SYSTEM SUMMARY DESIGN COOLING CAPACITIES By Trane Alternative 1 System Coil Capacities Actual Airside Capacities VAV - Classrooms Totals Block Airside Loads At Time Of Building Peak Main Coil Aux Coil Opt Vent Coil Misc Load Stg 1 Desic Cond Stg 2 Desic Cond kW kW kW kW kW kW 374.8 374.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Plant Peak Total Main Coil Aux Coil Opt Vent Coil Misc Load Stg 1 Desic Cond Stg 2 Desic Cond Plant Block Total kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW 374.8 374.8 374.2 374.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 374.2 374.2 Building systems maximum block load of 374.2 kW occurs in July at hour 20 based on design simulation. Project Name: Dataset Name: Washington Elementary School dc.trc TRACE® 700 v6.2.4 calculated at 11:30 AM on 03/01/2022 Design Capacity Quantities report Page 1 of 1 Building Peak Plant Block Total kW 374.2 374.2 4.2 kW occurs in July at d at 11:30 AM on 03/01/2022 Quantities report Page 1 of 1 Design Cooling Load Summary By Trane Washington Elementary School La Crosse Wisconsin System - VAV - Classrooms Type - Variable Volume Reheat (30% Min Flow Default) Coil Location - System Coil Peak Calculation Time: July, hour 20 Ambient DB/WB/HR: 32 / 30 / 27 COOLING COIL LOAD INFORMATION Load Component Sensible kW Latent kW COOLING COIL SELECTION Total kW Percent of Total Coil Selection Parameters Solar Gain Glass Transmission 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.0% Coil Entering Air (DB / WB) Coil Entering Humidity Ratio 24.1 / 13.7 5.47 °C g/kg Wall Transmission Roof Transmission 0.83 0.00 0.83 0.00 0.2% 0.0% Coil Leaving Air (DB / WB) Coil Leaving Humidity Ratio 11.9 / 8.3 5.30 °C g/kg Floor Transmission Adj Floor Transmission Partition Transmission 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Coil Sensible Load Coil Total Load Cooling Supply Air Temperature Net Ceiling Load Lighting 0.00 3.78 0.00 3.78 0.0% 1.0% Total Cooling Airflow Resulting Room Relative Humidity 0.0% 87.3% 0.0% 88.6% People Misc. Equipment Loads Cooling Infiltration Sub-Total ==> 0.00 327.00 0.00 331.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 327.00 0.00 331.61 Ventilation Load Exhaust Heat 1.49 0.00 9.13 0.00 10.62 0.00 2.8% 0.0% Total Cooling Load Area / Load Supply Fan Load Return Fan Load 26.45 0.00 26.45 0.00 7.1% 0.0% Net Duct Heat Pickup Wall Load to Plenum 0.00 0.26 0.00 0.26 Roof Load to Plenum Adj Floor to Plenum 5.43 0 5.43 0 365.23 374.37 12.78 kW kW °C 23,968.54 28.98 L/s % General Engineering Checks 374.4 0.84 kW m²/kW Total Floor Area Cooling Airflow 315 1,600.00 m² Lps/m² 0.0% 0.1% Airflow / Load Percent Outdoor Air 1,345.98 0.0 Lps/kW % 1.5% 0.0% Cooling Load Methodology TETD-TA1 Lighting Load to Plenum Misc. Equip. Load to Plenum Glass Transmission to Glass Solar to Plenum Over/Under Sizing Reheat at Design 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Underfloor Sup Heat Pickup 0 Supply Air Leakage 0 Total Cooling Loads Project Name: Dataset Name: 365.24 Washington Elementary School dc.trc 0.00 0.00 0 9.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 374.37 ###### TRACE® 700 v6.2.4 calculated at 11:30 AM on 03/01/2022 Alternative - 1 Design Cooling Load Report Page 1 of 1 kW m²/kW m² Lps/m² Lps/kW ETD-TA1 ulated at 11:30 AM on 03/01/2022 gn Cooling Load Report Page 1 of 1 Load / Airflow Summary By Trane Floor Area m² System Zone Room ** People # Coil Cooling Sensibl e kW Coil Coolin g Total Space Design Max SA kW L/s Air Change s ach/hr VAV Minimu m SA L/s VAV Minimu m % Main Coil Heating Sensible Heating Fan Max SA kW L/s Clg Alternative 1 Rm Peak 315 0.0 365.23 374.37 504,056 1,800.20 0 -2.40 0 0.0 North Wing DC Hall Zn Peak 315 0.0 365.23 374.37 504,056 0 -2.40 0 0.0 North Wing Zn Block 315 0.0 365.23 374.37 504,056 0 -2.40 0 0.0 VAV - Classrooms Sys Peak 315 0.0 365.23 374.37 504,056 -2.40 0 0.0 VAV - Classrooms Sys Block 315 0.0 365.23 374.37 504,056 -2.40 0 0.0 * This report does not display heating only systems. 1 Project Name: Dataset Name: Washington Elementary School dc.trc TRACE® 700 v6.2.4 calculated at 11:30 AM on 03/01/2022 Load/Airflow Summary Report Page 1 of 1 Percent OA Clg Htg 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ted at 11:30 AM on 03/01/2022 w Summary Report Page 1 of 1 PEAK COOLING LOADS MAIN SYSTEM By Trane SPACE Floor Area m² System Zone Room OA Room Peak Condition Dry Time DB WB Bulb Mo/Hr °C °C °C Supply Dry Bulb °C Space Air Flow L/s COIL Space Sensible Load kW Space Latent Load kW OA Peak Condition Time DB WB Mo/Hr °C °C Supply Dry Bulb °C Coil Airflow L/s Coil Sensible Load kW Alternative 1 DC Hall Peak 315 6 / 24 30 28 23.9 12.8 504,056 6,975.98 0.00 North Wing Peak 315 30 28 23.9 12.8 504,056 6,975.98 0.00 North Wing Block 315 6 / 24 30 28 23.9 12.8 504,056 6,975.98 0.00 Peak 315 30 28 23.9 12.8 504,056 6,975.98 0.00 Block 315 6 / 24 30 28 23.9 12.8 504,056 6,975.98 0.00 7 / 20 7 / 20 32 30 12.8 23,969 365.23 32 30 12.8 23,969 365.23 32 30 12.8 23,969 365.23 32 30 12.8 23,969 365.23 32 30 12.8 23,969 365.23 VAV - Classrooms VAV - Classrooms 7 / 20 Project Name: Dataset Name: Washington Elementary School dc.trc TRACE® 700 v6.2.4 calculated at 11:30 AM on 03/01/2022 Peak Clg Loads Main System Report Page 1 of 1 Coil Latent Load kW 365.23 9.13 365.23 9.13 365.23 9.13 365.23 9.13 365.23 9.13 d at 11:30 AM on 03/01/2022 System Report Page 1 of 1