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Grade 9 English Literature Exam: Drama & Theme Analysis

March 2020 EXAM
Grade 9
Duration: 90 minutes
Instruction: Answer all questions on your Answer Sheets.
Do not mark on this paper.
(20 marks)
Instruction: Read the following questions and answer choices carefully and then choose the
correct answer for each question.
Elements of Drama - Multiple Choice
1. Stage directions are___________.
a. lines in the play which instructs the characters and gives more details.
b. lines in the play which only instruct characters.
c. lines in the play that is written in capital letters.
d. lines in the play that is written in common letters.
2. The cast of characters is a play refers to _____________.
a. people, animals and things.
b. animals only
c. things only
d. animals and things only
3. Setting is a literary element of literature used in__________.
a. novels only
b. novels and short stories, plays and films.
c. plays and films only.
4. Acts in the play refers to?
a. smaller units of the play
b. larger units of the play
c. the entire play
d. larger and smaller units of the play
5. In the play "Old Story Time" Trevor Rhone who is the playwright?
a. Len
b. mama
c. Trevor Rhone
d. Pa Ben
6. The playwright is the person who?
a. is the main character of the play
b. is the flat character in the play
c. is a round character in the play
d. writes the play
7. The ___________ is the person who speaks directly to the audience to give more
information or comment on the actions in the play.
a. mother
b. narrator
c. playwright
d. speaker
8. Scenes in the play refers to____________
a. smaller units of the play
b. larger unit of the play
c. the entire play
d. larger unit of the play
9. The _________ are objects used in the play.
a. setting
b. dialogue
c. scene
d. props
10. Lines and conversations between two or more characters in the play are known as
a. stage directions
b. setting
c. acts
d. dialogue
SECTION B - Written Piece (Theme)
(20 marks)
Instruction: Write a letter to a friend explaining the theme of "Love and Family" in the play
Old Story Time by Trevor Rhone.