GREAT DEPRESSION CLASS SIMULATION DIRECTIONS Get into Groups of 2 You are now a married couple during the 1920s. I’m going to give you a piece of paper. On one side in pencil I want you to sketch your life during the 1920's. What items did you own? What did you do for a job? Family? House? Car? Radio? Stock Market? ON YOUR BUDGET SHEET… Write your real names and your married names down Figure out who is the husband and who is the wife How many children do you have? CAR AND FOOD Use the pricelist attached to my website to pick out your car and create your food budget. Meal planning- You must have Fruit, Veggie and Protein for each meal. OCCUPATIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 OCCUPATIONS ANNUAL INCOME 1Apartment House Manager 1,500 5Accountant 2,100 9Constructi on Worker 907 2- Nurse1,236 6- Factory Worker 876 10-Public School teacher 997 3- Doctor2,890 4- Cook720 7- College professor 2,111 8- Bus Driver 1,137 11- Cook720 12-Factory Worker 876 YOUR INCOME BREAK DOWN Monthly Pay ⚫ - take annual pay divide by 12 Weekly Pay -divide monthly pay by 4 MORTGAGE To get your mortgage payment ⚫ ¼ of your monthly pay ROUND 1 - 1929 You have your monthly income right now Every expense listed on the Budget Worksheet (except Recreation) must be paid this round Monthly Income Monthly Food Clothing Mortgage Taxes Car Loan Electric Phone Bill Remember it is the end of the 1920’s – you’re a young married couple who likes to go out and have fun. If you would like you can add recreation expenses- Bring sheet and I will sign it. ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ If you go to a speakeasy make sure to pay (illegal hooch) If you have a sweet tooth – buy some candy Like movies? – Movie Tickets for Sale!!! TIME TO ADD IT ALL UP 1. 2. 3. 4. You have few options- Subtract your expenses from your monthly budget. If you would like to deposit money into the bank for safekeeping. This money is the only way you may purchase candy, hooch etc. In the future. If you would like to sell any luxury items you may do so now. With the person buying it please go to the bank to make transaction. LAST- Subtract (-) your expenses from your monthly budget. At the bottom of Round 1- Subtract your expenditures and write in your remainder. ROUND 2 - 1930 STOCK MARKET CRASH!!! Select a chance card- record it at the top Round 2. Adjust Monthly income accordingly. Pick a chance card 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CHANCE CARDS ROUND 2 1-Hours cut 75% 5- Hours cut 75% 2- Hours cut 50% 6- Hours cut 50% 3- Hours cut 75% 4- Hours Cut 50% 7- Hours cut 25% 8- Cut 50% ROUND 2 CONTINUED Banks are CLOSED – they have loaned too much money and any money you deposited is GONE Good news though…. You just had a baby ⚫ Medical bills = $10 Food, Water and Clothing bills are now +1 more. ADD IT UP You must pay for as much over your monthly budget as possible. Food, clothing, mortgage, taxes, car, electric, phone Pay bills and add in Recreational Activities. Sell any luxury items if you want. Add everything up… subtract from monthly budget…transfer to next column. ROUND 3 - 1932 Pick a Chance Card 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 CHANCE CARDS ROUND 3- 1932 1-Your car has been repossesse d 5- You did not pay your electric bill. The candles you were using caught your sofa on fire. Cross it out. 2- Hours Cut 50% 3-You were trying to earn money drag racing. Your engine caught fire. $37.50 to repair or cross it out. You still owe your monthly payment. 6- Hours cut 50% 8-A family of 4 moves in increase food budget by 4 7- Hooverville You lose your house and you must live in a shantytown. Youi must push your desks together and sit under them 4- Grow a garden for extra food. $5.00 back to budget. ROUND 3 – 1932 1. Rules for this round: Couples must pay all their bills – there will be consequences if you don’t 2. Good news though…. You just had a baby ⚫ Medical bills = $10 3. Food, Water and Clothing bills are now +1 more. 4. If you cannot afford clothing… you may draw or make clothing. In order to get $$$ back for it you must tape it to yourself. ROUND 3 Add up expenses Add up sales and complete the worksheet for Round 3 CONSEQUENCES Consequences… if you did not pay your taxes or ANY of your bills, then you owe the government (me) $10 or one of you will go to jail! ROUND 4 - 1937 Pick a Chance Card 1 4 3 2 5 6 ROUND 4- 1937 1-A family of 4 moves in increase food budget by 4 4- You collect golf balls out of the water hazard. $5.00 2- You send your kids out to beg. They earn $10.00 5- Hooverville You lose your house and you must live in a shantytown. You must push your desks together and sit under them 3-Hooverville You lose your house and you must live in a shantytown. You must push your desks together and sit under them. 6- You are fired. ROUND 4 - 1937 You must pay your bills Record all expenses and total everything up on the worksheet You may place your children in the orphanage if you cannot afford them. (Go talk to the Orphanage) How much does each couple have left? 3 Poorest families will receive food from the bread line and not have to pay for food and water this round. ROUND 5 - 1941 Pick a Chance Card 1 2 3 CHANCE CARDS ROUND 5 1- ANNOUNCEMENT!!!: Attack on Pearl Harbor!!!: Any man willing to join the military can have a job. $10.00 for those who joined 2- You get a job too. Everyone joined!!!! 3 - You get a government created job. WWII- US starts to send troops. Add up all expenses like the past few rounds. FINISH UP THE BUDGETING SHEET… Did you survive without debt?? Why do you think your family did well or didn’t do well during the Great Depression? What did you think of the simulation? Suggestions? LAST EFFECTS OF THE GREAT DEPRESSION epression-4049299