Creative Writing Prompts: Spark Your Imagination

Write a story about a
3 brothers or sisters
and end the story
with one of them
saying, “Thanks God,
thanks an awful lot.”
Write a story about
one or more
characters shouting,
“Happy New Year!”
Write a story that is
titled the locked door.
Write about a person
who accidently stops
Write a story about a
person who is the last
person on earth.
Write a story about a
character who has
psychic powers.
Start your story about a Write a story about
character who arrives
someone finding
late somewhere as it is themselves.
Write about a
character who doesn’t
have anywhere to go
for his birthday.
A package arrives at
your character’s house,
but they didn’t order
anything. Write about
what happens next.
Write about someone Write a story in which
working in a thankless someone gets credit
for something they
didn’t do.
Write a story about a
character and start the
story with “Back in my
Write about a
character, animal or
human, who is reborn
as something totally
Start your story with
“Today’s the day I
Write about a character
seeking forgiveness for
something that
happened in the past.
Set your story in a
town disconnected
from the rest of the
Start a story about
someone reading a
Start your story with
someone being
forbidden from doing
Start your story in the
middle of a traffic jam.
What is the difference
between a privilege
and a right? Give
examples of each.
Are you planning on
going to college? Why
or why not? What will
you study/do after
high school?
What’s the most
important relationship
in your life right now?
Why are they so
special to you?
What is the most
influential movie you
have ever watched?
Why did you connect
with it?
Do you think students
should be required to
go to school until they
are 18? Why or why
Write a time where
you wanted to give up,
but didn’t. How did
you feel? What was
the outcome of your
What are 3 places you What do you think
that you have never
work-life balance
been but want to visit means?
in the future?
What do you think
should be done to
help homelessness?
How do you think
they should be
If and when I raise
children, I’ll never……
What do you think the
legal driving age should
be? Give reasons to
support your answer.
What job do you want
to start right out of
high school? Why?
What are 3 things you
cannot live without?
Do you think education
is important? Why or
why not?
What is something you
struggle with most?
How do you plan on
working on it?
Where do you want to
live after high school?
With family? Friends?
By yourself? Why?
Do you believe that
“love” exists? Are there
different types of love?
Why or why not?
What would you do if
you were locked inside
a mall for a night?
Do you believe there is
a problem with racism
in the US? Why or why
What law would you like
to see enacted which
would help people? How
would it help?