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AutoComp User Manual: Tool Compensation System Guide

User’s Manual
Version 1.13
1931 Sanford Rd.
Wells, ME 04090
p. 207.646.6071
f. 207.646.6983
AutoComp (Tool Compensation System)
Information in this document or the software it reflects is subject to change without notice and does not
represent a commitment on the part of Caron Engineering, Inc. No part of the manual or software may
be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems, for any purpose other than the purchaser's personal use, without the express written consent of Caron Engineering, Inc.
AutoComp is the Trademark of Caron Engineering, Inc.
AutoComp™ software is copyrighted.
2014 Caron Engineering, Inc. All Rights Reserved
AutoComp™ is manufactured in the USA.
Chapter 1: AutoComp System Overview
Tool Compensation Functionality
Process Flow Diagram
Starting and Exiting AutoComp
Chapter 2: AutoComp Components
Overview of AutoComp Components
Gaging Devices
AutoComp PC Interface
Chapter 3: AutoComp Functionality
AutoComp Functionality: Overview
What Is a Routine?
What Is a Gage Data File?
How AutoComp Selects and Loads a Routine Automatically
Routine Names
Gage Data File Names
CEI_CurrentRoutine Gage Files
Multi-Gage Routine Diagram
Chapter 4: PC Application (HMI)
Main Window
Main Window Tool Bar Functions
Edit Routines Button
Load Routine Button
Create Routine Button
Delete Routine Button
About Button
Routine Path Button
Configuration Button
Help Button
View Log Button
Selection List Box
Chapter 5: Initializing the AutoComp System
Initializing AutoComp: Introduction
Installing AutoComp
End User License Agreement
Activating AutoComp Licensing
CNC Interface Configuration: Overview
Gage Converter Configuration: Overview
Check System Global Parameters
Chapter 6: Configuring the AutoComp System
Configuring the AutoComp System: Overview
User Options Window
Security Levels
Setting Security Level
Changing Security Level
Changing Supervisor’s Password
Supervisor Login
Operation Modes
Setting Operation Mode
Specifying Temporary Setup Overrides
Force Front on Cycle Complete
Access AutoComp from CEI Remote View
System Configuration Window
Gage and CNC Definitions
System Global Parameters
INFO Button
Comp On Reject Parameter
Comp Rejected Dimensions
Comp After Wear
CNC Decimal Precision
Clear Offset On Tool Change
Expire Tool On Wear Limit
Wear Offset Compensation
Log Level
Skip Count Functionality
Viewable Data Cycles
Dimension Limits Deviation
Offset Display As Deviation
Trend Reset Time and Trend Reset Over
Load Routine Variable
AutoComp Cycle Notifications
Cycle Complete
Wear Limit Notification
Compensation Ack
Routine Path
Run Data Variables
Run Data Files and Data Tag Overview
Run Data Main Path
Run Data Reset Days, Hours, and Minutes
Data Tag Variables
Purge Run Data Files
Chapter 7: Creating and Editing Routines
Creating and Editing Routines: Overview
Creating a Routine
Naming the Routine
Using the Routine Editor
Editing Routine Parameters in the Routine Editor
Edit Routine Parameters
Edit Routine Control Buttons
Editing Dimension Parameters in the Routine Editor
Edit Dimensions Control Buttons
To Edit Dimension Parameters in an Existing Routine
Adding a Dimension to an Existing Routine
To Add a New Dimension to an Existing Routine
To Add a Dimension Using Duplicate Dimension
Using the Detail Chart
Chapter 8: Global Routine Parameters and Dimension Parameters
Global Routine Parameters
AutoLoad Routine Value
Units, Cpk and Flyer Percent
Flyer Percent Value
Cycle Notifications
Cycle Complete Variables
Wear Limit Notification Variables
Comp Ack Variables
Gage Required Counter
Dimension Parameters
General Dimension Parameters
Dimension Name
Dimension Index
Gage Converter
Tool Compensation Checkbox
Upper/Lower Reject Limit
Cycle Complete Critical
Compensation Parameters
Dimension Compensation Parameters
Control Compensation Parameters
Variable Compensation Target
Chapter 9: Working with Run Data
Run Data: Overview
Run Screen
Choice of Run Data Views
Choice of Operation Mode
Opening and Closing the Run Screen
Run Screen Basic Components
Run Screen Tool and Status Bar
Run Screen Upper Tool Bar
Unload, and Suspend Routine Buttons
Manual Gaging Buttons (Setup Mode Only)
Run Data Views
View Chart
Data Grid
Chart Graph
Tool Life Indicator
Grid View
Reading the Data Grid
Detail Chart View
Edit Parameters Button
Change Tool Button
Part View
Part View Image
Part View Tool Bar
Reading Run Data in Part View
Selecting a Part View Picture
Marking Measurements in Part View
Changing Measurement Colors in Part View
Run Data Log Files
Run Data File Format
Appendix 1: CNC Detail
The System Configuration Window (CNC Configuration)
Select the CNC Interface for the System
Brother Control
Select and Configure the CEI Brother CNC Interface
CEI_BrotherServer Configuration
EasyComp Control
FanucDNC Control
FileSystem CNC Interface
Focas1 and Focas2 Control
FTP Control
GetPutReadWrite Control
Haas Control
Heidenhain Control
Mazak Control
Select and Configure Mazak CNC Interface in Autocomp
Note on Mazak Tool Names
Mitsubishi70/700V Control
OkumaLathe Control P200
OkumaLathe Control P300
OkumaMachining Control
OkumaRS232PP Control
Siemens Windows Control (840D with DDE support)
Select and Configure Siemens Windows CNC Interface in Autocomp
Note on Siemens Tool Names
Select and Configure Siemens Operate CNC Interface in AutoComp
TestCNC Control
Appendix 2: Gage Converter Configuration
Configuring an Existing Gage Converter
Choose the Gage Converter and Specify Delimiters
Gage Converter Delimiters
Specify the Gage Data File Path and Filter
Specify a Gage Converter as Default (optional)
Creating a New Gage Converter: Overview
Select Converter Type from Library
Name the New Gage Converter
Specify the Gage Data File Path and Filter
Appendix 3: Demo Mode
Loading Test Run Data
Send Test Gage Data File
Test Data File Types
TestCNCOffsets Window
Appendix 4: Support
Support Utilty
Okuma PartRoutine Conversions
Chapter 1: AutoComp System
Caron Engineering’s AutoComp system is an automatic tool compensation system that provides closed-loop machine control and
automatic tool wear feedback for turning, grinding and milling operations.
AutoComp calculates tool compensation based on tolerance and
compensation limits defined for each measurement. The system then
sends tool compensation data directly to the CNC.
AutoComp measures tool wear by accumulating tool offsets over
successive machine cycles and provides a graphic indication of wear
to the operator in a user-friendly interface. Four graphic formats for
viewing data are available to the user.
Chapter 1: AutoComp System Overview
Tool Compensation Functionality
AutoComp automatically corrects for tool wear and other process
deviations by transmitting the measured deviation directly into the
CNC offset tables.
Flexible configuration for tool compensation. AutoComp collects
data in real time from a gaging device, and can be configured to:
Compensate each dimension directly, or
Calculate a running average (also called a trend), which is
compared to user-programmed tool compensation limits. If the
average exceeds the limit, the CNC receives a compensation
value. The advantage in making compensation decisions
based on running averages instead of single part measurements is that AutoComp can stabilize its response to variation. The running average feature ignores small and
unpredictable variations in the process, compensating instead
for large and consistent variations such as tool wear.
Automatic or manual loading of data. The AutoComp system can be
configured to process gage data from automatic gaging loaded by a
robot, or to support manual gaging loaded by an operator.
Historical data. AutoComp maintains historical data for each cycle
of measurements, to be analyzed at any time.
The process flow diagram outlines the basic function of the
AutoComp system in a machine tool environment.
Chapter 1: AutoComp System Overview
Process Flow Diagram
Figure 1-1: AutoComp Process Flow Diagram
Chapter 1: AutoComp System Overview
Starting and Exiting AutoComp
To start AutoComp, click on AutoComp in the programs list, start
menu, or the AutoComp desktop icon:
To close the AutoComp application:
From Supervisor Level, click on the X in the upper right
corner of the Main Window.
From Operator Level, click on the X in the upper right
corner of the Main Window. Type the supervisor password
and press Enter.
The application closes.
See also:
"Security Levels" (page 26)
Chapter 1: AutoComp System Overview
Chapter 2: AutoComp Components
Overview of AutoComp Components
The AutoComp system typically consists of the following basic components.
A gaging device, which may be a CMM, vision system, laser
micrometer, LVDT-based gage, digital gage, or any device
that can output a standard text file. For other gages, contact
CEI for applications. See "Gaging Devices" (page 5).
CNC, the target of offset updates. See "CNC " (page 6).
AutoComp PC interface software. See "AutoComp PC Interface" (page 6).
Gaging Devices
AutoComp can be configured to accept inputs from a wide variety
of gage devices.
CMM or other File-based Gaging Device. AutoComp supports data from numerous CMM file formats, as well as a flexible delimited file format.
LVDT-based Gaging Device. An LVDT-based gaging
device, such as a KurtUSB or Marposs EasyBox, is connected
to the PC using a USB port. LVDTs should be set to measure
in close proximity to the electrical zero point. AutoComp
allows for sign reversal at the LVDT level.
RS232, USB or Wireless-based Gaging Device. AutoComp
supports a variety of industry standard gage devices.
See also:
"Initializing the AutoComp System" (page 20)
"Gage Converter Configuration: Overview" (page 23)
Chapter 2: AutoComp Components
AutoComp supports several types of CNC controls for automatic
tool offset updates.
For more information and a listing of all the supported CNCs, see
"CNC Detail" (page 100) If using a machine not listed, please contact Caron Engineering. A custom CNC interface can be created to
meet a systems needs.
See also:
"Initializing the AutoComp System" (page 20)
AutoComp PC Interface
The AutoComp system requires Windows XP Service Pack 2 or 3,
or Windows 7, 8.1, or 10 running on a PC. For some controls,
AutoComp can be installed directly on the control’s PC.
The user-friendly interface allows the user to create, edit, load,
unload, and delete part routines. Run time data can be viewed in
any of four dynamic graphical presentations.
See also:
"PC Application (HMI)" (page 13)
Chapter 2: AutoComp Components
Chapter 3: AutoComp Functionality
AutoComp Functionality: Overview
Measurements are defined and grouped by part in AutoComp
'routines'. The routine defines all characteristics of each measurement
in a 'dimension', including the source gage data. A part routine contains all dimensions for a fully measured part, regardless of the number of gages used in the measurement process.
GageData files contain the measurement data from the gages used to
measure the part.
Note: AutoComp can be used in demo mode to practice using the
interface and functions. See "Demo Mode" (page 146).
What Is a Routine?
A routine (or part routine) is a collection of dimensions and global
routine parameters that is used by AutoComp in the gage-compensation cycle. Each dimension in a routine contains the parameters for a specific measurement on a tooled part, associated with a
specific gage. As the dimension is tooled, the gage puts out a gage
data file.
All measurements marked as “critical” are required to complete a
cycle. When all critical dimensions are processed, the current cycle
is complete, even if other dimension measurements are missing.
Routines can be automatically loaded and suspended by AutoComp
as gage data files are detected. See AutoLoad Routine Value
When AutoComp automatically loads a routine corresponding to a
gage data file, it appears on the main AutoComp window.
Note: Only one routine can be loaded at a time.
As routines are suspended and later reloaded, all historical data are
preserved. To clear all historical data, manually unload the routine
or use run data lifetime parameters.
Chapter 3: AutoComp Functionality
What Is a Gage Data File?
A gage data file is created by the gage (or gage software application) that measures the part. This gage data file is parsed in
AutoComp, based on the dimension information in the PartRoutine.
A routine may use only one gage or it may use many gages, depending on machine tooling needs. AutoComp is able to handle information from many different gages in a given routine.
When more than one gage is used in a routine (multi-gage routine),
the dimensions in a routine are not all measured by the same gage.
For example, most of the dimensions of a valve body might be measured by a main CMM, but one dimension might be measured by a
different wireless gage.
For each dimension, the gage puts out a gage data file containing
measurement values. AutoComp detects the gage data files and
loads the appropriate routine. The gage data files are parsed by
AutoComp definitions called gage converters. Every dimension that
is specified in a routine must be associated with a gage converter.
Gage data file names are very important because AutoComp’s ability to select and load the appropriate routine is contingent on the
data file name. Specify the gage data file name in a user interface
associated with each gage. See "How AutoComp Selects and Loads
a Routine Automatically" (page 9) and "Gage Data File Names"
(page 10), for more information.
Chapter 3: AutoComp Functionality
How AutoComp Selects and Loads a Routine
When a part is actually starting to be tooled, AutoComp selects and
loads the part routine automatically.
A routine is loaded automatically (and the currently-loaded routine
suspended) when AutoComp detects a gage data file in the configured gage folder. AutoComp selects and loads a routine that
matches the gage data file, using the following criteria:
Routine name. Routine names are limited to 64 characters.
The complete routine name must be included in the gage data
file name. Up to the first 64 characters of the gage data file
are extracted to match a routine name.
If a routine exists whose name matches those characters
exactly, it is loaded.
If there is no exact match, AutoComp attempts to match a
routine from 63 characters down to 2. If a match is found,
that routine is loaded. If no match is found, the gage file
is ignored. Gage data file that have not been processed
due to not matching routine names will be deleted on the
next Autocomp restart, or they can be deleted by the user
in the configuration screen.
Gage converter name. The gage converter is an AutoComp
function that parses the gage data file. Unless all the routine
dimensions use the default gage converter, the gage converter
name must be appended to the gage data file name in square
Routine Names
The routine name is important because it is used by AutoComp in
selecting and loading gage data files (whose names must include the
name of the routine they are associated with, or a portion of the
name). Generally, it is a good idea to give the routine a descriptive
name (such as “Valvebody”).
Note: AutoComp is not case-sensitive.
A routine is loaded automatically (and the currently loaded routine
suspended) when AutoComp detects a gage data file in the configured gage folder. AutoComp automatically selects and loads a
routine whose name matches the gage data file name.
Note: The routine name does not have to be an exact match, but
must contain the beginning portion of the gage data file name.
Chapter 3: AutoComp Functionality
Gage Data File Names
Each measurement is written to a gage data file, to be parsed by the
gage converter definition.
Note: The gage data files and file paths are set outside of Autocomp; this process is not part of the AutoComp system.
The gage data file name has three components:
All or part of the routine name with which it is associated
and optional additional characters
The gage converter name (in square brackets)
The file extension.
Routine name in the gage data file name. Gage data files are always
named to correspond to a routine name (whether or not it is a multigage routine). the entire routine name must be in the file name.
Thus, if the routine name is “Valvebody,” then “Valvebody” must
be part of the gage data file name. For example, “Valvebody1” or
“Valvebody_timestamp” could be part of the name.
Gage converter name. The gage data file name must include the
gage converter name in square brackets, unless all included routine
dimensions use the default gage converter. If the default gage converter is used for all dimensions, it may be included in the file
name, but is not necessary.
File extension.The file extension is gage or gage application-dependent.
The format for a gage data file name is:
<Routine Name & optional char(s)><[gage converter name]>.<file ext>
For example:
A gage data file name where all the dimensions use the
default gage converter program could be “Valvebody1.txt,” or
In a multi-gage routine, or where a single gage that is not the
default is used, the gage data file name could be “Valvebody1[ZEISS].txt,” or “Valvebody_A[MAHR].dat.”
Note: When creating a multi-gage routine, be sure to specify the correct gage converter for each dimension.
Chapter 3: AutoComp Functionality
CEI_CurrentRoutine Gage Files
If a gage data file matching a defined gage converter file filter and
path is seen and named,
CEI_CURRENTROUTINE is the hardcoded filename,
GageConverter is the defined AutoComp gage converter, and
file_extension is the gage converter file filter extension,
then that file will be treated as if it is named for the currentlyloaded routine and is merged into the current cycle. This can lessen
the times that file names need to be changed in gage applications.
Dimensions are still matched by gage converter name and data file
row number.
There is a limit to CEI_CURRENTROUTINE. To send data to a currently loaded routine using the CEI_CURRENTROUTINE functionality, the routines gage converters must have file filters using an
extension, for example .ext.
The .ext can be any extension, if the CEI_CURRENTROUTINE
files will have an extension (.csv, .txt, etc). The gage converter file
filter could also be a plain wildcard *, with no extension, if there
will be no extension on the CEI_CURRENTROUTINE file.
If no routine is loaded, an error message popup will note the routine
is empty and not loaded.
send a gage data file to the currently loaded routine. A routine
should never be named either CEI_CURRENTROUTINE or
CEIRTN or the 'current routine' functionality will not work. Instead,
every time a gage data file of either of the above names is detected,
the routine of the matching name will be loaded.
Chapter 3: AutoComp Functionality
Multi-Gage Routine Diagram
The following illustration shows AutoComp functionality for a
multi-gage routine (where different dimensions in a routine are measured by different gages).
Figure 3-1: Multi-Gage Routine Diagram
Chapter 3: AutoComp Functionality
Chapter 4: PC Application (HMI)
Main Window
AutoComp uses a familiar Windows-based graphical user interface.
The system supports either a touch-sensitive monitor or a standard
keyboard and mouse.
The Main Window’s components are:
Title bar: Displays the machine name.
Tool bar: Displays the functions available to supervisor-level
or operator-level users.
Run Screen: The Run Screen area is only filled with a Run
Screen if a routine is loaded. It is discussed in detail in "Working with Run Data" (page 76).
Note: When installing more than one Autocomp on a PC, each will
have a different default machine name and icon in the title bar.
When AutoComp first starts (with no routine loaded), the Main Window appears as shown below (if the user is at supervisor level).
Figure 4-1: AutoComp Main Window with No Routine Loaded
(Supervisor Level)
If the user is at operator level, most of the Main Window functions
are not active and the tool bar appears as follows:
Chapter 4: PC Application (HMI)
Figure 4-2: Main Window Tool Bar (Operator Level with No Routine Loaded)
The Main Window tool bar is always displayed, whether or not a
routine is loaded.
When a routine is loaded, the large area below the tool bar (which
is called the Run Screen) displays the run data. Routines can be
unloaded or suspended using the Run Screen tool bar.
See also:
"Working with Run Data" (page 76)
"Run Screen" (page 77)
Main Window Tool Bar Functions
The Main Window tool bar displays different functions depending
on whether it is set to supervisor or operator level. For more information, see "Security Levels" (page 26).
Supervisor Level users have access to the following buttons:
Edit Routines Button
Load Routine Button
Create Routine Button
Delete Routine Button
About Button
Routine Path Button
Configuration Button
Help Button
View Log Button
Operator Level users are restricted to:
Load Routine Button
View Log Button
About Button
Help Button
Supervisor Level Button
All of the Main Window tool bar buttons are discussed below.
Chapter 4: PC Application (HMI)
Edit Routines Button
This button opens a selection list box where an existing routine can
be selected. Selecting a routine brings up the Routine Editor window, where dimension parameters are edited. The parameters include
general parameters, compensation parameters, and machine parameters.
Tool compensation can be enabled for a dimension from the Routine
Note: To edit an active routine, use the Detail Chart.
See also:
"Creating and Editing Routines" (page 45)
"Using the Detail Chart" (page 54)
Load Routine Button
This button opens a selection list box where an existing routine can
be selected to load. This activates an existing compensation routine
for actual gage compensation.
When a routine is loaded, a Run Screen is displayed within the
Main Window and actual part measurement is enabled.
Routines are automatically loaded as gage data files are detected by
AutoComp or by a CNC variable value if that functionality is
Note: A routine can be unloaded or suspended by pressing the
Unload Routine or Suspend Routine button in the Run Screen.
See also:
"Creating and Editing Routines" (page 45)
"Working with Run Data" (page 76)
"Loading Test Run Data" (page 147)
"Unload, and Suspend Routine Buttons" (page 82)
Create Routine Button
Clicking this button allows the user to create a routine starting by
naming the new routine.
After entering the name, the Part Routines window opens and a new
tool compensation routine can be created.
See also:
"Creating and Editing Routines" (page 45)
Chapter 4: PC Application (HMI)
Delete Routine Button
This button opens a selection list box where routines can be
deleted. This removes the routine from the part routine directory.
See also:
"Creating and Editing Routines" (page 45)
About Button
The About button opens a window that provides AutoComp version
information and Caron Engineering contact information.
Figure 4-3: AutoComp About Window
For information on CNC licensing, see Activating AutoComp
Note: If you want your company's logo to appear at the bottom of
the AutoComp About window, contact CEI.
Chapter 4: PC Application (HMI)
Routine Path Button
This button allows the user to change the routine file path. This
may be desirable if storage of routines in groups is desirable, or storage of routines on a network drive.
Note: This can only be done if no routine is loaded.
Configuration Button
This button opens the User Options window where user options can
be set including security level and run-data management method.
The User Options window also includes the System Configuration
button where system configuration parameters including setup/production modes, system global compensation rules, and gage and
CNC interface information can be set.
See also:
"Initializing the AutoComp System" (page 20)
"Configuring the AutoComp System" (page 24)
Help Button
The Help button supplies access AutoComp's online help, which is
a windows help representation of the User’s Manual.
Note: The Help window and the panes of the window can be resized.
Note: The AutoComp documentation is also available as a .pdf document that can be printed or viewed online.
Chapter 4: PC Application (HMI)
View Log Button
To view run time log file data, press the View Log button in the
Main Window tool bar. The run time log file data are displayed in
the Information Log window.
Figure 4-4: Information Log Window
Note: The View Log button will toggle between black "View Log"
and red bold "System Error" text on any CNC communication or
gage data error. If the error clears, "View Log" will remain as the
text of the tool bar button.
See also:
Run Data Log Files
Chapter 4: PC Application (HMI)
Selection List Box
When editing, loading, or deleting an existing routine, first press the
appropriate button in the Main Window tool bar.
A selection list dialog box appears, listing all the sources or
routines in the part routines directory.
Figure 4-5: Selection List Box
Press the desired routine to select it and press OK.
See also:
"Creating and Editing Routines" (page 45)
Chapter 4: PC Application (HMI)
Chapter 5: Initializing the
AutoComp System
Initializing AutoComp: Introduction
There are several steps in preparing the system to receive gage data
and send CNC offsets. First the system must be initialized, as
described in this chapter. After initializing the system, global parameters can be set and routines can be created.
To initialize the system, complete the following steps in order:
1. Install AutoComp. See "Installing AutoComp" (page 20).
2. Activate AutoComp licensing. See "Activating AutoComp
Licensing" (page 22).
3. Configure the CNC interface by specifying the compensation
source machine. See "CNC Interface Configuration: Overview" (page 23). This is discussed in detail in "CNC Detail"
(page 100).
4. Configure gage converter(s) to process the gage data files for
the system ( a new gage converter may be configured if necessary). See "Gage Converter Configuration: Overview" (page
23). This is discussed in detail in "Gage Converter Configuration" (page 135).
After Initializing the system, ensure that the system global parameters are set properly.
Installing AutoComp
Double click on the setup.exe file in the AutoComp folder to begin
the setup process.
Chapter 5: Initializing the AutoComp System
End User License Agreement
Upon the first launch of AutoComp, the End User License Agreement opens. After reading and understanding the end user license
agreement, press Accept. If you have questions about the EULA
please contact CEI support. If the EULA is declined, the software
will not move on to the licensing process.
Figure 5-1: AutoComp EULA
Chapter 5: Initializing the AutoComp System
Activating AutoComp Licensing
Before using AutoComp for the first time, activate it using a key
provided by Caron Engineering.
1. When the Verify System License screen appears, follow the
instructions you received via email to log into your account
and obtain a product license.
Figure 5-2: Verify System License Window
2. Enter the activation key provided and press Apply to begin
the initialization process.
3. There is a field to enter a Serial number for tracking. Leaving
this field blank will set the serial number to 00-0000. When
entering a serial number it must be in the form of XX-YYYY.
The serial number is displayed in the About screen, with the
Autocomp version number. The about screen has a button to
'Update serial number' that can be used if the correct number
is not known at the time of licensing.
Note: An activation key is not necessary to use the TestCNC Interface. Just enter the AutoComp Demonstration license: -98765.
After entering a valid AutoComp license, the CNC interface can be
Chapter 5: Initializing the AutoComp System
CNC Interface Configuration: Overview
In initializing the system, configure the CNC interface. Depending
on the control, this may entail specifying the type of CNC interface
the system uses and specifying the CNC’s IP address and other parameters. With some controls (for example Brother, Mazak, Okuma,
and Siemens) a server must be installed in addition to the CNC interface.
See also:
See "CNC Detail" (page 100) for the documentation on your control
Gage Converter Configuration: Overview
Gage converter configuration consists of defining how gage data
files will be parsed to obtain the actual measurement data. Each
gage converter is configured to allow AutoComp to monitor folders
(networked or local) for gage data files. When a gage writes a data
file to the assigned folder on the PC, AutoComp reads and processes
the data, and then deletes the data file from the folder.
There are the following three options for gage converters:
Use the default gage converters
Edit existing gage converters
Create new gage converters
See also:
"Gage Converter Configuration" (page 135)
Check System Global Parameters
Before loading the first routine or processing the first gage measurement file, ensure that the system global parameters are set properly for the compensation requirements. Check the default system
global parameters, and change them if desired in the System Configuration window.
See also:
"System Global Parameters" (page 32)
Chapter 5: Initializing the AutoComp System
Chapter 6: Configuring the
AutoComp System
Configuring the AutoComp System: Overview
Configuring the AutoComp System consists of specifying variables
in either the User Options window and the System Configuration
The variables set in the User Options window are:
"Security Levels" (page 26)
"Operation Modes" (page 28)
"Specifying Temporary Setup Overrides" (page 29)
Force Front on Cycle Complete
"Access AutoComp from CEI Remote View" (page 30).
The variables set in the System Configuration window are:
"Routine Path" (page 40)
"System Global Parameters" (page 32)
"Cycle Notifications" (page 58)
"Run Data Variables" (page 40)
"Data Tag Variables" (page 42).
Note: The System Configuration window also allows access to the
windows where the CNC interface and the gage converter are selected. See "Initializing the AutoComp System" (page 20)
Chapter 6: Configuring the AutoComp System
User Options Window
Press the Configuration button to open the User Options window
Figure 6-1: User Options Window in Production Mode (Supervisor
The User Options window provides the following functionality:
Security level can be specified. (Access Level). See "Setting
Security Level" (page 26).
Operation Mode can be specified. See "Operation Modes"
(page 28).
The Force Front checkbox forces the Main Window to the
front of the desktop when a cycle completes. See "Force Front
on Cycle Complete" (page 30).
The Run Remote Client checkbox configures AutoComp to
be monitored with CEI Remote View (contact CEI for information). See "Access AutoComp from CEI Remote View" (page
The Machine Name field is editable. The machine name
becomes part of the run data file name. These files are named
as follows:
<routine(machine)> <timestamp>.csv
Chapter 6: Configuring the AutoComp System
See "Run Data Log Files" (page 97) and "Run Data Views"
(page 83).
The System Configuration button allows access to the System
Configuration window where file management and global
parameters can be configured. See "System Configuration Window" (page 31)
The Delete Gage Data Files button allows any gage data files
that match the defined gage converter filter in all gage converter folders to be deleted.
The List Gage Converter Folder Files button allows the user
to list all files in the gage converter folders.
MT Connect functionality is available. See the configuration
window for the IP address and port to use in the MT connect
agent. For more information, please refer to the Caron Engineering MT Connect Adaptor Manual.
Note: See "Support" (page 151)
Security Levels
AutoComp has two security levels:
Operator Level restricts access to system configuration parameters and editing routines. At operator level, routines can be
loaded and unloaded. The current offset data and data log
files can be viewed also.
Supervisor Level access allows all operations.
Security level and the supervisor’s password can be set in the User
Options window. See User Options Window.
Note: At operator level, a supervisor password must be entered in
order to close AutoComp. See "Starting and Exiting AutoComp"
(page 4).
Setting Security Level
Set security level as follows.
1. Go to the User Options window by pressing Configuration
in the Main Window tool bar.
Figure 6-2: User Options Window Access Level Section
2. Press the radio button next to the desired security level.
3. After setting the access level and other parameters, press
Chapter 6: Configuring the AutoComp System
Changing Security Level
At operator level, change to supervisor level as follows:
1. Click on Supervisor Level in the tool bar at the top of the
Main Window.
2. Type the supervisor password and press Enter.
Note: AutoComp can only be exited at supervisor level. See "Starting and Exiting AutoComp" (page 4).
Changing Supervisor’s Password
To change the supervisor password:
1. Set the security level to Operator.
2. Click Change Supervisor Password.
Figure 6-3: Supervisor Password Fields
3. Type the new password in the New Password field.
4. Retype the new password in the Verify New Password field.
5. Press Apply.
Supervisor Login
1. In the Main Window tool bar, click Supervisor Level.
2. Enter the password and press OK.
Chapter 6: Configuring the AutoComp System
Operation Modes
AutoComp has two operation modes: Production Mode and Setup
In Production Mode, AutoComp analyzes gage measurements
automatically. AutoComp loads the proper routine if it is not
already active, suspends an active routine if necessary, performs compensation calculations, and updates CNC offsets,
the Data Grid, and the History Chart.
In Setup Mode, AutoComp loads and suspends routines.
However, any dimension can be re-measured until its cycle or
sub-cycle is accepted or canceled. Re-measurement overwrites
the data, in effect canceling the old measurement for that
Unlike Production Mode, compensation data remains in the
Active column of the Data Grid until the operator accepts or
cancels the cycle, using one of the two buttons that are displayed in the Run Screen tool bar, only in setup mode:
Accept sends the compensations to the CNC. The Data
Grid and the History Chart are updated. Accept only
works if all critical dimensions have been entered.
Cancel discards the cycle of data and clears the Active
column of the Data Grid.
In setup mode, temporary setup overrides can be chosen.
See also:
"Setting Operation Mode" (page 29)
"Choice of Operation Mode" (page 78)
"Manual Gaging Buttons (Setup Mode Only)" (page 82)
Chapter 6: Configuring the AutoComp System
Setting Operation Mode
To set operation mode:
1. Go to the User Options window by pressing Configuration
in the Main Window tool bar.
2. Press the radio button next to the desired operation mode.
Figure 6-4: Operation Mode Section of User Options Window
3. When finished setting Operation Mode and other parameters
in the User Options window, press Apply.
Specifying Temporary Setup Overrides
If using Setup mode, temporary setup override options are displayed
in the Operation Mode section of the User Options window.
Figure 6-5: Operation Mode Section of User Options Window
Disable Trend/Skip: Check this to temporarily ignore dimension skip and trend settings during setup.
Comp All Dimensions: Check this to temporarily ignore system flags to NOT compensate rejected dimensions or dimensions that exceed the wear limit during setup.
Setup Cycles: Select the number of cycles to run in setup
mode before automatically switching to production mode.
The default (0) means that the user must manually switch to
production mode when needed.
When finished setting temporary setup overrides, and other parameters in the User Options window, press Apply.
Chapter 6: Configuring the AutoComp System
Force Front on Cycle Complete
AutoComp can be configured so that the Main Window is forced to
the front of the desktop when a cycle completes. To do this, check
Force Front on the right hand side of User Options window.
Figure 6-6: Force Front Check Box on User Options Window
When finished setting Force Front, and other parameters in the User
Options window, press Apply.
Access AutoComp from CEI Remote View
AutoComp can be configured to be monitored with CEI Remote
View (contact CEI for information).
To do this, check Run Remote Client in the lower left of the User
Options window.
Figure 6-7: Run Remote Client Check Box on User Options Window
Note: The Machine Name field is editable and is displayed in the
title bar in Remote View. The machine name is contained as part of
the run data log file name.
When finished setting Run Remote Client, Machine Name, and
other parameters in the User Options window, press Apply.
Chapter 6: Configuring the AutoComp System
System Configuration Window
The System Configuration button in the User Options window
opens the System Configuration window.
Figure 6-8: System Configuration Window
When configuring the AutoComp system, this window allows viewing or changing the routine storage path, specifying run data file locations, setting system global parameters and cycle notifications.
The following sections describe the System Configuration window
"Gage and CNC Definitions" (page 32)
"System Global Parameters" (page 32)
"AutoComp Cycle Notifications" (page 38)
"Routine Path" (page 40)
"Run Data Variables" (page 40)
"Data Tag Variables" (page 42).
Note: When initializing the AutoComp system, this window opens
sub-windows where gage and CNC variables are set.
See also:
"Initializing the AutoComp System" (page 20)
Chapter 6: Configuring the AutoComp System
Gage and CNC Definitions
Figure 6-9: Gage Converters and CNC System Buttons in Sys. Config Window
These buttons open sub-windows where gage and CNC definitions
are set.
See also:
"Initializing the AutoComp System" (page 20)
System Global Parameters
System global parameters are set in the System Configuration window.
Figure 6-10: System Global Parameter Section of Sys. Config Window
The parameters that are selected (“checked”) by default are:
Wear Offset Compensation
Dimension Limits as Deviation.
Note: Load Routine Variable is only available when communicating with controls that support ethernet variable read/write
All of the system global parameters are discussed in the following
Chapter 6: Configuring the AutoComp System
INFO Button
The INFO button is at the bottom right of the System Configuration
window's System Global Parameters section.
Figure 6-11: System Global Parameters in System Configuration
Hover over a check-box with a mouse to display a brief description
of that check-box item. This hover functionality is not available
with a touch screen.
The INFO button allows use of a touch screen or a mouse to display information on each item in the Configuration Information
Figure 6-12: Configuration Information Window (CompOnReject
Chapter 6: Configuring the AutoComp System
Comp On Reject Parameter
This determines how the system handles out-of- tolerance dimensions. If this value is checked, the system will perform the compensation algorithm for the entire cycle, even if a dimension is out
of tolerance.
If unchecked, and a single dimension is outside its reject limits, no
compensation will be done for any dimension in the cycle (for a
single gage routine) or subcycle (for a multi-gage routine).
Comp Rejected Dimensions
The Comp Rejected Dimensions feature determines whether or not
rejected dimensions are compensated (only used if CompOnReject is
If this value is checked (and CompOnReject is also checked), then
dimensions outside their reject limits are compensated. See "Comp
On Reject Parameter" (page 34).
Comp After Wear
Comp After Wear determines whether AutoComp will continue to
compensate a tool after its wear limit as defined in the routine has
been reached.
Note: The wear limit is set by dimension in the routine.
If checked, compensation will continue on dimensions that have
exceeded their wear limit.
CNC Decimal Precision
CNC Decimal Precision determines the number of decimal places to
the right of the decimal point that the CNC compensation value is
rounded to.
The default value is five. To change it, click in the field and enter
the desired value.
Note: Gage converter precision is based on this number, plus one.
For example if CNC decimal precision is 5, gage converter decimal
precision is 6 decimal places to the right of the decimal point.
Clear Offset On Tool Change
Clear Offset on Tool Change determines if the CNC offset is
cleared (set to 0) when an operator clears an AutoComp dimension
tool life (either from the Tool Change button of the Run Time
Details View, or the Tool Life Indicator on the History Chart).
If checked (default), the CNC offset will be cleared when the
AutoComp tool life is reset (for Focas, DNC2, and Okuma P controls).
Chapter 6: Configuring the AutoComp System
Expire Tool On Wear Limit
Expire Tool on Wear Limit determines if the CNC tool life management Tool Expired (or NG) flag is set when a dimension has
exceeded its wear limit.
Only valid if the CNC is using tool life management, and for dimensions with ToolGroup/GroupOffset values set. (Currently used with
Okuma P and Focas controls only.)
Wear Offset Compensation
Wear Offset Compensation determines whether AutoComp writes
compensation data to the tool geometry offset of the CNC, or to the
tool wear offset (if available).
If checked (default), tool wear offsets are written.
Log Level
This is for support purposes only, and should remain the default
value of 0.
Skip Count Functionality
Skip Count sets the number of compensation cycles to skip processing in an automated environment where a delay is required
between production of a part and its gaging.
A value of 0 is the default skip count. The default skip count for
new routines can be set in the System Configuration window.
The skip count is initiated on a dimension only after a compensation is produced.
If a routine is suspended, the current skip value for each dimension
is saved and used to initialize the skip on the next routine load.
If a routine is unloaded, the skip is initialized for each dimension on
the next load as defined in the Dimension Parameters tab of the
Routine Editor.
Chapter 6: Configuring the AutoComp System
Skip/Trend Functionality:
Skip and trend interact as follows:
There is no skip on a dimension until a compensation is produced.
From that compensated cycle, for skip cycles, everything pertaining to that dimension is ignored, meaning that there are
no updates to wear, trend buffer, etc.
At the end of skip cycles, functionality returns to 'normal' as
if there was no skip.
Trending continues until the next cycle that produces a compensation for the dimension, at which time the skip functionality is initiated again for that dimension.
See also:
"Trend Count" (page 67)
"Units, Cpk and Flyer Percent" (page 57)
Viewable Data Cycles
This allows the number of data cycles that are viewable in the Data
Grid to be set.
A Viewable Data Cycles value of 10 is the default for each newly
created routine.
In the History Chart and Data Grid, ten cycles can be viewed at a
time in the History Chart. If the number of viewable data cycles is
set to more than ten, a scroll bar allows scrolling through the cycles.
The last cycle (represented by the right-most square “point”) in the
graph corresponds to the last column in the data grid below the
Note: The more cycles are viewable in the grid, the LONGER it
will take to load a routine, as the grid must be filled with the historical data. This could affect processing time and should be tested
by the operator to find an acceptable balance.
See also:
"Working with Run Data" (page 76)
Dimension Limits Deviation
This determines whether tolerance and compensation values are
entered as deviations from the dimension nominal when editing a
If checked (default), they are entered as deviations. Otherwise, they
must be entered as actual values.
Chapter 6: Configuring the AutoComp System
Offset Display As Deviation
This controls whether actual gage values are displayed as deviations
from the nominal in the Data Grid.
If checked, they are displayed as deviations. Otherwise, the actual
gaged values are displayed as received from the gage.\
In the following example, the data file has two dimensions. The
nominal for the first dimension is 1 and the second dimension’s nominal is 2. When the Offset Display as Deviation check-box is
unchecked, the gage values in the data grid appear as the actual values received from the gage. This can be seen in the following screen
Figure 6-13: Gage values as Actual(Outlined)
When the Offset Display as Deviation check-box is checked, the
gage values will appear in the data grid as deviations instead. This
can be seen in the screen capture below.
Figure 6-14: Gage Values as Deviations(Outlined)
Note: When a dimension's nominal is 0, the absolute values and
deviation values will be the same.
Trend Reset Time and Trend Reset Over
If AutoComp has not received data in the time set in the Trend
Reset Time field, the trend is reset for every routine newly-loaded
(first load only) for the trend reset period.
When entering the Trend Reset Time in the field, use the format
minutes.seconds. For example, a Trend Reset Time of two minutes
and 3 seconds would be entered as "2.3".
Trend Reset Over: This condition lasts for the trend reset period,
after which (assuming gage data are being processed) routines that
have not yet been loaded since trend reset began will no longer
have trend buffers reset on the first cycle.
Trend Reset Over is initialized to 1 if the Trend Reset Time is set
above zero. This value can be changed in the same format as Trend
Reset Time.
Chapter 6: Configuring the AutoComp System
Load Routine Variable
Load Routine Variable is only available with controls where
AutoComp has access to read/write variables, for example Mazak,
Focas, and Okuma P200/300 (Mill and Lathe) controls.
This system global parameter works in conjunction with the
Routine Editor's AutoLoad Routine Value.
For detailed information, see "AutoLoad Routine Value" (page 56).
AutoComp Cycle Notifications
The AutoComp system allows the user to pass macro variables to a
control when completing a cycle, compensating a dimension, and
exceeding the wear limit on a tool.
Note: These are defaults for all newly created routines, and they can
be changed for any individual routine.
Figure 6-15: AutoComp Cycle Notifications Section of Sys. Config.
The cycle notifications are discussed in the sections that follow.
Chapter 6: Configuring the AutoComp System
Cycle Complete
This CNC macro or common variable is set on each cycle completion.
If all dimensions in a cycle were measured, the CycleComplete
value is set.
If any dimensions were missing measurements when the cycle finished, the Cycle Missing Dimensions value is set.
Note: If (due to error) a dimension's measurement field is not
numeric, the dimension will appear as a missing measurement. If the
missing dimension is marked as critical it will hold up the cycle
from completion. The routine can be manually unloaded to proceed.
Wear Limit Notification
When enabled, this CNC macro or common variable is set on each
cycle completion.
If any dimension exceeds 100% of its tool life, the Wear Exceeded
value is set.
If all dimensions are within tool (wear) life limits, the Wear GOOD
value is set.
A macro value of 0 (zero), means no macro/variable is set for
Good/Reject status.
Any individual dimension with a tool wear limit of 0 will not be
considered as ever exceeding its wear life. This is the default value
initially used by newly-created routines.
Compensation Ack
The Compensation Ack CNC macro or common variable is set on
each cycle completion. A macro value of 0 (zero) means that no macro/variable is set for Good/Reject status.
The value of 0 is the default value for newly-created routines.
If all dimensions in a cycle were within reject limits, the Cycle
GOOD value is set.
If any dimensions were outside reject limits when the cycle finished,
the Cycle Reject value is set.
Chapter 6: Configuring the AutoComp System
Routine Path
The Routine Path button allows viewing or changing the routine
.ini file location. Under most circumstances, this location should
remain the default.
Figure 6-16: Routine Path Button on Sys Config Window
When finished setting this and other variables, press OK.
Run Data Variables
The buttons and fields in this section of the System Configuration
window specify:
RunData Main Path
RunData Reset Times
Purge RunData Times.
Figure 6-17: RunData Variables in System Configuration Window
Before looking at how to set these run data variables, it is important
to have an "Run Data Files and Data Tag Overview" (page 40) of
how they are interrelated with each other and with the Data Tag
variables. See "Data Tag Variables" (page 42)
Run Data Files and Data Tag Overview
Main Path: Run data files are stored at a location designated using
the RunData Main Path button, and displayed next to that button.
ProcessDataTag is included as a column in the run data files. It is a
user-defined field that is associated with the process, and can be
used, if desired, to name sub-folders in which to store run data.
SubFolders: Instead of using the main path, the run data files can be
stored in sub-folders created under the main path (by part or lot number for example) that change dynamically.
The ProcessData Tag as SubFolder button is used to specify that a
sub-folder is to be used for storing process data (by dynamically
changing the process data tag).
Chapter 6: Configuring the AutoComp System
The process data tag is changed by a text file containing the new
process data tag:
This file is contained in a "watch" folder. The file has a single line
of text (which is the name of the process data sub-folder to be created off the main run data folder).
There are two ways these text files can be created:
Create the text file manually. A <CR><LF> is required to
end the tag.
Use the CEI_COMTOFILE application for RS232-based file
drops (ie BarCodeReader), also requiring a <CR><LF> to
end the tag, or use the manual option of the CEI_
COMTOFILE application.
ProcessData Tag Watch: Use the ProcessData Tag Watch button to
set the folder that AutoComp is to watch for process data tag
change files. The path is displayed next to the button.
Run Data file names: The format of run data file names is as follows:
<routine name>(<machine name>)_<creation time stamp>.csv
Run data files can be imported into Excel.
See also:
See "Note: Run Data Detail" (page 41), for more detailed information about run data files.
Note: Run Data Detail
As always, a new run data file signals a process context change and
resets the Cpk to N/A for the next four cycles. The other historical
data for loaded or suspended routines will remain intact.
If the run data folder is a network share that becomes unavailable,
AutoComp (and DataCollect) will automatically and temporarily
use the run data subfolder in the installation folder to store run data
information. Subfolders will be created as needed (if the ProcessData
Tag As SubFolder option is used). Under this condition, each time a
new run data file is opened (from an unloaded or suspended routine
being reloaded, a run data lifetime expiration, or a run data subfolder change) an attempt will be made to reconnect to the network
share. If successful, run data files will be stored there. Run data files
created locally while the network share was down will remain local
until manually moved.
Note: There is the possibility of losing one cycle of data when the
network share becomes unavailable.
While the network share is unavailable, a new run data file will be
created every time a routine is loaded. On every routine load, the
Chapter 6: Configuring the AutoComp System
network share will attempt to be accessed as the target of the run
data, and a failure results in a new "local" file being started.
Run Data Main Path
Run data files (AutoComp historical data based on routine and
machine names) can be stored anywhere on the network. (See "Run
Data Files and Data Tag Overview" (page 40), for more information.)
The RunData Path Main Path button specifies where run data files
will be stored.
Figure 6-18: RunData Main Path Button on Sys Config Window
When finished setting this and other variables in the User Options
window, press OK.
Run Data Reset Days, Hours, and Minutes
The Run Data Reset fields allow setting the lifetime of run data
files by days:hours:minutes. There is a 0->60 second resolution on
this lifetime, as files are checked every minute for expirations.
If all fields are 0 (zero) the run data file continues to append data
until the routine is unloaded.
If the Run Data Reset fields are used, a run data file for a routine
will be closed and a new run data file started when the specified
reset time expires (based on the file creation time). This will continue until the routine is unloaded.
Figure 6-19: Run Data Reset Times Fields in the Sys. Config. Window
Note: If the ProcessDataTagAsSubFolder option is used and the
target run data folder changes, a new run data file is started.
When finished setting variables in the System Configuration window, press OK.
Data Tag Variables
Current Data Tag:
The current label logged with each cycle as the data tag in the run
data file. If using sub-folders, this is the name of the sub-folder that
run data files are created in.
Chapter 6: Configuring the AutoComp System
Process Data Tag Watch:
The Process Data Tag Watch button allows the user to specify the
folder to “watch” for process data tag change files. (See "Run Data
Files and Data Tag Overview" (page 40), for more information.)
Figure 6-20: ProcessData Tag Watch Button in Sys. Config. Window
After choosing or creating a folder, Press OK. The folder and path
are displayed in the System Configuration window:
Figure 6-21: ProcessData Tag Watch Button with Folder and Path
Process Data Tag as SubFolder:
Run data files can be stored in a sub-folder off the RunData Main
The sub-folder is named by the current process data tag, and
changes when a new process data tag change file appears.
To store run data files in a sub-folder, check the ProcessData Tag as
Sub-folder check-box.
Figure 6-22: ProcessData Tag as SubFolder Checkbox
When finished setting variables in the System Configuration window, press OK.
(See "Run Data Files and Data Tag Overview" (page 40) for more
Chapter 6: Configuring the AutoComp System
Purge Run Data Files
The Purge RunData options are located in the RunData section of
the System Configuration window.
Figure 6-23: Purge RunData Times
The Purge Run Data function deletes all run data files in the current run data folder except:
the file associate with the currently loaded routine (if any)
the newest file for each routine in "suspended" mode.
The check boxes specify when all run data (other than above exceptions) will be purged:
Purge Daily: Deletes all run data files older than 24 hours,
based on the current PC time. System checks for the required
purge on startup, and at 8 hour intervals.
Purge Weekly: Deletes all run data files older than one week,
based on the current PC time. System checks for the required
purge on startup, and at 8 hour intervals.
Purge Monthly: Deletes all run data files older than 30 days,
based on the current PC time. System checks for the required
purge on startup, and at 8 hour intervals.
Purge NOW: Deletes all run data files immediately.
See also:
"Run Data Variables" (page 40)
"Run Data Log Files" (page 97)
Chapter 6: Configuring the AutoComp System
Chapter 7: Creating and Editing
Creating and Editing Routines: Overview
This chapter provides step-by-step instructions for creating and editing routines. It does not give detailed information on routine or
dimension parameters. For this information, go to "Global Routine
Parameters" (page 55) and "Dimension Parameters" (page 61). It also
does not give detailed information on how routines function. For
this information, go to "AutoComp Functionality" (page 7).
The sections in this chapter are:
"Creating a Routine" (page 45), which explains the first step
in creating a routine
"Using the Routine Editor" (page 46), which explains how to
enter routine and parameter information for both new routines
and existing inactive routines
"Using the Detail Chart" (page 54), which explains how to
edit an active routine.
Creating a Routine
To create a routine, perform the following steps:
1. Name the routine.
2. Specify routine and dimension parameters in the Routine
3. Save the routine.
Chapter 7: Creating and Editing Routines
Naming the Routine
The names of routines and gage data files are crucial in AutoComp’s
ability to detect and load routines, so before attempting to create a
routine it is important to read the"AutoComp Functionality" (page
7) which explains how AutoComp uses routine names.
1. In the Main Window toolbar, press Create Routine.
2. Type the routine name and press OK.
3. Enter all routine parameter information in this tab, and then
go to the Dimension Parameters tab and enter all necessary
information there.
See also:
"Global Routine Parameters and Dimension Parameters" (page 55)
"How AutoComp Selects and Loads a Routine Automatically" (page
Using the Routine Editor
The Routine Editor is used to enter dimension and routine parameter
data in inactive routines. The Routine Editor has two tabs: a
Routine Parameters tab and a Dimension Parameters tab.
This section describes both tabs of the Routine Editor.
Note: Dimensions in an active routine can be edited in the Detail
See also:
"Global Routine Parameters and Dimension Parameters" (page 55).
"Using the Detail Chart" (page 54).
"Note on Mazak Tool Names" (page 119)
"Note on Siemens Tool Names" (page 131)
Chapter 7: Creating and Editing Routines
Editing Routine Parameters in the Routine
Routine parameters are also called “global” parameters because they
affect all dimensions in a given routine (unlike dimension parameters, which only affect specific dimensions).
If editing an existing routine, the values entered in the Routine Parameters tab of the Routine Editor will override system configuration
variables and previously entered values for the routine.
This section outlines the routine parameters and explains the control
buttons. For detailed information on routine parameters, see "Global
Routine Parameters and Dimension Parameters" (page 55).
To go to the Routine Editor's Routine Parameters tab:
If creating a new routine, as soon as the routine is named the
Routine Editor appears. (see below).
If editing an existing routine, press the Edit Routines button
on the Main Window tool bar and select the routine from the
Select Routine window.
Figure 7-1: AutoComp Routine Editor, Routine Parameters Tab
See also:
"Global Routine Parameters and Dimension Parameters" (page 55).
Chapter 7: Creating and Editing Routines
Edit Routine Parameters
The Edit window's Routine Parameters allows:
Specifying the Variable Path/Subsystem
Specifying the AutoLoad Routine Value (only available on
controls allowing ethernet read/write access to variables)
Selecting Units (inch or millimeter) of all gage readings for
the routine
Setting Cpk: AutoComp calculates Cpk and stores it in a run
data file and displays it in the live Data Grid
Setting the AutoComp Cycle Notification variables
Setting the Gage Required Counter variables.
Setting the flyer percent value in increments of .1 and in the
range of 0-200%.
The Routine Parameters tab will alert the user that a 'save
dimension' is needed if the 'save routine' command button is
Note: For an existing routine, the values entered will override the
system configuration values and the values previously entered for
the routine.
"Path/SubSystem" (page 58)
"Units, Cpk and Flyer Percent" (page 57)
"Cycle Notifications" (page 58)
"Gage Required Counter" (page 60)
Chapter 7: Creating and Editing Routines
Edit Routine Control Buttons
The Routine Editor's Routine Parameters tab includes the following
control buttons:
Select Part View Picture: Part View is an AutoComp operation mode that allows viewing gage data in the context of
an actual picture of the part. When using Part View, load a
picture of the part into AutoComp. Use this button to browse
to the file to be used in Part View for the routine. It must be a
.jpg file. The file is then displayed in the button:
Figure 7-2: Select Part View Picture Button with Image Selected
The button can still be pressed with the picture in it to
browse again to a different .jpg file.
Save Routine: The Save Routine button saves all edits to the
routine (including edits made in the Dimension Parameters
tab) and closes the Routine Editor.
Cancel All Edits: The Cancel All Edits button aborts all edits
to the routine and closes the Routine Editor.
Important: Even saved dimensional edits are aborted.
See also:
"Global Routine Parameters and Dimension Parameters" (page 55)
Editing Dimension Parameters in the
Routine Editor
A dimension is the definition of one measurement of a part. All
measurements that require tool compensation for the part should be
defined in a routine. Dimensions can also be defined as no compensation where the data is just stored with all the historcial data
for the cycle. This section describes the Dimension Parameters tab,
where dimensions are edited in routines that are not active.
In the Routine Editor, select the Dimension Parameters tab (shown
below), to program dimension parameters.
Chapter 7: Creating and Editing Routines
Figure 7-3: AutoComp Routine Editor, Dimension Parameters Tab
Use the Previous Dim button and the Next Dim button to display
the dimension to edit.
See also:
Global Routine Parameters and Dimension Parameters.
"Using the Detail Chart" (page 54)
Edit Dimensions Control Buttons
With the exception of the Rename field, the Routine Editor's dimension parameters control buttons are on the right side of the Dimension Parameters tab.
Rename: This button renames the current dimension.
MoveDimIndex Up/Down: The display order indicates the
order in which dimensions will be displayed on the Run
Screen. Use the MoveUp/MoveDown buttons to re-order the
Duplicate Dimension: Use this button to create a duplicate of
the current dimension with a different name. When Duplicate
Dimension is pressed, the name of the current dimension is
displayed in the DimensionName field followed by an underscore “__”. Rename the new dimension as desired.
New Dimension: Use this button to add a new dimension.
Delete Dimension: Use this button to delete the currently
selected dimension.
Save Dimension: When finished editing parameters, press the
Save Dimension button to confirm the edits before going on
to another dimension.
Chapter 7: Creating and Editing Routines
Undo Dimension: The Undo Dimension button returns parameter values to the last saved setting. Once the dimension has
been saved, this button is unavailable.
Save Routine: The Save Routine button saves all edits to the
routine and closes the Routine Editor.
Cancel All Edits: The Cancel All Edits button aborts all edits
to the routine and closes the Routine Editor.
Important: Even saved dimensional edits are aborted.
Save Routine As: This creates a duplicate of the routine by
saving it to another name. The routine can now be edited as
needed. The edits must be saved to save the routine as its new
To Edit Dimension Parameters in an Existing
To edit dimensions in an existing routine that is not active, follow
these steps:
1. Press Edit Routines in the Main Window toolbar.
2. Select the desired routine and press OK.
3. Click on the Dimension Parameters tab.
4. Select the dimension to edit by selecting the dimension from
the drop-down list.
5. Enter general parameters for the dimension.
(See "General Dimension Parameters" (page 61), for information on each parameter.)
6. If desired, press the Tool Compensation check-box to enable
tool compensation for the dimension. Otherwise skip to step 7
If tool compensation is enabled, new compensation parameters and machine parameters can be entered. The new values replace the old ones.
7. Press Save Dimension when finished entering parameter values.
8. Edit more dimensions by repeating steps 3-7.
9. After entering the final dimension, press Save Routine.
See also:
Global Routine Parameters and Dimension Parameters
Chapter 7: Creating and Editing Routines
Adding a Dimension to an Existing Routine
A dimension is one set of measurements of a part that is tooled in a
routine. For more detailed information on dimensions, see "Global
Routine Parameters and Dimension Parameters" (page 55).
There are two ways to add a dimension to an existing routine:
Add an original dimension, entering all information manually.
See "To Add a New Dimension to an Existing Routine" (page
Add a dimension by using the Duplicate Dimension control
button and then editing it as needed. See "To Add a Dimension Using Duplicate Dimension" (page 53).
Use the control buttons in the Dimension Parameters tab to add new
To Add a New Dimension to an Existing
New dimension can be added to an existing routine in the Routine
Editor's Dimension Parameters tab using these steps:
1. In the Main Window tool bar, press Edit Routines.
2. Select the desired routine and press OK.
3. Go to the Routine Editor's Dimension Parameters tab.
4. Press the New Dimension control button.
5. Enter the name of the new dimension and press OK.
6. Enter general parameters for the new dimension
See "Global Routine Parameters" (page 55) for information on
each parameter.
7. If desired, press the Tool Compensation check-box to enable
tool compensation for the dimension. Otherwise skip to step
7. If tool compensation is enabled, new compensation parameters and machine parameters can be entered.
8. Press Save Dimension when finished entering parameter values.
The dimension with its associated parameters is added to the
routine. It is the last dimension in the routine’s list of dimensions. Use Move Up to change its order in the dimension list.
Press the Save Routine button in order for the dimension to
be saved.
Chapter 7: Creating and Editing Routines
To Add a Dimension Using Duplicate Dimension
A new dimension can be added to a routine by duplicating the current dimension.
1. In the Main Window tool bar, press Edit Routines.
2. Select the desired routine and press OK.
3. Go to the Dimension Parameters tab.
4. In the Routine Editor's Dimension Parameters tab, press the
Duplicate Dimension control button.
The name of the current dimension is displayed in the DimensionName field, followed by an underscore “__”. This dimension has all of the same values of the dimension it duplicates.
5. Rename the new dimension as desired. Edit the dimension as
6. Press Save Dimension when finished entering parameter values.
The dimension with its associated parameters is added to the
routine. It is the last dimension in the routine’s list of dimensions. Use Move Up if to change its order in the dimension
Press the Save Routine button in order for the dimension to
be saved.
Chapter 7: Creating and Editing Routines
Using the Detail Chart
The Detail Chart allows editing a limited number of variables in an
active routine. To edit an active routine:
1. In the routine’s Run Screen, press the View Details/View
Grid/View Chart toggle button, so that the Detail Chart is
Figure 7-4: Detail Chart, Showing Data Entry Keypad
2. In the Detail Chart, press Edit Parameters.
Values that can be edited appear in bold.
3. Press the desired fields to enter values.
4. Press Apply to apply the changes to the active routine.
See also:
"Global Routine Parameters and Dimension Parameters" (page 55)
Chapter 7: Creating and Editing Routines
Chapter 8: Global Routine Parameters and Dimension Parameters
Part routines contain two kinds of parameters: Routine Parameters
(also called global parameters) and Dimension Parameters. The
information entered for a routine parameter is “global” because it
applies to all the dimensions in a routine. Dimension parameters
apply to a single dimension.
Global Routine Parameters
Routine parameters are “global” because they apply to all the dimensions in a routine. The routine parameters are available in the
Routine Parameters tab.
Figure 8-1: Routine Editor’s Routine Parameters Tab
These variables are discussed in the sections that follow.
Chapter 8: Global Routine Parameters and Dimension
AutoLoad Routine Value
The AutoLoad Routine Value parameter is available with controls
that allow AutoComp access to read/write variables (for example,
Mazak, Focas, and Okuma P200/300 controls).
The value entered in this field works in conjunction with the System Configuration window's global parameter, Load Routine Variable.
If the System Configuration window's Load Routine Variable is
less than or equal to 0, this variable is ignored. In the following
example, AutoComp is polling variable 550 watching for a value
requesting a Load or Unload routine command.
Example 1:
Figure 8-2: Load Routine Variable
If the value of the variable (variable 550 in this case) is -1 and a
routine is already loaded, the routine is unloaded (not suspended).
Any routine subsequently loaded, either by a gage file or manually,
will also be unloaded until the variable's value is no longer -1.
If the Load Routine variable's value matches the Routine Editor's
AutoLoad Routine Value, then the routine will be loaded if:
it is not already loaded.
it is not being edited (in which case it will be loaded as soon
as the editor is closed).
the currently loaded routine is not in mid-cycle, or waiting for
critical measurements for the cycle to complete (in which
case, it will be loaded as soon as the cycle completes the currently loaded routine).
Chapter 8: Global Routine Parameters and Dimension
Example 2:
In this example, if variable 550 has the value equal to 3, then this
routine will automatically be loaded.
Figure 8-3: AutoLoad Routine Value
The routine will continue to reload if manually unloaded or suspended (or suspended by a load of a gage data file for another
routine) until the CNC variable value changes.
See also:
Load Routine Variable
Units, Cpk and Flyer Percent
The upper left hand section of the Routine Editor's Routine Parameters tab contains the following variables:
Flyer Percent
Figure 8-4: Units, Cpk, and Flyer percent Fields
Sets the units (millimeter or inch) in which AutoComp is to interpret the gage data. The default is metric. Millimeters are rounded to
four decimal places and inches are rounded to five decimal places.
Process capability index desired. This value is calculated on a per
dimension basis and reported in the Cpk column of the Data Grid
and stored in the run data file.
If absolute value of URL=0 then Cpk=Cpl and if absolute value of
LRL=0 then Cpk=Cpu. Otherwise Cpk is the min as the standard
equation defines.
Chapter 8: Global Routine Parameters and Dimension
Flyer Percent Value
The flyer percent value is the percentage above or below the reject
limits that a gage measurement value will be ignored, even if CompRejectedDimensions is set. If the Flyer Percentage is set to 0 (the
default), the functionality is not enabled. If the functionality is
enabled (flyer percentage from .1% to 200%), and a gage measurement is in the flyer range:
The value will not be placed in the trend buffer, or used for
compensation calculations.
If there are any values in the trend buffer, the oldest value
will be removed but no new value will be added. If this measurement is in a skip cycle, the trend buffer will not be
The value will be used for Cpk calculations.
The value will appear in the runtime grid as a red value, with
no asterisk (no compensation).
The value will count towards a skip cycle if skip is in progress. (As noted above, the trend buffer will not be changed
during a skip cycle.)
Cycle Notifications
The AutoComp Cycle Notifications section of the Routine Editor's
Routine Parameters tab contains the following variables:
Cycle Complete variables
Comp Ack variables
Wear Limit Notification variables
Figure 8-5: Cycle Notification Variables in Routine Editor
These parameters are initially set to system global configuration values and can be changed in each routine.
This refers to the path/turret that is used as the target for variable
Chapter 8: Global Routine Parameters and Dimension
Cycle Complete Variables
There are three Cycle Complete variables:
Cycle Complete Macro: CNC macro or common variable set
on each cycle completion
Cycle Complete: If all dimensions have been measured when
the last routine dimension is processed (signaling a complete
cycle), then the "Cycle Complete" value is written to the
machine variable.
Cycle Missing Dimensions: If any dimension measurements
are "Missing" on cycle completion, the "Cycle Missing Dimensions" value is written. If, due to error, a measurement field
contains non-numeric data, it will appear as "Missing."
Wear Limit Notification Variables
There are three Wear Limit Notification variables.
Wear Limit Macro: CNC macro or common variable set on
each cycle completion. A macro value of 0 (zero), means no
macro variable is to be set for wear limit status. Any individual dimension with a tool wear limit of 0 will not be considered as ever exceeding its wear life. Default values for this
parameter are defined in the system configuration process.
(See "System Global Parameters" (page 32).)
Wear Exceeded: If any dimension has exceeded 100% of its
tool life, the ‘Wear Exceeded’ value is set.
Wear GOOD: If all dimensions are within tool life limits, the
‘Wear GOOD’ value is set.
Comp Ack Variables
There are three Comp Ack variables.
Comp Ack Macro: CNC macro or common variable set on
each cycle completion. A macro value of 0 (zero) means no
macro variable is to be set for Good/Reject status. Default values for this parameter are defined in the system configuration
Cycle Has Reject: If any dimension in the cycle was outside
of the upper or lower reject limits, the ‘Cycle has Reject’
value is set.
Cycle GOOD: If all dimensions are within reject tolerances,
the ‘Cycle GOOD’ value is set.
Chapter 8: Global Routine Parameters and Dimension
Gage Required Counter
The gage required counter reads variable containing the number of
cycles before alerting the operator that gaging is required.
The Gage Required section of the Edit window’s Routine Parameters tab contains the following variables:
Figure 8-6: Gage Required Counter Fields
The Gage Required Macro is the variable to be monitored
by AutoComp and changed by the CNC program to track
parts and signal when gaging is required. The part program
must set this variable after every part. AutoComp will never
set (or zero out) this parameter; it only polls it and shows the
operator the current part count compared to the count that
requires gaging. (See note below.)
Gage Required Count is the number at which the operator
should gage a part. (See note below.)
Gage Required Timer specifies how often to poll the
machine to read the next cycle.
Note: In the Run Screen's status bar, the Count/Required field lists
both the Gage Required Count value ("Count"), which you set here,
and the Gage Required Macro variable VALUE ("Required"). The
color in which the Count/Required data are displayed is dependent
on the value:
Green = 0 to 75% from actual
Yellow = 76% to 95%
Red = higher than 95%.
See Also:
"Run Screen Tool and Status Bar" (page 80)
"Count/Required" (page 81)
Chapter 8: Global Routine Parameters and Dimension
Dimension Parameters
Dimension parameters apply only to a specific dimension. Dimension parameters are set in the Dimension Parameters tab.
Figure 8-7: Dimension Parameters Tab in Routine Editor (with
Tool Compensation Selected)
There are two types of dimension parameters to define:
General parameters which must be set for each dimension,
whether or not tool compensation is enabled.
Compensation parameters (including tool parameters), which
can only be set if tool compensation is enabled.
See Also:
"General Dimension Parameters" (page 61)
"Compensation Parameters" (page 64)
General Dimension Parameters
General dimension parameters are edited in the upper left section of
the Routine Editor.
Figure 8-8: General Dimension Parameters
Chapter 8: Global Routine Parameters and Dimension
These general parameters are discussed in the sections that follow.
Dimension Name
Specify a name for the dimension.
An existing dimension can also be renamed using the Rename button to the right of the name.
Dimension Index
This is the ordinal number (first, second, third, etc.) of the dimension
within the routine. This is not editable. However, the order of dimensions in a routine can be changed using the Move Dimension Up or
Move Dimension Down buttons.
Gage Converter
The gage converter is used to define the gage data file format that
AutoComp will process for this dimension. Gage converters are
defined in the system configuration process.
From the drop-down list, select the converter to associate with this
Figure 8-9: Gage Converter Dropdown List
Add/Edit Converter
The Add/Edit Converter button opens the Gage Configuration Window. In this window, new gage converters can be created and previously created gage converters can be edited.
If adding or editing a Delimited type Gage converter, delimited files
can be parsed by measurement 'tag' names using the Tag Column
field. For more information refer to "NOTE: Delimited Tag Column"
(page 141)
See also:
"Gage Converter Configuration" (page 135)
Chapter 8: Global Routine Parameters and Dimension
Tool Compensation Checkbox
Check this parameter to configure AutoComp to compensate an offset or variable location in the CNC.
When tool compensation is enabled by checking this parameter,
compensation parameters and tool parameters can be entered.
See also:
"Compensation Parameters" (page 64)
The Nominal value is the ‘perfect’ gage measurement for a part. It is
represented in AutoComp’s History Chart as the central, unchanging
horizontal green line.
Indicates what row of the gage data file (or what consecutive element in a set column file) corresponds to this dimension. The
column of actual data measurement varies depending on the gage
interface and is defined when the GageConverter is defined in the
System Configuration window.
Upper/Lower Reject Limit
Select tolerance limits for the dimension. Set this to the deviation
from nominal or absolute value, depending on the system dimension
limits deviation flag.
The reject limits are represented by horizontal red lines on the History Chart. Gaged dimensions which exceed the reject limits are
shown in red on the Data Grid.
Upper or lower reject limits can be marked 'not applicable' in the
Routine editor, which simply sets a + or - .000001 tolerance from
the nominal for that reject limit.
A value greater than or equal to the upper reject limit or less than or
equal to the lower reject limit will be treated as a reject value.
Note: Set this to the deviation from nominal or absolute value,
depending on the system dimension limits deviation flag.
Chapter 8: Global Routine Parameters and Dimension
Cycle Complete Critical
Each routine needs at least one “critical” dimension for a cycle of
data to be completed and for AutoComp to accept the next cycle. A
cycle completes when all critical dimensions have data associated
with them. Any other (non-critical) dimensions that do not have
data yet will be marked missing.
Note: If (due to error) a dimensions measurement field is not
numeric, the dimension will appear as a missing measurement. If the
missing dimension is marked as critical it will hold up the cycle
from completion. The routine can be manually unloaded to proceed.
Compensation Parameters
When tool compensation is enabled, AutoComp provides several
compensation parameters. (To enable tool compensation for a dimension, check the Tool Compensation check-box in the General Parameters section of the Edit window’s Dimension Parameters tab.)
When Tool Compensation is checked, the compensation parameters
are displayed in the following two tabs.
Dimension Compensation Parameters
Control Compensation Parameters
Data is retained when setting a dimension to No-ToolCompenstion
in the routine editor. This allows the data to be automatically filled
in when checking the ToolCompensation check-box. This creates a
temporary hold on tool compensation while the ToolCompensation
setting is unchecked, and re-establishes the compensation functionality when ToolCompensation is re-checked.
When changing back and forth between No-ToolCompensation and
ToolCompensation, the dimension TREND buffers and SKIP count
are not initialized. To force initialization of TREND buffers and
SKIP count either:
1. Unload the routine rather than suspend it (Which will clear
TREND and SKIP for all dimensions) or
2. Manually load the routine and click the TOOL LIFE panel
or Change TOOL button ( in the details view) for the dimension to reset.
These parameters can be edited in the bottom left section of the Edit
window’s Dimension Parameters tab.
The compensation parameters are discussed in the sections that follow.
Chapter 8: Global Routine Parameters and Dimension
Dimension Compensation Parameters
The following compensation parameters can be set in the Dimension
compensation parameters tab:
Upper and Lower Comp Limits
Comp Additive
Tool Name
Tool Wear Limit
CNC Comp
Comp by Percent
Is Radial
Figure 8-10: Dimension Compensation Parameters
Note:Tool Name only appears in the historical data file (RunData
These parameters are described in the following sections.
Upper/Lower Comp Limit
If the actual gaged value lies inside these two limits, the dimension
is deemed good and no compensation is performed. These values
must be defined within the reject limits.
Set this to the deviation from nominal or absolute value, depending
on the system dimension limits deviation flag.
Gage values that lie outside the comp limit and inside the reject limits are sent to the CNC for compensation.
If the system is configured with CompOnReject = False, then no
comps are sent if a gage cycle (for single gage routines) or subcycle
(for multi-gage routines) contains a reject value.
Chapter 8: Global Routine Parameters and Dimension
Comp Additive
Comp Additive allows AutoComp to anticipate process trends by
compensating the CNC back to a point above or below the nominal,
so that the nominal is the mean value, and there is an even twosided distribution.
This can also be used if the part is measured in a hot condition that
requires the desired dimension to deviate from the nominal in order
to anticipate the size reduction when the part cools.
The actual Comp Additive value is added to the calculated compensation value, before being sent to the CNC.
Set the value to zero, if a one-sided distribution is acceptable.
Example of target compensation:
Assume the part tolerance is +/-.001”, the compensation limit
is+/-.0005”, and the Comp Additive is set to -0.0002”.
If the part is measured with an error of +0.0003”, the normal calculation would send a -0.0003” to the tool offset. However, with a
Comp Additive of -0.0002”, the total value sent to the tool offset is
Note: CompByPercent changes the CompAdditive entry to percent
of compensation.
See also:
"Comp by Percent" (page 68)
Tool Name
The user-defined name of the currently active tool. This can be programmed to indicate type of tool that is bound to dimension. This
can be left blank.
Note: With Siemens and Mazak controls, the tool name field
behaves differently. See "CNC Detail" (page 100).
Chapter 8: Global Routine Parameters and Dimension
Tool Wear Limit
The system tracks the accumulated comps sent to a particular offset.
AutoComp displays wear tracking in the rectangular, colored panel
on the right side of the Run Screen. (See "Run Screen Basic Components" (page 79).
If the total comp range of the tool is known, the system can indicate
that this limit has been reached and warn the operator about possible dull tooling.
Set this value to zero to disable this feature.
The algorithm processes wear as an absolute value, so tool wear is
programmed as a positive value even if the machine is being offset
in a negative direction.
Trend Count
The trend is the number of gage readings used to calculate the running average. The running average removes noise from the system
by resolving irregularities in gage measurement caused by factors
other than tool wear.
A trend of three means that the first three measurements are averaged: then when the fourth measurement comes in, it replaces the
first measurement, which is dropped from the calculation. When the
fifth measurement comes in, it replaces the second measurement, and
so on.
The following graph shows grouping and compensation for a trend
of 3 in the third dimension. In this example, trend would be set to
zero or 1 to disable, or 2-10 to provide averaging.
Figure 8-11: History Chart: Grouping and Compensation for a
Trend of Three (Third Dimension)
It is recommended that if entering a value in the Trend field, enter a
value in the CNC Comp Limit field as well. Otherwise the CNC
Comp Limit field is yellow. See "Upper/Lower Comp Limit" (page
Chapter 8: Global Routine Parameters and Dimension
Skip Count
Skip Count is the number of compensation cycles to skip processing
in an automated environment where a delay is required between production of a part and its gaging.
The default value for this parameter is one of the global parameters
defined in the System Configuration window.
For more information, see "Skip Count Functionality" (page 35).
CNC Comp Limit
CNC Comp Limit allows system protection by programming a maximum comp value that is allowable for a dimension.
If the gage value evaluates to a greater comp value than this limit,
the comp is restricted to this maximum (unless this is a variable
dimension, with the Set Always flag set).
Program a zero to disable this feature.
This is evaluated as an absolute value and should be programmed as
a positive value.
It is recommended that if entering a value in the Trend field, enter a
value in the CNC Comp Limit field as well. Otherwise the field is
CNC comp Limit Field, no data entered.
CNC comp Limit Field, with data entered.
Figure 8-12: Trend and CNC Comp Limit Fields (Detail of Routine Editor)
See also:
"Control Compensation Parameters" (page 69)
Comp by Percent
CompByPercent changes the CompAdditive entry to percent of
compensation. This means that the final compensation, as well as
the trend buffer entry, is a percent of the calculated compensation.
See also:
"Comp Additive" (page 66)
Is Radial
Is Radial, when checked, cuts compensation in half before sending
to CNC.
Chapter 8: Global Routine Parameters and Dimension
Control Compensation Parameters
The following compensation parameters can be set in the Control
Compensation Parameters tab:
Machine Variables
Tool groups and offsets
CNC specific fields
Figure 8-13: Control Compensation Parameters
These parameters are described in the following sections.
Variable Compensation Target
There are several machine compensation parameters, which are only
available if a system is communicating with a CNC that has ethernet variable read/write access. These parameters are:
Is Machine Variable
Set Variable
Reverse Sign
Reet Nominal For (used with Reverse Sign)
Set Always
If Is Machine Variable is selected, the target of compensation on the
CNC is a variable, not an offset.
Figure 8-14: Is Machine Variable Selected
Chapter 8: Global Routine Parameters and Dimension
Most of the machine variable compensation parameter fields are displayed. However, Reset Nominal For field is only displayed if
Reverse Sign is selected.
Note: The Tool Offset field has changed, to become the Machine
Variable field.
Note: A dimension cannot use a common variable if using tool life
management (tool groups), so AutoComp does not allow both Is
Machine Variable and Tool Groups to be selected.
All of the compensation parameters are interrelated, and some are
enabled only if others are already selected. The following sections
explain how these machine variable compensation parameters act in
conjunction with one another.
The machine variable compensation parameters are discussed below.
Is Machine Variable (Alone)
When Is Machine Variable is enabled, AutoComp compensates a
machine variable rather than tool or wear offset.
If Is Machine Variable is selected, but SetVariable is not selected,
then compensation to the variable works the same way as the offset
compensation. Compensation is added to the current value in the
variable and the sum is the new variable value.
Is Machine Variable and Set Variable
If both Is Machine Variable and Set Variable are selected, the variable is set with the actual comp value on each gaging cycle.
Figure 8-15: Is Machine Variable and Set Variable Selected
Set Always
Set Always is used to specify that the dimension be forced to send
its value to the target variable, regardless of compensation or reject
limits. This means that the actual value is sent under all compensation circumstances, regardless of the CNC comp limit. The
Chapter 8: Global Routine Parameters and Dimension
only exception is if the value is in the REJECT FLYER limit area.
No value is sent under that circumstance.
Note: This makes the CNC comp limit become the reset nominal
additive with Set Always, so there is no ability to limit.
Set Always can be used whether a dimension is specified in the
Reset Nominal For field (as shown in the screen shot below), or if
using the default ("NONE").
Figure 8-16: Set Always Checked
Is Machine Variable, Set Variable, and Reverse Sign
If the gage loop provides incorrect comp direction, the sign of the
actual sent comp may be reversed by using Reverse Sign. Another
dimension can be marked whose nominal it will change by its own
real value plus a nominal additive.
When Machine Variable, Set Variable, and Reverse Sign are all
selected, the display is as shown below.
Figure 8-17: Reverse Sign Selected
Note: The Reset Nominal For field is now displayed.
Reset Nominal has three options:
Use Default Dimension. If the nominal is not reset (i.e. leave
it at “NONE”), AutoComp uses the default.
Chapter 8: Global Routine Parameters and Dimension
Use Reset Nominal. Another dimension can be marked
whose nominal it will change by its own real value plus a
nominal additive.
Select the dimension from the drop-down list. See screen shot
Figure 8-18: Reset Nominal Drop-down List
Tool Offset Compensation Target
If the compensation target is offsets the parameters in the following
sections are available.
Figure 8-19: Compensation Parameters (with Tool Groups
Set to desired axis. Axis, Turret, and Offset Number together specify tool offset.
Chapter 8: Global Routine Parameters and Dimension
Cut Position and Edge
If using an Okuma Lathe, certain configurations allow an edge and
cut position can be entered in the Dimension Parameters tab.
Figure 8-20: Control Compensation Parameters, including Cut
and Edge Position
Figure 8-21: Tool Cut Position Window
Click in the CutPosition field to display the Tool Cut Position window. Select the desired cut position and press OK.
Reverse Sign
If the gage loop provides incorrect comp direction, the sign of the
actual sent comp may be reversed by using Reverse Sign.
Chapter 8: Global Routine Parameters and Dimension
Comp Designation
If communicating with an Okuma P300 mill, the tool designation
check box becomes available. Clicking the check box will enable
the following choices:
Figure 8-22: Comp Designation
Chapter 8: Global Routine Parameters and Dimension
Tool Groups/Tool Group
This option is only used by controls that have Ethernet access to
tool group and life functionality. It allows viewing and specifying
tool group and group offset information.
Check the Tool Groups box to display the Tool Group and Group
Offset fields.
The data in these fields correspond to the CNC’s group offset
lookup table. The offset of the currently active tool in the listed tool
group listed is the compensation target offset for this dimension.
Notes on Entering Tool Group Data:
When using tool groups for the Focas CNC, check the
ToolGroups box, enter the group in the ToolGroup field, and
set the GroupOffset to any numeric > 0 to fully enable the
tool life management functionality.
A dimension cannot be a common variable if using tool life
management (tool groups), so AutoComp does not allow both
Is Machine Variable and Tool Groups to be selected.
Chapter 8: Global Routine Parameters and Dimension
Chapter 9: Working with Run Data
Run Data: Overview
Run data for the currently loaded routine are displayed in the Run
Screen, which occupies most of the Main Window. Four formats
(views) are available in which to view the data. Some parameters
can be edited in an active routine using the Detail view.
In addition, AutoComp’s historical run data log files that show each
dimension and all of the limits and parameters can be viewed in
Notepad or MS Excel.
Note: AutoComp provides test run data and a Test CNC so that
AutoComp functionality can be explored. See Demo Mode.
See also:
AutoComp Functionality
"Creating and Editing Routines" (page 45)
"Run Screen" (page 77)
"Run Data Views" (page 83)
"Run Data Log Files" (page 97)
Chapter 9: Working with Run Data
Run Screen
The Run Screen is the large area taking up most of the Main Window, beneath the Main Window tool bar. This is where run data are
Figure 9-1: AutoComp Main Window (Run Screen in History Chart
View, Production Mode)
Run data can be viewed in any of four views. There are differences
in the run window display depending on:
Which run data view (History Chart, Grid, Details, or Part)
Whether AutoComp is in Setup or Production operation
The above screen capture shows the Run Screen in production mode
in View Chart.
Run data views and operation modes are explained in the sections
that follow.
Chapter 9: Working with Run Data
Choice of Run Data Views
The following four run data views are available:
View Chart: This view shows run data for a selected dimension in graph format, and the full routine (all dimensions) in a
numerical grid. A tool life indicator box on the right-hand
side of the chart shows tool wear for the selected dimension
as the current percentage of the tool life value. For more
information, see "View Chart" (page 84).
View Grid: This view shows run data for all dimensions in a
numerical data grid. In addition to the stand-alone Data Grid
view, the grid is displayed at the bottom of the History Chart
view. For more information, see "Grid View" (page 89) and
"View Chart" (page 84).
View Details: This view shows detailed numeric data for the
selected dimension. Some dimension parameters can be edited
in Details View. For more information, see "Detail Chart
View" (page 91).
View Part: This shows a photograph or drawing of the part,
with the measurements of dimensions marked. An image of
the part can be loaded. Then dimensions can be specified
whose data is to be viewed. For more information, see "Part
View" (page 92)
Choice of Operation Mode
AutoComp can run in either of two operation modes, Production
Mode or Setup Mode. This affects how data are displayed, as
explained below. (The operation mode is set in the User Options
window.) Chose either production mode or setup mode.
Production Mode: In production mode (automatic compensation
mode), gage data are analyzed by AutoComp, tool compensation is
automatically sent to the CNC, and the run time data display is
Setup Mode: In setup mode, in all views except Details, the gage
data are active until the operator chooses to Accept or Cancel the
cycle. While in setup mode, any dimension can be re-measured until
its cycle or sub-cycle is accepted or canceled. Re-measurement overwrites the data in effect canceling the old measurement for that
See also:
"Operation Modes" (page 28)
"Manual Gaging Buttons (Setup Mode Only)" (page 82)
Chapter 9: Working with Run Data
Opening and Closing the Run Screen
Use the Load Routine button to activate a Run Screen. (Routines
are also loaded automatically as gage data files are detected by
Close the Run Screen by using the Unload Routine or the Suspend
Routine button in the Run Screen’s upper tool bar. A routine can
not be loaded if a routine is already loaded.
Unload: Closes the routine and sets it to open with all dimension data initialized, including Trend and Skip data, the next
time it is loaded.
Suspend: Closes the Routine, but maintains the historical data
for display the next time the routine is opened. When
AutoComp automatically loads a routine as gage data files are
detected, the currently loaded routine is suspended.
Run Screen Basic Components
No matter which run data view is chosen, the Run Screen always
has the following basic components:
Title Bar(at the top of the Run Screen): States the CNC interface device followed by a colon and the name of the routine,
and followed by parentheses containing the RunData:Process
Data Tag, as shown in the screen capture below. For more
information, see "Run Data Variables" (page 40).
Figure 9-2: Run Screen Title Bar
Upper Run Screen Toolbar: Allows the user to Unload or
Suspend Routines, and if in setup mode, to Accept or Cancel
Cycles (the manual gaging buttons). See "Run Screen Upper
Tool Bar" (page 82), and "Operation Modes" (page 28)
Run Screen display area (the large area in the middle), where
data can be viewed, in History Chart, Details, Grid, or Part
view. See "Run Data Views" (page 83)
Run Screen Tool and Status bar (at the bottom of the Run
Screen): Shows the Cycle number, current Time, and current Date. The Count/Required field lists both the gage
required count value ("Count") and the gage required macro
variable value ("Required"). See "Run Screen Tool and Status
Bar" (page 80).
Chapter 9: Working with Run Data
Figure 9-3: AutoComp Run Screen in Chart View, Production
Run Screen Tool and Status Bar
Figure 9-4: Run Screen Tool and Status Bar
The tool and status bar at the bottom of the Run Screen, displays
current cycle data, including:
Cycle: This shows the number of cycles that the current
routine has run. Each cycle represents one part that has been
(or is being) gaged. This is cumulative until the routine is
Time: The current time (HH:MM:SS A/PM format).
Date: The current date (MM/DD/YYYY format).
Count/Required: If a system uses either Okuma P200, P300,
or a Focas 1 or 2 control, this field shows the cycle count and
the count number at which gaging is required. For more
information, see "Count/Required" (page 81).
TrendOK: If using timer variables, when the reset time is
over, this field lists the cycle number of the routine at which
the trend reset ended.
Chapter 9: Working with Run Data
The tool and status bar also includes the following two buttons:
Operator View: This displays a dropdown menu that allows
selecting the run data view. See "Run Data Views" (page 83).
Next Dim: This button allows selecting which dimension to
display as “active” in the Run Screen. Use the Next Dim button to cycle through all the dimensions to return to a previous
Clicking on any dimension name will also highlight that
dimension and display its graph and Tool Life Indicator
panel in the Run Screen.
For controls allowing ethernet variable read/write functionality, the
number of cycles that can run before part measurement (gaging) is
required can be specified during routine creation.
This information is displayed in the Count/Required field in the
Run Screen tool and status bar.
The number on the left is the actual count and the number on the
right is the number at which gaging is required.
While the Count number is 75% or less of the Required number, the
field is green. When it reaches 76% the field is yellow. Above 95%
it goes red.
Figure 9-5: Count Required Field at under 75%
In the above screen shot of the Count/Required field of the Run
Screen tool bar, seven cycles have been counted. At 25 cycles,
gaging is required. Since the Count has not reached 75% of the
Required number, the field is green.
Figure 9-6: Count Required Field at over 95%
In the screenshot above, 24 cycles have been counted, and gaging
will be required after the next cycle, so the field is red.
Note: The Count/Required field only alerts the operator. It does not
trigger any action by AutoComp. If the operator takes no action, the
actual count number will continue to increase. The part program is
responsible for incrementing the variable on each part cut, and to
reset it when gaging is done. AutoComp will never set this variable,
but only displays it for the operator.
Chapter 9: Working with Run Data
Run Screen Upper Tool Bar
The Run Screen upper tool bar allows unloading and suspending
routines, and if in setup mode, it lets allows manual gaging using
the Accept Cycle and Cancel Cycle buttons.
Figure 9-7: Upper Tool Bar (in Setup Mode)
Unload, and Suspend Routine Buttons
The Unload Routine and Suspend Routine buttons are on the left
hand side of the Run Screen upper tool bar.
Unload: Closes the routine and sets it to open with all dimension data initialized the next time it is loaded.
Suspend: Closes the routine, but maintains the historical data
for display the next time the routine is opened. When
AutoComp automatically loads a routine as gage data files are
detected, the currently loaded routine is suspended.
Routines are loaded using the Load Routine button.
Manual Gaging Buttons (Setup Mode Only)
In Setup Mode, an operator can manually activate gaging. This is
done using the manual gaging buttons (Accept Cycle and Cancel
Cycle. A cycle is complete if all of the critical dimensions are measured (with values displayed in the Run Screen's Active column.
These buttons are displayed on the left hand side of the Run Screen
upper tool bar in setup mode only.
Figure 9-8: Manual Gaging Buttons
Chapter 9: Working with Run Data
The two manual gaging buttons are:
Accept Cycle: Accepts the part just gaged, which is still in
the Active column of the Data Grid. When a part is accepted,
AutoComp performs the tool compensation calculations for
the part and saves the measurements. If tool compensation is
enabled, a compensation is sent to the CNC if necessary. The
part moves from the Active column to its Cycle column in the
Data Grid.
Cancel Cycle: Cancels the part just gaged, which is still in
the Active column. When a part is canceled, no calculations
are performed and the Active column is cleared.
Note: If in setup mode, gage data files can queue up, and a cycle
must be accepted or canceled before the next file can be displayed.
See also:
"Operation Modes" (page 28)
"Cycle Complete Critical " (page 64)
Run Data Views
The Operator View button on the Run Screen’s tool/status bar displays a menu where the run data view options: View Chart, View
Grid, View Details, or View Part. These views are discussed in the
sections that follow.
Note: In all of the run data views, the gage data are color-coded to
indicate tolerance status:
Gray indicates that there are no data.
Green indicates that the reading was within nominal to wear
Yellow indicates that the reading lies between the reject limit
and the compensation limit. Depending on the system configuration, (for example whether or not Comp After Wear
Limit, Comp On Reject, or Trend is selected), the dimension
may or may not be compensated.
Red indicates that the reading is outside of reject limits.
See also:
"View Chart" (page 84)
"Grid View" (page 89)
"Detail Chart View" (page 91)
"Part View" (page 92)
Chapter 9: Working with Run Data
View Chart
The Chart View shows graphed gage data and the compensation
history of recent gage cycles. Chart View is the default view for
run data.
If the Run Screen is not already in Chart view, press the Operator
View button at the bottom of the Run Screen and select View
Chart to display run data in Chart Mode.
Figure 9-9: Chart View
There are three parts of the Chart View:
The Data Grid is in the lower half of the Run Screen. See
"Data Grid" (page 85).
The Chart Graph is in the top half of the Run Screen. See
"Chart Graph" (page 86).
The Tool Life Indicator is the vertical rectangular panel to
the right of the graph if a wear limit was set for the selected
dimension. See "Tool Life Indicator" (page 88).
Each numbered column in Data Grid represents a gage cycle, and
each row represents a dimension in the routine. For the dimension
(row) highlighted in the Data Grid, the most recent gage cycles are
displayed graphically in the Chart Graph (up to ten can be displayed at a time). Each point marked by a square in the Chart
Graph represents a gage cycle (the measurement for the displayed
dimension for that cycle).
Chapter 9: Working with Run Data
Note: When configuring AutoComp, the number of viewable data
cycles can be determined. In chart, ten cycles can be viewed at a
time. If the number of data cycles is set to more than ten, a scroll bar
allows scrolling through the cycles. The last cycle (represented by
the right-most square “point”) in the graph corresponds to the last
column in the data grid below the graph.
The more cycles are viewable in the grid, the LONGER it will take
to load a routine, as the grid must be filled with the historical data.
This could affect processing time, and should be tested by the operator, to find an acceptable balance.
See also:
"System Global Parameters" (page 32)
Data Grid
Figure 9-10: Data Grid
Use the Data Grid to select the dimension whose data is to be seen
in the Chart Graph. Press anywhere in the row to see the dimension in the graph.
The Data Grid shows numeric values for all gaged dimensions.
Each numbered column represents a data cycle.
Each row represents a dimension in the current routine.
The data for all the dimensions for the ten most recent cycles are displayed numerically in the numbered columns. If the system is configured for more than ten cycles, there is a scroll bar below the Data
Grid. When using the scroll bar to scroll through the cycles, both
the columns in the grid and the points in the graph change to reflect
the values for the cycles.
Note: The Data Grid can be viewed alone by selecting View Grid
from the View menu.
See also:
"Viewable Data Cycles" (page 36).
"Grid View" (page 89)
Chapter 9: Working with Run Data
Chart Graph
The line graph in the upper portion of the Run Screen is the Chart
Figure 9-11: History Chart Graph
The green, yellow, and red lines represent the nominal, compensation, and reject limits programmed for the dimension. Each
small square in the graph (called a “cycle box”) indicates a gage
cycle’s compensation status for the selected dimension:
Figure 9-12: Run Screen Showing a Comped (on right) and a NonComped (left) Cycle (magnified)
Non-bordered boxes represent cycles that were not compensated. The box on the left in the above screen shot is a
non-compensated cycle.
Bordered boxes (with dark boundaries) represent cycles that
were compensated. The box on the right, above, with the
black boundary, is a compensated cycle.
Up to ten gage cycles can be displayed at a time in the graph. If the
system is configured for more than ten cycles, there is a scroll bar
below the Data Grid. When using the scroll bar to scroll through
the cycles, both the columns in the grid and the graph change to
reflect the values for the cycles.
Chapter 9: Working with Run Data
Viewing Cycle Data
Each cycle box also holds additional data. By moving the cursor
over or near the square (but not clicking the mouse button), data for
that cycle can be viewed:
Figure 9-13: Cycle Box Showing Measurement Data
Four types of data can be chosen to view in the cycle box:
Cycle number
Date/time of cycle completion
Compensation value.
Choosing and Setting Cycle Data Type
Set the type of data viewable in the cycle boxes as follows:
1. Move the mouse onto “open” space on the graph (not on any
point) and right click.
Figure 9-14: Drop-down List for Selecting Data Type
2. Select the type of data to be viewed in the cycle boxes. Move
the cursor over or near the cycle box and click the right
mouse button. Use the left mouse button to select the type of
data to be viewed.
This will be the kind of data that is displayed for each cycle
box until the data type is reset.
Note: There is a column in the grid to display the last cycle's comp
value for each dimension.
Chapter 9: Working with Run Data
Tool Life Indicator
The Tool Life Indicator (the rectangular box at the right of the History Chart) shows tool wear as the current percentage of the tool
life value that was entered in the Routine Editor for this dimension.
Gray indicates that the tool has not been used.
Green indicates that the tool life is well within limits.
Yellow indicates that the tool life has exceeded 75% of its
programmed value.
Red indicates that the tool life has expired.
Figure 9-15: Tool Life Indicator
Click this indicator or use the Details View to change tools and
reset the tool wear (percentage of tool life) to zero. Both tool axes
can be cleared, or just the axis defined for the dimension in the
routine editor.
When using the Change Tool button or clicking the Tool Life
Indicator to clear a tool, selecting Yes clears all axes. All other
dimensions in the Routine defined to that same tool will also be
cleared. This includes matching dimensions with different Cut Positions for Okuma CNCs, and dimensions with different Edges for
Siemens CNCs. This does not include matching dimensions with different Edges for Okuma controls.
Clicking No clears only the selected dimension.
Clicking Cancel clears nothing.
For controls supporting ethernet variable and offset read/write functionality, the associated offset, wear offset or variable can also be
cleared by setting the system configuration variable: Clear Offset on
Tool Change. See "System Global Parameters" (page 32).
Chapter 9: Working with Run Data
Grid View
The Data Grid can be viewed alone by selecting View Grid from
the Operator View menu. It shows numeric values for all gaged
dimensions. (In Chart view, it is displayed in the bottom half of the
Run Screen, below the Chart.)
Each numbered column represents a data cycle.
Each row represents a dimension in the current routine.
Figure 9-16: Data Grid
Chapter 9: Working with Run Data
Reading the Data Grid
Each numbered column represents a cycle. If the system is configured for more than the number of cycles that can be viewed in
the window, there is a scroll bar below the Data Grid. When using
the scroll bar to scroll through the cycles, the columns change to
reflect the values for the cycles.
Each row in the Data Grid represents a dimension in the current
routine. Each row holds the following data:
Dimension number: The numerical order of the dimension in
the dimension list; this resides under the Name column and is
followed by a colon.
Name: The name chosen for this dimension. (This follows the
colon after the dimension number, in the Name column.)
Life: The percentage of tool life expectancy used if configured for the selected dimension.
Active: Represents the current part measurements. If
AutoComp is in production mode, these values are automatically processed and moved to the newest cycle column. If
AutoComp is in setup mode, the measurements remain in the
Active column until the operator Accepts or Cancels the
Cpk: AutoComp can calculate and display the Process Capability Index for each dimension in a routine. The desired
Cpk is set in the routine editor. Cpk will not be calculated
unless there are at least five cycles of measurement data.
Comp: Displays the compensation for the last recorded measurement of each dimension. If there was a compensation the
field will be yellow, otherwise the field is white.
Number (x…): Represents a particular cycle in the current
routine. Only ten cycles are displayed at a time.
An asterisk (*) following the data indicates that the value caused a
compensation to be sent to the CNC.
An ‘ng’ following the data indicates that the CNC flagged the tool
as expired (‘not good’).
An ‘E’ appended to the data indicates an error has been reported
back from the CNC. When the CNC reports such an error, it will be
written to the log file.
See also:
"Run Data Log Files" (page 97)
Chapter 9: Working with Run Data
Detail Chart View
Select View Details from the Operator View menu to put the Run
Screen in Detail Chart mode. Use the Detail Chart to view parameter values for the active routine, edit the active routine's parameters, and change tools.
Figure 9-17: Detail Chart (Top Half of Run Screen)
The Detail Chart displays limits and settings for the current
routine’s selected dimension.
Edit Parameters Button
Use the Detail Chart to edit parameters in an active routine without
having to close the routine and use the Routine Editor.
Note: If substantial edits are needed, the routine should be unloaded
or suspended, and the Routine Editor should be used to make edits.
The Detail Chart’s editing capability only allows editing a limited
number of parameters.
To make edits using the Detail Chart:
1. Press the Edit Parameters button in the Detail Chart.
2. Select and enter new value(s) in the appropriate parameter
3. Press Apply.
See also:
Using the Detail Chart
Creating and Editing Routines
"Global Routine Parameters and Dimension Parameters" (page 55)
Chapter 9: Working with Run Data
Change Tool Button
The Change Tool button allows the user to reset accumulated tool
life when tooling is changed in the machine. All tool axes can be
cleared, or just the Dimension axis.
When using the Change Tool button to clear a tool, selecting Yes
clears all axes. All other dimensions in the Routine defined to that
same tool will also be cleared. This includes matching dimensions
with different Cut Positions for Okuma CNCs, and dimensions with
different Edges for Siemens CNCs. This does not include matching
dimensions with different Edges for Okuma controls.
Clicking No clears only the selected dimension.
Clicking Cancel clears nothing.
For controls with Ethernet offset or variable read/write support, the
associated offset, wear offset or variable can also be cleared by setting the system configuration variable: Clear Offset on Tool
Change. See "System Global Parameters" (page 32).
Part View
Select View Part from the Operator View menu to put the Run
Screen in Part View. Use Part View to graphically view run data
for each dimension on a part. The part image and a tool bar display
run data dynamically.
Note: The Main Window may need to be re-sized so that the image
displays optimally.
Figure 9-18: Part View
The two main features of the Run screen in Part View, are the Part
Image, and the Part View Tool Bar.
Chapter 9: Working with Run Data
Part View Image
In the Routine Editor, specify a photograph or drawing of a part
(.jpg file only) and label any or all dimensions on the part.
Run data are then displayed numerically in these labels when the
routine runs, and the data field in the label takes on the appropriate
status color (green, red, yellow, or gray).
Part View measurements will be set to a white background at the
start of each cycle to make it easier to follow a new cycle of data.
Part View Tool Bar
In Part View, the tool bar near the bottom of the Run Screen enables
several functions:
Dimension Drop-down Menu: Use this to select the dimension to add or delete, or whose limit information is to be
viewed in the dimension information bar at the right of the
tool bar.
Dimension Information Bar: The colored bar to the right of
the dimension drop-down menu shows the nominal (green),
wear limit (yellow), and the reject limit (red) for the selected
Clear Cycle Button (in the middle of the tool bar): This button removes the status colors for each dimension in a cycle
(the numbers remain however). When a new cycle is loaded,
the appropriate colors are again displayed for the new cycle.
This feature allows the user to easily see when the new data
arrives, as it is colored to reflect compensation status.
The buttons on the left side of the tool bar mark measurements.
Reading Run Data in Part View
When AutoComp receives run data for the routine that is loaded,
the data are displayed in the labels for each dimension that are
marked on the photograph or drawing of the part.
Note: The color of the rectangle containing the run data reflects the
status of that dimension.
White: Indicates the beginning the start of a cycle.
Gray: Indicates that the tool has not been used or the data are
Green: Indicates that the dimension was within upper and
lower reject limits.
Yellow: Indicates that the reading lies between the reject
limit and the compensation limit. Depending on the system
configuration, (for example whether or not Comp After Wear
Chapter 9: Working with Run Data
Limit, Comp On Reject, or Trend is selected), the dimension
may or may not be compensated.
Red indicates that the cycle is outside of reject limits.
If no data are loaded, the rectangle containing the data is white.
Also, the Clear Cycle button removes the status colors for each
dimension in a cycle. When a new cycle is loaded, the appropriate
colors are again displayed for the new cycle.
Selecting a Part View Picture
AutoComp can use any .jpg file in Part View.
To select a file for use with Part View:
1. In the Routine Editor's Routine Parameters tab, press the
Select Part View Picture button.
Figure 9-19: Select Part View Picture Button Before Use
2. Select the file and press Open.
The file is then displayed in the button:
Figure 9-20: Select Part View Picture Button After Selection of
This picture will be displayed for this routine in Part View.
The button with the picture in it can still be pressed to
browse again to a different .jpg file.
Chapter 9: Working with Run Data
Marking Measurements in Part View
Each dimension must be marked (labeled) to view data graphically
for that dimension.
1. Using the drop-down menu toward the right of the Part View
tool bar, select the dimension to label.
Figure 9-21: Part View Tool Bar
2. Press the Mark Measurement button on the left side of the
tool bar.
The Mark Measurement button toggles to Clear Measurement, which can be used if a mistake is made in placing
the first measurement marker.
3. In the part image, click on the exact spot that marks one end
of the linear dimension.
Figure 9-22: Part Image with Cross-Hatch in Lower Left Corner
4. Click to place another measurement marker to mark the end
point of this dimension.
Figure 9-23: Part Image with Measurement Label
The complete measurement is displayed. The measurement
consists of two measurement markers, a connector line, and
the rectangle containing the run data (the data field). For the
Chapter 9: Working with Run Data
sake of convenience the entirety is sometimes referred to as
the “label” or the “measurement.”
Note: Numeric data do not appear in the data field, and it is white
until run data are received for the routine. When data are received,
the color of the data field reflects the compensation status of the
dimension for the current cycle.
5. When finished, press Save Measurement.
After pressing Save Measurement, the button toggles to
Delete Measurement.
To delete a measurement after it is saved, perform the following
1. Select the dimension from the dropdown menu
2. Press Delete Measurement
3. Press Save Measurement.
Changing Measurement Colors in Part View
Figure 9-24: Measurement in Part View, with Components Labeled
In Part View, a measurement consists of the following components:
two “measurement markers”
a “measurement connector” line between the two markers
a line called the “label” from the measurement connector to
the data rectangle
the data field.
For the sake of convenience the entirety is sometimes referred to as
the “measurement.” Colors can be specified for all of the parts of the
measurement except for the data field, whose color automatically
reflects the compensation status of the dimension for the current
cycle: green, yellow, red, or gray.
Chapter 9: Working with Run Data
All of the dimensions in a routine have the same measurement color
scheme (whatever color scheme is specified).
Change the measurement color scheme as follows:
1. Press the Change Colors button.
In sequence, dialog boxes prompts the user to change the
“measurement marker” color, the “measurement connector”
color, and the “label” color (the line from the measurement
connector to the data field).
After pressing OK in the dialog box for a measurement component, a color selection box appears for that measurement
component where the color is selected. Press OK.
2. After specifying the color for each measurement component,
press Save Measurement for the color change to be saved.
Note: If measurements have already been marked in the old color
scheme, the new color scheme is not displayed until the current
measurement is saved.
Run Data Log Files
AutoComp automatically creates and stores run data log files containing each dimension and all the limits and parameters programmed into a routine. These run-data files are ASCII commadelimited text files with a .csv extension. These files are saved in
the RunData folder or the process data tag sub-folder (if that option
is enabled), as set in the system configuration process. (The default
location is /RunData.) These files can be opened in Notepad or MS
Each time a routine is loaded, a run data file is created. The run data
log file accumulates data as long as a routine is open. When a
routine is suspended and then reloaded, data continues to be appended until the routine is unloaded. When the routine is unloaded, the
file is saved. When the routine is loaded again, a new run data file
is created.
Run data files can also be marked with life times, using system configuration parameters. If using this option, new run data files are created based on the timer. See Run Data Reset Days, Hours, and
Each run data log file is named as follows:
<routine(machine)> <timestamp>.csv
For example:
ADEMO_ZANCHOR(TestCNC) Feb 28 2012 18_17_27.log
Data files can be purged manually, or AutoComp can be configured
to purge them daily, weekly, or monthly. See "Purge Run Data
Files" (page 44)
Chapter 9: Working with Run Data
See also:
See "Run Data Variables" (page 40), for a full discussion of the run
data variables and how they function.
See "Run Data File Format" (page 98), for a view of all fields in a
run data file.
Run Data File Format
Run data files contain all data relating to each dimension in a
The following are all the fields in a run data file.
Note: The reserved columns are not shown.
Figure 9-25: Rundata File Example Part 1
Figure 9-26: Rundata File Example Part 2
Chapter 9: Working with Run Data
Figure 9-27: Rundata File Example Part 3
Figure 9-28: Rundata File Example Part 4
Chapter 9: Working with Run Data
Appendix 1: CNC Detail
AutoComp supports many CNC interfaces. Each interface requires
different configuration parameters. (For more information, see the
interfaces listed below.)
For all CNC interfaces, begin the configuration process by using the
Select Compensation Source Machine window (accessed via the System Configuration window) to select the CNC interface. See "The
System Configuration Window (CNC Configuration)" (page 101).
The following are the CNC interfaces supported by AutoComp:
"Brother Control" (page 104)
"EasyComp Control" (page 106)
"FanucDNC Control" (page 107)
"FileSystem CNC Interface" (page 108)
"Focas1 and Focas2 Control" (page 109)
"FTP Control" (page 111)
"GetPutReadWrite Control" (page 112)
"Haas Control" (page 113)
"Heidenhain Control" (page 115)
"MAPPSEIP Control" (page 116)
"Mazak Control" (page 117)
"Mitsubishi70/700V Control" (page 120)
"OkumaLathe Control P200" (page 121)
"OkumaLathe Control P300" (page 123)
"OkumaMachining Control" (page 125)
"OkumaRS232PP Control" (page 127)
Appendix 1: CNC Detail
"Siemens Windows Control (840D with DDE support)" (page
"TestCNC Control" (page 134)
Note: If a machine type is not shown in the Select Compensation
Source Machine window (see list below), please contact Caron
Engineering: A custom CNC interface can be created to meet the
system’s needs.
The System Configuration Window (CNC
The System Configuration window allows access to the windows
and dialog boxes where the CNC interface is selected and configured.
To go to the System Configuration window:
1. In the Main Window toolbar, press Configuration.
Figure 1-1: User Options Window
2. In the User Options window, set the access level to Supervisor Level.
3. Press the System Configuration button.
Appendix 1: CNC Detail
Figure 1-2: System Configuration Window
4. Press the CNC System button (near the upper left) to open a
window where the CNC interface can be selected.
See also:
"Select the CNC Interface for the System" (page 103)
"CNC Detail" (page 100)
Appendix 1: CNC Detail
Select the CNC Interface for the System
AutoComp supports several types of CNC interface. Each type
requires different configuration parameters.
Note: If a machine type is not shown in the Select Compensation
Source Machine window, please contact Caron Engineering. A custom CNC interface that meets the system’s needs.
Select the CNC interface for the system as follows.
1. In the System Configuration window, press the CNC System
button to display the Select Compensation Source Machine
window, which lists all CNC interfaces supported by
Note: Select ACSource_Focas1 for all FOCAS controls. There is an
additional selection to choose between Focas1 and Focas2.
Figure 1-3: The Select Compensation Source Machine Window
2. Highlight a CNC type on the list and press OK.
3. Depending on the CNC type selected, a window is displayed
where the CNC’s unique characteristics are defined. The CNC
types and the steps for configuring them are discussed in
"Appendix 1. CNC Detail."
After configuring the CNC, the gage converter(s) can be configured.
Appendix 1: CNC Detail
Brother Control
The CEI Brother server resides on the same PC as AutoComp. This
server must be installed and configured separately
First select and configure the Brother CNC interface in AutoComp,
before configuring the CEI Brother server.
Note: If an offset cannot be written, then a retry message will be displayed. AutoComp will continue to retry until success, or until the
next gage cycle is sent. If the latter, the dimension will be in an
error state.
See also:
"Select the CNC Interface for the System" (page 103)
"Select and Configure the CEI Brother CNC Interface" (page 104)
"CEI_BrotherServer Configuration" (page 105)
Select and Configure the CEI Brother CNC
When selecting ACSource_Brother to configure, the following window is displayed:
Figure 1-4: Brother Configuration Window
1. In the CEI Brother Server IP Address and CNC Server IP
Port fields, enter the server IP and port.
Appendix 1: CNC Detail
CNC IP should be same as AutoComp PC, but can
run on remote PC.
Port = 11000.
2. PageTableCount of CNC is the count of offset and variable
page tables of the target CNC. Page tables are selected in
each dimension of a routine in the Routine Editor's Path/Turret selection. Enter the number.
3. Press Apply.
Now that the CNC interface is configured, the CEI_BrotherServer
can be configured. See "CEI_BrotherServer Configuration" (page
CEI_BrotherServer Configuration
To configure the CEI Brother server:
1. Click on the blue CEI icon in the system tray.
2. Select Configure.
3. In the window that appears:
Local Port should not be changed.
CNC IP as set on control.
CNC Port = 10000.
Above information excerpted from CEI_Brother server documentation.
4. Press Accept.
ACSource_Brother is now configured.
Now the gage converter(s) can be configured. See "Gage Converter
Configuration: Overview" (page 23).
See also:
Chapter 5 of the Brother Control Users' Manual
"Select and Configure the CEI Brother CNC Interface" (page 104)
Appendix 1: CNC Detail
EasyComp Control
Select ACSource_EasyComp from the Select Compensation Source
Machine dialog box. "Select the CNC Interface for the System"
(page 103)
Figure 1-5: frmConfiguration Window Display for ACSource_
Set RS232 port connected to EasyComp and parameters according
to EasyComp documentation and press Apply.
ACSource_EasyComp is now configured.
Now the gage converter(s) can be configured. See "Gage Converter
Configuration: Overview" (page 23).
Appendix 1: CNC Detail
FanucDNC Control
Select ACSource_FanucDNC from the Select Compensation Source
Machine dialog box. See "Select the CNC Interface for the System"
(page 103).
Figure 1-6: frmConfiguration Window Display for ACSource_
Enter all the required data and press Apply.
ACSource_FanucDNC is now configured.
Now the gage converter(s) can be configured. See "Gage Converter
Configuration: Overview" (page 23).
Appendix 1: CNC Detail
FileSystem CNC Interface
The FileSystem CNC interface produces formatted data files, by
routine or dimension, for access by operators or by other applications. It does not communicate directly with any CNC.
Select ACSource_FileSystem from the Select Compensation Source
Machine dialog box. See "Select the CNC Interface for the System"
(page 103).
Figure 1-7: frmConfiguration Window Display for ACSource_
1. Choose how the files are to be created, by selecting one of
the options in the Select Machine Type list:.
If File by Routine is chosen, AutoComp creates a file
with data for each dimension in the routine (one
dimension per line, in the order of the routine). The
data file is named <routine name>.csv..
If File by Dimension is chosen, AutoComp creates a
separate file for each dimension. Each data file is
named <routine name>_<dimension name>.csv.
2. Specify the destination where CNC files are to be sent by
clicking in the field under Enter CNC File Path. Browse to
the desired location and select it.
3. Press Apply to return to the System Configuration window.
ACSource_FileSystem is now configured.
Now the gage converter(s) can be configured. See "Gage Converter
Configuration: Overview" (page 23).
Appendix 1: CNC Detail
Focas1 and Focas2 Control
ACSource_Focas1 supports both Focas1 and Focas2 controls, via
Ethernet or HSSB.
Select the Focas CNC from the Select Compensation Source
Machine dialog box. See "Select the CNC Interface for the System"
(page 103)
Figure 1-8: frmConfiguration Window Display for ACSource_
1. Specify the IP address of the CNC as follows:
Select IPV4 IP, DNS, or HSSB
Enter the IP address, DNS Name or HSSB Node and
then press OK.
The IP address, DNS Name or HSSB Node is displayed in
the field below the radio buttons.
2. The default Control IP Port is 8193. Verify this on the control.
3. If the control has both mill and lathe axes, check the Complex Tool Offset checkbox.
Appendix 1: CNC Detail
4. When AutoComp will comunicate with a Moriseki NT series
with a Fanuc control, click the Moriseki NT series checkbox
on the configuration page.
5. Select the Focas1 or 2 library as follows:
a. Click on Select Focas1/2 libraries.
A Browse for Folders dialog box is displayed that allows
the user to select the desired library.
b. Click on the desired library to select it. Select F1lib for a
Focas1 control, and F2Lib for a Focas2 control.
6. Press Apply.
ACSource_Focas1 is now configured.
Note: If there are communication issues, check the Fanuc parameter
for DHCP on the control. Generally, the parameter is 14880 bit 6,
but check the control documentation. This bit should be CLEAR to
allow setting a static IP address.
Now the gage converter(s) can be configured. See "Gage Converter
Configuration: Overview" (page 23).
Appendix 1: CNC Detail
FTP Control
If a system uses an FTP control, contact CEI. CEI can customize FTP
data for the FTP site.
Select ACSource_FTP from the Select Compensation Source
Machine dialog box. See "Select the CNC Interface for the System"
(page 103).
A window is displayed much like the following. The fields where
configuration information can be specified will vary depending on
the system’s needs.
Figure 1-9: FTP Client Window for ACSource_FTP
Enter all the required data and press Apply.
ACSource_FTP is now configured.
Now the gage converter(s) can be configured. See "Gage Converter
Configuration: Overview" (page 23).
Appendix 1: CNC Detail
GetPutReadWrite Control
The ACSource_GetPutReadWrite control can be chosen with
Okuma RS232 (Lathe or Mill). This requires a CEI CNC program to
initiate the compensation and a special RS232 cable. (Contact CEI
for pinout diagram.) For information on selecting the CNC interface,
see "Select the CNC Interface for the System" (page 103).
Figure 1-10: frmConfiguration Window Display for ACSource_
The configuration process is the same as for the Okuma RS232
CNC, except Lathe or Mill must be specified. See "OkumaRS232PP
Control" (page 127).
Note: The Send To Okuma DWELL field allows the user to enter a
value for the time (seconds) between commands. 0.5 is the default.
This time allows the Okuma to process the request before another is
When finished configuring the GetPutReadWrite CNC interface,
the gage converter(s) can be configured. See "Gage Converter Configuration: Overview" (page 23).
Appendix 1: CNC Detail
Haas Control
Select the ACSource_Haas control from the Select Compensation
Source Machine dialog box. See "Select the CNC Interface for the
System" (page 103).
Figure 1-11: frmConfiguration Window Display for ACSource_
CEI provides the ACSource_Haas control on request.
Note: If using this control, the CNC control setting 143 (parameter
data) must be ON to enable AutoComp communication.
The following is from the Haas documentation.
Haas COM port settings:
Press the “SETNG/GRAPH” button to enter the setting
pages. Use the page up/down buttons to scroll through the setting pages. Use the vertical cursor keys to move to the desired
setting, or enter a setting number and press the down arrow
button to go directly to that setting.
Baud Rate Select: This setting allows the operator to change
the rate at which data are transferred to/from the first serial
port (RS-232). This applies to the upload/download of programs etc. and to DNC functions. This setting must match the
transfer rate from the personal computer.
Parity Select: This setting defines parity for the first serial
port (RS-232). When set to None, no parity bit is added to the
serial data. When set to Zero, a 0 bit is added. Even and Odd
work like normal parity functions. Know what the system
needs, for example, XMODEM must use 8 data bits and no
Appendix 1: CNC Detail
parity (set to “None”). This setting must match the transfer
rate from the personal computer.
Stop Bit: This setting designates the number of stop bits for
the first serial port (RS-232). It can be 1 or 2. This setting
must match the transfer rate from the personal computer.
Synchronization: This changes the synchronization protocol
between sender and receiver for the first serial port (RS-232).
This setting must match the transfer rate from the personal
computer. When set to RTS/CTS, the signal wires in the
serial data cable are used to tell the sender to temporarily stop
sending data while the receiver catches up.
When set to XON/XOFF, the most common setting, ASCII
character codes are used by the receiver to tell the sender to
temporarily stop.
The selection DC CODES is like XON/XOFF, except that
paper tape punch or reader start/stop codes are sent.
XMODEM is a receiver-driven communications protocol that
sends data in blocks of 128 bytes. XMODEM has added reliability as each block is checked for integrity. XMODEM
must use 8 data bits and no parity.
When finished configuring the Haas control, the gage converter(s)
can be configured. See "Gage Converter Configuration: Overview"
(page 23).
Appendix 1: CNC Detail
Heidenhain Control
Select ACSource_Heidenhain from the Select Compensation Source
Machine dialog box. See "Select the CNC Interface for the System"
(page 103).
Figure 1-12: frmConfiguration Window Display for ACSource_
Note 1: The Heidenhain control requires network access to a running CEI Heidenhain server.
Enter the IP address of the system where the CEI CNC server is running, and press Apply.
Contact Caron Engineering for more information on the CEI CNC
Note 2: With the Heidenhain control, if an offset cannot be written,
then a retry message will be displayed.
Now the gage converter(s) can be configured. See "Gage Converter
Configuration: Overview" (page 23).
Appendix 1: CNC Detail
Select ACSource_MAPPSEIP from the Select Compensation
Source Machine dialog box. See "Select the CNC Interface for the
System" (page 103).
Figure 1-13: frm Configuration Window Display for AC_Source
AutoComp requires Ovation MAPPSCommUC2.dll to allow communication of data to Mori Seiki machines with the MAPPS III software.
Configure the EIP IP Address, Machine Number, Base Address,
and MAPPSCOMM location fields according to Ovation documentation.
Now the gage converter(s) can be configured. See "Gage Converter
Configuration: Overview" (page 23).
Appendix 1: CNC Detail
Mazak Control
If the system uses a Mazak control, first install and configure the
CEI_MazakServer on the CNC itself. See "CEI_Mazak Installation
and Configuration," packaged with the installation kit, for detailed
After installing and configuring the Mazak server, the Mazak CNC
interface can be configured in AutoComp.
Note 1: If an offset cannot be written, then a retry message will be
displayed. AutoComp will continue to retry until success, or until
the next gage cycle is sent. If the latter, the dimension will be in an
error state.
Note 2: The CEI_MazakServer supports Y740 and Y737 series controls.
See also:
"Select the CNC Interface for the System" (page 103)
"Select and Configure Mazak CNC Interface in Autocomp" (page
"Note on Mazak Tool Names" (page 119)
Appendix 1: CNC Detail
Select and Configure Mazak CNC Interface
in Autocomp
After installing and configuring the Mazak server on the CNC, the
Mazak CNC interface can be selected in AutoComp.
1. In AutoComp's Select Compensation Source Machine dialog
box, select ACSource_Mazak as the CNC interface.
Figure 1-14: AutoComp's Mazak Configuration Window
2. In the Enter CNC IP Address field, enter the IP address of the
Mazak control or the specific IP set when the CEI_Mazak
server was configured.
3. In the Number of MachineHeads field, enter the number of
machine heads.
4. In the Tool Page field, select ToolData Pages.
5. The option to utilize the language decimal and list separator
overrides is available.
6. Press Apply.
ACSource_Mazak is now configured.
The gage converter(s) can now be configured. See "Gage Converter
Configuration: Overview" (page 23).
See also:
"Select the CNC Interface for the System" (page 103)
"Installing AutoComp" (page 20)
"Activating AutoComp Licensing" (page 22)
Appendix 1: CNC Detail
Note on Mazak Tool Names
The Mazak interface differs slightly from most other CNC interfaces,
as detailed in the "CEI_Mazak Installation and Configuration" document included with the installation kit. The most notable difference is that Mazak uses tool names instead of offsets.
When using a Mazak control, clicking in the Routine Editor's Tool
Name field displays the Select Tool By Head window. This window displays all registered tool names.
Figure 1-15: Mazak Select Tool by Head Window
When selecting the tool from the list, it is displayed in the Routine
Editor's Tool Name field. See screen capture above.
All other dimension features should be set as documented in the
AutoComp manual/online help. See Editing Dimension Parameters
in the Routine Editor.
Appendix 1: CNC Detail
Mitsubishi70/700V Control
Select ACSource_Mitsubishi70/700V from the Select Compensation Source Machine dialog box. See "Select the CNC Interface for the System" (page 103).
Figure 1-16: frmConfiguration Window Display for
AutoComp requires Mitsubishi Custom API VG.5 installed to use
Mitsubishi70/700V control.
For Mistubishi, controls connection is on the control by default.
For Citizen and Mori Seiki, contact the machine dealer for the
COMM dataserver package.
The Mitsubishi custom API library for ver.G5 must be installed on
the AutoComp PC.
See the CNC parameter settings needed in the "Mitsubishi
DataServer M70700" folder of the AutoComp installation package.
When finished configuring the CNC interface, the gage converter(s)
can be configured. See "Gage Converter Configuration: Overview"
(page 23).
Appendix 1: CNC Detail
OkumaLathe Control P200
The ACSource_OkumaLathe interface is for use with the Okuma
THINC API on an Okuma Lathe P200 control.
Note: AutoComp requires at least OkumaServer 2.5.
Select ACSource_OkumaLathe from the Select Compensation
Source Machine dialog box. See "Select the CNC Interface for the
System" (page 103).
Figure 1-17: frmConfiguration Window Display for ACSource_
Since there is only one machine type available in the Select
Machine Type list, it does not need to be selected.
Appendix 1: CNC Detail
The CEI_OkumaAPI server must be running on the Okuma control
for P200 controls.
1. Specify the DNS name or IP address of the CNC as follows:
a. Select IPV4 IP or DNS.
b. Click in the field
c. Enter the computer name or IP address and then press
Note: If AutoComp is running on the local control and the CEI
server is using the default local IP address, 0 (zero) may be entered
for the CNC IP address.
The computer name or IP address is displayed in the Enter
CNC IP Address field.
2. Press Apply.
ACSource_OkumaLathe is now configured.
Appendix 1: CNC Detail
OkumaLathe Control P300
The ACSource_OkumaLatheP300 interface is for use with the
Okuma THINC API on an Okuma Lathe P300 control.
Select ACSource_OkumaLatheP300 from the Select Compensation
Source Machine dialog box. See "Select the CNC Interface for the
System" (page 103).
Figure 1-18: frmConfiguration Window Display for ACSource_
Since there is only one machine type available in the Select
Machine Type list, it does not need to be selected.
Appendix 1: CNC Detail
The CEI_OkumaAPI server must be running on the Okuma control
for P300 controls.
1. Specify the DNS name or IP address of the CNC as follows:
a. Select IPV4 IP or DNS.
b. Click in the field.
c. Enter the computer name or IP address using the keypad
and then press OK.
Note: If AutoComp is running on the local control and the CEI
server is using the default local IP address, 0 (zero) may be entered
for the CNC IP address.
2. Press Apply.
ACSource_OkumaLatheP300 is now confgured.
Appendix 1: CNC Detail
OkumaMachining Control
If a system is an Okuma Mill P200 or P300 control with Okuma
THINC API, the ACSource_OkumaMachining interface can be used.
Note: AutoComp requires at least OkumaServer 2.5 on a P200 Control.
Select ACSource_OkumaMachining from the Select Compensation
Source Machinedialog box. See "Select the CNC Interface for the
System" (page 103).
Figure 1-19: frmConfiguration Window Display for ACSource_
Since there is only one machine type available in the Select
Machine Type list, it does not need to be selected.
Note: P300 is also supported by the Machining selection.
Appendix 1: CNC Detail
The CEI_OkumaAPI server must be running on the Okuma control
for P200 controls.
The CEI_OkumaP300 server must be running on the Okuma control
for P300 controls.
1. Specify the DNS name or IP address of the CNC as follows:
a. Select IPV4 IP or DNS
b. Enter the computer name or IP address using the keypad
and then press OK.
Note: If AutoComp is running on the local control and the CEI
server is using the default local IP address, 0 (zero) may be entered
for the CNC IP address.
2. Press Apply.
ACSource_OkumaMachining is now configured.
Now the gage converter(s) can be configured. See "Gage Converter
Configuration: Overview" (page 23).
Appendix 1: CNC Detail
OkumaRS232PP Control
This CNC interface is for any Okuma non-P200 machine that has
the post processing option enabled. For information on enabling this
option, see the Control setup and RS232 cable and configuration
instructions in the Control Programs and Configuration\OkumaRS232PP folder of the AutoComp installation
Select ACSource_OkumaRS232PP from the Select Compensation
Source Machine dialog box. See "Select the CNC Interface for the
System" (page 103).
Figure 1-20: frmConfiguration Window Display for ACSource_
Enter all the required data for the machine.
CommPort is the Comm Port on the local AutoComp PC that is
connected to the machine serial port. Other CommPort settings
should match those of the machine serial port.
When finished entering the required data, press Apply.
ACSource_OkumaRS232PP is now configured.
Note: ACSource_GetPutReadWrite CNC interface can also be used
for Okuma RS232 machines. See "GetPutReadWrite Control" (page
Now the gage converter(s) can be configured. See "Gage Converter
Configuration: Overview" (page 23).
Appendix 1: CNC Detail
Siemens Windows Control (840D with DDE support)
If using a Siemens 840D Windows control prior to the SolutionLine
series, first install and configure the CEI_SiemensServer on the CNC
Note: AutoComp requires CEI_SiemensDDEConnect to be
installed. See "CEI_Siemens Installation and Configuration," packaged with the installation kit, for detailed information.
After installing and configuring the Siemens server, the Siemens
Windows CNC interface can be selected in AutoComp.
See also:
"Select the CNC Interface for the System" (page 103)
"Select and Configure Siemens Windows CNC Interface in Autocomp" (page 129)
"Note on Siemens Tool Names" (page 131)
Appendix 1: CNC Detail
Select and Configure Siemens Windows
CNC Interface in Autocomp
After installing and configuring the Siemens server on the CNC, the
Siemens Windows CNC interface can be selected in AutoComp.
1. In the Select Compensation Source Machine window, select
ACSource_Siemens as the CNC interface.
Figure 1-21: frmConfiguration Window Display for ACSource_
2. In the Enter CNC IP Address field, enter the IP address of
the Siemens control, or the specific IP set when the CEI_
Siemens server was configured.
3. The EnableOffsets box is checked by default. Uncheck the
box it if using the legacy ‘variable only’ CEI Seimens OPC
4. The CNC Language Settings fields:
Decimal Designation is set by default to a period (used in
the USA, e.g. 99.01). In many countries, a comma is used
(e.g. 99,01). To change this field, simply type a period or
comma in the Decimal Designation field.
List Separator used in ascii files, is set by default to a
comma (used in the USA). In many other countries, including Germany and France, the list separator is a semicolon
(;). To change this field, simply type a comma or semicolon in the List Separator field.
4. Press Apply.
ACSource_Siemens is now configured.
Appendix 1: CNC Detail
Now the gage converter(s) can be configured. See "Gage Converter
Configuration: Overview" (page 23).
See also:
"Select the CNC Interface for the System" (page 103)
"Installing AutoComp" (page 20)
"Activating AutoComp Licensing" (page 22)
Appendix 1: CNC Detail
Note on Siemens Tool Names
The Siemens Windows interface differs slightly from most other
CNC interfaces, as detailed in the "CEI_Siemens Installation and
Configuration" document included with the installation kit. The
most notable difference is that Siemens uses tool names instead of
When using Siemens Windows control, clicking in the AutoComp
Routine Editor's Tool Name field displays the Select Tool By Head
window. This window displays all registered tool names.
Figure 1-22: Siemens Select Tool by Head Window
Note: The "Head" designation is a generic term used for CNCs that
have multiple tool lists (for example, Mazak). The Siemens CNC has
only one list.
Double click to select the tool from the list and place it in the
Routine Editor's Tool Name field. The Offset and Path will be filled
in on selection.
Note: If the tool list is very long, the first part of a tool name can be
entered in the tool list's Find field to filter through the tool names.
All other AutoComp dimension features should be set as documented.
Appendix 1: CNC Detail
If using a Siemens Operate Windows control, first install and configure the CEI_SiemensServer on the CNC itself.
After installing and configuring the Siemens server, the Siemens
Windows CNC interface can be selected in AutoComp.
See also:
"Select the CNC Interface for the System" (page 103)
Select and Configure Siemens Operate CNC
Interface in AutoComp
After installing and configuring the Siemens server on the CNC, the
Siemens Operate Windows CNC interface can be selected in
1. In AutoComp's Select Compensation Source Machine window, select ACSource_SiemensOperate as the CNC interface.
Figure 1-23: frmConfiguration Window Display for ACSource_
2. In the Enter CNC IP Address field, enter the IP address of
the Siemens control, or the specific IP set when the CEI_
Siemens server was configured.
3. The CNC Language Settings fields:
Appendix 1: CNC Detail
Decimal Designation is set by default to a period (used in
the USA, e.g. 99.01). In many countries, a comma is used
(e.g. 99,01). To change this field, simply type a period or
comma in the Decimal Designation field.
List Separator used in ascii files, is set by default to a
comma (used in the USA). In many other countries, including Germany and France, the list separator is a semicolon
( ; ). To change this field, simply type a comma or semicolon in the List Separator field.
4. Press Apply.
ACSource_SiemensOperate is now configured. For more information on how using Siemens Operate affects the routine editor see
"CEI SERVER on Siemens Operate Windows Deployment" packaged with the installation kit.
See also:
"Select the CNC Interface for the System" (page 103)
"Installing AutoComp" (page 20)
"Activating AutoComp Licensing" (page 22)
"Note on Siemens Tool Names" (page 131)
Appendix 1: CNC Detail
TestCNC Control
The Test CNC option allows the user to explore the AutoComp system in demo mode.
Select ACSource_TestCNC from the Select Compensation Source
Machinedialog box. See Select the CNC Interface for the System.
No further configuration is necessary.
When the Test CNC interface is selected, the Test CNC Offsets
window is always displayed.
Figure 1-24: Test CNC Offsets Window
This window allows loading test data files manually. It also displays the test file offset data. table.
See "Demo Mode" (page 146).
Note: When activating AutoComp licensing, enter the AutoComp
Demonstration license to access and use only the TestCNC. The
demonstration license is "-98765". The Test CNC interface is usable
with a regular AutoComp license as well.
Once the Test CNC interface is selected, the gage converter(s) can
be configured. See "Gage Converter Configuration: Overview" (page
Appendix 1: CNC Detail
Appendix 2: Gage Converter
Gage converters define how gage data files are parsed to obtain the
actual measurement data. Each gage converter is configured to allow
AutoComp to monitor folders (networked or local) for gage data
files. When a gage writes a data file to the assigned folder on the
PC, AutoComp reads and processes the data. AutoComp then
deletes the data file from the folder.
The following three options are available for gage converters:
Use a default converter
Customize existing gage converters
Add a new gage converter.
If a gage file meets the following requirements it can be handled by
CEI's default converters:
The gage data file has a single delimiter
The data appears in the same location in the file each time the
gage measures.
If the gage file does not meet these requirements, contact CEI for a
custom gage file processor.
Note: AutoComp will not be notified of a gage file created on a
Novell disk. If this problem arises, contact CEI for custom software.
Appendix 2: Gage Converter Configuration
Gage converter(s) are configured in the Configure Gage Converters
window (see below).
Figure 2-1: Configure Gage Converters Window
The Configure Gage Converters window is accessed from the System Configuration window.
The Configure Gage Converters window is used to configure gage
converters according to the system’s needs. Save each converter
once it is configured and select and configure another.
If the Gage is created in a language different from the AutoComp
PC settings, the GageConverter’s decimal designation and list seperator can be configured. This is available for Zeiss gage converter,
Delimited converter types, and Equator gage converters.
A new gage converter can also be created.
See also:
"Configuring an Existing Gage Converter" (page 137)
"Creating a New Gage Converter: Overview" (page 140)
"AutoComp Functionality" (page 7)
"What Is a Gage Data File?" (page 8)
"System Configuration Window" (page 31)
Appendix 2: Gage Converter Configuration
Configuring an Existing Gage Converter
The process of configuring a gage converter includes choosing the
gage converter and specifying delimiters, data columns, and the
gage data file name and path if necessary.
Note 1: A new gage converter can also be created. See Creating a
New Gage Converter: Overview
Note 2: Equator gage converters can use the Equator tag name in
the Routine Editor, instead of a row number. In the Routine Editor,
when you select the Equator gage converter, the Tag name option is
To configure an existing gage converter, first go to the Configure
Gage Converters window:
1. In the Main Window toolbar, press Configuration .
2. Press the System Configuration button
3. In the System Configuration window, press the Gage Converters button near the upper left.
The first step in this window is to choose the gage converter and
specify delimiters.
Choose the Gage Converter and Specify Delimiters
The Name (i.e. gage converter name) drop-down list near the center
top of the Gage Converter window displays the gage converter list.
Some of the converters can be customized.
Figure 2-2: Gage Converter Name Dropdown list
Appendix 2: Gage Converter Configuration
1. Choose the converter to use from the Name drop down list.
Some of the default converters are already defined and data
configuration information does not need to be entered. If one
of these converters is selected, the Config Data Format
fields in the upper right of the Configure Gage Converters
window are not displayed.
2. If a delimited converter is selected from the dropdown list,
delimiters can be changed as needed using the Config Data
Format fields.
In the Data Column field, the data column where gage
data are located in the data file can be specified.
In the Data Delimiter field, the delimiter used to separate
fields in the data file can be specified.
Some gages do not have the ability to put out a standard
end of line character. If this is the case with the chosen
gage, a different end of line delimiter can be specified.
Check the Change End of Line box and click the down
arrow to display the drop-down menu. Then choose the
desired end of line delimiter:
Figure 2-3: End of Line Delimiters Dropdown List
The gage data file path and filter can now be specified.
See also:
"Select Converter Type from Library" (page 140)
"Gage Converter Delimiters" (page 139)
Appendix 2: Gage Converter Configuration
Gage Converter Delimiters
The following end of line delimiters can be used in gage converter
Specify the Gage Data File Path and Filter
The name of the data file is determined by the gage interface. The
first part of a gage file name must contain a complete AutoComp
Routine name to automatically load the routine and process the
gage data.
Specify the search filter and path that the gage converter will use to
find the gage data file. Specify the gage data file path, name, and
extension as follows:
1. Press File Path in the Configure Gage Converters window.
2. In the browser, click the desired folder to assign the file path.
3. In File Filter field, type a file name filter. For example, type a
wildcard and a file extension. The gage converter will then
only look for files with the specified extension for that converter. A file name can be entered instead of a wildcard.
4. Press either the Save Converter button or the Save All and
Exit button in the bottom section of the Configure Gage Converters window to save the gage converter. If desired, the
gage converter can be made the default converter and saved.
Note: With the Equator gage converter, AutoComp creates a file,
called AC.txt, in every folder that is an Equator gage converter
path. When the Equator gages the part, it checks for this file, which
indicates that the remote AutoComp is running. The Equator software deletes the file, and checks for it again the next time it gages a
See also:
"How AutoComp Selects and Loads a Routine Automatically" (page
Appendix 2: Gage Converter Configuration
Specify a Gage Converter as Default (optional)
Any gage data file name that does not include a gage converter
name in square brackets will be processed by the default converter.
The dimensions in the data file must match the converter configuration. Otherwise an error message will result.
1. Press the Make Default button near the center top of the Configure Gage Converters window to set the converter as the
default converter.
2. Press either the Save Converter button or the Save All and
Exit button to save all the gage converter data entered.
See also:
"How AutoComp Selects and Loads a Routine Automatically" (page
Creating a New Gage Converter: Overview
If none of the gage converters meets the system’s needs, a new one
can be defined. To define a new converter:
1. "Select Converter Type from Library" (page 140)
2. "Name the New Gage Converter" (page 144)
3. "Specify the Gage Data File Path and Filter" (page 139)
These steps are described in the following sections.
Select Converter Type from Library
The Converter Library is displayed during the process of creating a
gage converter. The custom converter drivers displayed were
installed by AutoComp, and form the basis upon which the new converter will be defined. The available custom converter drivers are:
ACConverter_Equator. Choose this if files use Equator file
Note: The Equator converter has some special characteristics. See
Specify the Gage Data File Path and Filter.
ACConverter_Delimited. Chose this if the gage files use a
single delimiter, such as a tab, space, asterisk, or any other
single delimiter, and if each measurement is on its own row.
ACConverter_Mitutoyo. There are many kinds of Mitutoyo
gages, and this converter driver was developed for a specific
one. Do not choose this if using a Mitutoyo. Contact Caron
ACConverter_Stotz. Use this if the system uses a Stotz gage.
ACConverter_Zeiss. Use this if the system uses a Zeiss gage.
Appendix 2: Gage Converter Configuration
ACConverter_SetColumn. This allows more than one feature
in the same row of the file. A column for the gage data can be
chosen as with ACConverter_Delimited, but ACConverter_
SetColumn also allows multiple 'sets' of data fields in a single
row of the file. For detailed information on using this gage
converter, see special note below—NOTE: ACConverter_
SetColumn (Details).
To select the converter type:
Select the converter type from the Converter Library as follows:
1. In the Configure Gage Converters window, press the Add
Converter button. (File Filter and File Path fields are displayed above it.)
Figure 2-4: Configure Gage Converters Window, Showing Converter Library List
2. Select one of the preloaded converter drivers from the library
3. Name the new converter.
NOTE: Delimited Tag Column
For delimited gage converter types, files can be parsed by measurement 'tag' names. This 'tag' can be defined for the dimension in
the routine editor.
Appendix 2: Gage Converter Configuration
Figure 2-5: Tag Definition Field
If the Gage Converter definition has a 'Tag Column' value defined
greater than or equal to 1, then the routine editor will allow dimensions using that Gage Converter to be defined with a Row or a Tag.
If the gage data file changes over time, using a Tag would allow
data to move to different rows without editing the routine editor.
Figure 2-6: Gage Converter Editor: Tag Column Field
Appendix 2: Gage Converter Configuration
A Delimited type Gage Converter named TAG is configured with
DataColumn=2 and TAGColumn=3 and contains the following
time1, 5.432,TAG2,other_data
time2, 4.321,TAG3,other_data
time3, 3.129,TAG4,other_data
time4, 2.198,TAG1,other_data
time5, 1.987,TAG0,other_data
In the Routine editor, Dimension 1 and Dimension 2 are defined
with TAG1 and TAG2 respectively.
Data for dimension 1 would be processed as 2.198, and data for
dimension 2 would be processed as 5.432.
If a future file contained the following data:
time1, 1.987,TAG0,other_data
time2, 4.321,TAG3,other_data
time3, 3.129,TAG4,other_data
time4, 2.198,TAG1,other_data
time5, 5.432,TAG2,other_data
Data for dimension 1 would still be processed as 2.198, and data for
dimension 2 would still be processed as 5.432.
NOTE: ACConverter_SetColumn (Details)
This gage converter allows more than one feature in the same row of
the file. A column for the gage data can be chosen and multiple
'sets' of data fields in a single row of the file can be used.
Sample file:
"Tool 1", 1.23,"someotherfeaturedata", "Tool2", 2.34,"someotherfeaturedata"
"Tool 3", 3.45,"someotherfeaturedata"
In the above sample file, using the SetColumn converter, the delimiter is comma, the column is 2, and the DataSets is 3.
In the sample file above, the SetColumn Converter groups data on
each row in sets of three comma-delimited fields, and extracts the
“actual”feature gage reading from column 2 of that set in the
Routine Editor's dimension definitions:
Dimension designated as Row 1 is sent the data 1.23
Dimension designated as Row 2 is sent the data 2.34
Dimension designated as Row3 is sent the data 3.45
Appendix 2: Gage Converter Configuration
When using ACConverter_SetColumn at configuration time, the
column-based data must be mapped as if each were on an individual
row in order to set the proper row in each dimension.
Name the New Gage Converter
1. Name the new converter.
Note: The converter name will be used in the Routine Editor,
as every dimension measurement must be associated with a
gage converter.
The new gage converter should have a name that reflects the
gage it is associated with (for example, the first few letters of
the name could be DELIMI, or STOTZ, or MITUT), or part of
the name of the gage it is being defined for.
2. Press OK to save the gage converter name and return to the
Configure Gage Converters window.
Specify the Gage Data File Path and Filter
The name of the data file is determined by the gage interface. Generally this field is used to watch for all files of a certain extension,
for example *.CSV or *.TXT. There may be reasons specific to your
process to have a more well defined search, such as
Specify the search filter and path that the gage converter will use to
find the gage data file. Specify the gage data file path, name, and
extension as follows.
1. Press File Path in the Configure Gage Converters window.
2. In the browser, select the desired folder to assign the file path.
3. In File Filter field, type a file name filter. For example, type a
wildcard and a file extension. The gage converter will then
only look for files with the specified extension for that converter. A more specific file name can be entered with or
without using wildcards.
4. Press either the Save Converter button or the Save All and
Exit button in the bottom section of the Configure Gage Converters window to save the gage converter. If desired, the
gage converter can be made the default converter and saved.
Note: With the Equator gage converter, AutoComp creates a file,
called AC.txt, in every folder that is an Equator gage converter path.
When the Equator gages the part, it checks for this file, which indicates that the remote AutoComp is running. The Equator software
deletes the file, and checks for it again the next time it gages a part.
Appendix 2: Gage Converter Configuration
See also:
"How AutoComp Selects and Loads a Routine Automatically" (page
Appendix 2: Gage Converter Configuration
Appendix 3: Demo Mode
Caron Engineering provides demo gage data files and the Test CNC
interface to allow an operator to test and explore the AutoComp system.
Select the Test CNC Interface. First select the Test CNC interface.
For instructions, see "Select the CNC Interface for the System" (page
103) and "TestCNC Control" (page 134)
Load Test Data Files: When the Test CNC interface is selected, the
Test CNC Offsets window is displayed at all times, and it is used to
send gage data to AutoComp. See "Loading Test Run Data" (page
Note: AutoComp routine and dimension parameters must be configured correctly in order for the test data to display properly. See
"Configuring the AutoComp System" (page 24).
The test run data can be worked with just as with actual data. See
"Working with Run Data" (page 76).
Note: When activating AutoComp licensing, enter the AutoComp
Demonstration license to access and use only the TestCNC. The
demonstarion license is "-98765". The Test CNC interface is usable
with a regular AutoComp license as well.
Appendix 3: Demo Mode
Loading Test Run Data
Use the Test CNC interface and the test data files provided to get
acquainted with the AutoComp interface.
When using the test CNC interface, the TestCNCOffsets window is
displayed at all times.
Figure 3-1: TestCNCoffsets Window
The TestCNCoffsets window allows selection of test data files. It
also displays compensated data in the offset table after a file is sent.
Data from multiple test data files can be downloaded (one at time)
using the Send Gage Data File button.
See also:
"Send Test Gage Data File" (page 148)
Appendix 3: Demo Mode
Send Test Gage Data File
To select a test file to display in the Run Screen:
1. In the TestCNCoffsets window, press the Send Gage Data
File button.
Figure 3-2: Browser Window for Demo Files
2. Select a file and press Open.
The file is sent to AutoComp and the data are displayed in
the Run Screen.
Note: If your PC Regional setting is USA, use an ADEMO_
ZANCHOR file or a Delim1_DecimalSeparatorPeriod file.
If your PC Regional setting is a country that uses a comma decimal
delimiter, use a Delim1_DecimalSeparatorComma file.
See "Test Data File Types" (page 149).
3. If the system is in Setup Mode, press Accept Cycle in the
Main Window toolbar.
The offset data are displayed in the TestCNCOffsets window.
Appendix 3: Demo Mode
Figure 3-3: TestCNCOffsets Window and Run Screen, with Test
Data Loaded
Note: In the screen capture above, the asterisked dimensions in the
Run Screen show offsets in the TestCNCOffsets window.
Additional gage data files can be sent, as described above.
See also:
"Test Data File Types" (page 149)
"TestCNCOffsets Window" (page 150)
"Select the CNC Interface for the System" (page 103)
Test Data File Types
In demo mode, test run data files can be manually loaded. To manually load test run data fles, click Send Gage Data File in the Test
CNC Offsets window. A browser opens in the DemoFiles folder. See
Send Test Gage Data File
This folder contains the following groups of routine types:
EQUATOR-DEMO files are for use with an Equator gage.
ADEMO_ZANCHOR files are used with the Zeiss gage
DELIM_DecimalSeparator[Period or Comma] files are
used with configurable delimited converters. Some gage converters can be configured to use either a period (used in the
USA) or a comma (used in many other countries).
Note: When editing these DEMO Routines, or creating your own,
that only OFFSETS 1->20 (the size of the CNC grid) will be valid
targets of compensation data. All other offsets will appear in the UI
in a RED cell with an ‘E’.
Appendix 3: Demo Mode
TestCNCOffsets Window
In the TestCNCOffsets window the current offsets are highlighted
in light blue.
If the compensation value for a dimension has changed with the
new gage data file, the new value replaces the old one and is highlighted in light blue.
Previous offsets that are not replaced, remain in the table, but are
not highlighted.
Figure 3-4: TestCNCoffsets Window
See also:
"Demo Mode" (page 146)
"Loading Test Run Data" (page 147)
Appendix 3: Demo Mode
Appendix 4: Support
Support Utilty
To report an issue with AutoComp functionality, first run the SupportUtility located in the Configuration area:
Figure 4-1: Support Utility(Outlined in Red)
1. Click the Support Utility button.
2. The button will indicate the utility is running.
Figure 4-2: Utility is running(Button Outlined In Red)
3. Then instructions for emailing the support .zip file to Caron
Engineering will be posted.
Appendix 4: Support
Figure 4-3: Email Instructions
4. Email the .zip as instructed, with a detailed description of the
CEI will respond to the support request as soon as possible.
Okuma PartRoutine Conversions
To convert Okuma P200L PartRoutines using CutPositions and
Edges to be used on an Okuma P300S/TD, perform the following
1. Double click the AutoComp_OkumaP200to300PartRoutineConversion.vbs in the install folder.
It will display the fields that will be converted.
Figure 4-4: Files to be converted
2. Browse to the source folder of the P200 PartRoutines.
Appendix 4: Support
Figure 4-5: PartRoutines Folder
When complete, the destination folder of the converted P300
PartRoutines will be displayed.
Figure 4-6: Converted PartRoutine Destination Folder
Appendix 4: Support
Glossary of Terms
Absolute value
The magnitude of a number regardless of whether it is positive or negative. For example the
absolute value of both +2 and –2 is +2.
Active routine
A routine that is currently loaded and displayed in the AutoComp UI. It is activated for measurement and tool compensation (if tool comp is enabled).
Actual value
An actual measurement of a part (as opposed to a relative value, which is a deviation from the
CEI Ethernet IO
An IO interface that processes gage commands from the CNC IO.
CEI tool compensation software
The AutoComp system.
Clear Offset On Tool Change
This parameter determines if the CNC offset is cleared (set to 0) when an operator clears an
AutoComp dimension tool life. If enabled, the CNC offset will be cleared when the
AutoComp tool life is reset.
A “coordinate measuring machine” (CMM) is a device for measuring the physical geometrical
characteristics of an object. This machine may be manually controlled by an operator or it
may be computer controlled. Measurements are defined by a probe attached to the third moving axis of this machine. This probe touches the part of interest and allows collecting discrete
points on the object's surface.
Comp Additive
The comp additive allows AutoComp to anticipate process trends by comping the machine
back to a point above or below the nominal, so that the nominal is the mean value, and there
is an even, two-sided distribution. (The comp target value is set in the Compensation Parameters section of the Edit Routine window)
Comp After Wear
This global parameter, when enabled, causes compensation to continue on dimensions that
have exceeded their wear limit.
Comp limit (upper/lower)
The upper and lower comp limits determine the distance from the nominal that must be
reached before an offset will be sent to the CNC. If the process is within the upper and lower
comp limits, no compensation will be sent on the current cycle.
Comp On Reject
A system parameter that, if enabled, tells AutoComp to send an offset to the CNC even if a
gage cycle contains a reject value.
Comp Rejected Dimensions
If this global parameter is set, parts are compensated even if dimensions are outside their reject
Compensation Ack
When enabled, a CNC macro or common variable is set on each cycle completion. If any
dimension in the cycle was outside of the upper or lower reject limits, the ‘Cycle has Reject’
value is set. If all dimensions are within reject tolerances, the ‘Cycle GOOD’ value is set. A
macro value of 0 (zero) means no macro/variable is set for Good/Reject status. This is the
default value for newly created routines.
Capabilty process index. A statistical measure of a process capability in relation to tolerance
limits. Cpk estimates what the process is capable of producing if the process target is centered
between the specification limits.
Cycle Complete
This CNC macro or common variable is set on each cycle completion. If all dimensions in a
cycle were measured, the ‘CycleComplete’ value is set. If any dimensions were missing measurements when the cycle finished, the ‘Cycle Missing Dimensions’ value is set.
Data File
See Gage Data File.
Data Grid
Shows the most recent gage activity. It can be viewed as part of Chart view, or stand-one
(Grid view). Select either view from the Operator View dropdown menu at the bottom of the
Run Screen.
Dead zone
The area within comp limits in an AutoComp routine where no tool compensation is needed.
Delimited gage data file
A gage converter reads a gage data file. In some gage data files, the data columns are defined
by delimiters such as tabs, commas, special characters, etc. Such files are referred to as delimited files.
Details Chart
Lets you view parameter values for the active routine, edit some parameters, and change tools.
To display the Details Chart, select View Details from the Operator View dropdown menu at
the bottom of the Run Screen.
A set of user-specified parameters in an AutoComp routine. Each dimension contains the parameters for a specific measurement on a tooled part.
Dimension Limits As Deviation
Determines if tolerance and compensation values are entered as deviations from the dimension
nominal when editing a dimension/routine.
Dimension name
User specified name of a dimension.
Easy Box
See Marposs EasyBox.
Electrical zero point
The reference point for alignment of an LVDT unit.
Expire Tool On Wear Limit
Determines if the CNC tool life management ‘Tool Expired’ flag is set when a dimension has
exceeded its wear limit.
Fanuc Focas1 or Focas2
A CNC option on a Fanuc control that allows automatic tool offset updates via an Ethernet
Depending on system configuration, the term ‘fixture’ may refer to a physical gage fixture
used to a hold a part for measurement, or to the gage device used to provide
Gage Converter
The gage converter is an AutoComp program sysntax definition of the data file put out by a
Gage Data File
A gage data file is created by the gage that measures a dimension in a routine. This gage data
file is parsed by a gage converter program in AutoComp.
Synonymous with "gage" in CEI documentation.
Log Level
This feature is for Support purposes only, and should remain the default value of 0.
Linear Variable Differential Transformer. Used in many types of measuring; a device that converts changes in physical position to an electrical output.
The nominal value is the ‘perfect’ gage measurement for a part. It is represented in
AutoComp’s Chart as the central, unchanging horizontal line.
Offset Display As Deviation
Controls whether actual gage values are displayed as deviations from the nominal in the Data
Grid, or as they are received from the gage.
Offset number
The CNC offset number to which comps are sent.
Part routine
A part routine is a basic building block of the AutoComp system. It contains all of the dimensional parameters needed to complete the gage-compensation cycle.
Part View
This shows a photograph or drawing of the part, with the measurements of dimensions
marked. You can load an image of the part, and then specify the dimensions whose data you
want to view. Select View Part from the Operator View dropdown menu at the bottom of the
Run Screen to put the Run Screen in Part View mode.
Programmable Logic Controller.
Reject limit (upper/lower)
Tolerance limit of the dimension.
Relative offset
A value that is a deviation from the nominal. If your AutoComp system is not configured for
relative offsets, use actual values when entering reject limits and comp limits.
Relative value
See relative offset.
See Part Routine.
RunData files
AutoComp historical data files that are based on routine and machine names.
Running Average
The running average removes noise from the system by resolving irregularities in gage measurement caused by factors other than tool wear. See Trend.
Sign reversal
Usually if a dimension increases in a positive (+) direction, comps are set in a negative (-) direction. If CNC machining requires a comp in the opposite direction, the sign can be reversed.
Skip Count
Sets the number of compensation cycles to skip processing in an automated environment
where a delay is required between production of a part and its gaging.
CNC system where part are being produced, AutoComp is configured to a single CNC source.
SPC software
Statistical Process Control software (Statistical data analysis software).
Tolerance status
A measurement’s status: good/reject/comp.
Tool compensation
Tool compensation occurs when an offset value is written to the CNC offset tables to compensate for tool wear. AutoComp reads part measurement data from gaging systems, processes
those data in accordance with user-defined routines and sends tool compensation values to the
Tool life
Percentage of allowable wear that has accumulated.
Tool Life indicator
The Tool Life indicator (a rectangular box at the right of the ChartView, if tool wear is
enabled for the dimension) shows tool wear as the current percentage of the Tool Life value
that was entered in the Routine Editor for this tool. You can either click on the Tool Life
Indicator or use the Detail Chart to change tools and reset the tool wear (percentage of Tool
Life) to zero.
A tool compensation parameter that determines the number of gage readings used to calculate
the running average. For example, a trend of three means that the first three measurements are
averaged. Then, as soon as the fourth measurement comes in, it replaces the first measurement,
which is dropped from the calculation. When the fifth measurement comes in, it replaces the
second measurement, and so on.
The path that is used as the target for variable or offset feedback.
Units (mm or inch)
The AutoComp system can be configured to use either millimeters or inches as the unit of
Upper/Lower Reject Limit
See Reject Limit.
Wear Limit Notification
This CNC macro or common variable is set on each cycle completion, when enabled. If any
dimension exceeds 100% of its tool life, the ‘Wear Exceeded’ value is set. If all dimensions
are within tool life limits, the ‘Wear GOOD’ value is set. A macro value of 0 (zero), means no
macro/variable is set for Good/Reject status.
Wear Offset Compensation
Determines whether AutoComp writes compensation data to the tool offset (or geometry) of
the CNC, or the tool wear offset (if available). If checked, tool wear offsets are written.
About button 16
AC.TXT 139
Accept/Cancel Cycle buttons 82, 139
Access level 26-27
Adding a dimension 52
Components 5
Configuring, overview 24
Functionality overview 2, 7
Initializing 20
Installing 20
License activation key 22
Main Window 13
Overview 1
Process flow diagram 3
User interface 13
Version information 16
Axis 72
Cancel All Edits 49-51
Cancel Cycle button 82
CEI Remote View 30
Change Tool 92
Clear Offset On Tool Change 34
Closing AutoComp 26
CNC comp limit 68
CNC Decimal Precision 34
CNC interface
Brother 104-105
Configuring 23
EasyComp 106
FanucDNC 107
FileSystem 108
Focas 1 or 2 109
FTP 111
GetPutReadWrite 112
Haas 113
Heidenhain 115
Mazak 117-119
Mitsubishi70700V 120
OkumaLathe 121
OkumaLathe P300 123
OkumaMachining 125
OkumaRS232PP 127
Siemans Operate 132
Siemens 128-129, 131
TestCNC 134
types 103
CNC System button 32
Color coding of run data 83
Comp Additive 66
Comp After Wear 34
Comp All Dimensions 29
Comp Limit
Upper/lower 65
Comp On Reject 34, 65
Comp Rejected Dimensions 34
Comp Target 66
Comp Value
Viewing on History Chart 86
Compensation Ack 38-39
Compensation parameters 61, 64
Compensation value
Viewing in History Chart 87
Configuration button 17
Converter drivers 140
Converter library 140-141
CopyData 50
Count/Required 80
Okuma P200 and Focas 1 or 2 81
Cpk 41, 57, 90
Create Routine button 15
Critical dimension 64
Current Data Tag 42
Current routine gage files 11
Cycle 7
Box (in graph) 86
Choosing type of data to view 86
Notifications 38, 58
Number 86-87
Viewing data, in History Chart 86
Cycle # 80
Cycle Complete 38-39
Value 59
Cycle complete critical 64
Cycle Complete Macro 59
Cycle data
Choosing type to view 87
Viewing, in History Chart 87
Cycle GOOD 59
Cycle has Reject 59
Cycle Missing Dimensions 59
Cycle number 86
Data Grid 37, 84-85
"E" 90
Active column 90
Asterisk (*) 90
Columns 90
Cpk 90
Dimension number 90
Life 90
Name (of dimension) 90
Name column 90
ng 90
Number (x_) 90
Rows 90
Decimal precision 34
Delete Dimension 50
Delete Measurement 95-96
Delete Routine button 16
Demo files 147, 150
Detail Chart 54, 91
Editing in 54
Details view 78
Dimension 7
Adding to a routine 52
Dimension Index 62
Dimension Limits As Deviation 36
Dimension Name 62
Dimension parameters 55
Compensation 64
Editing 49, 51
Editing, Next, Previous 50
General 61
Overview 61
Disable Trend/Skip 29
Duplicate Dimension 50, 52
Easy_Comp CNC 106
Edit parameters
Of current routine 91
Using Detail Chart 91
Edit Parameters button 91
Edit Routine button 15
Exiting AutoComp 26
Expire Tool On Wear Limit 35
File filter 139, 144
File names
Data files 46
Routines 46
File path
For gage data 139, 144
FileSystem 108
FileSystem CNC 108
Focas1 110
Focas1 and Focas2 CNC 109
Force Front 30
gage converter
Equator 140
Gage converter
Configuring 23
Configuring existing 137
Creating new 23, 136, 140
Customizing 137
Default 140
Delimited 140
Equator 139-140, 144
Mitutoyo 140
Name 9, 144
SetColumn 141
Stotz 140
Variable in Routine Editor 62
Zeiss 140
Gage Converters button 32
Gage Data 139
File names 8, 10
Files 7
Gage Required Counter 60
Manual 79
Buttons 82
In setup mode 82
Gaging device
CMM or other file-based 5
LVDT-based 5
RS232-based 5
General parameters 61
Global parameters 32
Also called routine parameters 55
Grid view 78, 89
Help button 17
History Chart
Choosing cycle data type 86-87
Cycles 86
Data Grid in 86
Graph 84, 86
Tool Life Indicator 88
View 78
Viewing cycle data 87
Is Machine Variable 70
Is Machine Variable and Set Variable 70
Is Machine Variable, Set Variable, and Reverse Sign 71
Is Radial 68
Lifetime parameters 7
Load and unload routines 82
Load Routine button 15
Log files 76, 97
Login 27
LogLevel 35
Machine variable compensation parameters 69
Is Machine Variable 69
Reverse Sign 69
Set Always 69
Set Nominal 69
Set Variable 69
Main Window tool bar 14
Mark Measurement 95
Deleting, in Part view 95-96
Viewing on History Chart 86-87
MoveDimension Index Up/MoveDown 50
Multi-gage routine 8, 12
Multi-Gage Routine
Diagram 12
New Dimension 50
Next Dim button 80-81
Nominal 63
Offset Display As Deviation 37
Okuma RS232 Lathe or Mill 112
OkumaLathe CNC 121
OkumaMachining CNC 125
OkumaRS232PP CNC 127
Operation mode
Choice of production or setup 78
Setting 29
Operator level 26-27
Operator View
Button 80-81, 83
Grid View 89
History Chart 84
Part view 78, 92
Graphic images 94
Image 93
Marking measurements 95
Measurement colors 96
Picture, selecting 94
Reading data in 93
Tool bar 93
PasteData 50
Path/SubSystem 58
Process Capability Index 90
ProcessData Tag 40
as SubFolder 43
As SubFolder 40
Watch 41, 43
Production mode 28, 78
Purge run data 44
Reject limits 63
Remote client 30
Remote View 30
Rename 50, 62
Reverse Sign 71
Routine 7
Creating and editing 45
Editing 47
Editing active 54
Editing in Routine Editor 55
Editor 47, 49, 55
Loading 79
Loading automatically 9
Name 9
Name (not case-sensitive) 9
in Routine Editor 55
Path 40
Suspending 82
Unloading 79, 82
Routine Path button 17
Gage data 63
Run data
File format 41
Lifetime parameters 40, 42
Log file 97
Main path 40
ProcessData Tag Watch 40
Purge files 44, 97
Reset 42
Reset times 40
Variables 40
View 77, 83
Choice of 78
Grid View 89
Part view 92
Working with 76
run data view
Detail Chart 91
History Chart 84
Run Screen 77
Components 79
Functions 79
RunData Main Path button 40, 42
Save Dimension 50
Save Routine 49-51
Save Routine As 50-51
Security level 26
Changing 27
Setting 26
Supervisor 26-27
Select Part View Picture 49
Selection list box 19
Send Gage Data File 148
Set Always 71
Set Variable and Is Machine Variable 70
Setup Cycles 29
Setup mode 28, 78
Setup override 29
Siemens CNC 128
Skip count 35, 57, 68
And skip trend functionality 36
Cycles 36
For run data 40
Supervisor password
Changing 27
Suspend routine 79
System Configuration window 31, 101
System Global Parameters 32
Temporary setup override 29
Test CNC 134, 147
Test data
Loading 148
TestCNCOffsets 147, 150
Tolerance limits
Specifying 63
Tool and Status Bar
Count/Required 80
Cycle # 80
Date 80
Next Dim 80
Run Screen 80
Time 80
Tool compensation
Enable/disable 63
Enabling 52
Tool Groups/Tool Group/Tool Offset 72
Tool life
Data Grid 90
Management 72
Resetting 92
Tool Life Indicator 84, 88
Tool Name 66
Tool Wear
Limit 67
Viewing graphically 88
Trend 35, 67
Trend Reset Over 37
Trend Reset Time 37
Turret 58
Undo Dimension 50-51
inch or mm, setting 57
inch or mm, setting 57
User Options window 25
View Log button 18
View Part 92
Viewable Data Cycles 36, 85
watch folder 41, 43
Wear Exceeded value 59
Wear Good value 59
Wear Limit Notification 38-39, 60
Wear Limit Notification variables 59
Wear Offset Compensation 35