Uploaded by Srinivas Reddy

ETL Tester Self-Introduction & Workflow Description

My name is Ramya. I have 4+ years of experience in IT, worked as a ETL Tester and it’s a
backend testing project. I have good knowledge on insurance domain.
Coming to my technical skill set I am good at SQL Queries as well as ETL testing. Coming to
my function skill set I am good at understanding the Data ware house concepts like SCD type1
and SCD type2 and also good at validations like count, duplicate, transformation and integration
Roles and Responsibilities:
Understanding a requirement
Attending the grooming session
Raising Question and clarification to BA and Dev team
Designing the test cases
Explaining the designed testcases to the BA team in test case review meeting and getting
approve from BA team
Once it’s approved then i am going to start of validation and am Executing the test cases
1st i will execute the basic test cases...once basic test cases passed then only i go for major
functionalities. If i found any defect while validation i will raise the bug in Jira tool. Here for
each test cases i will capture the evidence and upload it to the test management and defect
tracking tool.
Once defect fixed i will retest the bug to confirm whether it got fixed or not
Interacting with developer for fixing the defects and explaining the defects
Interacting with project manager by sharing test report that how far i executed the test and how
many test cases are passed and how many test cases are failed
We get continuous data from web applications if any dml operation performed on web
applications like insert, delete and update it will automatically be replicated to our source table
and to implement online jobs we have been using informatica power center as etl tool.
From source we pull the data using informatica tool and loading in to the landing table. From
source to landing we don't apply any transformation rules we just do count validation and one to
one mapping.
From landing zone we pull the data and staged in to the staging area...from landing to staging data
cleansing and data quality check validation we do…
From landing to staging we applied transformation rules like nvl, lpad,trim,replace and
transformation rules applied on source table and compared with staging table to make data
consistency….stage to dwh count duplicate,transformation,integrity validation...