1 2 VP (Organic Compounds) UNITS & SYMBOLS Physical Constant VAPOR PRESSURES VP (Water) Chemical Family Formula Index VP (Inorg & Org Liquids) VP (Inorg Cmpds) H2O/HCl Solutions H2O/H2SO4 Solutions SO2/Water HNO3,H2O/ HNO3 Sol’ns CH3COOH Solutions H2O/NH3 Solutions H2O/Na2CO3 Sol’ns SOLUBILITIES Inorganic Compounds Henry’s Constant DENSITIES Saturated Liquid H2O ρ (Inorg & ρ (Aqueous Org Liquids) Inorg Sol’ns) LATENT HEATS Heat of Vaporization ΔHfus (Org Cmpds) ΔHv (Inorg & Org Liquids) SPECIFIC HEATS Cp (Elem & Cp (Inorg & Inorg Cmpds) Org Liquids) Cp/Cv Cp (Aqueous Sol’ns) Cp (Misc Materials) FORMATION & COMBUSTION ΔH & ΔF (Inorg C.) Enthalpy / ΔG / Entropy Inorganic Organic Compounds Compounds THERMAL EXPANSION Linear Expansion Volume Expansion JouleThompson Elements & Organic Inorg Cmpds Compounds PARTIAL PRESSURES H2O,CH3OH/ H2O/NaOH CH3OH Sol’ns Solutions ρ (Aqueous Org Sol’ns) Ideal Gas Constant, R CONVERSION FACTORS ρ (Misc Materials) Cp (Organic Cp Cp Solids) (Polynomial) (Hyperbolic) Enthalpy (Combust) Entropy (Combust) HEATS OF SOLUTION Critical Constants COMPRESSIBILITY, Z THERMODYNAMIC P. Air Ammonia Carbon Dioxide Carbon Monoxide Ethanol Hydrogen Methane Methanol Nitrogen Oxygen R-22 (CCl2F2) R-32 (CH2F2) R-125 (C2HF5) R-134a (CH2FCF3) R-143a (C2H3F3) R-404A R-407C R-410A OpteonTM YF (R-1234yf) Water TRANSPORT PROPERTIES Surface Tension σ Viscosity (Inorg & Org) Viscosity (Liquids) Diffusivities (Gas & Vap) Diffusivities (Liquids) Cognomen Critical Properties Normal Melting Pt. Normal Boiling Pt. Acentric Factor Radius of Gyration Dipole Moment Refractive Index Dielectric Constant Vapor Pressure Thermal Properties Enthalpy of Formation Entropy Latent Enthalpy Enthalpy of Vaporization Enthalpy of Fusion Enthalpy of Sublimation Heat Capacity Density Viscosity Thermal Conductivity Surface Tension Flammability Properties Flash Point 3 MATHEMATICS Constants & MENSURATION ELEMENTARY Formulas FORMULAS ALGEBRA ANALYTIC ALGEBRA INFINITE SERIES COMPLEX VARIABLES DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 4 Thermodynamic Laws Variables & Definitions Cpig – T Equations Steady state (Definition) GENERAL BALANCES Clapeyron Equation Antoine Equation Energy Balance Entropy Balance Irreversibility Poynting Correction Virial EOS PengLorentzRobinson (PR) Berthelot rule Change of Mixing GE Models Vapor/Liquid Equilibrium Equilibrium Ratio Dew Bubble, Dew Calculation Sample Prob 5 Prandtl Thermal ThermoFlammability Flash Points Number (Air) Conductivity physical Prop Limits Ostwald coefficient CONDUCTION Fourier’s Law Autoignition PREDICTION & CORRELATION Temp Flammability Autoignition Limit Temp DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS INTEGRAL CALCULUS Continuity Equations PFD (DME Synthesis) Ideal Gas Carnot Efficiency Flow Processes EQUATIONS OF STATE Fugacity Chemical Potential GibbsDuhem Eqn LewisRandall Rule Phase Rule Excess Property Duhem’s Theorem RachfordModified Bubble Raoult’s Law Rice Method Raoult’s Law Calculation LAPLACE INITIAL-VALUE OPTIMIZATION TRANSFORM PROBLEMS PLANE TRIGO STATISTICS Bunsen coefficient Std. Property Change Steady rate of Q b, measure of curvature Biot Number, Bi CONVECTION Nusselt Natural Number, NuD Convection Rayleigh Number, Rax Prandtl Number, Pr Forced Convection Condensation Falling Film Jakob Number, Jal Pool Boiling Planck’s Law Wien Equation Emittance & Absorptance Kirchoff’s Law Yamauiti Principle MASS TRANSFER Fick’s First Law Diffusivities (Dilute Liq.) Diffusivities (Conc’d Liq) Diffusivity Estimation Diffusivities (Solids) HTU NTU Film Theory Penetration Theory Danckwerts Theory RADIATION Blackbody Radiation Mass Transfer Diffusivities Coefficient (Gases) Sherwood Schmidt Stanton Number, NSh Number, NSc Number, NSt 6 FLUID DYNAMICS Fluid Types Bernoulli Equation Cauchy Momentum NavierStokes Eqn Fanning factor, ƒ HagenPoiseuille Knudsen Number, Kn Frictional Losses Dean Number, De Mach Number, M Flow Pattern Transport Velocity Durand Equation Impeller Re (ReI) Power Number, NP Ergun Equation Porous Media Darcy’s Law Strouhal Number, Sr Kolmogorov Dimensioneddy less Numbers PARTICLE DYNAMICS Drag Coefficient Terminal Velocity Stoke’s Law Intermediate Law Newton’s Law Hindered Settling Weber Best Number, We Number, ND Wall Corr. Factor, kw 7 Reaction Rate Heat of Chemical Reaction, ΔHr Equilibrium Limiting Reactant Extent of Reaction, ξ Selectivity, S Yield. Y 1st-Order Reactions HOMOGENEOUS RXNS Reaction Law of Mass Classification Action Catalysis IDEAL REACTORS Arrhenius Equation Batch CSTR PFR Chain Reactions Phosgene Synthesis O3-O2 Conversion HBr Synthesis FLUID-SOLID CATAL. RXNS Ely-Rideal Kinetics Biocatalysis Monod Kinetics Chain Polymeriz’n Biochemical Biological Vs. Electrochem Reactions Chemical Reactions Butene-1 Isomeriz’n Enzyme Kinetics Exponential Langmuir- External Mass Intraparticle growth Hinshelwood Transfer Diffusion Catalyst G-S Noncatal GAS-LIQUID Reaction-Diff. Hatta REACTIONS Deactivation Reactions Regime Number, Ha Polydispersity Homo. Catalysis Faraday’s Law Feedforward Open- vs. Control Closed-Loop Autocatalysis Thiele Modulus G-L-S REACTIONS Catalytic Reactions Polymeriz’n Reactions MW Distribution Current Efficiency Laboratory Reactors Kinetic Parameters Half-Life Method Laplace Transform SISO Systems Feedback Control On/Off Control 8 Control System Feedback Control Proportional Control PI Control PID Control Controller Tuning ADVANCED CTRL SYSTEM FB-FF Pros & Cons Cascade Control Selective & Override Split-Range Control Adaptive Control UNIT OPS CTRL SYSTEM P&I Diagrams Heat E. Control Distillation C. Control Chemical Reactors Drying Operations Compressor Control Plantwide Control BIOPROCESS PROCESS Temperature CONTROL MEASUREMENT Pressure Flow Control Valves Speed Pumps Regulators PLANT SAFETY Pressure Measure Static Pressure Velocity Measure Flowmeters HDA Process Batch vs BATCH Flowsheet PROCESS CTRL Continuous Batch Reactor Ctrl Level Physical Property Electroanalytical 9 TERMS 10 MEASURE OF FLOW Behavior of Fluids Velocity Meters PUMPS Centrifugal Pumps Propeller & Turbine P. Jet Pumps COMPRESSOR Cont.-Flow Compressor Ejectors Seals Bearings Compressor Problems Rotor Dynamics Metallic Piping Properties of Steel Pipe Flanged Joints Mechanical Joints Valves 11 THERMAL DESIGN Mean Temp Difference LMTD Temperature Profiles Tank Coils Fouling & Scaling Chemical Composition EVAPORATOR Total Dry- & WetTemperature Bulb Temp Heat-Transfer Solids Coefficients Processing Shell-side Baffles & DOUBLE-PIPE HE Construction Tube Bundles Moisture Emissivity Compression Theory of of Gases Compression Vibration Monitoring Thermal Modulus Coeff (Metal) of Elasticity LMTD Corr. Factors Condensers PROCESS PLANT PIPING Selection of Pipes Storage of Gases Pressure Vessels Reboilers Evaporators Types of Tube-side SHELL-AND- HT Equipment TUBE HE & Functions Construction Construction THERMAL INSULATION AIRCONDITION Types & Boiling-Point Vapor-Liquid Arrangement Calculations Accessories Applications Rise Separation Operation AIR-COOLED COMPACT & HE NONTUBULAR Fans & Blowers HE FOR SOLIDS REFRIGERATION 12 PSYCHROMETRY Terminology Formulas Psychro-M Charts Sample Problems Psychro-M Calculations Worked Examples Measure of Humidity EVAPORATIVE COOLING Cooling Towers Makeup Water Wet Surface Air Coolers SOLIDSDRYING Terminology Moisture Transport Drying Kinetics Dryer Types Tray Dryers Tunnel Dryers Agitated & Rotary Dryers FluidizedBed 13 DISTILLATION Phase Equilibria K Value Raoult’s Law No. of Stages FLASH BINARY CALCULATION DISTILLATION K Value Correlations Required Material Balances Operating Line Murphree Efficiency MULTI-COMP DISTILLATION Fenske’s Equation Underwood Equation Gilliland Equation MaxwellStefan Azeotropy Azeotropic Distillation Extractive Distillation Reactive Distillation PETROLEUM DISTILLATION BATCH DISTILLATION Tray-Tower Design Heat Effects in Gas Ab Multicomponent 14 PackedGAS ABSORPTION Tower Design TRAY COLUMNS Tray Types Flooding Entrainment Pressure Drop Hydraulic Limits Structured Packings Packing Efficiency Wetted-Wall Columns PHASE DISPERSION Bubble Size PHASE SEPARATION McCabeThiele Kremser Equation Equil Stage Equations Absorp w/ Chem’l Rxn Conc’n Profile Hatta Number, NHa Tray Efficiency PACKED COLUMNS Random Packings