Fundamentals of Googology I Nathan Richardson Say Thanks to the Authors Click (No sign in required) To access a customizable version of this book, as well as other interactive content, visit CK-12 Foundation is a non-profit organization with a mission to reduce the cost of textbook materials for the K-12 market both in the U.S. and worldwide. Using an open-source, collaborative, and web-based compilation model, CK-12 pioneers and promotes the creation and distribution of high-quality, adaptive online textbooks that can be mixed, modified and printed (i.e., the FlexBook® textbooks). SOURCE Sbiis Saibian CONTRIBUTORS Nathan Ho Aarex EDITOR Rohan Ridenour AUTHOR Nathan Richardson Copyright © 2019 CK-12 Foundation, The names “CK-12” and “CK12” and associated logos and the terms “FlexBook®” and “FlexBook Platform®” (collectively “CK-12 Marks”) are trademarks and service marks of CK-12 Foundation and are protected by federal, state, and international laws. 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Printed: May 19, 2019 iii Contents Contents 1 Exponentiation 1.1 Concept 1.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Concept 1.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Concept 1.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Functions and Notations 2.1 Concept 2.1 . . . 2.2 Concept 2.2 . . . 2.3 Concept 2.3 . . . 2.4 References . . . . 3 iv 1 2 7 9 . . . . 11 12 13 16 26 Numbers 3.1 Concept 3.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Concept 3.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Concept 3.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 28 29 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 1. Exponentiation C HAPTER 1 Exponentiation Chapter Outline 1.1 C ONCEPT 1.1 1.2 C ONCEPT 1.2 1.3 C ONCEPT 1.3 Welcome to Googology! This textbook is purposed to educated beginners on the fundamentals of Googology 1. In Googology 1, there are 3 concepts (or units), each having 3 objectives. So, in Googology 1, there are 9 objectives. Being familiar with all of these better prepares you for the test at the end of the year. At the end of every section, there are 5 review questions. These review questions are sometimes placed randomly to give examples of questions that you may encounter in regards to the topics just mentioned. If you can solve these accurately, you can expect to do well throughout the course; the questions placed in are sometimes hard, sometimes easy. All of the textbook pages are on the right side of the page. The left side is for you to take notes from additional information taught in class, or even for showing your work from the review problems. You teacher can only encourage you to fill this up, but it is extremely beneficial to write things down. Here is the course for googology; from all of the fellow googologists, we hope you have fun learning about large numbers! Concept 1 Objectives 1. Be familiar with the history and etymology of googology 2. Know the first 10 powers of 2, 3, 4, 5, and properties of these values 3. Identify the hyperoperators, know the rules for exponentiation and be able to exponentiate with large bases. 1 1.1. Concept 1.1 1.1 Concept 1.1 Objective Be familiar with the history and etymology of Googology Googology is the study and nomenclature of large numbers. One who studies and invents large numbers and large number names is known as a googologist. A mathematical object relevant to googology is known as a googologism; the term googolism is similar, but only applies to numbers. Googology is known for the rather comic names given to the googolisms, such as "meameamealokkapoowa ommpa", "a-ooga", and "wompogulus". Googology is not to be confused with googlology, the study of the Google search engine and its various other services. The antithesis to googology is ultrafinitism, which states that large numbers simply do not exist. Etymology The term was coined by Andre Joyce, formed by combining googol (the classic large number) + -logos (Greek suffix meaning "study"). Joyce’s googology involved devising a system of names for numbers based on wordplay and whimsical extrapolation. Ironically, the term does not appear to be well-known even among its own practitioners, and few "googologists" use the term to describe themselves. History Although the term "googology" is modern, the subject has existed for as long as humans have been fascinated by large numbers. The earliest known work by a "googologist" is probably the ”Sand Reckoner” written by Archimedes, a Greek polymath, sometime in the 3rd century B.C. In it, he develops a system of numbers extending to 108 x 10^16. There are other examples in ancient history that illustrate mankind’s fascination, and even adeptness, with large numbers. Some religious texts contain some very large numbers. Although the Bible contains no definite numbers greater than 108 , it uses figurative language in many places to describe very large numbers such as "the stars in the sky" or "the sands of the sea." With the advent of modern mathematics and the impending invention of the computer, mathematicians of the 19th and 20th centuries had access to numbers larger than ever before. This fascination was relayed to the laymen through popular books on mathematics. "Googol", "googolplex", and "mega" were all introduced in books of popular mathematics, written by mathematicians who wanted to explain to the laymen what mathematicians meant when they invoked ”infinity.” Eventually, the fascination of large numbers spread to a class of amateurs who took it upon themselves to extend the ideas hinted at in these popular books on mathematics. These became the early ”googologists”. This took on something of a form of a hobby that still continues today, with amateurs writing papers claiming to have "invented 2 Chapter 1. Exponentiation the largest number ever." That being said, not everything produced is brilliant, nor is it all crank mathematics. There is a variety of skill levels, and some of googology actually comes from professional mathematicians, not amateurs. In particular, there seem to be three classes: 1. Googologisms that arise in professional mathematics as side-effects of more serious math problems, such as Graham’s number and Skewes’ number. 2. Googologisms devised recreationally by professional mathematicians, such as chained arrow notation and Steinhaus-Moser Notation. 3. Googologisms created solely by amateurs, such as array notation and Hyper-E notation. During most of the 20th century, early googologists worked in isolation. Since the advent of the internet, however, there has been a greater confluence of ideas, and several websites have sprung up to gather the loose bits of information that form the body of knowledge, methodology, and conventions known as googology. Perhaps the most important of these sites are Googology Wiki, Robert Munafo’s site, and One to Infinity. 3 1.1. Concept 1.1 Furthermore, since 2002, a loosely knit community of large number enthusiasts, dubbing themselves googologists, has emerged, building websites, sharing information, and developing a culture with a unique approach to one particular challenge: "What is the largest number you can come up with?" Googologists generally avoid many of the common responses such as "infinity," "anything you can come up with plus 1," "the largest number that can be named in ten words," "the largest number imaginable," "a zillion," "a hundred billion trillion million googolplex" or other indefinite, infinite, ill-defined, or inelegant responses. Rather googologists are interested in defining definite numbers using efficient and far-reaching structural schemes, and don’t attempt to forestall the unending quest for larger numbers, but rather encourage it. So perhaps a more accurate description of the challenge is: "What is the largest number you can come up with using the simplest tools?" As far as mathematical fields go, googology is an oddball. It precariously teeters on the edge of what we call "science," becoming more of an art form as opposed to a mathematical study. Although googology remains, and will probably always be, an obscure, esoteric, and impractical study, it at least now has a name, a history, and a community. List of Googologists These people contributed significantly to Googological studies TABLE 1.1: Chris Bird Jonathan Bowers John Conway Harvey Friedman Nathan Ho Lawrence Hollom Andre Joyce Donald Knuth Agustin Rayo Sbiis Saibian Aarex Tiaokhiao Nathan Richardson Invented Bird’s array notation, helped investigate and develop BEAF Created BEAF, regarded the founding father of modern googology Invented chained arrow notation Investigated combinatorial functions including n(k), TREE(k), and SCG(k) Founded Googology Wiki, republished BIG FOOT on his site Invented hyperfactorial array notation Coined the word "googology" and set forth the first large number naming systems Invented arrow notation Invented a famous function: one of the fastest-growing functions known Invented the Extensible-E System, and is writing a web book about googology Invented extensions to other notation Created the course used to teach Googology, including this textbook Eras of Googology There are three eras for the history of modern Googology. They are as follows, including the event that started each era. 4 Chapter 1. Exponentiation TABLE 1.2: Name of Era Preinternet Era Netcommunity Era Worldwide War Era Starting Event Tetration, by Rucker, in 1901 Large Number Site, by Robert Munafo, in 1996 Googology Wiki, by Nathan Ho, in 2008 5 1.1. Concept 1.1 Saibian’s Introduction to Googology Large numbers have inspired both fear and awe in the minds of men since their dawn. In ancient times they were the domain of the cosmos and the divine. Today they are treated as little more than a mathematical curiosity fit for attracting the layman to mathematics and little else. None the less, large numbers have plagued the imaginations of many a professional and amateur alike. They are ominous, austere, vast beyond description, godly, transcendent, and often difficult or impossible to fully grasp. They are both a celebration of the human spirit and an affront to it. For while we may revel in the vastness, get lost amongst their mindless yet tireless machinations, we are so forced to confront out potential insignificance in a reality that stretches beyond all human comprehension! The study of large numbers can be a deeply spiritual experience, for it taps into the very essence of what it means to leave the profane behind in pursuit of the transcendent. While it is by no means a practical endeavor, most of these numbers leaving our picayune existence far behind, it is at its core an expression of the unquenchable human spirit, which always yearns for more. It is our attempt to grasp what is beyond ourselves; to understand what we may call "the divine". I entreat you, therefore, if my words have had an impact on you, to join me on a quest through the infinite multitudes of the finite. A word of caution before we proceed: the traveling will only get more difficult as we proceed, and with no end in sight. The venues large numbers can open up in your mind can be quite rewarding, but be warned that madness lies this way. For we can no more imagine the end of numbers than we could wait for eternity. An earnest study of large numbers will completely shift the way you think about infinity, and the finite, and your mind shall be forever changed by it. If these warnings have not turned you away, and you are still eager to learn the deep secrets of the numberscape, then I invite you to read onwards, as casually or religiously as you’d like. Large numbers are not the domain of any one man, or group, for there is a number for every man that ever lived, ever will live, or ever could live; ample real estate for all humanity for all ages amongst the greatest of all heavens! What lengths are you prepared to go to try and reach infinity even as you know the task is impossible? Why not see how "close you can get... Review: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 What is the formal definition of Googology? The earliest "googological" work can be dated back to ____. According to modern (2002 - present) googologists, what is the purpose of googology? Who wrote the notstion: BEAF? The Googology Course was founded by ____, and its writing began in November, 2016: in the ____ era. Chapter 1. Exponentiation 1.2 Concept 1.2 Objective Know the first 10 powers of 2, 3, 4, 5, and properties of these values TABLE 1.3: Power↓ Base→ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 3 9 27 81 243 729 2187 6561 19683 59049 4 16 64 256 1024 4096 16384 65536 262144 1 048 576 5 25 125 625 3125 15625 78125 390625 1 953 125 9 765 625 You may notice that every other power of 2 corresponds to a power of 4. This is because 22 = 4. You need to multiply a 2 by itself, (the number 2 is used two times), in order to get 4. Similarly, the powers of 8 correspond with every 3 power of 2 since 23 = 8. In looking at the powers of 5, the last three digits have a pattern. If the exponent is an even number, the last three digits will be 625 (not including exponents of 0 or 2). If the exponent is an odd number, the last three digits will be 125 (not including the 1st exponent). No matter what the base is, there is always a modular recursion pertaining to the last digit(s) of the value. For the powers of two, the last digit repeats in a cycle: 2, 4, 8, 6, 2, 4, 8, 6, and so on. The powers of 3 also have a pattern: 3, 9, 7, 1, 3, 9, 7, 1, etc. Whenever the base is a square, 4 for instance, there are only 2 numbers that go back in forth; in this case, it is 4 and 6. The powers of 5 is a bit different, however. They all end in 5 as we mentioned in the last paragraph. If the last digit in the square of a number ends in the original number, then it will always follow this pattern. 62 is 36. 36 ends in 6, the original number. Therefore, all of the powers of 6 will end in 6. Most numbers have 4 numbers that cycle. How do you think we could compare two exponentiated numbers like 77 and 96 ? Which of the two is larger? For this, you will need a log chart: TABLE 1.4: log(1) log(2) log(3) log(4) log(5) log(6) 0 0.301 0.477 0.602 0.700 0.778 log(11) log(12) log(13) log(14) log(15) log(16) 1.0414 1.0792 1.1139 1.1461 1.1761 1.2041 7 1.2. Concept 1.2 TABLE 1.4: (continued) log(7) log(8) log(9) log(10) 0.845 0.903 0.954 1 log(17) log(18) log(19) log(20) 1.2034 1.2553 1.2788 1.3010 To find out how many digits a number in the form of xy has, plug it into this equation: y*log(x) = n. Multiply the exponent by the log of the base to get the number of digits. For example, to convert the base from 2 to 10 (it will almost always be converted to 10) in 21024 , multiply 1024 by 0.301 and the answer is 308.224. Therefore, 21024 = 10308.224 Back to our earlier example, is 77 or 96 larger? To solve this, it would be nice to convert the base of EACH number to 10. So we can restate the question to ask "is 7*log(7) or 6*log(9) larger? In computing this, our two values are 105.916 and 105.725 . We now know that 77 is larger than 99 Review: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 8 What are the last three digits of 51998 ? 315 = 27x (solve for x) 62x = mx (solve for m) What is that last digit of 71001 Is 139 or 188 larger? Chapter 1. Exponentiation 1.3 Concept 1.3 Objective Identify the hyperoperators, know the rules for exponentiation and be able to exponentiate with large bases. The hyperoperator sequence is an infinite list of functions that is recursive. Each proceeding hyperoperator is a repetition of the previous. • Here are the first several hyperoperators 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Repetitive counting is called addition (x+y) Repetitive addition is called multiplication (x*y) Repetitive multiplication is called exponentiation (xy ) Repetitive exponentiation is called tetration (y x) Repetitive tetration is called pentation (y x) Repetitive pentation is called hexation (xy ) • In the word, pentation, there is a prefix meaning 5. For hexation, there is a prefix meaning 6. The next hyperoperators would be septation, octation, etc. • Usually, hyperoperators are written in a specific notation where 83 = H3 (8, 3). The 3rd hyperoperator is used on the numbers 8 and 3. • The ’0th’ hyperoperator is called counting. To compute, take the second number, and add 1 to it. TABLE 1.5: Here are some rules you need to know. m refers to any real number greater than 1 0^0 0^1 1^0 1^1 m^0 m^1 1 0 1 1 1 m Review: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Equate H0 (9, 11) How many hyperoperators exist? Equate H3 (2, 6) Convert 4 3 to hyperoperator notation What is (0^(0^(0^(0^(0))))) 9 1.3. Concept 1.3 Rules of Exponentiation Here are a few rules that will be helpful 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (x+y)2 = (x+y)(x+y) = x2 +xy+y2 x^x^x ... x^x^x (x times) = x x = 2 x Hm (2, 2) = 4 (ab)c = ac * bc (ab )c = abc ab * ac = ab+c These rules can be used to solve exponentiation problems that have large bases. Let’s start with 86 . 86 {given} = (23 )6 {rule 5} = 218 {rule 5} = 29 *29 {rule 6} = 49 {rule 4} = 262144 Let’s try solving it another way: 86 {given} = 46 * 26 {rule 4} = 212 * 26 {rule 5} = 2 18 {rule 5} = 29 *29 {rule 6} = 49 {rule 4} = 262144 You may notice that the two highlighted sections of each problem are identical. Almost all exponentiation problems end the same no matter what rules you use. Finding the right rules is up to you to figure out. Rules 1-3 will be used less often, and only for specific cases. Review: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 10 (x+2)2 412 85 124 372 Chapter 2. Functions and Notations C HAPTER 2 Functions and Notations Chapter Outline 2.1 C ONCEPT 2.1 2.2 C ONCEPT 2.2 2.3 C ONCEPT 2.3 2.4 R EFERENCES Now that you have completed Concept 1, actual "googological" material is now ready to be learned! This unit will most likely be the most interesting since functions and notations are important in thinking of numbers beyond what you may have been taught in the past. Get ready for a fun ride, since this is where numbers get big! Concept 2 Objectives 1. Know scientific notation, up-arrow notation, down arrow notation, and Hyper-E notation 2. Be able to solve various factorials, and know basics of chained-arrow notation, BEAF, SGH, and FGH 3. Know the Hardy Hierarchy, and be able to compare different notations An underline indicates that all rules for the notation or function are required to be known. Otherwise, only parts of the notation or function are required to be known. More details are in each section of this concept. Notation A way to write a number that is inconvenient to write out decimally. Function Something that manipulates a number to represent a new value. 11 2.1. Concept 2.1 2.1 Concept 2.1 12 Chapter 2. Functions and Notations 2.2 Concept 2.2 Objective Be able to solve factorials, know chained arrow notation, BEAF, SGH, and FGH Factorials and Variations There are many different types of factorials: TABLE 2.1: Type of Factorial Factorial Expofactorial Rule n! = n * (n-1) * (n-2) ... (1) an = n (n−1) Example 5! = 5*4*3*2*1 = 720 a5 = 5^4^3^2^1 (Has almost 200,000 digits) Double Factorial n!! = n * (n-2) * (n-4) ... (1 or 2) 7!! = 7*5*3*1 = 105 Review: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa Chained Arrow Notation There are some basic rules for Chained Arrow Notation, but not all are listed here. • • • • • • x→y = xy x→1 = x x→y→1 = x→y = xy x→y→z = x↑z y = x↑↑↑... z ↑’s ... ↑↑↑y Example: 2→4→3 = 2↑↑↑4 = 2^2^2 ... 65536 2’s ... 2^2^2 More rules will be explained in Googology II Review: 1. Write 34 in chained arrow notation. 13 2.2. Concept 2.2 2. 3. 4. 5. Write 4256 in chained arrow notation. There should be 2 arrows in your answer Convert 65536 into simplified chained arrow notation Compute 2→2→x Convert x→2→4 into up arrow notation. There should not be any 2’s in your answer. Array Notation is one of the most difficult, and powerful notations you must know this year. First, start with an empty set: {} this equals 1. Adding a number inside the set changes the value to the number inside: {a}=a. You can add numbers outside the array to get this: a{c}b which equals a ↑c b. Just like arrow notation, we can expand arrays like this: a{5}3 = a{4}a{4}a. Subtract the inside of the array by 1, and then repeat ’a’ the number of times ’b’ represents. Now to the next step of array notation: a{{c}}b. Having 2 brackets is called expansion. a{{c}}4 = Here are some terms that would be helpful: TABLE 2.2: a{{1}}b a{{2}}b a{{3}}b a{{{1}}}b a{{{2}}}b a{{{3}}}b a{{{{1}}}}b a{{{{2}}}}b a{{{{{1}}}}}b a{1}6 b • • • • • • • • Expansion Mutiexpansion Powerexpansion Explosion Multiexplosion Powerexplosion Detonation Multidetonation Pentanation Hexanation {} = 1 {a} = a {a, b} = a→b = ab a {c} b = a ↑c b {a, b, c} = a→b→c = a ↑c b After 3 elements, you can not simply put every number into chained arrow notation {a, b, c, d, ..., 1} = {a, b, c, d, ...} {a, 1, b, c, d ...} = a – This means if a 1 represents the 2nd or last element, it can be removed along with all elements after it (WARNING: this rule does not apply if a 1 does not represent wither the 2nd or last element!) • Array Notation will be explained more in-depth in Googology II Review: 1. Write googol (10100 ) in BEAF 2. Write 636 in BEAF. There may be an exponent in your answer 3. Convert 10↑↑↑10↑↑↑10↑↑↑ ... ↑↑↑10 (10 10s) into BEAF The most basic of functions is the Slow-growing Hierarchy. These are the rules you are required to know this year: • gm(n)=m. Always!! If there is a constant following "g", that number is always the answer. • gω(n)=n. If there is a lowercase omega after the g, whatever is in parenthesis is the answer. (Omega represents the number in parenthesis). 14 • • • • • • • Chapter 2. Functions and Notations gωω(n)=nn since Omega represents n. ... this pattern continues gε0(n)=n↑↑n gε1(n)=n↑↑2n ... this pattern continues gεω(n)=n↑↑(n2 ) gεωω(n)=n↑↑(n2 ) Other rules will be explained in Googology II. Review: 1. What is g4 (59) 2. What is gω(72) 3. What is g 2 (65) 4. What is g7ω(2)Justi f yyouranswer f ornumber4 15 2.3. Concept 2.3 2.3 Concept 2.3 Learning Objectives Vocabulary Concept 2.1 5. Objective Know scientific notation, up-arrow notation, down arrow notation, and Hyper-E notation Scientific Notation You should already be familiar with this one, but as a review, here is an example: 52000 = 5.2 x 104 The exponent always determines the number of digits + the number of digits before the decimal place in the coefficient. In the example above, the exponent after the 10 is 4 and in 5.2, there is 1 digit before the decimal place. 4+1=5, therefore, we have proved that 54000 has 5 digits. It is "more correct" to exclude a single digit before the decimal place. It is not necessary to be exact in scientific notation. For example, 7654321 can be written as 7.654 x 106 . In googology, scientific notation is most common for smaller numbers like 1060 and will not always have a coefficient. 16 Chapter 2. Functions and Notations Review: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Write 123 in scientific notation Write 93700 in scientific notation Write 7.43 x 103 in decimal form 3 Is 1 x 103 x 10 larger than a googol? Justify your answer for number 4 Up-arrow Notation Up-arrow Notation is the most basic, yet common notation used in Googology. It compares to the hyperoperator hierarchy. The definition of Up-arrow Notation starts with xy = x↑y. The 3rd hyperoperator is represented with 1 up arrow. The next rule is for tetration: y x = x↑↑y. The 4th hyperoperator is represented with 2 up arrows. To find the hyperoperator when given the Up-arrow Notation, simply add 2 to the number of arrows. Similarly, when given the hyperoperator notation, subtract 2 from the subscript to get the number of up arrows in Up-arrow notation. It is important to know that x x which equals x↑↑x also equals x↑↑↑2. Therefore, Hm+2 (x, y) = x↑m y. Also, Hm+2 (x, x) = x↑mx = x↑m+1 x. TABLE 2.3: Note: x↑m y simply means x↑↑...↑↑y where the number of up arrows equals m. Raising the values of x, y, and m all increase the value, but m is the strongest, followed by y. Increasing the value of x does change the value dramatically, but not as much as m and y do. Expanding something in Up-arrow notation is done like this: 4↑↑↑3 = 4↑↑4↑↑4 (reduce one arrow and repeat the first number by the value of the second number). 4↑↑4↑↑4 = 4↑↑4↑4↑4↑4 (like exponentiation, powers are done from the top to the bottom, so we must expand the numbers to the right first). 4↑↑4↑4↑4↑4 = 4↑↑4↑4↑256 = 4↑↑4↑(1.34 x 10154 ). We can now start to see how fast this notation can grow. However, this is a very small and simple notation. There are more powerful ones to come... FIGURE 2.1 Here is the official definition of Up-arrow Notation To conclude, here are the rules you should keep in memory: • • • • • xy = x↑y xx = 2 x = x↑x = x↑↑2 x xx = x↑x↑x = x↑↑3 x x = x↑↑x = x↑↑↑2 Hm+2 (x, y) = x↑m y. Also, Hm+2 (x, x) = x↑mx = x↑m+1 x. 17 2.3. Concept 2.3 Review: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Write 34 in up-arrow notation Write 636 in up-arrow notation. There should be 2 arrows in your answer Convert 99 into H4 (x, y) Compute 2↑↑↑↑2 What other rule does number 4 correspond to? Down-arrow Notation This notation is nearly identical to Up-arrow notation. You should recall that after expanding an expression in Up-arrow Notation, you are supposed to solve from right to left. This is where the one difference comes into play. In Down-arrow Notation, however, you solve from left to right. Here is an example: 3↓↓4 = 3↓3↓3 = ((3↓3)↓3)↓3 = (27↓3)↓3 = etc. Solving with a single ↓ is no different from with a ↑. FIGURE 2.2 Here is the official definition of Down-arrow Notation Review: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Compute 3↓↓2 Compute 2↓↓↓2 Convert 4↓↓4 to up-arrow notation Convert 5↓↓↓2 to a single exponent Convert (100↓2)*(2↓3) to scientific notation Hyper-E Notation There have been many extensions of this notation. In Googology 1, you are only required to know the original one: Hyper-E Notation. All of these were written by Sbiis Saibian TABLE 2.4: Sub-notations of Extensible-E Notation Name Hyper-E Notation Extended Hyper-E Notation Cascading-E Notation Extended Cascading-E Notation Hyper-Extended Cascading-E Notation Abbreviation E# xE# E^ xE^ #xE^ This notation is similar to scientific notation where ’E’ represents ’times 10 to the’ 2E4 = 2 * 104 E9 = 109 18 Chapter 2. Functions and Notations You can represent a tower of exponents by repeating the ’E’ 4 2EE4 = 2 * 1010 ( 9) EEE9 = 1010 10 However, not all chains are based on 10. Like logarithms, assume the base to be 10 unless otherwise noted. Here are some examples where the base is not 10. E(6)7 = 67 5 EE(2)5 = 22 19 2.3. Concept 2.3 Eventually, writing all of the E’s becomes cumbersome. Simply add #m at the end of the expression to define the number of E’s E8#5 = EEEEE8 = 10^10^10^10^10^8 E100#100 = EEE...EEE100 (100 E’s) = grangol 1 E1#3 = 1010 0 = Trialogue (instead of writing E#3, place a 1 to make E1#3) We may even do 3 entry expressions as followed! E100#100#2 = E100#(E100#100) = EEE...EEE100 (grangol E’s) = grangoldex E100#100#3 = E100#(E100#100#2) = E100#(E100#(E100#100) = EEE...EEE100 (grandoldex E’s) = grangoldudex E100#100#100#100 = E100#100#(E100#100#100#99) = E100#100(E100#100#(E100#100#100#98) = ... = gigangol We can see how powerful adding extra entries can be. Also, we can stack the #’s together like so: E100##100 = E100#100#100 ... #100#100#100 with 100 repetitions of 100# = gugold E100###100 = E100##100## ... ##100 with 100 repetitions of 100## = throogol E100####100 = E100###100 ... ###100 with 100 repetitions of 100### = teroogol When we have two hyperions (#) stacked together (##), we call it a deutero-hyperion. Three of them would make a trito-hyperion, and so on. There is one last rule before we complete this notation and here it is! E100#####...#####100 with 100 hyperion marks = E100#100 100 Sets of 100 hyperion marks decompose into 99s, 99s, decompose into 98s, etc. Also note that the superscript 100 means that there are 100 #’s, and should not be confused with E100#(100 100) which involves tetration. 20 Chapter 2. Functions and Notations FIGURE 2.3 Here is the original definition of Hyper-E Notation FIGURE 2.4 Here is the newer, extended definition of Hyper-E Notation Review: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Solve 3E(2)3 What is E1#2? Expand E3###3 into deutero-hyperions. Expand E5#2 3 Convert E2##4 to up arrow notation. 21 2.3. Concept 2.3 Concept 2.2 Objective Be able to solve factorials, know chained arrow notation, BEAF, SGH, and FGH Factorials and Variations There are many different types of factorials: TABLE 2.5: Type of Factorial Factorial Expofactorial Rule n! = n * (n-1) * (n-2) ... (1) an = n (n−1) Example 5! = 5*4*3*2*1 = 720 a5 = 5^4^3^2^1 (Has almost 200,000 digits) Double Factorial n!! = n * (n-2) * (n-4) ... (1 or 2) 7!! = 7*5*3*1 = 105 Review: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa Chained Arrow Notation There are some basic rules for Chained Arrow Notation, but not all are listed here. • • • • • • x→y = xy x→1 = x x→y→1 = x→y = xy x→y→z = x↑z y = x↑↑↑... z ↑’s ... ↑↑↑y Example: 2→4→3 = 2↑↑↑4 = 2^2^2 ... 65536 2’s ... 2^2^2 More rules will be explained in Googology II Review: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 22 Write 34 in chained arrow notation. Write 4256 in chained arrow notation. There should be 2 arrows in your answer Convert 65536 into simplified chained arrow notation Compute 2→2→x Convert x→2→4 into up arrow notation. There should not be any 2’s in your answer. Chapter 2. Functions and Notations Array Notation Array Notation is one of the most difficult, and powerful notations you must know this year. First, start with an empty set: {} this equals 1. Adding a number inside the set changes the value to the number inside: {a}=a. You can add numbers outside the array to get this: a{c}b which equals a ↑c b. Just like arrow notation, we can expand arrays like this: a{5}3 = a{4}a{4}a. Subtract the inside of the array by 1, and then repeat ’a’ the number of times ’b’ represents. Now to the next step of array notation: a{{c}}b. Having 2 brackets is called expansion. a{{c}}4 = Here are some terms that would be helpful: TABLE 2.6: a{{1}}b a{{2}}b a{{3}}b a{{{1}}}b a{{{2}}}b a{{{3}}}b a{{{{1}}}}b a{{{{2}}}}b a{{{{{1}}}}}b a{1}6 b • • • • • • • • Expansion Mutiexpansion Powerexpansion Explosion Multiexplosion Powerexplosion Detonation Multidetonation Pentanation Hexanation {} = 1 {a} = a {a, b} = a→b = ab a {c} b = a ↑c b {a, b, c} = a→b→c = a ↑c b After 3 elements, you can not simply put every number into chained arrow notation {a, b, c, d, ..., 1} = {a, b, c, d, ...} {a, 1, b, c, d ...} = a – This means if a 1 represents the 2nd or last element, it can be removed along with all elements after it (WARNING: this rule does not apply if a 1 does not represent wither the 2nd or last element!) • Array Notation will be explained more in-depth in Googology II Review: 1. Write googol (10100 ) in BEAF 2. Write 636 in BEAF. There may be an exponent in your answer 3. Convert 10↑↑↑10↑↑↑10↑↑↑ ... ↑↑↑10 (10 10s) into BEAF The most basic of functions is the Slow-growing Hierarchy. These are the rules you are required to know this year: • gm(n)=m. Always!! If there is a constant following "g", that number is always the answer. • gω(n)=n. If there is a lowercase omega after the g, whatever is in parenthesis is the answer. (Omega represents the number in parenthesis). • gωω(n)=nn since Omega represents n. • ... this pattern continues • gε0(n)=n↑↑n 23 2.3. Concept 2.3 • • • • gε1(n)=n↑↑2n ... this pattern continues gεω(n)=n↑↑(n2 ) gεωω(n)=n↑↑(n2 ) Other rules will be explained in Googology II. Review: 1. What is g4 (59) 2. What is gω(72) 3. What is g 2 (65) 4. What is g7ω(2)Justi f yyouranswer f ornumber4 Concept 2.3 5. Objective Know MGH, be able to solve googological charts, and be able to compare different notations. MGH fdsa Review: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa Googological Charts fdsa Review: 1. fdsa 24 2. 3. 4. 5. Chapter 2. Functions and Notations fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa Comparing Notations fdsa log2 (3) 1.585 log2 (5) 2.322 log2 (6) 2.585 log2 (10) 3.322 log3 (5) 1.465 log3 (10) 2.096 log5 (10) 1.431 log10 (25) 1.398 log10 (50) 1.699 log25 (10) 1.215 Review: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa Objective Know MGH, be able to solve googological charts, and be able to compare different notations. 25 2.4. References 2.4 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 26 . . . . Up-arrow Notation. Down-arrow Notation. Hyper-E Notation. New Hyper-E Notation. Chapter 3. Numbers C HAPTER 3 Numbers Chapter Outline 3.1 C ONCEPT 3.1 3.2 C ONCEPT 3.2 3.3 C ONCEPT 3.3 Concept 3 Objectives 1. Be able to classify numbers, know the Class 0 and Class 1 numbers, and be familiar with -illions 2. Know the common prefixes used in Googology and know basic large numbers 3. Identify and compare two or more googolisms. 27 3.1. Concept 3.1 3.1 Concept 3.1 Learning Objectives Vocabulary 28 Chapter 3. Numbers 3.2 Concept 3.2 Learning Objectives Vocabulary 29 3.3. Concept 3.3 3.3 Concept 3.3 Learning Objectives Vocabulary 30 Chapter 3. Numbers 31