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DAS-II Scoring Guide: T-Scores & Subtests

o 20-29 VL
o 30- 36 L
o 37-42 BL
o 43-57 A
o 57-63 AA
o 63-70 H
o 70-80 VH
Early Years (3:6-6:11) (optional to age 8:11)
Lower level 2:6-3:5
o GCA (Verbal + Nonverbal ability clusters)
o Verbal Comp + Naming Vocab = Verbal Ability
o Picture Similarities + Pattern Construction = Nonverbal
o Diagnostic subtests
 Recall of Digits Forward
 Recognition of Pictures
 Early Number Concepts
Upper Level 3:6-6:11 (optional to age 8:11)
o GCA (Verbal + Nonverbal+ Spatial ability clusters)
o Verbal Comp + Naming Vocab = Verbal Ability
o Picture Similarities + Matrices = Nonverbal
o Pattern Construction + Copying = Spatial
o Diagnostics Subtests
 Early Number Concepts + Matching Letter-Like Forms + Phonological
Processing = School Readiness
 Recall of Sequential Order + Recall of Digits Backward = Working Memory
 Speed of Information Processing + Rapid Naming = Processing Speed
 Recall of Objects-Immediate
 Recall of Objects-Delayed
 Recall of Digits Forward
 Recognition of Pictures
School-Age Battery (7:0-17:11 (optional down to age 5:0)
o GCA (Verbal + Nonverbal Reasoning + Spatial Ability)
o Word Definition + Verbal Similarities = Verbal Ability
o Matrices + Sequential and Quantitative Reasoning = Nonverbal Reasoning Ability
o Recall of Digits + Pattern Construction = Spatial Ability
o Diagnostics subtests
 Recall of Sequential Order + Recall of Digits Backward = Working Memory
 Speed of Info Processing + Rapid Naming (Processing Speed)
 Phonological Processing
Recall of Objects-Immediate
Recall of Objects-Delayed
Recall of Digits Forward
Recognition of Pictures
Decision point:
o Fewer than three passes GO BACK
o Fewer than 2 failures CONTINUE
Query: that’s really close... tell me more
Circle item set
Significance different between simple and complex for rapid naming
Low processimg scores--- signal for ID
T- score of 50 – considered average
Circle test items