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Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration Exam

Exam 3-1(Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration)
1. In the transfer of energy from the Sun to ecosystems, which molecule is one of the first to store this energy?
1. protein
3. DNA
2. fat
4. glucose
2. Much of the carbon dioxide produced by green plants is not excreted as a metabolic waste because it
1. can be used for photosynthesis
3. is needed for cellular respiration
2. is too large to pass through cell membranes
4. can be used for the synthesis of proteins
3. An energy-rich organic compound needed by organisms is
1. water
2. salt
3. oxygen
4. glucose
4. Which two processes are responsible for keeping the percentage of atmospheric oxygen at relatively constant levels?
1. circulation and coordination
2. respiration and coordination
3. respiration and photosynthesis
4. photosynthesis and circulation
5. The cell represented in the accompanying diagram produces oxygen. Which structure allows the passage of this
oxygen to the environment?
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
6. The most likely result of completely removing carbon dioxide from the environment of a plant is that sugar
production will
1. continue at the same rate
3. increase and oxygen production will stay the same
2. increase and oxygen production will also increase
4. decrease and eventually stop
7. More energy can be released from a fat molecule than from a glucose molecule because the fat molecule contains more
1. genes
3. chemical bonds
2. organic compounds
4. mitochondria
8. which of the following is a reactant of photosynthesis?
1. Oxygen
2. Gluscose
3. H20
4. Sun Light
9. which of the following is a product of cellular respiration?
1. Oxygen
2. Gluscose
3. Carbon dioxide
4. Sun Light
10. The main difference between lactic acid fermentation and alcohol fermentation is that ....
1. Carbon dioxide is produced
2. Glucose is the starting product
3. Oxygen is used in one but not the other
4. Ethnol is produced in one but not the other
11. Which molecule is the energy currency of the cell?
1. Glucose
2. ATP
3. Lipids
4. Proteins
12. Which color of light is the most absorbed by plants?
1. Green
2. Orange
3. Red
4. Blue
13. Which plant pigment can absorb red color?
1. chlorophyll
2. Carotenoid
3. Pigment a
4. anthocyanin
14. If photosynthesis could be performed in a test tube, which substances would the test tube need to
1. CO2 , O2 , H2O, Soil, Chlorophyll.
2. CO2 , O2 , H2O, Enzymes, Sun Light.
3. CO2 , H2O, Soil, Chlorophyll, Enzymes
4. CO2 , H2O, Chlorophyll, Enzymes, Sun Light
15. Which time period of the year would you expect the 02 levels to be the highest in the atmosphere?
Base your answers to question 16 to 18 on the diagram below
16. Which could be represented by letter C in the diagram above?
1. Alcohol
2. Lactate
4. Enzyme
17. Which of the following can affect the rate of the reaction above?.
2. pH only
1. Temperature only
4. Temperature, pH, and Ions
3. Ions only
18. Letter E could potentially be any of the following except?
1. CO2
2. ATP
3. Heat
4. Glucose
19. Plants release oxygen to the atmosphere through openings called ?
1. Roots
2. Bark
3. Nostrils
4. Stomata