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Badminton Rules & Guidelines

Holy Name of Mary
Health and Physical Education
Long Service Line - singles
Long Service Line - doubles
The object of the game is to hit the shuttle and make it land on the ground
on the other side of the net within the boundaries.
Playing Court:
Singles’ court is long and narrow.
Doubles’ court is long and wide (except on the serve, it is short & wide).
Start of Play
A match consists of the best of 3 games to 21 points.
The side winning a rally adds a point to their score.
At 20 all, the side which gains a 2-point lead first is the game winner.
The game winner serves first in the next game.
In the third game, players change ends when one side scores 11 points.
Sideline for singles
Sideline for doubles
A coin is tossed or a shuttle tossed and the winner has the choice to serve
first, receive the serve or choose a side of the court.
Short Service Line
Singles Play
At the beginning of a game and when the score is even, the server
serves from the right service court. When the score is odd, the server
serves from the left service court.
If the server wins a rally, he/she scores a point and then serves again
from the alternate service court.
If the receiver wins a rally, he/she scores a point and becomes the server.
Doubles Play
At the beginning of a game and when the score is even, the server serves
from the right service court. When the score is odd, the server serves from
the left service court.
If the receiving side wins a rally, the receiving side scores a point. The receiving side then becomes the new
serving side.
The player of the receiving side who served last stays in the same service court from where he/she served
last. The reverse pattern applies to the receiver’s partner.
The players do not change their respective service courts until they win a point when their side is serving.
If a players commit an error in the service court (eg. serve from the wrong court), the error is corrected when
the mistake is discovered.
The service is performed with the racquet head below the waist and under the hand for it to be a legal serve.
The serve must travel diagonally (cross court) and land in the proper court.
server’s waistline
Rules of Play
Shuttles falling on the line are considered “in”.
A server cannot serve until their opponent is ready.
A player or his/her racquet cannot touch, or go over or under the net during play.
On a serve, only the base (cork) of the shuttle must be struck.
The shuttle is still in play if it hits the net and goes over.
A shuttle that hits the net on a serve and lands in the correct service area is good
A player may not reach over the net to hit the shuttle.
A birdie may not come to rest or be carried on the racket.
The birdie may not come in contact with the player at any point.
A fault occurs if the server swings and misses the shuttle while serving.
A fault occurs if the serve does not fall in the right service area.
A fault occurs if the feet of the server or receiver are not in the proper court when serving.
A fault occurs if the shuttle:
• is above the waist and above the hand when the serve is made
• fails to go over the net during play
• is hit twice on the same side of the court
• hits the roof or walls
• falls out of the boundaries of play
• touches any part of a player or his/her clothing
• is caught or lifted by the racquet, rather than being hit
A LET may be called and a point replayed if the receiver of the serve is not ready.
A LET may be called and a point replayed if the shuttle:
• hits an overhanging basketball net
• breaks while serving or during a rally
• catches on the net after it has gone over the net
Common Terms
Badminton Term
Back Court
The back half of the court in the general area of the back boundary lines
The lines parallel to the net which limit the playing area oat the end boundaries of
the court
A commonly used term for the shuttle
Holding the bird on the racket during the execution of a shot this is an illegal shot
This is the area of the court nearest the net. The area between the net and the
short service line
The point that will enable the server to win the game
A legitimate stoppage of play due to interference from outside the court. It is
A shot that clears the net and drops near the front court
Shot is high and long, drops near the backcourt near the boundary line
The shot is directed low, downward and into the frontcourt area
Fore Court
Game bird
Drop shot
Clear shot