THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS 345 E 47th St., Nm York N.Y:10017 € 96GT43 S 'The Society shall not be responsible for statements or opinions advanced in papers or discussion at meetings of the Society or of its Divisions or Sections, or printed in its publications. Discussion Is printed only If the paper is published in an ASME Journal. Authorization to photocopy C2 115 ® material for internal or personal use under circumstance not falling within the fair use provisions of the Copyright Act is granted by ASME to libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC)Tzansactlonal Reporting Service provided that the base fee of $0.30 per page 1, paid directly to the CCC, 27 Congress Steet, Salem MA 01970. Requests for special permission or bulk reproduction should be ad. dressed to the ASME Teshnical Publishing Department All Rights Reserved Copyright 0 1996 byASME Printed in U.S.A. III IlIllIllillIlIll IIIII Richard C. Adkins Arsil Arias a BREAK School of Mechanical Engineering Cranfield University Cranfield, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom 1 New with Square One consultants Ltd. 4. Aplartds Closo;ç . idOkeford Dorset. UnitS KIrlâdorn ABSTRACT The =it for using blast baskets when testing large engines with a high bypass ratio is explained. A theory has been developed to enable uc drutu cbaiaaaistics of blast baskets to be tarnhS and the this has been validated by experimental data. The tlmaical approach has then bow used in cut to construct a design than for use by constructors of aigme test facilities aIgirm m.,..uft...4... cn, and engine isas who have a need to modify their existing tea fmnThn INTRODUCTION The edvait of in twtaLiai, large, high bypass ratio fan engines has required a complete reassessment of test Inme design. In particular, this reasse ssment was .-w.y, I the exhaust din mid tof rof in creased size Dianrtasofthe new aigineShai jets art in the region of 3 in (119 bd.), warty an at of rngnitnde 111W than those of of cady n.5ira. Simple scaling up,'of the existing facilities was but an option an it would have produced colossal ducts and exhaust ISis and tim costs would have been prthththvt The use of high bypass ratio fans has alland the nature of exhaust particularly after the bet — cam gaws have mired with the air from the bypass fan. The resulting jet is eow significantly ocular and at a Iowa velocity than the jets fran previous ntgin Those .hnr can be used to t sonic of the disadvantage of the increased thmneta. Until raitty it was ----- --y to entrain açiass p..nbln of additional air into the test ccli exhaust system S cut to tSr both the temperature and flow velocity. These itiam were essential I cit to pnarU the materials used in the sham. In at to generate these large air aitrainmts it was necessary to usc exhaust ducting diametas which were considerably greater than these of the engines. 2 Test Facilities Department GARLJDA Maintenance Facilities Jakarta, Indonesia The new gaivation of 'g!" produce mixed exhaust streams with temperatures that arc now within the capability of silama mataials. However, some entrained air is still required to vn,tillitr the test cell to prevail overheating and rt importantly, to avoid the problem of vortex ingestion into the engine. The latta reason is essential as vaIn ingestion can seriously impair the performance and stability of the — oompressor The pit of vortex ingestion mainly occurs dim to the use of test cells which art rectangular in am swim This configuration is prettied for providing accessibility to the engine and eqthpiumt and b-•-- it simplifies test CCU construction.. Vortices roll-up from the flat wall sift as air is drawn into the thwlar section of the — intake. They can be inhibited by vn,tiilsthon air forming a barrier betw w' the air supplying the engine and that which follows the cell walls, Fig I. The wnamt of air that has to be wlia1 for this purpose depends upon the jr-'-- amflgwatS of the test alL As a ganalisaticm, tim amuxart of wtiszul air now zcqául is similar in quantity to that being ingested by the aigim. ltis draw nthrough the cdlbydie pumping action of the engines exhaust gases an they mix with air the confines of the exhaust gas d4.m (migmnrtrr). In this IN respect, the detuna .cacnbles a huge 'jet pump.' Despite the 1M,rM ventilation air gccmirnnnit, exhaust gas can still be in the order, of Sm (19* in.) and2Om(66ft)long. The new, smaller pumping task leaves a surplus of kinetic ant' in the exhaust stream which is advantageous because the SI aaximztha mc less saStive to n'n'—1 fadas sdi as as winds. Howeva, that is also a disadvantage the excess in kinetic enagy has to be extracted be&e S mixed gases can enta the 11am, otherwise damage would osr to the acoustic linings. A new canpcxiait, the blast bScet, is used for this tSc Presented at the International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress & Exhibition Birmingham, UK - June 10-13,1996 Downloaded from by guest on 18 July 2020 THE BLAST BASKET A NEW COMPONENT USED IN TESTING LARGE, HIGH BYPASS RATIO, FAN ENGINES marry aerodynamic components of the all. The presnve loss of the blast basket provides the single most inflomial parameter in controlling the quantity of ventilation and hence the ambient pressure inside the test cell. It was this important lack of design data that prompted the present study which was conducted in the School of Mechanical Fagineering at Cranfield University. Blast baskets take the form of a cylindrical colander, located on the end of the aagmmcc dad and closed at the fiudwst cod, as shown in Fig. 2. In addition to dissipating energy they assist in turning the flow upwards imo the cadhma[ stack They can also help to prevent the generation of low 5equency noise, often a serious problem of early test cells. The kinetic energy dissipation is achieved by the turbulent mn®g, bath of die engine jet with the entrained air and of the small jets created as the flow passes through the holes in the basket wall. These jets diffuse and fill the void, adernal to the blast basket, with gases at low velocity that can easily be honed upwards into the silencer stack In fulfilling this laser task, the blast basket replaces the cascaded bead that was used for tmaing exhaust gases in many of the earlier cagme test facilities. These cascades were often pvoae to mechanical failum Pe EANd Dada Sknm Pt mi Ettra ed Ai \ P1 - Arpasat Enyw Homo Duct 4 8YG BMSd Figure 3 Mass Flow Distribution Through Blast Basket wall Figure 2. Test House Exhaust Sys&® The redrstion in low fioquency now tim be anticipated because the perforated wall avoids the basket Hem having a clearly defined acoustic kagdL The so called, `organ pipe i saBancy' is thereby inhibited Pt must be [toted that owing to thus inherent pressure lass, blast baskets can only be used when modest quantities of wtrammwt air are requb4 Akhaagb blast baskets me mechanically s®ple and hence attractive components for iadu®on in teat cells, there is a dearth of aerodynamic data on then performance Such data is mumal because of the compka nacragion betwaw the wgme under test and all the The objective of this study was to simplify the media= of pressure losses thro ugli blast basket walls. This was to be achieved by laovidaig a means for determining an overall coefficient of diarhmgy of the blast basket as a whale. The [dloweng analysis has bow simplified by —M3Mg that pIq How erasts along the complete length of the basket and that the basket wall can be treated as a succession of mall isolated orifices. A uniform pressure fled, eadanal to the basket, was also assumed which neglected die influence of erdernal flows between the basket and ciduant chamber walls that would occur in reality. Thraugbod the Downloaded from by guest on 18 July 2020 F4MI TM Cd Ai Fiiaaiwt THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS The major component of pressure losses occurs when the ramrod Sam pass through the holes in the basket wall, forming small lets which then drrse while creating high levels of turbulence. By using small holes the diffisim is relatively rapid and any raise geocrattd is at a @alamLy that can be readily alter by the silenow AwIL Accurate prediction of this flow through Bee basket wall is eomplerk As flow escapes through the holes the internal gas velocity in the basket redtaces and there is a corresponding rise in static pressure: • Initially, it was also anticipated that internal total pressure would drop due to bah friction and habulenee These two Imgthwise internal press m: gradients wwM have omsidQable influence on the Bow ran through the basket wall This would occur not only from the variation in pressure drop across the wall but also form the effort that pressure ratios have apw the local coefficients of discharge of the fides. This latter effect is not elis ar to that experienced by How eotaivg combustor liners and which was the subject of a previous Crrmfrdd surly by Adkins and Guerod (1999). In the light of this pmvias ciperiwee, the How condition for blast baskets can be anticipated and is sketched in Fig. 3 where the length of the arrows is indicative: of relative mass flow. fro_ — - pa This niabta the calculation of a coefficient of contraction, Cfr., t Cfc = [1- exp(-1) + exP( ,jj!.j)J. K1 whom Following which the co.11ei..W of discharge, Cd is given as Cd = dcfc2_I + e ley Note. For this particular application it was fixed necessary — to cultist the rang of correlations S Cdt fcvf<005 than Cd = 00889J5, for f=l.O than CdtO.632 m- drn Using the assumptive of plug flow, than the reduction in intanal velocity, dv, occurring while Ut flow passes through the d,.d is given by'. Pt Pt III By treating the difflmiai I 4, can be niIn,!M.A frmr m as idal the rise in Antic paflC, dx ¼ ¼ P-vI flgurc 4 PJn,wit of St (S analysis) Ana II In.tb &x , of timbshown in Fig.4 dig sket, is supposed that air cuing with a wn Mach munba, m flow rate, static pressure and' fliame velocity). A snail annn of lit S n flow, Sm, -r thraigh a ring of Ma in the bt flowing into the tnt clanait If wall while tim Ut pataS wail has a porosity factor, r, tic Ut m flow wap.% over this daiclal lnigth can be nInilTht by — the dnndswd orifice plate equation what: Sm= CtLz.Dtiy.42.p.P-p) (I) As aplaiitd pzcvóSy, the value 0fIWEN4SII of dir t---p, Cd, varies considerably with flow awlitie-c• For pwwi jnnp U was nfrnhtei4 Sag an adaptatiat of the equations — by Adkins and Guauw (1989) and which me slvwn below. Ha; 0 is a jnne - pawia and can be aacaaJ in tannofthc....JMnrethownthfig4 a: - PP. PC D- "n-mSm FipiSitn (1) and (3) can be to predic a partial differential eiqns#m In piapk this wild be integrated over the length, I, of the complete bScet The bounty wxfiUais -----y fir this would be — by the rate=d ataS prossurej increasing fran p6 up to the US pwaac, P, and the mass flow which rediccu fran me down to mo at the dosed aid. However, owing to the complications involved in calculating the variable, Cd, the p.aA Mains that to integrate the aivatSs mnnaiSiy. Site the overall psnt di-op w the bScd was art wiLuwn quantity this had to be tat by trial and nra'. This was varied until the predicted mass Bow at the dosed and of the bt t -..zzero. AttrtM computer program was written S this pw This numerical I ne was then used to ealndMe the vahais of Ut overall jxwt drop, (Pp.), for a range of diait blast baduat caiflgwaUai flows sit Mach maribat lice q...dititin vat than used to dam the u.aucn,,...Lt o'aalJ discharge ccifl, Cd...4 which apply to the canpinc Wag bS* t Cd_Il = M z.D.LwJsp-p.) (4) Downloaded from by guest on 18 July 2020 analysis the flow has been treated as compressible and the mixed gas streams assumed to have the same properties as air. A previous analysis described by Anas, (1995) made a foil allowance for the reduction in total pressure down the basket, requiring calculation of the internal static pressure gradient using moiniwm theoiy. During his scale model tests, which followed the analysis, he discavaal that dnzntirr pressure actually gwna .,. nndct down the aitire length of th e basket. He also found that lit atalic pressure with .fidnw dnm until, at the basket aid, it equalled lit Ertian pressianc, From his nyctiuwasb it can be - . rhh1od that all the wmaii of flaw aa-gpressure loss n.maustly — thromb Ut beta, thathy leaving the flow that runained inside the basket at a constant. total pressum It thatfire Wows that the static poic recovery can be tress as ideal. This realisation greatly simplifia the theory which is ibu1 in the In this form, Cd.q, is a convenient parameta - fir use when designing atgine test cells that include a blast basket Ina later section somc of the mulls &rival Ban this program we compared to the experimental data taken from the scale model tests. SCALE MODEL TESTS In the interact of canny it was <leaded to ocaduct tests on a small scale model using air at nem - room tenqxrattues and pressures. The mold blast baskets had a diameter of 152.4mm (6 inches). Three baskets sere manufactured fran commercially available, perforated steel sheets, I .5mm thick, which gave geometric porosity factors of 0.24, 0.37 and 030, me Fig. 5 The closed end was forced Iran a piston which could be locked into a mnnber of diffaent axial kcations in at to vary the working length., see Fig 6. The piston had a conical crovm in crda to be geommically similar to the aid plates which we used to resist pressure loading in the full Inc baskets. A bole was drilled through the centre of the plata to amble insertion of a cylindrical, pitot static tube which could be traversed along the ceMral axis, Fig 7. Tit air supply was metered, upstream of the model, in a 3041mm (12 inch) pipe according to British Standards 1042. Following this that was a smooth contraction down to all Si din of Slat tursdrepobe Figure 6 Arranganan of Scale Model 1514 mm (6 in.) what sunk passim was measured athree points around the circumference. This measurement plane was located just bet= the juncture with the Mkt din and blast basica In dm tests reported hae, the blast basket calmusted /mealy into the laboratory. Tests were conducted at different flow rates with the maxinm• Mad' number into the basket region being limited to 0.40. The total pressure at basket inlet was daival from 4 Downloaded from by guest on 18 July 2020 Figure S Blast Baskets la Model Tests I a inowkidge of static pressure, mass flow and temperance. This inlet total pas= was used in ader to determine the overall pressure drop between inlet and ecit static pressure which, in this a was tbe laboratory ambient mossne. Traverses of total and sudic presumes along the basket axis wise conducted fix representative tests only. Velum of overall coeffmiect of discharge wan calcolatecLusing mac purpose written =Tata program. Selected ashes of themetically and experiatentally derived data me presented in lie following figorts Amt detailed dessiption oldie test rig together with a wider range of experimental data is to be found in the thesis of An (1995) Variation of Static Pressure (kPa) 115 1 110 lb:cm-teal 105 o 6tperimental Total pressare 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 SO TO SO 90 1C0 Percertape Le* Along Basket (a). Pressures manual ekes the canal axis w4 to theoretical predictions and Taiti Pressure 5 Downloaded from by guest on 18 July 2020 ri Conical Piston Crown and Traverse 0.7 0.6 y 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.1 0 0 20 40 80 60 100 Percentage Length Along Basket Fig8(b) Variation of Local Values of Cd With Axial Position Figure & Local Values for One Particular Configuration Bided leogth/thameter ratio = 1.5:1 inlet ?flash Number = 0.36 Porosity Factor = 0.37 9(a). Porosity Factor = 0.24 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 C. Theoretic& o Experimental 15 05 2 Basket LID 9(b). Porosity Factor = 0.37 el • • O 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 02 0.1 0 Theoretical I Eaperimental 15 05 Basket LID 6 2 Downloaded from by guest on 18 July 2020 %. 0.3 • 9(c). Porosity Factor = 0.50 0.6 0.5 (,) 0.4 1 03 7 0.1 0 05 1.5 2 Basket UD Figure 9. Overall Values of Dicharge Coefficient Covering Range of Experimentation 0.7 . 06 03 02 Basket UD Figure 10. Design Chad Delved From Theoretical Considerations The close proximity of the theoretically derived data to the experimental data in Rip. 8 and 9 would appear to validate the they Figure 10, intarled for design purposes, was therfore based solely upon theoretical values. 7 Downloaded from by guest on 18 July 2020 orstieis 7he-l 02 A thoiretical method has bear derived which ambled the caladatim of ovezall discharge coefficient fir blast baskets. At validation by emerimmtal data the theory has been wed to oinstruct a design chart covering the practical range of parameters normally used in test facilities for large, high bypass ratio, fan engineo The dray 8SSZ•1CS that the blast basket exhausts into a uniform presort field and this assumption may not always be realistir. in the situation where the space between the basket and its housing is wormed then sane allowance may then have to benzoic REFERIEMCES Adkins, 11-C. Gueroui, D Ann, A 8 "An improved orthod for prorate prediction of mass flow through combustor liner holes ASME-GT-149 "Engine Test Cell Aerodynamics?" M.Sc. 'thesis, Cranfield University, 1995 Downloaded from by guest on 18 July 2020 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The arm at indebted to Mr. Dack Brown of the workshop stiff in the Scheel of Modzazical Engineering, Cranfidd University who ccostrectoi die test model and to Garoda far their monscrship of Mr. Anas during his stocks.