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Protestant Reformation: Causes, Key Figures, and Catholic Response

1. Why, according to Erasmus, other Christian humanists, and other critics, did the Church need reform?
According to Erasmus and other Christian humanists, Christianity needed to be reformed to show people how to lead good lives. It needed to recapture some of the simplicity it had during the early days of Christianity, before the Church made pilgrimages, fasts, and relics important. Other critics perceived a series of Renaissance popes as having failed to meet the spiritual needs of the people. They also viewed Church leaders as focusing on worldly interests, such as careers, wealth, and politics, rather than on spiritual needs. Ordinary parish priests also seemed corrupt or ignorant of their spiritual duties.
2. How did Luther's ideas lead to a break with the Church and to a new faith?
His ideas were making sense to the people now and the German rulers were supporting him. Then Luther set up new religious services to replace the catholic mass. Luther's doctrine soon became known as lutheranism.
3. How were the goals of Charles and the Holy Roman Empire at odds with the desires of Lutheran princes?
Hoped to preserve empire's unity by keeping it catholic. Many rulers of Germany supported Luther and asserted their authority and dislike of papal control
1. How did divisions in Protestantism take place in Switzerland?
Switzerland took many protestant refugees who were kicked out or fled their original countries because of religious persecution. Such people were for example John Calvin who was famous for his doctrine of Calvinism. They started converting cities to Protestantism like the city of Geneva and this led to a civil war.
2. What caused the Protestant Reformation in England, and what resulted from it?
Corruption in the Catholic Church, such as the sale of indulgences, humanism caused people to question the church. It resulted in an entirely new church. The Church of England in 1532. This Church was completely separate of the Roman Catholic church and was ruled by England's monarch.
3. What beliefs did the Anabaptists have that alarmed the other Protestants and Catholics?
The Anabaptists believed that anyone could be a minister; in the separation of church and state; that adults had the choice of baptism. 4. What was Luther's view about women's role in society?
Luther believed that women should be the child bearer and obedient servant in society. He believed men to be the ruler of the house.
5.What were the three key elements of the Catholic Reformation, and why were they so important to the Catholic Church in the 17th century?
The founding of the Jesuits, reform of the papacy, and the Council of Trent. They were important because they unified the church, help spread the gospel, and validated the church.