---datatypes>Giving the infomation and spaces to the db to what kind of data it should store for the particular columns integer-int---- number---number(P,S) (10.2)---- char---char(size)---80000 bytes--length---fixed length--static memory---alphanumerical varchar---varchar(size)---2gb---variable length---dynamic memory---alphanumerical float---- double -------------------------------------------------------------- char(10)---2byte 3 byte 4 byte varchar(10)----2 3 4 char(2)---4 -------------SQL COMMANDS DDL(DATA DEFINATION LANGUAGE) CREATE----TO CREATE TABLE/table structure SYNTAXT-CREATE TABLE TABLENAME (COL1 DATATYPE,COL2 DATATYPE()) ALTER(MODIFY,ADD,DROP)---TO alter the table structure syntax---MODIFY---ALTER TABLE TABLENAME MODIFY(COL CHANGE DATATYPE) ADD---ALTER TABLE TABLENAME ADD(WANTADDD COL DATATYPE) TO DROP ATABLE---drop the table structure+data RENAME---RENAME OLD_TABLENAME TO NEW_TABLENAME ALTER TABLE TABLENAME RENAME OLD_COL TO NEW_COL TRUNCATE----TRUNCATE TABLE TABLENAME(only data) structure still remains -------------------------------------------------------- -- Create table create table demo_02 (id number(10),name varchar(10),contact_number number(10))----tablename and col not accept special char and space other than '_' ---Rename the table Rename demo_01 to demo_02 ---adding the col Alter table demo_02 add(loc varchar(20)) ----modifying the col/datatype Alter table demo_02 modify(contact_number int) select * from demo_02 desc demo_02 ---to drop the table structure+data drop table demo_02 truncate table demo_02 -------------DML insert---to insert the data syntax----insert into table_name values(value1,value2,....) update---to update the data (set) -----syntax---update tbale_name set col='' where col='' delete----to delete the data delete table_name---delete table_name where Insert into demo_02 values(3,'pavithra','9999999999') Insert into demo_02 values (1,'pavithra','') ------udating the data Update demo_02 set contact_number=12345 where id=2 ----deleting the data delete demo_02 where id=2---row level delete demo_02---deleting entire data select * from demo_02 commit rollback; ----DRL/DQL(DATA RETEIVAL LANUAGE/DATA QUERY LANGUAGE) COMMAND ---SELECT---TO DISPLAY THE DATA SELECT D1.ID FROM DEMO_02 D1 ---ALIAS--ALTERNATIVE NAME FOR COL OR TABLE WITHOUT SPECIFYING THE TABLE ALIAS WE CAN SPECIFY THE COL ALIAS BECUASE NO HEIRACHYAL DEPENCENT ----FILTER CONDITION--- WHERE--USED TO FILTER OUT THE DATA SELECT * FROM DEMO_02 WHERE ID=3