Name: Saf f anahAyesha Enr ol l ment : GJ7297 Facul t yRol lno:18ENB425 Assi gnment1 Tr acet heHi st or yofAf r i canWr i t i ngi nEngl i shand Hi ghl i ghtOkar a' spost i oni nt hi sCanon. Af r i canl i t er at ur ei st hebodyoft r adi t i onalor alandwr i t t en l i t er at ur esi nAf r oandAf r i canl anguagest oget herwi t h wor kswr i t t enbyAf r i cansi nEur opeanl anguages. Af r i canl i t er at ur ehadbeenpr oducedout si det he i nst i t ut i onsofcol oni al i sm:t heexi st enceofor all i t er at ur e i nal lAf r i canl anguagesandpr ecol oni alwr i t i ngi nAr abi c, Amhar i c, Swahi l i , andot herAf r i canl anguagesi sampl e ev i denceofat hr i v i ngl i t er ar yt r adi t i oni npr ecol oni al Af r i ca. Butwhati snowconsi der edt obet hehear tofl i t er ar y schol ar shi pont hecont i nentcoul dnothav eacqui r edi t s cur r enti dent i t yorf unct i oni ft het r aumat i cencount er bet weenAf r i caandEur opehadnott akenpl ace.Notonl y wer et hef ounder sofmoder nAf r i canl i t er at ur ecol oni al subj ect s, butcol oni al i sm wasal sot obet hemost i mpor t antandendur i ngt hemei nt hei rwor ks. Fr om ei ght eent hcent ur yonwar ds, t hecol oni alsi t uat i on shapedwhati tmeantt obeanAf r i canwr i t er , shapedt he l anguageofAf r i canwr i t i ng, andov er det er mi nedt he cul t ur eofl et t er si nAf r i ca. 1 Moder nAf r i canl i t er at ur e Moder nAf r i canl i t er at ur ewaspr oducedi nt hecr uci bl eof col oni al i sm.t het r adi t i onofmoder nAf r i canwr i t i ng, bot h i nEur opeanandi ndi genousl anguageswer epr oduct sof t hei nst i t ut i onst hatcol oni al i sm hadi nt r oducedand dev el opedi nt hecont i nent , especi al l yi nt heper i od begi nni ngwi t ht heBer l i nConf er enceof1884–85and decol oni zat i oni nt hel at e1950sandear l y1960s. Af r i canl i t er at ur eoft he1950swaschar act er i zedbyi t s f ocusont hedi sr upt i v eef f ect sofEur opeancol oni al i sm ont r adi t i onalAf r i cansoci et y .AsAf r i cannat i onsbegant o emer gef r om cent ur i esofcol oni alr ul e, wr i t er sr ef l ect ed ont hei mposi t i onofWest er nv al uesont heAf r i can peopl eandexami nedt henewconf l i ct st hataccompani ed i ndependence.Theer awasal sonot abl ef ort he pr ol i f er at i onofwor kswr i t t enbybl ackAf r i cansi nEngl i sh, t houghi nsomecasesi twasanEngl i sht hathadbeen si gni f i cant l yr ef ashi onedbyabl endi ngwi t hi ndi genous l anguages. Wor ksandThemesoft hePer i od Af r i canwor ksbestknowni nt heWestf r om t heper i ods ofcol oni zat i onandt hesl avet r adear epr i mar i l ysl ave nar r at i ves, suchasOl audahEqui ano' sTheI nt er est i ng Nar r at i v eoft heLi f eofOl audahEqui ano( 1789) . Dur i ngt hi sper i od, Af r i canpl ay swr i t t eni nEngl i shbegan t oemer ge.Her ber tI saacEr nestDhl omoofSout h 2 Af r i capubl i shedt hef i r stEngl i sh-l anguageAf r i can pl ay, TheGi r lWhoKi l l edt oSave:Nongqawuset he Li ber at ori n1935.I n1962, Ngũgĩwa Thi ong' oofKeny awr ot et hef i r stEastAf r i candr ama, The Bl ackHer mi t , acaut i onar yt al eabout" t r i bal i sm" ( di scr i mi nat i onbet weenAf r i cant r i bes) . Af r i canl i t er at ur ei nt hel at ecol oni alper i od( bet weent he endofWor l dWarIandi ndependence)i ncr easi ngl y showedt hemesofl i ber at i on, i ndependence, nat i onal i sm, di spl acementandr oot l essness. Wi t hl i ber at i onandi ncr easedl i t er acysi ncemostAf r i can nat i onsgai nedt hei ri ndependencei nt he1950sand 1960s.Thet hemesi nt hi sper i odi ncl udesoci alpr obl ems suchascor r upt i on, t heeconomi cdi spar i t i esi nnewl y i ndependentcount r i es, andt her i ght sandr ol esof women.Femal ewr i t er sar et odayf arbet t err epr esent ed i npubl i shedAf r i canl i t er at ur et hant heywer epr i ort o i ndependence. Wr i t er swhoWr ot eI nEngl i sh AnumberofNi ger i anaut hor swr i t i ngi nEngl i shachi ev ed i nt er nat i onalf amedur i ngt he1950sandear l y1960s. Ar t hurRavenscr of tment i onsi nhi sI nt r oduct i on( The Voi ce)t hatAf r i canwr i t er swr ot et oawakent heAf r i can consci ousnessoft hev al ue, di gni t yandr el ev anceoft he Af r i canpast . 3 AmosTut uol a Ni ger i anwr i t er , whogai nedwor l df amewi t hhi sst or yThe Pal m-Wi neDr i nkar d( 1952) . Dur i ngWor l dWarI ITut uol awor kedf ort heRoy alAi r For cesasabl acksmi t h, andt ookanumberofoddj obs, i ncl udi ngsel l i ngbr ead, andmessenger i ngf ort he Ni ger i anDepar t mentofLabor .Thi swor kl ef thi m wi t h pl ent yoff r eet i me, whi chhespentwr i t i ngst or i esi n Engl i shr at hert hani nYor uba, hi smot hert ongue. Tut uol a' sl anguagei suncor r upt edbyWest er nl i t er ar y gi mmi cks, wor dsar eshor tandsi mpl e, butt hei mpacti s f r eshandpoet i c. Hi sot hernot abl ewor ksar e“ MyLi f ei nt heBushof Ghost s”( 1954)and“ Si mbiandt heSat yroft heDar k Jungl e”( 1955) . Chi nuaAchebe Chi nuaAchebehasconsi st ent l yar guedf ort her i ghtof Af r i canst ot el lt hei rownst or yi nt hei rownway , andhas at t ackedt her epr esent at i onsofEur opeanwr i t er s.Buthe al sodi dnotr ej ectEur opeani nf l uenceent i r el y , choosi ng t owr i t enoti nhi snat i v eI gbobuti nEngl i sh.I nhi scour se ofawr i t i ngl i f ehehasi ncl udedf i v enov el s, col l ect i onsof shor tst or i esandpoet r y , andnumer ousessay sand l ect ur es. Thi ngsFal lApar t( 1958)i sAchebe’ sf i r stnov el .I n1960 Hepubl i shedasequelcal l edNoLongeratEase.He r ecei v edManBookerI nt er nat i onalPr i zei n 2007. 4 JamesThi ong’ oNgugi JamesThi ong’ oNgugi, Keny anwr i t erwhowas consi der edEastAf r i ca’ sl eadi ngnov el i st .Hi s popul arWeepNot , Chi l d( 1964)wast hef i r st maj ornov eli nEngl i shbyanEastAf r i can.Decol oni si ng t heMi ndandhi ssubsequentwor ks, bot hf i ct i onand nonf i ct i on, sett heKeny anaut horapar tasaf or cef ul adv ocat eoff ul ldecol oni zat i on—notonl yoft hemor e v i si bl epol i t i calandeconomi cspher e, butoft hemi ndas wel l .Hebel i ev edt hatt r ansl at i oncoul dbeabr i dge bet weencul t ur es, butheal sounder st oodt hateach l anguage, eachdi al ect , hadadi st i nctmusi cal i t yt hatwas l osti nt r ansl at i on, andt hatwoul dbef or ev erl ostwer et he l anguaget odi e.I nal lofhi swr i t i ngsNgugiat t acked i nj ust i ceandoppr essi onandchampi onedt hecauseof t hepooranddi spossessedi nKeny a. JohnPepperCl ar k, JohnPepperCl ar k, t hemostl y r i caloft heNi ger i anpoet s, whosepoet r ycel ebr at est hephy si call andscapeof Af r i ca.Heconduct edr esear chi nt ot r adi t i onal I j omy t hsandl egendsandwr ot eessay sonAf r i canpoet r y . I nhi sbestpoemshi ssensuali magi nat i onmakes successf uluseoft hepat t er nsoft r adi t i onalAf r i canl i f e. Hi sCasual t i es:Poems1966–68( 1970)i sconcer ned pr i mar i l ywi t ht heNi ger i anci v i lwar .Anexper i ment al 5 wor k, Ozi di( per f or medi nt heear l y1960s; pub.1966) , i sa st agev er si onofat r adi t i onalI j or i t ualpl ay , whi chi na nat i v ev i l l agewoul dt akesev enday st oper f or m. Wol eSoyi nka TheNobelpr i zewi nni ngpl ay wr i ghtWol eSoyi nkawr ot e t hecaut i onar ydr amaADanceoft heFor est s, f i r st per f or medi n1960, f orcel ebr at i onsofNi ger i a’ s i ndependence.Usi nghi schar act er i st i csat i r i calst y l e, Soy i nkasuggest edt hatt henat i onst i l lf aceddi f f i cul t pr obl emsev enaf t ert heendofcol oni alr ul e. Ni ger i ahasbeenaf ontofcr eat i vewr i t i ngi nEngl i sh, f r om t hewor ksofChi nuaAchebet ot hoseofBenOkr i . Gabr i el Okar a Gabr i elOkar ai sNi ger i anpoetandnov el i st .Okar awas bor ni n1921i nNi ger i a.Att hi st i meNi ger i awasst i l la Br i t i shcol onyand, i ndeed, i twoul dbenear l yf or t yy ear s bef or ehi scount r ywast ogai ni ndependencei nOct ober 1960.Hei sconsi der edoneoft hef ounder sofmoder n Af r i canl i t er at ur e.Hi snot abl ewor ksar e“ TheVoi ce” and“ TheFi sher man’ sI nvocat i on” . Hi sv er sehadbeen t r ansl at edi nt osev er all anguagesbyt heear l y1960s.At f i r sthet r ansl at edpoet r yf r om I j awi nt oEngl i sh.Justas bl ackwr i t er si nt heUni t edSt at esandt heCar i bbeanhav e f acedt hepr obl em ofhowt oexpr esst hemsel v esi nt he l anguageoft hosewhoensl av edt hem, bl ackAf r i can wr i t er shav eexper i ment edwi t hdi f f er entway sof 6 communi cat i ngi nEur opeanl anguagest heexper i enceof col oni zat i onandt hef eeloft hei rt r adi t i onalcul t ur es. TheVoi ce Okar ai ncor por at edAf r i cant hought , r el i gi on, f ol kl or e, and i mager yi nt obot hhi sv er seandpr ose.Hi sf i r stnov el , The Voi ce( 1964) , i sar emar kabl el i ngui st i cexper i menti n whi chOkar at r ansl at eddi r ect l yf r om t heI j o( I j aw) l anguage.I nt henov elhehasconst r uct edanunusual br i dgeov ert hedi v i debet weenEngl i shandAf r i can l anguages:par t soft henov elar ewr i t t eni nauni quef or m ofEngl i sht hatr epr oducest hepat t er nsofOkar a’ snat i v e I j awl anguage. “ Iwr ot eTheVoi cebecauseoft hei nconsi st enci esofour r ul er saf t ert heBr i t i shhadl ef tNi ger i a, ”Okar awasquot ed assay i ngi nCont empor ar yAut hor s. Okar a' sPoet r y Okar a’ sequal l ywel l -knownpoet r yi sal sopoi sed bet weenEur opeanandAf r i canmodesofexpr essi on." The Cal loft heRi verNun, ”wonanawar datt heNi ger i an Fest i v alofAr t si n1953, sev er alofhi spoemswer e f eat ur edi nt heNi ger i anl i t er ar yj our nalBl ack Or pheusr cul arpat t er ns.I naddi t i ont oanov el , andsev er al booksofadul tpoet r y , i ncl udi ngTheFi sher man’ s I nvocat i on( 1978) , Okar ahaspubl i shedt wocol l ect i ons ofchi l dr en’ spoet r y, Li t t l eSnakeandLi t t l eFr og( 1992) andAnAdvent ur et oJuj uI sl and( 1992) . 7 Feat ur esofOkar a' sPoet r y Okar a’ spoemst endr ef l ectt het r aumat i cef f ectt hat col oni sat i onandde-col oni sat i oncanhav eont he sel fandonone’ ssenseofper sonali dent i t y. Af r i caandmoder nEur opecl ashl eav i ngpeopl e wi t houtacl earsenseofhowt obehaveandwher e t ol ookf orgui dance. Okar aal soexami nest hecont r astbet weent he honestsi mpl i ci t i esoft hepastandt hesuper f i ci al unr el i abi l i t yoft hemoder nwor l dandheseemst o poi ntt hatonl ybyl ooki ngatandl ear ni ngf r om t hei r pastcant heAf r i canpeopl ehopet ohav eaposi t i v e f ut ur e. Aswi t hmanyot herAf r i canpoet s, t het heme ofNegr i t ude, ort hegl or i f i cat i onofAf r i ca, i spr esent i nmuchofOkar a’ swor k. 8