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Geometry Congruence Lecture Notes

MATH 4510/5510: Brown
Notes on Congruence1
Axiom 1 (C-1). If A and B are distinct points and if A′ is any point, then for each ray r emanating from
A′ there is a unique point B ′ on r such that AB ∼
= A′ B ′ .
Axiom 2 (C-2). If AB ∼
= EF . Moreover, every segment is congruent to
= EF , then CD ∼
= CD and AB ∼
Axiom 3 (C-3: Segment Addition). If A∗B ∗C, A′ ∗B ′ ∗C ′ , AB ∼
= A′ B ′ , and BC ∼
= B ′ C ′ , then AC ∼
= A′ C ′ .
Axiom 4 (C-4). Given any ∠BAC, and given and ray A′ B ′ emanating from a point A′ , then there is a
unique ray A′ C ′ on a given side of line A′ B ′ such that ∠B ′ A′ C ′ ∼
= ∠BAC.
Axiom 5 (C-5). If ∠A ∼
= ∠C. Moreover, every angle is congruent to itself.
= ∠C, then ∠B ∼
= ∠B and ∠A ∼
Axiom 6 (C-6: SAS). If two sides and the included angle of one triangle are congruent to two sides and
the included angle of another triangle, then the two triangles are congruent.
Corollary 1 (Corollary to SAS). Given △ABC and segment DE ∼
= AB, there is a unique point F on a
given side of DE such that △ABC ∼
= △DEF .
Proof. By C-4 there is a unique ray DG on the given side of DE such that ∠BAC ∼
= ∠EDG. By C-1, there
is a unique point F on DG such that AC ∼
= DF . By SAS, △ABC ∼
= △DEF .
Proposition 10. If in △ABC we have AB ∼
= AC, then ∠B ∼
= ∠C.
Proof. Consider the correspondence of vertices A ↔ A, B ↔ C, C ↔ B. By hypothesis AB ∼
= AC, and by
C-5 ∠A ∼
= ∠C.
= △ACB. By the definition of congruent triangles ∠B ∼
= ∠A. Then by SAS △ABC ∼
Proposition 11 (Segment Subtraction). If A∗B ∗C, D ∗E ∗F , AB ∼
= DE, and AC ∼
= DF , then BC ∼
= EF .
Proof. Suppose BC 6∼
= EG. By the RAA
= EF (RAA). By C-1, there is a point G on EF such that BC ∼
hypothesis F 6= G. Since AB ∼
= DG by C-3. By
hypothesis, AC ∼
a contradiction, so
BC ∼
Proposition 12. Given AC ∼
= DF , then for any point B between A and C, there is a unique point E
between D and F such that AB ∼
= DE.
Proof. By C-1 there is a unique point E on DF such that AB ∼
= DE. Suppose E is not between D and F
(RAA). By the definition of ray, either E = F or D ∗ F ∗ E. Suppose E = F . B and C are distinct points
on AB by B − 1, but DE ∼
= AB and DE ∼
= AC. This contradicts C-1, so E 6= F . Now suppose D ∗ F ∗ E.
By C-1 there is a unique point G on the ray opposite to CA such that CG ∼
= F E. By C-3, AG ∼
= DE. This
contradicts the uniqueness part of C-1, since AB ∼
= DE. Hence E is between D and F .
Definition. AB < CD (or CD > AB) means that there exists a point E between C and D such that
AB ∼
= CE.
Proposition 13 (Segment Ordering).
1. Exactly one of the following conditions holds (trichotomy): AB < CD, AB ∼
= CD, or AB > CD.
2. If AB < CD and CD ∼
= EF , then AB < EF .
3. If AB > CD and CD ∼
= EF , then AB > EF .
4. If AB < CD and CD < EF , then AB < EF (transitivity).
1 The statements of the propositions and many proofs are taken from the book Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometries by
M. Greenberg.
MATH 4510/5510: Brown
1. Suppose AB and CD are not congruent. By C-1, there exists a point E on CD such that AB ∼
= CE.
By definition of ray, either C ∗ D ∗ E or C ∗ E ∗ D. If C ∗ E ∗ D, then AB < CD by definition of <.
Suppose C ∗ D ∗ E. By Proposition 3.12, there is a unique point F on AB between A and B such that
CD ∼
= AF . Then AB > CD by definition of <.
2. Since AB < CD, there is a point P between C and D such that AB ∼
= CP . Since CD ∼
= EF , by
Proposition 3.12, there is a unique point Q between E and F such that CP ∼
= EQ. By C-2, AB ∼
= EQ,
so AB < EF .
3. Since AB > CD, there is a point P between A and B such that AP ∼
= EF . Then
= CD. Suppose CD ∼
by C-2, AP ∼
= EF , so AB > EF .
∼ CP . Since CD < EF , there is
4. Since AB < CD, there is a point P between C and D such that AB =
a point Q between E and F such that CD ∼
= EQ. By Proposition 3, there is a point R between E and
Q such that CP ∼
= ER. By C-2, AB ∼
= ER. Since E ∗ R ∗ Q and E ∗ Q ∗ F , we know by Proposition
3.3 that E ∗ R ∗ F . Hence, AB < EF .
Proposition 14. Supplements of congruent angles are congruent.
Proof. Suppose ∠ABC ∼
= ∠DEF . Let BP be the ray opposite to BA and let EQ be the ray opposite to
∼ ∠F EQ.
ED. We want to show ∠CBP =
Since the points A, C, and P are given arbitrarily on the sides of ∠ABC and ∠CBP , by C-1 we can
choose the points D, F , and Q on ∠DEF and ∠F EQ such that AB ∼
= DE, CB ∼
= F E, and BP ∼
= EQ.
Then △ABC = △DEF by SAS. By the definition of congruent triangles, AC = DF , and ∠A ∼
= ∠D. By
C-3, AP ∼
= DQ. Then again by SAS, △ACP ∼
= △DF Q. By the definition of congruent triangles CP ∼
= FQ
and ∠P = ∠Q. And again by SAS, △CP B = △F QE, so ∠CBP ∼
= ∠F EQ.
Proposition 15.
1. Vertical angles are congruent to each other.
2. An angle congruent to a right angle is a right angle.
1. By definition two angles are vertical if they allow labeling ∠ABC and ∠DBE where BA and BD are
opposite, and BC and BE are opposite.
MATH 4510/5510: Brown
∠ABC is the supplement to ∠ABE and ∠DBE is the supplement to ∠ABE. By C-5 ∠ABE ∼
= ∠ABE,
so by Proposition 5 ∠ABC ∼
= ∠DBE.
∼ ∠ABC. Suppose P is a point on the ray opposite to −
2. Suppose ∠ABC is a right angle and ∠DEF =
and Q is a point on the ray opposite EF . We need to show ∠DEF ∼
= ∠DEQ. Since ∠ABC ∼
= ∠DEF ,
by Proposition 5, their supplements are congruent, i.e. ∠ABP = ∠DEQ. By the definition of right
angle ∠ABC ∼
= ∠DEQ.
= ∠DEQ. Again by C-5 ∠DEF ∼
= ∠ABP , so by C-5 ∠ABC ∼
Proposition 16. For every line l and every point P there exists a line through P perpendicular to l.
Proof. Either P lies on l or it does not. Assume first that P does not lie on l, and let A and B be any
two points on l by I-2. By C-4 there is a ray AX such that AX is on the opposite side of l as P and
∠XAB ∼
= ∠P AB. By C-1 there is a point P ′ on AX such that AP ∼
= AP ′ . Since P and P ′ are on opposite
sides of l, P P intersects l at a point Q between P and P . If Q = A, ∠P AB and ∠P ′ AB are supplementary.
Since these angles are congruent, they are right angles, so P P ′ ⊥ l. If Q 6= A, then AQ ∼
= AQ by C-1, so
△P AQ ∼
= ∠P ′ QA. Hence P P ′ ⊥ l.
= △P ′ AQ by SAS. By the definition of congruent triangles ∠P QA ∼
Now suppose P lies on l. By Proposition 2.3 there is a point not on l. By the above argument we can
construct a line perpendicular to l through this point, thereby obtaining a right angle. By C-4, there is a
unique ray on a particular side of l emanating from P such that ∠P with one side contained in l is congruent
to a right angle. By Proposition 3.15, ∠P is a right angle. The side of this angle not contained in l is
contained in a line perpendicular to l through P .
Proposition 17 (ASA). Given △ABC and △DEF with ∠A ∼
= ∠D, ∠C ∼
= ∠F , and AC ∼
= DF . Then
△ABC = △DEF .
Proof. By C-1, there is a unique point X on DE such that AB ∼
= DX. By hypothesis ∠A ∼
= ∠D and
AC = DF , so △ABC = △DXF by SAS. By the definition of congruent triangles ∠C ∼
= ∠DF X. By
hypothesis ∠C ∼
= ∠DF E, so by the uniqueness of C-4 F E = F X. By Proposition 2.3, E = X. Hence
△ABC ∼
= △DEF .
Proposition 18. If in △ABC we have ∠B ∼
= ∠C, then AB ∼
= AC and △ABC is isosceles.
Proof. Consider the correspondence of vertices A ↔ A, B ↔ C, and C ↔ B. By C-1 BC ∼
= BC. By
hypothesis ∠C ∼
AB ∼
= AC, so by the definition of isosceles triangle △ABC is isosceles.
−−→ −−→
Proposition 19 (Angle Addition). Given BG between BA and BC, EH between ED and EF , ∠CBG ∼
∠F EH, and ∠GBA ∼
= ∠HED. Then ∠ABC ∼
= ∠DEF .
Proof. By the crossbar theorem we may choose G so that A ∗ G ∗ C. By C-1 we may choose D, F , and H so
that AB ∼
= △DEH.
= ∠DEH, so by SAS △ABG ∼
= EH. By hypothesis ∠ABG ∼
= EF , and BG ∼
= DE, BC ∼
Similarly, by hypothesis ∠CBG = ∠F EH, so by SAS △CBG = △F EH. By the definition of congruent
triangles AG ∼
= DH and GC ∼
= HF .
We next need to show D, H, and F are collinear. By the definition of congruent triangles ∠AGB ∼
∠DHE and ∠CGB ∼
= ∠F HE. Since A, G, and C are collinear ∠AGB and ∠CGB are supplementary. By
Proposition 5 ∠CGB is congruent to the supplement of ∠DHE. Denote this supplement by ∠EHX. By
−−→ −−→
C-4 HX is unique, so HX = HF . Then ∠DHE is supplementary to ∠F HE, so F , H, and D are collinear.
Since EH is between ED and EF , H is in the interior of ∠DEF , so D ∗ H ∗ F by Proposition 3.7.
Since AG ∼
= △DEF , so by the definition of
= DF . By SAS △ABC ∼
= HF , by C-3 AC ∼
= DH and GC ∼
congruent triangles ∠ABC = ∠DEF .
−−→ −−→
Proposition 20 (Angle Subtraction). Given BG between BA and BC, EH between ED and EF , ∠CBG ∼
∠F EH, and ∠ABC ∼
= ∠DEF . Then ∠GBA ∼
= ∠HED.
Proof. We proceed as in the proof of Proposition 3.11. Suppose ∠GBA ∼
6 ∠HED (RAA). By C-4 there
is a unique ray EX on the same side of EH such that ∠GBA ∼
= ∠HEX. By the RAA hypothesis EX 6=
ED. By hypothesis ∠F EH ∼
= ∠CBG, and by RAA hypothesis ∠XEH ∼
= ∠ABG, so by Proposition 10
. By the uniqueness part of
∠ABC ∼
−−→ −−→
C-4 EX = ED, but this is a contradiction, so ∠GBA = ∠HED.
MATH 4510/5510: Brown
Lemma 1. Given ∠ABC ∼
= ∠DEF , then for any ray BG between BA and BC, there is a unique ray EH
between ED and EF such that ∠CBG ∼
= ∠F EH.
Proof. By the Crossbar Theorem we can choose G so that A ∗ G ∗ C. By C-1 we can choose points D and F
such that AB ∼
= DE and BC ∼
= EF . By SAS △ABC ∼
= △DEF , and by the definition of congruent triangles
∠BCA ∼
= ∠EF D and AC ∼
= DF . Then by Proposition 3.12 there is a unique point H on DF such that
CG ∼
= F H. Again by SAS, △CBG ∼
= △F EH, so by the definition of congruent triangles ∠CBG ∼
= ∠F EH.
We only need to show that EH is between ED and EF . Since H is on DF , H is between D and F , so by
Proposition 3.7 EH is between ED and EF .
∼ ∠GEF .
Definition. ∠ABC < ∠DEF means there exists a ray EG between ED and EF such that ∠ABC =
Proposition 21 (Ordering of Angles).
1. Exactly one of the following conditions holds (trichotomy): ∠P < ∠Q, ∠P ∼
= ∠Q, or ∠P > ∠Q.
2. If ∠P < ∠Q and ∠Q ∼
= ∠R, then ∠P < ∠R.
3. If ∠P > ∠Q and ∠Q ∼
= ∠R, then ∠P > ∠R.
4. If ∠P < ∠Q and ∠Q < ∠R, then ∠P < ∠R. (transitivity).
Proof. This proof is very similar to the proof of Proposition 3.13. For labeling purposes we say ∠P = ∠ABC,
∠Q = ∠DEF , and ∠R = ∠GHI.
1. Suppose ∠ABC ∼
6 ∠DEF . By C-4 there exists a unique ray EX on the same side of EF as D such
that ∠ABC ∼
. EX either is between EF and ED or EX is not between EF and ED. If EX
= ∠XEF
is between EF and ED, then ∠ABC < ∠DEF .
Suppose EX is not between EF and ED. Since X is on the same side of EF as D and EX is not
between EF and ED, we know that X and F are on opposite sides of ED. By Lemma 2 and Corollary
1 every point except D on DF is on the opposite side of ED as every point of EX, so segment DF
does not intersect EX. By a similar argument with the ray opposite EX and F D, we can show that
segment DF does not meet EX. Hence D is on the same side of EX as F , so D is interior to ∠XEF .
Then ED is between EX and EF . By Lemma 4 there exists a unique ray BY between BA and BC
such that ∠DEF ∼
= ∠Y BC. Hence ∠ABC > ∠DEF .
2. Since ∠ABC < ∠DEF , there exists a ray EX between ED and EF such that ∠ABC ∼
= ∠XEF .
By Lemma 4 there is a unique ray HY between HG and HI such that ∠Y HI = ∠XEF . By C-5
∠ABC ∼
= ∠Y HI, so ∠ABC < ∠GHI.
3. Since ∠ABC > ∠DEF , there exists a ray BX between BA and BC such that ∠XBC ∼
= ∠DEF . By
C-5 ∠XBC ∼
= ∠GHI, so ∠ABC > ∠GHI.
4. Suppose ∠ABC < ∠DEF and ∠DEF < ∠GHI. Since ∠ABC < ∠DEF , there is a unique ray EX
between ED and EF such that ∠ABC ∼
= ∠XEF . Since ∠DEF < ∠GHI, there is a unique ray HY
between HG and HI such that ∠DEF ∼
= ∠Y HI. By Lemma 4, there is a unique ray HZ between HY
−→ −−→ −−→
−→ −−→ −−→
and HI such that ∠XEF ∼
= ∠ZHI. By C-5 ∠ABC ∼
= ∠ZHI. Since HI ∗ HZ ∗ HY and HI ∗ HY ∗ HZ,
−→ −−→ −−→
by Lemma 3 HI ∗ HZ ∗ HZ. Then by definition ∠ABC < ∠GHI.
MATH 4510/5510: Brown
Proposition 22 (SSS). Given △ABC and △DEF . If AB ∼
= DE, BC ∼
= EF , and AC ∼
= DF , then
△ABC ∼
= △DEF .
Proof. By Corollary 4, since AC ∼
= DF we can pick a point G uniquely on the opposite side of AC as B
such that △DEF ∼
= GC. Then by
= AG and EF ∼
= △AGC. By the definition of congruent triangles DE ∼
C-2 AB = AG and BC = GC. We will show that △ABC = △AGC. Since B and G are on opposite sides of
AC, segment BG intersects AC at X. By B-3, X ∗ A ∗ C, A = X, or A ∗ X ∗ C. The circumstances X = C
and A ∗ C ∗ X are equivalent to X = A and X ∗ A ∗ C, respectively.
Suppose X ∗ A ∗ C. Consider △CBG. Since BC ∼
= CG, △CBG, by Proposition 3.10 ∠CBG ∼
= ∠CGB.
Now consider △ABG. Since AB = AG, by Proposition 3.10 ∠ABG ∼
= ∠AGB. Then by Proposition 3.20
(angle subtraction) ∠CBA ∼
= ∠CGA. By SAS △ABC ∼
= △AGC.
Suppose A = X. Since CG ∼
= CB in △CBG, by Proposition 10 ∠B ∼
= ∠G. Then by SAS △ABC ∼
Suppose A ∗ X ∗ C. Consider △CBG. Since BC ∼
= CG, △CBG, by Proposition 3.10 ∠CBG ∼
= ∠CGB.
Now consider △ABG. Since AB = AG, by Proposition 3.10 ∠ABG ∼
= ∠AGB. Then by Proposition 3.19
(angle addition) ∠CBA ∼
= ∠CGA. By SAS △ABC ∼
= △AGC.
In all three cases △ABC ∼
= △AGC. By the definition of congruent triangles ∠B ∼
= ∠G. Since △DEF ∼
△AGC, ∠E = ∠G. By C-5 ∠B = ∠E, so by SAS △ABC = △DEF .
Proposition 23. All right angles are congruent to each other.
Proof. Suppose ∠DAB ∼
= ∠DAC and ∠HEF ∼
= ∠HEG are two pairs of right angles. Assume ∠DAB ∼
∠HEF (RAA). By Proposition 3.21 (a), either ∠DAB > ∠HEF or ∠DAB < ∠HEF . Without loss of
generality suppose ∠DAB > ∠HEF . Then there is AX between AB and AD such that ∠XAB ∼
= ∠HEF .
By Proposition 3.14 ∠XAC ∼
= ∠HEG.
Since ∠DAC ∼
= ∠DAB by hypothesis, and ∠DAB > ∠HEF by by RAA hypothesis, we have ∠DAC >
∠HEF by Proposition 3.21 (c). Since ∠HEF ∼
= ∠HEG by hypothesis, we have again by Proposition 3.21
(c) ∠DAC > ∠HEG. From above since ∠XAC ∼
= ∠HEG we have ∠DAC > ∠XAC by Proposition 3.21
(c). By Proposition 3.8 (c), since AX is between AB and AD, we know that AD is between AX and AC,
since AC is the ray opposite to AB. Then ∠DAC < ∠XAB, but this contradicts Proposition 3.21 (a).
Hence ∠DAB ∼
= ∠HEF .