Uploaded by Bren Klein

Letter of Reference for Bren Klein - Computer Science

Nov. 15, 2021
Re: Letter of Reference for a TD Scholarship for Bren Klein
To whom it may concern:
It is my pleasure to write an Academic Reference Letter for Bren Klein in his application for a TD
Scholarship. I have been Bren's Computer Science teacher throughout his time at High School and
am regularly impressed by his abilities and motivation for self learning.
Bren is in our Advanced Placement Computer Science program and regularly achieves top grades.
He not only absorbs every challenge I give him in class but also has engaged in a lot of learning on
his own time. He regularly and appropriately approaches our tasks with creativity and usually pushes
well beyond the basic requirements.
I have no doubt that these skills will serve Bren well in his post secondary studies and I know he is an
excellent candidate for the TD scholarship.
Scott Couprie
Scott Couprie
Teacher of Computer Science
Strathcona High School
Digitally signed by Scott Couprie
DN: cn=Scott Couprie,
o=Strathcona High School, ou,
Date: 2021.11.15 13:52:16 -07'00'