Requirements Analysis and Documentation The proposed system is entitled “Computerized Enrollment”, a computer software that enables authorized users to automate the enrollment system and record keeping of the school. The software will enable users to locate and retrieve relevant student information and credentials, and generate enrollment summary report. The completion of the design and development of software will depend upon meeting the following goals and objectives: 1. To minimize the effort of the teacher-in-charge or the enrolling officer in updating student’s record. 2. To speed up the enrollment process in all year levels. 3. To provide a database for student’s les so that the enrolling officers would easily update records. 4. To provide enrollment and record keeping software that is fully accessible through Local Area Network (LAN) of the school. 5. To generate reports that is fast, reliable and accurate. System Functionality Administrator – The log-in and log-out services, one of the features of the system, will prompt authorized users to enter user id and password. The administrator is the only authorized user of the system who can access all the features of the proposed system software. It has a database that can be updated and maintained by the administrator. Registrar – The registrar’s office staff are prompt by the system to enter their user id and password. The staff may input grades of students and validate them. Cashier – The cashier is prompt by the system to enter their user id and password. Upon successful login in the system, the cashier may view the enrollment statistics and students’ complete details. The cashier may receive payments and print receipt. Project Plan Before the software project is implemented, the researchers will prepare a project schedule that identifies the anticipated activities involved, management of resources and project plans showing the cost needed in the development of the computer-based enrollment system. Design of Software and Process After the gathering of data and identifying user needs through observation and interview as well as users suggestions the researchers will create a design for the system to be developed. All the requirements of the first phase are being used to contribute in the successful preparation of creating the Computerized Enrollment System for administration and sta. This section will present the Context Diagram, Decomposition Diagram, DFD Explosion for administrator, registrar, and cashier, and Entity Relationship Diagram of the developed system. Development and Testing The Modified Waterfall Model, a model develops systematically from one phase to other in a downward fashion like a waterfall, is the system process model that the researchers will utilize in developing the system. Testing will exercise the system in all possible ways. It includes initial testing and final testing of the new software. The new software together with the equipment and software should be tested prior to the delivery to help ensure that the system works as expected. Requirements Definition Phase Activities in this phase are the following: dene system requirements, develop system process model, and develop application logical data model, estimate system workload, and identify strategies for training end users. During the Requirements Denition Phase, the researchers together with the beneciary of the proposed system will work together to establish the architectural boundaries for the project, to establish criteria for measuring the technical performance of the system, and to baseline the requirements. Software Requirements. presented in Table 1.0. The software development tools for this study are Software Requirements Development Tools 1. Visual Basic The developers used this software in order to develop the design and screen forms as well as to build the database and server for the Computerized Enrolment System. 2. Microsoft Access – For database Access manipulation, storage of records. Hardware Requirements. The researchers presents the minimum hardware resources necessary for the CES and is presented in Table 2.0 Hardware Requirements 1. Peopleware Recommendation. The recommendation of appropriate users for the proposed computerized enrollment system with specific task is given in Table 3.0. Minimum Hardware Requirements Intel Dual Core or Higher Processor 512 MB to 1 GB Memory (Recommended) 80 GB, Hard Disk Dual LAN Card Standard Keyboard Standard Mouse AVR/UPS Switch Monitor Printer Peopleware Recommendation Software Developers: Project Manager – Supervises and monitors the entire project activities and its development System Analyst – Responsible for researching, planning and recommending software and system choices to meet an organization’s business requirements. Programmer – Creates the source codes for the development of proposed system. Must be expert with the programming language to be used in the development of the system. Researchers – Further researchers on the content and other studies related to current system being developed. Recommended Users: Back-end user: Administrator – In charge of maintaining and managing the table entries of les; keeps the server up, running, and secure; keeps track of the log; updates the database, provides access to authorized users of the system. Front-end users: Cashier – One who have access to the payment and student ledger module and can receive payments and issue receipts. Registrar – One who has access to the registrar module and can input and validates grades of students and generates report and student’s credentials. The enrollment system may be utilized by beginners and professional users. The design and features suit the needs of the target users (administrator, registrar, and cashier) to provide a fast, accurate and eective enrollment and record keeping machine that provides the users of the system an accurate and reliable reports. System Process Model . The researchers present the context diagram and the decomposition diagrams of the proposed computerized enrollment system which show the procedures of each function, the