Uploaded by Nauman Ali

Praktikrapport: Telekommunikation i Pakistan

Submitted B!
R"## $umbe% !
Abdul Samad
Submitted To: Khalid Sarwar (AM NGN Core Swithi!" North#$%lamabad&'
De&'%tme$t "( E#e)t%i)'# E$*i$ee%i$*
N'ti"$'# U$i+e%it "( C"m&ute% '$d Eme%*i$* S)ie$)e, I#'m'b'd
Table of contents
Part 1: Introduction …………………………………………………………………….. 3
Part 2: Concepts learnt in dierent departments……………..………. 3
2.1Transmission………………………………………………………….. 4
2.1.1$!te"rated Serie% )i"ital Networ*+++++++'''''' ,
2.1.2 ZNOC…………………………………………………………………………….. 6
2.2NGN………………………………………………………………….…………….. 9
2.3!itc"in#……………………………………………………………….. 12
2.3.1Mode% o Swithi!"++++++++++++++''' 12
2.3.2N.C i! /TC+++++++++++++++++ 14
2.4$%……………………………………………………………………...... 1&
2.4.1 Optical Fibre Basics……………………………………………………….. 15
2.4.2 Synchronos !i"ital #ierarchy………………………………………. 1$
Part 3: Interns"ip tas's............................................................. 21
%nalysis .................................................................................21
P'%t -! SWOT A$'#i. //
Part &: %indin#s and (ecommendations ……………….………..……….. 24
5.1 Fin&in"s……………………………………………………………………. 24
5.2 'eco((en&ations……………………………………………………. 24
er ear# ma! i!al ear u!der"raduate %tude!t% aro%% /a*i%ta! ta*e 3art i! %ummer
i!ter!%hi3% or"a!ied a!d %u3eri%ed b ariou% or"a!iatio!% i! the ou!tr'
Thi% doume!t 3re%e!t% a! i!ter!%hi3 re3ort at /TC (/a*i%ta! Teleommu!iatio!% limited&' A
brie hi%tor a!d i!ormatio! o the or"a!iatio! i% al%o i!luded i! the re3ort'
The om3a! trae% it% ori"i! rom the /o%t% a!d Tele"ra3h de3artme!t e%tabli%hed i! 1947' $t
wa% later re!amed /a*i%ta! Tele"ra3h a!d Tele3ho!e de3artme!t i! 1952' $! the earl 906% it
beame /a*i%ta! Teleom Cor3oratio!' /TC beame a 3ubli li%ted om3a! i! 1995' ti%alat
auired 258 /TC %hare% i! 2005'
/TC headuarter% i% loated i! Setor G-# $%lamabad# a!d ha% oer te! re"io!al headuarter%
throu"hout the ou!tr' Mr' alid$r%haid i% the urre!t /re%ide!t a!d C. o the om3a!'
Toda /TC i% the lar"e%t i;ed li!e teleommu!iatio!% %erie 3roider i! the ou!tr' /TC
%erie% i!lude a!dli!e a!d irele%% Tele3ho!# <roadba!d a!d =G i!ter!et# $/T># ?ome
%eurit ($ Se!tr&'
er ear /TC oer% 3aid a!d !o!-3aid i!ter!%hi3% to u!ier%it %tude!t%' !"i!eeri!" a!d
om3uter %ie!e %tude!t% u%uall wor* i! the Networ*% a!d .3eratio! dii%io!' There are ma!
de3artme!t% u!der thi% dii%io!'
The duratio! o thi% i!ter!%hi3 wa% 5 wee*%# rom 27@ul 201, to 7 Se3tember 201,' The
i!ter!%hi3 wa% i! the ollowi!" de3artme!t%:
Tra!%mi%%io! (2 ee*%&
NGN-?CT (1 wee*&
.3tial iber S%tem% (2 ee*%&
Swithi!" (1 ee*&
Tra!%mi%%io! (abbreiatio!: T;& i% the 3roe%% o %e!di!" a!d 3ro3a"ati!" a! a!alo"ue or di"ital
i!ormatio! %i"!al oer a 3h%ial 3oi!t-to-3oi!t or 3oi!t-to-multi3oi!t tra!%mi%%io! medium#
either wired# o3tial iber or wirele%%'
T%'$mii"$ Te)2$"#"*
Tra!%mi%%io! teh!olo"ie% a!d %heme% t3iall reer to 3h%ial laer 3rotool dutie% %uh a%
modulatio!# demodulatio!# li!e odi!"# eualiatio!# error o!trol# bit %!hro!iatio! a!d
multi3le;i!"# but the term ma al%o i!ole hi"her-laer 3rotool dutie%# or e;am3le# di"itii!"
a! a!alo" me%%a"e %i"!al# a!d %oure odi!" (om3re%%io!&' Tra!%mi%%io! o a di"ital me%%a"e#
or o a di"itied a!alo" %i"!al# i% *!ow! a% data tra!%mi%%io! or di"ital ommu!iatio!' .!e
tra!%mi%%io! i% the %e!di!" o a %i"!al with limited duratio!# or e;am3le a blo* or 3a*et o
data# a 3ho!e all# or a! email'
Di+ii"$ "( T%'$mii"$
)i"ital Cro%% Co!!et ()BB& i% a %tate-o-the-art ommu!iatio! teh!olo" oer .3tial iber'
a%t a!d reliable data ommu!iatio! a! be 3roided u%i!" thi% teh!olo" rom 5'4 *b3% to
%eeral Mb3%' .3tial iber %tream% are termi!ated o! )i"ital Cro%% Co!!et !ode% a!d data
o!!etiit i% 3roided to u%tomer6% 3remi%e% u%i!" li!e ard% (2<1D# >'=, )CC# )$N$C# 27
C=# 2 C et'& a!d )TE% ()ata Termi!ati!" E!it&' hole )BB !etwor* i% mo!itored a!d
o!trolled b Su! ba%ed Networ* Ma!a"eme!t S%tem (NMS&'
)i"ital Cro%% Co!!et ()BB& i% a %tate-o-the-art ommu!iatio! teh!olo" oer .3tial iber'
a%t a!d reliable data ommu!iatio! a! be 3roided u%i!" thi% teh!olo" rom 5'4 *b3% to
%eeral Mb3%' .3tial iber %tream% are termi!ated o! )i"ital Cro%% Co!!et !ode% a!d data
o!!etiit i% 3roided to u%tomer6% 3remi%e% u%i!" li!e ard% (2<1D# >'=, )CC# )$N$C# 27
C=# 2 C et'& a!d )TE% ()ata Termi!ati!" E!it&' hole )BB !etwor* i% mo!itored a!d
o!trolled b Su! ba%ed Networ* Ma!a"eme!t S%tem (NMS&'
The )i"ital Cro%% Co!!et ()BB& %%tem i% de3loed i! the ull me%h o!i"uratio!' The
tra!%mi%%io! medium i% iber .3ti' iber .3ti i% the mo%t reliable tra!%mi%%io! medium or
lo!" haul ommu!iatio!%' Similarl it oer% low tra!%mi%%io! dela%' Thi% e!able% the
u%tomer% to %et u3 irtual 3riate !etwor* at er aordable 3rie%' The e!tral !ode% o the
!etwor* are made u3 o the =5=0 )i"ital Cro%% Co!!et %withe% rom Alatel# whih are
de3loed at the )i"ital Tra!%it ;ha!"e% i! all the itie%' The =5=0 )i"ital Cro%% Co!!et
%withe% at eah )i"ital Tra!%it ;ha!"e are the! o!!eted with the =5=0 Multi3le;er%'
A!other im3orta!t eature o the )BB i% that rame Fela a! be em3loed i! the e;i%ti!" )BB
!etwor* u%i!" F a!d FS ard% i! Alatel =5=0 !ode%'
Medi' "( D't' T%'$mii"$
)ial E3'
$S)N (<F$&'
$S)N (/F$&'
)i"ital Cro%% Co!!et ()BB&'
)i"ital Sub%riber i!e (B)S&'
.3tial iber Ae%% Networ* (.AN&'
Di'# UP
A om3o!e!t i! i!dow% 9, a!d i!dow% 9 that e!able% ou to o!!et our om3uter to a
!etwor* ia a modem”
The $!te"rated Serie% )i"ital Networ* ($S)N& i% a %et o i!ter!atio!al %ta!dard% or ae%% to
ada!ed# all-di"ital 3ubli teleommu!iatio!% !etwor*%' $S)N ha% three eleme!t%
$' $!te"rated Serie%
$$' )i"ital
$$$' Networ*
$!te"rated Serie%
Mi;ed media at a !umber o %ta!dard
)ata rate%
)i"ital termi!al eui3me!t'
)i"ital loal loo3%'
)i"ital tru!*%'
)i"ital %withi!"'
AN - irele%% oal Area Networ*
AN - ide Area Networ*
MAN - Metro3olita! Area Networ*
SAN - Stora"e Area Networ*# S%tem Area Networ*# Serer Area Networ*# or
%ometime% Small Area Networ*
CAN - Cam3u% Area Networ*# Co!troller Area Networ*# or %ometime% Clu%ter Area
/AN - /er%o!al Area Networ*
)AN - )e%* Area Networ*
The ba*u3 o )BB i% $S)NH<F$' <F$ %ta!d% or <a%i Fate $!terae'
$t% ma;imum rate i% 12 K<3%'
$t i% u%e or <roadba!d Serie%' /F$ %ta!d% or /rimar Fate $!terae'
$t% ma;imum rate i% 54 K<3%'
Di*it'# C%" C"$$e)t 5D336
The )BB 3roide% a om3lete !etwor*i!" %olutio! to the !etwor* o3erator% with the
ollowi!" be!eit%:
iie!t utiliatio! o e;i%ti!" tra!%mi%%io! ba!dwidth'
/owerul NMS to ma!a"e lar"e !etwor*%'
The be%t le;ibilit or !etwor*i!"'
?i"her %erie ualit a!d he!e hi"her u%tomer %ati%atio!
Su3er rate: Multi3le;i!" o I J 54 K bit%
/.1./ 7NOC 57"$'# Net8"%0 O&e%'ti"$ Ce$te%6
/TC i% a leadi!" 3roider o teleom oie a!d data %erie% withi! /a*i%ta!' A% 3art o it%
o!ti!ui!" i!ra%truture deelo3me!t%# /TC ha% embar*ed u3o! a maor i!e%tme!t 3ro"ram
i! the Networ* .3eratio!% Ce!ter (N.C&' The 3ur3o%e o N.C i% to o!trol# mo!itor a!d
ma!a"e the e!tire /TC !etwor*L to e!ha!e a!d o3timie !etwor* ma!a"eme!t throu"h a
tra!%3are!t a!d e!tralied 3latorm a!d to reate a hi"hl aailable# ada3table a!d ault re%ilie!t
!etwor* that a! meet mar*et dema!d a!d oer u%tomer %ati%atio!' Throu"h the N.C# /TC
ha% bee! able to addre%% tho%e i%%ue% with a om3lete o!er"e!e o the e!tire !etwor* o! a
%i!"le 3latorm'
T2e%e '%e t2%ee t&e "( medi'9)'%%ie% '%e ued i$ P'0it'$ b PTCL.
 (irele%% oal oo3&
.3tial iber
E%i!" Co33er a% media o tra!%erri!" o data# there i% a loal e;ha!"e (&# the %etu3 o  i%
i!%talled o! "rou!d loor a!d the data i% tra!%erred rom M) (Mai! )i%tributio! rame&L rom
the ro!t %ide we ae%% ia able while ba* %ide i% %withi!" bo;'
 /roatie ide!tiiatio! a!d re%olutio! ault% o throu"h Feal-time Networ* Mo!itori!" 
%tatu% i%ibilit'
 $!rea%e !etwor* aailabilit throu"h !ha!ed Dualit o Serie a!d e!tralied 3erorma!e
%tati%ti% a!d re3orti!" meha!i%m'
 $!rea%ed Aou!tabilit a!d Tra!%3are! throu"h e%alatio! 3oliie%# wor* order% a!d
mai!te!a!e o %eure atiit lo"%'
OFC4I 5O&ti)'# Fibe%6
A! "&ti)'# (ibe% (or "&ti)'# (i#e% & i% a le;ible# tra!%3are!t iber made o e;truded "la%% (%ilia&
or 3la%ti# %li"htl thi*er tha! a huma! hair' $t a! u!tio! a% a wae"uide# or li"ht 3i3eO# to
tra!%mit li"ht betwee! the two e!d% o the iber' The ield o a33lied %ie!e a!d e!"i!eeri!"
o!er!ed with the de%i"! a!d a33liatio! o o3tial iber% i% *!ow! a% (ibe% "&ti). .3tial
iber% are widel u%ed i! iber-o3ti ommu!iatio!%# where the 3ermit tra!%mi%%io! oer
lo!"er di%ta!e% a!d at hi"her ba!dwidth% (data rate%& tha! wire able%' ibre% are u%ed i!%tead o
metal wire% beau%e %i"!al% trael alo!" them with le%% lo%% a!d are al%o immu!e to
eletroma"!eti i!terere!e' iber% are al%o u%ed or illumi!atio!# a!d are wra33ed i! bu!dle%
%o that the ma be u%ed to arr ima"e%# thu% allowi!" iewi!" i! o!i!ed %3ae%' S3eiall
de%i"!ed iber% are u%ed or a ariet o other a33liatio!%# i!ludi!" %e!%or% a!d iber la%er%'
T&e "( "&ti)'# (ibe% )'b#e
.3tial iber able i% aailable i! three orm% whih are
1' Slotted ore able
2' oo%e tube able
=' oo%e tube %lotted ore able
M'i$ A&&#i)'ti"$ "( t2e "&ti)'# (ibe% )'b#e
/ubli a!d 3riate teleommu!iatio! li!e%
Com3uter !etwor* (AN# AN &
Telei%io! di%tributio! !etwor* (CAT>&
Militar !etwor*
Co!trol# remote o!trol  %i"!alii!" !etwor*
>ideo %u3eri%io! li!e%
Ad+'$t'*e "( t2e "&ti)'# (ibe% )'b#e
.3tial iber able% are !ot aeted b a! i!terere!e ori"i!ated rom e!er" tra!%mi%%io!
li!e%' Fadio wae% a!d ro%% tal* betwee! the iber% doe% !ot e;i%t' No %3eial 3rotetio! i%
1' N"$ C"$du)ti+it
No "rou!di!" i% !ee%%ar beau%e o metal ree able'
2' L'%*e Wide b'$d8idt2
Suitable or hi"h %3eed' ide-ba!d# teleommu!iatio! li!e%'
=. L"8 L"!
<eau%e o ow ew or !o am3liier% are !ee%%ar'
4. :e% Li*2t Wei*2t
The %malle%t able% a! be de%i"!ed a!d ma!uatured thereore redue 3ulli!" %tre!"th a!d
redue lai!" o%t'
,' E)"$"mi)
The mo%t eo!omial %olutio! or the %imulta!eou% tra!%mi%%io! o %eeral multiha!!el u%er%'
5. L"8 Atte$u'ti"$
7. N" C%" T'#0
. M'$ )2'$$e# C'&')it
9' E' I$t'##'ti"$
O&ti)'# (ibe% )'b#e ued i$ P'0it'$
1' .le; able (1 iber %lotted ore !umber o %lot 5&
2' ui*ura able (1 iber %lotted ore !umber %lot 10&
=' Sieme! able (12 iber loo%e tube&
4' T !"i!eeri!" able (1# 12# 5 iber loo%e tube with %lotted ore&
Ri$* T"&"#"*
A ri!" !etwor* i% a !etwor* to3olo" i! whih eah !ode o!!et% to e;atl two other !ode%#
ormi!" a %i!"le o!ti!uou% 3athwa or %i"!al% throu"h eah !ode - a ri!"' )ata trael rom
!ode to !ode# with eah !ode alo!" the wa ha!dli!" eer 3a*et'
<eau%e a ri!" to3olo" 3roide% o!l o!e 3athwa betwee! a! two !ode%# ri!" !etwor*% ma
be di%ru3ted b the ailure o a %i!"le li!*' A !ode ailure or able brea* mi"ht i%olate eer !ode
attahed to the ri!"' $! re%3o!%e# %ome ri!" !etwor*% add a Pou!ter-rotati!" ri!"P (C-Fi!"& to
orm a redu!da!t to3olo": i! the ee!t o a brea*# data are wra33ed ba* o!to the
om3leme!tar ri!" beore reahi!" the e!d o the able# mai!tai!i!" a 3ath to eer !ode alo!"
the re%ulti!" C-Fi!"' Suh Pdual ri!"P !etwor*% i!lude S3atial Feu%e /rotool# iber
)i%tributed )ata $!terae ())$&# a!d Fe%ilie!t /a*et Fi!"'
NGN ; Ne<t Ge$e%'ti"$ Net8"%0
Ciruit Swithi!" i% the olde%t a!d mo%t ommo!l u%ed %withi!" teh!iue u%ed i! tele3ho!'
?oweer there are %eriou% drawba*% o iruit %withi!" %uh a%:
<a!dwidth i!eiie!
)iiult to mai!tai!
Co!!etio! %et-u3 dela
To addre%% the aboe 3roblem%# /a*et %withi!" ame i!to u%e' A 3a*et %withed !etwor* doe%
!ot reuire a dediated 3ath' The 3a*et% a! ollow diere!t route%L he!e utilie the ba!dwidth
more eiie!tl'
NGN (Ne;t Ge!eratio! Networ*%& wa% deelo3ed a% a 3a*et %withi!" method to tra!%3ort
>oie# >ideo# a!d )ata u%i!" a %i!"le !etwor*' Some ada!ta"e% o a NGN !etwor* are "ie!
<etter <a!dwidth utilit
>oie# >ideo# )ata o! a %i!"le !etwor*
a% ma!a"eme!t rom a %i!"le loatio!
Feliabilit i'e' lo%t 3a*et% a! ea%il be deteted a!d be reue%ted a"ai!'
Fe%ilie!e i'e' i o!e !etwor* li!* ail%# a! alter!ate li!* a! be u%ed
/TC u%e% the ?uawei C, NGN !etwor*' ?uawei SotB=000 ard% are u%ed to ma!a"e oie#
ideo a!d data %erie% o! the NGN !etwor*'
The NGN o!trol laer o!%i%t% o the ollowi!" SotB=000 <oard%
IFMI 5IP F"%8'%d M"du#e I$te%(')e (%"$t B"'%d6 Q E%ed to %e!d# reeie a!d 3roe%%
$/ 3a*et%' $t ha% a %3eed o =2000 bit% 3er %eo!d a!d u%e% the FS2=2 %erial 3ort
i!terae' /ower o!%um3tio! i% 15 '
FCCU 5Fi<ed C'##i$* C"$t%"# U$it (%"$t B"'%d6 Q E%ed to %tore bill%' $t ha% a memor
o 10 me"a bit%' $t i% %e!d% all billi!" i!ormatio! to the <illi!" Gatewa' $t re3ort% it%
alarm% to SME$' $t o!%ume% 15  a!d u%e% the FS2=2 i!terae
ALUI 5A#'%m U$it I$te%(')e (%"$t B"'%d6 Q Thi% board diretl ommu!iate% with the
SME$' Gie% war!i!" whe! tem3erature e;eed% a ertai! thre%hold a!d mo!itor% 3ower
o!%um3tio! rom retiier%' $t ha% a red led to i!diate a ault or tem3erature ri%e' The
board u%e% the FS2=2 i!terae'
MRCA 5Medi' Re"u%)e C"$t%"# A))e (%"$t B"'%d6 Q Thi% board i% a media %erer'
$t a! %tore# 3la a!d a!ale audio ile%' $t al%o "e!erate% ri!" ba* to!e% a!d i% u%ed i!
ideo o!ere!i!"' $t u%e% the FS2=2 i!terae'
MRIA 5Medi' Re"u%)e I$te%(')e B')0 B"'%d6 Q Thi% i% the ba* board o MFCA'
UPWR 5U$i+e%'# P"8e% B"'%d6 Q Thi% board %u33lie% 3ower to all the other board%' $t
ha% a! i!3ut o -=5> to -75>' $t% out3ut urre!t i% ,0# 40# # a!d 4 am3ere% a!d -,# R4# R
=# R12# -12 olt%' The board o!%ume% 20 '
UAC 5U$i+e%'# '))e )"$t%"# u$it (%"$t b"'%d6 Q Fe%3o!%ible or all o!trol a!d
3roe%%i!" o ?'24 a!d S$/ 3rotool%' $t ha% a memor o 119 Mbit%' $t re3ort% it%
alarm% to SME$ a!d ha% a 3ower o!%um3tio! o 15 ' $t u%e% the FS2=2# MSG$ a!d
<SG$ i!terae'
AGCU 5A))e G'te8' C"$t%"# U$it (%"$t B"'%d6 Q The board 3roe%% S$/ a!d
?'24 3rotool%' $t "e!erate% bill% whih are %e!t to the <illi!" Gatewa' $t ha% a memor
o 10Mbit%'
SMUI 5Stem M'$'*eme$t Ue% I$te%(')e (%"$t B"'%d6 Q Thi% board %tore% %%tem
3ro"ram% a!d data' $t al%o o!trol% a!d ma!a"e% all other board%' $t i% re%3o!%ible or all
the ma!a"eme!t'
10 SIUI 5Stem I$te%(')e u$it6 Q <a* board o SME$' $t ha% two %erial 3ort%: FS2=2 a!d
11 BSGI 5B%"'db'$d G'te8' Si*$'##i$* I$te%(')e (%"$t B"'%d6 Q Thi% board 3roe%%
i!ter!et 3a*et reeied rom the $M$' $t a! u%e the ollowi!" 3rotool%: ?'24# MT/#
M=EA# a!d $EA' $t u%e% the FS2=2 i!terae a!d %e!d% it% alarm% to the SME$' $t a!
e;trat 3a*et% at a rate o 100 3a*et% 3er %eo!d'
12 MSGI 5Mu#timedi' Si$*#i$* G'te8' I$te%(')e (%"$t B"'%d6 Q Thi% board wor*% i!
3art% a!d a! e;trat 1000 3a*et% 3er %eo!d' $t u%e% the ollowi!" 3rotool%: TC/# S$/#
a!d ?'2=2'
1= HSCI 5H"t S8'& C"$t%"# I$te%(')e B')0 b"'%d6 Q Thi% board 3roide% %hared
re%oure% bu%' $t re3ort% to the SME$' $t ha% 5 a%t ther!et e;ter!al i!terae%'
14 CBDI 5Ce$t%'# D't'b'e b"'%d I$te%(')e (%"$t B"'%d6 Q Thi% board 3roide% all
loatio!% i'e' rom where all i% ori"i!ati!" rom' Thi% board wor*% i! 3air% a!d it a!
alloate 9000 %ub%riber% 3er %eo!d
The SotB=000 %withe% are om3atible with the ?CT (?i"h Ca3ait Tra!%it ;ha!"e&' $t
a! 3erorm /STN %i"!alli!" %uh a% SS7' .ther 3rotool% u%ed b the SotB=000 %%tem are:
Si"Tra!# MGC/# ?'24# ?'2=2# S$/ a!d $SE/'
Curre!tl there are our 3air% o NGN e!ter% i! /a*i%ta! wor*i!" i! atie a!d %ta!db mode%'
The are "ie! below:
K/K a!d $%lamabad Fe"io!:
- Fawal3i!di Atie
- /e%hawar Sta!db
ahore Fe"io!:
- ahore Atie
- Sta!db al%o i! ahore
/u!ab Fe"io!:
- ai%alabad Atie
- Gura!wala Sta!db
Si!dh a!d <aluhi%ta!
- Karahi Atie
- ?derabad Sta!db
The dia"ram below %how% %ome o the im3orta!t 3rotool% i!oled i! a NGN'
Te)2$i)'# > O&e%'ti"$'# Net8"%0
/a*i%ta! teleommu!iatio! or3oratio! u!der the at o 1995# /a*i%ta! Teleommu!iatio!
Authorit (/TA& i%%ued a lie!%e to /a*i%ta! Teleommu!iatio! Com3a! imited or the
3roi%io! o teleom %erie% withi! /a*i%ta! to 3riate %etor a!d the "e!eral 3ubli a% the
ederal Goer!me!t ma determi!e a!d duri!" the e;lu%iit 3eriod o the /a*i%ta!
Teleommu!iatio! Com3a! imited (/TC& %3eiied i! aboe-me!tio!ed At' /TC ha%
2, ear% lie!%e to 3roide teleom %erie% i! /a*i%ta! with Sta*e i! the Com3a! with about
528 euit' /TC ha% lar"e%t !etwor* a!d hu"e i!ra%truture or it6% more tha! 4#40,#151 u%er%
a% o! (Mar# 200&'
S8it)2i$* Te)2$"#"*
There are 7 diere!t *i!d% o %withi!" teh!olo"ie% urre!tl o3eratio!al i! /TC !etwor*'
 Alatel
 Sieme!%
 NC
 ri%o!
 ?uawei
 @'S teleom
 T
 ith the%e diere!t %withi!" teh!olo"ie% /TC i% ru!!i!" it% hu"e !etwor* a!d
3roidi!" diere!t ommu!iatio! ailitie% to it% u%tomer%'
M"de "( S8it)2i$*
There are two mode% o %withi!"'
 Ciruit Swithi!"
 /a*et Swithi!"
Ciruit %withi!" i!lude% mobile %erie%' $t i% !ot reliable a% om3ared to 3a*et %withi!"'
/a*et %withi!" i!lude% mail ia i!ter!et# mobile me%%a"e% et' $t i% reliable mode o
PTCL C"%&"%'te Se%+i)e
No! )BB
1H= Co!!etiit
/$ Co!!etiit
eb <row%er
Tele 3re%e!e
)SF li!*%
L'u$)2 O( IN P#'t("%m
To au"me!t the a3ait a!d i!trodue additio!al alue added %erie% a !ew $!telli"e!t
Networ* ($N& /latorm wa% lau!hed i! .tober 200='Thi% 3latorm ha% hi"her a3ait
or 3re3aid alli!" ard% a!d 3roi%io! or i!trodutio! o !ew %erie%'
 To urther %u33ort the lau!h o !ew %erie% the o3tial iber u!tio! ae%% !etwor*
ha% bee! i! im3leme!tatio! 3ha%e' Thi% %%tem urther %u33ort% the u3omi!" 3roet o /TC
 (wirele%% loal loo3&# <road <a!d Serie%  $/T>' Networ* .3eratio! Ce!ter (N.C&
5P'0it'$ Te#e)"mmu$i)'ti"$ C"m&'$ Limited, O)t4De) /??@, &&. /14//6
/a*i%ta! Teleommu!iatio! Com3a! imited (/TC& i% a 3rime 3roider o teleom oie a!d
data %erie% withi! /a*i%ta!' A% /art o it% o!"oi!" i!ra%truture deelo3me!t# /TC ha%
embar*ed o! a maor i!e%tme!t 3ro"ram i! a Networ* .3eratio!% Ce!ter (N.C&'
Fi*. NOC application launched
The 3ur3o%e o N.C i%:
 To o!trol# mo!itor a!d ma!a"e the e!tire /TC Networ*
 To e!ha!e a!d o3timie Networ* Ma!a"eme!t throu"h a tra!%3are!t a!d e!tralied 3latorm
 To reate a hi"hl aailable# ada3table a!d ault re%ilie!t !etwor* that a! meet the mar*et
dema!d a!d 3roide u%tomer %ati%atio!
)ue to the ab%e!e o a N.C# /TC urre!tl ae% %eriou% o3eratio!al halle!"e%:
 Si!e there i% !o e!tralied !etwor* ma!a"eme!t# ault re%olutio! i% ad ho a!d i!eiie!t#
%erie re%toratio! ta*e% a lo!" time
 There i% !o meha!i%m or root au%e a!al%i%
Throu"h the N.C /TC hae bee! able to addre%% the%e i%%ue% with:
 A om3lete o!er"e!e o e!tire Networ* o! a %i!"le 3latorm
 /roatie ide!tiiatio! a!d re%olutio! o ault% throu"h:
 Feal-time Networ* Mo!itori!"  %tatu% i%ibilit'
 /TC hae bee! able to i!rea%e !etwor* aailabilit throu"h:
 !ha!ed Dualit o Serie a!d e!tralied 3erorma!e %tati%ti% a!d re3orti!" meha!i%m'
 $!rea%ed Aou!tabilit a!d Tra!%3are!
 Throu"h e%alatio! 3oliie%# wor* order% a!d mai!te!a!e o %eure
atiit lo"%
/.=./ NOC
The mai! N.C i% loated i! the C))T <uildi!"# $%lamabad' There are = re"io!al N.C%
i! ahore# F/ a!d Karahi re%3etiel' )i%a%ter Feoer %hall be do!e i! Karahi'
Networ* )omai!% that hae bee! i!te"rated i!to N.C:
WLL, IN, Si*$'#i$*, TDM9, S8it)2i$*, OFAN, T3M, D33, PIE, NGN '$d
T%i&#e P#'
Fibe% Cut S)e$'%i"
.! aera"e /TC e;3erie!e hu!dred% o iber-ut% i! a mo!th' A% a re%ult /TC hae
automated the root au%e a!al%i% 3roe%% or thi% %e!ario:
he! the %%tem detet% a iber ut a %ire! "oe% o# able ut bli!*% o! the %ree! a!d hu!dred%
o ritial alarm% 3o3 u3 o! the %ree!# the orrelatio! rule *i*% i! a!d the alarm% are a%%oiated
a!d o!%olidated i!to a %i!"le root au%e alarm' A TT i% automatiall "e!erated ide!tii!" the
aeted able %etio! betwee! two N%'
A! automated !otiiatio! i% di%3athed to the re%3o!%ible oordi!ator ia time %tam3ed SMS
a!d MA$' The oordi!ator the! i%%ue% a wor* order or ault re%olutio!' $. the ault i% !ot
re%oled# eriied a!d lo%ed withi! a %ti3ulated time rame# the e%alatio! 3roe%% i% tri""ered
a!d %e!ior ma!a"eme!t i% !otiied with a! SMS a!d email or a33ro3riate atio!'
Com3lete i%ibilit o the !etwor*# i!telli"e!t root au%e a!al%i% a!d dei!ed S./% or wor*
order di%3athi!" a!d e%alatio! are the ore tool% that %hall allow the N.C to 3roide a robu%t
!etwor* ma*i!" /TC a la!dmar* o e;elle!e i! the world o teleom
/.- OFS
; O&ti)'# Fibe% Stem
Mo%t o33er wire% are !ow bei!" re3laed with o3tial iber wire%' There are ma! ada!ta"e%
a%%oiated with o3tial iber# %uh a% a er hi"h ba!dwidth' Theoretiall a! o3tial iber
ha!!el ha% i!i!ite ba!dwidth' .3tial iber %%tem% are more %eure tha! o33er wire%' .ther
ada!ta"e% i!lude !oi%e immu!it# low o%t# ea% i!%tallatio!# li"ht wei"ht# a!d er "ood
%i"!al tra!%mi%%io! ualit'
)i%ada!ta"e% o o3tial iber are the wire% ra"ilit# a!d harmul eet% to the huma! ee'
O&ti)'# (ibe% B'i)
.3tial iber wor*% b o!erti!" eletrial %i"!al% i!to li"ht o %3eii waele!"th%' The li"ht
i% the! tra!%3orted throu"h a %3eial able'
The able o!%i%t% o a ore# laddi!"# a!d a buer oati!"' The ore i% the i!!ermo%t re"io!
throu"h whih li"ht i% tra!%3orted' Claddi!" i% u%ed to 3ree!t the li"ht rom lea*i!"' $t
i!ter!all relet% a! li"ht omi!" out o the able' The 3iture below %how% a ba%i %truture o
a! o3tial iber able'
The ore o the able ha% a low reratie i!de; om3ared to the laddi!"' i"ht i% releted i!
the ore at a %3eii a!"le' )ue to the reratie i!de;# the li"ht will i!ter!all relet a!d trael
throu"h the able a% %how! below'
A ba%i tra!%mi%%io! o3tial tra!%mi%%io! %%tem o!%i%t% o a tra!%mitter whih o!ert%
eletrial %i"!al% i!to li"ht# a! o3tial iber ha!!el# a!d a reeier whih detet% li"ht a!d
o!ert% it i!to eletrial %i"!al%' Thi% i% %how! below'
The ollowi!" ba!d% are u%ed i! o3tial iber %%tem%:
W'+e#e$*t2 i$ $m
1#250 Q 1#=50
1#=50 Q 1#450
1#450 Q 1#,=0
1#,=0 Q 1#,5,
1#,5, Q 1#52,
1#52, Q 1#57,
Short waele!"th
o!" waele!"th
Eltra lo!" waele!"th
The ollowi!" t3e% o !etwor*% a! be e%tabli%hed u%i!" o3tial iber:
/oi!t Q to Q 3oi!t Networ*
/oi!t-to-Multi3oi!t Networ*
Fi!" Networ*
Me%h Networ*
Com3o%ite !etwor*
/.-./ S$)2%"$"u
Di*it'# Hie%'%)2
S)? are the mo%t ommo! multi3le;i!" 3rotool% u%ed to tra!%mit di"ital data oer a iber o3ti
ha!!el' <eore S)?# /)? wa% ommo!l u%edL howeer there were %ome limitatio!% i! /)?#
whih are "ie! below'
)iere!t %ta!dard%
Com3le; multi3le;i!" %truture
S!hro!iatio! i%%ue%
ea* mo!itori!"
ow data rate%
To addre%% the%e limitatio!%# S)? 3rotool% were deelo3ed' The ada!ta"e% o S)? are:
?i"h )ata rate%
a% to i!tero!!et diere!t %%tem%
Com3atible with /)? %i"!al%
Fedued !etwor* eui3me!t
The ollowi!" rate% are aailable i! S)?:
STM-1: 1,,',2 Mb3%
STM-4: 522'0 Mb3%
STM-15: 2'4'=2 Gb3%
STM-54: 9'9, Gb3%
STM-2,5: 40 Gb3%
O&ti)'# S8it)2 N"de 5OSN6
The .SN=,00 board% are u%ed i! the .S de3artme!t o /TC' The eature% o the .SN=,00
Serie leel a"reeme!t (SA&
To3olo" automati di%oer u!tio!
Automati e!d-to-e!d %erie o!i"uratio!
Su33ort me%h !etwor*i!" a!d 3rotetio!
Trai e!"i!eeri!"
Su33ort% F/F
The board% hae the ollowi!" ) i!diator%:
G%ee$: $!diate% 3ower
Ye##"8 : $!diate% a mi!or alarm' $t i% u%uall i"!ored
O%'$*e: $!diate% a maor alarm' $t i% ote! i"!ored
Red: $!diate% a ritial alarm' $mmediate atio! i% ta*e!
T%'$mii"$ '$d RTR 5R'8'#&i$di Te)2$i)'# Re*i"$6
The our mai! laer%# or tra!%mi%%io! 3ur3o%e%# o /TC are di%u%% below
Sub%riber% are o!!eted to /TC throu"h a! ae%% laer%' or e;am3le )SAM
()i"ital %ub%riber li!e ae%% multi3le;er& o!!et% u%er% to a loal T)M e;ha!"e
throu"h a )C ()i%tributio! abi!et& a!d )/ ()i%tributio! 3a!el&' The )SAM i% al%o
o!!eted to the /$ (/a*i%ta! i!ter!et e;ha!"e&'
?oweer# )SAMS are !ow bei!" re3laed with MSAGS (Multi%erie ae%%
"atewa%&' MSAGS are u%ed i! /a*et %withi!"# a!d are diretl o!!eted to a! $/
loud' TT? (iber to the home& i% al%o a ommo! teh!olo"# u%ed to o!!et
%ub%riber% to the %erie 3roider'
Commu!iatio! betwee! e;ha!"e% i% do!e throu"h 16%' a %i!"le 1 a! tra!%er data at
a rate o 2 Mbit%H%' A! 1 ha% =2 ha!!el%# howeer o!l =0 ha!!el% are u%ed or data
ommu!iatio!' .!e ha!!el i% u%ed or %i"!ali!"# a!d o!e i% u%ed or %!hro!iatio!' A
%i!"le 1 li!e ha% a data rate o 54 Kbit%H%'
The i!ter!et !etwor* i! /a*i%ta! o!%i%t% o ore router% a!d border router%' The mai!
ore router% are loated i! Karahi# ahore# $%lamabad# a!d Fawal3i!di' The Karahi ore
router i% o!!eted to a! i!ter!atio!al %ubmari!e able SM4 (South a%t Middle
a%t e%ter! uro3e 4&' E%er% are !ot diretl o!!eted to the ore router o %eurit
rea%o!%' ah ore router i% o!!eted to ma! ed"e router%# whih are o!!eted to
e;ha!"e%' Thi% !etwor* o!i"uratio! orm% the /a*i%ta! $!ter!et ;ha!"e'
The ollowi!" are u%ed at tra!%mi%%io! laer:
S)?: S!hro!ou% )i"ital ?ierarh
)M: aele!"th )ii%io! Multi3le;i!"
/TN: /a*et Tra!%3ort Networ*'
OSI M"de#
A !etwor* mabe er lar"e ma*i!" it diiult to %tud a% a whole# there or it i% u%uall diided
i!to %ee! .S$ (.3e! S%tem $!tero!!etio!& laer%' er laer de3e!d% o! the laer u!der it'
The %ee! laer% are:
)ata li!*
/h%ial laer% i!lude the 3h%ial deie% u%ed to orm the !etwor*# or e;am3le# o!!etor%#
o33er wire%# iber o3ti%'
$! the )ata li!* laer%# ma! !ode% are o!!eted to orm a %i!"le !etwor*' Not all !ode% are
o!!eted at all the time# but %withe% are u%ed to o!!et two diere!t !ode% whe! reuired'
)ata i% tra!%mitted betwee! !ode% a% 3a*et%' A 3a*et o!%i%t% o two 3art%: The header a!d
/aload' /aload i% the atual data that ha% to be tra!%3orted' ?eader i% the de%ti!atio! addre%%'
ah !ode i! laer two ha% a u!iue MAC addre%%' ther!et i% a laer 2 deie'
The Networ* laer% o!%i%t o router%' Fouter% "ie diretio! to 3a*et%' Ma! !etwor*% are
o!!eted throu"h router%'
Tra!%mi%%io! laer i% re%3o!%ible or the tra!%mi%%io! o /a*et%' E)/ a!d TC/ are 3rotool%
belo!"i!" to thi% laer' /ort% are al%o a%%i"!ed at thi% laer# e'"' 3ort% or ideo data# oie data
Se%%io! laer i% re%3o!%ible or %i"!ali!" a!d mai!tai! o!!etio!' There are ma! %e%%io!
3rotool%# %uh a% the S$/ (%e%%io! i!itiatio! 3rotool&'
$! the 3re%e!tatio! laer# e!oded data i% deoded' )ata i% u%uall e!oded or %eurit rea%o!%'
$! the%e laer%# data i% al%o he*ed or error%'
$ wa% a%%i"!ed a ta%* i! the NGN de3artme!t duri!" the ir%t wee* o the i!ter!%hi3' The ta%*
wa% to u3date the e;i%ti!" reord o wire olour% o A)M%# whih are u%ed or 16%' 16% are a
wa to tra!%er data a!d %i"!ali!" betwee! two diere!t e;ha!"e%' er 1 ha% =2 ha!!el%'
=0 ha!!el% are or oie data# o!e i% or %!hro!iatio! a!d o!e i% or timi!"' ah oie
ha!!el a! arr data at a ma;imum rate o 54*bit%H%' >oie o!!etio!% are made diretl
betwee! e;ha!"e%# howeer %i"!alli!" i% routed throu"h ST/6% (%erie tra!%er 3oi!t%& or
better eiie! a!d to %ae 16%' ah 1 a! 3roide %erie% u3 to 4095 u%er throu"h time
dii%io! multi3le;i!"' There were ma! wire olour% i'e' Fed# "ree!# blue# ellow# "re# white#
bla*# 3i!*# ora!"e' Some wire% were al%o multiolour' There were three "rou3%# with eah "rou3
o!%i%ti!" o two i!ter!%# to om3lete the ta%*' Normall o!e "rou3 member wa% re%3o!%ible or
he*i!" the wire olor a!d the other wa% re%3o!%ible or writi!" the olor dow! o! a !oteboo*'
riti!" dow! the olor% o the wire% i! the !oteboo* o all the 16% too* about our da%' Ater
thi%# all the data wa% e!tered i!to a Miro%ot e;el %3read%heet' The !ew data wa% om3ared
with the 3reiou% data a!d a! diere!e% betwee! the olor% were !oted'
$ wa% al%o a%*ed to i!trodue !ew i!ter!% to ba%i o!e3t% %uh a% diere!e betwee! iruit
a!d 3a*et %withi!"# a!d the %ee! .S$ laer% i! the NGN-?CT de3artme!t'
)uri!" the i!ter!%hi3 3eriod# $ ob%ered that there were !ot e!ou"h e!"i!eer% to trai! i!ter!ee%'
.erall there %eemed to be a %horta"e o %ta i! the NGN a!d .S de3artme!t' The e!"i!eer%
did !ot hae e!ou"h time to teah i!ter!ee%' Al%o# i!ter!% were !ot e!oura"ed to lear! the
hardware a!d %otware u%ed b the diere!t de3artme!t%' There wa% !o teleom eui3me!t o!l
or trai!i!" 3ur3o%e%' .!l leture% were "ie!# with er little 3ratie wor*' Not eer i!ter!ee
wa% a%%i"!ed a ta%*'
SWOT A$'#i "( PTCL!
Attribute% o the or"a!iatio! that are hel3ul i! ahiei!" the obetie%'
 /TC Stre!"th% .lde%t Teleommu!iatio! Com3a! o /a*i%ta! ou!ded
i! 1947'
The lar"e%t la!dli!e !etwor* o /a*i%ta!'
 Stro!" i!ter!atio!al bra!d !ame%'
 Stro!" i!a!ial 3o%itio!
 Com3ete!t a!d S*illul ?uma! Fe%oure% i! ew %3eialied ield%'
 /TC i% oeri!" multi3le %erie% whih i!lude% Tele3ho!e# $!ter!et a!d
 /TC a! be u%ed a% a ba*u3 !etwor* i the mobile !etwor*% are dow!
due to a! rea%o!'
 /TC mai!tai! the reord% o u%tomer% i! a! or"a!ie wa with the
3ri!i3le o 3ria'
 All the teleommu!iatio! om3a!ie% o3erati!" i! /a*i%ta! diretl or
i!diretl de3e!de!t u3o! /TC !etwor*'
$t ha% bee! oeri!" $!ter!et )S o!!etio! to the u%tomer% with
%tude!t%6 3a*a"e oer'
$t oer% low rate% or the !atio!al all% et'# a% om3ared to mobile
Dualit o SerieL oered to the Cu%tomer i% er 3oor a!d i!-eiie!t#
%3eiall the $!ter!et %erie'
a* o teh!ial %ta i! )S teh!ial %u33ort'
/oor or"a!iatio!al %truture'
No lear %trate"i diretio!'
No re%earh a!d deelo3me!t 3ro"ram%'
u!tio!al u!it% are !ot well or"a!ied'
ea* mar*eti!" o !ew %erie%'
<ad debt% due to !o!-3ame!t% o bill%'
ow ree!ue 3er u%er'
/olitial i!tere!tio! i! dei%io! ma*i!"'
ow rate o u%tomer rete!tio!'
;tra em3loee oerhead due to oer-hiri!"'
>er low em3loee morale'
>-wirele%% oera"e a!d %erie i% eeble'
?u"e mar*et %ie to $!rea%e mar*et %hare'
)eelo3me!t o !ew# i!!oatie a!d u%tomied 3rodut% ($!rea%e i!
om3a! 3rodut li!e%&
Fe-%truturi!" o or"a!iatio!al hierarh (/ro3er 3la!!i!" a!d
im3leme!tatio! i% reuired# to $m3roe oerall %erie%&'
Ado3t late%t teh!olo"ie%'
Ma*i!" teh!olo" ae%%ible to all (e'"' broadba!d&'
?ire om3ete!t mar*eter% a!d ado3t a""re%%ie mar*eti!" that i% reuired
to 3romote oered %erie% a!d "ie tou"h time to om3etitor%'
$m3roeme!t i! u%tomer %erie%'
@oi!t e!ture% with other teleommu!iatio! om3a!ie% or i!trodui!"
!ew %erie%'
?ire teh!ial %ta i! %3eii area% e'"' or )S i%%ue% i! order to
i!rea%e u%tomer %ati%atio!
Stro!" om3etitio! rom teleommu!iatio! om3a!ie%'
New 3laer% i! the i!du%tr'
$!o!%i%te!t a!d Adho dei%io!% b Com3a! ma!a"eme!t'
Seurit a!d raud i%%ue%'
Cberrime% 3ere!ta"e i% i!rea%i!"'
/olitial i!%tabilit'
$!latio! i! the ou!tr# ma i!rea%e the o%t o %erie% whih will
i!all tra!%erred to u%tomer%'
Fa3id rai%e i! Goer!me!t ta;e%'
Fee%%io! i! eo!om'
$! thi% ha3ter# we are "oi!" to di%u%% the i!di!"% a!d m iew o reomme!datio!% whih we
aed a!d thou"ht duri!" the i!ter!%hi3' The%e i!di!"% a!d reomme!datio!% will hel3 the
or"a!iatio! to %ere the u%tomer% i! a better wa a!d will e!ha!e their a3abilitie% o
3erormi!" ear!i!" a!d the will "et the hi"h alue tha! tho%e u3omi!" om3etitor% o it'
.1 Fi$di$*
<elow are %ome o the ob%eratio!% whih we did duri!" m i!ter!%hi3 duratio!' e me!tio! it
here or the 3ur3o%e to e!ha!e the a3abilitie% o the or"a!iatio! o m Area i the%e are
o!%idered b the ma!a"er%' The will al%o hae a! ed"e o! the u3omi!" om3etitor% o them
a!d will !ot let them loo%e their 3ote!tial u%tomer%'
No 3ro3er theor reere!e% o! related to3i or our%e%'
The em3loee% were !ot trai!ed e!ou"h a!d were !ot hai!" e!ou"h *!owled"e about
the wor* the were 3erormi!"'
e%% eduated %ta redue% the 3erorma!e "rowth o the de3artme!t i! "e!eral a!d o
the or"a!iatio! a% a whole'
a* o time /u!tualit o wor*er% a!d em3loee%'
No ull o-ordi!atio! with the other de3artme!t%'
No 3ro3er 3roedure o i!%talli!" !ew o!!etio!% due to whih the om3lai!t% i!rea%e
a!d al%o %ome u%tomer% lo%e their o!ide!e i! the <roadba!d o!!etio!%'
$!ter!ee% were 3erormi!" all the trael'
a* o om3uter *!owled"e o well de%i"!ated em3loee%'
The !umber o trai!ee e!"i!eer% %hould be i!rea%ed b i!rea%i!" the !umber o 3o%itio!%
aailable throu"h the o!e ear 3aid i!ter!%hi3 3ro"ram' Thi% wa there will be e!ou"h e!"i!eer%
to trai! %ummer i!ter!ee%' $!ter!ee% %hould be "ie! ba%i ha!d% o! trai!i!" o! the diere!t
hardware a!d %otware u%ed b the de3artme!t%' Al%o ta%*%# %uh a% ma*i!" databa%e%# %hould be
a%%i"!ed to eer i!ter!ee# !ot u%t a ew' A!d other reomme!datio!% are di%u%% below
No doubt /'T'C' hai!" the mo!o3ol i! 3roidi!" the a!d-i!e Tele3ho!e o!!etio!
i! /a*i%ta! a!d it% 3lai!" it% role ma"!iie!tl' $! urre!t %e!ario /'T'C' ha%
i!rea%e% it% Fee!ue uite dramatiall a!d 3robabl that a% %oo! a% thi% or"a!iatio!
ha% beome 3riatied it will louri%h it% ree!ue i! better ma!!er'
/TC %hould immediatel ha!"e it% i!a!e u33er leel o hierarh a!d %hould %tream
li!e i! the "ood ma!!er'
/TC %hould al%o e!oura"e the <illi!" .! li!e %%tem that eah a!d eer u%tomer
%hould hae to 3a hi%Hher bill o! li!e ba%i%''
The ima"e o /TC bei!" leadi!" Teleom 3roidi!" i% !ot "ood i! the ee% o ommo!
u%tomer e%3eiall there are lot o om3lai!t% about the i!ludi!" the bo"u% loal all%
i! the mo!thl bill% o ariou% u%tomer%' /TC %hould al%o 3roide the detail o loal
all% made rom a! a!d i!e Number whih would be 3roided i! Miro leel to the
Should be derea%ed the oer !umber o em3loee%'
Should be deelo3i!" the trai!i!" a!d deelo3me!t 3roe%% o eer em3loee'