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‫‪Jointly Team‬‬
‫‪SMLE Group‬‬
‫ اللهم نسألك التوفيق والسداد لجميع القائمين على هذا العمل‬‫ هذا العمل عمل تطوعي يمنع استخدامه استخدام تجاري‬‫ال نحلل وال نبيح استخدامه بأي شكل من األشكال التجارية‬
‫( بنوك أسئلة ‪ ,‬كورسات مدفوعة وغيرها …‪).‬‬
1- Pregnant at 34 ga with sever preclamc what will be significantly decreased
A-Serum urice acid
B-Serum bun
C-Plasma volume < maybe?
D-Serum creatinine
2- A female patient with nausea & vomiting with each period last one was vomiting with
minimal amounts of blood now she is stable. What is the management?
A. Arrange for urgent endoscope.
B. Reassure & till her to come back if she had the symptom again.
3- Patient presenting with moderate bleeding in 9th week of pregnancy, Os is open,
doctor saw some tissue on the cervix. US showed 3x4 fetus. What is your management?
A. Expectant management
B. Evacuation of the contents
C. Oxytocin
4- At what age baby talk 6-10 word and recognize two body part
A- 17 month
B- 19month
C- 24 month
D- 12month
Knows 1 body part > 15 months
Knows 3 body parts > 18 months
Knows all body parts > 24 months
Immature pincer grasp > 9 months
Mature pincer grasp > 12 months
Talks 6-10 words > 17-18 months
5-12 y old boy pervious hx of gromeic insertion 1 y back he likes to swim has hx of ear
discharge what organism?
A- staph
B- strept
C- Staphyl
6-Percentage of recurrent ectpoic pregnancy after hx of ectopic pregnancy
A 10%
B 25%
C 30%
7- Post partum hemarrahge after c/s cannt be cotrolled?
A- call the husband for consent
B- do hystrectomy whithout consent from the pt
8- 3 years old with crying , red currant jelly stool , vomiting, Which is true regarding this
A- Occurs in 2 % of population
B- The red jelly stool is always diagnostic
C- Sausage mass may be present
D-Recurrence after surgery is very common
9- Pt with left chest painful eruption, papules, vesicles and crusted what is the most
appropriate test?
A Biopsy
B Blood culture
C Swab and culture
D No further investigation
10- 56 year old male with long standing heartburn, did endoscopy and showed barrette
esophagus with low dysplasia, what is the initial
A Esophageal resection
B Bantoprazole
C Renitadine
D Sucralfate
11- What indicate cholesterol embolism (no hyaline cast in options)
A WBC cast
B RBC cast
C Granular cast
D Eosinophiluria
12- Treatment of uncomplicated cystitis for 5 year old male
A Amoxicillin
B Ciprofluxacin
C No need for ttt
13- Milestone, baby pulls himself to stand, crawls without difficulty, which age is he?
A. 8 months
B. 10 months
C. 12 months
D. 14 months
14- Milestones: Baby rolls and sits unsoppurted but cannot pincer grab
A. 4 months
B. 6 months
C. 9 months
15- Patient with lower GI bleeding, failed to identify source of bleeding after colonoscopy,
NGT inserted and turned with greenish material or fluid what would you do next ?
- upper GI endoscopy
- Technetium
16- 1500 gram neonate with negative HBV mother, when to vaccine :
A-at birth
B-1 month based on choronological age
C-2 months based on corrected age
D-3 within 1 week of hospital discharge
17-Milestone:Tripod position, can flip supine to prone , immature grasp
A- 4 month
B- 6 month
18- A young boy case came with jaundice, he’s Mediterranean, It makes you think it’s
mediterranean fever but I think it was G6PD because he had high reticulocytes What drug
not to give
1- amoxicillin
2- aspirin
19- A child brought the clinic complaining of chronic proteinuria renal disease and
hypertension. The parents are concerned about progression to end stage renal disease.
Which of the following drug is useful in preventing the progression:
20- 22 years old male mediclly free had unprotected sex presented with dysuria and
urethral discharge cluture showed tricmonas Abx:
A- Gentamycin
B- Azethromycin
C- Ceftrixone
21- 8 yo boy complaing of feeling palptations and chest pain no past medical hx and -ve
family history -ve medication history normal resp and cardio exam with no added sounds
Most appropriate next step :
A- 12 lead ecg
B- Chest x ray
C- Cardic enzymes
D- Echo
22- 65 elderly required intubation to trafer into icu collapsed in ward 2 days later did
surgery for empyema
Hr 110
Rr 23
Temp 37.8
D- severe sepsis
23- 40 yo female presented with 2x2 firm breast lump for 2 years in the inner ruq of the
breast no skin changes normal axilla Biopsy : cystosarcoma phlloyde Mx:
A- Chemo
B- Radiation
C- Simple mastectomy
D- Wide local excsion
24- 23 yo female pregnant 28wks with fetal hydrops peak systolic flow 1.8mom on mca
doppler cause ?
B- diaphragmatic hernia
C- anti-kell antibody
D- cervical teratoma
25- 26 yo female menarche at 15 lmp 9 month ago
B- premature ovarian insufficiency
C-ovarian tumor
D- asherman syndrome
26- Female pregnant 32 wks with veginal bleeding700cc 7cm dilated no contractions
A- intrapartum
27- Patient presented with abdominal distention yellow sclera vague epigastrc abdominal
pain paracentcies was done showed
Serum albumin 30
Acetic albumin 14
Acetic please protein 10
A- Nephrotic
B- Congestive heart failure
C- Acute pancreatitis
D- Liver cirrhosis
28- Patient with hx of rhemutaic heart dissease presented with sob and pnd and
orthopnea basal crackels holosystolic murmur improved on carvidlol ,linsopril,
fursumaide , spriolictone
Echo shwoed :
Sever mitral regurgitation lv hypertrophy ef 45%
A- Follow up 6 month
B- Mitral valve replacment
C- Arb
29- Pt with left chest painful eruption, papules, vesicles and crusted what is the most
appropriate test?
A- Biopsy
B- Blood culture
C- Swab and culture
D- No further investigation
30- 56 year old male with long standing heartburn, did endoscopy and showed barrette
esophagus with low dysplasia, what is the initial
A- Esophageal resection
B- Bantoprazole
C- Renitadine
D- Sucralfate
31- What indicate cholesterol embolism (no hyaline cast in options)
A- WBC cast
B- RBC cast
C- Granular cast
D- Eosinophiluria
32- Treatment of uncomplicated cystitis for 5 year old male
A- Amoxicillin
B- Ciprofluxacin
C- No need for ttt
33- Lactating mother, her breast is red and swollen Ask about the organism:
1- Staph aureus
2- Hemophlus influnza
34- Mother came complaining that her child who's 8 y.o boy has an attention defect and
always plays and loses his toys, after talking to him there's no abnormality in his history
or a visible defect in his attention, what do you do??
A. Give him amphetamine(forgot dose)
B. Reassure the mother that it's normal in his age
C. Ask futher questions from parents and teachers
35- Child had Type1 diabetes and was consulting the family regarding celiac screening,
which of the following is true:
A- Screen at diagnosis then every 5 years
B- Screen at diagnosis then every 2 years if asymptotic
C- Screen annually
36- smoking cessation for pt with chest pain on exertion and relived by rest on
examination he’s anxious with nicotine staining on fingers
A- buspirone
B- varenicline
37- Anticoagulation in newly diagnosed pt with Afib DM HTN no contraindication to any
A- Warfarin
B- Clopidogril
D- Clopidogril and aspirin
38- Patient 60 something k/c of dyslipidemia on statin report high blood pressure reading
In the clinic
Labs all normal
Bp : 145/90
What’s your management?
A- Start amlodipine.
B- life style modification and weight reduction.
39- ECG of second degree heart block mobitz 2?
need pace maker