See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Classification for forecasting and stock control: A case study Article in Journal of the Operational Research Society · April 2008 DOI: 10.1057/palgrave.jors.2602312 · Source: OAI CITATIONS READS 118 3,937 3 authors, including: John Boylan Buckinghamshire New University 73 PUBLICATIONS 2,483 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by John Boylan on 25 June 2014. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Journal of the Operational Research Society (2008) 59, 473 --481 2008 Operational Research Society Ltd. All rights reserved. 0160-5682/08 $30.00 Classification for forecasting and stock control: a case study JE Boylan1∗ , AA Syntetos2 and GC Karakostas3 1 Buckinghamshire and 3 Eurometal Chilterns University College, Buckinghamshire, UK; 2 University of Salford, Salford, UK; SA, Greece Different stock keeping units (SKUs) are associated with different underlying demand structures, which in turn require different methods for forecasting and stock control. Consequently, there is a need to categorize SKUs and apply the most appropriate methods in each category. The way this task is performed has significant implications in terms of stock and customer satisfaction. Therefore, categorization rules constitute a vital element of intelligent inventory management systems. Very little work has been conducted in this area and, from the limited research to date, it is not clear how managers should classify demand patterns for forecasting and inventory management. A previous research project was concerned with the development of a theoretically coherent demand categorization scheme for forecasting only. In this paper, the stock control implications of such an approach are assessed by experimentation on an inventory system developed by a UK-based software manufacturer. The experimental database consists of the individual demand histories of almost 16 000 SKUs. The empirical results from this study demonstrate considerable scope for improving real-world systems. Journal of the Operational Research Society (2008) 59, 473 – 481. doi:10.1057/palgrave.jors.2602312 Published online 18 October 2006 Keywords: categorization; forecasting; inventory; intermittent demand; case study Introduction Inventory management is a very complex problem area and it is this complexity that has necessitated the development of intelligent systems to assist decision making. Ultimately, ordering decisions must be made at the level of the individual item or product. Thus, operational rules for the classification of stock keeping units (SKUs) are essential components of inventory systems. They allow the appropriate amount of managerial attention and the right forecasting and stock control methods to be used on the right products. The classification of SKUs has significant implications for stock-holdings and customer service levels (CSLs). Demand categorization has attracted very limited academic interest. There has been a considerable amount of research on classifying inventory and forecasting methods, but not on distinguishing between different demand patterns to guide forecasting and stock control. Notable exceptions are the papers by Williams (1984) and Eaves and Kingsman (2004). Although some work has been done on the implications of forecasting on stock control (eg, Watson, 1987; Gardner, 1990; Strijbosch et al, 2000), more theoretical and empirical research is much needed in this area. ∗ Correspondence: JE Boylan, Buckinghamshire Business School, Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College, Chalfont St Giles, Buckinghamshire, HP8 4AD, UK. E-mail: The selection of forecasting and stock-control methods is generally based on the values of parameters that define the current state of the SKU. The parameters most commonly applied for this purpose relate to the underlying demand patterns. Other relevant parameters, not considered in this research, include discount break-points and foreign exchange rates (see eg, Kobbacy and Liang, 1999). This paper offers some empirical evidence on demand categorization based on underlying demand patterns. The forecasting and stock-control classification system employed by a UK-based software manufacturer is examined. The company sought to improve the classification capability of its software by (i) considering alternative classification parameters and (ii) removing hard-coded classification parameter values and enabling users to select their own values from appropriate menus. It is the standard practice of the manufacturer to test all new approaches extensively, prior to adoption, to establish ‘proof of concept’. The empirical database supplied by the company for this purpose consisted of the individual demand histories of approximately 16 000 SKUs from the automotive, aerospace and chemical industries. The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Firstly, a categorization framework is presented. Secondly, the company’s old method of classification is summarized. A literature review follows. The objectives of the empirical investigation are stated. These are informed both by the company’s old classification method and recent theoretical developments. 474 Journal of the Operational Research Society Vol. 59, No. 4 The next sections explain the empirical findings, from forecasting and stock-control perspectives. Unresolved issues are discussed as part of a ‘research agenda’ for demand categorization. Conclusions are summarized at the end of the paper. Categorization framework Infrequent demand occurrences or irregular demand sizes, when demand occurs, do not allow lead time demand to be represented by the normal distribution. In these cases, demand will be called non-normal. By using this nomenclature, it is not meant that all regular, non-sporadic, non-lumpy demands are necessarily normally distributed. A different distribution may be more appropriate, although the normality assumption should reasonably represent many real-world cases (see eg, Silver et al, 1998). A rather modest part of the operational research literature has been devoted to exploring non-normal demand patterns. Nevertheless, there are inconsistencies in definitions of nonnormal demand patterns. For example, Williams (1984) argues that the variances of the number of orders, order sizes and lead-times should be taken into account, whereas Gelders and Van Looy (1978) define non-normal patterns by the magnitude of demand over a calendar year. A categorization framework has been developed (see Figure 1), to link definitions of non-normal demand patterns with factors that have been proposed in the literature. The first column contains three of these factors. Of course, the framework can be extended to take other factors into account, such as the variance of lead-time. The second column defines ‘intermittent’ and ‘erratic’ demand, according to the factors proposed in the forecasting-categorization of Syntetos et al (2005). In the final column, ‘lumpy’ demand is defined according to Syntetos et al (2005), while the ‘clumped’ category contains more regular demand patterns, including fixed clump-sizes (Ritchie and Kingsman, 1985). The ‘slow’ category is defined according to demand volume. This allows the ‘slow’ category to be the ‘C’ class in an A–B–C classification by volume. However, in the remainder of the paper, the company’s usage is followed, where the ‘slow’ category is restricted to intermittent demand patterns. In summary, according to this framework: • An intermittent demand item is an item with infrequent demand occurrences. • A slow moving item is an item whose average demand per period is low. This may be due to infrequent demand occurrences, low average demand sizes or both. • An erratic demand item is an item whose demand size is highly variable. • A lumpy demand item is an intermittent item for which demand, when it occurs, is highly variable. • A clumped demand item is an intermittent item for which demand, when it occurs, is constant (or almost constant). The framework is conceptual, rather than operational, since ‘high’ and ‘low’ are not quantified. The conceptual framework was used to guide discussions with the company and experimentation with their software. Case study: old method of classification The empirical investigation presented here is based on the categorization scheme employed by the forecasting and stock control software manufacturer, as shown pictorially in Figure 2. (The nomenclature differs slightly from Figure 1 since an item must be non-intermittent to be ‘erratic’, and intermittent to be ‘slow’.) The criteria used in this categorization scheme reflect, according to the manufacturer, an approach that is not untypical within this specialized software sector. In the old system, the number of zero demand time periods (r ), during the last n time periods (n = 13), is High Intermittent Mean inter demand interval Non-intermittent Low Mean demand size Low AND/OR Slow High Erratic Lumpy AND Coefficient of variation of demand sizes Non-erratic Low Figure 1 Clumped AND Categorization of non-normal demand patterns. JE Boylan et al—Classification for forecasting and stock control Forecasting 475 Stock control Average demand Low Slow Lumpy Fast Erratic Intermittent Order frequency Non-intermittent High Low High Variability of demand Figure 2 A software package categorization scheme. compared against a corresponding break-point to determine intermittence. (A break-point of 7 has been used traditionally. If r 7, then demand is classified as intermittent; if r < 7, then demand is non-intermittent.) In this paper, the term ‘breakpoint’ will be used to denote a critical value of any parameter that determines the category of an SKU. The average demand per unit time period (over the last 13 periods) is used as a criterion for further distinguishing between lumpy and slow-moving SKUs in the intermittent demand category. (The average demand break-point is set to 0.5.) If demand has been classified as non-intermittent, the variability of the demand per period is compared against a specified break-point to further distinguish between fast and erratic SKUs. Intermittent demand requirements are estimated using a 13-period simple moving average (SMA (13)). Nonintermittent demand is estimated using various forms of exponential smoothing, depending on the trend and seasonal characteristics of the demand series. In the next stage, stock control applications are selected based on a sub-categorization scheme. For slow demand, the Poisson distribution is used to calculate the order quantity. For lumpy demand, a proprietary empirical method is used instead. For non-intermittent demand, continuous order level or periodic order-up-to-level methods are used depending on the client’s requirements (with demand standard deviation adjustments for the erratic SKUs). Literature review Williams (1984) analysed the demand data of a public utility and proposed a method of demand pattern categorization based on an idea called variance partition. According to this method, the variance of the demand during lead time is split into its constituent parts: variance of the order sizes, transaction variability and variance of the lead times. The categorization scheme meets various theoretical and practical requirements that were proposed in Williams’ work. Nevertheless, the break-points were chosen arbitrarily, so that they make sense only for the particular situation that was analysed in the 1984 paper. This raises some doubts about the potential applicability of the proposed categorization scheme in other contexts. Eaves and Kingsman (2004) analysed demand data from the Royal Air Force and concluded that Williams’ classification scheme did not adequately describe the observed demand structure. Consequently, a revised classification scheme was proposed (for more details, see Eaves, 2002). The break-point values assigned to the categorization parameters were chosen subjectively, based on management decisions, thereby restricting the generalization of their results. Of course, the production of universally applicable rules was not the objective of either academic paper. In both papers, a case-study-based solution was developed. In both categorization schemes discussed above, forecasting methods and stock control models are selected once the demand patterns have been categorized. This is also true for the software solution summarized in the previous section. Johnston and Boylan (1996) re-conceptualized the term ‘intermittence’ by considering the mean inter-demand intervals for which Croston’s (1972) method, specifically designed for intermittence, outperformed single exponential smoothing (SES). The authors recommended a rule that if the mean interdemand interval ( p) is greater than 1.25 forecast revision periods, then Croston’s method should be used, rather than SES (based on the simulated mean squared error (MSE)). This form of rule is based on the premise that it is preferable to identify conditions for superior forecasting performance, and then to categorize demand based on these results, rather than the other way round. The essence of the re-conceptualization lies in this approach and the identification of the mean interdemand interval as a categorization parameter, rather than the specification of an exact break-point value. Indeed, it seems more logical to work in the following way: (i) compare alternative estimation procedures, (ii) identify the regions of superior performance for each one of them and (iii) define Journal of the Operational Research Society Vol. 59, No. 4 476 Low p = 1.32(cut-off value) High High Erratic (Syntetos & Boylan) Lumpy (Syntetos & Boylan) CV = 0.49 2 (cut-off value) ‘Smooth’ (Croston) Intermittent (Syntetos & Boylan) Low Figure 3 Demand-based categorization for forecasting (after Syntetos et al, 2005). the demand patterns based on the methods’ comparative performance, rather than arbitrarily defining demand patterns and then testing which estimation procedure performs best on each particular demand category. Johnston and Boylan (1996) compared SES and Croston’s method, but did not question the validity of Croston’s method itself. Croston’s (1972) method works in the following way: estimates of mean demand sizes and intervals are updated using SES, after a demand occurrence, and the ratio of the size to interval estimates is used as an estimate of the mean demand per unit time period. Croston’s estimator was found by Syntetos and Boylan (2001) to be biased. The Syntetos– Boylan approximation (SBA) (Syntetos and Boylan, 2005, 2006a) adjusts the biased estimates by applying a multiplicative factor of (1 − /2) to the Croston estimate, where is the smoothing constant used to update estimates of the mean inter-demand interval. Syntetos et al (2005) used the three-stage approach discussed above to develop a theoretically coherent demand categorization scheme based on the mean inter-demand interval ( p) and the squared coefficient of variation of demand sizes (CV2 ). The definition of the alternative demand patterns resulted from a direct comparison between the theoretical MSE performances of Croston’s method, SES and the SBA. Both the parameters and their break-point values were the outcome of this formal comparison, and the validity of the scheme was empirically tested and confirmed on 3000 SKUs from the automotive industry. The contribution of this work lies in the identification of the CV2 as an additional categorization parameter for demand forecasting purposes. Nevertheless, inventory control issues were not addressed. The scheme is presented pictorially in Figure 3. Purpose of empirical investigation The old classification scheme used by the software manufacturer was found to have some limitations, in the light of the theoretical considerations summarized in the previous section. The categorization of ‘intermittent’ and ‘non-intermittent’ demand was based on the number of zero demand time periods (r ), during the last n time periods (n = 13). This is a sound approach, being equivalent to the mean inter-demand interval recommended in the literature. However, the break-point of r = 7 was determined subjectively. Therefore, the first objective of the empirical analysis is to compare the forecasting and stock-control implications of different choices of the breakpoint for the number of zeroes in the last 13 periods. To conduct this analysis, the following estimators are considered: SES and SMA (13) for ‘non-intermittent’ demand; Croston’s method and the SBA for ‘intermittent demand’. The inclusion of CV2 as a further parameter to distinguish intermittent demand was discussed with the company. They were interested in its inclusion at a later stage of development but did not wish to change too many aspects of their system at the first stage. Consequently, the CV2 parameter was not included as a forecasting classification parameter in this study. In the old system, the categorization of ‘slow’ and ‘lumpy’ demand was based on the average demand. This does not appear to capture the essence of ‘lumpiness’, as described in the conceptual framework of Figure 1. This argument was accepted by the company, since it was known that, in the old system, low-volume high-variation items had insufficient stock and high-volume low-variation items had excess stock. Two categorization variables were discussed, namely the ratio of variance to mean of demand and the squared coefficient of variation of demand size (CV2 ). The first measure is an index of dispersion for the Poisson distribution. The second measure was preferred by the company, since it is dimensionless and would allow the same variable to be used in distinguishing ‘intermittent’ from ‘non-intermittent’ and ‘slow’ and ‘lumpy’, if CV2 is included in the former categorization at a later stage of development. Therefore, the second objective of the empirical analysis is to assess the stock-control implications for slow and lumpy demand, if new forecasting methods are used and the company replaces average demand by CV2 as the categorization parameter. In the following sections, the forecasting implications of the ‘intermittent’/‘non-intermittent’ categorization and the stockcontrol implications of the ‘slow’/‘lumpy’ categorization are summarized, in accordance with the design of the software package (see Figure 2). Empirical investigation: forecasting Summary characteristics of the demand data sets used in this research are presented in the following table. The demand data series have been divided into three blocks: (i) initialization, (ii) calibration and (iii) performance measurement. The lengths of these blocks are shown in the final column of Table 1. The ‘initialization block’ is used to initialize values required for methods based on recursive formulae (such as the mean inter-demand interval for Croston’s method). In the ‘calibration block’, the optimal JE Boylan et al—Classification for forecasting and stock control Table 1 477 Empirical demand data sets SKUs Periods Time bucket Period breakdown Motor spare parts Aerospace spare parts Chemical products 12 881 3025 53 26 52 60 Monthly Bi-monthly Monthly 13/7/6 18/18/16 24/24/12 smoothing constants are identified, based on MSE. Finally, the optimal smoothing constants are used to update forecasts in the ‘performance block’, in which performance statistics are calculated. The three data sets do not contain items categorized by the company as ‘obsolete’, ‘dying’ or ‘new’. The data sets contain only those SKUs with greater than or equal to two zeroes and less than or equal to eleven zeroes in the last thirteen periods, excluding the performance block. Also, the data sets do not include SKUs with strictly less than seven zeroes in the last 13 (excluding the performance period) that were found to have a 13-period global trend that was statistically significant (5% level, two-tailed test). The restriction to a minimum of two non-zero values ensures that all initial values can be calculated by the end of the calibration block, thereby allowing the recursive formulae to proceed in the performance block. The other restrictions were in keeping with the broadest range of definitions of intermittence that the software company found acceptable. The forecast error statistics used for reporting results are: the geometric root mean squared error (GRMSE) and the average mean absolute error (MAE). As its name implies, the GRMSE is based on squared errors and taking the appropriate geometric mean as the summary measure. This summarization may be across time, across series or both. In this study, the following approach is adopted: (i) calculate mean square forecast error for each individual series (SKU) and then (ii) multiply these values together for all n series and take the 2nth root. This ensures that, when comparing two methods, the effect of high errors for outlying SKUs cancel out. The properties of the GRMSE measure are discussed further by Boylan and Syntetos (2006). The MAE averages errors, ignoring their sign; it is summarized across series by its mean value. For both measures, GRMSE and MAE, performance is measured on all points in time and issue points only. The former corresponds to a re-order interval and the latter to a re-order level system. As discussed in the section on the purpose of the empirical investigation, the estimators that are considered for the intermittent demand category (ie demand patterns associated with a ‘low’ order frequency as determined by the break-point) are Croston’s method and the SBA. For the non-intermittent demand category (ie demand patterns with a ‘high’ order frequency), SES and the SMA (13) are considered. Every combination of those methods, for each possible break-point, is tested. In Figure 4, the effect of break-point values is shown for every pair of the estimators examined. These GRMSE- Geometric Root Mean Square Error (GRMSE) Industry 0.86 CR-SMA CR-SES SBA-SMA SBA-SES 0.84 0.82 0.8 0.78 0.76 0.74 0.72 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Break point (number of zeroes) Figure 4 Categorization break-points for intermittent demand (Data set 1). based results were generated from the first data set, using issue points only. Results were also generated for the two smaller data sets and using the mean MAE. The best break-points varied slightly by data set and by error measure. The recommended ranges of break-points are presented in the following table. The ranges are consistent with the plateaus shown in Figure 4 for Data set 1, but were recommended on the basis of their consistency in yielding accurate forecasts across all data sets and error measures. Results were also generated for ‘all points in time’. However, in this case, the results were consistent neither across data sets nor, in some cases, across error measures. This is an important element of the research agenda for demand categorization. The results in Table 2, for issue points only, indicate the sensitivity of break-points to the choice of estimators. The recommended range of break-points relating to the comparison of SES and the Syntetos–Boylan Approximation (SBA) is consistent with theoretical expectations (Syntetos et al, 2005). This is not true for the comparison of SES and Croston’s estimator, in which case lower break-points for mean interdemand intervals were expected (Johnston and Boylan, 1996). Nevertheless, consideration of the shapes of the curves in Figure 4 results in an important operational conclusion, not revealed in previous theoretical investigations. The curves are 478 Journal of the Operational Research Society Vol. 59, No. 4 Table 2 Suggested rules for identifying intermittence (Data sets 1, 2 and 3) Intermittent 1. 2. 3. 4. Non-intermittent Recommended range of break-point values (number of zeroes) Equivalent range of mean inter-demand intervals SMA SES SMA SES 5–7 6–8 2–3 2–4 1.63–2.17 1.86–2.60 1.18–1.30 1.18–1.44 Croston Croston SBA SBA quite flat for break-points from r = 2 to r = 6 showing that forecast accuracy is insensitive to the choice of break-point in this region. In the region from r = 7 (the old company breakpoint) to r = 13, forecast accuracy is highly sensitive to the break-point value. This conclusion is confirmed by analysis of mean MAE, where similar results are obtained. This analysis strengthened the company’s resolve to change this parameter from being hard-coded to being menu-driven and to recommend r = 3 as an initial setting. This breakpoint consistently yielded accuracy that was close to the best, for ‘issue points’, even when the optimal break-point was somewhat higher. For ‘all points in time’, the setting of r = 3 performed well for Data set 1, but less so for Data sets 2 and 3. The need to customize this setting, based on client data, remained for ‘all points in time’. Empirical investigation: stock control In the next stage of this investigation, stock control related issues were considered. A demand forecasting system, such as the one discussed in the previous section, may perform well in terms of a given accuracy measure, but this does not necessarily translate into excellent stock-control performance. Simulation design and performance criteria At this stage, the results were based mainly on one data set (Data set 1, motor spare parts). The chemical data set (Data set 3) was not used at all for stock simulations because inventory-related data could not be made available. Moreover, the aerospace spare parts data set (Data set 2) was of limited use because, for many SKUs, the demand status switched very frequently across different categories over time, leaving only a small number (fewer than 30) that were consistently defined as slow or lumpy. This also affected Data set 1, although to a much lesser degree. Overall, many SKUs had to be discarded in order to examine the characteristics of slow and lumpy data. However, this enabled a more systematic investigation on the remaining series. A positive trend of about 6% over 26 months was detected at the aggregate level for the first data set. This trend was not detectable at SKU level, but it is possible that it may have affected the results. For the purposes of this research, only the intermittent demand category was evaluated, as improvements in that area constituted the main objective of the software manufacturer. The software features the continuous re-order point, order quantity (s, Q) system, the periodic order-up-to-level (T, S) system and the periodic order point order-up-to-level (T, s, S) system. (For a discussion of these systems, see Silver et al, 1998.) In this research, detailed results were obtained only for an (s, Q) system, in which orders of quantity Q are placed when the stock falls below the re-order point (s). The simulations were not replicated on the other control systems since preliminary results indicated no significant differences. This conclusion is also supported by the findings of the empirical study conducted by Sani and Kingsman (1997) on the combined performance of statistical estimators and periodic stock control models. The order-quantity, Q, was determined by the cumulative forecast over the lead-time, and s by using an appropriate distribution. For slow items, a Poisson distribution is assumed. This is a natural choice for slow movers and reflected the company’s existing practice. For lumpy items, the proprietary method developed by the company was investigated, in addition to calculations based on the negative binomial distribution (NBD). The NBD is included since it satisfies both theoretical and empirical criteria (Syntetos and Boylan, 2006b). The forecasting methods considered, for both slow and lumpy items, were: SBA and SMA(13). SMA(13) has been included as it is the estimator currently employed in the system. Croston’s method and SES were excluded on the basis of a further forecasting analysis, the details of which are beyond the scope of this paper. The following measures were recorded: (i) individual SKU time average stock-holding (in units and in value); (ii) average of (i) over all SKUs; (iii) Customer service level (CSL) achieved. The ‘CSL’ is defined as the ratio of the fulfilled demand (total demand minus backorders) to the total demand, calculated in terms of units. Default options for the simulation experiment included: backorders carried forward (ie no lost sales); time series are treated as demand rather than sales; optimization of forecasting parameters over lead time is based on the MSE. To conduct this analysis, ‘intermittent demand’ was defined as those SKUs with three or more zero demand periods over the last 13 periods, following the outcome of the forecasting investigation reported earlier. To distinguish between slow and lumpy demand, the squared coefficient of variation of demand size (CV2 ) was used. The evaluation of break-points, which clients would use in practice, was problematic. Clients operate JE Boylan et al—Classification for forecasting and stock control Estimator SMA(13) SBA Resulting inventory for slow demand-proposed scheme (Data set 1) Avg. stock volume/units Total stock value (index) CSL achieved (%) 1.454 1.325 100.0 88.3 96.75 93.37 differential service-level targets for slow and lumpy items, and so the choice of break-point would largely depend on service-mix requirements. In Data set 1, though, almost 50% of the SKUs would be classified as slow, regardless of client preferences, since these items had zero variance of demand size. Classification of this subset of SKUs as slow, and the remainder as lumpy, would provide a useful benchmark for future analyses, taking client service-mix requirements into account. 98.0 96.0 94.0 92.0 90.0 88.0 93.0 94.0 95.0 96.0 97.0 Target Customer Service Level % Stock control implications of forecasting for slow items SMA(13) SBA Target Service Level Figure 5 Target and achieved service level—proposed scheme (Data set 1). Slow demand 1350 1300 Total Stock Volume (units) The main objective of this analysis was to extend the forecasting results to a stock control context, rather than to conduct a detailed investigation of alternative standard statistical demand distributions, as this issue has been often addressed in the literature. The target CSL was initially set to a commonly employed target, 95%, but was later treated as a simulation parameter, with variation from 93 to 97%. The SMA(13)–SBA comparison results (95% target) are shown in Table 3. The figures that relate to the total inventory value are presented as index numbers because the relevant information is confidential. Under the proposed scheme, the resulting stock from the application of the SBA method is 8.9% less than that associated with SMA(13). Such a decrease in the volume of stock translates to an 11.7% reduction in the total inventory value. Nevertheless, the inventory-related savings occur at the expense of a reduction in the achieved CSL, which drops from 96.75 to 93.37%. These results conform to theoretical expectations. Achieving a CSL higher than the target was expected for SMA(13), owing to the bias (over-forecast) associated with this method after an issue-point ((LS, Q) system). Similarly, some under-achievement of the target for the SBA can be attributed to the fact that it slightly under-forecasts the mean demand. The service level target was then varied, using the same definitions of demand categories, and the same forecasting methods. This enabled the effect on the achieved CSL to be observed (Figure 5). Figure 5 shows that SMA consistently attains a service level above the target. Although this is desirable, it is at the expense of high inventory levels (see Figure 6). The SBA attains service levels that are close to targets above 95%. For lower targets, there is a wider discrepancy. The effect of target service levels on inventory is shown in Figure 6. Figure 6 shows marked savings in inventory arising from the application of the SBA for all service level targets. This is Slow demand 100.0 Achieved Customer Service Level % Table 3 479 1250 1200 1150 1100 1050 1000 950 900 850 93.0 94.0 95.0 96.0 97.0 Target Customer Service Level % SMA(13) Figure 6 Target service level and (volume)—proposed scheme (Data set 1). SBA resulting inventory consistent with theoretical expectations and with the empirical findings of Eaves and Kingsman (2004). The software company was greatly encouraged by these results for slow items. Their view was that clients would prefer small undershoots to overshoots of the target CSL if large inventory savings could be achieved. 480 Journal of the Operational Research Society Vol. 59, No. 4 Stock control implications of forecasting for lumpy items Conclusions The lumpy demand category is evaluated in terms of the impact of forecasting methods and of subsequent calculations for stock-control. The target CSL for this demand category is 70%. All combinations of methods examined failed to achieve this target. In terms of the subsequent calculations, the possibility of using the NBD instead of the current empirically driven approach was assessed, as discussed earlier. Comparison results between the use of NBD and the currently used procedure indicated a very similar performance. The philosophy of categorization by comparison of methods depends upon having good methods for each of the categories. In this evaluation, the broadest definition of lumpy demand was used, including SKUs with very modest variability in demand size. Nevertheless, it was not possible to attain the target service level or to get close to it. In the absence of a good approach for lumpy demand, it is not possible to determine the appropriateness of the companypreferred classification variable (squared coefficient of variation of demand size) in a stock-control context. Since it was not possible to improve on the current proprietary method, no changes were recommended to the system, although the NBD may be made available as an alternative for lumpy demand. The development of demand categorization schemes has not received as much academic attention as it deserves. Demand categorization rules dictate the forecasting and stock control methods to be used for different SKUs. Consequently, these rules have significant implications in terms of stock and customer satisfaction. In the empirical investigation, it has been found that the company’s old break-point for intermittence (seven or more zeroes in the last 13) was not the best and that, for forecasts after ‘issue points’, a parameter value between two and six would be better. Within this range, forecast accuracy is not sensitive to the exact break-point value. The company were persuaded by a priori arguments that the average demand should not be used to distinguish slow from lumpy demand. To replace this parameter, they preferred the squared coefficient of variation of demand size, since it is dimensionless and would fit in with potential developments in categorization of intermittence. Inventory assessments showed substantial savings by using the SBA for slow demand, with a slight undershoot of the target CSL. The software manufacturer has changed from hard-coding to a menu-driven approach for classification according to the number of zeroes, and dropped the old rule of at least seven zeroes out of 13. Although more work remains to be carried out on lumpy demand, the company has also introduced the CV2 parameter to distinguish between slow and lumpy demand, accompanied by facilities for client experimentation. Research agenda In this paper, the effect of demand categorization on both forecasting and stock-control has been evaluated empirically. In previous research, based on forecasting only, it was found that categorization schemes should take into account the number of zero demand periods as well as the coefficient of variation of demand size (Syntetos et al, 2005). In this research, the number of zero demand periods has been confirmed as an effective categorization parameter for forecasting, at least for forecasts after an issue-point. The results show forecast accuracy to be relatively insensitive to the exact choice of the break-point value for the number of zero periods. The results on forecasts for ‘all points in time’ were less conclusive, and further research is required to assess the sensitivity of forecast accuracy to categorization methods in this case. The interaction of forecasts at ‘all points in time’ with re-order interval systems also requires detailed examination. The results for lumpy data show that, for all combinations of methods, the target CSLs were not achieved. Further work in this area should include a wider selection of forecasting and inventory approaches and analysis of alternative categorization variables, such as the ratio of variance to mean of demand. An overall optimization of forecasting and stock-control categories has not been considered. It is important to undertake such an analysis, to understand the effect of overall optimization on inventory system performance. Moreover, extension of this work to other inventory methods would allow the interaction between forecasting and stock-control methods to be understood more fully. Acknowledgements — We acknowledge financial support for this project from the company involved and the DTI. The empirical findings of the paper emerged from a Knowledge Transfer Partnership between the company and Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College. Also, we thank the participants in the Intelligent Management Systems in Operations (IMSIO) III conference (Salford, June 28–29, 2005) for their comments on an earlier draft of this paper. References Boylan JE and Syntetos AA (2006). Accuracy and accuracyimplication metrics for intermittent demand. Foresight: Int J Appl Forecasting 4: 39–42. Croston JD (1972). Forecasting and stock control for intermittent demands. Opl Res Q 23: 289–304. Eaves AHC (2002). Forecasting for the ordering and stock holding of consumable spare parts. PhD thesis: Lancaster University. 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