Uploaded by iswanrahman729

English Task

General Statement
Coronavirus ( CoV ) is a large family of viruses that cause diseases, ranging from the
common cold to more severe illnesses, such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (
MERS-Cov ) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV) and Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome ( SARS-CoV ). Most coronaviruses are harmless
viruses.Coronavirus is a zoonotic virus , meaning that this virus is spread through
nimals and humans. Quoted from WHO, the investigation shows that the corona virus
that causes SARS ( SARA-CoV ) is transmitted from ferrets to humans. Meanwhile ,
animals that transmit coronaviruses that cause MERS ( MERS-CoV ) to humans are
dromedary camels. There are also several other viruses found in animals, but have not
infected humans.
Sequenced Of Explanation
People who are infected with this virus will show different symptoms. Symptoms that
appear usually depend on the type of virus and how serious the infection is. Other types
of corona virus can cause more serious symptoms. This infection can lead to bronchitis
andpneumonia. Some of the more severe infections due to coronavirus are generally
more common in people with liver and heart problems, or people with weakened
immune systems, babies, and elderly.
As already stated, coronavirus is a zoonotic virus. That is, this virus is transmitted
from animals to humans. Human-to-human transmission can also occur even if it has
not been specifically studied. As its development, this virus can be transmitted through
several ways. The MERS-CoV virus that causes MERS disease can be transmitted in
two ways. First, from animals to humans. In this case, the camel is believed to be the
main source of the virus.
There is no specific trestment for diseases caused by the corona virus in humans, as
well as the 2019 coronavirus novel that is now endemic. Most people with disease caused
by this virus will asually heal on their own. To prevent infection with this virus, you can
apply clean and healthy living behaviors (PHBS). You can eat nutritious foods to
maintain your immmune system. Because the disease caused by a virus can generally be
prevented by good endurance.
COVID-19 is a deadly virus that damages the resoiratory tract. This virus is
tranmitted through the air, sneezing and coughing so, if we leave the house must use a
mask and if necessary we must stay at home.
Translate :
COVID-19 adalah virus mematikan yang merusak saluran pernafasan. Virus ini
menular melalui udara, bersin dan batuk jadi, jika kita keluar rumah harus
menggunakan masker dan kalau perlu kita harus tetap di rumah.
Social Function
An explanation text is used to describe how or why the COVID-19 happens
Language Features
 Use of action verb :
if we leave the house must use a mask and if necessary we must stay at home.
 Use of simple present tense :
COVID-19 is a deadly virus that damages the resoiratory tract
 Use of passive voice :
People who are infected with this virus will show different symptoms
 Use of conjunction :
people with weakened immune systems, babies, and elderly.
 Use of abstract noun :
There is no specific trestment for diseases caused by the corona virus in