Halle Shelton Name: ___________________ Staying Safe in the Lab Determine if the following situation follows safety rules. If it does write yes. If not write no and give the reason. 1. Bubba cannot find matches to light his Bunsen burner. The student next to him picks up a lighted burner and says, ‘Here you can use my flame to light your burner”. ________________________________________________________________________ No, Bubba should tell his instructor and ask for assistance. It is unsafe to use the ________________________________________________________________________ flame from one burner to light another. It also violates the rule of doing the experiment as the procedure states, so unless Bubba is specically told by his ________________________________________________________________________ instructor and the procedures to light his burner with the flame he should not. ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Jim Bob notices that the electrical cord on his microscope is frayed near the plug. He takes the microscope to his teacher and ask for permission to use another one. Yes ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 3. The directions in lab manual instruct students to pour a small amount of hydrochloric acid into a beaker. Hawkeye puts on safety googles and a lab apron before pouring the acid into the beaker. Yes ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 4. Trapper John finds a paper clip on the floor' and becomes curious. He wants to know what will happen if sticks the paper clip in the electrical outlet at his lab desk. His lab partners agree, and he performs his experiment NO, not only does it violate the rules about having items not required for the ________________________________________________________________________ _ experiment in your workspace it is also very dangerous. As it was on the floor it _______________________________________________________________________ also violates the rules of keeping your space clean as it is dirty. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ BIOL 1510 | Safety in the Lab –Worksheet 1 5. While using ice in a lab, Major Burns puts a piece of ice down Captain Pierce’s shirt. To get even Pierce grabs a handful and returns the favor. No, this is not proper decorum for the lab. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Determine the NFPA rating by looking up the MSDS of the following chemicals used commonly in Biology II Lab. Indicate which has the highest flammable risk and health hazard risk. Water Formaldehyde Ethanol 3 0 2 2 0 0 BIOL 1510 | Safety in the Lab –Worksheet 0 3 0 2 List five Safety rules broken in the following picture. 1. Scissors are stuck in an outlet ___________________________________________ 2. Tim is beating another student with a book. ___________________________________________ 3. Joe and Jim are injesting lab chemicals. ___________________________________________ 4. Bob is not being careful and is holding broken ___________________________________________ glass, instead of asking for help or cleaning it up. ___________________________________________ 5. Sue has her long hair down instead of tying it ___________________________________________ out of the way properly. ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ BIOL 1510 | Safety in the Lab –Worksheet 3 What piece of safety equipment should be used to put out the fire in this picture? The emergency fire blanket. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ List two unsafe activities depicted in the illustration explain how it should be altered to make them safe. Jodi having her long hair down is unsafe, this could be fixed by tying her hair up ________________________________________________________________________ in a bun. She should also be wearing saftey googles to protect her eyes. Mac is ________________________________________________________________________ holding his testube with a clamp unsafely tilting toward jodi, this could be fixed by ________________________________________________________________________ setting up a test tube holder and sitting it down. ________________________________________________________________________ BIOL 1510 | Safety in the Lab –Worksheet 4 How should rick correct his technique? He should not be inhaling his chemicals, if he must smell it he should try lightly ________________________________________________________________________ wafting towards his nose. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Are these students behaving appropriately? If not, what should they be doing differently? No, andrew should not be sipping from his beaker and if he needs to pipette he ________________________________________________________________________ should not pipette by mouth but rather use the correct tools. Rick should waft ________________________________________________________________________ instead of inhaling the chemicals. Sarah should poor one test tube at a time into ________________________________________________________________________ the beaker, pouring both at once could trigger a reaction before they are inside ________________________________________________________________________ the beaker. Compare Evelyn’s technique with Kwan’s technique. Whose technique is the correct one? Evelyns technique is correct, you should never pipette by mouth. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ BIOL 1510 | Safety in the Lab –Worksheet 5 Identify 3 unsafe activities shown here? 1. The boys fighting with scissors is very unsafe. ________________________________________________________________________ 2. The football and backpack in the floor are a safety hazard as someone could ________________________________________________________________________ trip. ________________________________________________________________________ 3.The girls food and drink on her workspace is unsafe and could cause contamination. ________________________________________________________________________ Explain alternative procedures for each activity you identify. The boys should be using the scissors to assist in the disection instead of ________________________________________________________________________ dueling. Before the disection they should all put their personal items away and ________________________________________________________________________ make sure their workspace is clean. They should leave all food and drink outside ________________________________________________________________________ the lab. ________________________________________________________________________ BIOL 1510 | Safety in the Lab –Worksheet 6