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Modern Media's Impact on Sports

The role of modern-day media and its impact on sports
A’Zeriel Goode
WHO: There are a lot of people involved with modern day media? Modern day media has
been shown to effect people in good ways and bad ways. An example would be twitter where
multiple statements have been made about player and this can further lead to players having
problems dealing with media. A well-known person in sports media is Stephen a smith. He has
commented and noted on things around different sports league. His opinion had been put out
there through multiple forms of social media.
WHAT: Almost every form of media gets involved in sports. Modern day media would usually
be thought of as different platforms of the internet When in reality are more forms of media
then just what’s on the internet. An example of another form is a newspaper. Where
information is distributed through paper. Most of these forms of media will have something to
do with sports in time. It could either be about big future events coming or even information
about things going around the league
WHEN: Sports media has been around for a while and plans on staying. There are different
times of when sports media started. Although in 1820s-1830s sports journalism started in the
us. Sports journalism is considered a form a media as information Is being righten down and
able to be distributed. As time goes on more path of media open. Making more chances for
sports media
WHERE: Although sports media began in the us it has went on to spread out and become
global. Almost every country has been involving with some type of sports media. The Olympics
which is globally know has been held in a plethora of places. This has given media a chance to
continue growing with sports.
WHY: Modern day sports is very important in current day. With how many new forms of
media there is it now easier to get that information out there. Modern day media plays a huge
part in sports. Without it sports probably wouldn’t be as big as it currently is as it would make it
harder for information to be given out.
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