Uploaded by Roland Briones

Old Sales Training Deficiencies & Improvements

Briones, Roland V.
1. The effectiveness of their programs. Their training in solving a problem before is not
realistic enough to deal with the problem of salespeople today. In today’s setting, training
salespeople to solve a problem is not subjective to one situation but they train the people
to analyze what's the best approach suitable for such circumstances they are dealing
2. They focused on giving tips but did not talk about the fact that salespeople must have
skills in their field. Considering today’s setting, people who don’t have skills in sales tend
to lose a lot of prospects. It’s not enough that you have knowledge in closing the deal,
but you also have in your sleeve the skills needed in the task.
3. I think the other deficiency I identified is how they identify the needs of their customers.
In the current setting, salespeople have so many sources to get the information they
need about their customers. So asking your customers about their needs should be out
of the question. Salespeople should know that in the first place in today's setting. Having
said that, the older method is not well-suited for today's situation.
4. Maintaining control on the behavior of the customers. I think in today’s setting, it’s not
good to take control but to have 50-50 part of salespeople and the customers. Because
prospects today are not that easy to be in control of salespeople. They tend to be more
cautious of the people they are dealing with.
5. Their strategies in closing the deal. They lack realism when it applies to actual situations.
In my opinion, it’s not effective when salespeople do that in our time. The salespeople
today can adopt so many recent strategies that are suitable in closing a deal.
In conclusion, despite the deficiencies of the old method of training, I highly suggest that they
should first analyze the skills of their salespeople. Analyzing their skills, the sales manager will
be able to identify at what level their people in relation to dealing with prospects. This will also
allow them to know who are the people who will meet the expectations of their customers and
also of the company. Lastly, now that you already know the skills of your salespeople, you also
will be able to determine the gap in terms of skills between your people. With that, you just need
to complete and further their training with appropriate methods in order to achieve the required
skill level.