Uploaded by Simona Catanoiu

How Computers Read Code & Machine Learning Worksheet

(While-watching activities)
I. Fill in the gaps with the missing information while watching the videos:
1. The compiler is a complex machine that….. ….. …..between human readable code and the
computer readable code.
2. The compiler first divides the text up into individual ..... .
3. The compiler finds tokens, ….., contextualizes and ….. .
4. That’s how compilers work: they take your ….. and make machine code.
5. The computer will follow your exact instructions at the push ….. …… …….. .
1. This is the essence of machine learning: ….. give computers the ability to learn from data, and
then make predictions and decisions.
2. Features are ….. that usually characterize the things we wish to classify.
3. A table showing where a classifier gets things right or wrong is called a ….. ….. .
4. A few algorithms use many …… …… working together to make a prediction.
5. There are also non-tree based approaches like support vector machines that use …… lines.
6. ……. …….. are organized into layers that are connected by links forming a network of
neurons, hence the name.
7. Neurons have an activation function, also called a ….. function.
8. Algorithms can only do only one thing like classifying moths, find faces and ….. languages.
9. Weak AI is also called ……. ……. .
10. Truly gereral purpose AI is called ……. ……., which is close to human level intelligence.