Youth Health Questionnaire (PAR-Q) Personal Details: Name: Emily Phone #: 519- 753- 1783 Do you have any of the following? (Check appropriate box(es)) o o o o o Asthma Diabetes Heart Problems Joint Problems Allergies Have you recently been admitted to a hospital? o o Yes No If “Yes”, please specify when and for what reason. I went to the Mc Masters Children Hospital around 3 weeks ago I have an upcoming Spinal Fusion surgery and I had to do some x-rays and blood work done. What do you normally do during break time at school? (Check appropriate box(es)) o o o o o Play sport/game Use library Eat food Talk to friends Other (please specify) How many hours a day do you spend on your cell phone? o o o o Less than 1 hour 1-2 hours 3-4 hours More than 5 hours How many hours a day do you play computer/video games? o o o o Less than 1 hour 1-2 hours 3-4 hours More than 5 hours Are you active outside of school, either with your friends or a team? o Yes, with friends o o Yes, with a team No PAR-Q Form: Please mark YES or No to the following: YES Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition and recommended only medically supervised physical activity? Do you frequently have pains in your chest when you perform physical activity? NO Have you had chest pain when you were not doing physical activity? Have you had a stroke? Do you have a bone, joint or any other health problem that causes you pain or limitations that must be addressed when developing an exercise program. (diabetes, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, arthritis, anorexia, Bulimia, epilepsy, respiratory ailments, back problems, etc…) NO NO NO NO Do you lose your balance due to dizziness or do you ever lose consciousness? Are you pregnant now or have given birth within the last 6 months? Do you have asthma or exercise induced asthma? Do you have low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia)? Do you have diabetes Have you had a recent surgery? NO NO YES NO NO NO NO If you have marked “YES” to any of the above, please elaborate below” I have scoliosis of a curvature of 79 degrees. My doctor told me since I have my upcoming surgery somewhere in May, he wants me to be careful of some of the activities I am doing. No dancing or gymnastics and some sports. He also said I can do some exercises for physed but if my back starts to hurt, I have to take a break. Do you take any medication, either prescription or non-prescription, on a regular basis? What is the medication for? I don’t take any prescriptions How does this medication affect your ability to exercise or achieve your fitness goal(s)? Please read the items below and initial beside them. 1. Any medical concerns pertaining to my fitness training have been discussed with my health professional (physician, physiotherapist, etc...) and I have been cleared to participate in exercise. Yes- in some exercises. 2. I understand that strength, flexibility and aerobic exercise including the use of equipment, are potentially hazardous activities. I am voluntarily participating in these activities. Yes- in some exercises. 3. I understand that my teacher may provide me with information pertaining to diet and nutrition. This is for my information only, and not nutrition prescription. I understand that should I require specific nutritional advice, I will enlist the services of a registered dietician or nutritionist. Yes Please note: If your health changes such that you could then answer “YES” to any of the above questions, tell your trainer/teacher. Ask whether you should change your physical activity plan. I have read, understood, and completed the questionnaire. Any questions I had were answered to my full satisfaction. Yes. Parent Name: Parent Signature: Date: Student Signature: Date: