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PROJECT – 1 (AIC-400)
Submission Date : 2019-11-13
The Project covers the neighbourhood analysis, site and improvement analysis.
The project covers research and analysis of various design and construction topics
covered in the lessons.
Property Address : 20 Davidson St, Whitby – ON – L1P 1V7
Prepared by : Pratiksinh Parmar
Page 1 of 41
1) Briefly analyze the neighborhood or district of your choice in terms of the following :
a) How are the boundaries of this neighborhood/district defined? Provide a simple
sketch or map to illustrate.
Answer :
The term neighborhood has many meanings and uses. For
example, neighborhood can be used to refer to the small group of houses in the
immediate vicinity of one's house or to a larger area with similar housing types
and market values.
Neighborhood is also used to describe an area surrounding a local institution
patronized by residents, such as a church, school, or social agency. It can also
be defined by a political ward or precinct. The concept of neighborhood includes
both geographic (place-oriented) and social (people-oriented) components.
These many interpretations lead to a healthy debate on what boundaries are most
useful in neighborhood planning efforts. Academically, every field has a different
logic for their definition. Neighborhood associations and community groups offer
their interpretations. City Planning departments often designate neighborhood
boundaries along census tract boundaries. And, in fact, community residents
quite frequently have a very different mental map of their neighborhood than the
officially designated neighborhood areas used by planners and policymakers. All
definitions are important and meaningful. The question is how one begins to
create agreement over the definitions so that the debate focuses not on boundary
definitions but on how to make positive changes in the neighborhoods.
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The subject property is located in neighborhood of Williamsburg in Whitby, ON.
Williamsburg is located on North side of Whitby town and between boundaries
of South of Taunton Road East and North of Rossland Road West and West of
Cochrane St and East of HWY 412. (Source : Google Map)
The neighbor hood is very close to Big Smart Centre at Major intersection of
Brock St North and Taunton Road East containing Wal-Mart and Super Store by
Loblaws, it also have Tim Hortons, TD Bank, Scotia Bank, The Source, East
Side Mario, LCBO and some other stores. Williamsburg have 5 Public Schools
including 2 Catholic Schools. Williamsburg Neighborhood have 3 Parks named
Bay cliff Park, Country Lane Park and Midland Park. Neighborhood is also close
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to one of the large Conservation area named Heber Down Conservation Area.
Nearest Police Station are Fire Stations are approximately 2 km away from
neighborhood. Closest Highway to this neighborhood is HWY 412 which
connects to 401 on South side and 407 on the North side.
b) Provide one example each of external and internal factors that influence
appraisal values in this area (four examples total) and explain weather the effect
of each is positive or negative (or both)
Answer :
The Appraisal value is affected by many External and Internal factors like
Connective elements, Static elements, Zoning and existing land use and
character and appearance. Some of the following factors are described as below
in the area are :
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1) External Variables : Freeway , and Regional Shopping District
Freeway : HWY 412 is very near in this area which is running from North to
South and connecting to HWY 401 freeway on South side and connects to
HWY407 on North side. HWY 412 is a TOLL Freeway which was opened on
June-2016. This created a positive effect in Durham region where HWY 401
was far and people has to take long local routes to take 407 or 401. HWY 412
saves time with very minimal fees as it’s only 10km long and it’s part of the
Ontario Provincial HWY. This new HWY has a very positive influence in values
of properties in the area.
Regional Shopping District : In the area there is a nearby shopping centre
called Smart Center Whitby North which is a big plaza containing Grocery
Centre, Banks, Liquor store, Food stores, Restaurants, Gas stations. This
shopping district is at the very busy and main intersection in Whitby at Brock St
and Taunton Rd E. This shopping center has created a positive effect as most
of the necessity of living is available in this shopping Centre.
Whitby North SmartCentre offer more than 32 brand name stores.
SmartCentres Whitby North is a shopping centre located at the intersection of
Baldwin Street South and Taunton Road West in Whitby, ON. The shopping
center is anchored by Walmart Supercentre store and Real Canadian
Superstore. You will also find here national tenants include Mark’s, Bank of
Nova Scotia, TD Canada Trust, Cora’s, Payless ShoeSource, and many more.
(Source : https://www.shopping-canada.com/shopping-mallscenters/ontario/whitby/whitby-north-smartcentre )
2) Internal Variables : Variety of Parks, and Fire and Police Protection
Variety of Parks : There is a positive impact of as much as 20% on property
values abutting or fronting a passive park area. Heavily used parks catering to
large numbers of active recreation users have lower proximate value
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increments. In most cases proximate properties tended to show increases in
value when compared to properties outside a park’s service zone. (Source:
In the area there are 3 parks and one conservation area located within and
near Williamsburg Neighborhood. Parks are : Bay Cliff Park, Country Lane
Park and Midland Park. There is also one Conservation Area near the area.
These parks contains a football ground, water splash, kids play area, shade,
benches. As these are all located within neighborhood and very close and at a
5min to 7min walking distances. Properties have high value because of the
location of parks and distances from properties within neighborhood as it
provides a easy access for the recreation users and families with small
Fire and Police Protection : There is a positive impact of Fire and Police
protection stations located nearby any neighborhood or area within a district
because in any kind of emergencies the response time will be faster and
service will be available in few minutes. This can save lives and helps stopping
fire in time or stop any disturbances in shorter time.
Within subject property area there is one Fire Station near at distance of
2.28km and a Police Station at distance of 2.5km. This provides a positive
affect and element to the area.
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c) Research the applicable zoning bylaw in this neighborhood. Discuss how the
zoning has influenced development within the neighborhood and how it has
affected property values.
Answer :
(Map Source : Whitby On-Point Zoning site)
Subject property is in Residential Zone – Third Density Residential - R3C*
under By-law 1784
link : https://www.whitby.ca/en/resources/cs-bylaw_zoning-1784.pdf
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(Source : MPAC My Property)
Zoning laws may affect the value of your real estate investment. There are three
main zoning area, and these are residential, commercial, and industrial.
Residential zoning applies to residences and multi family dwellings, commercial
zoning usually applies to businesses, and industrial zoning normally applies to
manufacturing shops and plants. Zoning laws will vary from area to area and
city to city, so make sure that you know the zoning restrictions on any real
estate before you invest.
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The purpose of zoning laws is to specify what types of dwellings or businesses
may reside in a certain area. Obviously, you would not want to see an adult
entertainment club next to an elementary school, or a manufacturing plant in the
middle of a residential area. Zoning laws group areas of the town or city into
specific areas for each type of land use. Zoning laws may change, and a real
estate investment that is zoned commercial or residential today may be rezoned
for another use in the future. (Source :
d_how_they_affect_your_real_estate_investment.html )
The zoning in area has affected the property in a positive value increments as
the neighborhood is a Residential Neighborhood. There are Detached, SemiDetached and Town Houses present in this area and also Schools present.
There are no commercial buildings within Williamsburg Neighborhood.
The lot size and setbacks for the subject property are as per below :
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d) Review the Official Community Plan (OCP) of the neighborhood. What are
the implications of the OCP for future land use and the viability of the area in
general and the site specifically?
Answer :
The Official Plan is the principal policy document the Town of Whitby
(Municipality) uses to express its goals and objectives for the community and its
development and redevelopment. This Official Plan provides general policy
direction and a planning framework to guide the physical development of the
Municipality and the assessment and management of the social, economic, and
environmental effects of growth in the Municipality.
The Municipal Structure Plan, shown on Map 1, conceptually illustrates the
municipal structure anticipated by the Whitby Official Plan and the Durham
Regional Official Plan to 2031 and includes the following main elements:
1)an Urban Area with an approximate serviced population capacity of190,760 to
the year 2031;
2)a rural area which has a population forecast of 2100 persons to the year 2031;
3)an open space system consisting of natural features, the Oak Ridges Moraine,
and the Greenbelt;
4)the agricultural area;
5)a community focal point on the Lake Ontario Waterfront;
6)the intensification of land uses in identified central areas and along corridors;
7)commercial centres distributed throughout the urban area;
8)general industrial, prestige industrial, and business parks in strategic locations;
9)gateway features, at strategic entry points to the Municipality.
The near by major central area of the subject property and near Williamsburg
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Neighborhood is Brock/Taunton. In Whitby’s official plan document released on
July, 2018 the following information has been noted :
(Source : Whitby Official Plan, July 2018 PDF Document file)
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(Source : Whitby Official Plan, July 2018 PDF Document file)
The subject property zoning and land usages can be changed as per
requirement for the development by Whitby Municipality. There are lots of new
community developments are in Plan. This effects the property values to go up
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for the area. Subject property and neighborhood can be changed from residential
zoning to use the properties to rent rooms, allowing affordable housing etc.
e) A primary goal in site design is harmonious development of the site,
integrating with its environment, the structure, and its neighborhood. Evaluate
the site integration of your dwelling or another dwelling of your choosing.
Discuss whether or not site integration has been achieved by the use of the
following design elements. In your answer, explain your opinion for how these
site issues positively or negatively impact this property’s market value relative
to other properties and given preferences of market participants.
Answer :
Integration refers to three different relations
1) Blending the site with the house
2) Blending the site with the neighborhood
3) the site work itself as an integrated entity
Integration is achieved by employing similar or complementary design
elements such as colour, visual or tactile texture, and scale , with respect to
hard and soft elements. (source book : Residential Property Analysis by UBC)
Red Brick
Neighborhood Confirms
Subject property is
a RED brick house,
properties are also
brick houses with
Pink, Buff, Grey
color. This means
the subject property
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complies with the
Brick rough
Brick rough
Subject property
and neighborhood
properties have
brick and rough
surface for the
outside walls. This
complies with the
Integration of the
site rules.
1 car
1 car or 2 car
Subject property
have one car
attached garage
which is also similar
to the
neighborhood. All of
the properties are
similar for the
attached garage
except some
houses have 2 car
garage and the
houses are big and
1700sq ft
1700sq ft
The lot size of the
houses in
neighborhood street
are very similar to
the subject
property. The actual
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size of the house
build is vary.
Brick Wall
Brick Wall
Most of the houses
in neighborhood
have brick wall on
the outside.
1 door
1 door, 2 door Yes
In the neighborhood
some properties
have 1 door or 2
door main entrance.
Rectangular Rectangular
shape lot
shape lots
All the houses in
neighborhood have
rectangular shape
Overall the integration of all houses in neighborhood are very similar to subject
property which creates a positive impact. From the visual aspects if all houses
are looking similar in the street or neighborhood it creates a positive effect. It
reflects a harmonious look and feel. Most of the houses have same zoning and
similar patterns are used to create all the houses in neighborhood. It gives a right
feel when residing in the house within the neighborhood. This similar patterns
and houses creates a positive impact in the neighborhood.
2. Architectural house styles vary across Canada, given the influences of
weather, material and labor costs, historical development in the area, and
larger global social and economics trends.
Evaluate the architectural style of your dwelling (or another dwelling of your
choosing). Outline the elements that define its architectural style, providing
photos of the various elements discussed (identify a minimum of five
elements). Discuss how this home does or does not conform to the dominant
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style in the neighborhood. In your answer, explain your opinion for how these
style issues positively or negatively impact this property’s market value
relative to other properties and given preferences of market participants.
(Read 4.13 of text book)
Positive/Negative Impact
Lot Shape
Brick houses have a
positive impact on value.
Red, Pink,
Buff, Grey
The subject property has
red brick compare to the
houses on the street. It’s
the only house with RED
brick and as per market
sometimes RED break
house have positive
impact on property value.
Most of the houses in the
street have single
driveway. Driveway
provides a positive
impact on value as a car
can be park in garage
and also you can park 1
more car on drive way as
most of the house in
Page 16 of 41
street have only single
car garage.
Single, Double
In the street most of the
houses have single door
and some house have
double door. Double door
provides more property
value as the entrance is
bigger then the single
door entrance.
Side Hinge,
Side Hinge,
Most common windows
found in the street are
Horizontal Slide except
some windows in front of
the house have Side
Hinge. Subject property
have Side Hinge
windows in front. The
back windows in
backyard for all houses in
street have horizontal
slide windows. These
new style windows
provides a positive
impact on property value.
Single door
Single Door
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Style of
Town House
3. Evaluate the dwelling you live in (or another dwelling with which you are familiar)
with respect to the following layout and design issues.
a. The course manual lists five general layout principles of house design.
Evaluate your dwelling with respect to these layout principles. As a part of
your answer, provide a plan of your main floor layout with dimensions (in
metric or imperial) using shading to show the functional zones.
Answer :
A most basic definaction of Housing layout follows 3 basic needs and 5
general layout principles :
The 3 basic needs are :
(1) Cooking, Eating, Relaxing
(2) Sleeping
(3) Hygiene
The 5 general layout principles are :
i. Living/kitchen on one side, sleeping on the other: one-story, bi-level
or split level
ii. Living on one side, kitchen on the other, sleeping at the rear : onestory, bi-level , or split level
iii. Living on one side, kitchen on the other, sleeping up or down : bilevel, one-and-one-half-story, or two story
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iv. Living/kitchen at the front, sleeping at the rear : one-story or splitlevel
v. Living at the front, kitchen at the rear, sleeping up or down bi-level
or two-story.
(Reference for all Principles taken from Book : Residential Property
Analysis by UBC)
The subject property is following the 5th principle mentioned above
where Living Room is located in the front, Kitchen is located at rear,
sleeping and hygiene area are located on 2nd floor.
Subject House is designed following the principles of room layouts
provided in book : Residential Property Analysis by UBC. Where
on main floor which includes: Living Area, Dining area and Kitchen
and a Hygiene area. The living area is a rectangular room and
have access to Kitchen and Dining Area. Living room is located at
the front of the house and when entered in the house passing
through the foyer there is a powder room on right side and on left
there is a garage access door. Further entering in the house the
living room comes which can be divided into 2 functional zone
where one can be a seating place and 2nd near the window is a
playing area. The kitchen and dining area are accessible from living
area and going into back yard from living room one have to pass
through dining area. The dining area is a separate room but is an
extension to the kitchen. This room is available to provide more
flexibility to accommodate larger groups as the dining room and
living room have big archway in between. Dining room is also
connected to kitchen where food can be cooked and transferred to
dining area easily. Natural light is coming from the backyard access
door which is almost a 57.48” wide. Dining area is connected to
Kitchen and the ease of access to deck where there is a Barbeque
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which is also following the principle of Outdoor cooking areas
should have easy access to indoor cooking storage. The kitchen
area is in L-Shape. It has a work triangle which is between sink,
stove and fridge. Kitchen has a sink which is directly located under
a small window. Kitchen is connected to Dining area and have an
archway to Living room which provides a easy access to bring
drinks or water to living room. There is a breakfast table in the
kitchen which divides kitchen area and dining area. More
information for kitchen is discussed ahead in “The Kitchen sells the
Home” topic. Detailed dimensions and plan is given on the last 2
page of the project.
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b. Evaluate the bedroom(s) of the dwelling with respect to room planning
Answer :
The bedrooms should be separated from the living area and should
maximize acoustic privacy from each other by acoustically treated walls,
and locating closets or bathrooms between rooms. As per the room layout
principles subject property have sleeping area on 2nd floor and it also have
spaces defined for closets and bathrooms between rooms. In the large
bedroom (in subject property called Master Bedroom) has space for
sleeping area, closet, as well as the area for dressing and have a attached
3 piece in suit bathroom. The functional areas are accessible without
having to pass through the other rooms. Master bedroom is located above
the garage and is in the front of the house where as the sunlight comes
from the front during the sunrise. Two other small bedrooms are located in
the back of the house on 2nd floor where sunlight enters through the
windows during afternoon and evening times. The doors on all bedrooms
opens towards the wall. Bathrooms are accessible without going or
passing through another rooms. There is no widows available for the
bathroom which is located outside in the open area which is accessible for
bedroom 2 and bedroom 3 does not have any window but have a proper
ventilation using the fan in the bathroom. Bathroom located in the master
bedroom does have a window which is opposite to the bath tub. All these
locations and accessible areas are in accordance to the planning principle.
More detailed dimensions and layout is presented on last 2 pages for the
subject property. A quick view layout is presented on the next page for the
2nd floor layout.
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(Floor plan and Dimensions are at the last 2 pages)
c. A common saying in real estate is “The kitchen sells the home”. Evaluate
the design of the kitchen in terms of how well it meets the criteria of the
good kitchen design principles. As a part of your answer, provide a
diagram with dimensions (in metric or imperial) of your kitchen and its
location within the house.
- The design of the Kitchen in the subject property is based on the L
Shaped concept. Where Fridge and stove are located on one side while
the sink is located in the middle. A Dishwasher is located under Breakfast
Table. The window in the kitchen is located above the sink which follows
the Kitchen design principles and mandatory requirement of the window
above the sink. Kitchen is located at the rear of the subject property.
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Kitchen has 2 Archway and 1 Door to the back going into Backyard.
Circulation through the Kitchen is very easy of access. Kitchen is
connected to Dining Area. The kitchen has work triangle which has 144”
distance of total path between Fridge, Stove and Sink. As the subject
property is small the kitchen is located at the rear of the house and is on
the side of the house where breakfast table divides the Kitchen and Dining
area. Kitchen has maroon cabinets located above the fridge, stove and
sink area and also have some space under the countertop. The
countertop in the kitchen and on the breakfast area is made of Laminate.
Image : Kitchen of the subject property.
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Kitchen area with dimensions and showing the “work triangle”
4. The root of all moisture problem is often in the building envelope. Proper
application of building elements and materials are required to control or avert
moisture issues. Consider the roof system discussed in the video series :
Construction of a Single-Family Dwelling, Part 3, Framing and Weatherproofing
(provided on Online Readings, Pre-reading Reference) and identify any three
materials or elements used, discussing their application, purpose/function, and
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Answer :
The roof framing structure is made by either STICK FRAME or TRUSSES.
Trusses are light weight, strong and quickly installable within a day using the
Crane and secure it to roof or wall frame. Trusses are pre build and engineered
to exacting engineering standard. Stick Framing are created by individual pieces
of lumber, it’s installed to ceiling attached roof or beam and held by metal
bracket. This type of roof framing is not pre-fabricated. To use Stick Framing you
will need to list all sizes and each individual raft needs to be defined by size of
how much to cut and an outline is constructed first.
Roofing needs to be Weatherproof and Water tight in order to make sure roof
does not hold any moisture. In order for making sure this there are various type
of elements are used in roofing system to protect it from moisture building,
making sure it is water tight and weather proof.
Parts of roofing system are as per below : (Source:
As the ventilation helps moderate the temperatures in the attic, this may also
help moderate the temperature in the rest of the home. It helps prevent moisture
buildup in your attic, which, during colder months, can help prevent condensation
issues that can affect the materials in the attic space, especially insulation. By
preventing excess heat buildup, proper ventilation promotes energy efficiency in
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the home, so your heating costs may be lower. (Source :
https://www.iko.com/na/blog/roof-components-the-parts-that-make-a-roof/ )
1. Gutter and Down Spout: Gutters are the plastic or metal troughs that take the
water away from the edge of the roof. They connect to downspouts, which bring
the water down and direct it to drain away from the home’s foundation. Without
the downspouts to direct the water away from your home, you could develop
foundation issues or other damage.
2. Underlayment : Underlayment is a fabric-like barrier, traditionally made of
asphalt-saturated felt. It’s applied directly to the decking and serves a few
different functions, including: Underlayment protects the shingles from any resin
that the decking might release. Underlayment serves as a secondary water
barrier if water gets beneath the shingles. Underlayment may help prevent
“picture framing.” Picture framing is generally the result of the
expansion/contraction of the wood panels used for the roof deck. As they move,
the deck panels create ridges or bumps in the surface of the roof which look
unappealing and may interfere with the water shedding function of the roof.
Underlayment also contributes to fire resistance.
3. Flashing : Of all roof components, flashing seems to be the least clear to the
homeowner. To understand the need for flashing, think of a chimney. Chimneys
don’t have shingles or underlayment, and they punch right through the roof
decking into your home below. Chimneys have protection to keep water from
rushing in through the top (a chimney cap); but what about the sides? What’s to
stop water from running down the exterior of the chimney, wiggling right past the
edge of the shingles, underlayment or decking and into your home? Flashing is
the answer. Flashing is a thin sheet, usually made of metal, that a roofing
professional installs around any vertical surface that intersects with the roof
plane, such as the surface of a chimney. Flashing installed around a chimney is
bent approximately 90 degrees so that one plane rests against the face of the
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chimney while the other extends out horizontally above the underlayment, but
below the shingles.
5. Research three sets of alternatives for building components and evaluate the
pros and cons of each under heading of aesthetics, functionality, cost, and
durability. You may consider any of the following examples or you may provide
examples of your own. (Note: in answering this question you are expected to do
market research beyond the course manual). (Lighting : LED v/s CFL, Roofing:
Metal v/s Shingles , Tiles: Ceramic vs Porcelain, Windows: Wooden vs Vinyl,
Driveway : Interlocking vs Asphalt)
Answer :
Wood flooring
remains one of the
most popular
options, as it is a
naturally inviting,
beautiful and
timeless material.
Best usage are in
bedrooms and
dining rooms.
Hardwood can be
repaired by
imperfections and
refinishing. This
gives it the edge
over laminate, in
that it will last for
Hardwood flooring is made
of harvested trees and real
Can’t be installed in heavy
traffic area as it will make
scratches and durability will
be less.
Installation and Cost of
hardwood floor is not
cheap. It can cost you
almost 8-10$ per sq ft.
If you have a lot of sunlight
in your home, hardwood
can fade because it is a
natural product
Page 27 of 41
It offers a natural
look similar to
wood but at a
lower price.
While it withstands
moisture better
than hardwood, it
should not be in a
regularly wet area
of the home. Used
in Living room or
Office area or
It’s cheaper
material, can cost
between 3-4$ per
sq ft and easily
installable by
Because laminate Laminate flooring doesn’t
flooring is so
repair easily.
durable, it’s less
susceptible to
wear and tear
from pets and foot
traffic. laminate
wood flooring has
UV protection
integrated into the
Laminate wood flooring is
made from composite
wood pressed together at
high temperatures.
Granite defines
elegance in a
kitchen. Even
modest kitchens
seem like luxury
spaces when
flavored by the
beauty of granite
countertops. Nearl
y 3,000 different
Stone is porous and
requires sealing to avoid
stains. Gives a rich look of
kitchen for the potential
home owners.
Page 28 of 41
colors and types
impervious to
Granite does not
scratch easily. In
fact, it is more
likely to dull your
knives before it
However, some
lighter colored
granites may
etch if they come
in contact with
acidic liquids like
lemon juice. If
there is no change
where the liquids
were, the stone
will not stain
Granite is sold by the
square foot, with additional
costs for the edging and
sink installation. Because it
must be fabricated and
installed by professionals,
the cost of installation is
usually added to the cost of
the stone. Granite can
cost between $30 and
$500 a square
foot installed, but most
stones fall between $40$75 a square foot. Edging
is priced by the linear foot,
with costs starting
around $10 a foot. Sink
cutouts are
approximately $100 a
piece. The average kitchen
is around 30 square feet of
counter, with one sink
cutout, for an average cost
of $3,500 installed.
Can crack if stressed or
improperly installed
Page 29 of 41
during ordinary
use. Granites can
last as long as you
own your home,
provided they are
cared for properly.
The laminates are May be viewed as "lowplastic-coated
end" by potential home
synthetics with a
smooth surface
that's easy to
clean. Thousands
of color and
patterns are
Laminate may be
sold by the foot,
but is more often
sold by the panel
because they are
usually pre-made.
A 96-inch counter
around $100. For
30 square feet of
material, the cost
would be
around $200, plus
installation at
around $10 $40 a foot gives
you a total
of $500$1,200 installed.
Keep in mind that
luxury vinyl 3, such
as that sold by
Wilsonart, costs
to $2,000 installed
, with the material
costing $1,000
Laminates are nonporous materials, so while
Page 30 of 41
they are susceptible
to both scratches and wat
er damage, they will not
stain. The edge may also
delaminate if exposed to
enough water, which can
cause it to peel. Kits are
available to repair some of
the damage done to
laminates. On
average, laminates
last approximately 10
Look is Ok
No color choices, it’s only
available in one color and
for more bends you need
more fittings.
Since copper is rigid, it
must be cut to size and
have elbow fittings installed
every time it comes to a
corner, such as where it
turns from a vertical run
between studs to a
horizontal run to meet a
sink. More connections
mean more installation
the cost of copper has
risen substantially due to
its increased recycle value,
so products made from
copper have increased as
well. Eg. Cerro Copper
Pipe Type M 1/2-inch x 12
Foot Straight Length for $
16.81 at HomeDepot.
copper pipes for
One of the biggest
longevity, which
disadvantages of copper
on average last 50 pipes is their tendency to
to 70 years
crack if the water inside
freezes and expands.
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PEX pipes looks
colorful and easily
identified by color
coding for eg. In
water usage Hot
Water = RED
pipe, Cold Water =
BLUE pipe.
PEX, on the other
hand, runs
continuously all
the way from a
panel (called a
manifold) to each
fixture (tub, sink,
etc.). PEX bends
easily around
corners so no
connections are
SharkBite 1/2
Inch X 25 Feet
for $ 10.32 at
Home Depot
Having a degree
PEX, which has an
of flexibility, PEX
expected lifespan of 30 to
is able to expand
50 years
if the water inside
it freezes, making
PEX more
resistant to freezebreakage
1) Flooring information source : https://freshome.com/the-pros-and-cons-ofhardwood-vs-laminate-wood-flooring/
2) Countertop Information source : https://www.fixr.com/comparisons/laminatevs-granite-countertops and https://www.thespruce.com/top-kitchen-countertops1977143
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3) Fittings information source : https://www.bobvila.com/articles/pex-vs-copper/
6. Locate a set of stairs within a dwelling unit you are familiar with.
a. Are the stairs safe and comfortable for use? In your answer, briefly
describe where in the dwelling unit the stairs are located and provide
measurements of the rise, tread width, nosing, and run of the stairs.
Discuss weather or not these measurements conform to National Building
Code minimums/maximums and to the standard “rule of thumb”. Also
indicate the total number of risers and the total rise of the stairs from floor
to floor.
Answer :
There are 2 stairs located in the subject property where one of them is used to
access the 2nd floor and 2nd set of stairs are used to access the basement. Stairs
located on main level going up to 2nd floor have carpet and has Handrail on one
side while the other side is the wall. Stairs located on main level going down to
basement are wooden stairs which were originally installed by the builders of the
subject property. These stairs have 1 hand rail and have wall on both side. The
stairs in the subject property are very safe and comfortable to use.
Measurement of the stairs in the subject property are as per below comparing it
to NOC.
(All measurements are in mm)
Element of Stairs NOC Requirement
(min & max)
Stairs 2 : Main
to Basement
Stair Length
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Handrail Height
Head room
Total Stairs
Stair elements (example):
The stairs in the subject property comply with minimum and maximum
requirements of the the National Building Code. As for the Standard rule of
Thumb for stairs, it requires that rise times tread should be in between minimum
of 45,000 to maximum of 48000 mm2 range. For the subject property Rule of
Thumb is not conforming as the total Rise (190) x Tread (230) = 43,700. This
could be because of some rules have been changed recently and the subject
property was built in 2003.
(Images below are of subject property – Main room to Basement, and 2nd image
is at the basement looking up towards main room)
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b. Of the following four design characteristics for stairs, briefly describe how
two of them have been applied to the stairs evaluated in (a). Explain if
these design characteristics have been applied appropriately with respect
to National Building Code requirements and good construction practice.
i. Headroom
ii. Stair width iii. Handrails iv. “Open” stairs
Answer :
1) Stair Width : The stair width in the subject property from main floor to
basement have total width of 850mm. NBC requirement for the minimum
width is 850mm. These stairs are complying with the NBC requirement. The
proper width of stairs provides comfortable space when people are moving up
or down the stairs. This width is also sometimes provide proper space if any
big equipment needs to be move between floors. For example if the house
have a Washer and Dryer in the base ment and it needs to be removed and
install new ones, this width is sufficient for the modern style Washer and
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Dryers to be moved easily on stairs as it has enough space on both sides
when taking equipment down or up.
2) Handrails : The handrails in the stairs are required by NBC with minimum
height of 800mm and maximum of 920mm. Subject property’s handrail which
are located in the stairs from main floor to basement have the height of
914.5mm which complies with the NBC requirement. This hand rail is located
on left side of stairs when going from main floor to basement. The handrail is
wooden and as both sides of the stairs are wall , handrail is mounted at the
proper required height with brackets. The handrail is available from step 1 to
last step going into basement. Which means it’s available for the full length of
the stairs. Handrails are required by NBC for stairs which supports for the
people to hold onto something while traveling on stairs and provide a support
for the balance.
Photos and Blue Print of Subject Property and Street Available from Next page
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Subject Property :
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Image Source : (Google Map)
Front of the subject property
Street View
Street View
Street View
Subject Property looking from Far
Property across subject Property
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Street View
Pictures inside of the subject property :
Living Room :
Kitchen :
Master bedroom :
2nd Bedroom :
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3rd Bedroom :
Stairs from Main floor to Basement :
Stairs from Main floor to 2nd floor :
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