Uploaded by Daymon Church

PSA Audio Recording Assignment for KOSW 91.3

PSA Audio Recording Assignment for KOSW 91.3
Intro to Video Production
Student work
PSA Audio Recording Assignment for KOSW 91.3
Daymon Church • Feb 4 (Edited Feb 15)
100 points
Due Feb 18
Please Choose and Record one of the following PSA's. You can use your phone or computer. Email or ask me in class if
you have any questions.
- SELECT 1 READ FROM THE LIST BELOW, RECORD 3 DIFFERENT VERSIONS AND TURN IN AUDIO You are listening to KOSW-LP, 91.3 FM, Ocean Shores, Washington. We are
YOUR community, all-volunteer radio station broadcasting 24 hours per day. We
are the Sound of the Shores.
Your radio dial is tuned to KOSW-LP, 91.3 FM, Ocean Shores, the Palm Beach of
the north coast. We broadcast 365 days per year. We are the Sound of the
This is the Sound of the Shores, KOSW-LP, 91.3 FM, Ocean Shores, Washington.
You can listen to us online at koswradio.com.
Welcome and thank you for listening to KOSW-LP, 91.3 FM, Ocean Shores. We
are your #1 source for emergency information for the north coast. We are the
Sound of the Shores.
Thanks for listening to KOSW-LP, 91.3 FM, Ocean Shores, the voice of the North
Beach Hyaks. We also broadcast City Council meetings for the City of Ocean
Shores as well as many other community events.