How do we know that Curitiba is a sustainable city? Categorising ideas into relevant arguments that focus on the relative strengths of each of the principles of sustainability Evaluative skills Key: Concepts Knowledge Geographical skills Numeracy skills Literacy skills Investigate case study of sustainable development in Curitiba (Mass transit scheme, recycling, urban planning – local and city wide) Map analysis of location of Curitiba within Brazil Recall routines for describing patterns on maps Numeracy skills - %, averages and per 1000 Investigate the links between sustainability and development Teach the principles of sustainability (economic, social and environmental) Teach how development indicators can help us understand how advanced a country is in key areas Key vocabulary: HDI, Gross National Income, life expectancy Recall concept of Development from Year 5 terms 1 and 2 Teach the benefits and drawbacks of renewable versus non-renewable energy Recall concept of sustainability from Year 3 Graph analysis of energy use Recall routines for describing graphs Key vocabulary: mass transit, economic, social, environmental, renewable/ non-renewable, fossil fuels Zooming in: How this schema builds on prior learning of sustainability Teach the benefits and drawbacks of renewable versus non-renewable energy Recall concept of sustainability from KS2 and Year 7 Develop an understanding that sustainability can operate on a range of different scales (local, regional, global) Summer Y3: Exploring our local area - recycling and local sustainability Spring Y3: Using the world’s resources – environmental sustainability From EYFS, students are taught to make sustainable choices with resources such as food Key: Concepts Knowledge Geographical skills Numeracy skills Literacy skills - these build into the children’s schema to further develop their understanding of sustainability as a concept How can we make our local area more sustainable? Reduce, reuse, recycle concepts applied to school or local area The use of resources varies and creates different ecofootprints that affect sustainability