Class Two Management with fixed Appliance By DR : Ahmed ,A,sokkar & DR : faezaa Undersupervision : orthodontic department CLASS 11 MALOCCLUSIONS • "Distal" relationship of mandible to maxilla • The mesiobuccally cusp of the maxillary first permanent molar articulate mesial to the buccal Groove of the mandibular first permanent Types of class 11 • *DIVISION I-The Maxillary incisors labioversion • *DIVISION 2- Maxillary centrals incisors are near the normal or slightly in linguoversion • Maxillary lateral incisors have tipped labially SKELETAL CLASS 11 MALOCCLUSIONS • Skeletal discrepancies are often associated with dental Class Il malocclusions. • A] Mandibular Deficiency • B] maxillary excess Nongrowing patient Growig Patient Dental Sekeletal Orthopaedic /(functional Sekeletal Fixed appliance Surgical Treatment Fixed appliances • Those are orthodontic devices which have attachment that are fixed onto the tooth surfaces , and force are exerted on tooth via these attachment using arch wires and other auxiliaries • Those appliances cannot be removed or activated by patient Indications of Fixed Appliances Class 2 malocclusion Mandibular deficiency Overbite reduction by intrusion of incisors Correction of mild to moderate skeletal discrepancy Multiple tooth movements required one/arch Active mandibular growth Intrusion / Extrusion of teeth Normal maxillary development Contraindications of fixed appliance • Extremely sever malocclusion requiring orthognathic surgery • Poor dental health • Poorly motivated patient • more expensive than removable appliances. • Damaged appliances that apply miss – directed forces cannot be removed by patient. • Fixed orthodontic appliance require special training of operator Component of fixed appliances A. Passive components • Band • Bracket • Buccal tube • Lingual attachments • Lock pin • Ligature wire B. Active components • Arch wire • Spring • Elastic • Separator Systems of working for fixed appliances • Contemporary fixed appliances are variation of Edge wise appliance system • Another system is Begg appliances ( it contains rectangular slot but doesnot use rectangular arch wire) • Currently Begg appliance system has been modified into Tip-Ege Types of fixed appliances Herbest appliance • In 1905 Emil herbest introduced a fixed appliance in Germany • Consists of rigid maxillary and mandibular framework • The mandible is maintained in a Forward positin by means of metal rod ,the tube telescope mechanism that is attached from the Maxillary first molar to mandibular first molar Case treated with Herbest appliance Jasper Jumper • Its was introduced by American orthodontist , James Japer • It has replaced the rigid telescope mechanism with flexible plastic covered open coil spring • Attached directly to the auxiliary wires with Complete or partial fixed appliance in place Case treatment with jasper jumper Mara appliances • Mandibular advancing repositioning appliance • This appliance was introduced by Ralph.M clements & Alex Jacobson(1982) Composed of a pair of telescopic struts • the MARA is a unique noncompliance Class II correc-tor that does not directly connect the maxillary and mandibular arches. It advances the mandible so that the patient functions in a new protrusive position. • Attached & fixed from the upper first molar To the mandibular first molar.