1 Republic of the Philippines UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN PHILIPPINES Tamag, Vigan City 2700 Ilocos Sur College of Teacher Education Date of Revision: July 31, 2020 Term and S.Y. Adopted: First Term, S.Y. 2020-2021 Vision of the University: A globally recognized university in a heritage city by 2030. Mission: To produce globally skilled and morally upright professionals instilled with rich cultural values. Goal of the College: To prepare globally competent teachers imbued with the ideals of Philippine education. Objectives of the College or Department: The College aims to produce teachers who are: 1. equipped with concepts, technical, pedagogical, and leadership skills; 2. capable of conducting relevant researches aimed at improving the teaching-learning process in coordination with research agencies within and outside the country and based on the UNP Research Agenda; 3. able to undertake research-based extension activities aimed at improving the quality of instruction at different levels; and 4. self-reliant. Program Outcomes: Bachelor of Technical Vocational Teacher Education Program Outcomes who by the end of the four- year degree program should: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Demonstrate the competencies required of the Philippine TVET Trainers-Assessors Qualification Framework (PTTQF); Demonstrate broad and coherent, meaningful knowledge and skills in any of the specific fields in technical and vocational education; Apply with minimal supervision specialized knowledge and skills in any of the specific fields in technical and vocational education; Demonstrate higher level literacy, communication, numeracy, critical thinking, learning skills needed for higher learning. Manifest a deep and principled understanding of the learning processes and the role of the teacher in facilitating these processes in their students; Show a deep and principled understanding of how educational processes relate to larger historical, social, cultural, and political processes; Apply a wide range of teaching process skills (including curriculum development, lesson planning, materials development, educational assessment, and teaching approaches); and Reflect on the relationships among the teaching process skills, the learning processing in the students, the nature of the content/subject matter, and other factors affecting educational processes in order to constantly improve their teaching knowledge, skills and practices. Electronic Devices, Instruments and Circuit 2 Class Information Course & Year Instructor’s Information BTVTED Name: Jake M. Quitasol Class Schedule Virtual Class hours Position/Designation: Instructor I Note: Time and day of the online class and explain how to access Office Hours/Official Time: E-mail Address: jake.quitasol@unp.edu.ph FB Account: Jake Mariñas Quitasol Contact Number: 09057853662 Course Information Course Code: ET 122 Descriptive Title: Electronic Devices, Instruments and Circuit Course Credit/number of hours/weeks: 1/18 hours/18 weeks and 4.5/108 hours/18 weeks Prerequisite subject/s: Software/applications, browser requirements, minimum technical skills required Course Description: Course (Subject) Learning Outcomes None None Electronic devices, Instrument, and Circuits is designed to provide the students a thorough understanding of the basic concepts of electricity and electronics. Starting with the fundamentals of electricity and electronics, it progresses from basic electric circuitry to semiconductor diodes and rectifier circuits. In this course the students are exposed to various practical experiments necessary in preparation for advance and wider scope of their chosen field of specialization. At the end of the course the student should be able to demonstrate competency in: 1.Perform practical/basic experiments in the field of electronics 2. Display discipline in performing various electronic/electricity activities. 3. Demonstrate the Appreciation of the importance of electronics and electricity towards human lives. Electronic Devices, Instruments and Circuit 3 COURSE LEARNING PLAN Teaching and Learning Activities (TLAs) Time Allotment Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO) Content/Topics Learning Resources Week 1 7 hours Week 2 LEC – 1 hour LAB – 6 hours Week 3 LEC – 1 hour Getting to know… At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: Synchronous Orientation via google meet Orientation SURVEY OF ELECTRONICS LEC/LAB 1. Define different terms used in electronics 2. Discuss briefly the history and development of electronics 3. Describe the different applications in electronics CONTENTS: 1 Definition of terms 1.1 Electronics 1.2 Radio Communication 2. Development of radio communication 2.1 Brief history 3. Introduction to broadcasting 4. Electronics application LEC/LAB 1. Define Electricity. ELECTRICITY With high internet connection E-books PDF Textbooks Modules PPT Slides Work text Synchronous Discussions on the background and history of Electronics in PPT form via Google Meet Asynchronous Send YouTube video link about the background and history of electronics to watch by students With low internet connection Synchronous Orientation via FB/messenger group With no internet connection Synchronous Orientation via Conference Voice call using Cellular phone Synchronous Synchronous Discussions on the background Discussions on and history of the backgrounds electronics and history of through Electronics via FB Conference Voice group/Messenger call using Cellular Group Chat or phone Google Classroom Asynchronous Send picture of the background and history of Electronics with caption and explanation through FB/messenger group Assessment Tasks (ATs) Quiz on the background and history of electronics via google form. Virtual Participation Asynchronous Self-paced Learning of the students on the background and history of Electronics through handouts/module Synchronous E-books Synchronous Synchronous Electronic Devices, Instruments and Circuit 4 LAB – 6 hours 2. Elaborate how all things are related to electricity. 3. Draw the atomic structure of a certain element. 4. Differentiate conductors, insulators, and semiconductors. 5. Describe closed circuit. 6. Identify the different units of electrical quantities. 7. Differentiate DC from AC 8. Enumerate the different sources of electricity 9. Elaborate the relationship among the four electrical quantities CONTENTS: 1. The electron theory 2. The Coulomb 3. The volt 4. Charge in motion 5. The closed circuit 6. DC and AC 7. Sources of electricity 8. Electrical Quantities a. Current b. Resistance c. Voltage d. Power PDF Textbooks Modules PPT Slides Work text Discussions via Google Meet (Discussion on the contents of electricity) Asynchronous Send YouTube video link to watch by students (Film viewing on the contents of electricity) Discussions via Messenger Group Chat or Google Classroom (Discussion on the contents of electricity) Asynchronous Send picture with caption and explanation through messenger group chat (Send picture about the contents of electricity with caption of explanation) Discussions through Conference Voice call using Cellular phone (Discussion on the contents of electricity) Asynchronous Self-paced Learning of the students through hand-outs/ module (Read the handouts/module about the contents of electricity and answer the self check) Quizzes on the electron theory, coulomb, volt, charge in motion, closed circuit and DC/AC via google form. Virtual Participation Assignment (Enumerate some sources of electricity with description and send to the messenger account of the instructor) Illustrate the relationship among the four electrical quantities to be placed on a bond paper that will be send to the instructor messenger account. Electronic Devices, Instruments and Circuit 5 Week 4-6 LEC – 3 hours LAB – 18 hours LEC 1. Enumerate the different tools and equipment used in electrical/electronics 2. Familiarize the different tools and equipment used in electrical/electronics LAB 1. Prepare tools according to job requirements. 2. Use tools and equipment properly. ELECTRONIC TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT CONTENTS: 1. BASIC TOOLS USED IN ELECTRICAL/ELECTRONICS a. Fliers b. Screw drivers c. Soldering iron/gun d. Magnifying lens e. Desoldering pump 2. EQUIPMENT USED IN ELECTRICITY/ELECTRONICS a. Multitester b. Clamp meter c. Oscilloscope d. Audio/RF generator E-books PDF Textbooks Modules PPT Slides Worktext Synchronous Discussions via Google Meet (Discussion on the electronic tools and equipment) Asynchronous Send YouTube video link to watch by students (Watch YouTube videos about the tools and equipment used in electronics) Synchronous Demonstration through Google meet/Video Call Messenger (Dual training on how to prepare and properly use the tools and equipment in electronics) Synchronous Discussions via FB group/Messenger Group Chat or Google Classroom (Discussion on the electronic tools and equipment) Asynchronous Send picture with caption and explanation /demonstration video through FB group/messenger or in google classroom (View and watch the picture with caption and explanation /demonstration video sent in FB group/messenger or in google classroom) Synchronous Discussions Quiz on the through Electronic Conference tools and Voice call using equipment Cellular phone via google (Discussion on the form. electronic tools and Virtual equipment) Participation Performance Asynchronous in Self-paced demonstratio Learning of the n on how to students prepare and through handproperly use outs/module electronic (Read and Analyse tools and the handouts about equipment. the electronic tools (with and equipment) performance rubrics for scoring) Electronic Devices, Instruments and Circuit 6 Week 6-8 LEC – 3 hours LAB - 18 hours LEC 1. Identify the different components used in electricity/electronics 2. Explain the use and operation of each of the components LAB 1. 2. 3. Week 9-10 LEC – 2 hours LAB – 12 hours Draw and familiarize the corresponding symbols of those components Demonstrate on how to test each components. Perform simulation of each of the components. 1. Define each of the three electrical quantities. 2. Explain the relationships of the three electrical quantities in a circuit. COMMON ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS; THEIR SYMBOLS AND THEIR CHARACTERISTICS CONTENTS: 1. Resistor 2. Capacitor 3. Inductor 4. Transformer 5. Batteries 6. Diodes 7. Conductor 8. Insulator 9. Switches 10. Fuse E-books PDF Textbooks Modules PPT Slides Worktext Synchronous Discussions via Google Meet (Discussion on the common electronic components) Asynchronous Send YouTube video link to watch by students (Watch YouTube videos on the common electronic components) Synchronous Demonstration through Google meet/Video Call Messenger (Dual training on how to test and simulate common electronic components) Synchronous Synchronous Discussions through Discussions via Conference Voice Messenger Group call using Cellular Chat or Google phone Classroom (Discussion on the (Discussion on the common electronic common electronic components) components) Asynchronous Asynchronous Self-paced Send picture with Learning of the students through caption and handexplanation/ outs/module video (Read the handouts demonstration about the common through electronic FB/messenger components) group. (View and watch the picture/video on how to test/simulate common electronic components) OHM’S LAW AND POWER LAW CONTENTS: 1. Introduction 2. The current I = E/R 3. The voltage E = IR E-books PDF Textbooks Modules Synchronous Discussions via Google Meet Synchronous Discussions via Messenger Quiz on the common electronic components via google form. Virtual Participation Perform demonstration on how to test and simulate common electronic components in google meet or in video blog form (with performance rubrics for scoring) Synchronous Discussions through Conference Voice Quiz on the ohm’s and power law via google form Electronic Devices, Instruments and Circuit 7 LAB 1. 2. Solve for the unknown quantity/s in sets of problems using the Ohm’s law formula. Calculate the total power in a circuit using power formulas. 4. The resistance R = E/I 5. Basic Units 6. Electrical power P= IE PPT Slides Worktext (Discussion on Ohm’s law and power law) Asynchronous Send YouTube video link to watch by students (Watch YouTube videos on the Ohm’s law and power law) Synchronous Demonstration through Google meet/Video Call Messenger (Demonstration on how to solve problems in ohm’s law and in power law) Group Chat or Google Classroom (Discussion on Ohm’s law and power law) Asynchronous Send picture with caption and explanation / video demonstration through FB/messenger group call using Cellular Virtual phone Participation (Discussion on Perform Ohm’s law and demonstration power law) on how to solve Asynchronous problems in Self-paced ohm’s law and Learning of the calculate total students through power in the handgiven circuit. outs/module (with (Read the handouts performance about ohm’s and rubrics for power law) scoring) (View and watch picture/video on ohm’s law and power law) MIDTERM WEEK Week 11 LEC – 1 hour LAB – 6 hours 1. 2. Describe series, parallel, and complex circuits Understand the different characteristics of the three type’s circuits and their effects. LAB 1. Solve for the unknown quantities in a given set of problem for the three types of circuit 2. Assemble functional circuit of the three types of circuits. TYPES OF CIRCUITS CONTENTS: 1. Series circuit 2. Parallel circuit 3. Series-parallel circuit E-books PDF Textbooks Modules PPT Slides Worktext Synchronous Discussions via Google Meet (Discussion on the types of circuit) Asynchronous Send Youtube video link to watch by students (Watch YouTube videos on the types of circuit) Synchronous Synchronous Synchronous Discussions Discussions via through Conference Voice Messenger Group call using Cellular Chat or Google phone Classroom (Discussion on the (Discussion on the types of circuit) types of circuit) Asynchronous Asynchronous Self-paced Send picture with Learning of the students through caption of handexplanation outs/module through Quiz on the types of circuit via google form Virtual Participation Performance on assembling the three types of circuit in google meet or in video blog form Electronic Devices, Instruments and Circuit 8 Demonstration through Google meet/Video Call Messenger (Demonstration on how to solve unknown quantities in the three types of circuit and assemble functional circuit of the types of circuits) Week 12-13 LEC – 2 hours LAB – 12 hours LAB 1. Define magnetism 2. Elaborate how magnetism works in a conductor 3. 4. Familiarize the different units in magnetism Compare electric field and magnetic field LAB 1. 2. Assemble an electromagnet. Solve for the unknown quantities of a circuit dealing with magnetism. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM CONTENTS: 1. The magnetic field 2. Magnetic flux 3. Flux density 4. Induction by a magnetic field 5. Air gap of a magnet 6. Types of magnet 7. Ferrites 8. Magnetic shielding 9. The hall effect 10. Ampere-turn of magneto motive force (mmf) 11. Field intensity 12. Permeability 13. Magnetic hysteresis 14. Ohm’s law for magnetic circuit 15. Relation between magnetic units 16. Comparison of magnetic and electric field E-books PDF Textbooks Modules PPT Slides Work text Synchronous Discussions via Google Meet (Discussion on the electricity and magnetism) Asynchronous Send YouTube video link to watch by students (Watch YouTube videos on the electricity and magnetism) Synchronous Demonstration through FB live/ Google meet/Video Call Messenger (Dual training on the assembling of electromagnet and demonstration on how to solve unknown quantities of a circuit dealing with magnetism) messenger group chat (View and read the picture with caption of explanation about the types of circuit) Synchronous Discussions via FB/Messenger Group or Google Classroom (Discussion on the electricity and magnetism) Asynchronous Send picture with caption and explanation /video demonstration through FB/messenger group (Read the picture with caption and explanation about electricity and magnetism/ Watch the demonstration video on the (Read the handouts about the types of circuits) (with performance rubrics for scoring) Synchronous Discussions Quiz on the through electricity Conference Voice and call using Cellular magnetism phone via google (Discussion on the form electricity and Virtual magnetism) Participation Performance Asynchronous on the Self-paced assembling of Learning of the electromagnet students through (with handperformance outs/module rubrics for scoring) (Read the handouts on the electricity and magnetism and answer the selfcheck) Electronic Devices, Instruments and Circuit 9 assembling of electromagnet and demonstration on how to solve unknown quantities of a circuit dealing with magnetism) Week 14 -15 LEC – 2 hours LAB – 12 hours LEC 1. 2. Differentiate magnetism from an electromagnetic induction Discuss the operation of an electromagnetic induction LAB 1. 2. Demonstrate how to generate an induced voltage Construct a transformer and a simple motor ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION CONTENTS: 1. Magnetic field around an electric current 2. Magnetic polarity of a coil 3. Motor action between two magnetic fields 4. Induced current 5. Len’z law 6. Generating an induced voltage 7. Faraday’s law of induced voltage E-books PDF Textbooks Modules PPT Slides Worktext Synchronous Discussions via Google Meet (Discussion on the electromagnetic induction) Asynchronous Send YouTube video link to watch by students (Watch YouTube videos about electromagnetic induction and give reaction in the FB group) Synchronous Demonstration through Google meet/Video Call Messenger (Dual training on how to generate an induced voltage and to construct a transformer and a simple motor) Synchronous Synchronous Discussions through Discussions via Conference Voice Messenger Group call using Cellular Chat or Google phone Classroom (Discussion on the (Discussion on the electromagnetic electromagnetic induction) induction) Asynchronous Asynchronous Self-paced Send picture with Learning of the students through caption and handexplanation/ outs/module video demonstration (Read the handouts through about the FB/messenger electromagnetic group induction and answer the self(View and Read the check) picture with caption Quiz on the electromagne tic induction via google form Virtual Participation Performance on demonstration on how to generate an induced voltage and to construct a transformer and a simple motor (with performance rubrics for scoring) and explanation on the electromagnetic induction/ Watch the video demonstration on how to generate an induced voltage and to construct a Electronic Devices, Instruments and Circuit 10 transformer and a simple motor) Week 16-18 LEC – 3 hours LAB – 18 hours LEC 1. 2. Discuss the operation of the different rectifier configurations Elaborate the function/s of each block/section of a low voltage power supply LAB 1. 2. Assemble low-voltage power supply Troubleshoot and repair low voltage power supply LOW- VOLTAGE POWER SUPPLY CONTENTS: 1. Different Rectifier Configurations 2. Block Diagram of a Low voltage power supply a. Step down transformer b. Rectifier Circuit c. Filter Circuit d. Regulator Circuit e. Load E-books PDF Textbooks Modules PPT Slides Worktext Synchronous Discussions via Google Meet (Discussion on lowvoltage power supply) Asynchronous Send Youtube video link to watch by students (Watch video on youtube about the lowvoltage power supply and on how to assemble and troubleshoot/repair power supply) Synchronous Demonstration through Google meet/Video Call Messenger (Demonstration on assembling , troubleshooting and repairing of low voltage power supply) Synchronous Synchronous Discussions Quiz on lowthrough voltage Discussions via Conference Voice power supply Messenger Group call using Cellular via google Chat or Google phone form Classroom (Discussion on low- Virtual (Discussion on lowvoltage power Participation voltage power supply) supply) Performance on assembling, Asynchronous Asynchronous troubleshooting Send picture with Self-paced and repairing of Learning of the low voltage caption and students through power supply. explanation of handthe low-voltage outs/module (with performance power supply/ (Read and Answer rubrics for video the self-check on the scoring) demonstration on handouts about the how to assemble low-voltage power and supply) troubleshoot/ repair power supply through FB/messenger group (Read/watch and give reaction on the picture/video about low voltage power supply) Electronic Devices, Instruments and Circuit 11 FINALS WEEK REFERENCES Grob, Bernard, Basic Electronics, 7th Edition, Glencoe Division of Macmillan/McGraw- Hill School Publishing Company, 2012. Enriquez, Michael Q., et al, SIMPLE Electronics, Andres Mountain Printers. #25 I. Francisco St.,Malinta, Valenzuela City, Philippines. June, 2014. Rockis, Gary, Solid State Fundamentals for Electrician, American Technical Publisher Inc., USA. 1993. Storey, Neil, Electronics: A systems Approach, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc. 2012 Scott. Radio Communications, New York: Prentice Hall, Inc. 2005 eBooks and Wikipedia links. Supplementary Readings: Electronics: Principles and Application 7th Edition Electricity 1 Devices, Circuits, and Materials 4th Edition LAB Performance (Manipulative Skills) Output Midterm/Final Exams Course Requirements: LEC Quizzes Class Participation Output Midterm/Final Exams Grading System: Quizzes Class Participation Output Midterm/Final Exams - 20% 20% 30% 30% 100% Performance (Manipulative Skills) Output Midterm/Final Exams - 40% 30% 30% 100% Electronic Devices, Instruments and Circuit 12 Course/Subject Policies and Guidelines: 1. Attendance will be checked every virtual participation/conference call/video call (message chain will be done before the day of conference for the students to prepare online) 2. Immediate Notice of absent must be sent thru email or SMS to the teacher on or before the day that the student cannot attend the class 3. Plagiarism is discouraged 4. Unauthorized sharing of other’s work is prohibited 5. Failure to attend online class without proper notice/any valid reason thrice to the class will be considered dropped 6. Students must not share one device (e.g. Computer laptops,) in doing tasks 7. Class time and Consultation time is strictly followed in asking queries via (email/messenger/texts) about the tasks/projects to give teacher time to other subjects 8. In case of students who do not have stable internet connection, provide complete address /person to contact for the teacher to send the modules via courier 9. Any conduct of misbehaviour virtually will be dealt with immediate appropriate action with the following (subject teacher, adviser, guidance, dean) Research Opportunities in Delivering Flexible Classes: NONE Prepared by: JAKE M. QUITASOL, MATPra Instructor Reviewed by: JEANINA B. BATIN, PhD Program Head BTVTED/BTLED MA. TERESA SUSAN L. MANZANO, EdD Assistant Dean, CTE Electronic Devices, Instruments and Circuit 13 Recommending Approval: CHRISTOPHER F. BUENO, PhD Dean CTE LUZVIMINDA P. RELON, EdD Director for Instruction Approved: ROLANDO B. NAVARRO, EdD Vice President for Academic Affairs Electronic Devices, Instruments and Circuit