Making Math Concepts Simple Creative and Activity Based Aim of this workshop is To learn how to encourage and enable students learn math concepts in simple and fun ways. Objectives Participants will be able to • Know the four principles of deeply effective math teaching. • Help students demonstrate the understanding of math concepts. Principle 1: Let It Make Sense 1. “Why" something works, and not only the “How". 2. Make connections. Principle 2: Remember the Goals What are the goals of your math teaching? Are they... + to finish the book by the end of school year + make sure the kids pass the test ...? Or do you have goals such as: + My student can add, simplify, and multiply fractions + My student can divide by 10, 100, and 1000. Consider these goals: + To enable the students to understand information around us and make connections to the real world. + To prepare our students for further studies in math and science. + To let students see some beauty of mathematics and to learn to like it, or at the very least, make sure they don't feel negatively about mathematics. Principle 3: Know Your Tools +Some basic tools are boards, papers, pencils, compass, rulers etc. +Math manipulatives e.g. ten frames, flash cards, beads, measuring tools and cups etc. +Displays and anchor charts. +Activities, games and games. +Text book or curriculum. Don’t be the slave of the book !!!!! Principle 4: Living and Loving Math +Do you use math often in your daily life? + Is using mathematical reasoning, numbers, measurements, etc. a natural thing to you every day? + Do you like math? Love it??? +Are you happy to teach it? Enthusiastic??? Think …… What is the prior knowledge of your students??? Addition Grade 1 Previous knowledge + New concepts + Forward / backward counting + Number bonds / facts + Smaller / bigger numbers + Compliments of 10 + Skip counting 2’s,3’s + Using number line + Skip counting 5’s,10’s Addition Grade 2 Previous knowledge + New concepts + Number bonds / facts + Doubles / Halves + Compliments of 10 + Compliments of 100 + Using number line + Skip counting 4’s, 100’s + Skip counting 5’s,10’s + Mental strategies Addition Grade 3 Previous knowledge + New concepts + Doubles / Halves + Using number line + Compliments of 100 + Complements of 1000 + Skip counting 4’s, 100’s + Using odd even numbers + Odd / even numbers + Mental strategies Addition Grade 4 Previous knowledge + New concepts + Rounding off + Find 100 and then add + Complements of 1000 + Round and adjust + Number bonds / facts + Find friendly numbers + Partitioning + Mental strategies Fractions Grade 1 Fractions Grade 2 Fractions Grade 3 Fractions Grade 4 BIG CONCEPT 36 Thanks!