Course File Department of Physics CONTENTS OF COURSE FILE: 1.Vision & Mission of the Institute 2. Program Outcomes (POs) 3. Program Specific Outcomes (PSO) 4.Course Outcomes (COs) 5. Class Time Table 6. Academic Calendar 7. Syllabus 8. Teaching method for each unit of the syllabus 9. Assessment method for each unit 10. Lecture notes (Hand written/typed) 11. Consolidated attendance statement of students 12 Consolidated semester grades of students 13. Result analysis 14. Sample copies of evaluated answer scripts of Class test, assignments, tutorials, lab records, Mid, End semester exams (Highest, average and marginal pass) VISION: To translate into a centre of excellence by programming knowledge as environment and an instrument for incubating social responsibility. MISSION: The mission of college is• To provide a centre of alternative and career oriented courses in science, Technology and Management • To make quality education accessible to all sections of society Especially to students of the peripheral areas • To cultivate excellence by identifying and moulding some of the best minds • To equip students with the skills and life values to face the challenges of life and thereby to contribute towards nation-building • To instil a sense of environmental responsibility among the Learners PROGRAM OUTCOME: The student graduating with the Bsc Degree with physics general subject should be able to • Acquire (i) a fundamental/systematic or coherent understanding of the academic field of Physics, its different learning areas and applications in basic Physics like Astrophysics, Material science, Nuclear and Particle Physics, Condensed matter Physics, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Mathematical Physics, Analytical dynamics, Space science, and its linkages with related disciplinary areas / subjects like Chemistry, Mathematics, Life sciences, Environmental sciences, Atmospheric Physics, Computer science, Information Technology; (ii) procedural knowledge that creates different types of professionals related to the disciplinary/subject area of Physics, including professionals engaged in research and development, teaching and government/public service; (iii) skills in areas related to one’s specialization area within the disciplinary/subject area of Physics and current and emerging developments in the field of Physics. • Demonstrate the ability to use skills in Physics and its related areas of technology for formulating and tackling Physics-related problems and identifying and applying appropriate physical principles and methodologies to solve a wide range of problems associated with Physics. • Recognize the importance of mathematical modelling simulation and computing, and the role of approximation and mathematical approaches to describing the physical world. • Plan and execute Physics-related experiments or investigations, analyse and interpret data/information collected using appropriate methods, including the use of appropriate software such as programming languages and purpose-written packages, and report accurately the findings of the experiment/investigations while relating the conclusions/findings to relevant theories of Physics. • Demonstrate relevant generic skills and global competencies such as (i) problem-solving skills that are required to solve different types of Physics-related problems with well-defined solutions, and tackle open-ended problems that belong to the disciplinary-area boundaries; (ii) investigative skills, including skills of independent investigation of Physics-related issues and problems; (iii) communication skills involving the ability to listen carefully, to read texts and research papers analytically and to present complex information in a concise manner to different groups/audiences of technical or popular nature; (iv) analytical skills involving paying attention to detail and ability to construct logical arguments using correct technical language related to Physics and ability to translate them with popular language when needed; (v) personal skills such as the ability to work both independently and in a group. PROGRAM SPECIFIC OUTCOME: This undergraduate course in Physics Would provide the opportunity to the students: • To understand the basic laws and explore the fundamental concepts of physics • To understand the concepts and significance of the various physical phenomena. • To carry out experiments to understand the laws and concepts of Physics. • To apply the theories learnt and the skills acquired to solve real time problems. • To acquire a wide range of problem solving skills, and to apply them • To enhance the student’s academic abilities, personal qualities and transferable skills this will give them an opportunity to develop as responsible citizens. • To produce graduates who excel in the competencies and values required for leadership to serve a rapidly evolving global community. • To motivate the students to pursue PG courses in reputed institutions. • This course introduces students to the methods of experimental physics. Emphasis will be given on laboratory techniques specially the importance of accuracy of measurements. • Providing a hands-on learning experience such as in measuring the basic concepts in properties of matter, heat, optics, electricity and electronics. Academi cCal endar201920 Depar t ment Phy si cs Mont h Dat e Day s Par t i cul ar s Cl ass/ worExam Hol i day s ki ngDay s Jul 131 y20 1 9 August 13 2019 4 510 SunTue - - Academi c/ Ot her Act i v i t i es - 31( Summer Vacat ; i on ) ass/ wor ki n3 WedSat Cl g Sun ass/ wor ki n6 MonSat Cl g 11 Sun 1213 MonTue C l a s s / w o r k i n 14 Wed 1 g 15 Thu - - - - 1 - - 1 2( Ei dUzZuha) - - Cl ass/ wor ki n2 g Cl ass/ wor ki 1 ng - - 1( I ndependence day ) - - 1 - - ass/ wor ki n2 2122 WedThu Cl g Cl ass/ wor ki n1 23 Fr i g 24 Sat - - 1( Ti t hi of Madhabdev ) - - - - 1( Janmast ami ) 1617 Fr i Sat 18 19 Sun Mon 20 Tue 25 Sun ass/ wor ki n6 2631 MonSat Cl g Sept em 1 Sun ber 2019 ass/ wor ki n6 27 MonSat Cl g 8 Sun C l a s s / w o r k i n 913 MonFr i 5 g 14 Sat Cl ass/ wor ki 1 ng 15 Sun ass/ wor ki n6 1621 MonSat Cl g 22 Sun 2324 MonTue wor ki ng 25 Wed wor ki ng 26 Thu wor ki ng 2728 Fr i Sat wor ki ng 29 Sun Cl ass/ wor ki 1 30 Mon ng Oct . Cl ass/ wor ki n1 1 Tue 2019 g 2 Wed Cl ass/ wor ki 1 3 Thu ng Cl ass/ wor ki n1 4 Fr i g - 1 - - 1( Sankar dev Jonmot i t hi ) - - - 1 - - - - 1 - 2 1 1 2 - 1 1 - - - - 1( Gandhi j ay ant i ) - - - . ass/ wor ki n4 1417 MonThu Cl g 18 Fr i C l a s s / w o r k i n 19 Sat 1 g 20 Sun 2126 MonSat Cl ass/ wor ki 6 ng 2728 SunMon - - 9( Dur gaPuj a, Kat i bi hu, Lakshmi Puj a) - - 1( Kat i Bi hu) - - 1 - - 2931 TueThu - 12 - - - 1 - 69 10 11 12 Cl ass/ wor ki n3 g Fr i Sat Cl ass/ wor ki 2 ng Sun C l a s s / w o r k i n MonTue 2 g WedSat wor ki ng Sun Mon wor ki ng Tue - 2( Kal i puj a &Di wal i ) - 4 1 - 1316 17 1820 2123 24 2530 WedSat Sun MonWeb ThuSat Sun MonSat 4 1 1( Gur unanak’ sbi r t hday ) 1 - 513 Nov . 201 9 3 45 Sat Sun - wor ki ng wor ki ng wor ki ng wor ki ng - - - 3 3 6 1( Lachi t Di v as) - Dec. 2019 Jan. 202 0 1 Sun - - - 1 2 37 8 914 15 Mon TueSat Sun MonSat Sun Wor ki ng Wor ki ng - - 5 6 - 1( AsomDi v as) 1 1 ass/ wor ki n6 1621 MonSat Cl g 22 Sun 2331 MonTue - - - - 116 - Cl ass/ wor ki 2 ng - - 1 9( Wi nt er Vacat i on) 16( Wi nt e r Vacat i o n) - - 1 ass/ wor ki n6 2025 MonSat Cl g 26 Sun C l a s s / w o r k i n 27 Mon 1 g 28 Tue - - - - 1( Republ i cDay ) - - Cl ass/ wor ki n1 g Cl ass/ wor ki n1 g Cl ass/ wor ki n1 g - - 1( Gwt her Bat hou San) - - 1( Sar aswat i Puj a) - - - - 1 1718 Fr i Sat 19 Feb. 202 0 WedThu - Sun 29 Wed 30 31 Thu Fr i 1 Sat 2 Sun - Mar . 202 0 38 MonSat wor ki ng 6 9 Sun ass/ wor ki n6 1015 MonSat Cl g 16 Sun ass/ wor ki n4 1720 MonThu Cl g 21 Fr i Cl ass/ wor ki n1 22 Sat g 23 Sun 2427 MonThu Cl ass/ wor ki 4 ng Cl ass/ wor ki n2 28 Fr i g 29 Sat Cl ass/ wor ki 1 ng 1 Sun 27 MonSat Cl ass/ wor ki 6 ng 8 Sun 910 MonTue 1113 WedFr i Cl ass/ wor ki 3 ng 14 Sat Cl ass/ wor ki 1 ng 15 Sun ass/ wor ki 6 1621 MonSat Cl ng 22 Sun 2328 MonSat wor ki ng - - 1 - - 1 - - 1( Si v ar at r i ) - - 1 - - - - - - 1 - - 1 2( Dol Jat r a) - - - - 1 - 6 1 - Apr . 202 0 May 202 0 29 Sun ass/ wor ki n2 3031 MonTue Cl g ass/ wor ki n4 14 WedSat Cl g 5 Sun ass/ wor ki n4 69 MonThu Cl g 10 Fr i 11 Sat Cl ass/ wor ki n1 g 12 Sun 1315 MonWed 1618 ThuSat Cl ass/ wor ki n3 g 19 Sun Cl ass/ wor ki n1 20 Mon g 2130 TueThu 1 Fr i 2 Sat wor ki ng 3 Sun 46 MonWed wor ki ng 7 Thu - - 1 - - - - 1 - - 1( GoodFr i day ) - - 1 3( BohagBi hu) - - 1 - 10 1 3 - 89 10 1116 17 1823 24 2 6 6 - 1( May Day ) 1 1( Buddhapur ni m a ) 1 1 1 Fr i Sat Sun MonSat Sun MonSat Sun wor ki ng wor ki ng wor ki ng - - Ju ne 20 20 2526 2730 31 14 MonTue WedSat Sun MonThu 5 Fr i 6 Sat 7 813 Sun MonSat 14 Sun 1520 MonSat 21 Sun 2227 MonSat 28 Sun 2930 MonTue Total working Day s– 236 Holidays130 TeachingDays – 160ExamDays76 wor ki ng Cl ass/ wor ki n4 g Cl ass/ wor ki n1 g Cl ass/ wor ki n1 g Cl ass/ wor ki n6 g Cl ass/ wor ki n6 g Cl ass/ wor ki n6 g Cl ass/ wor ki n2 g 4 - 2( I dul f i t r e) 1 - - - - 1 - - 1 - - 1 - - 1 - 8 TEACHING METHOD FOR EACH UNIT OF THE SYLLABUS: 1. PHY-RC-1016 (Mechanics) Credit-6 Unit: 1 (Theory: 04, Lab: 02) Conventional method Unit: 2 Frame of reference: Participative, Newtons Law of Motion: Experiential, Dynamics of a system of Particles, centre of mass: ICT Based) Unit: 3 Conservation of Momentum, work and energy, motion of rockets, conservation of energy(experiential) Unit: 4 Rotational Motion(Experiential) Unit: 5 Newtons Law of Gravitation: (Conventional) , Motion of a particle in a central force field, Keplers laws(Conventional) Unit: 6 S.H.M(experiential), Differential equation of SHM and its solutions( conventional), Kinetic and potential energy(conventional), total energy and their time average, Dammed oscillation and compound pendulum(conventional) Unit: 7 Elasticity(participative) Unit: 8 Constancy of speed of light(conventional), postulates of special theory of relativity, land contraction, time dialation(ICT based), relativistic addition of velocities(conventional). 2. PHY-RC-2016(Electricity and Magnetism) Credit: 6( Theory: 04, lab : 02) Unit 1: Vector Analysis(participative) Unit 2: Electrostatics(ICT Based) Unit 3: Magnetism(participative, ICT based, experiential) Unit 4 Electromagnetic Induction( ICT Based) Unit 5: Maxwell’s equation and EM Wave(Conventional) 3. PHY-RC-3016 ( Thermal Physics & Statistical Mechanics) Credit: 6( Theory: 04, lab : 02) Unit 1: Laws of Thermodynamics( Conventional and ICT based) Unit 2: Thermodynamic Potential(Conventiional) Unit 3: Kinetic Thoery Of Gases ( ICT and Conventional) Unit 4: Theory of Raditaion(Experiential) Unit 5: Statistical Mechanics (Conventional) 4. PHY-RC-4016 (Wave and Optics) Credit: 6( Theory: 04, lab : 02) Unit 1: Superposition of two collinear Harmonic Oscillations(Conventional Method) Unit 2: Superposition of two perpendicular Harmonic Oscillations (ICT Based) Unit 3: Wave motion( Conventional and ICT based) Unit 4: Fluids( Conventional) Unit 5: Sound(Participative and conventional) Unit 6: Wave optics (ICT based) Unit 7: Interference(Conventional) Unit 8: Michelson Interferometer(ICT Based) Unit 9: Diffraction(Conventiona) Unit 10: Polarizations (Conventional and ICT Based) COURSE OUTCOME: CBCS Course Outcome: 1st Semester: Upon completion of this course, students are expected to understand the role of vectors and coordinate systems in Physics, solve Ordinary Differential Equations, laws of motion and their application to various dynamical situations, Inertial reference frames their transformations, concept of conservation of energy, momentum, angular momentum and apply them to basic problems, phenomenon of simple harmonic motion, motion under central force, concept of time dilation, Length contraction using special teory of relativity. In the laboratory course, after acquiring knowledge of how to handle measuring instruments (like screw gauge, Vernier calipers, travelling microscope) student shall embark on verifying various principles and associated measurable parameters. 2nd Semester: Upon completion of this course, students are expected to apply Gauss’s law of electrostatics to solve a variety of problems, calculate the magnetic forces that act on moving charges and the magnetic fields due to currents, have brief idea of magnetic materials, understand the concepts of induction, and apply them to solve variety of problems. In the Lab course, students will be able to measure resistance (high and low), Voltage, Current, self and mutual inductance, capacitor, strength of magnetic field and its variation, study different circuits RC, LCR etc. 3rd Semester: Upon completion of this course, students are expected learn the basic concepts of thermodynamics, the first and the second law of thermodynamics, the concept of entropy and the associated theorems, the thermodynamic potentials and their physical interpretations, Maxwell’s thermodynamic relations, fundamentals of the kinetic theory of gases, Maxwell-Boltzman distribution law, equipartition of energies, mean free path of molecular collisions, viscosity, thermal conductivity, diffusion and Brownian motion, black body radiations, Stefan- Boltzmann’s law, Rayleigh-Jean’s law and Planck’s law and their significances, quantum statistical distributions, viz., the BoseEinstein statistics and the Fermi-Dirac statistics. In the laboratory course, the students will be able to Measure of Planck’s constant using black body radiation, determine Stefan’s Constant, coefficient of thermal conductivity of a bad conductor and a good conductor, determine the temperature coefficient of resistance, study variation of thermo emf across two junctions of a thermocouple with temperature etc. 4th Semester: Upon completion of this course, students are expected to understand Simple harmonic oscillation and superposition principle, importance of classical wave equation in transverse and longitudinal waves and solving a range of physical systems on its basis, concept of normal modes in transverse and longitudinal waves: their frequencies and configurations, interference as superposition of waves from coherent sources derived from same parent source, Demonstrate understanding of Interference and diffraction experiments, Polarization. In the laboratory course, student will gain hands-on experience of using various optical instruments and making finer measurements of wavelength of light using Newton Rings experiment, Fresnel Biprism etc. Resolving power of optical equipment, the motion of coupled oscillators, study of Lissajous figures and behaviour of transverse, longitudinal waves. 5th Semester: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to describe the errors in measurement and statistical analysis of data required while performing an experiment. Also, students will learn the working principle, efficiency and applications of transducers & industrial instruments like digital multimeter, RTD, Thermistor, Thermocouples and Semiconductor type temperature sensors. 6th Semester: Upon completion of this course, students will have the concepts of electronics in communication, details of communication techniques based on Analog Modulation, Analog and digital Pulse Modulation including PAM, PWM, PPM, ASK, PSK, FSK, overview of communication and Navigation systems such as GPS and mobile telephony system. (Non- CBCS Course Outcome): 1st Semester: Upon completion of this course ,students are expected to learn different types of forces and the relation of it with potential, understand concept of conservation of energy, momentum, angular momentum and apply them to basic problems, learn Kepler's law and applied a law in different fields, understand the concept of surface tension and viscosity and applied to solve their problems, analyse how the load effects the bending of a beam, understand SHM and equation of wave motion, understand how pressure and temperature affects velocity of sound. 2nd Semester: Upon the completion of this course students are expected to understand Ohm's law, Kirchhoff law, continuity equation to solve electrical network problems, understand the concept of induction and apply them to solve the variety of problems, understand 10 system growth and decay of current through various circuits, apply gausses law of electrostatics to solve variety of problems, calculate the magnetic forces that act on the moving charges and the magnetic field due to current, have a brief idea of magnetic materials. 3rd Semester: Upon the completion of this course students are expected to understand the uses of different thermometers like Platinum resistance thermometer, fundamentals of the kinetic theory of gases, Maxwell law velocity distribution, equipartition of energies, mean force path of molecular collisions, diffusion and Brownian motion, black body radiation, Stephen Boltzmann law, Planck's law and their significance, concept of Thermodynamics and different laws and its applications, concept of Entropy, maxwell's thermodynamic relations and its application, different gates using diode and transistor. 4th Semester: Under completion of this course students are expected to understand fermat's principle and its application to different surfaces, chromatic Abbreviation and thin remedies, demonstrate understanding of interference and superposition of waves from coherent sources and diffraction experiments and detection, polarisation, laser and its characteristics, different lasers and its peak field of application. 5th Semester: upon the completion of this course students are expected to understand the role of vectors and co-ordinate systems in physics , understand line, surface and volume integral and apply in various theorems, able to explain Bohr's theory of hydrogen spectra analysis spectral lines, understand different atom models different law by which X rays can be characterised, malter web and frank hertz experiment, Davisson and germer experiment, understand inertial reference frames their transformations concept of time dilation, length contraction ,variety edition using special renewable energy sources, solar heaters, solar cooker, solar cells in various fields 6th semester: Upon the completion of this course students are expected to understand concept of nucleus, its composition, different me clear reactions and Q value, exothermic and endothermic reactions, concept of half-life, radioisotopes- their production and uses, different types of particle accelerator construction and working principle, primary and secondary Cosmic rays learn different power transfer theorem and network analysis, transistor and its configuration and biasing classification of transistors,, apply transistors as affairs, learn to use h-parameters. Paperwi seTeachi ng Pl anSes s i on: 20192020 PHYSI CS ( CBCS) Name of the teacher :Dr Monisha Phukan Session: August-Nov Name of the Course:PHY-RC-1016HY-HG1016),Credit—06 Name of the Paper:Mechanics Unit II : Laws of Motion (Lectures 10) Frames of reference. Newton’s Laws of motion. Dynamics of a system of particles. Centre of Mass. Unit III : Momentum and Energy (Lectures 06) Conservation of momentum. Work and energy. Conservation of energy. Motion of rockets. Unit V : Gravitation (Lectures 07) Newton’s Law of Gravitation. Motion of a particle in a central force field (motion is in a plane, angular momentum is conserved, areal velocity is constant). Kepler’s Laws (statement only). Unit VI : Oscillations (Lectures 07) Simple harmonic motion. Differential equation of SHM and its solutions. Kinetic and Potential Energy, Total Energy and their time averages. Damped oscillations. Compound pendulum. Lab A minimum of five experiments to be done. 1.Measurements of length (ordiameter) using vernier caliper,screwgauge and Spherometer. 2.To determine the Moment of Inertia of a Symmetrical body about an axis by torsional oscillation method. 3.To dete mine the Young’sModulus of the material of a wire by Searle’s apparatus. 4.To determine the Modulus of Rigidity of a Wire Static method. 5.To determine the elastic Constants of a wire by Searle’smethod. 6.To determine the value of gusing BarPendulum. 7.To determine the value of g using Kater’sPendulum. 8.To study the Motion of Spring and calculate (a) Spring constant and (b) value of g. Course Outcome: Upon completion of this course ,students are expected to understand the role of Vectors and coordinate systems in Physics,solve Ordinary Differential Equations, laws of motion and their application to various dynamical situations,Inertial Reference frames their transformations,concept of conservation of energy, momentum,angular momentum and apply them to basic problems, phenomenon of simple harmonic motion,motion under central force,concept of time dilation,Length contraction using special theory of relativity. In the laboratory course, after acquiring knowledge of how to handle measuring instruments( like screwgauge, Vernier calipers,travelling microscope) student shall embarkon verifying various principles and associated measurable parameters. Teac hi ngPl an Name of the teacher :Dr Monisha Phukan Session:August-Nov Sy l l abus Per i od Met hod( i ncl udi ngexper iAi ds Us e d ent i al / par t i c i pat i v el ear ni ng) As s e s s me ntme t hod Uni t 1 Aug Lect ur e, doubt cl ear , Quest i Bl ona ackboar d/ Chal k Sessi ondi scussi on, Pr obl emSo l , cl asst es l v i ng t Uni t 2 Sep Lect ur e, doubt cl ear , Quest i Bl asst est , ses ackboar d/ Chal kCl ondi scussi on, Pr obl emSo si onal l v i ng Uni t34 Lect ur e, doubt cl ear , Quest i Bl asst est , ses ackboar d/ Chal kCl oct/nov ondi scussi on, Pr obl emSo si onal l v i ng _______________________________________________________________ Not e: Thepl anwi l l bec ont i nuedt o( 2021) Paperwi seTeachi ng Pl anSes s i on: 20192020PHYSI CS ( CBCS) Name of the teacher :Dr Gitanjali Devi ;Session: August-Nov Name of the Course:PHY-RC-1016HY-HG1016),Credit—06 Name of the Paper:Mechanics Theory UnitI: Vectors (Lectures6) Vector algebra, Scalar and vector products, Derivatives of a vector with respect to a parameter,Ordinary Differential Equations : 1 stored homogeneous differential equations ,2nd order homogeneous differential equations with constant coefficient. Unit IV:Rotational Motion (Lectures05) Angularvelocity and angular momentum, Torque, Conservation of angular momentum. UnitVI I:Elasticity (Lectures08) Hooke’slaw-Stress strain diagram Elastic moduli Relation between elastic constants s Poisson’s Ratio Expression for Poisson’s ratioin terms of elastic constants Work Done in stretching and work done in twisting a wire Twisting couple on a cylinder Determination of RigidIty modulus by static torsion Torsion pendulumDetermination of Rigidity modulus and moment of inertia–q,η and σ by Searles method. Unit VII: Special Theory of Relativity (Lectures07) Constancy of speed of light.Postulates of Special Theory of Relativity.Length contraction.Time dilation. Relativistic addition of velocities Lab A minimum of five experiments to be done. 1.Measurements of length (ordiameter) using vernier caliper,screwgauge and Spherometer. 2.To determine the Moment of Inertia of a Symmetrical body about an axis by torsional oscillation method. 3.To determine the Young’sModulus of the material of a wire by Searle’s apparatus. 4.To determine the Modulus of Rigidity of a Wire Static method. 5.To determine the elastic Constants of a wire by Searle’smethod. 6.To determine the value of g using Bar Pendulum. 7.To determine the value of g using Kater’sPendulum. 8.To study the Motion of Spring and calculate (a) Spring constant and (b) value of g. Course Outcome: Upon completion of this course ,students are expected to understand the role of Vectors and coordinate systems in Physics,solve Ordinary Differential Equations, laws of motion and their application to various dynamical situations,Inertial Reference frames their transformations,concept of conservation of energy, momentum,angular momentum and apply them to basic problems, phenomenon of simple harmonic motion,motion under central force,concept of time dilation,Length contraction using special theory of relativity. In the laboratory course, after acquiring knowledge of how to handle measuring instruments( like screwgauge, Vernier calipers,travelling microscope) student shall embarkon verifying various principles and associated measurable parameters. Teac hi ngPl an Nameoft het eacher :DrGi t anj al iDev i ; Sessi on: August Nov Sy l l abus Per i od Met hod( i ncl udi ngexper iAi ds Us e d ent i al / par t i c i pat i v el ear ni ng) Unit 1 Unit 4 Unit 7 Aug Lect ur e, doubt cl ear , Quest i Bl ona ackboar d/ Chal k Sessi ondi scussi on, Pr obl emSo l , cl asst es l v i ng t Aug Lect ur e, doubt cl ear , Quest i Bl asst est , ses ackboar d/ Chal kCl ondi scussi on, Pr obl emSo si onal l v i ng Sep Lect ur e, doubt cl ear , Quest i Bl asst est , ses ackboar d/ Chal kCl ondi scussi on, Pr obl emSo si onal l v i ng /Oct Nov Unit 8 As s e s s me ntme t hod Lect ur e, doubt cl ear , Quest i Bl onal , ackboar d/ Chal kSessi cl asst est ondi scussi on, Pr obl emSo l v i ng Not e: Thepl anwi l l bec ont i nuedt o( 2021) EVALUATI ONMETHOD DEPARTMENT: PHYSI CS PAPER: PHYRC1016( PHYHC106) Mec hani c 1. 1Theor y UNI T WRI TTEN MODE ORALMODE PRACTI CAL MODE I NTEGRATED MODE I • I nt er nal Exam. • • • Cl assTest • Cl assAssi gnment • • HomeAssi gnment Vi v a/ Or al Exam. • Lab. Wor k Gr oupDi scussi o n OneQuest i o nQui z • Paper Pr ese nt at i on/ Semi nar Pr esent at i on I I • I nt er nal Exam. • • Cl assTest • • Cl assAssi gnment • • HomeAssi gnment Vi v a/ Or al Exam. • Lab. Wor k Gr oupDi scussi o n OneQuest i o nQui z • Paper Pr ese nt at i on/ Semi nar Pr esent at i on I I I • I nt er nal Exam. • • • Cl assTest • Cl assAssi • gnment • HomeAssi gnment Vi v a/ Or al Exam. • Lab. Wor k Gr oupDi scussi o n OneQuest i o nQui z • Paper Pr ese nt at i on/ Semi nar Pr esent at i on I V • I nt er nal Exam. • • • Cl assTest • Cl assAssi • gnment • HomeAssi gnment Vi v a/ Or al Exam. • Lab. Wor k Gr oupDi scussi o n OneQuest i o nQui z • Paper Pr es ent at i on / Semi nar Pr e sent at i on Pr ac t i c al / Lab Wr i t t enMode Or a l Mode • I nt er nal Exam. • Vi v a Paper : PHYRC2016( PHYHG2016) El ect r i ci t y&Magnet i sm 2. 1Theor y UNI T WRI TTEN MODE ORALMODE PRACTI CAL MODE I NTEGRATED MODE I • I nt er na l Exam • Cl assTest • Cl assAssi gnment • HomeAssi gnment I I • I nt er nal Exam. • • • Cl assTest • Cl assAssi • gnment • HomeAssi gnment Vi v a/ Or al Exam. • Lab. Wor k Gr oupDi scussi o n OneQuest i onQui z • Paper Pr ese nt at i on/ Semi nar Pr esent at i on I I I • I nt er nal Exam. • • • Cl assTest • Cl assAssi • gnment • HomeAssi gnment Vi v a/ Or al Exam. • Lab. Wor k Gr oupDi scussi o n OneQuest i onQui z • Paper Pr ese nt at i on/ Semi nar Pr esent at i on I V • I nt er nal Exam. • • • Cl assTest • Cl assAssi • gnment • HomeAssi gn Vi v a/ Or al Exam. • Lab. Wor k Gr oupDi scussi o n OneQuest i o nQui z • Paper Pr ese nt at i on/ Semi nar Pr esent at i on Wor k • Vi v a/ Or al Exam. • Lab. • Gr oupDi scussi o n • OneQuest i onQui z 2. 2Pr ac t i c al / Lab WRI TTEN MODE • I nt er nal Exam. ORALMODE • Vi v a • Paper Pr ese nt at i on/ Semi nar Pr esent at i on PAPER: PHYRC3016( PHYHG3016) Ther mal Phy s i c s&St at i s t i c al Mec hani c s 3. 1T he or y UNI T WRI TTEN MODE ORALMODE PRACTI CAL MODE I NTEGRATED MODE I • I nt er nal Exam. • • Cl assTest • • Cl assAssi gnment • • HomeAssi gnment Wor k Vi v a/ Or al Exam. • Lab. Gr oupDi scussi o n OneQuest i onQui z • Paper Pr ese nt at i on/ Semi nar Pr esent at i on I I • I nt er nal Exam. • • Cl assTest • • Cl assAssi gnment • • HomeAssi gnment Wor k Vi v a/ Or al Exam. • Lab. Gr oupDi scussi o n OneQuest i o nQui z • Paper Pr ese nt at i on / Semi nar Pr ese nt at i on I I I • I nt er nal Exam. • • • Cl assTest • Cl assAssi • gnment • HomeAssi gnment Wor k Vi v a/ Or al Exam. • Lab. Gr oupDi scussi o n OneQuest i o nQui z • Paper Pr ese nt at i on/ Semi nar Pr esent at i on I V • I nt er nal Exam. • • • Cl assTest • Cl assAssi • gnment • HomeAssi gnment Vi v a/ Or al Exam. • Lab. Wor k Gr oupDi scussi o n OneQuest i o nQui z • Paper Pr ese nt at i on/ Semi nar Pr esent at i on 3. 2Pr ac t i c al / Lab Wr i t t enMode • I nt er nal • Exam. Or a l Mode • Vi v a PAPER: PHYRC4016( PHYHG4016) Wav es &Opt i c s 4. 1Theor y UNI T WRI TTEN MODE ORALMODE PRACTI CAL MODE I NTEGRATED MODE I • I nt er nal Exam. • • • Cl assTest • Cl assAssi • gnment • HomeAssi gnment Vi v a/ Or al Exam. • Lab. Wor k Gr oupDi scussi o n OneQuest i o nQui z • Paper Pr ese nt at i on/ Semi nar Pr esent at i on I I • I nt er nal Exam. • • • Cl assTest • Cl assAssi • gnment • HomeAssi gnment • I nt er nal Exam. • • • Cl assTest • Cl assAssi • gnment • HomeAssi gnment Vi v a/ Or al Exam. • Lab. Wor k Gr oupDi scussi o n OneQuest i onQui z • Paper Pr ese nt at i on/ Semi nar Pr esent at i on Vi v a/ Or al Exam. • Lab. Wor k Gr oupDi scussi o n OneQuest i onQui z • Paper Pr ese nt at i on/ Semi nar Pr esent at i on • I nt er nal Exam. • • Cl assTest • • Cl assAssi • gnment • HomeAssi gnment Vi v a/ Or al Exam. • Lab. Wor k Gr oupDi scussi o n OneQuest i onQui z • Paper Pr ese nt at i on/ Semi nar Pr esent at i on I I I I V 4. 2Pr ac t i c al / Lab Wr i t t enMode • I nt er nal Exam. Or a l Mode • Vi v a PAPER: PHYHE5016 Ex per i ment al Tec hni ques 5. 1T he or y ORALMODE I NTEGRATED MODE Paper Pr ese nt at i on/ Semi nar Pr esent at i on UNI T WRI TTENMO DE I • I nt er nal Exam. • • Cl assTest • • Cl assAssi gnment • • HomeAssi gnment I I • I nt er nal Exam. • • Cl assTest • • Cl assAssi gnment • • HomeAssi gnment PRACTI CALMO DE • Wor k Vi v a/ Or al Exam. • Lab. Gr oupDi scussi o n OneQuest i o nQui z Wor k Vi v a/ Or al Exam. • Lab. Gr oupDi scussi o n OneQuest i onQui z • Paper Pr ese nt at i on/ Semi nar Pr esent at i on I I I • I nt er nal Exam. • • Cl assTest • • Cl assAssi gnment • • HomeAssi gnment Wor k Vi v a/ Or al Exam. • Lab. Gr oupDi scussi o n OneQuest i o nQui z • Paper Pr ese nt at i on/ Semi nar Pr esent at i on I V • I nt er nal Exam. • • • Cl assTest • Cl assAssi • gnment • HomeAssi gnment Vi v a/ Or al Exam. • Lab. Wor k Gr oupDi scussi o n OneQuest i onQui z • Paper Pr ese nt at i on/ Semi nar Pr esent at i on 5. 2Pr ac t i c al / Lab Wr i t t enMode •I nt er nal Exam Or a l Mode • Vi v a PAPER: PHY_ HE_ 6016 Communi c at i on El ec t r oni c s 6. 1Theor y UNI T WRI TTEN MODE I • I nt er nal Exam. • • • Cl assTest • Cl assAssi gnment • • HomeAssi gnment I I • I nt er nal Exam. • • • Cl assTest • Cl assAssi • gnment • HomeAssi gnment ORALMODE PRACTI CAL MODE Vi v a/ Or al Exam. • Lab. Wor k Gr oupDi scussi o n OneQuest i o nQui z Wor k Vi v a/ Or al Exam. • Lab. Gr oupDi scussi o n OneQuest i onQui z • Paper Pr ese nt at i on/ Semi nar Pr esent at i on I I I • I nt er nal Exam. • • Cl assTest • • Cl assAssi gnment • • HomeAssi gnment Wor k Vi v a/ Or al Exam. • Lab. Gr oupDi scussi o n OneQuest i o nQui z • Paper Pr ese nt at i on/ Semi nar Pr esent at i on I V • I nt er nal Exam. • • Cl assTest • • Cl assAssi • gnment • HomeAssi gnment Vi v a/ Or al Exam. • Lab. Wor k Gr oupDi scussi o n OneQuest i onQui z • Paper Pr ese nt at i on/ Semi nar Pr esent at i on 6. 2Pr ac t i c al / Lab Wr i t t enMode • I nt er nal Exam. Or a l Mode • Vi v a I NTEGRATED MODE • Paper Pr esent a t i on/ Semi nar Pr e sent at i on CLASS NOTES ASSESSMENT METHOD FOR EACH UNIT Online Class tests and assignments LECTURE NOTES (HANDWRITTEN/TYPED): 1. Typed Notes: The following demonstrates some typed notes which were used during online classes to teach the students efficiently. 2. Handwritten Notes: HANDWRITTEN NOTES Result Analysis Percentage of student passed in 1st Semester cbcs exam is 82.35%