 V). Presumably, such calibration at that time required the inclusion of the current transformer or shunt to be used with the meter. The building had a total of four electric services, two for ac and two for dc. UEL&P supplied the ac services at 208Y/120 V, three phase, and the New York Edison Company supplied the dc services at 120/240 V, three wire. The main reasons for multiple services were the high connected load and the need for two different types of current. However, there also were requirements at january/february 2017 that time for theaters such as the Roxy to have more than one service in the event of the failure of one while an audience was in the building. Having power supplied by two different companies further increased the reliability of service in emergencies. DC was required for the control windings of the saturable core reactors used in conjunction with the Hub control board. However, dc was also needed for the operation of arc lights, both in movie projectors and for large follow spots from the balconies. AC arc lights were available, but they tended to hum, just as the reactors did in Daly’s Theatre. There were a total of 200 dimmers controllable from the Hub board. The majority of these were saturable core reactors having capacities of up to 15 kW each. Resistance dimmers for such large loads would have been horribly energy wasteful, and their physical size would have made them ponderous as well. Some of the levers on the board did control resistance dimmers for smaller, specialized lighting loads up to 2,000 W. These probably operated on ac as well since they were supplying incandescent lighting loads. Interestingly, the use of archaic resistance dimmers continued for a very long time during the 20th century in the lighting of major Broadway shows because the old Broadway theaters were still supplied with dc, and the theater owners were not inclined to pay for new ac services. As a result, resistance dimmers were the only devices that could be used to control the stage lighting. This situation did not begin to change until public demand forced the owners to provide air-conditioning following the inclusion of such in the new theaters at Lincoln Center built during the early 1960s. Consolidated Edison’s main dc supply facility for the Times Square area was the West 39th Street rotary converter substation, and it was not able to be retired until 1977. Optimisation: How many birds can your wires hold? Knowing capacity and limits... knowing when and where to best allocate investment... Just knowing... :KHQZHXQGHUVWDQGSXUSRVHDQGLQçXHQFHVDQG SHHULQWRWKHIXWXUHZHEHFRPHWUXO\HIIHFWLYHDQGFDQ SODQWRSURæWIURPLWVIXOOSRWHQWLDO PLEXOS is the world’s leading energy simulation software that delivers optimised solutions through IRUHFDVWLQJ,WLVIXOO\FXVWRPLVDEOHDQGFRQæJXUDEOHIRU your needs. Because knowledge is power. The Thyratron-Reactor Dimmer The saturable core reactor dimmers eliminated the huge energy losses (as energyexemplar.com figure 2. A typical thyratron-reactor dimmer schematic. (Image from Electric Motors in Industry, by Shoults, Rife, and Johnson, Wiley, 1942.) heat) associated with resistance dimmers, but they still required a fairly large rheostatic control for their operation. The development of vacuum tubes for use in radios during the 1920s led to the possibility of similar tubes be- ing used to supply adjustable dc for the control winding of a saturable core reactor, with the tube, in turn, then being controlled by means of a very low power “potentiometer” type of device in its grid circuitry. It turned out that a type of tube recently developed by Albert Hull, a scientist working at the General Electric Company (GE) plant in Schenectady, New York, was perfect for this type of application. This was the thyratron tube. Besides being a scientist by occupation, Hull was something of a Greek scholar. Therefore, he decided to use the Greek language to come up with the name for this new tube. In Greek, the suffix “tron” means an instrument, and the prefix “thyra” (theta-upsilon-rho-alpha) means a door, which referred to the gating action of this three-element tube in controlling the flow of current through it. Hull went on to name other recently developed tubes in a similar manner. The thyratron is a gas-filled triode, and Hull decided to call a gas-filled diode tube a “phanotron,” where “phano” (“to appear”) was a reference to the appearance of a bluish glow in the tube when operating. Likewise, he named a high OmniMax TM How a Street Says Welcome All the benefits of LED without sacrificing the light you love. It’s the right light—not just the brightest light—that creates inviting environments. OmniMax was designed to mimic the HID bulbs it replaces in both size and performance. It screws directly into any existing fixture, and takes advantage of the lamp’s optics, as they were designed. 76 IEEE power & energy magazine Experience smart technology, guaranteed reliability, and the best overall value in LED retrofits. Special introductory pricing available to select customers. evluma.com/omnimax january/february 2017 january/february 2017 advantage, however, resulted from the fact that the controlling device was a very small, very low power potentiometer. This meant that more than one “pot” could be provided for each dimmer so that the desired dimmer setting could be preset for upcoming cues. The changeover from one cue to the next could then be made simply by operat- ing a single master controller that fed the individual dimmer controllers. This presetting technique remained in use for stage lighting control until the development of computer-type lighting boards during the late 20th century. That innovation meant that a huge number of upcoming cues could be stored in the computer memory. Manual preset making life visibly safer SpanLite TM Self-Illuminated Power Line Marker Meets FAA Advisory Circular 70/7460-1L (Dec. 2015) Installs directly on live lines up to 500 kV Bird Diverters LED Obstruction '%&0/ Low Line Flags & Markers 5-.0#!&!,* 6709 vacuum diode used for rectification a “kenotron,” where “kenos” means empty space, a reference to the high vacuum in the tube. Finally, a common three-element vacuum tube used extensively in radio circuitry was christened a “pliotron,” from “pleion,” which means more, a reference to the tube’s use as an amplifier. Figure 2 is a schematic of typical thyratron-reactor dimmer circuitry from this era. A resistive potentiometer (MCB) is shown at the far left. Apparently, MCB stands for main control board, which was the location for this device since it was the means by which the light board operator controlled the dimmer. A dual-plate kenotron tube (K) is shown that acted as a differential rectifier. It combined the signal from the “pot” with a feedback signal to derive a resultant signal for the grid of the thyratron tube (T). Grid capacitors (FI and FB) introduced a time constant that determined how long into a half cycle of the impressed ac it would take for the thyratron to conduct and feed current to the control winding of the saturable core reactor. This, of course, was a function of the position of the control potentiometer. The phanotron tube (P) handled the inductive current in the control winding during the alternate half cycles when the thyratron was not conducting. At the right are shown the saturable reactor dimmer (SR), a line contactor (LC), and the lamp load being dimmed (L). The control board could be located anywhere where it was convenient for the operator to see the stage as he ran the lighting cues. Most often this was someplace in the house so that the operator had the same view as the audience. This location usually had not been possible with resistance dimmer or simple reactance dimmer boards because of the plethora of high current electrical connections to the boards. As such, they were stuck backstage where the operator had a very limited view of the stage itself. Flexibility in control board location was a big advantage of thyratronreactor installations. Another huge IEEE power & energy magazine 77 lighting boards most often were manufactured so as to allow only two, five, or ten cues to be set in advance, since there still were limits to the number of potentiometers that could be provided. The high current portions of a thyratron-reactor dimmer circuit could be located in any out-of-the-way space, such as down in the basement near the main electrical service. This included the saturable core reactors themselves, the remotely operated line contactors, and the panels containing the thyratron, kenotron and phanotron tubes. General Electric figure 3. The GE dimmer board backstage at the Albany, New York, Palace Theatre. (Photo courtesy of Thomas. J. Blalock.) In the early 20th century, GE became involved with the manufacture of switchboards for the control of stage lighting. These indeed were just switchboards, consisting of open knife switches and fuse holders mounted on a thick slate Advanced modeling and analysis features include: Dynamic Security Assessment Software Offering a simple, user-friendly interface with extensive analysis options, DSAToolsTM is a suite of software tools for power system analysis. The software is designed for applications in both off-line studies and on-line dynamic security assessment. Comprehensive capabilities for voltage, transient, small signal, and frequency stability assessment Integration with EMS/WAMS for on-line DSA to assess security of real-time system conditions Computation of secure operation regions (stability limits) Recommendation of remedial actions Experience and support: www.dsatools.com Prominent provider of the on-line DSA technology with over 40 installations worldwide including 7 out of 9 ISOs in North America Consulting services for custom software and model development, system studies, and training VSAT Contact us: dsainfo@powertechlabs.com 78 IEEE power & energy magazine TSAT SSAT 81022-0005 january/february 2017 panel. GE also manufactured resistance dimmers, but these usually were separately mounted above the board itself. These switchboards were constructed exactly the same as industrial switchboards of that era that were manufactured by GE at its Schenectady, New York, plant. Such a stage switchboard still exists (but not in use) in the lobby of the restored Colonial Theatre in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. The board dates from 1912 and was refurbished for display along with the restoration of the theater. Both the board and the dimmers still display GE nameplates. In the mid-1920s, GE acquired the Trumbull Electric Manufacturing Company of Plainville, Connecticut, which manufactured auto-transformer dimmer boards for stage lighting control. The auto-transformer was a logical device to adapt for use as a stage lighting dimmer. It was simple and rugged and did not require an auxiliary source of dc for its operation as with the saturable core reactor dimmer. It was, however, still quite large and heavy due to the need for a laminated steel core. As a result of the work of Albert Hull, GE held the early patents on the thyratron tube. Consequently, GE decided to enter into the development of thyratronreactor dimmers. Significant early development work also had occurred at the Schenectady GE plant regarding the use of saturable core reactors for various industrial control applications. The early development of thyratronreactor dimmers was carried out at the Schenectady plant by research engineers Allen Bailey and Harold LaRoque and, later, by Dudley Chambers and Elbert Schneider. All four eventually received patents for their contributions. Ultimately, GE only made ten installations of thyratron-reactor lighting control in theaters, during the late 1920s and through the mid-1930s. The first such installation was for the Chicago Civic Opera House in 1929. This was a relatively simple two-scene preset board controlling 140 dimmers and having a total load capacity of 1,250 kW. january/february 2017 of the possibility of having the control board located in the auditorium, and, instead, it was installed backstage just as the earlier manual-type boards had been. The reason for this is not known (see Figure 3). The Palace Theatre still exists and is still in use today but the thyratron-reactor In 1931, GE installed a very modest nine-dimmer thyratron-reactor board at the new Plaza Theatre in Schenectady (demolished in 1964). In that same year, a more significant 48-dimmer installation was made at the new Palace Theatre in Albany, New York. In this case, the advantage was not taken Build Your One-Line in the Field as You Collect the Data EasyPower Power OnSite TM EasyPower OnSite is the first mobile data collection tool designed from the ground up to use a touch interface for collecting power system data and building one-lines in the field. OnSite simplifies your data collection process and improves productivity by dramatically reducing the time it takes to collect data and create the corresponding one-line models. Simplify the Process Collect Data Organize Data Input Data Build One-Line System Analysis BEFORE Collect Data & Build One-Line System Analysis Transfer Data and One-Line AFTER ® Power made easy. Learn more at www.EasyPower.com/OnSitePE IEEE power & energy magazine 79 IF YOU HAVE A CHALLENGE – WE HAVE A SOLUTION For over 100 years Slacan Industries has been Canada’s largest designer and manufacturer of Transmission, Distribution, and Communication products. We also design and manufacture OEM products, Substations and Structural Steelwork for the Utility Market. We distinguish ourselves by providing customer satisfaction, innovative design and industry experience. SLACAN figure 4. The control board in the auditorium of the Earl Carroll Theatre. [Photo courtesy of the Museum of Innovation and Science (miSci) Archives, Schenectady, New York.] Industries Inc. 145 Roy Blvd, P.O. Box 2500 Brantford, Ontario N3T 6E3 519.758.8888 slacan.com The Society of Corporate Compliance & Ethics UTILITIES & ENERGY COMPLIANCE & ETHICS CONFERENCE FEBRUARY 19–22, 2017 WASHINGTON DC Questions: katie.burk@corporatecompliance.org The utilities and energy industries are highly regulated. NEW LOCATION IN 2017 SAME GREAT EDUCATION AND NETWORKING Take advantage of the opportunity to discuss your concerns and enjoy sharing and exchanging ideas with others facing the same regulations. Learn more and register at corporatecompliance.org/utilities 80 IEEE power & energy magazine figure 5. The basement dimmer racks in the Earl Carroll Theatre with a saturable core reactor at upper left and tube panels at the center. [Photo courtesy of the Museum of Innovation and Science (miSci) Archives, Schenectady, New York.] board is now long gone. The author did have the opportunity to see it back in the 1970s but, by then, it was no longer in use. Today, unfortunately, the entire installation is gone. january/february 2017 (routinely referred to as the Also in 1931, a GE instalelectrician in theatrical parlation was made at the new lance) was called the color Earl Carroll Theatre, located conductor, and he appeared across 50th Street from the in full evening dress. Roxy Theatre in Manhattan. This was not a huge theEarl Carroll was a theatrical ater (or stage), so a modest impresario along the lines of 50 dimmers were installed, “Roxy” Rothafel. His female and almost half of them were revue called “Vanities” was devoted to the auditorium based on Florence Ziegfeld’s lighting, which was really a highly popular “Follies.” part of the show. The total The Earl Carroll Theatre connected lamp load was (actually the second theater 367 kW, and the thyratronof this name on this site) was reactor control required a toan Art Deco extravaganza. tal of only 200 W (just 4 W The auditorium lighting was per dimmer). The arrangealmost as elaborate as that ment of the board was as a for the stage itself. Lighttwo-scene preset control (see ing fixtures colored in red, Figure 4). The saturable core green, and blue were capable figure 6. Earl Carroll explaining the operation of power reactors and the tube panels of being additively mixed distribution panels to three of his employees. [Photo were installed in racks loto create any color of the courtesy of the Museum of Innovation and Science (miSci) cated in the basement (see rainbow (and white). This Archives, Schenectady, New York.] Figures 5 and 6). concept had been developed This elaborate theater existed as by GE and was called colorama. The actor dimmers was located in a pit outcontrol board for the GE thyratron-re- side of the orchestra pit. The operator such for only eight years. It was then OIL Introducing Dry-Type Series Resonant Test Sets with low PD levels for testing MV cables or generators. figure 7. The Radio City Music Hall control console outside of the orchestra pit. [Photo courtesy of the Museum of Innovation and Science (miSci) Archives, Schenectady, New York.] Rating-30kV 200kVA — Patent Pending Please contact us for all your High Voltage AC, DC, Impulse Test, Measurement Equipment and Service Requirements. EHVTEST.COM/DRY-TYPE 82 IEEE power & energy magazine figure 8. Operating the Radio City Music Hall control console. (Photo from a 1947 Radio City Music Hall brochure.) renovated to become retail space, and some of the ornate auditorium decor remained in place above a false ceiling in a Woolworth’s store until the building was demolished in 1990. The Westinghouse Electric Manufacturing Company of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, entered the electronic light dimmer field in the early 1930s by teaming up with the Ward Leonard Electric Company to introduce a rival device that circumvented GE’s patent on the use of the thyratron tube in conjunction with a saturable core reactor. This involved using a small saturable reactor that, in turn, controlled the main lamp-dimming reactor. A phanotron (rectifier) tube was used in conjunction with this small reactor, and the combination was referred to (for reasons not now apparent) as a hysterset. A thyratron tube was not necessary in this control scheme. january/february 2017 In 1932, a large installation of this type was made by Westinghouse to control the stage lighting in the Center Theatre (now long gone), which was a part of the mammoth Rockefeller Center complex being constructed in Manhattan at that time. However, in the same year, GE installed what would be their largest thyratron-reactor control in the world-renowned theater that is still in operation today, Radio City Music Hall, also in Rockefeller Center. As in the Earl Carroll Theatre, the control board for Radio City Music Hall was installed in a smaller pit outside of the large orchestra pit. Again, of course, the large racks containing the saturable core reactors and the control tubes were located out of the way in the basement. This control board used a new type of dimmer controlling device that was referred to as a solenoid potentiometer. It replaced the simple resistive potentiometers used previously to control the signal to the grid of the thyratron tube. This new device consisted of a coil of wire with a movable iron core inside. Ironically, this basically is the same configuration used at Daly’s Theatre back in the 1880s, which was a total failure. In this case, however, the solenoid was not being used to control the lamps directly. The solenoid potentiometer concept was developed by a research engineer at the Schenectady GE plant by the name of C. (Chauncey) Guy Suits, who was later awarded a patent for its use in this regard. He eventually became the director of the famed GE Research Laboratory following W.D. Coolidge, the inventor of the X-ray tube. Suits also was instrumental in the development of a saturable core reactor control scheme used on the nearly 200ft (61-m)-long “General Electric” sign at the plant in Schenectady. He used circuitry of his own invention, which was capable of creating a timed brightening and dimming of lamps with no mechanical components. Various portions of the sign (with a total of 1,400 lamps) were illuminated in a sequence that was repeated over and over. This sign is still in place on top of Building 37 of the plant but no longer exhibits this interesting sequence. It is simply lit up at night. The Radio City Music Hall installation controlled a total of about 320 dimmers, ranging from 2 to 16 kW capacity each. Sixty or so of these dimmers were used to control elaborate lighting in the auditorium (as in the Earl Carroll Theatre) with lighting fixtures colored in amber, red, green and blue (the additive mixing of these approximating white light). The total connected lighting load was about 3,300 kW, and the board was arranged for five-scene preset control (see Figure 7). Following this, a GE thyratron-reactor installation was made at the old Metropolitan Opera House located on 39th Street in Manhattan prior to the construction of Lincoln Center. This controlled 170 dimmers, ranging from 2 to 12 kW each, FOR ALL LINES Complete system of rating for PC Windows Overhead powerlines, underground cables, and substation equipment Real-time dynamic line ratings View powerlines, substations and weather stations in Google Map ELECTROTECH ENTERPRISES LLC www.LineAmps.com For further information please contact sales@LineAmps.com +1-703-369-1466 © 2016, Electrotech Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved | Windows, Excel and Google Logo are registered trademarks of Microsoft and Google Inc. respectively. and the total connected lighting load was 836 kW. Interestingly, this installation, in 1933, replaced the original somewhat “Rube Goldberg” resistance dimmer installation that dated from the construction of the building in 1903. The final four (less impressive) GE thyratron-reactor installations were in theaters in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Iowa City, Iowa; Toronto, Ontario; and Mexico City, Mexico. Epilogue Undoubtedly, all of these thyratron reactor installations are long gone (as is the Roxy). The Radio City Music Hall installation did remain in use until a major renovation of the massive theater in 1999. At that time, all of the reactor/ tube racks were scrapped, but the control board itself was saved, its pit in the auditorium simply covered over; as of April 2016, it is still there. During the 1940s, thyratron tubes were developed of sufficient capacity that the tubes themselves could be used to control the dimming of incandescent lamp loads. Two tubes were used in an inverse-parallel connection so that each tube conducted on opposite half cycles of the impressed ac. By the 1960s, however, the solid-state version of this concept had come into use. Devices known as silicon-controlled rectifiers were connected in pairs, just as large thyratron tubes had been, to dim large lamp loads. Stage lighting control today consists of new generations of such solid-state devices used as dimmers, along with computerized control to replace the old manual preset control scheme used for boards such as that in Radio City Music Hall (see Figure 8). Acknowledgment The author wishes to thank Marc Grimshaw of the International Alliance of Theatre and Stage Employees, Local No. 1, for information regarding the present status of the original Radio City Music Hall lighting control board. For Further Reading “The Roxy theatre,” Marquee, vol. 11, pp. 1–30, no. 1, 1979. J. R. Manheimer and T. H. Joseph, “Electronic tube control for theatre lighting,” presented at the fall meeting of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers, 1934. J. E. Rubin, “The technical development of stage lighting apparatus in the United States, 1900–1950,” Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford Univ., Stanford, CA, 1959. E. D. Schneider, “Thyratron-reactor lighting control,” AIEE Trans., vol. 57, pp. 328–334, June 1938. L. C. Brenneman, “Radio city music hall: A technical discussion,” Marquee, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 18–23, 1999. T. J. Blalock, “Edison’s direct current influenced Broadway show lighting,” IEEE Power Eng. Rev., vol. 22, no. 10, pp. 36–37, Oct. 2002. p&e society news 2016 General Meeting paving the way for grid modernization in Boston M MORE THAN 3,200 IEEE POWER & Energy Society (PES) members and energy industry enthusiasts converged in Boston on 17–21 July 2016 to experience the next chapter in the Society’s long history of hosting exceptional meetings and events. Similar to the 2015 General Meeting (GM) in Denver, the expectation from attendees was for an outstanding opening plenary session with prestigious speakers, including ✔ Damir Novosel, PES president and president of Quanta Technology ✔ Miroslav Begovic, PES past president and head professor of the Texas A&M Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering ✔ Babak Enayati, chair of the 2016 IEEE PES GM Local Organizing Committee and lead R&D engineer with National Grid ✔ Cheryl LaFleur, commissioner at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ✔ Marcy Reed, president of National Grid (Massachusetts jurisdiction) ✔ David L. Geier, vice president of electric transmission and system engineering with San Diego Gas & Electric ✔ Juan de Bedout, chief technology officer for General Electric’s Energy Connections business. PES President Damir Novosel gave a rousing PES member meeting opening session and provided the crowd with a state of the Society address. Past President Miroslav Begovic then provided support and introductions for the Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2016.2620638 Date of publication: 2 February 2017 january/february 2017 The opening reception was held at the Boston Public Library. PES President Damir Novosel welcomes everyone at the opening session. various nominations and appointments for the upcoming election. Afterward, Babak Enayati introduced the plenary session panelists, each of whom provided detailed industry presentations followed by question-and-answer sessions for the attending assembly. Following the GM’s theme, “Paving the Way for Grid Modernization,” at- tendees had the opportunity to be present for additional panel sessions covering topics such as transformer resiliency and physical security, the impact of environmental regulations on power markets, power grid resilience, and so much more. Paper and poster sessions are also a popular attraction for GM attendees. From an overview of the best conference papers on power system stability and protection to an emerging technologies poster session, the prospects to get involved were numerous. And that was just the first couple days. Days two and three were full of panels and poster sessions on microgrids, grid planning, DER, big data, sustainable energy, smart buildings, smart cities, flexible energy systems, and energy policy. To cap the event, PES announced the recipients of its Society-level awards, all of which were recognized and honored during a formal ceremony in Boston. These Society-level awards recognize IEEE power & energy magazine 85 s Meets FAA Specifications! Color – Size – Shape! – International Orange s Tested and approved by major power companies! s Thousands still in service after 40 years s Universal attaching! Fits any wire .1" to 1"! s Installs in 5 minutes! s Withstands hail! s No maintenance! Does not slip, oscillate, chafe, cause electrolysis or harmonic vibration. s Ships in halves nested. 9, 12, 20, 24, 30, and 36" balls & special sizes available Attendees listen intently to the speakers during the plenary session. Call now 573-796-3812 ext. 2001 Fax 573-796-3770 www.tanawiremarker.com TANA WIRE MARKERS P.O. Box 370, California, MO 65018 The awards dinner was well attended. A history that spans the past century. There were many discussions during the poster session. A vision that spans the next century. www.DeltaStar.com 1-800-368-3017 and credit important technical, educational, and service contributions by the global power and energy community. PES members can nominate their colleagues for these awards by visiting http://www.ieee-pes.org/ pes-communities/awards. As another GM came to a close, PES members and many others looked forward to the 2017 IEEE PES GM in Chicago, scheduled for 16–20 July. The theme for the 2017 GM is “Energizing a More Secure, Resilient, and Adaptable Grid.” Visit http://pes-gm.org/2017/ for more information and to participate in a call for papers and other opportunities. p&e calendar PES meetings for more information, www.ieee-pes.org T THE IEEE POWER & ENERGY Society’s (PES’s) website (http://www .ieee-pes.org) features a meetings section that includes calls for papers and additional information about each of the PES-sponsored meetings. July 2017 January 2018 IEEE PES General Meeting (GM 2017), 16–20 July, Chicago, Illinois, United States, contact Joseph Svachula, joseph.svachula@ComEd.com, http://pes-gm.org/2017/ IEEE PES 2018 Joint Technical Committee Meeting (JTCM 2018), 7–11 January, Jacksonville, Florida, United States, contact Solveig Ward, sward@quanta-technology.com, www .pestechnical.org May 2017 August 2017 IEEE International Conference on Electrical Machines and Drives (IEMDC 2017), 21–24 May, Miami, Florida, United States, contact Dr. Dan Ionel, dan.ionel@ieee.org, http://iemdc.org/ IEEE Electric Ship Technologies Symposium (ESTS 2017), 15–17 August, Washington, D.C., United States, contact Dr. Scott Sudhoff, sudhoff@ purdue.edu, http://ests17.mit.edu/ June 2017 September 2017 IEEE PowerTech Manchester (Power Tech 2017), 18–22 June, Manchester, United Kingdom, contact Prof. Jovica Milanovic, milanovic@manchester .ac.uk, http://ieee-powertech.org/ IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies LA (ISGT LA 2017), 20–22 September, Quito, Ecuador, contact Gabriel Arguello, garguello@ cenace.org.ec, http://ieee-isgt-latam.org/ IEEE PES PowerAfrica (PowerAfrica 2017), 25–30 June, Accra, Ghana, contact Dr. Eric Kuada, dr.eric.kuada@ ieee.org IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT Europe 2017), 26–29 September, Torino, Italy, contact Prof. Gianfranco Chicco, gianfranco.chicco@polito.it IEEE Second International Conference on DC Microgrids (ICDCM 2017), 27–29 June, Nuremberg, Germany, contact Prof. Roger Dougal, dougal@cec.sc.edu, http://www.icdcm.co/ Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2016.2620678 Date of publication: 2 February 2017 january/february 2017 December 2017 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Asia (ISGT Asia), 3–6 December, Auckland, New Zealand, contact Dr. Ramesh Rayudu, Ramesh .Rayudu@vuw.ac.nz April 2018 IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T&D 2018), 16–19 April, Denver, Colorado, United States, contact Tommy Mayne, mayne25@charter.net, http:// www.ieeet-d.org/ August 2018 IEEE PES General Meeting (GM 2018), 5–10 August, Portland, Oregon, United States, contact Don Hall, donald.hall@pepcoholdings.com October 2018 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power & Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2018), 7–10 October, Sabah, Malaysia, contact Dr. Zuhaina Zakaria, zuhaina@ieee.org IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT Europe 2018), 21–25 October, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, contact Prof. Senad Huseinbegovic, shuseinbegovic@ etf.unsa.ba p&e IEEE power & energy magazine 87 Correction In the November/December 2016 issue of IEEE Power & Energy Magazine, Figure 2 in [1] shows earthquake damage at Sylmar that occurred on 9 February 1971. The source of the photos is an IEEE presentation by Wayne Litzenberger and not Hydro-Quebec. Reference [1] R. B. Wadele, “Tales of power system failures,” IEEE Power Energy Mag., vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 18–23, Nov./Dec. 2016. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2016.2640103 Date of publication: 2 February 2017 2016 ® REGISTER NOW for the 2017 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT 2017) April 23-26, 2017 | Crystal Gateway Marriot, Arlington, VA (DC Metro Area) Experts around the world gather annually at the ISGT North America Conference to discuss state-of-the-art innovations in smart grid technologies. The program, as always, will feature special sessions and tutorials on wide-ranging topics related to grid modernization. For More Information, visit ieee-isgt.org Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2017.2654738 88 IEEE power & energy magazine january/february 2017 Sheraton Chicago Hotel and Towers Energizing a More Secure, Resilient & Adaptable Grid Register Now for the 2017 PES General Meeting in Chicago, IL The 2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting will be held from July 16-20, 2017 at Sheraton Chicago Hotel and Towers. Registration is now open! The PES General Meeting attracts over 3,400 professionals from every segment of the electric power and energy industries. It features a comprehensive technical program, including super sessions, panel sessions, tutorials, a student program, companion activities, and more! As always, IEEE PES has put together an outstanding program, with Super Sessions addressing such topics as: 8620%,%4%-21!-$0)$%1)+)%-#7 8-%0'72.0!'% 87"%0!-$(71)#!+%#30)27 8)120)"32%$%-%0!2).-%'3+!2).--')-%%0)-'.$%+)-' and Impacts .-2,)112()11/%#2!#3+!0%4%-2,!*%7.30/+!-1-.52.!22%-$ %+..*&.05!0$2.1%%)-'7.3)- Chicago! For more information visit: pes-gm.org/2017 Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2017.2654739 january/february 2017 IEEE power & energy magazine 89 in my view (continued from p. 92) as a question of the system’s physical properties. Just look at the trend toward prosumers, cooperatives and companies investing in clean energy. The level of a system’s physical integration will also depend on who owns it and the interest in integration. When asking what an optimal energy system looks like, we have to give equal consideration to how much biomass can contribute in determining what kind of ownership should be promoted. That opens up a discussion where the social scientist isn’t the strange kid in the corner getting a project work package to solve the issue with that “human factor.” Second, as renewable technologies such as wind and solar have matured, it has become increasingly evident that some of the main barriers to increasing their share of the energy market are non- technical. The European Technology and Innovation Platform for Wind Energy (ETIPWind) recently published its strategic research and innovation agenda, and one of the five priority pillars identified is industrialization. While industrialization requires technical solutions for the production, logistics, and maintenance of wind turbines, it has a substantial organizational component. Or take the discussions of energy democracy, which promotes the local ownership of energy production. This idea holds significant appeal from a social science perspective. However, local energy communities risk creating the problem of prioritizing the local solution over the global one, which could ultimately make the energy system less sustainable and less flexible. Hence, you also need an engineer in the room. Last, but not least, ESI is inherently technology agnostic; it doesn’t favor any particular technology, and, as a consequence, the social scientist does not easily become the servant of a particularly technological interest group, be it district heating, biomass, solar, or batteries. The discussion is taken out of the technology-specific context and put into a much broader field where organizational, sociological, political, and technical levels of expertise are brought into play. To achieve a higher level of system flexibility at the lowest possible cost, the integration of the different disciplines consequently needs to be pursued more vigorously to enable the best possible integration of the different components of the energy system. p&e Holcombe Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty Search for Power and Energy Faculty at the Charleston Innovation Campus in N. Charleston, SC and the Clemson University main campus in Clemson, SC. Applications and nominations are sought for multiple faculty positions in electrical power engineering at two locations: Clemson University’s new Zucker Family Graduate Education Center at its Charleston Innovation Campus in North Charleston, SC (http://www.clemson.edu/restoration/) and the main Clemson campus in Clemson, SC KWWSZZZFOHPVRQHGXHFH (DFKSRVLWLRQZLOOEH¿OOHGZLWKDQLQGLYLGXDOZKRPHULWVWKHUDQNRI$VVRFLDWHRU)XOO3URIHVVRUZLWKWHQXUHDQGZKRKDVDQDWLRQDOO\UHFRJQL]HG UHFRUGRIRXWVWDQGLQJVFKRODUVKLS$SSURSULDWHO\TXDOL¿HGFDQGLGDWHVPD\EHFRQVLGHUHGIRUD7LWOHG3URIHVVRUVKLS7KHFDQGLGDWH¶VWHDFKLQJDQGUHVHDUFKVKRXOGHQFRPSDVVD broad range of topics related to power systems, electric machines and drives, power electronics, energy storage, energy analytics, and wind and solar power integration. A solid XQGHUVWDQGLQJRIWKHF\EHULQIUDVWUXFWXUHUHODWHGDUHDVRISRZHUV\VWHPVVXFKDVHPEHGGHGV\VWHPVF\EHUVHFXULW\QHWZRUNLQJDQGUHPRWHVHQVLQJLVDOVRLPSRUWDQW7KHSHUVRQV ¿OOLQJWKHSRVLWLRQVLQERWK1&KDUOHVWRQ6&DQG&OHPVRQ6&ZLOOKROGDIDFXOW\SRVLWLRQLQWKH+ROFRPEH'HSDUWPHQWRI(OHFWULFDODQG&RPSXWHU(QJLQHHULQJDW&OHPVRQ University. 7KH+ROFRPEH'HSDUWPHQWRI(OHFWULFDODQG&RPSXWHU(QJLQHHULQJLVRQHRIWKHODUJHVWDQGPRVWDFWLYHGHSDUWPHQWVDW&OHPVRQZLWKIDFXOW\PHPEHUVDSSUR[LPDWHO\ XQGHUJUDGXDWHVDQGJUDGXDWHVWXGHQWV7KH&KDUOHVWRQ&DPSXVKRXVHVD0SRZHUIDFLOLW\LQLWLDWHGLQIURPD0'HSDUWPHQWRI(QHUJ\JUDQW7KHIDFLOLW\ includes the SCE&G Energy Innovation Center which contains the world’s most-advanced wind-turbine drivetrain testing facility capable of full-scale highly accelerated PHFKDQLFDODQGHOHFWULFDOWHVWLQJRIDGYDQFHGGULYHWUDLQV\VWHPVIRUZLQGWXUELQHV7KH6&( *(QHUJ\,QQRYDWLRQ&HQWHUDOVRKRXVHVWKH'XNH(QHUJ\(OHFWULFDO*ULG5HVHDUFK ,QQRYDWLRQ DQG 'HYHORSPHQW &HQWHU D IDFLOLW\ ZLWK UHDOWLPH VLPXODWLRQ DQG 09$ KDUGZDUHLQWKHORRS FDSDELOLW\ 7KH PDLQ FDPSXV LQFOXGHV VWDWHRIWKHDUW UHDOWLPH simulation facilities for research in intelligent control of the electric grid, a modern power-electronics laboratory, and a strong undergraduate and graduate emphasis in power systems. &OHPVRQ8QLYHUVLW\LVWKHODQGJUDQWLQVWLWXWLRQIRUWKH6WDWHRI6RXWK&DUROLQDHQUROOLQJDSSUR[LPDWHO\XQGHUJUDGXDWHVDQGJUDGXDWHVWXGHQWV)LYHLQWHUGLVFLSOLQDU\ FROOHJHVKRXVHVWURQJSURJUDPVLQDUFKLWHFWXUHHQJLQHHULQJVFLHQFHDJULFXOWXUHEXVLQHVVVRFLDOVFLHQFHVDUWVDQGHGXFDWLRQ$IDFXOW\RIDQGVWDIIRIVXSSRUW XQGHUJUDGXDWHGHJUHHRIIHULQJVPDVWHU¶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¿HOG$SSOLFDQWV VKRXOG VXEPLW D FXUUHQW FXUULFXOXP YLWDH VWDWHPHQWV RI UHVHDUFK DQG WHDFKLQJ VWUDWHJ\ DQG D PLQLPXP RI ¿YH UHIHUHQFHV ZLWK IXOO FRQWDFW LQIRUPDWLRQ$SSOLFDWLRQ PDWHULDO VKRXOG EH VXEPLWWHG HOHFWURQLFDOO\ DW WKH IROORZLQJ:HE OLQN KWWSVDSSO\LQWHUIROLRFRP 7KHFRYHUOHWWHUVKRXOGLQGLFDWHZKHWKHUWKH&KDUOHVWRQRU&OHPVRQORFDWLRQ RUERWK LVRILQWHUHVWWRWKHDSSOLFDQW7RHQVXUHIXOOFRQVLGHUDWLRQDSSOLFDQWVPXVWDSSO\E\ )HEUXDU\KRZHYHUWKHVHDUFKZLOOUHPDLQRSHQXQWLOWKHSRVLWLRQLV¿OOHG Clemson University is an AA/EEO employer and does not discriminate against any person or group on the basis of age, color, disability, gender, pregnancy, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status or genetic information. Clemson University is building a culturally diverse faculty and staff committed to working in a multicultural environment and encourages applications from minorities and women. 90 IEEE power & energy magazine january/february 2017 advertisers index The Advertisers Index contained in this issue is compiled as a service to our readers and advertisers: the publisher is not liable for errors or omissions although every effort is made to ensure its accuracy. Be sure to let our advertisers know you found them through IEEE Power & Energy Magazine. Company page# ASPEN, Inc. CVR 4 URL Phone www.aspeninc.com +1 650 347 3997 Battcon 2017 84 www.battcon.com Bigwood Systems, Inc. 12 www.bigwood-systems.com +1 607 257 0915 Cantega Technologies, Inc. 74 www.greenjacketinc.com +1 866 464 7996 Clemson University 90 www.clemson.edu CYME CVR 2 Delta Star DIgSILENT GmbH www.cyme.com +1 800 361 3627 86 www.DeltaStar.com +1 800 368 3017 3 www.digsilent.com EasyPower LLC 79 www.EasyPower.com/OnSitePE +1 503 655 5059 Electrotech Enterprises LLC 83 www.LineAmps.com +1 703 369 1466 Energy Exemplar 75 energyexemplar.com ETAP 7 www.etap.com +1 800 477 ETAP Evergreen High Voltage 82 ehvtest.com/dry-type Evluma LED Lighting 76 www.evluma.com/omnimax Manitoba HVDC Research Centre 11 www.pscad.com +1 204 989 1240 Metglas, Inc. 73 www.metglas.com +1 800 581 7654 5 www.neplan.ch +41 44 914 36 66 NR Electric Co., Ltd 81 www.nrec.com +86 25 87178888 P & R Technologies 77 www.pr-tech.com +1 800 722 8078 Power Engineers 15 powereng.com/distribution Powertech Labs Inc. 78 www.dsatools.com +1 604 590 7500 PowerWorld Corporation 14 www.powerworld.com +1 217 384 6330 RTDS Technologies, Inc. 6 www.rtds.com +1 204 989 9700 Neplan AG Siemens Power Technologies International CVR 3 usa.siemens.com/360-transmissionplanning SKM Systems Analysis, Inc. 13 www.skm.com Slacan Industries, Inc. 80 slacan.com +1 519 758 8888 Tana Wire Marker 86 www.tanawiremarker.com +1 573 796 3812 The Society of Corporate Compliance & Ethics 80 corporatecompliance.org/utilities V & R Energy Systems Research 9 www.vrenergy.com +1 800 500 4SKM +1 888 449 8881 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854 IEEE power & energy magazine representative Erik Henson Naylor Association Solutions +1 352 333 3443, fax: +1 352 331 3525 ehenson@naylor.com Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2016.2651218 january/february 2017 IEEE power & energy magazine 91 in my view Mattias Andersson flexibility it’s more than an engineering challenge F FLEXIBILITY IS KEY FOR A SYStem under strain. When the city metro breaks down, you require other means of transportation. Before a big conference, you might need staff to work outside regular office hours. And when the production of electricity is dependent on how the wind blows or the sun shines, something or someone has to adapt. One of the best ways to increase your flexibility is to use the entire portfolio of available resources. The metro is down? Walk; take the bus, the train, your bike, or your car. Short on staff for next week’s conference? Ask HR, communication, planning, or someone else if you can use some of their people; you’ll pay it back later. Are we getting too much electricity from wind? Use it for heating or get people to turn on appliances or change to electric cars. Flexibility is largely about systems, so it’s no surprise that, in recent years, there’s been increasing interest in applying systems thinking to energy research. As a policy adviser, I’ve been involved first hand in the transition toward a renewable-based energy system with its large share of intermittent energy sources, such as wind and solar. The articles in this issue of IEEE Power & Energy Magazine cover different aspects of the energy system, including heating, gas, and electricity, all the way to the consumer and public acceptance. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPE.2016.2637118 Date of publication: 2 February 2017 92 IEEE power & energy magazine The problem with the system and its parts is always to ensure that the sum is greater than the parts, not vice versa. As D’haeseleer and colleagues note in their article in this issue “Flexibility Challenges for Energy Markets,” by “ignoring systems interactions, a variety of some well-meant (local) simple targets counteract and even oppose each other so that some individual targets may perhaps be reached, while the overall strategic objective is compromised.” In a slogan format, you could say that the challenge is to avoid a system where you have optimal subsystems but a suboptimal system. The challenge is partly an engineering one and partly a political and social one. And although that isn’t how it is usually discussed and presented (including in the articles in this issue of the magazine), one could even (provocatively) argue that the engineers’ contribution to enabling the transition to a sustainable energy system and society is rather peripheral compared to the Herculean political and social efforts needed to enable the system and its inhabitants to change. You think power to gas is a challenge? Try getting a globally binding agreement on CO2 emission reduction. A real challenge in increasing the flexibility of the energy system is to establish a collaboration between the engineers and others involved in the “hard” sciences with those involved in policy studies, social science, and humanities. Policy makers, funding agencies, and some groups in the research communities have realized this. In Europe, several of the joint programs under the European Energy Research Alliance have initiatives in this area, including the Joint Programme for Energy Systems Integration. Multidisciplinary research sounds good in theory, but it is difficult to implement in practice. In reality, research projects tend to be divided into either technical projects with limited attention to social acceptance and “other human factors” or social science projects with limited attention to technical or physical limitations. A first step to overcoming this divide would be to create a playing field where all sciences could contribute. Energy systems integration (ESI) could be a new field of research that would enable a deeper integration of the sciences, hard and soft. The white paper on ESI from the International Institute for Energy Systems Integration (iiesi. org) clearly recognizes the importance of this, even if the list of authors is primarily from the engineering and hard science side of the aisle. There are at least three reasons why ESI can contribute to overcoming this divide. First, renewable ESI has arrived during a time of transition from a centralized to a decentralized energy system. New stakeholders, including private citizens, cooperatives, companies and municipalities, and regions and states have different configurations of ownership, especially for renewable energy resources. Thus, ESI is as much a question of the ownership of the system (continued on p. 90) january/february 2017 A 360° View of Transmission Planning Capabilities of the new PSS® Product Suite The Siemens PTI PSS® Product Suite now provides users with a full spectrum of customizable engineering tools that span across the entire transmission planning value chain. Transmission solution capabilities: ) Enhance PSS®E base software with a variety of add-on modules ) Integrate transmission and distribution by importing PSS®E network models into PSS®SINCAL ) Grid Data Management: Simplify the management of your network model data across multiple systems usa.siemens.com/360-transmission-planning ASPEN OneLiner Short circuit and relay coordination program trusted by utilities worldwide ASPEN OneLiner ™ Applications PRC compliance Fault location Circuit breaker rating Relay setting and testing System-wide coordination studies Powerful, fast, intuitive and easy to use Advanced features Simulates breaker-failure conditions Models wind and solar plants and VSC converters Time-distance diagram Vendor-specific distance relay models Relay coordination checking with stepped events ASPEN 49 N. San Mateo Dr., San Mateo, CA 94401 USA 650-347-3997 info@aspeninc.com www.aspeninc.com