i DESIGNING AN OPTIMIZATION PID CONTROLLER FOR HEAT EXCHANGER AND ELECTRO-HYDRAULIC SERVO SYSTEM: SIMULATION STUDIES NUR SHARLYANA BINTI MOHD ZAMRI A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the Degree Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia JULY 2020 ii DECLARATION I hereby declare that the work in this project report is my own except for quotations and summaries which have been duly acknowledged Student : NUR SHARLYANA BT MOHD ZAMRI Date : Supervisor : 06 AUGUST 2020 DR. NOORMAZIAH BT JAFFERI iii ACKNOWLEDGMENT First and foremost, I would like to express gratitude to the Almighty God as with His blessing, I was able to complete this project without any major difficulties. Next, I love to express my appreciation and big thanks to my supervisor for my final year project, Dr. Noormaziah bt Jafferi whom consistently guide and helping me from the beginning and throughout the completion of this project despite her busy schedule and current issues. Without her guide, I might not be able to complete this project even her guidance only in virtual. She showed me her professionalism in not just educating but also in spiritual and discipline. Secondly, I would like to share this feeling and moment of success with my friends. All thanks to them for the support and willingness to lend their ears and shoulder during my tough time. I also able to create a good memories and friendship even the process of completing this project does not happen face to face due to unexpected event. Most importantly, I should not forget the person behind my success, who are my parents and family who always been my backbone since day one. The support that they gave in various ways either directly or indirectly. The love, courage, sacrifice will always will I treasured and be my inspiration in my life today, tomorrow and the future. I hope to repay their support with success in my studies and life and most importantly in becoming a better person. iv ABSTRACT Heat exchanger (HE) and Electro hydraulic servo system (EHSS) are two systems that widely used in industry to help with the production especially in refrigeration and blow molding industry. HE has a system with third order transfer function while EHSS has a system with fifth order transfer function. The order of the control system are depends on the number of independent energy storage element in the system. ProportionalIntegral-Derivative (PID) is commonly used as a control device to help with the control system. Yet, the PID controller has some defect which it remain stable even some large changes happen to occur on the systems parameter. In this study, a design for Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) of ProportionalIntegral-Derivative (PID) for the two systems were projected. For this two optimization tools, it has been successfully applied in many areas in engineering and also science field. The design of optimized PID help the systems to have a better performance. The value of PID parameter which proportional gain (πΎπ ), integral gain (πΎπ ) and derivative gain (πΎπ ) was determined based on previous research paper to be used as reference to optimized both of the systems. Parameters that were used for optimization were determined. Comparison between the results from the step response of the HE and EHSS system with PID controller, system without PID controller and system with optimized PID was done. Based on the results, PSO is the best optimization tools for both systems with 90% improved overshoot percentage and less than 0.01 second for rise time from the system without PID. v ABSTRAK Heat exchanger dan Electro hydraulic servo system adalah antara dua sistem yang biasa digunakan di industri terumatanya industri refrigeration dan blow molding. Pengawal PID kebiasaannya menajadi satu peranti untuk mengawal sistem control. Walaubagaimanapun, pengawal PID tidak memberi impak yang baik terhadap sistem kerana pengawal PID tidak berubah walaupun ada perubahan yang besar terhadap sistemβsistem tersebut. Di dalam kajian ini, satu reka bentuk optimasi algoritma genetik dan optimasi zahrah gergasi untuk pengawal PID bagi sistem-sistem tersebut telah dikemukakan. Reka bentuk optimasi PID membantu sistem-sistem tersebut mempunyai prestasi yang baik. Nilai parameter PID di mana dapatan berkadar (πΎπ ), dapatan integral (πΎπ ) dan dapatan derivative (πΎπ ) telah ditentukan dengan merujuk kepada jurnal kajian terdahulu. Nilai yang diperolehi akan digunakan untuk mengoptimasi pengawal PID. Parameter lain yang diperlukan untuk mengoptimasikan pengawal PID telah ditentukan dalam kajian ini. Perbandingan di antara parameter yang terhasil dari step response untuk sistem tanpa pengawal PID, sistem heat yang menggunakan pengawal PID dan PID yang telah dioptimasikan dengan Algoritma genetick dan optimasi zahrah gergasi telah dilaksanakan. Berdasarkan keputusan yang diperolehi, optimasi zahrah gergasi adalah optimasi yang terbaik untuk kedua-dua sistem dengan 90% penambahbaikkan peratusan overshoot dan kurang dari 0.01 saat untuk rise time. vi CONTENTS TITLE i DECLARATION ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iii ABSTRACT iv ABSTRAK v LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES CHAPTER 1 viii x INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background Study 1 1.2 Problem statement 2 1.3 Objectives 3 1.4 Scope of Study 3 1.5 Significant of study 3 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1 Introduction 5 2.2 Heat exchanger system 5 2.2.1 Shell and tube heat exchanger system 6 2.2.2 Counter and parallel flow heat exchanger system 7 2.2.3 Cross flow heat exchanger system 8 2.2.4 Plate heat exchanger system 8 2.3 Electro hydraulic servo system 9 2.4 Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller 9 2.4.1 Proportional controller 10 2.4.2 Intergral controller 10 2.4.3 Genetic Algorithm 10 vii 2.5 Artificial Intelligence 10 2.5.1 Genetic Algorithm 11 2.5.2 Particle Swarm Optimization 11 2.5.3 Whale optimization algorithm 12 2.5.4 Ant colony optimization 12 2.6 Proportional-Integrative-Derivative controller with GA and PSO for CHAPTER 3 Heat exchanger and EHSS 13 METHODOLOGY 14 3.1 Introduction 14 3.2 Flow chart 15 3.3 Simulation studies 16 3.3.1 Heat exchanger system 16 3.3.1 Electro hydraulic servo system 17 3.4 Control algorithm CHAPTER 4 19 3.4.1 Tuning with PID controller 19 3.4.2 PID tuning with GA 20 3.4.3 PID tuning with PSO 23 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 24 4.1 Introduction 24 4.2 PID controller 24 4.3 PID optimized by GA 26 4.4 PID optimized by PSO 35 4.5 Discussion 42 CHAPTER 5 CONCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 46 5.1 Conclusion 46 5.2 Recommendation 47 REFERENCE 48 viii LIST OF TABLES 3.1 Experimental process data for HE (Nandhini et al, 2018) 16 3.2 Experimental process data for EHSS (Sachin&Swankar, 2014) 18 3.3 PID values from Z-N tuning method for HE 19 3.4 PID values from Z-N tuning method for EHSS (Tandan & Swankar, 2015) 20 3.5 Range of PID values for HE system (Kumar & Garg, 2015) 21 3.6 Range of PID values for EHSS system (Nandhini et al, 2018) 22 3.7 Controller parameter for GA-PID (Nandhini et al, 2018) 23 3.8 Controller parameter for PSO (Jalilvand, 2011 and Aekarin & Wudhichai, 2016) 4.1 23 Comparison of step response result between with and without controller for HE and EHSS systems 26 4.2 Table of experiment and its condition for GA 27 4.3 Data for Experiment 1 28 4.4 Data for Experiment 2 28 4.5 Data for Experiment 3 29 4.6 Data for Experiment 4 29 4.7 Data for Experiment 5 30 4.8 Data for Experiment 6 30 4.9 Data for Experiment 7 31 4.10 Data for Experiment 8 31 4.11 Step response result for GA-PID in HE system 32 4.12 Step response result for GA-PID in EHSS system 34 4.13 Table of experiment and its condition for PSO 35 4.14 Data for Experiment 1 36 4.15 Data for Experiment 2 36 4.16 Data for Experiment 3 37 ix 4.17 Data for Experiment 4 37 4.18 Data for Experiment 5 38 4.19 Data for Experiment 6 38 4.20 Data for Experiment 7 39 4.21 Data for Experiment 8 39 4.22 Step response result for PSO-PID in HE system 40 4.23 Step response result for PSO-PID in EHSS system 42 4.24 Comparison between step response result for HE and EHSS system 44 x LIST OF FIGURES 2.2 Counter flow heat exchanger 7 2.3 Cross flow heat exchanger 7 2.1 Parallel flow heat exchanger 8 3.1 Flow chart 15 3.2 Block diagram of HE system (Sachin&Swankar, 2014) 17 3.3 Block diagram of EHSS system 18 3.4 Block diagram of classical PID controller 19 3.5 Block diagram of GA-PID controller 20 3.6 Flow chart of GA (Ravi et al, 2014) 22 4.1 Step response graph for HE system with and without PID cntroller 25 4.2 Step response graph for EHSS system with and without PID controller 25 4.3 Convergence graph for Experiment 1 28 4.4 Convergence graph for Experiment 2 28 4.5 Convergence graph for Experiment 3 29 4.6 Convergence graph for Experiment 4 29 4.7 Convergence graph for Experiment 5 30 4.8 Convergence graph for Experiment 6 30 4.9 Convergence graph for Experiment 7 31 4.10 Convergence graph for Experiment 8 31 4.11 Step response for GA-PID in HE system 32 4.12 Step response for GA-PID in EHSS system 33 4.13 Convergence graph for Experiment 1 36 4.14 Convergence graph for Experiment 2 36 4.15 Convergence graph for Experiment 3 37 4.16 Convergence graph for Experiment 4 37 4.17 Convergence graph for Experiment 5 38 xi 4.18 Convergence graph for Experiment 6 38 4.19 Convergence graph for Experiment 7 39 4.20 Convergence graph for Experiment 8 39 4.21 Step response for PSO-PID in HE system 40 4.22 Step response for PSO-PID in EHSS system 41 4.23 Step response graph for HE system 43 4.24 Step response graph for EHSS system 44 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background study The engineering mechanical industry do have various division which focus on different part such as design, manufacture, process, system, oil and gas and engineering devices. Heat exchanger (HE) is one of the example of engineering devices while electro hydraulic servo system (EHSS) is one of the system that are widely used in engineering industry. A heat exchanger (HE) is an engineering technology devices that work as a heat transfer which exchange the heat between two or more fluids (Pandhee, 2014). Bahman Zohuri (2017) stated that HE have widespread industrial and domestic applications. Many types of HE have been developed for use in steam power plants, chemical processing plants, building heat and air conditioning systems, transportation power system and refrigeration units. The process fluid of the heat exchanger are need to be heated to a certain temperature set points and the outlet temperature is the one that are measured (Yehia, 2016). In order to control the outlet temperature of the heat exchanger, PID controller is used as the medium to control it. Heat exchanger also a third order transfer function control system. Electro hydraulic servo system (EHSS) has a fifth order transfer function control system. EHSS has a high power to weight ratio, high payload capability and high stiffness also fast response and high degree of both accuracy and performance which make the system widely used in many industrial application (Kumar Mishra & Kumar Swarnkar, 2014). However, the behaviour of EHSS system is highly nonlinear and time-varying with uncertainties parameters which make it difficult to 2 control (Jian Ming et al, 2013). Hence, PID controller is used to control the system to gain the desired parameter. Proportional, integral and derivative (PID) controller is a common form of feedback (Ku Yusoff et al., 2015) which has been successfully adapted in industrial engineering process since it is a simple and easy design controller (Sungthonga & Assawinchaichote, 2016). According to Subhransu Pandhee (2014), even though many other superior controller do exist, the ease of PID and proven track record of PID controller makes it an evident choice for most of control problem. Yet, Sungthonga and Assawinchaichote (2016) stated that, PID controller still has some weaknesses such as difficulty to tuning the parameters and nonlinearity. Therefore, many artificial intelligence techniques have been developed to gain the optimum proportional, integral and derivative control parameter for PID controllers such as Genetic Algorithm, Particle Swarm Optimization and Whale optimization. Optimization technique optimally tune the three terms of classical PID controller to regulate nonlinear process (Elbayomy et al., 2008). Since HE and EHSS are two different system, this study propose to design a PID controller model for HE which is a third order control system and EHSS, a fifth order control system using Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization. For this two optimization tools, it has been successfully applied in many areas in engineering and also science field (Jesus & Barbosa, 2011). Also, to investigate which type of optimization will give the optimal gain of step response result to both systems. 1.2 Problem Statement In recent years, studies on performance of heat exchanger and electro hydraulic servo system have been done extensively. However, for heat exchanger, it might be challenging and difficult to control the outlet temperature at specific set points. Since PID controller already used to control the system, it can help the system to get that desired outlet temperature. However, classical PID controller cannot respond to major disturbance, where it will effecting the controller and make the system instable (Yehia et al, 2016). Electro hydraulic servo system generate very high forces, exhibit fast responses, and have high power. However, the system has the phenomenon such as 3 nonlinear servo valve flow-pressure characteristics, variations in trapped fluid which make the performance of the system highly nonlinear and will make it difficult to control the system (Tandan & Swankar, 2015). Since it is nonlinear dynamic system, classical PID cannot give it best parameter when the controller is in a linear format. (Samakwong & Assawinchaichote, 2016). 1.3 Research objective This study achieved these following objectives: 1. To optimized the performance of PID controller of HE and EHSS using Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). 2. To compare the results of classical PID controller and optimization PID controller. 1.4 Scope of study The scope of this study are: 1. Optimization are based on Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) only. 2. Evaluating the optimized system and reduce the rise time and overshoot percentage to threefold. 3. 1.5 The simulation were done by MATLAB software. Significance of study Heat Exchanger (HE) and Electro hydraulic servo system (EHSS) were two systems that commonly used in engineering industry. There were many method used to make the performance of the system better to gain its best value and achieve its objective of using those systems. 4 Commonly, proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller were used in these systems. Though it is known to be a good controller, it can be better by using some optimization tools. Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) are two example of optimization tools that can optimize the PID controller of the HE and EHSS systems. The performance and result of optimized PID was evaluated and analyse in step response. In this project, the analysis was made by GA and PSO to optimize the PID controller and were generated by using MATLAB software. This study is significance to acknowledge the industry about the best method that they can use to have best performance of a control system. They also can know which parameter suit best with the systems. 5 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction In few years back, industrial engineering has used many type of system to ease the work and complete the thing that need to be done in order to cope with people or government needs. There are few engineering systems that very popular amongst industry including Heat Exchanger (HE) and Electro Hydraulic Servo System (EHSS). These two systems has common control system which both of it used PID controller. In HE system, PID controller was used to regulate the outlet temperature of the system according to desired needs while PID controller in EHSS was used to control and improve the angular position response of the hydraulic rotary actuator. However, the uses of PID controller does not give the best parameter gain for both HE and EHSS. So, the artificial intelligence approach was suggested to improve the parameter gain for both of the systems. 2.2 Heat exchanger system Heat exchanger is very common engineering device. There are few types of heat exchanger that have already created to fulfill the industrial needs. The basic principle for all of heat exchanger is to change the output temperature of the fluid. Heat exchanger are used in both heating and cooling process. Figure 2.1 shows the basic principle of heat exchanger. 6 Figure 2.1: Principle of heat exchanger 2.2.1 Shell and tube heat exchanger system For shell and tube heat exchanger, it is normal to have chemical reactor when there is heating chemical process. The steam that comes from the boiler is the super-heated one and it will flow through the tube. The output which is the fluid from the process will be stored in the storage tank where it will then been supplied to heat exchanger system. The heat exchanger will heat up the fluid which is supplied from the boiler to a desired set point by using the super-heated steam. The fluid is supplied from the storage tank by pump and non-returning valve. Also all the non-condensed steam will go out from the heat exchanger by path to avoid a blocking in the system. (Kocher & Dr. Kori, 2015). In the heat exchanger system, the inlet fluid is at constant velocity. The temperature of the inlet fluid and the steam is vary to some random functions of time. The heat transfer coefficient which is steam side (βπ ) and water side (βπ ) is what the heat transfer from the steam is depend on. Noted that the resistance of the metal wall is deserted. (Sharma et al, 2011). There are few factors that effects the dynamics of the heat exchanger which is the difference between temperature, flow rate of fluid and the area of heat transfer. Figure 1 shows, the basic principle of heat exchanger system (Pandhee, 2014). 7 2.2.2 Counter and parallel flow heat exchanger system Counter and parallel flow heat exchanger is one of the simple heat exchanger system which the fluid flow either in same or opposite direction. One fluid in counter flow heat exchanger flow opposite direction to the other flow while parallel flow heat exchanger is vice versa (Sridhar & Bicha, 2017). Figure 2.2 and figure 2.3 show the illustrated diagram of the heat exchanger. The heat transfer for counter and parallel flow heat exchanger involve conduction and convection. One of the fluid conductively transferred the heat at the wall while another fluid convectively transfer heat to the opposite wall. The temperature of the fluid inside the heat exchanger is not smoothly constant along the heat exchanger but the rate of heat transfer is varies along the length of the tubes due to some differences in temperature between the two fluids. (βParallel and Counter Flow Designβ, n.d.) Figure 2.2: Parallel flow heat exchanger Figure 2.3: Counter flow heat exchanger 8 2.2.3 Cross flow heat exchanger system Cross flow heat exchanger basically occurred when one fluid flows perpendicular to the other flow of the fluid. The other fluid flow passes across the tube at 90 degree angle (βCross Flow Type Heat Exchangeβ, n.d.) as illustrated in figure 2.4. Most of cross flow heat exchanger are gas to liquid heat exchanger where gas as the outside fluid and liquid as the tube side fluid. (Mohammed et al., 2018). Fins addition and corrugations to one or both of the directions might affect the heat exchangerβs performance which then increase the surface area. This addition may cause fluid flow or induce turbulence (Raju et al., 2014). Figure 2.4: Cross flow heat exchanger 2.2.4 Plate heat exchanger system A plate heat exchanger consists of a pack of thin rectangular plates where the fluid flow through the portholes. The plate is place in parallel in series formation that placed one above the other so that the formation will allow the fluid flow channel between them. Inlet and outlet holes at the corners of the plate make both of the fluids (hot and cold) alternatingly channels in the heat exchanger so the plate will always contacting with hot fluid at one side, and cold fluid on the other side. (Golin, n.d.). In this heat exchanger system, narrow channel flow make the system experienced high pressure loss that occurred due to large turbulence. 9 2.3 Electro hydraulic servo system The electro hydraulic servo system (EHSS) consists of a pressure vane pump, a two stage servo valve, amplifier, and a fixed hydraulic motor with a mechanical feedback. A part of motor is attached with a shaft for position measurement. Basically, this type of hydraulic system applied to any machine that requires fast response and accurate control also can handle the changes in load. The servo amplifier resulting the voltage from the control signal. The valve in the system controlling the flow of the fluid with the help of motor. Since the system very time varying make it difficult to control the system so that, controller is designed to resolve the time varying behavior (Kumar Mishra & Kumar Swarnkar, 2014). 2.4 Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller The design of PID controller has been used for a long time also it is the common controller in market. Convectional PID controller has widely used since its introduction long time ago, 97% of the controllers has PID structure. Low cost, inexpensive maintenance, and the simplicity of the controller might be the reason why it is so famous in industry. As many used of controller in industry, many researcher has done extensively research about PID to find the optimum value of the parameter such as trial and error method and classical tuning (Hassan et al., 2012). This type of controller is a linear control. Also, the difference between the actual output and the desired output from the controller operates directly on the error signal (Jalilvand et al., 2011). The controller itself involve with three basic parameter which is proportional gain (πΎπ ), integral gain (πΎπ ) and derivative gain (πΎπ ) that provide the closed loop performance. The three parameter should be adjusted in order to design a controller and from that value, the plant could accept the performance provide by the control input (Jalilvand et al., 2011). Step response parameter can be gain from these value that where the stability of the system can be satisfied. 10 2.4.1 Proportional controller This type of controller which is proportional controller (πΎπ ) is really important in control system. This controller can never eliminate the steady state error but it has the effect of reducing the rise time value. If the value of πΎπ increase, the response can go faster but in fact it will create an oscillating output if the value is too large. (Aranza et al, 2016) 2.4.2 Integral controller The term integral in integral controller (πΎπ ) accelerate the movement process towards the set point and eliminate the remaining error. The value of πΎπ might cause high transient response even if it can improve the response while eliminating the steady state error and then cause the instability of the system (Aranza et al, 2016). 2.4.3 Derivative controller Selection of the proper value ofπΎπ , can help improve the stability of the system. If the system parameter is rapidly increasing, the derivative factor will cause the output to decrease. If the derivative time increase, the response of the control system will be much stronger in the error term and speed of the control system (Aranza et al, 2016). 2.5 Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence (AI) has been used in a while in various field such as gaming, natural language system and expert system industry. AI help the system to gain its desired output. It is a collection of concepts such as psychology, mathematics and technologies combined. It is also act as a computer-controlled robot to perform any task that usually related with intelligent human beings. It is also the advancement of the machine which in integrative science. 11 Studying human brain thinks, decide, learning also work when trying to complete and solve a problem is the accomplishment made by AI. Optimizations was produce from the AI for existing practice. There are few optimization that are used for heat exchanger and EHSS. 2.5.1 Genetic Algorithm Genetic algorithm (GA) is a modern optimization technique that many researcher has been studied to finding the best optimum value of PID parameter. For complex search space and can give best approximately solution for any problem is what GA is good for because it do not make any random assumption about the fitness function (Faris Ku Yusoff et al, 2015). Also, the ideas of evolutionary is the base of natural selection and genetics. According to Darwinβs principle, the GA is based on the survival of the fittest, and how the competition produce better adapted generation in their problem solution space (El-Telbany, 2007). The GA has several parameters that need to take into account which is crossover, mutation and population. It evolves the new generations individually by using the previous knowledge of generations. The fundamental of GA is the chromosomes that contained in the finest solution which included in the blocks of genetic information. It is then increase the frequency if the opportunity of the chromosomes is related to fit its fitness functions. Then, the crossover probability is choose and the pair of each chosen chromosomes will have a random chosen position. After that, it will subjected to that mutation operator (Jalilvand, 2011). The value of mutation is important for GA to finally find the optimum solution to the given problem. 2.5.2 Particle Swarm Optimization Particle Swarm Optimization is inspired by the behavior and migrant of swarmintelligence and also the dynamic movements of birds. It is used for a controller to find the parameters that give minimum value for the stated objective function. Also, PSO is applied to bigger range of problem in order to find the best global solution. The algorithm of PSO hold many solutions in one time and all the solution was 12 described as particle in its fitness search space. To reduce the objective function, each of the particle will migrate through the search space (Nandhini et al., 2018). Parameter that include in this algorithm is inertia weight, acceleration coefficient and population. The inertia weight is important to help controlling the previous velocities and its impact to the current velocity. In this way, the value of inertia weight can help to regulate the exploration abilities between the global and local of the swarm (El-Telbany, 2007). 2.5.3 Whale optimization algorithm Whale optimization algorithm is a new heuristic algorithm. Whale can portray emotions, judgement also the social behavior like a human because they have spindle cells like a human. Bubble net feeding method is the special hunting method that the humpback of the whale has. The parameter that need to have in this algorithm is the value of population (search agent). To find the desired result, it first initialize the population number, maximum iteration and design variable. Then calculate the value of fitness function and the best value will pick up and other population will try to update their best position (Mosaad, 2019). 2.5.4 Ant colony optimization Ant colony optimization (ACO) is a population-based metaheuristic that can be used to find the accurate solution for a difficult optimization problems. Artificial ants search is the software agents to gain the best solution for the given optimization problem. To give an applied to ACO, the optimization problem is then transformed into a problem of finding the best solution in weighted graph. The moving on the graph is from the solution that being built incrementally by the artificial ant (Dorigo, n.d.). The application of ACO is from the behavior of ants searching for foods. The ants wander at the first place and when the ant finds the source of food, it walks back from the place and come to their colony and leaving the marks (pheromones) to show that the path has food. The other ants will follow the path to find the food. When the ants drop the pheromones, path that are shorter expected to be stronger hence, 13 optimizing the solution. Next, the ACO work well on a very dynamic system. (βAnt Colony Algorithmβ, n.d.) 2.6 Proportional-Integrative-Derivative controller with GA and PSO for Heat exchanger and EHSS According to Rajasekaran & Dr. Kannadasan (2012), control system performance effect the total plant operation that is why controlling the system properly by controller and optimization technique is important to have a good performance of the system. Thus, PID controller became the approach to control the system. There are several method that have been proposed to tuning a PID controller such as automatic tuning, trial and error and Ziegler-Nichols method. From those methods, Zeigler-Nichols might be the most famous method to tune PID controller (Tandan & Swankar, 2015). Yet, Nandhini et al (2018) stated that traditional PID controller cannot give satisfactory performance when it is used to control a non-linear system. For heat exchanger, the using of PID in the system cannot give the desired output parameter (Pandhee et al., 2011) and for EHSS, based on Samakwong & Assawinchaichote (2016) since system is non-linear dynamic system, the PID controller used, provides high overshoot response to the system. Hence, to improve the performance of the convectional PID, many intelligent approach has been introduced to improve the PID parameter such as GA and PSO. This GA-PID and PSO-PID is proposed in order to find the optimal performance of the control parameter. This optimized PID is expected to have minimum rise time, settling time and overshoot (Tandan & Swarnkar, 2015). 14 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction In this chapter, GA-PID and PSO-PID are discussed and were analyzed in step response. The optimum value of optimized PID parameter for HE and EHSS were gained and compared to the step response results of classical PID. 15 3.2 Flow chart Figure 3.1: Flow chart 16 3.3 Simulation Studies Simulation studies is a computer program and the other way to find the result for a real-world problem system, event, or process. 3.3.1 Heat exchanger system For HE system, counter flow heat exchanger was used in this study. The system contain pump, control valves, pressure converter, heat exchanger and transmitter. Other important part that act as a controlling equipment is the rota-meter, RTD sensor and computer. The air regulator should always maintain at 20 psi. The value of input and output data from the heat exchanger to gain the accurate transfer function model. The tank is filled up with hot water and the temperature is maintained at 70 ΜC. The inlet flow rate of the hot fluid is maintained constant at 50% of the valve and another 40% for the cold fluid in order to get the variation in outlet temperature. Based on the obtained result, transfer function for the heat exchanger is calculated. Table 3.1 show the summarized experimental process data (Nandhini et al., 2018). Table 3.1: Experimental process data for HE system (Nandhini et al., 2018) Variables Values Valve transfer function 0.13 s ο« 52.06 Process transfer function 50 s ο« 95.51 Gain current to pressure converter 0.743 Sensor transfer function 0.007522 45.242s ο« 1 From the Table 3.1, a transfer function was created as shown in Equation (3.1) (Nandhini et al., 2018). 17 Figure 3.2: Block diagram of HE system C ο¨s ο© ο½ 3.3.2 48.29 s ο« 1.0675 s ο« 0.718 s 2 ο« 0.3916 s ο« 0.007522 (3.1) 3 Electro hydraulic servo system Electro hydraulic servo system consisted of a two stage electro hydraulic servo valve. Other than that, it also consist of the hydraulic amplifier and armature flapper. Figure 3.3 shows the block diagram of the system. When the coil has been applied to the electrical control signal, the resultant torque is proportional to the current, then the torque make the flapper plate to move. The flapper then move to the jet area. The movement of the jet make a difference in pressure at flapper valve. The pressure difference that was produced by the flapper valve, move the spool valve hydraulically (Elbayomy et al., 2008). The standard values for the variable mentioned is vary to the system. In this dissertation, the values is based on the bases of researcher (Kumar Mishra & Kumar Swarnkar, 2014). Table 3.2 showed the experimental data for EHSS system while the transfer function for the system was shown as in equation (3.2). 18 Table 3.2: Experimental process data for EHSS (Sachin and Swankar, 2014). Variables Armature Flapper Values 1 Kr ο¦ 2οΈ οΆ ο¦ s οΆ 1 ο« ο§ο§ ο·ο· s ο« ο§ο§ ο·ο· ο¨ ο·n οΈ ο¨ ο·n οΈ Spool 2 1 AS s Torque of motor πΎ1 Spool of gain πΎ3 Feedback gain πΎπ€ Figure 3.3: Block diagram of EHSS system (Mishra and Swankar, 2014) The value in Table 3.2 shows the appropriate transfer function by the standard Moog servo valve which will then produce a complete transfer function of the system. The standard values of all the variables changes based on plant. In this project, standardize value by an expert were used (Sachin and Swankar, 2014). Equation (3.2) shows the transfer function of the electro hydraulic servo system: 25.28s 2 ο« 22.20s ο« 3 Gο¨s ο© ο½ 5 s ο« 16.60s 4 ο« 25.41s 3 ο« 17.20s 2 ο« 12s ο« 1 (3.2) 19 3.4 Control algorithm 3.4.1 Tuning with PID controller The block diagram of a closed loop feedback control for heat exchanger can be seen in Figure 3.3 using the classical PID controller. Figure 3.4: Block diagram of classical PID controller A form of PID controller can be presented as (Sungthonga & Assawinchaichote, 2016): G ( s) ο½ K p ο« (3.3) Ki ο« Kd s s Where πΎπ is proportional gain, πΎπ is integral gain and πΎπ is derivative gain There are various method to tuning the PID controller, some use frequency response analysis and also there are method that use based on the performance analysis minimization. Experiment also can be a method to tune a PID controller (Pandhee, 2014). Based on several research paper, Ziegler-Nichols (Z-N) method is commonly used to obtain the PID parameters. Table 3.3 shows the values of PID parameter through Z-N tuning method for heat exchanger system. (Nandhini et al, 2018) Table 3.3: PID values from Z-N tuning method for HE system (Nandhini et al, 2018) Parameters Values πΎπ 0.5318 πΎπ 0.8067 πΎπ 0.0570 20 Based on the other journal, the best value for PID controller for EHSS is obtained from the same method, which is Z-N method (Tandan & Swarnkar, 2015). Table 3.4 show the value of PID parameter. Table 3.4: PID values from Z-N tuning method for EHSS (Tandan & Swarnkar, 2015) 3.4.2 Parameters Values πΎπ 3.9563 πΎπ 4.1688 πΎπ 0.9384 PID tuning with GA Several different techniques have been developed over the past few years to obtain the optimum proportional, integral and derivative control parameters for PID controllers including GA. To tune the PID controller with GA, there are few thing that need to be considered. Figure 3.5 show the block diagram of GA-PID. Figure 3.5: Block diagram of GA-PID controller For every optimization based PID, objective function plays a big role while tuning the controller parameter. The feedback function is as shown at equation (3.4) Error ο½1 ο feedback system (3.4) 21 The optimization objective function is to minimize the following performance criteria of PID controller that measure the response error which is Integral Time Absolute Error (ITAE) as shown in equation (3.5) ο₯ (3.5) ITAE ο½ ο² t e(t ) dt 0 A set of range of Kp, Ki and Kd, were decided before the simulation can be run in MATLAB, alongside the other parameters that are crucial for GA optimized PID such as mutation rate, crossover rate, number of population and number of iteration. Table 3.5 shows the range of the PID value for HE system (Kumar & Garg, 2015) while Table 3.6 shows the range of PID values for EHSS system. (Nandhini et al, 2018) Table 3.5: Range of PID values for HE system (Kumar & Garg, 2015) PID parameter Minimum Maximum Kp 0 10 Ki 0 10 Kd 0 10 Table 3.6: Range of PID values for EHSS system (Nandhini et al, 2018) PID parameter Minimum Maximum Kp 0 10 Ki 0 10 Kd 0 10 Table 3.7 shows the controller parameter that are needed before optimized PID can run in MATLAB. Both heat exchanger and EHSS used the same controller parameter. 22 Table 3.7: Controller parameter for GA-PID (Nandhini et al, 2018) Controller parameter Values No of population 30 Crossover probability 0.9-0.95 Mutation probability 0.05-0.2 No of iteration 50 The basic process of genetic algorithm that being used in MATLAB can be outlines into 6 basic steps as Figure 3.5 (Ravi et al., 2014). Figure 3.6: Flow chart of GA (Ravi et al., 2014) 23 3.4.3 PID tuning with PSO Particle swarm optimization is one of the smart swarm techniques, each particle in the swarm has the same characteristics and behaviors in the concept of PSO. But each particle has a random variable of position and velocity. (Aekarin & Wudhichai, 2016) The velocity is dependent on the global and particleβs best solution. If the i-th particle of the swarm is represented by the Dβdimensional vector Xi ο½ ο¨xi1, xi 2ο xiD ο© and the best particle in the swarm is denoted by the gbest. The best previous position of the i-th particle is recorded and represented as Pi ο½ ο¨ pi1, pi 2ο piD ο© and the location change (velocity) of the i-th particle is Vi ο½ ο¨vi1, vi2οviDο© . The particles are manipulated according to the equations (3.8) (Mohammed El-Saied, 2007): Vid ο½ w. ο Vid ο« c1 ο r1 ο ο¨ pid ο xid ο© ο« c2 ο r 2ο¨ pid ο vid ο© (3.8) xid ο½ xid ο« vid (3.9) Where d ο½ 1, 2,οand D ο½ 1, 2,ο N is the size of population; w is the inertia weight; c1 and c2 are two positive constants and r1 and r2 are random values in the range [0,1]. Table 3.8 shows the controller parameter tuning PSO (Jalilvand, 2011 and Aekarin & Wudhichai, 2016) Table 3.8: Controller parameter for PSO (Jalilvand, 2011 and Aekarin & Wudhichai, 2016) Controller parameter Values No of population 30-100 Weighting inertia 0.4,0.9 Acceleration coefficient, c1, c2 2.0 Maximum iteration 100 Problem dimension 3.0 24 CHAPTER 4 RESULT AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Introduction This chapter discuss the result obtained from the simulation of MATLAB. The discussion is referring to the objective which is the selection and optimization of PID parameters using Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) for Heat Exchanger (HE) and Electro Hydraulic Servo System (EHSS). All the results was recorded by using MATLAB software and all the graph also from the same software. 4.2 PID Controller The performance of a system can be enhance by the presence of PID controller. The controller can decrease the percentage of overshoot in step response of the system. Figure 4.1 and figure 4.2 shows the step response of HE and EHSS respectively. 25 Figure 4.1: Step Response Graph for HE system with and without PID Controller From figure 4.1 shows the step response for HE system with and without controller. The value of πΎπ , πΎπ and πΎπ use in the controller is πΎπ = 0.5218, πΎπ = 0.8067 and πΎπ = 0.0570. Figure 4.2: Step Response Graph for EHSS System with and without PID Controller 26 From figure 4.1 shows the step response for EHSS system with and without controller. The value of πΎπ , πΎπ and πΎπ use in the controller is πΎπ = 3.9563, πΎπ = 4.1688 and πΎπ = 0.9384. Table 4.1 shows the comparison of the step response specification between with and without controller for both system. Table 4.1: Comparison of step response result between with and without controller for HE and EHSS systems Heat Exchanger Characteristic EHSS Without With PID Without With PID Controller controller Controller controller Overshoot, ππ (%) 85.3 56.3 54.2 58.4 Peak time, ππ (sec) 0.523 0.45 2.2 1.08 Rise time, ππ (sec) 0.207 0.155 18.6 10.2 Settling time, ππ (sec) 10.9 4.07 0.811 0.386 From table 4.1, we can clearly see the comparison for both systems between with and without PID controller. For HE system, the step response result shows improvement from system without controller and with controller. The value of overshoot percentage was improved by 33% and other value were improved by more than 10%. Meanwhile, for EHSS system, the step response result shows the system with PID controller has lower value compared to the system without PID controller except for the value for overshoot which has higher percentage for system without controller. The value of peak time, rise time and settling time for system with controller are 1.08, 10.2 and 0.386 respectively while the results for system without controller are 2.2, 18.6 and 0.811 respectively. 4.3 PID Optimized by GA Parameter for PID controller that optimized by GA is used to develop a better control system for heat exchanger system and electro hydraulic servo system so it can improve the performance of the systems. The objective is to achieve a desire step responses which is low in values for step response result compared to the system without PID controller. 27 In GA optimization, there are few conditions that were manipulated which is the number of mutation probability and crossover probability. These manipulation conditions was set to see the difference in step responses and also to determine which parameter gives the best results. Eight different experiments were ran for each system. Table 4.2 shows the conditions for GA where the iteration number, population number and error criterion were kept the same for all experiments while mutation probability and crossover probability were varied. Table 4.2: Table of experiment and its condition for GA Experiment No. Error Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ITAE ITAE ITAE ITAE ITAE ITAE ITAE ITAE Iteration Number 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Population Number 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Mutation Probability 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Crossover Probability 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 The experiment for GA is run for 9 trial and the data is saved in matrix form of A x (B x C), where matrix A shows the four optimizes result which is fitness function, proportional gain ( πΎπ ), integral gain (πΎπ ), and derivative gain (πΎπ ). Matrix B represents the row of trial and matrix C represent the row of number of iteration for each trial. Thus, the matrix form saved for all experiments produce 450 data. The best trial is chosen from the convergence graph that also generated from MATLAB software. Best convergence in GA is selected by choose the best fitness function which is the lowest number of convergence. 28 Table 4.3: Data for Experiment 1 Fitness Solution πΎπ πΎπ πΎπ 0.0091 0.0233 0.0095 0.0091 0.0233 0.0233 0.0124 0.0091 0.0091 99.45 200 99.75 99.74 200 200 124.79 99.39 99.29 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 199.97 200 8.76 300 7.88 8.71 300 300 8.25 8.79 8.87 Figure 4.3: Convergence graph for Experiment 1 Table 4.4: Data for Experiment 2 Figure 4.4: Convergence graph for Experiment 2 Fitness Solution πΎπ πΎπ πΎπ 0.0091 0.0091 0.0094 0.0233 0.0141 0.0091 0.0091 0.0233 0.0091 99.46 99.31 101.07 200 93.03 99.35 99.82 200 99.22 200 200 200 200 188.95 200 200 200 200 8.70 8.59 8.05 300 5.18 8.68 8.73 300 8.63 29 Table 4.5: Data for Experiment 3 Fitness Solution πΎπ πΎπ πΎπ 0.0096 0.0091 0.0104 0.0091 0.0091 0.0091 0.0094 0.0160 0.0091 96.15 99.61 97.59 99.31 99.75 98.96 99.52 199.95 99.49 194.71 200 199.65 200 200 199.88 200 200 200 7.96 8.67 7.13 8.69 8.72 8.63 7.98 12.83 8.74 Figure 4.5: Convergence graph for Experiment 3 Table 4.6: Data for Experiment 4 Figure 4.6: Convergence graph for Experiment 4 Fitness Solution πΎπ πΎπ πΎπ 0.0233 0.0091 0.0091 0.0233 0.0091 0.0091 0.0233 0.0091 0.0091 200 99.67 99.51 200 99.47 99.68 200 99.59 99.59 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 8.52 8.72 300 8.75 8.73 300 8.41 8.74 30 Table 4.7: Data for Experiment 5 Fitness Solution πΎπ πΎπ πΎπ 0.0091 0.0091 0.0091 0.0091 0.0091 0.0233 0.0091 0.0091 0.0112 99.56 99.25 100.01 99.21 99.25 200 99.46 99.76 98.19 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 199.09 8.42 8.76 8.78 8.71 8.46 300 8.79 8.63 6.59 Figure 4.7: Convergence graph for Experiment 5 Table 4.8: Data for Experiment 6 Figure 4.8: Convergence graph for Experiment 6 Fitness Solution πΎπ πΎπ πΎπ 0.0106 0.0091 0.0091 0.0093 0.0091 0.0186 0.0091 0.0091 0.0185 97.04 99.35 99.37 99.13 99.55 91.42 99.53 99.53 74.83 197.63 200 200 200 200 185.30 200 200 148.86 7.01 8.76 8.69 8.16 8.73 3.68 8.57 8.50 6.57 31 Table 4.9: Data for Experiment 7 Fitness Solution πΎπ πΎπ πΎπ 0.0091 0.0091 0.0233 0.0091 0.0091 0.0100 0.0091 0.0091 0.0091 99.40 99.51 200 99.52 99.47 91.13 99.27 99.52 99.40 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 8.75 8.73 300 8.74 8.56 7.42 8.76 8.53 8.76 Figure 4.9: Convergence graph for Experiment 7 Table 4.10: Data for Experiment 8 Figure 4.10: Convergence graph for Experiment 8 Fitness Solution πΎπ πΎπ πΎπ 0.0091 0.0091 0.0103 0.0091 0.0091 0.0100 0.0091 0.0091 0.0091 99.53 99.45 98.88 99.13 99.41 91.51 99.38 99.61 99.68 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 8.68 8.74 7.18 8.84 8.74 8.74 8.75 8.65 8.43 32 Heat Exchanger From each of the experiments, the best fitness were selected which is the lowest number of fitness solution. Then, all the values were interpreted into step response graph to see the difference in step response result of the system. Figure 4.11 shows the step response graph of GA-PID for HE system while table 4.11 shows the step response result. Figure 4.11: Step response for GA-PID in Heat Exchanger system Table 4.11: Step response result for GA-PID in Heat Exchanger system Experiment Characteristic 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 99.45 200 8.76 1 99.46 200 8.70 9 99.49 200 8.74 5 99.47 200 8.75 2 99.25 200 8.76 2 99.35 200 8.76 1 99.40 200 8.75 7 99.38 200 8.75 2.25 2.25 2.23 2.23 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 Peak time, ππ (sec) 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.014 Rise time, ππ (sec) 0.0049 0.0049 0.0049 0.0049 0.0049 0.0049 0.0049 0.0049 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.014 Best trial πΎπ πΎπ πΎπ Overshoot, ππ (%) Settling time, ππ (sec) 33 From figure 4.11, we can see that the plotting of graph for all the data is seemingly same. While from table 4.11, the step response result shows that the value for peak time, rise time and settling time were same for all experiments which is 0.014, 0.0049 and 0.014 respectively except for the overshoot value where there were different for some of experiment. The overshoot values are 2.25, 2.23 and 2.22. Electro Hydraulic Servo System For EHSS system, the data were also interpreted into one graph. Figure 4.12 shows the step response graph of GA-PID for EHSS system while table 4.12 shows the step response result. Figure 4.12: Step response for GA-PID in EHSS system 34 Table 4.12: Step response result for GA-PID in EHSS system Experiment Characteristic 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 99.45 200 8.76 1 99.46 200 8.70 9 99.49 200 8.74 5 99.47 200 8.75 2 99.25 200 8.76 2 99.35 200 8.76 1 99.40 200 8.75 7 99.38 200 8.75 91 91.3 91 90.9 90.7 90.8 90.9 90.9 Peak time, ππ (sec) 0.227 0.226 0.227 0.228 0.228 0.228 0.228 0.228 Rise time, ππ (sec) 0.0741 0.0742 0.0741 0.0741 0.0741 0.0741 0.0741 0.0741 4.27 4.29 4.27 4.26 4.05 4.25 4.26 4.26 Best trial πΎπ πΎπ πΎπ Overshoot, ππ (%) Settling time, ππ (sec) From the graph, we can see that the data approached to the same place which make the graph quiet same for all the experiments. From table 4.12, the result also shows quiet same value for all experiment where only small difference between the results. The value for overshoot are around 90.7% to 91.3%. Next, the value for peak time and settling time are around 0.226 seconds to 0.228 seconds and 4.05 to 4.29 respectively. Meanwhile for rise time, the values for all the experiments is 0.0741 except for experiment 2 which is 0.226. 35 4.4 PID Optimized by PSO Parameter for PID controller that optimized by PSO is also intended to improve the performance of the system by develop a better control system for heat exchanger system and electro hydraulic servo system. The objective is to minimize the step response result by less than 1% for HE system and 5% for EHSS system overshoot value and less than 1 second for rise time. The conditions that were manipulated in PSO optimization was the number of population while number of iteration, weighting inertia and the acceleration coefficient were maintained the same. Eight different experiments were ran for each system. Table 4.13 shows the conditions for PSO where the population number are manipulated while other conditions were same. Table 4.13: Table of experiment and its condition for PSO Experiment No. Error Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ITAE ITAE ITAE ITAE ITAE ITAE ITAE ITAE Acceleration Coefficient, c1,c2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Iteration Number 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Weighting Inertia, ππππ 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 Weighting Inertia, ππππ₯ 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 Population Number 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 For each configuration in PSO system, the configuration were run for 10 trial separately. The files for each configuration is save manually. The result from the PSO will show the best gain of the optimization. All the experiments produced a total of 1000 data (100 x 10). Since there are 10 trial in each experiment, the best gain in the best run will form a convergence graph that is generated using MATLAB software 36 Table 4.14: Data for Experiment 1 Characteristic Value Fitness Function 10.1559 Best Run 2 πΎπ 0.2834 πΎπ 1.5418 πΎπ 3.1655 Figure 4.13: Convergence graph for Experiment 1 Table 4.15: Data for Experiment 2 Figure 4.14: Convergence graph for Experiment 2 Characteristic Value Fitness Function 9.4080 Best Run 6 πΎπ 0.4397 πΎπ 1.4548 πΎπ 3.1039 37 Table 4.16: Data for Experiment 3 Characteristic Value Fitness Function 9.3989 Best Run 4 πΎπ 0.4417 πΎπ 1.4542 πΎπ 3.1038 Figure 4.15: Convergence graph for Experiment 3 Table 4.17: Data for Experiment 4 Figure 4.16: Convergence graph for Experiment 4 Characteristic Value Fitness Function 9.4118 Best Run 6 πΎπ 0.4576 πΎπ 1.4438 πΎπ 3.0970 38 Table 4.18: Data for Experiment 5 Characteristic Value Fitness Function 9.3956 Best Run 1 πΎπ 0.4381 πΎπ 1.4565 πΎπ 3.1051 Figure 4.17: Convergence graph for Experiment 5 Table 4.19: Data for Experiment 6 Figure 4.18: Convergence graph for Experiment 6 Characteristic Value Fitness Function 9.4068 Best Run 7 πΎπ 0.4398 πΎπ 1.4544 πΎπ 3.1024 39 Table 4.20: Data for Experiment 7 Characteristic Value Fitness Function 9.4023 Best Run 3 πΎπ 0.4491 πΎπ 1.4495 πΎπ 3.1010 Figure 4.19: Convergence graph for Experiment 7 Table 4.21: Data for Experiment 8 Figure 4.20: Convergence graph for Experiment 8 Characteristic Value Fitness Function 9.3961 Best Run 8 πΎπ 0.4365 πΎπ 1.4575 πΎπ 3.1055 40 Heat Exchanger The PSO results produced the best solution for each experiment. Next, all the values were inferred into step response graph to see the difference in step response result of the system. Figure 4.21 shows the step response graph of PSO-PID for HE system while table 4.22 shows the step response result. Figure 4.21: Step response for PSO-PID in HE system Table 4.22: Step response result for PSO-PID in HE system Experiment Characteristic 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 0.2834 1.5418 3.1655 6 0.4397 1.4548 3.1039 4 0.4417 1.4542 3.1038 6 0.4576 1.4438 3.0970 1 0.4381 1.4565 3.1051 7 0.4398 1.4544 3.1024 3 0.4491 1.4495 3.1010 8 0.4365 1.4575 3.1055 Overshoot, ππ (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Peak time, ππ (sec) 0.0687 0.0701 0.0701 0.0703 0.0701 0.0701 0.0702 0.0701 Rise time, ππ (sec) 0.0146 0.0148 0.0148 0.0149 0.0148 0.0148 0.0148 0.0148 0.0269 0.0273 0.0273 0.0274 0.0273 0.0273 0.0273 0.0273 Best Run πΎπ πΎπ πΎπ Settling time, ππ (sec) 41 From figure 4.21, the step response shows same plotting for all experiment. As for the result, the value for overshoot percentage is zero for all experiment, and other characteristic has slightly different value from each other with 0.001 seconds difference. The value of rise time also less than 1 second. Electro Hydraulic Servo System For EHSS system, the data were also interpreted into one graph. Figure 4.22 shows the step response graph of PSO-PID for EHSS system while table 4.23 shows the step response result. Figure 4.22: Step response for PSO-PID in EHSS system 42 Table 4.23: Step response result for PSO-PID in EHSS system Experiment Characteristic 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 0.2834 1.5418 3.1655 6 0.4397 1.4548 3.1039 4 0.4417 1.4542 3.1038 6 0.4576 1.4438 3.0970 1 0.4381 1.4565 3.1051 7 0.4398 1.4544 3.1024 3 0.4491 1.4495 3.1010 8 0.4365 1.4575 3.1055 5.1505 4.2157 4.2046 4.1310 4.2215 4.2140 4.1700 4.2289 Peak time, ππ (sec) 5.8828 6.2666 6.2728 6.3279 6.2605 6.2666 6.2973 6.2544 Rise time, ππ (sec) 0.4311 0.4199 0.4196 0.4189 0.4198 0.4204 0.4191 0.4200 16.2508 8.1973 8.2007 8.2230 8.1898 8.1962 8.2230 8.1847 Best trial πΎπ πΎπ πΎπ Overshoot, ππ (%) Settling time, ππ (sec) From the graph, we can see that the data approached to the same place which make the graph quiet same for all the experiments. From table 4.23, the result also shows quiet same value for all experiment where only small difference between the results. The value for overshoot are around 90.7% to 91.3%. Next, the value for peak time and settling time are around 0.226 seconds to 0.228 seconds and 4.05 to 4.29 respectively. Meanwhile for rise time, the values for all the experiments is 0.0741 except for experiment 2 which is 0.226. 4.5 Discussion The optimized PID intended to give best result and better performance for a control system. The result from the experiments shows incredibly better result compared to the system without PID. For GA-PID, experiment 1 to 4 shows the value of πΎπ are more than 99.45 while other 4 experiments shows less than 99.45. This value may varied due to the difference value of mutation probability used which was 0.9 for experiment 1 to 4 and 0.95 for experiment 5 to 8. The value of πΎπ are same for all experiments which was 200 while πΎπ has the lowest value among all. In HE system, the step response results for all experiment are same except for the overshoot percentage. The same result of step response may occurred due to the PID value that quite same for all experiments. Meanwhile, in EHSS system the result shows that the value of overshoot percentage 43 is high which is more that 90% but has lower value of peak time and rise which is less than 1 second. Next, for PSO-PID, the value of PID achieved is similar for every experiment with the value of πΎπ was lower compared to πΎπ and πΎπ value. The value of πΎπ will determined the speed of the control system where we can see by the result of overshoot percentage. Lower value of πΎπ will lead to lower value of overshoot percentage. In HE system, the best fit for the system was the experiment 1 where all the result showed lower value compared to other experiments. Experiment 1 showed no overshoot percentage and 0.0146 seconds for rise time. Subsequently, for EHSS system, the best fit for the system was experiment 5 which the result showed consistent lower value for all the step response result. Figure 4.23 shows the graph of comparison for HE system while figure 4.24 shows the comparison step response for EHSS system. Figure 4.23: Step response graph for HE system 44 Figure 4.24: Step response graph for EHSS system Table 4.24: Comparison between step response result for HE and EHSS system HE Characteristic Without PID Not optimized PID EHSS GA- PSO- Without PID PID PID Not optimized PID GA- PSO- PID PID Overshoot, ππ (%) 85.3 56.3 2.22 0 54.2 58.4 90.7 4.2215 Peak time, ππ (sec) 0.523 0.45 0.014 0.0687 2.2 1.08 0.228 6.2605 Rise time, ππ (sec) 0.207 0.155 0.0049 0.0146 18.6 10.2 0.0741 0.4198 10.9 4.07 0.014 0.0269 0.811 0.386 4.05 8.1898 Settling time, ππ (sec) From table 4.24, we can see the difference between the step response results for both system. For HE system, the optimized PID improved the overshoot percentage close to 90% also, the rise time improved by 87%. PSO-PID showed the best result between the two optimization methods for HE system with no overshoot percentage and less than 1 second for rise time. While for EHSS system, the optimized result showed the overshoot percentage were improved by 92% for PSO but not improved in GA. For GA-PID, despite from its high value of overshoot, its rise time managed to improve 45 by 90% same goes to PSO-PID. In this system, PSO-PID showed the consistent step response result by means, PSO can give best performance for the control system in EHSS. 46 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1 Conclusion This project is to design a PID controller for Heat Exchanger system (HE) and Electro Hydraulic Servo System (EHSS) that has been optimized. There are two method of optimization used in this project which is Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). Both optimization were planned to improve the performance for both system. By applying the principle of GA and PSO to optimize the PID, 8 experiments were for each optimization for both system. Based on analysis in previous chapter, we can see that PID value gained in all experiment quite same for GA and also PSO. Similar value of PID resulting to similar gain for step response result. In GA, high value of mutation probability give low value of K_p. But, these slightly difference in value does not effecting the result of step response in GA even the overshoot percentage different for some experiment, but it is still small difference by 0.01. On the other hand, step response result for PSO showed similar value, this also may due to alike of optimized PSO-PID. From figure 4.23, figure 4.24 and figure 4.23, we can clearly see that PSO is the best optimization method for both systems as it give the best step response result and improved the step response compared to the system without PID and not optimized PID using MATLAB software. 47 5.2 Recommendation Throughout this project, there are few challenges were faced in terms of deciding the parameter for the optimization method. There are some recommendation and improvements that can be made for future work: 1. Expanding the number of iteration and population for GA to see the variety of step response result for the system. 2. Include the Internal Model Based Controller which also help with minimizing the overshoot percentage but in simpler way and see the different with optimization method. 48 REFERENCE Abdulnabi, A. R. (2017). PID Controller Design for Cruise Control Syste, using Particle Swarm Optimization. Iraqi Journal for Computers and Informatics, 30-35. Aekarin, S., & Wudhichai, A. 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