Metallogr. Microstruct. Anal. (2012) 1:199–207 DOI 10.1007/s13632-012-0036-6 TECHNICAL ARTICLE Damage Analysis of Catalyst Tube of a Reformer Furnace Used in Hydrogen Production H. M. Tawancy Received: 17 August 2012 / Revised: 17 September 2012 / Published online: 13 October 2012 Ó Springer Science+Business Media New York and ASM International 2012 Abstract A heat-resistant HP–Nb steel casting tube of a reformer furnace used in hydrogen production was designed on the basis of 100,000-h service life. However, after about 400 h of operation at temperatures ranging from about 950 to 750 °C, a problem was encountered involving corrosion at the outer tube surface and formation of internal cracks. A section of the tube was analyzed to determine the cause of damage using various techniques including light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy combined with energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy, as well as transmission electron microscopy and diffraction. It was concluded that the tube was subjected to two separate types of damage: (i) heating the outer tube surface by burning a low grade fuel contaminated with highly corrosive species such as chlorine, which precluded the material from developing and maintaining a surface protective oxide, and (ii) using a heat of the alloy with Si content on the higher side of the specifications stabilizing the detrimental Ni3Nb2Si Laves phase precipitation of which at grain boundaries could lead to intergranular cracking; however, the cracking could also result from localized plastic deformation in relatively ‘‘soft’’ zones of c-phase (solid-solution) alongside grain boundaries. Keywords Steel Corrosion Carbide Laves phase H. M. Tawancy (&) Center for Engineering Research, Research Institute, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, P.O. Box 1639, Dhahran 32161, Saudi Arabia e-mail: Introduction In comparison with other fuels, hydrogen is characterized by the highest energy content per unit weight [1]. Currently, hydrogen production relies mostly on fossil-based materials such as methane and naphtha [2, 3]. The process takes place in reformer furnaces where a mixture of hydrocarbon and steam at a pressure ranging from 1.5 to 3.0 MPa passes through vertical tubes filled with Ni-based catalyst to activate the following highly endothermic reaction: CH4 þ 2H2 O ! CO2 þ 4H2 To provide the heat necessary for the above reaction, the tubes are heated from the outside by means of burners using various types of fuels. During operation, the nominal temperature inside the tubes ranges from about 950 °C at the top to 750 °C near the bottom. Typically, the environment inside the tubes is moderately carburizing, and oxidation takes place at a slow rate; however, in rare cases, localized carburization and oxidation can be accelerated leading to catastrophic failure [4]. Both the environmental and high-temperature strength requirements for the application are mostly satisfied by a group of heat-resistant steel castings with coarse grain structure, which can be columnar, equiaxed, or a combination of both [4, 5]. For severe operational conditions, centrifugally or spun-cast materials are the preferred choice particularly the HP-type alloys, which contain high concentrations of Cr and Ni providing higher strength and more resistance to high-temperature corrosion as well as relatively high concentration of Si (C1 wt.%) to improve the carburization resistance [6]. Typically, these alloys consist of austenitic dendrites surrounded by eutectic carbides in the interdendritic regions, which provide the main source of creep strength. 123 200 Additional strengthening is provided by solid-solution of transition metals such as Nb in the case of HP–Nb steels where the primary NbC carbides have been shown to assume a lamellar morphology [7]. A vertical catalyst tube (102 and 9 mm in internal diameter) of a reformer furnace used in hydrogen production developed a combination of corrosion and cracking problem during the early stages of operation. According to design specifications, the tube was made of a grade of HP–Nb heat-resistant steel casting on the basis of 100,000-h service life. The tube was externally heated by means of burners using a liquid by-product of a proprietary process as a fuel and therefore, its composition could not be specified. During operation, the tube temperature varied from about 950 °C near the top to about 750 °C near the bottom, and as per specifications, the internal pressure was 2.94 MPa (30 atm). However, after about 400 h of operation, a corrosion product continued to accumulate at the external surface particularly near the top. Also, ultrasonic field testing revealed the presence of internal cracks. Therefore, the tube was removed from service, and a section near the top was submitted for analysis to determine the most probable cause of the observed damage. Also, samples of the same material never used in service were included in the study. The present investigation was undertaken to determine the cause of observed damage with emphasis on whether the corrosion attack could have an adverse effect on the useful life of the tube and if there was also a correlation between the internal cracks and corrosion attack. Experimental Procedure Specimens were machined from the as-received section of the tube as well as the material never used in service to characterize their microstructures and also the stressrupture life for the material never used in service. The chemical composition of the material was measured by inductively coupled plasma atomic energy spectroscopy (ICP-AES) with the exception of carbon, which was measured by combustion calorimetry (CC). Various techniques used to characterize the microstructure included light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy combined with energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy, employing a windowless detector, and transmission electron microscopy and diffraction. To reveal the grain structure and primary carbides, metallographic specimens were etched in Murakami’s reagent (10 g potassium ferricyanide, 10 g potassium hydroxide, and 100 ml water). Specimens for scanning electron microscopy were examined at an accelerating voltage of 20 keV. Thin foils for transmission electron microscopy were prepared by the jet polishing 123 Metallogr. Microstruct. Anal. (2012) 1:199–207 technique in a solution of 30% nitric acid in methanol by volume. All foils were examined at an accelerating voltage of 200 keV. The stress-rupture tests were carried out at 950 °C for up to 1000 h, and the results were extrapolated to 100,000 h. Results and Discussion Table 1 shows the nominal composition of HP–Nb steel used in the application in comparison with the results of chemical analysis by ICP-AES and CC. It is observed that the measured composition is consistent with that of HP–Nb steel verifying that the tube was manufactured from the same steel as specified. Figure 1a shows a schematic of a cross section of the furnace tube illustrating the orientations of the circumferential (r1) and longitudinal (r2) tensile stresses resulting from the pressure P exerted on the tube walls. A schematic of the temperature distribution as provided by the proponent is shown in Fig. 1b. Light micrographs showing typical microstructures along the cross section of the tube are shown in Fig. 1c–e. Evidence for corrosion attack is evident at the outer surface, however, with the exception of a few localized pits, there was no marked thinning of the tube wall. Also, the maximum depth of the pits was observed to be about 80 lm as shown in Fig. 1c. However, intergranular cracks were scattered along the entire cross section as shown in Fig. 1c–e. As shown later, these cracks were found to be unrelated to the corrosion problem observed at the outer surface. As the ratio of tube internal diameter (di) to wall thickness (t) is 11.3 [ 10, the stresses r1 and r2 in Fig. 1a could be estimated on the basis of a thin-walled cylinder, e.g., [8]. In this case, the maximum principal stress r1 (circumferential stress) in Fig. 1a, which tends to produce longitudinal rupture is given by: r1 = Pdi/2t = 16.7 MPa, which is to be compared with the 100,000-h rupture Table 1 Comparative chemical composition of HP–Nb steel (wt.%) Element Nominal Measured (ICP-AES) Measured (CC) Fe Balance Balance Ni 23–25 24.37 Cr 24–26 25.65 Nb 1.4–1.8 1.71 Si 0.5–1.5 1.42 Mn 1 (a) 0.36 C S 0.25–0.35 0.03 (a) 0.012 0.31 P 0.03 (a) 0.010 (a)Maximum Metallogr. Microstruct. Anal. (2012) 1:199–207 201 Fig. 1 General characteristics of the furnace tube illustrating the service conditions and the problem encountered during operation. (a) A schematic of a cross section of the tube illustrating the stresses generated by the internal pressure, (b) a schematic illustrating the temperature profile during operation, (c) light micrograph of a cross section near the outer surface, (d) light micrograph of cross section near the middle of the tube, and (e) light micrograph of a cross section near the inner the surface Fig. 2 Stress-rupture life of the tube material (HP–Nb steel) at 950 °C extrapolated to 100,000 h (specimens never used in service) strength of about 34 MPa at 950 °C as shown in the data of Fig. 2. Furthermore, the maximum localized thinning of the tube wall as a result of corrosion attack at the outer surface (80 lm) as shown above amounts to an increase in circumferential stress from 16.1 to 16.8 MPa, which still remains well below the inherent strength of the material (Fig. 2). Therefore, up to the time the tube was removed from service, the observed cracking could not be related to higher than normal operating pressure with no indication of significant creep damage. Typical microstructural features of HP–Nb steel never used in service are summarized in Fig. 3. As shown in the light macrograph of Fig. 3a, most of the grains assume columnar morphology. Primary carbides assuming lamellar morphology within the interdendritic regions of austenite are shown in the scanning electron microscopy image of 123 202 Fig. 3b. A corresponding energy dispersive spectrum is shown in Fig. 3c illustrating that Fe, Ni, and Cr are the major elemental constituents with smaller concentrations of Nb and Si as expected. However, the microstructure of tube was rather inhomogeneous. Some regions of the tube exhibited similar microstructural features to that of the material never used in service as illustrated in the example of Fig. 4a. The primary carbide was identified by microchemical analysis and electron diffraction to be NbC (NaCl structure with a = 0.447 nm). The elemental composition of the carbide is illustrated in the energy dispersive x-ray spectrum of Fig. 4b. Figure 4c shows a dark-field transmission electron microscopy image of an NbC lamella. Corresponding electron diffraction patterns consistent with NaCl structure (B1-type superlattice) in [211] and [111] orientations are shown in Fig. 4d, e, respectively. However, as will be shown later, the microstructure in other regions showed evidence for decomposition of primary NbC carbide during exposure at elevated temperatures. Figure 5 is an example illustrating the morphology and composition of the scale observed at outer surface of the tube. As shown in the secondary electron scanning electron microscopy image of Fig. 5a, the scale has a porous structure. Also, spallation is noted at various locations revealing the underlying scale layer. Figure 5b shows the elemental composition of the outermost scale layer (region marked 1 in Fig. 5a) suggesting that it consists of Ni-rich oxide containing Fe and a smaller concentration of Cr. In contrast, Fe is observed to be the major metallic constituent of the underlying scale layer with relatively high Fig. 3 Verification of the tube material (specimen never used in service). (a) Light macrograph showing the grain structure, (b) backscattered electron image showing the grain structure as observed on the scale of scanning electron microscopy, and (c) corresponding energy dispersive x-ray spectrum showing the elemental composition 123 Metallogr. Microstruct. Anal. (2012) 1:199–207 concentration of Cr and smaller concentration of Ni as illustrated in Fig. 5c (region marked 2 in Fig. 5a) suggesting an oxide spinel of the type Ni(Fe,Cr)2O4. A typical microstructure along a cross section of the scale and into the substrate is illustrated in the backscattered scanning electron microscopy image of Fig. 6a showing that the tube material was subjected to internal oxidation particularly along the grain boundaries. Also, the discontinuity of the outermost scale layer is noted as indicated by the arrow. Figure 6b shows the elemental composition of the internal oxide consistent with Cr2O3based scale. Previous studies have shown that internal oxidation along grain boundaries is favored by large grain size and relatively lower temperature favoring short-circuit diffusion of oxygen along grain boundaries [9, 10]. It is noted that the scale contains a marked concentration of Si, which is known to increase the thermodynamic stability of Cr2O3 [11]. Also, within the detection limit of the technique (about 0.2 wt.%), there was no evidence for incorporation of any impurities from the fuel such as chlorine into the oxide scale. Although internal oxidation can lead to intergranular embrittlement [12], the effect appeared to be insignificant up to the time at which the tube was taken out of service. Figure 7 shows a typical morphology and elemental composition of the scale observed at inner surface of the tube. The morphology shown in the secondary electron scanning electron microscopy image is typical of a protective layer of Cr2O3 with fine oriented grains consistent with the composition shown in the energy dispersive x-ray Metallogr. Microstruct. Anal. (2012) 1:199–207 203 Fig. 4 Identification of the carbide phase in the tube material. (a) Backscattered scanning electron microscopy image showing primary carbide delineating the austenite grains, (b) energy dispersive x-ray spectrum illustrating the elemental composition of the NbC carbide, (c) dark-field transmission electron microscopy image illustrating a lamella of NbC carbide, (d) [211] electron diffraction pattern derived from the carbide phase, and (e) [111] electron diffraction pattern derived from the carbide phase Fig. 5 Morphology and composition of the scale observed at the outer tube surface. (a) Secondary electron scanning electron microscopy image showing the scale morphology, (b) energy dispersive x-ray spectrum illustrating the elemental composition of the outermost scale layer (region marked 1 in a), and (c) energy dispersive x-ray spectrum illustrating the elemental composition of the underlying scale layer (region marked 2 in a) spectrum of the inset. Also, it appeared that the larger grains were formed from the smaller grains by shared crystal faces. These morphological features are typical of Cr2O3 scale formed at temperatures in the range of 900–950 °C [13, 14]. The above observations indicated that the environment created by burning the liquid fuel had precluded the outer tube surface from developing and maintaining a protective surface layer of Cr2O3-based scale. Therefore, internal oxidation occurred faster than the rate of scale formation as 123 204 Fig. 6 Microstructure along a cross section of the scale formed at the outer surface and into the substrate. (a) Backscattered scanning electron microscopy image showing internal oxidation along grain boundaries: the discontinuity of the outermost scale layer is indicated by the arrow; and (b) energy dispersive x-ray spectrum illustrating the elemental composition of the internal oxide Fig. 7 Secondary electron scanning electron microscopy image and corresponding energy dispersive x-ray spectrum illustrating the morphology and elemental composition of the scale formed at the inner tube surface demonstrated by the results of Figs. 5 and 6, where a Ni-rich non-protective oxide had overgrown a less-protective spinel-type oxide. In contrast, the inner tube surface was able to develop a protective surface oxide as can be seen by comparing the oxide morphologies shown in Figs. 5a and 7. Although no impurities from the fuel could be detected in the oxide scale to provide a clue about the mechanism responsible for accelerating the oxidation rate at the outer 123 Metallogr. Microstruct. Anal. (2012) 1:199–207 surface, the effect resembles that produced by chlorinecontaminated environment. Several studies have shown that Cr2O3-based surface scale loses its protective nature in the presence of chlorine because of the formation of highly volatile metal chlorides and/or metal oxychlorides, e.g., [15–17]. Therefore, it is possible that the liquid fuel was contaminated with highly corrosive species such as chlorine; however, because of the formation of volatile chlorine-containing compounds, any remaining chlorine could be present in amounts below the detection limit of energy dispersive spectroscopy (about 0.2 wt.%). It would be expected that with continuous operation, localized thinning due to metal wastage to corrosion product could ultimately lead to catastrophic failure. In effect, the corrosion attack is very likely to have an adverse effect on the useful life of the tube. This problem could be compounded by the intergranular cracks observed in Fig. 1. Reference to Fig. 1c–e shows that the intergranular cracks are scattered throughout the tube’s cross section including the vicinity of the inner surface where no corrosion problem was encountered indicating that a separate mechanism was involved as demonstrated below. Detailed microstructural characterization showed evidence for decomposition of primary MC carbide during service as observed in other high-temperature alloys [18, 19]. An example is given in Fig. 8 showing a backscattered scanning electron microscopy image and corresponding energy dispersive x-ray spectra. Three phases are distinguished by their contrast in the backscattered image of Fig. 8a and their characteristic elemental compositions shown in Fig. 8b–d: (i) phase 1 exhibiting gray contrast with Ni, Nb, and Si as major elemental constituents; (ii) phase 2 exhibiting black contrast and containing C with Cr as a major metallic constituents; and (iii) phase 3 exhibiting white contrast and containing C with Nb as a major metallic constituent. It is to be noted that in the case of Ni-based superalloys, MC carbides tend to decompose into the Cr-rich M23C6 carbide (M stands for metal) and the intermetallic c0 -phase [19]. By analogy, a similar trend is found in the present case as shown in Fig. 8 and further confirmed in the transmission electron microscopy results of Fig. 9. The Ni–Nb–Si phase 1 in Fig. 8a is identified as Laves phase (hexagonal; a = 0.48 nm, c = 0.78 nm). Similar to other phases with complex close-packed layer structures, the Laves phase is distinguished by high density of stacking faults as shown in the bright-field transmission electron microscopy image of Fig. 9a illustrating a particle of Laves phase (marked 1) at a grain boundary. Figure 9b shows the corresponding electron diffraction pattern in [0001] orientation. Streaking of diffraction maxima along\1-010[and \01-10[ directions could arise from stacking faults on {1-010} and {01-10} planes. Although the binary Ni–Nb Laves phase is thermodynamically unstable, it can be Metallogr. Microstruct. Anal. (2012) 1:199–207 205 Fig. 8 An example demonstrating the tendency of the primary NbC carbide to decompose during service into Cr-rich carbide and Si-stabilized Laves phase. (a) Backscattered scanning electron microscopy image illustrating the co-existence of three phases marked 1, 2, and 3; (b) energy dispersive x-ray-spectrum showing the elemental composition of the phase marked 1 in (a) suggesting a Si-stabilized Laves phase of the type Ni3Nb2Si; (c) energy dispersive x-ray spectrum showing the elemental composition of the phase marked 2 in (a) suggesting a Cr-rich carbide of the type M23C6; and (d) energy dispersive x-ray spectrum showing the elemental composition of the phase marked 3 in (a) suggesting residual NbC carbide stabilized by Si giving rise to a ternary phase of the type Ni3Nb2Si [20]. The Cr-rich phase 2 in Fig. 8a was identified as the Cr-rich M23C6 carbide (cubic structure) such as the particle marked 2 in Fig. 9a, and its corresponding electron diffraction pattern shown in Fig. 9c. It is well known that M23C6 carbide precipitated in high-temperature alloys maintains a partially coherent relationship with the matrix phase with lattice constant three times that of the matrix giving rise to characteristic reflections at every one-third position of the matrix reflections [21] as shown in the [110] diffraction pattern of Fig. 9c. Evidently, phase 3 in Fig. 8a exhibiting white contrast corresponds to residual NbC carbide constituent with its composition shown in Fig. 8d. Therefore, based on the above observations, the decomposition reaction of the Nb-rich NbC carbide can be expressed as NbC carbide þ matrix c-phaseðausteniteÞ ! Cr-rich M23 C6 carbide þ N3 Nb2 Si Laves phase As Laves phase is well known to be extremely hard and brittle [20], its precipitation at grain boundaries could contribute to the observed intergranular cracks. However, at the time when the tube was removed from service, it is obvious that the precipitation of Laves phase had occurred during the earlier stages as indicated by its relatively small amounts resulting in no significant creep damage as noted earlier. It is also noted that decomposition of primary MC carbides at grain boundaries may leave behind unreacted ‘‘soft’’ zones of c-phase (solid-solution) alongside the boundaries [18]. These zones could act as loci for localized plastic deformation providing another contributing factor to the observed cracking. Conclusion Based on the results of this study, two sources for damaging the furnace tube were identified, which could have adverse effect on the useful life of the tube: (i) using a lowgrade fuel contaminated with highly corrosive species accelerating the oxidation rate at the outer tube surface, and (ii) using a heat of the HP–Nb steel with Si content on the higher side of the specification stabilizing the extremely hard and brittle Ni3Nb2Si Laves phase precipitation of which at grain boundaries could contribute to intergranular 123 206 Metallogr. Microstruct. Anal. (2012) 1:199–207 Fig. 9 Identification of Laves phase and M23C6 carbide at a grain boundary of the tube material. (a) Bright-field transmission electron microscopy image showing particle of Laves phase (marked 1) attached to particle of M23C6 carbide (marked 2); the hexagonal Laves phase is distinguished by high density of stacking faults as reflected by the characteristic fringe contrast. (b) [0001]hcp electron diffraction pattern derived the Laves phase particle; streaking of the diffraction maxima corresponds to stacking faults on the respective planes. (c) [110]fcc electron diffraction pattern derived from the M23C6 carbide particle showing characteristic reflections at every one-third an all equivalent positions of the fundamental fcc reflections cracking. Also, the cracking could result from localized plastic deformation in ‘‘soft’’ zones of c-phase produced by decomposition of primary carbides. Acknowledgments It is a pleasure to acknowledge the continued support of King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals. References 1. C.Y. Yu, D.W. Lee, S.J. Park, K.Y. Lee, K.H. Lee, Study on catalytic membrane reactor for hydrogen production from ethanol steam reforming. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 34, 2947–2954 (2009) 2. A.J. Vizcaino, J.A. Calles, Hydrogen production by ethanol steam reforming over Cu–Ni supported catalysts. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 32, 1450–1461 (2007) 3. 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