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Jet Grouting Practice: Technology, Innovations, and Control

The State of the Practice of Jet Grouting
George K. Burke1, P.E., D.G.E.
George K. Burke1, P.E., D.G.E.
Senior Vice President – Engineering, Hayward Baker Inc., 1130 Annapolis Road, Suite 202, Odenton, MD
21113; gkburke@haywardbaker.com
Senior Vice President – Engineering, Hayward Baker Inc., 1130 Annapolis Road, Suite 202, Odenton, MD
21113; gkburke@haywardbaker.com
ABSTRACT: The maturity of jet grouting is evident in the number of qualified,
experienced contractors capable of this specialized construction technology. The degree
of difficulty in the performance of this type of grouting has been largely overcome with
experience. Recent innovations by various contractors and applications proven to be
valued by the construction industry are discussed. Competitive bidding environments,
design-build construction, and case histories reveal where this value has become
ABSTRACT: The maturity of jet grouting is evident in the number of qualified,
experienced contractors capable of this specialized construction technology. The degree
of difficulty in the performance of this type of grouting has been largely overcome with
experience. Recent innovations by various contractors and applications proven to be
valued by the construction industry are discussed. Competitive bidding environments,
design-build construction, and case histories reveal where this value has become
In February 2003, Mr. Shibazaki (considered a “grandfather” of the technology)
presented theoretical aspects of jet grouting parameters and how enhancements have been
employed. He also discussed design methods for value applications and how variable
quality of the product is considered, and methods for creating different-than-previous
geometries in the ground. Much of this information was of great interest to the
conference, and specialist contractors have followed his direction.
Jet grouting changes since 2003 have been more subtle, but the market has grown and
the product has become more reliable. Variations in parameters by practitioners remain
very confusing to non-practitioners, who would prefer to simplify the technology into a
neat category. But the fact is that jet grouting is highly varied, both in tooling used,
procedures used, fluids used for erosion and mixing, and the energy applied for jetting
these fluids. There are just too many combinations of the above for the technology to be
simplified, and each practitioner draws upon his or her own experience base.
The one certain simplification that can be made is that more energy will create more
geometry. The power that is generated at the pump, the time spent in the ground, and the
use of air shrouding are the most critical elements that can be controlled by the jet
grouting contractor. What cannot be controlled is the subsurface conditions subjected to
the erosion, and this variability can be as great as the controllable parameters!
Of course, depending on the application, bigger is not always better and smaller often
times requires different tooling, equipment and procedures. This variety adds to the
confusion, so let’s try to understand the elements that are controllable.
In February 2003, Mr. Shibazaki (considered a “grandfather” of the technology)
presented theoretical aspects of jet grouting parameters and how enhancements have been
employed. He also discussed design methods for value applications and how variable
quality of the product is considered, and methods for creating different-than-previous
geometries in the ground. Much of this information was of great interest to the
conference, and specialist contractors have followed his direction.
Jet grouting changes since 2003 have been more subtle, but the market has grown and
the product has become more reliable. Variations in parameters by practitioners remain
very confusing to non-practitioners, who would prefer to simplify the technology into a
neat category. But the fact is that jet grouting is highly varied, both in tooling used,
procedures used, fluids used for erosion and mixing, and the energy applied for jetting
these fluids. There are just too many combinations of the above for the technology to be
simplified, and each practitioner draws upon his or her own experience base.
The one certain simplification that can be made is that more energy will create more
geometry. The power that is generated at the pump, the time spent in the ground, and the
use of air shrouding are the most critical elements that can be controlled by the jet
grouting contractor. What cannot be controlled is the subsurface conditions subjected to
the erosion, and this variability can be as great as the controllable parameters!
Of course, depending on the application, bigger is not always better and smaller often
times requires different tooling, equipment and procedures. This variety adds to the
confusion, so let’s try to understand the elements that are controllable.
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The State of the Practice of Jet Grouting
George K. Burke1, P.E., D.G.E.
Senior Vice President – Engineering, Hayward Baker Inc., 1130 Annapolis Road, Suite 202, Odenton, MD
21113; gkburke@haywardbaker.com
ABSTRACT: The maturity of jet grouting is evident in the number of qualified,
experienced contractors capable of this specialized construction technology. The degree
of difficulty in the performance of this type of grouting has been largely overcome with
experience. Recent innovations by various contractors and applications proven to be
valued by the construction industry are discussed. Competitive bidding environments,
design-build construction, and case histories reveal where this value has become
In February 2003, Mr. Shibazaki (considered a “grandfather” of the technology)
presented theoretical aspects of jet grouting parameters and how enhancements have been
employed. He also discussed design methods for value applications and how variable
quality of the product is considered, and methods for creating different-than-previous
geometries in the ground. Much of this information was of great interest to the
conference, and specialist contractors have followed his direction.
Jet grouting changes since 2003 have been more subtle, but the market has grown and
the product has become more reliable. Variations in parameters by practitioners remain
very confusing to non-practitioners, who would prefer to simplify the technology into a
neat category. But the fact is that jet grouting is highly varied, both in tooling used,
procedures used, fluids used for erosion and mixing, and the energy applied for jetting
these fluids. There are just too many combinations of the above for the technology to be
simplified, and each practitioner draws upon his or her own experience base.
The one certain simplification that can be made is that more energy will create more
geometry. The power that is generated at the pump, the time spent in the ground, and the
use of air shrouding are the most critical elements that can be controlled by the jet
grouting contractor. What cannot be controlled is the subsurface conditions subjected to
the erosion, and this variability can be as great as the controllable parameters!
Of course, depending on the application, bigger is not always better and smaller often
times requires different tooling, equipment and procedures. This variety adds to the
confusion, so let’s try to understand the elements that are controllable.
The State of the Practice of Jet Grouting
George K. Burke1, P.E., D.G.E.
Senior Vice President – Engineering, Hayward Baker Inc., 1130 Annapolis Road, Suite 202, Odenton, MD
21113; gkburke@haywardbaker.com
ABSTRACT: The maturity of jet grouting is evident in the number of qualified,
experienced contractors capable of this specialized construction technology. The degree
of difficulty in the performance of this type of grouting has been largely overcome with
experience. Recent innovations by various contractors and applications proven to be
valued by the construction industry are discussed. Competitive bidding environments,
design-build construction, and case histories reveal where this value has become
74A_50835_ASCE_Vol_01_Txt_Resize_AA.job_Process Black_08/01/2012_10:49:40
The State of the Practice of Jet Grouting
Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by New York University on 08/22/16. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.
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In February 2003, Mr. Shibazaki (considered a “grandfather” of the technology)
presented theoretical aspects of jet grouting parameters and how enhancements have been
employed. He also discussed design methods for value applications and how variable
quality of the product is considered, and methods for creating different-than-previous
geometries in the ground. Much of this information was of great interest to the
conference, and specialist contractors have followed his direction.
Jet grouting changes since 2003 have been more subtle, but the market has grown and
the product has become more reliable. Variations in parameters by practitioners remain
very confusing to non-practitioners, who would prefer to simplify the technology into a
neat category. But the fact is that jet grouting is highly varied, both in tooling used,
procedures used, fluids used for erosion and mixing, and the energy applied for jetting
these fluids. There are just too many combinations of the above for the technology to be
simplified, and each practitioner draws upon his or her own experience base.
The one certain simplification that can be made is that more energy will create more
geometry. The power that is generated at the pump, the time spent in the ground, and the
use of air shrouding are the most critical elements that can be controlled by the jet
grouting contractor. What cannot be controlled is the subsurface conditions subjected to
the erosion, and this variability can be as great as the controllable parameters!
Of course, depending on the application, bigger is not always better and smaller often
times requires different tooling, equipment and procedures. This variety adds to the
confusion, so let’s try to understand the elements that are controllable.
Grouting and Deep Mixing 2012
All jet grouting has a few standard objectives to accomplish.
All jet grouting has a few standard objectives to accomplish.
Access the Treatment Zone
Jet grouting usually involves rotary mud drilling to access the treatment zone. This
involves some decisions in the planning phase of the work. To ensure continuous returns
during the jetting process (essential to control of the jetting environment), the borehole
Jet grouting usually involves rotary mud drilling to access the treatment zone. This
involves some decisions in the planning phase of the work. To ensure continuous returns
during the jetting process (essential to control of the jetting environment), the borehole
1) Have an open sustainable annulus for returns.
2) Be stable such that it will not collapse
3) Be large enough so that returns will not clog the annulus and cause pressure
1) Have an open sustainable annulus for returns.
2) Be stable such that it will not collapse
3) Be large enough so that returns will not clog the annulus and cause pressure
a. An open borehole is best established with good drilling technique. Speed of
penetration should be matched with flow rate of flushing fluid.
b. The bit type used should be suitable to dislodge the overburden in fine
particles that will travel up to the surface with the flushing fluid.
c. The bit diameter should be selected in concert with the above 2 items so that
up-hole fluid velocity will remove the dislodged soil.
d. The flushing fluid, again in concert with the previous items, should be capable
of carrying the soil and stabilizing the borehole.
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Access the Treatment Zone
a. An open borehole is best established with good drilling technique. Speed of
penetration should be matched with flow rate of flushing fluid.
b. The bit type used should be suitable to dislodge the overburden in fine
particles that will travel up to the surface with the flushing fluid.
c. The bit diameter should be selected in concert with the above 2 items so that
up-hole fluid velocity will remove the dislodged soil.
d. The flushing fluid, again in concert with the previous items, should be capable
of carrying the soil and stabilizing the borehole.
Creating and maintaining an open borehole is all-important in many technologies, and
especially so with jet grouting. The chemistry of drilling fluid can be very scientific as
evidenced by the repair to the deep water (BP) oil well in 2010, and I would refer you to
the many references on this subject. But jet grouting contractors generally use water,
polymer mud, hydrated bentonite, or cement slurry. The selection of which to use is
based on the subsurface materials and what is necessary to maintain a stable borehole,
both during drilling and jetting. If this cannot be accomplished successfully (as is the
case in cohesionless, gravelly, and cobbly ground), temporary casing must be installed.
Creating and maintaining an open borehole is all-important in many technologies, and
especially so with jet grouting. The chemistry of drilling fluid can be very scientific as
evidenced by the repair to the deep water (BP) oil well in 2010, and I would refer you to
the many references on this subject. But jet grouting contractors generally use water,
polymer mud, hydrated bentonite, or cement slurry. The selection of which to use is
based on the subsurface materials and what is necessary to maintain a stable borehole,
both during drilling and jetting. If this cannot be accomplished successfully (as is the
case in cohesionless, gravelly, and cobbly ground), temporary casing must be installed.
Erode the Soil
Erode the Soil
Jet grouting has been referred to as a mixing or replacement process. It is always a
mixing process, and is never 100% replacement, but depending on procedures used, it can
replace more than 50% of the soil. This erosion process is dependent on many aspects of
the technology. Technically, a good representation of the erosion process is described by
Ho, 2007, where incremental bearing failures result from the jetting energy. Important
aspects of this have been previously described by Shibazaki, 2003, and Yoshida, 2010.
Jet grouting has been referred to as a mixing or replacement process. It is always a
mixing process, and is never 100% replacement, but depending on procedures used, it can
replace more than 50% of the soil. This erosion process is dependent on many aspects of
the technology. Technically, a good representation of the erosion process is described by
Ho, 2007, where incremental bearing failures result from the jetting energy. Important
aspects of this have been previously described by Shibazaki, 2003, and Yoshida, 2010.
To accomplish this erosion, let’s review the aspects that are within our control.
To accomplish this erosion, let’s review the aspects that are within our control.
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All jet grouting has a few standard objectives to accomplish.
All jet grouting has a few standard objectives to accomplish.
Access the Treatment Zone
Access the Treatment Zone
Jet grouting usually involves rotary mud drilling to access the treatment zone. This
involves some decisions in the planning phase of the work. To ensure continuous returns
during the jetting process (essential to control of the jetting environment), the borehole
Jet grouting usually involves rotary mud drilling to access the treatment zone. This
involves some decisions in the planning phase of the work. To ensure continuous returns
during the jetting process (essential to control of the jetting environment), the borehole
1) Have an open sustainable annulus for returns.
2) Be stable such that it will not collapse
3) Be large enough so that returns will not clog the annulus and cause pressure
1) Have an open sustainable annulus for returns.
2) Be stable such that it will not collapse
3) Be large enough so that returns will not clog the annulus and cause pressure
a. An open borehole is best established with good drilling technique. Speed of
penetration should be matched with flow rate of flushing fluid.
b. The bit type used should be suitable to dislodge the overburden in fine
particles that will travel up to the surface with the flushing fluid.
c. The bit diameter should be selected in concert with the above 2 items so that
up-hole fluid velocity will remove the dislodged soil.
d. The flushing fluid, again in concert with the previous items, should be capable
of carrying the soil and stabilizing the borehole.
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Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by New York University on 08/22/16. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.
a. An open borehole is best established with good drilling technique. Speed of
penetration should be matched with flow rate of flushing fluid.
b. The bit type used should be suitable to dislodge the overburden in fine
particles that will travel up to the surface with the flushing fluid.
c. The bit diameter should be selected in concert with the above 2 items so that
up-hole fluid velocity will remove the dislodged soil.
d. The flushing fluid, again in concert with the previous items, should be capable
of carrying the soil and stabilizing the borehole.
Creating and maintaining an open borehole is all-important in many technologies, and
especially so with jet grouting. The chemistry of drilling fluid can be very scientific as
evidenced by the repair to the deep water (BP) oil well in 2010, and I would refer you to
the many references on this subject. But jet grouting contractors generally use water,
polymer mud, hydrated bentonite, or cement slurry. The selection of which to use is
based on the subsurface materials and what is necessary to maintain a stable borehole,
both during drilling and jetting. If this cannot be accomplished successfully (as is the
case in cohesionless, gravelly, and cobbly ground), temporary casing must be installed.
Creating and maintaining an open borehole is all-important in many technologies, and
especially so with jet grouting. The chemistry of drilling fluid can be very scientific as
evidenced by the repair to the deep water (BP) oil well in 2010, and I would refer you to
the many references on this subject. But jet grouting contractors generally use water,
polymer mud, hydrated bentonite, or cement slurry. The selection of which to use is
based on the subsurface materials and what is necessary to maintain a stable borehole,
both during drilling and jetting. If this cannot be accomplished successfully (as is the
case in cohesionless, gravelly, and cobbly ground), temporary casing must be installed.
Erode the Soil
Erode the Soil
Jet grouting has been referred to as a mixing or replacement process. It is always a
mixing process, and is never 100% replacement, but depending on procedures used, it can
replace more than 50% of the soil. This erosion process is dependent on many aspects of
the technology. Technically, a good representation of the erosion process is described by
Ho, 2007, where incremental bearing failures result from the jetting energy. Important
aspects of this have been previously described by Shibazaki, 2003, and Yoshida, 2010.
Jet grouting has been referred to as a mixing or replacement process. It is always a
mixing process, and is never 100% replacement, but depending on procedures used, it can
replace more than 50% of the soil. This erosion process is dependent on many aspects of
the technology. Technically, a good representation of the erosion process is described by
Ho, 2007, where incremental bearing failures result from the jetting energy. Important
aspects of this have been previously described by Shibazaki, 2003, and Yoshida, 2010.
To accomplish this erosion, let’s review the aspects that are within our control.
Grouting and Deep Mixing 2012
To accomplish this erosion, let’s review the aspects that are within our control.
1) Preliminary designs generally identify a scope of treatment that meets the
objective, paired with a product character that is essential to the design. This,
along with identifying the project objectives and nearby elements, can offer
guidance as to which system of jet grouting is most applicable (single, double,
or triple fluid) and the geometry of individual elements that combine to meet
the scope.
2) This choice of system will then reduce the selection of tooling to fewer
choices. Single, double, and triple fluid systems each have a selection of
monitors and nozzles, which are paired with the fluid delivery systems that are
2) This choice of system will then reduce the selection of tooling to fewer
choices. Single, double, and triple fluid systems each have a selection of
monitors and nozzles, which are paired with the fluid delivery systems that are
a. On the tooling end this includes swivels, rods, monitors (and nozzle
sizes), and bit configuration and bit nozzle sizes.
b. On the fluid delivery end this includes the means and methods of
batching the cementitious slurry, drilling fluid (if different) and the
pumps that generate the velocity necessary to erode and mix the soil.
a. On the tooling end this includes swivels, rods, monitors (and nozzle
sizes), and bit configuration and bit nozzle sizes.
b. On the fluid delivery end this includes the means and methods of
batching the cementitious slurry, drilling fluid (if different) and the
pumps that generate the velocity necessary to erode and mix the soil.
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1) Preliminary designs generally identify a scope of treatment that meets the
objective, paired with a product character that is essential to the design. This,
along with identifying the project objectives and nearby elements, can offer
guidance as to which system of jet grouting is most applicable (single, double,
or triple fluid) and the geometry of individual elements that combine to meet
the scope.
3) Separate from the above choices, but still of importance is the drill. This can
be any of a great variety of drills, masts, or leads that hydraulically control the
drilling head. These controls require special hydraulic valving for smooth and
repeatable rotation and lift of the jetting monitor. These controls can be
manually set, but more and more are computer-controlled with feedback loops
for constant adjustment due to temperature and weight variations.
3) Separate from the above choices, but still of importance is the drill. This can
be any of a great variety of drills, masts, or leads that hydraulically control the
drilling head. These controls require special hydraulic valving for smooth and
repeatable rotation and lift of the jetting monitor. These controls can be
manually set, but more and more are computer-controlled with feedback loops
for constant adjustment due to temperature and weight variations.
Predict the Product
Predict the Product
One of the most difficult things to do is to predict the product quality and geometry.
We have control over accessing the treatment zone and eroding the soil, but the ground
we work in precedes and dictates our intervention with it. The ground can vary
considerably in all three dimensions, and this impacts both the geometry and the quality.
A perfect understanding of material type can assist with product prediction, but even the
same material can vary in its physical character, influencing erodability and subsequently
quality. This quality variation can be designed for, as is done for soil mixing work, and
this understanding is essential for satisfying all parties involved in the work.
It is for all of the above reasons why pre-production test sections are still important for
successful jet grouting (Burke, 2009).
One of the most difficult things to do is to predict the product quality and geometry.
We have control over accessing the treatment zone and eroding the soil, but the ground
we work in precedes and dictates our intervention with it. The ground can vary
considerably in all three dimensions, and this impacts both the geometry and the quality.
A perfect understanding of material type can assist with product prediction, but even the
same material can vary in its physical character, influencing erodability and subsequently
quality. This quality variation can be designed for, as is done for soil mixing work, and
this understanding is essential for satisfying all parties involved in the work.
It is for all of the above reasons why pre-production test sections are still important for
successful jet grouting (Burke, 2009).
In 2005 – 2006 (Trevi Icos, 2007), Trevi Icos completed a long and deep groundwater
cutoff extension to a plastic concrete wall, 210 km south of the Arctic Circle (Figures 1 3). This project was extra-ordinary for several reasons:
In 2005 – 2006 (Trevi Icos, 2007), Trevi Icos completed a long and deep groundwater
cutoff extension to a plastic concrete wall, 210 km south of the Arctic Circle (Figures 1 3). This project was extra-ordinary for several reasons:
It was up to 41 m deep.
It was up to 41 m deep.
48B_PB_4out_Same_50835_ASCE_Vol_01_Final.job_Process Black_08/07/2012_05:31:52
1) Preliminary designs generally identify a scope of treatment that meets the
objective, paired with a product character that is essential to the design. This,
along with identifying the project objectives and nearby elements, can offer
guidance as to which system of jet grouting is most applicable (single, double,
or triple fluid) and the geometry of individual elements that combine to meet
the scope.
2) This choice of system will then reduce the selection of tooling to fewer
choices. Single, double, and triple fluid systems each have a selection of
monitors and nozzles, which are paired with the fluid delivery systems that are
a. On the tooling end this includes swivels, rods, monitors (and nozzle
sizes), and bit configuration and bit nozzle sizes.
b. On the fluid delivery end this includes the means and methods of
batching the cementitious slurry, drilling fluid (if different) and the
pumps that generate the velocity necessary to erode and mix the soil.
3) Separate from the above choices, but still of importance is the drill. This can
be any of a great variety of drills, masts, or leads that hydraulically control the
drilling head. These controls require special hydraulic valving for smooth and
repeatable rotation and lift of the jetting monitor. These controls can be
manually set, but more and more are computer-controlled with feedback loops
for constant adjustment due to temperature and weight variations.
Predict the Product
One of the most difficult things to do is to predict the product quality and geometry.
We have control over accessing the treatment zone and eroding the soil, but the ground
we work in precedes and dictates our intervention with it. The ground can vary
considerably in all three dimensions, and this impacts both the geometry and the quality.
A perfect understanding of material type can assist with product prediction, but even the
same material can vary in its physical character, influencing erodability and subsequently
quality. This quality variation can be designed for, as is done for soil mixing work, and
this understanding is essential for satisfying all parties involved in the work.
It is for all of the above reasons why pre-production test sections are still important for
successful jet grouting (Burke, 2009).
In 2005 – 2006 (Trevi Icos, 2007), Trevi Icos completed a long and deep groundwater
cutoff extension to a plastic concrete wall, 210 km south of the Arctic Circle (Figures 1 3). This project was extra-ordinary for several reasons:
It was up to 41 m deep.
1) Preliminary designs generally identify a scope of treatment that meets the
objective, paired with a product character that is essential to the design. This,
along with identifying the project objectives and nearby elements, can offer
guidance as to which system of jet grouting is most applicable (single, double,
or triple fluid) and the geometry of individual elements that combine to meet
the scope.
2) This choice of system will then reduce the selection of tooling to fewer
choices. Single, double, and triple fluid systems each have a selection of
monitors and nozzles, which are paired with the fluid delivery systems that are
76A_50835_ASCE_Vol_01_Txt_Resize_AA.job_Process Black_08/01/2012_10:49:40
Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by New York University on 08/22/16. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.
a. On the tooling end this includes swivels, rods, monitors (and nozzle
sizes), and bit configuration and bit nozzle sizes.
b. On the fluid delivery end this includes the means and methods of
batching the cementitious slurry, drilling fluid (if different) and the
pumps that generate the velocity necessary to erode and mix the soil.
3) Separate from the above choices, but still of importance is the drill. This can
be any of a great variety of drills, masts, or leads that hydraulically control the
drilling head. These controls require special hydraulic valving for smooth and
repeatable rotation and lift of the jetting monitor. These controls can be
manually set, but more and more are computer-controlled with feedback loops
for constant adjustment due to temperature and weight variations.
Predict the Product
One of the most difficult things to do is to predict the product quality and geometry.
We have control over accessing the treatment zone and eroding the soil, but the ground
we work in precedes and dictates our intervention with it. The ground can vary
considerably in all three dimensions, and this impacts both the geometry and the quality.
A perfect understanding of material type can assist with product prediction, but even the
same material can vary in its physical character, influencing erodability and subsequently
quality. This quality variation can be designed for, as is done for soil mixing work, and
this understanding is essential for satisfying all parties involved in the work.
It is for all of the above reasons why pre-production test sections are still important for
successful jet grouting (Burke, 2009).
In 2005 – 2006 (Trevi Icos, 2007), Trevi Icos completed a long and deep groundwater
cutoff extension to a plastic concrete wall, 210 km south of the Arctic Circle (Figures 1 3). This project was extra-ordinary for several reasons:
It was up to 41 m deep.
Grouting and Deep Mixing 2012
Weather conditions were extremely challenging (January average temperature
The project was very remote, with its own logistical challenges.
The treatment zone connected a plastic concrete wall to bedrock, through a
zone consisting of till (cobble and boulder concerns).
The schedule required three drilling and jetting setups.
Every hole required verticality measurement, adding approximately 10% more
holes to close “possible” unconfirmed gaps from drilling variation.
FIG 1. Section view of cut-off wall extension. Figure Courtesy of Trevi Icos.
Weather conditions were extremely challenging (January average temperature
The project was very remote, with its own logistical challenges.
The treatment zone connected a plastic concrete wall to bedrock, through a
zone consisting of till (cobble and boulder concerns).
The schedule required three drilling and jetting setups.
Every hole required verticality measurement, adding approximately 10% more
holes to close “possible” unconfirmed gaps from drilling variation.
The degree of difficulty cannot be understated for this project, but it demonstrates that
an experienced specialist jet grouting contractor, with the right equipment and good
project planning, can accomplish what no other technology can.
77A_50835_ASCE_Vol_01_Txt_Resize_AA.job_Process Black_08/01/2012_10:49:40
The degree of difficulty cannot be understated for this project, but it demonstrates that
an experienced specialist jet grouting contractor, with the right equipment and good
project planning, can accomplish what no other technology can.
FIG 1. Section view of cut-off wall extension. Figure Courtesy of Trevi Icos.
49A_PB_4out_Same_50835_ASCE_Vol_01_Final.job_Process Black_08/07/2012_05:31:52
Weather conditions were extremely challenging (January average temperature
The project was very remote, with its own logistical challenges.
The treatment zone connected a plastic concrete wall to bedrock, through a
zone consisting of till (cobble and boulder concerns).
The schedule required three drilling and jetting setups.
Every hole required verticality measurement, adding approximately 10% more
holes to close “possible” unconfirmed gaps from drilling variation.
The degree of difficulty cannot be understated for this project, but it demonstrates that
an experienced specialist jet grouting contractor, with the right equipment and good
project planning, can accomplish what no other technology can.
FIG 1. Section view of cut-off wall extension. Figure Courtesy of Trevi Icos.
Grouting and Deep Mixing 2012
Weather conditions were extremely challenging (January average temperature
The project was very remote, with its own logistical challenges.
The treatment zone connected a plastic concrete wall to bedrock, through a
zone consisting of till (cobble and boulder concerns).
The schedule required three drilling and jetting setups.
Every hole required verticality measurement, adding approximately 10% more
holes to close “possible” unconfirmed gaps from drilling variation.
The degree of difficulty cannot be understated for this project, but it demonstrates that
an experienced specialist jet grouting contractor, with the right equipment and good
project planning, can accomplish what no other technology can.
77A_50835_ASCE_Vol_01_Txt_Resize_AA.job_Process Black_08/01/2012_10:49:40
Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by New York University on 08/22/16. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.
FIG 1. Section view of cut-off wall extension. Figure Courtesy of Trevi Icos.
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FIG 2. Jet grouting working procedure for cut-off wall extension. Figure courtesy of
Trevi Icos.
FIG 2. Jet grouting working procedure for cut-off wall extension. Figure courtesy of
Trevi Icos.
FIG 3. Plan view of jet grout columns for cut-off wall extension. Figure courtesy of
Trevi Icos.
FIG 3. Plan view of jet grout columns for cut-off wall extension. Figure courtesy of
Trevi Icos.
Another significant project at the Tuttle Creek Dam by the same specialist contractor
included a test program more extensive than any previous in the U.S. (Mauro, 2008).
This program included installation of ordinary size 0.9 – 1.8 m diameter (3 – 6 ft) and
large size 2.4 - 3.0 m (3 – 10 ft) diameter double fluid system and triple fluid system
columns that were fully excavated for measurement (Figure 4). The test area consisted of
Another significant project at the Tuttle Creek Dam by the same specialist contractor
included a test program more extensive than any previous in the U.S. (Mauro, 2008).
This program included installation of ordinary size 0.9 – 1.8 m diameter (3 – 6 ft) and
large size 2.4 - 3.0 m (3 – 10 ft) diameter double fluid system and triple fluid system
columns that were fully excavated for measurement (Figure 4). The test area consisted of
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FIG 2. Jet grouting working procedure for cut-off wall extension. Figure courtesy of
Trevi Icos.
FIG 3. Plan view of jet grout columns for cut-off wall extension. Figure courtesy of
Trevi Icos.
Another significant project at the Tuttle Creek Dam by the same specialist contractor
included a test program more extensive than any previous in the U.S. (Mauro, 2008).
This program included installation of ordinary size 0.9 – 1.8 m diameter (3 – 6 ft) and
large size 2.4 - 3.0 m (3 – 10 ft) diameter double fluid system and triple fluid system
columns that were fully excavated for measurement (Figure 4). The test area consisted of
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Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by New York University on 08/22/16. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.
FIG 2. Jet grouting working procedure for cut-off wall extension. Figure courtesy of
Trevi Icos.
FIG 3. Plan view of jet grout columns for cut-off wall extension. Figure courtesy of
Trevi Icos.
Another significant project at the Tuttle Creek Dam by the same specialist contractor
included a test program more extensive than any previous in the U.S. (Mauro, 2008).
This program included installation of ordinary size 0.9 – 1.8 m diameter (3 – 6 ft) and
large size 2.4 - 3.0 m (3 – 10 ft) diameter double fluid system and triple fluid system
columns that were fully excavated for measurement (Figure 4). The test area consisted of
Grouting and Deep Mixing 2012
silty clay and silty fine sand over gravelly sands. This included the installation of a
groundwater cutoff barrier to enable excavation to observe column profile geometry.
This showed erosion diameters (from Specific Energy [Es] ranging from 130 – 170
MJ/m) averaging from 3 – 3.6 m (10 - 12 ft), and diameters (with Es of 230 – 300 MJ/m)
averaging from 3.3 m – 3.9 m (11 – 13 ft). Specific energy is a term used to quantify
erosion energy and includes the fluid(s) pressure multiplied by flow, divided by the
lifting speed. It does not include the rate of rotation, which is a very important parameter,
but it does permit a means for comparison.
FIG 4. Tuttle Creek dam test section excavation. Photo courtesy of Trevi Icos.
silty clay and silty fine sand over gravelly sands. This included the installation of a
groundwater cutoff barrier to enable excavation to observe column profile geometry.
This showed erosion diameters (from Specific Energy [Es] ranging from 130 – 170
MJ/m) averaging from 3 – 3.6 m (10 - 12 ft), and diameters (with Es of 230 – 300 MJ/m)
averaging from 3.3 m – 3.9 m (11 – 13 ft). Specific energy is a term used to quantify
erosion energy and includes the fluid(s) pressure multiplied by flow, divided by the
lifting speed. It does not include the rate of rotation, which is a very important parameter,
but it does permit a means for comparison.
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FIG 4. Tuttle Creek dam test section excavation. Photo courtesy of Trevi Icos.
Extensive testing was performed to evaluate quality and homogeneity with oversight
from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and is fully documented in several papers that
review the data.
Another specialist jet grouting contractor, Malcolm Drilling, reported an
accomplishment of note. At the Capitol Hill Station in Seattle, Washington, they were
required to stabilize sections of ground for tunnel break-ins and break-outs in hard,
silty/clay and dense sand. The contractor documented diameters of 2.4 – 3.6 m (8 – 12
ft), but this was done at drilling angles up to 26 degrees from vertical to depths of 26.2 m
(86 ft) Assurance of location was all-important, and was measured for all drill locations.
Extensive testing was performed to evaluate quality and homogeneity with oversight
from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and is fully documented in several papers that
review the data.
Another specialist jet grouting contractor, Malcolm Drilling, reported an
accomplishment of note. At the Capitol Hill Station in Seattle, Washington, they were
required to stabilize sections of ground for tunnel break-ins and break-outs in hard,
silty/clay and dense sand. The contractor documented diameters of 2.4 – 3.6 m (8 – 12
ft), but this was done at drilling angles up to 26 degrees from vertical to depths of 26.2 m
(86 ft) Assurance of location was all-important, and was measured for all drill locations.
FIG 5. Jet grouting at Capitol Hill Station in Seattle, WA. Photo courtesy of
Malcolm Drilling.
FIG 5. Jet grouting at Capitol Hill Station in Seattle, WA. Photo courtesy of
Malcolm Drilling.
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silty clay and silty fine sand over gravelly sands. This included the installation of a
groundwater cutoff barrier to enable excavation to observe column profile geometry.
This showed erosion diameters (from Specific Energy [Es] ranging from 130 – 170
MJ/m) averaging from 3 – 3.6 m (10 - 12 ft), and diameters (with Es of 230 – 300 MJ/m)
averaging from 3.3 m – 3.9 m (11 – 13 ft). Specific energy is a term used to quantify
erosion energy and includes the fluid(s) pressure multiplied by flow, divided by the
lifting speed. It does not include the rate of rotation, which is a very important parameter,
but it does permit a means for comparison.
FIG 4. Tuttle Creek dam test section excavation. Photo courtesy of Trevi Icos.
silty clay and silty fine sand over gravelly sands. This included the installation of a
groundwater cutoff barrier to enable excavation to observe column profile geometry.
This showed erosion diameters (from Specific Energy [Es] ranging from 130 – 170
MJ/m) averaging from 3 – 3.6 m (10 - 12 ft), and diameters (with Es of 230 – 300 MJ/m)
averaging from 3.3 m – 3.9 m (11 – 13 ft). Specific energy is a term used to quantify
erosion energy and includes the fluid(s) pressure multiplied by flow, divided by the
lifting speed. It does not include the rate of rotation, which is a very important parameter,
but it does permit a means for comparison.
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Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by New York University on 08/22/16. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.
FIG 4. Tuttle Creek dam test section excavation. Photo courtesy of Trevi Icos.
Extensive testing was performed to evaluate quality and homogeneity with oversight
from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and is fully documented in several papers that
review the data.
Another specialist jet grouting contractor, Malcolm Drilling, reported an
accomplishment of note. At the Capitol Hill Station in Seattle, Washington, they were
required to stabilize sections of ground for tunnel break-ins and break-outs in hard,
silty/clay and dense sand. The contractor documented diameters of 2.4 – 3.6 m (8 – 12
ft), but this was done at drilling angles up to 26 degrees from vertical to depths of 26.2 m
(86 ft) Assurance of location was all-important, and was measured for all drill locations.
Extensive testing was performed to evaluate quality and homogeneity with oversight
from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and is fully documented in several papers that
review the data.
Another specialist jet grouting contractor, Malcolm Drilling, reported an
accomplishment of note. At the Capitol Hill Station in Seattle, Washington, they were
required to stabilize sections of ground for tunnel break-ins and break-outs in hard,
silty/clay and dense sand. The contractor documented diameters of 2.4 – 3.6 m (8 – 12
ft), but this was done at drilling angles up to 26 degrees from vertical to depths of 26.2 m
(86 ft) Assurance of location was all-important, and was measured for all drill locations.
FIG 5. Jet grouting at Capitol Hill Station in Seattle, WA. Photo courtesy of
Malcolm Drilling.
FIG 5. Jet grouting at Capitol Hill Station in Seattle, WA. Photo courtesy of
Malcolm Drilling.
Grouting and Deep Mixing 2012
Layne GeoConstruction reported on two projects using the efficiency of dual-axis drill
strings to increase productivity, reduce work schedule, all while assuring quality. For the
Warm Springs Tunnel approach for Bay Area Rapid Transit, a “system” approach was
taken to test the excavation support walls and the jet grouted base seal. Like the
previously mentioned Tuttle Creek test program, the walls and top of the jet grouted base
seal were fully exposed for visual inspection and testing, at two locations along the
alignment. Fully instrumented data acquisition enabled daily assurance of test section
repeatability, supplemented by wet grab samples and cores.
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Layne GeoConstruction reported on two projects using the efficiency of dual-axis drill
strings to increase productivity, reduce work schedule, all while assuring quality. For the
Warm Springs Tunnel approach for Bay Area Rapid Transit, a “system” approach was
taken to test the excavation support walls and the jet grouted base seal. Like the
previously mentioned Tuttle Creek test program, the walls and top of the jet grouted base
seal were fully exposed for visual inspection and testing, at two locations along the
alignment. Fully instrumented data acquisition enabled daily assurance of test section
repeatability, supplemented by wet grab samples and cores.
FIG 6. Warm Springs Tunnel approach excavated demonstration test section within
tunnel alignment. Figure courtesy of Layne GeoConstruction.
FIG 6. Warm Springs Tunnel approach excavated demonstration test section within
tunnel alignment. Figure courtesy of Layne GeoConstruction.
FIG 7. Dual and single axis drill rigs at work at the Warm Springs Tunnel approach
site. Photo courtesy of Layne GeoConstruction.
FIG 7. Dual and single axis drill rigs at work at the Warm Springs Tunnel approach
site. Photo courtesy of Layne GeoConstruction.
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Layne GeoConstruction reported on two projects using the efficiency of dual-axis drill
strings to increase productivity, reduce work schedule, all while assuring quality. For the
Warm Springs Tunnel approach for Bay Area Rapid Transit, a “system” approach was
taken to test the excavation support walls and the jet grouted base seal. Like the
previously mentioned Tuttle Creek test program, the walls and top of the jet grouted base
seal were fully exposed for visual inspection and testing, at two locations along the
alignment. Fully instrumented data acquisition enabled daily assurance of test section
repeatability, supplemented by wet grab samples and cores.
FIG 6. Warm Springs Tunnel approach excavated demonstration test section within
tunnel alignment. Figure courtesy of Layne GeoConstruction.
FIG 7. Dual and single axis drill rigs at work at the Warm Springs Tunnel approach
site. Photo courtesy of Layne GeoConstruction.
Layne GeoConstruction reported on two projects using the efficiency of dual-axis drill
strings to increase productivity, reduce work schedule, all while assuring quality. For the
Warm Springs Tunnel approach for Bay Area Rapid Transit, a “system” approach was
taken to test the excavation support walls and the jet grouted base seal. Like the
previously mentioned Tuttle Creek test program, the walls and top of the jet grouted base
seal were fully exposed for visual inspection and testing, at two locations along the
alignment. Fully instrumented data acquisition enabled daily assurance of test section
repeatability, supplemented by wet grab samples and cores.
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Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by New York University on 08/22/16. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.
FIG 6. Warm Springs Tunnel approach excavated demonstration test section within
tunnel alignment. Figure courtesy of Layne GeoConstruction.
FIG 7. Dual and single axis drill rigs at work at the Warm Springs Tunnel approach
site. Photo courtesy of Layne GeoConstruction.
Grouting and Deep Mixing 2012
Although not embraced by all specialist contractors, Nicholson Construction has
advocated for a new method to determine a column’s geometry in-situ, called Cyljet®
(Frappin & Vernhes, 2005). This Electric Cylinder Method is patented, and consists of
recording and analyzing the potential differences generated by an induced electric current
around a borehole. This is accomplished immediately after column construction, when
the resistivity difference is greatest (between wet soilcrete and surrounding undisturbed
ground). This collected data is post-processed to present a column diameter, with +/10% accuracy. For a standard-size column (1 – 2 m diameter) this accuracy may be
okay, but for a super-sized column (3.5 – 5.0 m diameter) it may not be.
FIG 8. Cyljet®. Iso-resistivity curves, column profile interpretation, real profile
exposure (Frappin & Vernhes, 2005).
This system was used for the underpinning of the existing No. 1 Subway at the World
Trade Center (Crockford et al, 2008). These columns were targeted to be 6 ft diameter
and the Cyljet method was compared with a sound wave system developed by GeTec, as
well as back calculation using measured spoil densities. The Cyljet and sonic system
correlated well, and core sampling confirmed the accuracy.
Although not embraced by all specialist contractors, Nicholson Construction has
advocated for a new method to determine a column’s geometry in-situ, called Cyljet®
(Frappin & Vernhes, 2005). This Electric Cylinder Method is patented, and consists of
recording and analyzing the potential differences generated by an induced electric current
around a borehole. This is accomplished immediately after column construction, when
the resistivity difference is greatest (between wet soilcrete and surrounding undisturbed
ground). This collected data is post-processed to present a column diameter, with +/10% accuracy. For a standard-size column (1 – 2 m diameter) this accuracy may be
okay, but for a super-sized column (3.5 – 5.0 m diameter) it may not be.
81A_50835_ASCE_Vol_01_Txt_Resize_AA.job_Process Black_08/01/2012_10:49:40
FIG 8. Cyljet®. Iso-resistivity curves, column profile interpretation, real profile
exposure (Frappin & Vernhes, 2005).
This system was used for the underpinning of the existing No. 1 Subway at the World
Trade Center (Crockford et al, 2008). These columns were targeted to be 6 ft diameter
and the Cyljet method was compared with a sound wave system developed by GeTec, as
well as back calculation using measured spoil densities. The Cyljet and sonic system
correlated well, and core sampling confirmed the accuracy.
51A_PB_4out_Same_50835_ASCE_Vol_01_Final.job_Process Black_08/07/2012_05:31:52
Although not embraced by all specialist contractors, Nicholson Construction has
advocated for a new method to determine a column’s geometry in-situ, called Cyljet®
(Frappin & Vernhes, 2005). This Electric Cylinder Method is patented, and consists of
recording and analyzing the potential differences generated by an induced electric current
around a borehole. This is accomplished immediately after column construction, when
the resistivity difference is greatest (between wet soilcrete and surrounding undisturbed
ground). This collected data is post-processed to present a column diameter, with +/10% accuracy. For a standard-size column (1 – 2 m diameter) this accuracy may be
okay, but for a super-sized column (3.5 – 5.0 m diameter) it may not be.
FIG 8. Cyljet®. Iso-resistivity curves, column profile interpretation, real profile
exposure (Frappin & Vernhes, 2005).
This system was used for the underpinning of the existing No. 1 Subway at the World
Trade Center (Crockford et al, 2008). These columns were targeted to be 6 ft diameter
and the Cyljet method was compared with a sound wave system developed by GeTec, as
well as back calculation using measured spoil densities. The Cyljet and sonic system
correlated well, and core sampling confirmed the accuracy.
Grouting and Deep Mixing 2012
Although not embraced by all specialist contractors, Nicholson Construction has
advocated for a new method to determine a column’s geometry in-situ, called Cyljet®
(Frappin & Vernhes, 2005). This Electric Cylinder Method is patented, and consists of
recording and analyzing the potential differences generated by an induced electric current
around a borehole. This is accomplished immediately after column construction, when
the resistivity difference is greatest (between wet soilcrete and surrounding undisturbed
ground). This collected data is post-processed to present a column diameter, with +/10% accuracy. For a standard-size column (1 – 2 m diameter) this accuracy may be
okay, but for a super-sized column (3.5 – 5.0 m diameter) it may not be.
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Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by New York University on 08/22/16. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.
FIG 8. Cyljet®. Iso-resistivity curves, column profile interpretation, real profile
exposure (Frappin & Vernhes, 2005).
This system was used for the underpinning of the existing No. 1 Subway at the World
Trade Center (Crockford et al, 2008). These columns were targeted to be 6 ft diameter
and the Cyljet method was compared with a sound wave system developed by GeTec, as
well as back calculation using measured spoil densities. The Cyljet and sonic system
correlated well, and core sampling confirmed the accuracy.
82A_50835_ASCE_Vol_01_Txt_Resize_AA.job_Process Black_08/01/2012_10:49:40
FIG 9. Column diameter measurement comparison (Crockford et al, 2008).
FIG 9. Column diameter measurement comparison (Crockford et al, 2008).
Refinements to the tooling and systems continue following active research initiatives
(Yoshida, 2010). More efficient nozzle designs have enabled improved fluid focus while
reducing the tooling sizes. This has also improved super-sized column diameters from 5
m to 7 m in the best ground conditions. Also reported was improved quality and
uniformity, yet variations must still be a design consideration.
Refinements to the tooling and systems continue following active research initiatives
(Yoshida, 2010). More efficient nozzle designs have enabled improved fluid focus while
reducing the tooling sizes. This has also improved super-sized column diameters from 5
m to 7 m in the best ground conditions. Also reported was improved quality and
uniformity, yet variations must still be a design consideration.
FIG 10. 7 m diameter soil improvement accomplished with a 90mm diameter tool
(Yoshida, 2010).
FIG 10. 7 m diameter soil improvement accomplished with a 90mm diameter tool
(Yoshida, 2010).
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FIG 9. Column diameter measurement comparison (Crockford et al, 2008).
Refinements to the tooling and systems continue following active research initiatives
(Yoshida, 2010). More efficient nozzle designs have enabled improved fluid focus while
reducing the tooling sizes. This has also improved super-sized column diameters from 5
m to 7 m in the best ground conditions. Also reported was improved quality and
uniformity, yet variations must still be a design consideration.
FIG 10. 7 m diameter soil improvement accomplished with a 90mm diameter tool
(Yoshida, 2010).
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Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by New York University on 08/22/16. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.
FIG 9. Column diameter measurement comparison (Crockford et al, 2008).
Refinements to the tooling and systems continue following active research initiatives
(Yoshida, 2010). More efficient nozzle designs have enabled improved fluid focus while
reducing the tooling sizes. This has also improved super-sized column diameters from 5
m to 7 m in the best ground conditions. Also reported was improved quality and
uniformity, yet variations must still be a design consideration.
FIG 10. 7 m diameter soil improvement accomplished with a 90mm diameter tool
(Yoshida, 2010).
Grouting and Deep Mixing 2012
FIG 11. 5 m diameter soil improvement accomplished with 45mm diameter tool
(Yoshida, 2010).
Mr. Yoshida is the first to report jet grouting using horizontal directionally drilled
holes. This was a pilot test where the columns could be excavated for inspection (Figure
12). With today’s drilling technologies, access was not the difficulty. The challenge was
maintaining an open borehole and assuring spoil return with a spoil vent pipe.
Mr. Yoshida is the first to report jet grouting using horizontal directionally drilled
holes. This was a pilot test where the columns could be excavated for inspection (Figure
12). With today’s drilling technologies, access was not the difficulty. The challenge was
maintaining an open borehole and assuring spoil return with a spoil vent pipe.
FIG 12. Horizontally jet grouted soilcrete columns after excavation (Yoshida, 2010).
FIG 12. Horizontally jet grouted soilcrete columns after excavation (Yoshida, 2010).
Lastly, Mr. Yoshida reported the reduction in CO2 emissions in the last 10 years from
efficiencies developed in the technology (Figure 13).
83A_50835_ASCE_Vol_01_Txt_Resize_AA.job_Process Black_08/01/2012_10:49:40
FIG 11. 5 m diameter soil improvement accomplished with 45mm diameter tool
(Yoshida, 2010).
Lastly, Mr. Yoshida reported the reduction in CO2 emissions in the last 10 years from
efficiencies developed in the technology (Figure 13).
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FIG 11. 5 m diameter soil improvement accomplished with 45mm diameter tool
(Yoshida, 2010).
FIG 11. 5 m diameter soil improvement accomplished with 45mm diameter tool
(Yoshida, 2010).
Mr. Yoshida is the first to report jet grouting using horizontal directionally drilled
holes. This was a pilot test where the columns could be excavated for inspection (Figure
12). With today’s drilling technologies, access was not the difficulty. The challenge was
maintaining an open borehole and assuring spoil return with a spoil vent pipe.
Mr. Yoshida is the first to report jet grouting using horizontal directionally drilled
holes. This was a pilot test where the columns could be excavated for inspection (Figure
12). With today’s drilling technologies, access was not the difficulty. The challenge was
maintaining an open borehole and assuring spoil return with a spoil vent pipe.
FIG 12. Horizontally jet grouted soilcrete columns after excavation (Yoshida, 2010).
FIG 12. Horizontally jet grouted soilcrete columns after excavation (Yoshida, 2010).
Lastly, Mr. Yoshida reported the reduction in CO2 emissions in the last 10 years from
efficiencies developed in the technology (Figure 13).
Grouting and Deep Mixing 2012
83A_50835_ASCE_Vol_01_Txt_Resize_AA.job_Process Black_08/01/2012_10:49:40
Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by New York University on 08/22/16. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.
Lastly, Mr. Yoshida reported the reduction in CO2 emissions in the last 10 years from
efficiencies developed in the technology (Figure 13).
FIG 13. Carbon dioxide generated by different jet grouting types (Yoshida, 2010).
Many papers were presented in the last 10 years from projects constructed by Hayward
Baker Inc. Of particular note were two that offered cost-saving on renovation projects
where jet grouting was combined with micropiling. A planned addition of flue gas
scrubbers to a fossil-fueled power plant required new foundations in a very congested
plant facility (Brengola & Roberts, 2003). Originally specified as micropiling alone, a
value engineered alternative included a jet grouted solution with steel reinforcement to
handle the large compression and tension loads associated with these elevated structures
(Figure 14).
Many papers were presented in the last 10 years from projects constructed by Hayward
Baker Inc. Of particular note were two that offered cost-saving on renovation projects
where jet grouting was combined with micropiling. A planned addition of flue gas
scrubbers to a fossil-fueled power plant required new foundations in a very congested
plant facility (Brengola & Roberts, 2003). Originally specified as micropiling alone, a
value engineered alternative included a jet grouted solution with steel reinforcement to
handle the large compression and tension loads associated with these elevated structures
(Figure 14).
FIG 14. Plan and section view of soilcrete alternate design (Brengola & Roberts,
FIG 14. Plan and section view of soilcrete alternate design (Brengola & Roberts,
84A_50835_ASCE_Vol_01_Txt_Resize_AA.job_Process Black_08/01/2012_10:49:40
FIG 13. Carbon dioxide generated by different jet grouting types (Yoshida, 2010).
A bridge replacement project was to include driven steel piling to depths in excess of
40 m (Grant et al, 2007). As a value engineered alternative to the NY DOT, the
contractor proposed a jet grouted micropile… using the micropile casing for spoil returns
while creating a friction column in the Lake Albany Clays (Figure 15). Upon curing of
A bridge replacement project was to include driven steel piling to depths in excess of
40 m (Grant et al, 2007). As a value engineered alternative to the NY DOT, the
contractor proposed a jet grouted micropile… using the micropile casing for spoil returns
while creating a friction column in the Lake Albany Clays (Figure 15). Upon curing of
52B_PB_4out_Same_50835_ASCE_Vol_01_Final.job_Process Black_08/07/2012_05:31:52
FIG 13. Carbon dioxide generated by different jet grouting types (Yoshida, 2010).
Many papers were presented in the last 10 years from projects constructed by Hayward
Baker Inc. Of particular note were two that offered cost-saving on renovation projects
where jet grouting was combined with micropiling. A planned addition of flue gas
scrubbers to a fossil-fueled power plant required new foundations in a very congested
plant facility (Brengola & Roberts, 2003). Originally specified as micropiling alone, a
value engineered alternative included a jet grouted solution with steel reinforcement to
handle the large compression and tension loads associated with these elevated structures
(Figure 14).
FIG 14. Plan and section view of soilcrete alternate design (Brengola & Roberts,
A bridge replacement project was to include driven steel piling to depths in excess of
40 m (Grant et al, 2007). As a value engineered alternative to the NY DOT, the
contractor proposed a jet grouted micropile… using the micropile casing for spoil returns
while creating a friction column in the Lake Albany Clays (Figure 15). Upon curing of
FIG 13. Carbon dioxide generated by different jet grouting types (Yoshida, 2010).
Many papers were presented in the last 10 years from projects constructed by Hayward
Baker Inc. Of particular note were two that offered cost-saving on renovation projects
where jet grouting was combined with micropiling. A planned addition of flue gas
scrubbers to a fossil-fueled power plant required new foundations in a very congested
plant facility (Brengola & Roberts, 2003). Originally specified as micropiling alone, a
value engineered alternative included a jet grouted solution with steel reinforcement to
handle the large compression and tension loads associated with these elevated structures
(Figure 14).
84A_50835_ASCE_Vol_01_Txt_Resize_AA.job_Process Black_08/01/2012_10:49:40
Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by New York University on 08/22/16. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.
FIG 14. Plan and section view of soilcrete alternate design (Brengola & Roberts,
A bridge replacement project was to include driven steel piling to depths in excess of
40 m (Grant et al, 2007). As a value engineered alternative to the NY DOT, the
contractor proposed a jet grouted micropile… using the micropile casing for spoil returns
while creating a friction column in the Lake Albany Clays (Figure 15). Upon curing of
Grouting and Deep Mixing 2012
the soilcrete, the column was post-drilled and reinforced. Full scale load testing offered
confidence of 1,000 KN (225 kips) design loads, for an element only 17 m deep.
FIG 15. Section view of jet grouted micropile at the Lake Albany Site (Grant et al,
the soilcrete, the column was post-drilled and reinforced. Full scale load testing offered
confidence of 1,000 KN (225 kips) design loads, for an element only 17 m deep.
85A_50835_ASCE_Vol_01_Txt_Resize_AA.job_Process Black_08/01/2012_10:49:40
FIG 15. Section view of jet grouted micropile at the Lake Albany Site (Grant et al,
The last 10 years have established a market for jet grouting where it can be successful.
This market has developed in ground conditions that simply were untreatable with other
technologies, or when compared with soil freezing could be completed more cost
effectively, faster, and with fewer complications. This treatment has often been:
The last 10 years have established a market for jet grouting where it can be successful.
This market has developed in ground conditions that simply were untreatable with other
technologies, or when compared with soil freezing could be completed more cost
effectively, faster, and with fewer complications. This treatment has often been:
surgical… treating a subsurface zone specific to the design/construction need
surgical… treating a subsurface zone specific to the design/construction need
53A_PB_4out_Same_50835_ASCE_Vol_01_Final.job_Process Black_08/07/2012_05:31:52
Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by New York University on 08/22/16. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.
the soilcrete, the column was post-drilled and reinforced. Full scale load testing offered
confidence of 1,000 KN (225 kips) design loads, for an element only 17 m deep.
FIG 15. Section view of jet grouted micropile at the Lake Albany Site (Grant et al,
the soilcrete, the column was post-drilled and reinforced. Full scale load testing offered
confidence of 1,000 KN (225 kips) design loads, for an element only 17 m deep.
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FIG 15. Section view of jet grouted micropile at the Lake Albany Site (Grant et al,
The last 10 years have established a market for jet grouting where it can be successful.
This market has developed in ground conditions that simply were untreatable with other
technologies, or when compared with soil freezing could be completed more cost
effectively, faster, and with fewer complications. This treatment has often been:
The last 10 years have established a market for jet grouting where it can be successful.
This market has developed in ground conditions that simply were untreatable with other
technologies, or when compared with soil freezing could be completed more cost
effectively, faster, and with fewer complications. This treatment has often been:
surgical… treating a subsurface zone specific to the design/construction need
Grouting and Deep Mixing 2012
surgical… treating a subsurface zone specific to the design/construction need
in variable, stratified ground conditions
in places where deformations can be controlled
for a product of substantial strength
where the objective includes as a component groundwater control
in variable, stratified ground conditions
in places where deformations can be controlled
for a product of substantial strength
where the objective includes as a component groundwater control
So it is of no surprise that many applications for jet grouting includes:
1. For Tunneling
 Circular shafts
 Base seals and struts
 Break-in and Break-out stabilization
 Cross passages between tunnels
 Wall closures for station walls where utilities or subway boxes exist or cannot
be relocated
 Stabilization of very soft ground to enable TBM steering
 Transitions between hard rock and overburden soils
1. For Tunneling
 Circular shafts
 Base seals and struts
 Break-in and Break-out stabilization
 Cross passages between tunnels
 Wall closures for station walls where utilities or subway boxes exist or cannot
be relocated
 Stabilization of very soft ground to enable TBM steering
 Transitions between hard rock and overburden soils
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So it is of no surprise that many applications for jet grouting includes:
2. For Bridge Piers and Abutments
 Underpinning
 Scour protection from nearby waterways
 Stabilization of liquefiable ground
 Support from seismic lateral spreading stability
3. For Waterfront Structures
 Stabilizing ground behind a structure for ground loss
 Stabilizing ground to reduce wall loading
 Create a gravity structure in situ and reduce anchor loading
 Enable berth deepening at an existing structure
 Provide earth retention if the structure is in distress
4. For Restricted Access Foundation Renovations
 Subway support and new access shafts
 Hospital and building renovations
 Building protection from nearby construction
 Highway underpasses and bridge abutments
 Plant renovations
2. For Bridge Piers and Abutments
 Underpinning
 Scour protection from nearby waterways
 Stabilization of liquefiable ground
 Support from seismic lateral spreading stability
3. For Waterfront Structures
 Stabilizing ground behind a structure for ground loss
 Stabilizing ground to reduce wall loading
 Create a gravity structure in situ and reduce anchor loading
 Enable berth deepening at an existing structure
 Provide earth retention if the structure is in distress
4. For Restricted Access Foundation Renovations
 Subway support and new access shafts
 Hospital and building renovations
 Building protection from nearby construction
 Highway underpasses and bridge abutments
 Plant renovations
But it is important that the product of jet grouting (soilcrete) is portrayed accurately so
that designers consider the variability inevitable from ground conditions. This includes
the means and methods for verification of the product (Burke, 2009).
But it is important that the product of jet grouting (soilcrete) is portrayed accurately so
that designers consider the variability inevitable from ground conditions. This includes
the means and methods for verification of the product (Burke, 2009).
Generally speaking, most papers and articles about jet grouting portray successful
Generally speaking, most papers and articles about jet grouting portray successful
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in variable, stratified ground conditions
in places where deformations can be controlled
for a product of substantial strength
where the objective includes as a component groundwater control
So it is of no surprise that many applications for jet grouting includes:
1. For Tunneling
 Circular shafts
 Base seals and struts
 Break-in and Break-out stabilization
 Cross passages between tunnels
 Wall closures for station walls where utilities or subway boxes exist or cannot
be relocated
 Stabilization of very soft ground to enable TBM steering
 Transitions between hard rock and overburden soils
2. For Bridge Piers and Abutments
 Underpinning
 Scour protection from nearby waterways
 Stabilization of liquefiable ground
 Support from seismic lateral spreading stability
3. For Waterfront Structures
 Stabilizing ground behind a structure for ground loss
 Stabilizing ground to reduce wall loading
 Create a gravity structure in situ and reduce anchor loading
 Enable berth deepening at an existing structure
 Provide earth retention if the structure is in distress
4. For Restricted Access Foundation Renovations
 Subway support and new access shafts
 Hospital and building renovations
 Building protection from nearby construction
 Highway underpasses and bridge abutments
 Plant renovations
But it is important that the product of jet grouting (soilcrete) is portrayed accurately so
that designers consider the variability inevitable from ground conditions. This includes
the means and methods for verification of the product (Burke, 2009).
Generally speaking, most papers and articles about jet grouting portray successful
in variable, stratified ground conditions
in places where deformations can be controlled
for a product of substantial strength
where the objective includes as a component groundwater control
So it is of no surprise that many applications for jet grouting includes:
86A_50835_ASCE_Vol_01_Txt_Resize_AA.job_Process Black_08/01/2012_10:49:40
Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by New York University on 08/22/16. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.
1. For Tunneling
 Circular shafts
 Base seals and struts
 Break-in and Break-out stabilization
 Cross passages between tunnels
 Wall closures for station walls where utilities or subway boxes exist or cannot
be relocated
 Stabilization of very soft ground to enable TBM steering
 Transitions between hard rock and overburden soils
2. For Bridge Piers and Abutments
 Underpinning
 Scour protection from nearby waterways
 Stabilization of liquefiable ground
 Support from seismic lateral spreading stability
3. For Waterfront Structures
 Stabilizing ground behind a structure for ground loss
 Stabilizing ground to reduce wall loading
 Create a gravity structure in situ and reduce anchor loading
 Enable berth deepening at an existing structure
 Provide earth retention if the structure is in distress
4. For Restricted Access Foundation Renovations
 Subway support and new access shafts
 Hospital and building renovations
 Building protection from nearby construction
 Highway underpasses and bridge abutments
 Plant renovations
But it is important that the product of jet grouting (soilcrete) is portrayed accurately so
that designers consider the variability inevitable from ground conditions. This includes
the means and methods for verification of the product (Burke, 2009).
Generally speaking, most papers and articles about jet grouting portray successful
Grouting and Deep Mixing 2012
projects and applications. These are most frequently presented by the specialist
contracting community, sometime in cooperation with project consultants.
Things that are problematic see little press, yet every specialist jet grouter has a long
list of lessons learned. So the author would like to share a few:
a. Creating a bottom seal (for groundwater control) requires perfection. This is
particularly so under high head (>10 psi) conditions. A small window
(imperfection) can yield significant flows… enough to create a piping
condition and ground losses that exacerbate the problem.
b. Gravelly and cobbly ground can pose unexpected problems, including loss of
return spoil, air escape into the formation, unraveling of the formation and
consequential lock-up of jet grout tooling.
c. A high quality Data Acquisition (DAQ) system, used and reviewed daily, can
assure the work is being done properly and can offer information about
procedural or equipment malfunctions. A quick response to malfunctions is
vitally important on many projects.
d. There is no substitution for a good driller with many jet grouting projects in
his experience base.
e. As Yogi Berra once said, you can observe a lot just by watching. The spoil
returns (density, viscosity, even color) can tell you a lot about the erosion
process in the ground.
f. Jet grouting is the most complicated grouting technology available, and it
requires effective tooling, quality batching, efficient high energy pumps and
plumbing, and a controllable repeatable drill. This entire package requires
training, for operation and safety, so that the construction team can perform at
a high level all of the time.
g. Not all soil is erodible, and obstructions “shadow” the erosion.
h. Sewage in the groundwater, very low pH groundwater, or flowing
groundwater can be cause for poor soilcrete quality.
a. Creating a bottom seal (for groundwater control) requires perfection. This is
particularly so under high head (>10 psi) conditions. A small window
(imperfection) can yield significant flows… enough to create a piping
condition and ground losses that exacerbate the problem.
b. Gravelly and cobbly ground can pose unexpected problems, including loss of
return spoil, air escape into the formation, unraveling of the formation and
consequential lock-up of jet grout tooling.
c. A high quality Data Acquisition (DAQ) system, used and reviewed daily, can
assure the work is being done properly and can offer information about
procedural or equipment malfunctions. A quick response to malfunctions is
vitally important on many projects.
d. There is no substitution for a good driller with many jet grouting projects in
his experience base.
e. As Yogi Berra once said, you can observe a lot just by watching. The spoil
returns (density, viscosity, even color) can tell you a lot about the erosion
process in the ground.
f. Jet grouting is the most complicated grouting technology available, and it
requires effective tooling, quality batching, efficient high energy pumps and
plumbing, and a controllable repeatable drill. This entire package requires
training, for operation and safety, so that the construction team can perform at
a high level all of the time.
g. Not all soil is erodible, and obstructions “shadow” the erosion.
h. Sewage in the groundwater, very low pH groundwater, or flowing
groundwater can be cause for poor soilcrete quality.
87A_50835_ASCE_Vol_01_Txt_Resize_AA.job_Process Black_08/01/2012_10:49:40
projects and applications. These are most frequently presented by the specialist
contracting community, sometime in cooperation with project consultants.
Things that are problematic see little press, yet every specialist jet grouter has a long
list of lessons learned. So the author would like to share a few:
The future for jet grouting is about precision in location, appropriate procedures for
ground erosion, control and handling of spoils, and predictability of the product. DAQ
will improve quality, and there is a necessary cost burden for this. My 25 years of
experience applying the technology has been and continues to be exciting, but has
evolved into a training and mentoring role to transfer knowledge and experience to the
next generation so that they continue the high quality standard and evolution of the
industry, helping to ensure success on every project. And after 500 projects, I still learn
something on every visit.
Special thanks to the many drillers, operators, laborers, engineers, and consultants I
have worked with and shared this education with. Also special thanks to my mentors
from Chemical Grouting Company in Japan and Keller Grundbau in Europe, who
provided much guidance and risk reduction.
The future for jet grouting is about precision in location, appropriate procedures for
ground erosion, control and handling of spoils, and predictability of the product. DAQ
will improve quality, and there is a necessary cost burden for this. My 25 years of
experience applying the technology has been and continues to be exciting, but has
evolved into a training and mentoring role to transfer knowledge and experience to the
next generation so that they continue the high quality standard and evolution of the
industry, helping to ensure success on every project. And after 500 projects, I still learn
something on every visit.
Special thanks to the many drillers, operators, laborers, engineers, and consultants I
have worked with and shared this education with. Also special thanks to my mentors
from Chemical Grouting Company in Japan and Keller Grundbau in Europe, who
provided much guidance and risk reduction.
54A_PB_4out_Same_50835_ASCE_Vol_01_Final.job_Process Black_08/07/2012_05:31:52
projects and applications. These are most frequently presented by the specialist
contracting community, sometime in cooperation with project consultants.
Things that are problematic see little press, yet every specialist jet grouter has a long
list of lessons learned. So the author would like to share a few:
projects and applications. These are most frequently presented by the specialist
contracting community, sometime in cooperation with project consultants.
Things that are problematic see little press, yet every specialist jet grouter has a long
list of lessons learned. So the author would like to share a few:
a. Creating a bottom seal (for groundwater control) requires perfection. This is
particularly so under high head (>10 psi) conditions. A small window
(imperfection) can yield significant flows… enough to create a piping
condition and ground losses that exacerbate the problem.
b. Gravelly and cobbly ground can pose unexpected problems, including loss of
return spoil, air escape into the formation, unraveling of the formation and
consequential lock-up of jet grout tooling.
c. A high quality Data Acquisition (DAQ) system, used and reviewed daily, can
assure the work is being done properly and can offer information about
procedural or equipment malfunctions. A quick response to malfunctions is
vitally important on many projects.
d. There is no substitution for a good driller with many jet grouting projects in
his experience base.
e. As Yogi Berra once said, you can observe a lot just by watching. The spoil
returns (density, viscosity, even color) can tell you a lot about the erosion
process in the ground.
f. Jet grouting is the most complicated grouting technology available, and it
requires effective tooling, quality batching, efficient high energy pumps and
plumbing, and a controllable repeatable drill. This entire package requires
training, for operation and safety, so that the construction team can perform at
a high level all of the time.
g. Not all soil is erodible, and obstructions “shadow” the erosion.
h. Sewage in the groundwater, very low pH groundwater, or flowing
groundwater can be cause for poor soilcrete quality.
a. Creating a bottom seal (for groundwater control) requires perfection. This is
particularly so under high head (>10 psi) conditions. A small window
(imperfection) can yield significant flows… enough to create a piping
condition and ground losses that exacerbate the problem.
b. Gravelly and cobbly ground can pose unexpected problems, including loss of
return spoil, air escape into the formation, unraveling of the formation and
consequential lock-up of jet grout tooling.
c. A high quality Data Acquisition (DAQ) system, used and reviewed daily, can
assure the work is being done properly and can offer information about
procedural or equipment malfunctions. A quick response to malfunctions is
vitally important on many projects.
d. There is no substitution for a good driller with many jet grouting projects in
his experience base.
e. As Yogi Berra once said, you can observe a lot just by watching. The spoil
returns (density, viscosity, even color) can tell you a lot about the erosion
process in the ground.
f. Jet grouting is the most complicated grouting technology available, and it
requires effective tooling, quality batching, efficient high energy pumps and
plumbing, and a controllable repeatable drill. This entire package requires
training, for operation and safety, so that the construction team can perform at
a high level all of the time.
g. Not all soil is erodible, and obstructions “shadow” the erosion.
h. Sewage in the groundwater, very low pH groundwater, or flowing
groundwater can be cause for poor soilcrete quality.
87A_50835_ASCE_Vol_01_Txt_Resize_AA.job_Process Black_08/01/2012_10:49:40
Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by New York University on 08/22/16. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.
The future for jet grouting is about precision in location, appropriate procedures for
ground erosion, control and handling of spoils, and predictability of the product. DAQ
will improve quality, and there is a necessary cost burden for this. My 25 years of
experience applying the technology has been and continues to be exciting, but has
evolved into a training and mentoring role to transfer knowledge and experience to the
next generation so that they continue the high quality standard and evolution of the
industry, helping to ensure success on every project. And after 500 projects, I still learn
something on every visit.
Special thanks to the many drillers, operators, laborers, engineers, and consultants I
have worked with and shared this education with. Also special thanks to my mentors
from Chemical Grouting Company in Japan and Keller Grundbau in Europe, who
provided much guidance and risk reduction.
The future for jet grouting is about precision in location, appropriate procedures for
ground erosion, control and handling of spoils, and predictability of the product. DAQ
will improve quality, and there is a necessary cost burden for this. My 25 years of
experience applying the technology has been and continues to be exciting, but has
evolved into a training and mentoring role to transfer knowledge and experience to the
next generation so that they continue the high quality standard and evolution of the
industry, helping to ensure success on every project. And after 500 projects, I still learn
something on every visit.
Special thanks to the many drillers, operators, laborers, engineers, and consultants I
have worked with and shared this education with. Also special thanks to my mentors
from Chemical Grouting Company in Japan and Keller Grundbau in Europe, who
provided much guidance and risk reduction.
Grouting and Deep Mixing 2012
A. Malcolm Drilling Co. (2011). “Sound transit U230 Capitol Hill Station”, Company
Brochure, January.
Brengola, A.F., and Roberts, B.W. (2003). “An Alternative Approach”, Civil Engineering
Magazine, June.
Burke, G.K. (2009). “Quality Control Considerations for Jet Grouting”, Geotechnical
News, December.
Crockford, R.; Lizzo, J; and Wise, J. (2008). “Underpinning the Existing No. 1 Subway
Line at the World Trade Center”, DFI 33rd Annual and 11th International Conference
on Piling and Deep Foundations, NY, NY, October.
Frappin, P. and Vernhes, J.D. (2005). “CYLJET® an Innovative Method for Jet Grouting
Column Diameter Measurement”, Technical Paper furnished by Nicholson
Construction Company, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Ground
Improvement Techniques, Coimbra, Portugal, July.
Grant, M., Bailey, P., Stewart, J.P., Galasso, M. (2007). “Jet Grouted Micropiles for the
I-90 Bridge over Sand Creek in Albany, NY”, Proceeding of the International Society
of Micropiling.
Ho, Chu E. (2007). “Fluid – Soil Interaction Model for Jet Grouting”, GSP168, Grouting
for Ground Improvement: Innovative Concepts and Applications, Proceedings from
Geo-Denver, ASCE GeoInstitute.
Mauro, M. (2008). “Large Scale Jet Grouting and Deep Mixing Test Program of Tuttle
Creek Dam”, Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference on Deep Foundations, NY,
McGonagle, K.A., Cheng, R.S., Micchiche, R.J., Geraci, J.P., and Benedict, S.A. (2011).
“Recent Advances in Computerized Large Diameter Jet Grouting Technology in the
Santa Clara Valley Basin Formation, San Francisco Bay Area – BART Warm Springs
Extension”, Proceedings of the Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference, San
Francisco, CA.
Shibazaki, M. (2003). “State of Practice of Jet Grouting”, GSP 120, Grouting and Ground
Treatment, Proceedings of the Third International Conference, ASCE GeoInstitute
and DFI, New Orleans.
Trevi Icos. (2007). Presentation: “A-418 Dike Construction of Jet Grouting Cutoff”.
Yoshida, H. (2010). “The Progress of Jet Grouting in the Last 10 Years in Japanese
Market”, Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference on Deep Foundations,
Hollywood, CA.
A. Malcolm Drilling Co. (2011). “Sound transit U230 Capitol Hill Station”, Company
Brochure, January.
Brengola, A.F., and Roberts, B.W. (2003). “An Alternative Approach”, Civil Engineering
Magazine, June.
Burke, G.K. (2009). “Quality Control Considerations for Jet Grouting”, Geotechnical
News, December.
Crockford, R.; Lizzo, J; and Wise, J. (2008). “Underpinning the Existing No. 1 Subway
Line at the World Trade Center”, DFI 33rd Annual and 11th International Conference
on Piling and Deep Foundations, NY, NY, October.
Frappin, P. and Vernhes, J.D. (2005). “CYLJET® an Innovative Method for Jet Grouting
Column Diameter Measurement”, Technical Paper furnished by Nicholson
Construction Company, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Ground
Improvement Techniques, Coimbra, Portugal, July.
Grant, M., Bailey, P., Stewart, J.P., Galasso, M. (2007). “Jet Grouted Micropiles for the
I-90 Bridge over Sand Creek in Albany, NY”, Proceeding of the International Society
of Micropiling.
Ho, Chu E. (2007). “Fluid – Soil Interaction Model for Jet Grouting”, GSP168, Grouting
for Ground Improvement: Innovative Concepts and Applications, Proceedings from
Geo-Denver, ASCE GeoInstitute.
Mauro, M. (2008). “Large Scale Jet Grouting and Deep Mixing Test Program of Tuttle
Creek Dam”, Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference on Deep Foundations, NY,
McGonagle, K.A., Cheng, R.S., Micchiche, R.J., Geraci, J.P., and Benedict, S.A. (2011).
“Recent Advances in Computerized Large Diameter Jet Grouting Technology in the
Santa Clara Valley Basin Formation, San Francisco Bay Area – BART Warm Springs
Extension”, Proceedings of the Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference, San
Francisco, CA.
Shibazaki, M. (2003). “State of Practice of Jet Grouting”, GSP 120, Grouting and Ground
Treatment, Proceedings of the Third International Conference, ASCE GeoInstitute
and DFI, New Orleans.
Trevi Icos. (2007). Presentation: “A-418 Dike Construction of Jet Grouting Cutoff”.
Yoshida, H. (2010). “The Progress of Jet Grouting in the Last 10 Years in Japanese
Market”, Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference on Deep Foundations,
Hollywood, CA.
88A_50835_ASCE_Vol_01_Txt_Resize_AA.job_Process Black_08/01/2012_10:49:40
54B_PB_4out_Same_50835_ASCE_Vol_01_Final.job_Process Black_08/07/2012_05:31:52
A. Malcolm Drilling Co. (2011). “Sound transit U230 Capitol Hill Station”, Company
Brochure, January.
Brengola, A.F., and Roberts, B.W. (2003). “An Alternative Approach”, Civil Engineering
Magazine, June.
Burke, G.K. (2009). “Quality Control Considerations for Jet Grouting”, Geotechnical
News, December.
Crockford, R.; Lizzo, J; and Wise, J. (2008). “Underpinning the Existing No. 1 Subway
Line at the World Trade Center”, DFI 33rd Annual and 11th International Conference
on Piling and Deep Foundations, NY, NY, October.
Frappin, P. and Vernhes, J.D. (2005). “CYLJET® an Innovative Method for Jet Grouting
Column Diameter Measurement”, Technical Paper furnished by Nicholson
Construction Company, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Ground
Improvement Techniques, Coimbra, Portugal, July.
Grant, M., Bailey, P., Stewart, J.P., Galasso, M. (2007). “Jet Grouted Micropiles for the
I-90 Bridge over Sand Creek in Albany, NY”, Proceeding of the International Society
of Micropiling.
Ho, Chu E. (2007). “Fluid – Soil Interaction Model for Jet Grouting”, GSP168, Grouting
for Ground Improvement: Innovative Concepts and Applications, Proceedings from
Geo-Denver, ASCE GeoInstitute.
Mauro, M. (2008). “Large Scale Jet Grouting and Deep Mixing Test Program of Tuttle
Creek Dam”, Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference on Deep Foundations, NY,
McGonagle, K.A., Cheng, R.S., Micchiche, R.J., Geraci, J.P., and Benedict, S.A. (2011).
“Recent Advances in Computerized Large Diameter Jet Grouting Technology in the
Santa Clara Valley Basin Formation, San Francisco Bay Area – BART Warm Springs
Extension”, Proceedings of the Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference, San
Francisco, CA.
Shibazaki, M. (2003). “State of Practice of Jet Grouting”, GSP 120, Grouting and Ground
Treatment, Proceedings of the Third International Conference, ASCE GeoInstitute
and DFI, New Orleans.
Trevi Icos. (2007). Presentation: “A-418 Dike Construction of Jet Grouting Cutoff”.
Yoshida, H. (2010). “The Progress of Jet Grouting in the Last 10 Years in Japanese
Market”, Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference on Deep Foundations,
Hollywood, CA.
A. Malcolm Drilling Co. (2011). “Sound transit U230 Capitol Hill Station”, Company
Brochure, January.
Brengola, A.F., and Roberts, B.W. (2003). “An Alternative Approach”, Civil Engineering
Magazine, June.
Burke, G.K. (2009). “Quality Control Considerations for Jet Grouting”, Geotechnical
News, December.
Crockford, R.; Lizzo, J; and Wise, J. (2008). “Underpinning the Existing No. 1 Subway
Line at the World Trade Center”, DFI 33rd Annual and 11th International Conference
on Piling and Deep Foundations, NY, NY, October.
Frappin, P. and Vernhes, J.D. (2005). “CYLJET® an Innovative Method for Jet Grouting
Column Diameter Measurement”, Technical Paper furnished by Nicholson
Construction Company, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Ground
Improvement Techniques, Coimbra, Portugal, July.
Grant, M., Bailey, P., Stewart, J.P., Galasso, M. (2007). “Jet Grouted Micropiles for the
I-90 Bridge over Sand Creek in Albany, NY”, Proceeding of the International Society
of Micropiling.
Ho, Chu E. (2007). “Fluid – Soil Interaction Model for Jet Grouting”, GSP168, Grouting
for Ground Improvement: Innovative Concepts and Applications, Proceedings from
Geo-Denver, ASCE GeoInstitute.
Mauro, M. (2008). “Large Scale Jet Grouting and Deep Mixing Test Program of Tuttle
Creek Dam”, Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference on Deep Foundations, NY,
McGonagle, K.A., Cheng, R.S., Micchiche, R.J., Geraci, J.P., and Benedict, S.A. (2011).
“Recent Advances in Computerized Large Diameter Jet Grouting Technology in the
Santa Clara Valley Basin Formation, San Francisco Bay Area – BART Warm Springs
Extension”, Proceedings of the Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference, San
Francisco, CA.
Shibazaki, M. (2003). “State of Practice of Jet Grouting”, GSP 120, Grouting and Ground
Treatment, Proceedings of the Third International Conference, ASCE GeoInstitute
and DFI, New Orleans.
Trevi Icos. (2007). Presentation: “A-418 Dike Construction of Jet Grouting Cutoff”.
Yoshida, H. (2010). “The Progress of Jet Grouting in the Last 10 Years in Japanese
Market”, Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference on Deep Foundations,
Hollywood, CA.
88A_50835_ASCE_Vol_01_Txt_Resize_AA.job_Process Black_08/01/2012_10:49:40
Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by New York University on 08/22/16. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.
Grouting and Deep Mixing 2012